submitted by: Julia Johnson -

[Abarr, Betsy Lillian "Bessie" Harris]

Gravity Independent

Thursday    January 16, 1936    [p. 1]

Mother of Gravity Teacher Dies Suddenly

Mrs. A. [lvin] J. [ohn] Abarr [Betsy Lillian Bessie Harris], wife of Dr. Abarr of Clearfield, and mother of Miss Helen Abarr member of the Gravity school faculty, died suddenly Sunday morning in the hospital at Creston after a brief illness. While not in the best of health for some time, her condition was not considered serious until Friday.

The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon at Clearfield, and burial was made in the cemetery there. Supt. Hefley and wife attended the funeral. Supt. Hefley, the Misses Laura Gaebler, Georgina Francis and Kathryn Cotton, members of the Gravity school faculty, accompanied by Mrs. Hefley and son, Arlo, drove to Clearfield Sunday evening to extend sympathy to Miss Abarr in her bereavement.

During Miss Abarr's absence from the school here, Miss Margaret Nixon is teaching in her place.

[Abarr, Betsy Lillian "Bessie" Harris]

Clearfield Enterprise

Thursday    January 16, 1936    p. 2

Mrs. Abarr Passes

Mrs. A. [lvin] J. [ohn] Abarr [Betsy Lillian "Bessie" Harris] was taken on Saturday to Community Hospital in Creston. She has been ill for some weeks with a complication of disorders, with jaundice as a prominent factor.  She never rallied, and death came at about 7:30 Sunday morning.

[Abarr, Betsy Lillian "Bessie" Harris]

Clearfield Enterprise

Thursday     January 23, 1936    p.  3

These Were Present

A partial list of those attending Mrs. AbarrÕs funeral from a distance follows: C. E. Abarr, Carl Abarr, wife and daughter Florence Olive, Dr. and Mrs. Shoemaker, Mrs. W. H. McFarland, and Mrs. Harley Stephens, all of Mount Ayr. Supt. and Mrs. Hefley, Beulah Johnson, Mrs. Herman Beemer, Dr. F. A. Hines, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Parker, all of Gravity.

Mrs. Harry Horrocks, Mystic. Mrs. Effie Holland, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parker, Mr. and Mrs. HarIan Abarr and son William, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Parker, Mr. James Arneal and daughter Mary, Mr. and Mrs Grover Wright and daughter, Alice Belle, and Mr. and Mrs. Flavel Maloy—all of Redding.

Dr. and Mrs. Jackson of Kellerton. Dr. McElroy of Lamoni.

Dr. and Mrs. B. D. Abarr and Frances Stanley, Rev. W. H. Warrior, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bush, all of Blockton.

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith, Danbury. W. A. Poore, Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Poore, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Poore, all of Beaconsfield.

Dr. and Mrs. T. E. Anderson, and Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Carlton and daughter Pauline, Mrs. Harry Aitken---all of Bedford.

Mrs. Cora Bates and daughter, Dorothy, Ila Bales, and Mr. and Mrs. Keith, all of New Market.

Mr. and Mrs. Ted Thompson of Hancock, Iowa, and Mrs. J. A. Griffith, Council Bluffs.

L. W. Gallaugher and son Vinton, Mrs. Eunice Butcher, Miss Inez Parker---Des Moines.

Miss Bessie Abarr of Patterson; Dr. and Mrs. Teale of Prescott; Dr. and Mrs. Senior, and Dr. and Mrs. George Wessels, of Creston.

Dr. Lee Wilcox and Mr. and Mrs. Evan Brannon of Lenox.

Mrs. Clarence Ethington, Mr. and Mrs. John Varner, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Woods, Adam Woods, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Ethington, all of Diagonal.

