ELDON APRIL 1.- (Special.)-Samuel E Crow, aged 70 years, brother of William G Crow of this city, died last night at 12 o'clock. He was an old soldier, a member of the Sixth Iowa Infanty.
He is survived by a wife and two children, Mrs Kate Whistler of Kansas City, and Goerge Crow, 
who is in the regular army in Maine. the funeral will be held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock, at Vorhis post No 73, G A R will be in charge. Interment will be in the Eldon cemetery.

on Tuesday the Hollanders held a reception for their minister, Rev Mansen comes to Eddyville from Pella.
Mrs George Donenburg of Noebore, Mo., has been visiting with her aunts, Mrs John Chitwood and Mrs Bud McNeese.
Mrs L Allsworth of Washington, D C., who has been visiting the Chitwood and McNeese homes will return to Norbore, Mo., with her cousin.
On Saturday evening Mr and Mrs J Davis gave a party at thier home east of town in honor of Mr Davis's mother, Mrs Samuel Davis. It was a complete surprise for her. Those present were:Mr & Mrs Levi Lore,
and children. Mr & Mrs Forner, Mr and Mrs Curtis, Mr and Mrs Ben Newell, Mrs Dave Newell, Mr and Mrs Gid Dotts, Mr and Mrs Sherm fry, Mrs Davis and son, ERnie, Mr and Mrs J Davis and daughter, Nellie.
Mrs Davis received a post card shower.
Mr & Mrs Ott entertained about 40 friends Monday evening in honor of their crystal wedding anniversary.
Those on the sick list are: James Meeham, over 80 years of age. Mrs Goerge Boggs, Mrs Criswell.
The funeral of Mrs Thompspn, who died Sunday night, was held this afternoon at Hayden Chapel.

Miss Sylvia Crow has returned from a visit of a week at Grinnell.
A 6 o'clock dinner was served at the home of Mrs Lillie Vass, West Church Street, Wednesday evening, in honor of Mr and Mrs George Whistler of Kansas City and Mr and Mrs H Strickling of Keosaqua.
MThe L'Rhe Jean Club will hold a meeting a the Odd Fellows hall tonight.
Mr and Mrs H Strickling of Keosaqua are visiting at the home of Mrs Will Friend, East Eldon.
Mrs Robert Israel of Ottumwa and Mrs Kreigh of Batavia are visiting this wek with Mrs Ira Israel on West Church street.
H W Enyart, the newly elected mayor, ahs been holding a daily reception at his place of business on West Elm street all week, and has been receiving congratulations from his many friends.
Monday is the pension quarterly payment day for the old veterans and their widows. J E Houghland has for 25 years done their work at his office.
Prof J W O'Brian of Ottumwa is in the city today.
Asher Lutz of Ottumwa is visiting in Eldon.
Harvey Mohler, traveling auditor of the Rock Island is in the city today.

Mr and Mrs Curtis Chisman of South Ottumwa returned Thursday after a short visit here with relatives. Mr and Mrs C R Chisman, in company with Mr and Mrs Victon Wilson
visited Wednesday near Blakesburg at the Wm Baldwell home.
Miss Mabel Upp of near Blakesburg visited last week at the James JOhnson home.
Mrs Florence BRown and little son Ernest of South Ottumwa, who had been staying at the Rolla Lewis home have returned.
Mrs Maggie Thompson of Blakesburg returned home Sunday on Milwaukee No 3. after a brief visit here with relatives.
Mr and Mrs DAvid Grooms and Geo Johnston and family of Chillicothe were guests Sunday a thte Jaas Johnston home.
Mrs C R  Chisman and Mrs Vicor Wilson are both improving.
Mrs G H Chisman is quite ill, suffering with poison ivy.
Milton Roberts and Wilson Byrum are erecting a new bar4n for Nelson A Hendricks.

Misses Georgia and Elizabeth Strain of Chillicothe, who have been visiting their sister Mrs D C Abernathy, 411 North Cherry Street, have returned home.
Mrs Ella Escoe of Given, who has been visiting her daughter Mrs T J Martin, 1051 West Main STreet, has returned home.
Mrs J c Harriss of BAtavia who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs Tom Sumner, 124 Kruger Street, has returned home.
Mrs Jessie Harter of Foster, who has been visiting Mr and Mrs G T Reeves, 1316 North Wapello Street, has returned home.
Mrs S H Blackburn and Mrs Thomas Marshall of Bonaparte, who have been visiting Mrs J H MIddleton, 209 West Sixth street, returned home today.

