IAGenWeb Project

Warren County IAGenWeb

US GenWeb

Projects for 2025

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[please contact Karon for more details]

(1). County Chronologies for the years of 1936, 1937, 1938, 1939.
Among other events, these chronologies include who died. They are all from the Indianola Tribune - found online at http://warrencounty.advantage-preservation.com/
Listed below are the exact dates, pages, and article titles:
1936 – Indianola Tribune, Wednesday, Dec 30, 1936, p.1 & 6, entitled “Chronology Shows that Much Water has Run Over the Warren County Dam in 12 Months”
1937 – Indianola Tribune, Wednesday, Dec 29, 1937, p.1 & 6, entitled “Time Marches On Chronology Shows”
1938 – Indianola Tribune, Wednesday, Dec 28, 1938, p.1, 2, & 5, entitled “It Seems Like Just Yesterday that the Events Chronicled Below Occurred in Co.”
1939 – Indianola Tribune, Wednesday, Dec 27, 1939, p.1 & 8, entitled “Past Year was Marked by Many Automobile Tragedies as Chronology of Events Shows”
Feel free to type any of these chronologies for the county, which are listed on two or three pages of the newspaper. You can then send them to me, Karon Velau, in an email and I’ll put them online.

(2). Obituaries from the 1930s.
 Several newspapers in Indianola were printed in the 1930s and listed great (i.e. thorough) obituaries for those who died in the county. They’re accessible online at http://warrencounty.advantage-preservation.com/
On that site, you can find them by simply typing “obituary” in the search box. You’ll probably find many other obituaries on a page beside the ones just under the title Obituary. Once you’ve typed one, please include the source (example Indianola Tribune, March 3, 1935, p.2). You can actually enter them online yourself by going to the Obits Board at http://iagenweb.org/boards/warren/obituaries/.  Copy your text in the large box near the bottom of the pages entitled Post an Obituary.  Be sure to fill out the lines above: your name, email address, deceased name, and surname (i.e. their last name). Thank you in advance for contributing to this worthwhile project.