M. L. Abarr and family of Albany, Missouri.

Clearfield Enterprise (Clearfield, Iowa), Thursday, January 16, 1936
Mrs. A. J. Abarr
Bessie Lillian, daughter of Reuben and Esther Harris, was born in Wayne county, Iowa, near Allerton, Sept. 16, 1884 and passed away at the Greater Community Hospital in Creston Jan. 12, 1936.
She was united in marriage to Dr. Alvin J. Abarr on March 17, 1907. To this union were born three children, Ardath, Helen and Leland, who with their father, are left to mourn her loss. Besides her own children she leaves a niece, Alice Anne Gallaugher, who has been a member of the home for the past ten years. She leaves one sister, Mrs. William Nelson of Jefferson, Iowa; three brothers, [?] H. Harris of Meade, Kansas; P. A. Harris of Letcher, South Dakota; and Dr. Harvey Harris of Lineville, Iowa. She also leaves four grandchildren, several nieces and nephews and a host of friends.
At an early age she united with the Christian Church at Walnut, Iowa, later affiliating with the Methodist Church at Diagonal, Iowa, during her residence of five years there. Since 1912 her church membership has been in the Methodist Church at Clearfield, Iowa, where she has been a willing and faithful worker.
In losing this loved one, the husband and children have lost a devoted wife and mother and the community a good friend and neighbor. She was always kind and sympathetic, interested in others, their joys and their sorrows.
Her death comes as a shock to many and altho loving hands did all in their power for her, an all wise Father released her from her suffering and called her home.
Funeral services were held at the Methodist church on Tuesday and the church was filled to capacity. Pastor Henn spoke from the words in the 21st Psalm. A mixed quartet sang: Misses Helen Barrans and Mary Swan, E. C. Heaton and Donald Green.
The flowers were wonderful in variety and beauty. Interment was in Clearfield Cemetery.

Blockton News (Blockton, Iowa), Thursday, January 23, 1936
Mrs. Dr. A. J. Abarr, of Clearfield, whose death was mentioned last week, was 51 years of age and left her husband, three children, Ardith, Helen and Leland, and a niece, Alice Ann Gallaugher, as the immediate members of her family.

[Davis, Mary Norris]

Gravity Independent

Thursday    January 16, 1936    [p. 1]

Dies in Colorado

A message was received here just before noon Tuesday telling of the sudden death of Mrs. Mary [Norris] Davis of this place who went to Colorado a short time ago to visit at the homes of her sons at Sterling and Fleming.

She had gone to Denver to visit her sister-in-law, Mrs. John Norris, and was stricken suddenly Tuesday morning with a heart attack, passing away about nine o'clock. A message was sent at once to her son Wm. Davis at Fleming, Colorado, who immediately called Miss Evadne Norris here by long distance telephone stating that he was leaving for Denver and would bring the body here for burial.

Mrs. Nellie [Robinson] Norris, mother of Mrs. Davis died at her home here December 10,1935, and her sister, Mrs. Happy Ginn, died last spring at her home in Lenox.

Miss Evadne Norris immediately on receipt of the telephone message wired for instructions regarding plans for the funeral service here.

LATER—The funeral will be held in the Christian church at two o'clock, Friday afternoon.

[Hawthorne, Sarah Emma Miller]

Clearfield Enterprise

Thursday    February 28, 1935    [p. 1]

Mrs. W. C. Hawthorne

Mrs. Crate Hawthorne, a resident of Fort Morgan for 29 years, died at her home there on Thursday evening, Feb. 21st, aged 67 years.

Death followed an illness of several years, though she was not confined to her bed until two weeks previous to her death.

She is survived by four daughters, all married and living at Fort Morgan, Colo. They are Mrs. Hazel McLagan, Mrs. Lee Meekins, Mrs. Ruth McKee, and Mrs. Luella Snodgrass. The son, Homer, died two years ago, and Mrs. Bernice Hawthorne lives at Logan, Indiana. She leaves four grandchildren.

Sarah Emma Miller was born near Humboldt, Iowa, Feb. 15, 1868. She attended normal school, and was a teacher. She married Wm. Craton Hawthorne on Jan. 1, 1883, in Clearfield and lived here until 1906, when the family moved out to Fort Morgan in March. The husband died in Oct. of 1925.

Mrs. Hawthorne was a member of the United Presb. Church and until her illness was an active worker in the Sabbath school and church.

Funeral services were held on Saturday, and interment was in Riverside Cemetery, at Fort Morgan.

Many Clearfield people will remember Mrs. Hawthorne. She was an aunt of Mrs. Pearl Stephenson, the stepmother of Mrs. Sam Spurrier of Mount Ayr; her parents were Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Miller, old residents here.