WILSON.-- Friday, April 1, 1910, at 12:55 am, at the C R Shisman home, southwest of the city, Mrs Zora Wilson, wife of Victor Wilson, of Milton, aged 53 years.
Mrs Wilson had been visiting with relatives in and around Ottumwa and was taken ill at the Chisman home. The remains will be shipped tomorrow morning by the Wabash, to
Bloomfield, and overland to Milton. Funeral services will be held at Milton Sunday and Interment will be made in the Lebanon Cemetery. _ Ottumwa Tri Weekly Newspaper, Saturday April 2, 1910. Page 8, Col 4

Mis Laura Ward, returned home from Ottumwa yesterday.
Mrs Noble Halloway of Oskaloosa is visiting friends in Eddyville today.
Yesterday while Ace Odem was working in the field his team became unmanageable and one of the animals was injured so seriously that it died last evening.

Conductor C E Cross is now on No 102 & No 108.
Conductor JC Cunninghamis off duty and J L Tomlinson is in charge of No 3 & No 8.
F E Cox has returned from a trip in the west.
Conductor I P Wright has been assigned to conductor Blanchard's run on the "Dude" train between Kansas City and Chillicothe while the latter is
in the hospita, due to injuries received by falling from his train recently.
J I Janes and A W Bell, veteran conductors, have reported after an absence.
superintendent J A MacDonald, Roadmaster W Shea and Chief Carpenter W  A Kellar, were making a tour of inspection of the south end of the
division yesterday.
The carpenters expect to finish their work at the river bridge Monday.
W Polar Ellenberger and S Hutch Loring of the switching force are among those laying off.

James Smith, a farmer residing nine miles east of the city on Mayor T J Phillips' farm, suffered a $1000 fire loss, Wednesday evening when flames destroyed the large barn
filled with corn, hay and farm equipment.

Miss Nora Hux, resides on McPherson avenue, claims to know the whereabouts of Bruce Grimsley, the murderer of Weden Albertson. The remains of 
Albertson were laid to rest in the Agency cemetery.

Mrs William Russell of South Ottumwa has returned from a visit with relatives and friends here.
Mr and Mrs J B Pool of Ottowa, Ill., has returned home from a visit with a daughter, at Windsor, Mo., and Mr and Mrs Hohn Hall of Eldon.
Friday evening, Millard Hughes, Hurless Hughes, Jack Sharp, Will Burns and Mrs Geo Myers and A Seaman
visited the Rebekah district convention at Fairfiled and report a fine gathering and excellent program.
A most happy gathering was had at the home of Mr and Mrs James Murphy just east of Eldon Friday. It was in honor of the 52nd wedding anniversary of 
Mr and Mrs Jas Murphy. Mr Murphy is 75 years of age, 
and his wife is 72.
Thursday night William Hayens of Ft Wayne, Ind., and Miss Bess Mills were married at the home of bride's sister, Mrs Thomas Reed at Ottumwa.
W A Flower, formerly of Eldon, but now of Muscatine is visiting old friends here.
Word from George Crow, son of Samule Crow, who died Thursday night, the funeral will be postponed to Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home.
George Crow is a soldier in the U S Army and is stationed at Maine.
Joe Roberts of Ottumwa is visiting his parents Mr and Mrs A W Roberts.
Mr and Mrs Chas Rollinson of Ottumwa  are visiting friends for a few days.
Pearl Quigley of Ottumwa was in the city recently.
The remains of Mrs Mary Campbell from Chicago passed through here enroute to Keosauqua for Interment.

Local News
Marriage licenses were issued to Elmer G Wallace and Lena Gayer and to Elmer E Waugh and Mrs Mary F Elliott late Saturday, while this 
morning the license to wed was granted to Hyde R Galbraith and Mabel M Jaques.
Mrs Charles Logan, 130 Mabel street, is in Albia, where she was called Saturday by the illness of her mother, Mrs James Spinks.

In the office of the clerk of district court the wedding of John E Brown to Miss Maud Thompson took place Thursday afternoon. 
Rev Thomas Brown performed the ceremony. The couple hail from Belknap. The license of W W Haines to Miss Bessie Mills was also granted.

The funeral of Mrs Matilda Jane Allbright was held Sunday afternoon from the Wesley Chapel, conducted by Rev William Huff. The remains were
interred in the Wesley chapel cemetery.
The funeral services over the remains of Alexander Dickerson, the eight month old son of Mr and Mrs Alexander Dickerson were held Sunday
afternoon from the residence 1042 West Sherman street. Rev William Mellenee conducted the service. The remains were interred in the Shaul Cemetery.

James Giles died at his home south of town Wednesday March 30th at 11 o'clock of paralysis.
Prof Nelson of Ottumwa is in town on business.
Mrs Soda Williams and Mrs Ralph Snow drove to Ottumwa Tuesday.
Ruth Tinsley returned Tuesday from a visit with friends in Rathbun.
Mrs Eliza Randall of Kansas arrived here Tuesday called here by the death of her father James Giles.
George Reading visited here with his parents, Mr and Mrs Chas Reading.
Imogene Bromwell of Ottumwa is visiting.
Icel Wilson who has been visiting at the Wm Rowe home returned home.
Florence Jacobsen of Ottumwa is visiting her grandparents Mr and Mrs L Torrence.
Mrs Kent Chisman is visiting relatives in Albia.

Eddyville, April 6. --(Special)-- 
Mabel, aged two years, the little daughter of A P Tilton, died this morning of pheumonia. The funeral services Thursday 2 PM. Burial in Schafer cemetery.

Frank Fry, fifteen years of age, the youngest son of John and Jennie Fry, died in Kansas city, March 18 and was buried in Eddyville.

Mr and Mrs Sheets have moved to the Robert Israel farm.
William Ripperger of Lacona, Ia., visited a few days at the home of Mrs Ripperger's parents, Mr and Mrs George Deiters.
G M Robertson of Libertyville made a business trip to this place.
Mrs I D Mowrey was a Floris caller Thursday.
Harve Turner made a trip to Highland Center one day last week.
Mrs Deiters visited Mrs Croft on Thursday.
Littler Catherine Shank visited last week with her grandmother of near Agency, Mrs Conley Shank.

Mrs Thomas of Ottumwa is teaching the spring school at High Point.
Leo and Edward Love of Ottumwa spent last week with their granparents Mr and Mrs Buedell.
Mrs Rose Kent of Ottumwa visited last week at the homes of Mrs Levi Pumroy and Mrs Emma J Pumroy.
Frank Welman is having a house erected on his farm south of town.
Miss Vanella Thompson was the guest at the Reed home in South Ottumwa the past week.

Mrs Brown and son LUther returned Wednesday from a visit with relatives south of Ottumwa.
Mrs Elder is visiting her daughter Mrs Greeves in St Louis. She is expected home this week.
J Wycoff's father from Marion attended the funeral of Mrs Downs, and will make his home here for the present.
Mrs Wm Emery and Miss Cordie Emery were passengers to Ottumwa last week.
Marie Utterback of Hayesville visited the school here Thursday. Mr and Mrs B Morgan spent Easter at Hedrick.
Miss Wanda Packwood is visiting Doris McCormick this week,
Paul Bender is on the sick list this week.
Mr Curtis whol has been ill is slightly improving.

State of Iowa, Wapello County, ss._
In the District Court.
To All Whom it Concern:
Notice is hereby given, that an instrument in writing, 
purporting to be the last Will and Testament of Marion Smith, deceased,
was this day produced, opened and read by the undersighned, and that I
have fixed Saturday, the 30th of April, 1910, as the day for hearing proof
in relation thereto. Witness my official signature with the seal of said Court
hereto affixed, this 29th day of March, 1910. ~ Geo Phillips, Clerk District Court

Miss Pearl Badgett of Foster, Mo., who has been visiting her sister, Mrs W B Hodge, 127 North Green street, returned home.


Hon Joseph G Hutchinson, was born September 11, 1840 in Northcumberland county, PA., Death occuring at the family home,
157 East Court st. Survivors, his wife, Mrs Mabel v Hutchinson, a niece, Miss Esther Hutchinson
His first wife was Sarah L Taylor, married November 4, 1868; she died November 2, 1896. He was married to mabel Vernon Dixon,
a daughter of the late Hon J W DIxon, June 23, 1898. He served seven years as the President of the Ottumwa HNational bank.

J Carter of Fremont is Believed to be wandering about City. The Marshal of Fremont has wired Chief Gallagher to 
look out for J Carter of Fremont, who is believed to be wandering about the neighborhood of ottumwa in
a demented condition.


Filled with childish delight over the ownership of a little fluffy chick presented to hime by a neighbor and wishing
to show it to his mother, James, the little eight year old son of Mr and Mrs W H Long, 715 Wabash avenue, was too engrossed
with his prize to see the near approach of a Sheridan avenue street car early last night, when he started hurriedly across 
the street. The little lad was run down by the car, recieving serious injuries. To save the youngsters life it was necessary
to amputate the right foot at the instep.