[Kelley, James F.]

Clearfield Enterprise

Thursday    April 22, 1926    p. 2

The funeral of the late James F. Kelley was held at the home in Knowlton last week Friday.  Mr. Kelley was 78 years of age, and left his wife and two sons, Fred Kelley of Clearfield and another son living in Illinois.

[Hoover, James Nelson]

Blockton News

Thursday    June 3, 1937    [p. 1]


James Nelson Hoover, son of Christian and Mary [Jane Bremer] Hoover, was born July 7, 1858, in Clinton county, Iowa and passed away on Sunday May 23, 1937, at the home of his son, [James] Lester, who resides on the old home place south of Blockton. He was a member of the Methodist church at Redding, uniting under the pastorate of Rev. J. W. Holliday.

He was united in marriage to Loumina B. Miller April 10, 1884. To this union was born five children, who mourn the loss of a loving father. They are Charles Eli and James Lester, of Blockton; Mrs. J. [ames] D. [uncan] Arneal [Bessie], of Redding, and Mrs. J. [ohn] C. Shaner [Mabele Angeline] and John M. [ackey] of Dedham. There are also eight grandchildren.

He was a member of a family of seven children, four having preceded him in death. Those remaining, Mrs. H. M. Miller of Mount Ayr and E. [dward] O.[rville] Hoover of Hawk Springs, Wyoming.

He was a kind and loving husband and father and will be missed.

His wife preceded him in death five years ago.

He lived in Ringgold County since the year 1881.

He numbered his friends by his acquaintances. He was a member of the board of supervisors of Ringgold County for six years, and always took an active part in the betterment of the community in [words missing].

Funeral services were held at the Redding Methodist church Wednesday afternoon, May 26, conducted by Rev. W. H. Warrior, and interment in the Redding cemetery.

Blockton News (Blockton, Iowa), Thursday, May 27, 1937
James Hoover Dead
James Hoover passed away at the home of his son, Lester Hoover, southeast of town, Sunday afternoon, May 23, after an illness of only a few hours at the age of 78 years, 10 months and 16 days. He became ill during the night but was considered to be much improved during the early hours of the morning. He later passed away while apparently sleeping.
He is survived by five children, three sons and two daughters—Charles E. [dward] and Lester Hoover of Blockton, Mrs. Bessie Arneal of Redding and Mrs. Mabel Shaner and John Hoover of Dedham; a sister and a brother, Mrs. H. M. Miller of Mounty Ayr and Ed Hoover of Torrington, Wyoming and many other relatives.
Funeral services were held at the Redding Methodist church Wednesday afternoon at 2:30, conducted by Rev. W. H. Warrior.

Blockton News (Blockton, Iowa), Thursday, June 3, 1937
James Nelson Hoover, son of Christian and Mary Hoover, was born July 7, 1858, in Clinton county, Iowa, and passed away on Sunday, May 23, 1937, at the home of his son, Lester, who resides on the old home place south of Blockton.
He was a member of the Methodist Church at Redding, uniting under the pastorate of Rev. J. W. Holliday.
He was united in marriage to Loumina B. Miller April 10, 1884. To this union was born five children, who mourn the loss of a loving father. They are Charles E. [dward] and James Lester, of Blockton; Mrs. J. D. Arneal, of Redding, and Mrs. J. C. Shaner and John M. [ackey], of Dedham. There are also eight grandchildren.
He was a member of a family of seven children, four having preceded him in death. Those remaining, Mrs. H. M. Miller of Mount Ayr and E. O. Hoover of Hawk Springs, Wyoming.
He was a kind and loving husband and father and will be missed.
His wife preceded him in death five years ago.
He lived in Ringgold county since the year 1881.
He numbered his friends by his acquaintances. He was a member of the board of supervisors of Ringgold county for six years and always took an active part in the betterment of the community in [words unreadable].
Funeral services were held at the Redding Methodist church Wednesday afternoon, May 26, conducted by Rev. W. H. Warrior, and interment in the Redding cemetery.