Mr and Mrs Ross Turner visited at the Curry home Sunday.
Will Shank was an Ottumwa caller Saturday.
Mrs Vivian Kashner is on the sick list.
Tom Agee sawed wood for W F Turner, George Deiters and Mrs Mowrey last week.
Mrs Courtney and son Neal were in Ottumwa Saturday.
Miss Iva Turner has been spending a few days with her sister Mrs Dewey Hancock of near Eldon.
The dance given at Walter Crook's last week was enjoyed very much by all present.

Mrs R R Humble is very sick.

MRS CHRISTENA PAMPEL, was born April 16, 1826 in Saxony, Germany, and died April 5, 1910 at the home of her daughter
Mrs J A Moorehead, 403 W Williams St, South Ottumwa, aged 83 years. Mr Pampel died January, 1910. Burial Ollie Iowa.

Mrs F P Salter and son Clarence, formerly residing at 213 North Sheridan Avenue, and Mr and Mrs B E Salter of 107 North Hancock Streer, left 
last evening for Vancouver, B C., where they will make their future home.

Mrs G W Friend and son of Ottumwa are visiting her parent Mr and Mrs H S Furtney.
Mrs Glenn Kendall of Aberdeen, S D., is visiting her parents Mr and Mrs H R Baker.
Miss Ruth Baldwin of Parsons college is visiting her parents Mr and Mrs Baldwin east of the city.
Chas D Goran of Garden City, Kansis is in the city on business.
Leb Kimes and family returned from Indiana and Decatur, Ill.
The government surveyors of the Des Moines river will arrive at Eldon this evening.


Circle "B of the 4-M" club Tuesday evening at the K of P Hall and had a banquet.
The members were composed of Mesdames Barley, Barger, Bundy, Baker and Baldwin. The prize for guessing contest was won by J E Houghland.
Four of the members of the Henderson family are confined to their home with tuverculosis.
T J Jaques has been drawn as a member of the U S Grand jury, at Keokuk.
Mr Lafferty of Eddyville was in Eldon.
J E Varnum, W D Davis, Homer Weist, A A Holmes and Jas Casey are in Ottumwa today.

Hjalmar Tillman a theological student of Rock Island, Ill., conducted services at the Lutheran church.
Mr and Mrs Ottow Carlson and Misses Mabel Carlson and Edith Span of Albert City were entertained at the N P Pierson home.
Mrs J W Johnson, accompanied by her mother, Mrs Gustason, called on Mrs Clarence Johnson.
Miss Pauline Anderson was a business visitor in Ottumwa.
Mr and Mrs Charles Anderson and Miss Lena Anderson and brother, Edwin were Ottumwa visitors.
Miss Myrtle Johnson visited with relatives.
E W Johnson and family have purchased and moved into the property formerly owned by Mrs Hokanson.


Miss Moore of Eldon on eof the telephone operators visited her friend Miss Catherine Werner in Eddyville Tuesday.

Word has bene received here that W T Hughes, formerly of Eldon, died in the hospital at San Jose, California,
and that his remains would be shipped to Eldon for interment. Comrade Hughes was a member of Company "B", Second
Iowa Calvary. He was raised in Davis County opposite Eldon. He has several brothers, two of whom live in this city.
He moved to california several years ago with his family. He was blind for many years, from disease of the yess contracted
in the service.

Rev Hultz the new pastor of the M E Church preached his first sermon Sunday.
Misses Bly Smith and Virgie Beedle and Ruth Johnson, teachers of the schools here went to Ottumwa recently to attend the trachers' meeting.
Mr Eastburn and family visited at the home of E Weaver Sunday.
Mrs Cox and daughter Miss Madaline Durfey returned from Missouri.
B L Denney attended the funeral of Capt Hutchinson.
Miss Ethel Emery returned home after an absence of several weeks.
Miss Crete Brown is visiting friends.
Miss Elder returned home last week from a visit with her daughter in St Louis,
Mr Elder has been on the sick list for a few days.

Employment on a Farm by young man twenty years of age. Not much experience, but willing to learn. Address
Robert R Johnston, 912 Hackberry St., Ottumwa, Ia.

Miss Hazel STone of Fairfield, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs B W Allen on West Main St, has returned home.
Mrs Ruth Israel, of near Eldon, is visiting the home of her son, R T Israel, 206 South Ward Street.

Eldon Rock Island railway tracks will be raised twelve feet over the city and the depot will be one of the best in the state.
The yards will be moved to east of the city and in time the roundhouse will be rebuilt near the yards.
There will be no crossings. The river bridge will also be raised as well s the grade west of the river.

Miss Edna McDowell who has been ill is better.
Aden McDowell has returned from Denver and other western cities.
The eighth grade graduating class is ten as follows: Daisy Rodabaugh, Clara Thilen, Ina Riffle, Mamie Luppold, May McShane,
Adeline Dohl, Ruth Wheaton, Verna Brown, Lloyd Nye, Marcia Ziems.

Rev Cooper addressed a large attendance at the Baptist church.
The fire alarm Sunday night was a box car in the railway yards.
Judge Roberts and son W A Work, Major Hamilton, A W Enich passed through here enroute to Centerville to attend the funeral of 
Judge Fee, Judge Sloan of Keosauqua also passed through.
Mrs Sullivan, deputy grand matron of Iowa OES passed through, enroute to Douds to visit the chapter there.
The council has made a new ordinace regarding a marshal and the mayor was appointed William Allman.
Conrade Joe Joslin and wife have returned from their winter's visit with their daughter Mrs John Grinstead at Britt, Ia., Mr
Joslin is in poor health.
Mrs P G Wright and daughter are visiting relatives in Cedar Rapids.
Attorney W D Davis is at LaPlata.
Census Enumeratorst Paul Ramser for Eldon and D Nichlin for Washington township are at work.
E L Shore who has run a machine shop here for many years, proposes to move to Ottumwa.
Jim Reed is before the primary as candidate for Representative from Wapello county, on the Democrat ticket.
Frank Shane is for the Republican ticket. A W Roberts is out for county supervisor.
Eldon is looking for the cut off to be built this summer, which will forge her ahead and make Eldon one of the best division
points on the Rock Island. As it is now she has the poorest accommodations for the traveling public, as well as for the road.
Rev C S Cooper, district superintendent Anti-Saloon leaque will address a union temperence.

Rev and Mrs T S Pool of Fairfield and daughter, Miss Lydia Pool, just returned from six years missionary work in India, are 
visiting at the home of Rev and Mrs J W Pool, 710 East Second St.
Mrs A D Kellogg of Hynes, has returned home after a short visit with her sister Mrs James Wright, 124 Morrell St.
Mr and Mrs Jesse Harter of Foster passed through the city today enroute home from Fremont where they were attending the 
funeral of Mr Harter's uncle, James Harter.
Mrs Sadie Shafer of Eddyville was in Ottumwa last evening on business en route home from Hedrick, where she had been
visiting her daughter, Mrs Warren Byrum.
The undersigned will sell at public auction on the first Saturday in May, 1910, at 2 o'clock pm., at Munterville, Ia., the No. 2 school house, 
Polk township, Wapello county, Iowa. - A Warren, President.


Ettie Crump, the little daughter of Mr and Mrs Charles H Crump was born March 20th, 1901 in the state of Illinois, town
of Morrison. Seven years ago, Ettie with her parents came to Iowa and just recently Mr and Mrs Crump came to this community. The departed
died Wednesday April 6, at 4:30 pm leaving to mourn their loss, her father, mother, one brother, two sisters, Vernon L., Florence L.,
and Lucile May Crump.

Mr and Mrs CArl Kight of Ottumwa are visiting at the home of Mrs Jennie Odenbaugh.
Mr and Mrs Wilson Byrum visited over Sunday at the George Foster home at Willard.
Grant Canfield, who has been in poor health for a number of years is feeling worse for the past few days.
Mr and Mrs luther Lathrop of South Ottumwa visited recently at the H T Lathrop home.
Dr D T Rambo of Chillicothe was a professional visitor here.
Curtis Chisman of South Ottumwa was a guest at the Frank Yenger home.
Mr and Mrs C R Chisman celebrated Sunday their fortieth wedding anniversary. Those present were M F Chisman, a son, and Lowren Chisman, a grandson, 
of South Ottumwa; Mr and Mrs Elmer Rose, a son in law and daughter, and Arden Dale and Ivin Rose, Grandsons, of Pleasant Home, and
Vactor Wilson, a brother in law, of Milton.
Miss Mamie Sales of South Ottumwa visited Sunday at the William Taylor home.

Rubber Tireing is a feature of our business. We use the famous "Firestone" tires, which we know to be the BEST on the market. Our
charges are very reasonable for tiring. King Horse Shoeing Co, 220 E Second St.