[Bicknell, Bernice]

Clearfield Enterprise

Thursday    November 15, 1928    p. 5

Bernice Bicknell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bicknell, died last week [November 7, 1928] Wednesday in Kansas City of diphtheria. The body was brought to Clearfield for burial in the cemetery here. Interment was had on Friday. This family lived not many years since out near Merle Junction.

[Source of death date:  Missouri State Death Certificates database]

[Rodocker, Faye Woodhull]

Blockton News

Thursday    November 8, 1928    p. 5

Mrs. E. B. Woodhull and Mrs. E E. Brown went to Creston Friday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Rodocker, held in that city Saturday.  Mrs. Rodocker died Wednesday night after a year's illness. The deceased will be remembered as Miss Faye Woodhull, formerly living in Blockton.

Creston News Advertiser (Creston, Iowa), Thursday, November 1, 1928
Mrs. Rodecker, Long Resident of Creston Dies
Mrs. C. [urtis] E. [ugene] Rodecker, 45 years old, died last night at her home, 501 West Mills street, after a lingering illness. Funeral services will be held at 2:30 Saturday afternoon from the Congregational church with the Rev. George E. Mitchell officiating. Burial will take place at Graceland cemetery.
Mrs. Rodecker, well known for her work in the Congregational church, was born in Westborough, Page county. In 1902 she moved to Creston where she has since lived. Twenty-three years ago, she was married to C. E. Rodecker of this city, who survives her.
Her mother, Mrs. Truman Shaw, two children, Mary Ruby and Keith; one sister, Mrs. James Gault, and five brothers, Floyd, Frank, Donald, Roy and Noel, also survive her. All reside in Creston with the exception of Noel, who lives in Omaha.
[Note: The last name is spelled Rodocker on her headstone.]

Blockton News (Blockton, Iowa), Thursday, November 8, 1928
Mrs. E. B. Woodhull and Mrs. E. E. Brown went to Creston Friday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Rodacker, held in that city Saturday. Mrs. Rodacker died Wednesday night after a year's illness. The deceased will be remembered as Miss Faye Woodhull, formerly living in Blockton.

[Wyant, Elsie Sarah Davenport Griffith]

Clearfield Enterprise

Thursday    March 5, 1925    p. 5

After an illness of only a few days Mrs. G. [eorge] A. [dam] Wyant [Elsie Sarah Davenport] of Mt. Ayr died last week Tuesday, aged 75 years. She was the second wife of G. [eorge] A. [dam] Wyant, and so the stepmother of J. [ames] U.[riah] Wyant, long of Clearfield. She left five children by her first marriage, which was to Isaac Griffith. She was married to Mr. Wyant in 1892, and has lived in Mt. Ayr for 28 years.

[Carmichael, William]

Bedford Free Press

Thursday    January 26, 1905    p. 5

Wm. Carmichael, living five miles northwest of here, died Saturday morning. Mr. Carmichael, who has been ill several weeks, was an old settler in Taylor County, having come here 25 years ago. Funeral was held at the house and burial made at Memory cemetery.

[Inman, Mary Estella Oakley]

New Market Herald

Thursday     May 22, 1930    [p. 1]

Mrs. Inman Dead.

Mrs. J. [ay] R. [omaine] Inman of Red Oak, but formerly of New Market when her husband was superintendent of the public schools here, died early Monday morning at a private hospital in Omaha, where she was operated on for a tumor last week.

Mrs. Inman [Mary Estella Oakley] was widely known in educational, church and social circles and was a member of the Eastern Star and Monday club of Red Oak. The sympathy of many New Market friends is extended to Mr. Inman in his trouble.

[Summers, Donald]

New Market Herald

Thursday     May 22, 1930    [p. 1]

Summers Baby Dead.

Mrs. James Summers took her infant son [Donald] to Iowa City last Saturday for consultation with the specialists at the hospital there. The little one seemed to be suffering from indigestion although we have not learned what the physicians at Iowa City pronounced the trouble, but he passed away Tuesday night about 10:30.

The sorrowing family have the sympathy of all.

[Gartrell, Emma]

New Market Herald

Thursday     May 22, 1930    [p. 1]

Mrs. J. [ames] B. [ird] Marsell [Daisy Etta Hicks] received word Tuesday, of the death of her cousin, Miss Emma Gartrell, at her home in Gravity, Monday night.

[Hayes, Lottie]

New Market Herald

Thursday    May 9, 1918     p. 4


The funeral services of Lottie Hayes formerly of this place were held here at the M. E. church Thursday afternoon. Miss Hayes died of typhoid fever in a hospital in Kansas. Interment was made at Gravity cemetery.

Herington Times (Herington, Kansas), Thursday, May 2, 1918
A Milliner Dies Here
Miss Charlotte Hays, trimmer for the Mrs. Emma B. Hough Millinery shop, died Tuesday night of typhoid fever and the body was taken to Conway, Iowa, for interment. The deceased was 28 years of age and was a member of the Methodist church. She had spent two seasons with Mrs. Hough and had made many friends here.
The body was accompanied to Iowa by the parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hayes and her sister, Miss Carrie. The funeral service will be held at Conway.
[Note: The funeral service was held at Gravity, and she was buried in the Gravity cemetery.  See following entries under her name.]

Bedford Free Press (Bedford, Iowa), Wednesday, May 8, 1918
SHARPSBURG – Miss Lottie Hayes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hayes, died at Herington, Kansas Tuesday of typhoid fever. The body was brought back Thursday, and funeral services are to be held at Gravity Friday afternoon. The sympathy of the entire community goes out to the family in this hour of sorrow.

Bedford Free Press (Bedford, Iowa), Wednesday, May 8, 1918
GRAVITY – The funeral services of Miss Lottie Hayes, formerly of this place was held here Friday afternoon at 3 p. m. Miss Hayes died of typhoid fever in a hospital in Kansas. Interment was made at Gravity cemetery.

[Beatty, Don]

Bedford Times-Republican

Thursday    August 13, 1931    p. 5


Don Beatty, son of Mr. and Mrs. Addy Beatty, died at his home in Des Moines last Friday. Funeral services were held there Saturday afternoon.

[Beatty, Don]

Clearfield Enterprise

Thursday    August 13, 1931    p. 6

Don Beatty, the older son of Mr. and Mrs. Addy Beatty, died in Des Moines Friday morning early. Death came as the sequel to years of suffering caused by a leg injury received in a basket ball game. At one time, Don seemed almost entirely recovered from this. He lived with the family for many years in Clearfield, and before that lived east of this city on the farm.

[Wineinger, Tarlton E.]

Blockton News

Thursday     November 21, 1929    [p. 1]

T. E. Wineinger Dead

Tarlton E. Wineinger died at his home at Kurtz, Indiana, about two weeks ago last Sunday. Mr. Wineinger, who was in poor health while here, left here with his mother for their old home at Kurtz, Indiana, about a year ago.

[Ray, Susan Caroline "Carrie" Talley]

Blockton News

Thursday     November 28, 1929    p. 4

Mrs. J. [ohn] W. Large of Athelstan received word of the death of her cousin, Mrs. Carrie Ray [Susan Caroline Talley], at Orient on Thursday. Mrs. Ray was the widow of the late Richard Ray.


[Bashore, Clem Bryan]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    June 12, 1980    p. 8

Clem Bashore, 83 Last Rites Were Held June 9

Funeral services for Clem B. [ryan] Bashore, 83, of rural Clarinda [were held] June 9 in Walker-Merrick Funeral Home with Loren Dale officiating. Mr. Bashor died June 5 in Veterans Hospital in Omaha following a lengthy illness. Interment was at the Siam Cemetery.

Clem B. [ryan] Bashore was born April 9, 1897, in Taylor County, the son of T.[eter] M. [yers] and Laura [May] Scrivner Bashore.

When he was six years old he moved to his present home where he has always farmed.

On November 16, 1932 he was married to Opal Ann McDonald.

Mr. Bashore was a veteran of W.W.I.

He was preceded in death by an infant son in 1937.

Mr. Bashore is survived by his wife Opal Ann; two daughters: Mrs. James (Delores Jean) Cook, Denver, Colorado and Mrs. Robert (Lavonne) Mohler. Mrs. Ocie Jeffers of rural Clarinda is a sister.