Married at the home of the bride in Selma Wednesday evening April 13, Miss Mamie Nedrow and R S Schlotter. The bride is one of 
Selma's finest young ladies. Mr Schlotter was born and raised near White Elm and is an industrious young man. He is cashier
in the Selma Savings bank at present.
Miss Willa Carroll commenced school at Center April 18. She was delayed a week on account of injuries she received in a run
away some time ago.
Carroll Swaim started to Billings Montana, on Tuesday.
A F Anderson attended lodge at Selma Saturday night.
Mr amd Mrs E R Hem were shopping in Eldon on Friday.
Clete Carroll returned home from near Hedrick where he has been working.
Jake Ham made a business trip to Eldon saturday.
Mose McClure is sawing wood in this neighborhood this week.
Keith Carroll, the census enumerator for Salt Creek township is busy at work.
School at White Elm is progressing nicely with Miss Allen of Bloomfield as teacher.

Mr and Mrs R E Moffit were callers at the home of Mrs W S Cummings of Kirkville Friday.
Mr and Mrs B H Drummond were calling at the T T Funk home Friday.
Mrs Dave Cobbler was visiting the parental Harter home.
Ottumwa callers Saturday were Miss Hazel Elliott, Miss BErtha Harter, Mrs Mattie Githens and son Harold. Miss Nora
Baker, Mr and Mrs S E Clark and son Dale and David Cobbler. Mr and Mrs T R Funk and son Roger were calling in Fremont
G  B Devol was visiting over Sunday at his home in Oskaloosa.
Sunday visitors were Mr and Mrs Geo Reeves and Johnnie Harter at the parental Harter home: Mr and Mrs S E Clark at the Mrs
Mattie Githens home: Mr and Mrs W H Githens, Mr and Mrs N C Albertson and family at the L Van Buskirk home: Earl and Alice Reeves at 
the home of their brother Ralph Reeves: Miss Maude Funk at the home of Mr and Mrs R E Moffit.

Mr Elder has been quite ill for the past town weeks but is slowly improving.
Miss Ethel Crowe was sewing the past week at the home of Mrs Kelsie.
Mr Behran from Illinois spent a few days last week at W H Crows.
W H Crow is having his home painted.
Mesdames A Rogers, H Spillman, T Emery returned Friday from Eldon having attended the Rebekah convention.
Miss Nellie Crow was gelping Mrs H Spillman last week.
Robert Emery and family of Ottumwa visited friends here last week.
Ozzie Butler , Margaret and Ruth bender have been absent from school on account of sickness.
Rev Hultie came from Pella Satureday, there were no services owing to the inclemency of the weather.
Stephen Buckner of Iowa City was here the first of the week.
Mrs Phillips, Mrs J T Rowe of Ottumwa and Mrs Frank Hale of Grinnell visited here with their aunt Mrs Kirkpatrick.
Icle Woodruff of Farson visited with Lenora Jones.

Mrs Samuel Fitzgerald was in Ottumwa.
Mrs Buchanan is spending a week with her daughter Mrs Will Shank.
Mr and Mrs Ross Turner visited Sunday with MR and Mrs Dud Hancock of near Eldon.
Mr and Mrs Sheets called on Mrs J D Mowery.
There was quite a bad wreck on the Wabash railroad this week near the Barry Switch.
Miss Minnie Mowery is spending three weeks in Ottumwa with relatives.
Julius Lowe will soon move his saw mill down near the new Cliffland bidge.
Mr and Mrs W F Turner visited their daughter, Brs Dud Hancock near Eldon.

Daniel Sumner, late of the 36th Iowa Infantry who has been ill with paralysis for several years, is now very ill and is not expected to live 
but a short time.
Mr Cash has commenced improving his property, corner 7th and Walnut street.
F Clarke is in Eldon on business.
Mrs E H Finney and Mrs Payne are in Washington to attend the meeting of the Order of Eastern Stars.
Ol Burden is laid up with an injury to his left had by a splinter running through it. It is a painful wound and may result in blood poisoning.
The nomination papers of L H Young for state senator are being signed.
Edward Mills an old soldier and old time Rock Island employee has been retired by the company on a pension.
E Eisenheart of Oskaloosa is in Eldon on business.

Around Town
Miss Ella Phillips of Eldon is a visitor today enroute to Agency where she will make her future home.
Miss Freda Mae Renecker of Douds-Leando, who attends the Ottumwa Commercial college in this city, left for her home.