[Bashore, Teter Myers]

New Market Herald

Thursday    February 28, 1924    p. 2

Mr. and Mrs. Lige Stype, Mrs. Jane Scrivner, and Oscar Stewart of Clarinda and Miss Ethel Scrivner from near St. Joseph, Mo., attended the funeral of T. [eter] M. [yers] Bashore Sunday.

[Bashore, Teter Myers]

New Market Herald

Thursday    February 28, 1924    p. 2


The funeral of T. [eter] M. [yers] Bashore was held Sunday at 1:30 p.m. at the Methodist church, conducted by the pastor, F. H. Perkins.  Music was furnished by Methodist choir assisted by Linas Williams. Mr. Bashore passed away Thursday Feb. 21, at Noyes Hospital, St. Joseph, Mo., where he had undergone an operation. He leaves a wife, one son Clem, at home and one daughter, Mrs. Sam Jeffers [Ocie], two grand children, one sister, Mrs. Catherine Stewart of Bedford, one brother, Wm Bashore of Hopkins, and one half brother, Joseph Stewart of Siam, and many other relatives and friends. The Masonic order gave their ritualistic service at the grave in Siam cemetery.

Bedford Times-Republican (Bedford, Iowa), Tuesday, February 26, 1924
Funeral of Old Resident
Peter [Teter] Myers Bashore died at the Noyes Hospital in St. Joseph on February 21 at 2:00 p. m. The remains were shipped to Hopkins, Mo., last Friday and were taken to Siam. Funeral services were to the family home 3 ¼ miles west held Sunday, February 24, at the M. E. Church at Siam. Masonic rites were performed at the grave. A large tent was furnished at the grave by A. L. Stithem, funeral director from Bedford, which added much protection on account of the severe cold wind. Interment was made in the Siam cemetery.

Hopkins Journal (Hopkins, Missouri), Thursday, February 28, 1924
Obituary of T. M. Bashore.
Teter Myers Bashore, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Bashore, was born Oct. 5, 1856, in Des Moines county, near Danville, Iowa, and died at the Noyes Hospital, St. Joseph, Mo., Feb. 21, 1924. At about the age of fifteen with his parents he came to Taylor county, near Siam, and lived in Page and Taylor counties the rest of his life. He was united in marriage Feb. 19, 1896, to Laura May Schibner [Scrivner] at Siam and to this union were born two children. When a young man he gave his heart to God and united with the M. E. church at Siam and has lived a faithful consistent Christian life. He leaves to mourn his loss, his wife, one son, Clem; one daughter, Mrs. Sam Jeffers, and two grandchildren, Darline and Elvina; two brothers, W. D., of Bedford, Joe Stewart of near Hopkins; three sisters, Margaret Omalie [O'Malley] and Jane Rankins [Rankin] of Lyons, Kansas, and Catherine Stewart of Bedford, and a host of other relatives and friends and neighbors.
Another home is broken and one that will be missed by those who gathered there to enjoy the warm friendship and hospitality of him who has been called to his heavenly home.
Funeral services were conducted Sunday afternoon at the M. E. church at Siam at one-thirty by, the pastor, F. H. Perkins. The Methodist choir furnished the music. The text was found in Gen. 5:24. Interment in the Siam cemetery.

[Harper, Pearl Mildred McNutt]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    June 12, 1980    p. 8

Pearl Harper, 66 Last Rites Were Held in Clarinda

Funeral services for Mrs. James Lee (Pearl M. [ildred]) Harper, 66 of Clarinda, were held June 11 at Walker-Merrick Funeral Home.

Mrs. Harper died early June 8 in Shenandoah Memorial Hospital where she had been admitted June 6. Interment was at the Clarinda Cemetery.

She was born August 1, 1913, near Gravity, the daughter of Guy Isaac and Jessie Mildred Joslyn McNutt. She was married to James Lee Harper in 1953. Mr. Harper died in 1974. Mrs. Harper had worked at Peerless Laundry and M.H.I.

She was preceded in death by   a   daughter, Jessie   Siefke and one brother and one sister.

Survivors include six children: Mrs. Charles (Esta) Thompson, Randolph, Iowa; Mrs. Bill (Donna) Brown, Clarinda; Mrs. Virginia Damewood, Mankato, Minnesota; Mrs. Ira (Irene) Long, Sharpsburg, Iowa; Mrs. Raymond (Dianna) Herzberg, Shambaugh, and David Wayne Harper, St. Joseph, Missouri.

Stepchildren are Mrs. Robert (Marvalee) Kerr, Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Mrs. Bill (Sherlyn) Cunningham, Parson, Kansas; and Dennis Harper, Monett, Missouri. There are 23 grandchildren and 13 great grandchildren.

Brothers are Fred McNutt, Bedford; Charles McNutt, Diagonal, Iowa; and Loy McNutt, Kansas City, Missouri. Sisters are Mrs. Ruth Raymond, Santa Barbara, California; and Mrs. A. A. (Fern) Thomas, Bedford.

 [Strough, Fred Richard]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    June 12, 1980    p. 8

Fred Strough, 61 Final Rites Were Held June 9

Funeral services for Fred R. [ichard] Strough, 61, of rural Gravity, were held June 9 in Walker-Merrick Funeral Home in Clarinda with Jon Palmquist officiating. Mr. Strough died June 5 in St. Joseph's Hospital in Omaha following a month's illness. Interment was at Dallas Center Cemetery north of New Market.

Mr. Strough was born February 3, 1919, at Skidmore, Missouri, the son of Paul [Howard] and Mamie Rowlett Strough. On December 24, 1937 he was married to Flossie McElroy who survives.

Besides his wife of the home he is survived by four sons, Jim of Shenandoah, David and Donald of Gravity and Robert of New Market; 14 grandchildren and one great grandson; brothers: Ray of Maryville, Missouri and Melvin of Skidmore, Missouri; sisters: Mrs. Lloyd (Nellie) Lininger, Hawleyville, Mrs. Claude (Julia) Baker, Crosby, Missouri, and Mrs. Dale (Faye) Money, Elmo, Missouri.

[Ford, Amos Henry]

Blockton News

Thursday    March 17, 1927    [p. 1]


Amos Henry Ford, son of John and Phoebe [Clark] Ford, was born in Washington County, Ohio, December 22, 1859, and died at his home in Blockton, March 13, 1927, aged 67 years, 3 months and 21 days.

On August 13, 1883, he was married to Miss Emma Campbell. To this union were born three sons—Robert O. [rr], of Blockton; H. [enry] Ward, of St. Joseph, Mo., and Wayne D., of Colorado. Besides his wife and sons he also leaves to mourn his departure three brothers—Jeston O. [rr] and C. [linton] S. [ylvester], of California, and J. [ohn] B. of Omaha, Neb.—and one sister—Mrs. Jennie Streeter, of Clyde, Ohio; also three grandchildren and a host of other relatives and friends.

He united with the Christian church in Macon County, Missouri, in early manhood and later with the Blockton Christian church, and has ever been faithful, and was always looking on the bright side of everything.

Funeral services were held at the Blockton Christian Church, conducted by Rev. H. V. Reeves, at 2:30 Tuesday afternoon, and were largely attended. Interment was made in Rose Hill cemetery.

The family have the sincere sympathy of all in their bereavement.

[Ford, Amos Henry]

Blockton News

Thursday    March 17, 1927    p. 4

Among those from a distance attending the funeral of A. [mos] H. [enry] Ford Tuesday afternoon were Frank Adams, wife and daughter, Miss Alice, Paul Jackson and wife and Mrs. Faye Jackson, of Ellston; E. C. Krucker, wife and son, Bobbie, of Fairfax, Mo.; [Henry] Ward Ford and wife, of St. Joseph, and O. T. Campbell and Roy Denhart and wives, of Benton.

[Brashear, Laura Lavanche Grason]

Blockton News

Thursday    March 17, 1927    p. 4

Mrs. Selma Brashear and daughter, Anna Laura, and Mrs. Raymond West and daughter, Cora Alice, went to Parnell Friday to attend the funeral of Mrs. T.[homas] A. [lexander] Brashear, who passed away on Tuesday evening of last week after an extended illness. The late Mrs. Brashear [Laura Lavanche Grason] was past 77 years of age and was one of the first settlers in Parnell where her husband was postmaster for many years.