Taylor County, Iowa Obituaries
submitted by: Julia Johnson - julia.johnson63@gmail.com

[Miller, Milton Weston]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    November 25, 1937    p. 3

M. W. Miller

Milton Weston Miller, son of John William and Mary Ann (Stair) Miller, was born May 20, 1856 at old Quincy, Adams County, Iowa.  He moved with his parents to Page County in early childhood and spent the remainder of his life in Page and Taylor counties.

On July 4, 1876 he was married to Elizabeth Jane Acree.  To them were born three children, John Huston Miller, Lola Ann Reid, and William Weston Miller, all of Siam.  Mrs. Miller died July 14, 1918.

Surviving with the children are six grandchildren.  They are Mrs. Mae Miller Hatfield of Shamburg, Carl Weston Miller of St. Joseph, Miss Eva Miller of Des Moines, Floyd Edward Miller, Atlantic, Iowa, William Miller, Jr., of Siam, and Eldon Weston Miller of Siam.  Also four great granddaughters, Opal Mae Miller, Evorene Lee Hatfield, Jean Ellen Hatfield, and Lola Nadine Miller; Mrs. Fannie Reid Shields and her children of Siam, and Willis Philpott of St. Joseph, who were reared in the Reid home.

Mr. Miller was the eighth of a family of ten children, who with the parents have all, except two, passed to the Great Beyond.

The surviving brothers are the oldest, W. [illiam] F. Miller of Hopkins, Mo., and the youngest, E. M. Miller of Shambaugh.  Those preceding him in death are Elizabeth Berringer, Amanda White, Sarah McPherren, Orlando T. Miller, McKensie E. Miller, Quincy Miller, who died when a small child and James Miller, an enlisted Union soldier, at the age of 17.

He was converted many years ago during a revival held by the Rev. McKinsey and was baptized in the Church of Christ at Siam, where he retained his membership.

He will always be remembered for his jovial disposition, his great love of good music, his willingness to assist in all activities concerning the church, community and his loved ones.  He was a respected citizen, a kind and helpful neighbor and a loving father, who will be greatly missed by all.  Mr. Miller died at the home of his son, John H. Miller at Siam, Monday, Nov. 15, 1937 at the age of 85 years, 5 months and 25 days.

The funeral services were held at the Church of Christ in Siam Thursday afternoon, conducted by Rev. C. Max Buck of Bedford.  Burial was in the Siam cemetery.

[Johnson, Martha Wysong]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    November 18, 1937    [p. 1]

Attend Johnson Funeral

Among those from out of the city, who were here for the funeral services for Mrs. Joe Johnson [Martha Wysong], which were held Saturday, included the following, C. [harles] B. [enjamin] Wysong, Mr. and Mrs. Elza Wysong, Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Wysong and daughter, Mrs. E. F. Bouse, of Oklahoma City, Okla.; Fred Johnson of Pendleton, Oregon; Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Woods of Ottumwa; Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Griffith of Maryville; Mrs. Esper Standley and two daughters of Blockton.

[Wyckoff, Louis Elmer]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    November 18, 1937    [p. 1]

L. E. Wyckoff Dies

L. [ouis] E. [lmer] Wyckoff, 71, a long-time resident and brick-mason of Bedford, died suddenly at his home in Bedford about 11 o’clock Monday night, Nov. 15.

The funeral services will be held at the Wetmore Funeral Home at 2:30 o’clock Friday afternoon, conducted by Rev. C. Max Buck.  Burial will be in the Fairview cemetery.

[Ford, Jack]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    November 18, 1937    [p. 1]

Jack Ford, a resident of Bedford for many years, died at the hospital in Clarinda, Tuesday, Nov. 16.  He had been confined in the hospital since 1902.  The body was brought to Bedford for burial.

[Fordyce, Grant]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    December 23, 1937    [p. 1]

Grant Fordyce Dies

Grant Fordyce, 70, died Dec. 13 in Lakeland, Florida.  He was a grandson of Benson Fordyce, and as a boy resided in Bedford.

[Payton, Ruby]


Thursday    July 4, 1907    p. 8

Her Sufferings Ended

Ruby Payton, the 10 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. [Samuel] Lloyd Payton [Inez Parrish] , died at their home in Gay Township at 6 o’clock Tuesday morning.

Ruby had been ill for a long time and for weeks the knowledge that she could not recover has been slowly forcing itself upon her agonized parents and friends.  She made a long hard fight for life, aided by all that human skill and loving hearts could suggest.  But all was in vain.  The grim reaper had marked her for his own, nor love nor skill could ward off his cold and clammy hand.

The date of the funeral is Wednesday, July 3d at 10 a. m., at the home on east Gay Street.  Interment at Fairview.

[Payton, Ruby]

Bedford Free Press

Thursday    July 11, 1907    p. 5


Miss Ruby Payton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. [amuel] L. [loyd] Payton [Inez Parrish] of Gay Center, was born January 17, 1896, in Gay Township, Taylor County, Ia., where she lived until her death, which occurred July 2, 1907.

Ruby was a girl who gave much promise of a successful life.  She possessed a sweet amiable disposition and manifested a womanly grace, which was much in advance of her years.  Last November, during a special meeting held in the Gay Center schoolhouse, she, with some others, acknowledged Christ as her Savior and united with the M.E. church at that place.

Ruby was a long and patient sufferer before the death angel relieved her.  In her death she passed to her larger and nobler life, leaving deep sorrow in the Payton home.  Possessing as she did a tender heart, pure character and loving favor at the time of her death, her life has not been lived in vain.  The memory of such a life seeks to heal the wound so keenly felt by those who loved her most.  The mother [‘s] heart has been broken, the strength of fatherly fortitude has been tested, the friendly circle of brothers and sisters has been invaded, while Heaven has added a new jewel.  The parents and all relatives have the most sincere sympathy of all who know them.   Ruby’s funeral was held from her home Wednesday, July 3, at 10 a. m., and was conducted by Rev. Alfred Knoll of Blockton, assisted by Rev. W. B. Thompson of Bedford.  Interment in Bedford cemetery.

[Titus, Ellis Philip]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    September 5, 1940    [p. 1]

Ellis P. Titus, 75, Former Resident, Dies

Ellis P. [hilip] Titus, 75, a former resident of Bedford and brother of Mrs. W.[illiam] H. [enry] Kemery [Luvira] of this city, died at his home in Clark, S. Dak., Monday, after having been in failing health for some time.

The body is being brought to Bedford and short services will be held at the Kemery home some time Friday and burial will be in the Bedford cemetery.

Mr. Titus and his family moved to South Dakota in 1910, where he was engaged in the real estate and insurance business.

Surviving with the wife and sister are a daughter and two sons:  Mrs. L. D. Collins [Ruth] of Hollywood, Calif., Francis Phillip Titus and Reid Titus of San Francisco, Calif.  Another son, Worth W. [ebb] Titus, died in 1926 and his sister, Mrs. J. [ames] P. [erry] Opdylke [Julia] of Billings, Okla., died some time ago.

Mrs. Titus and son Reid and his wife arrived here today for the burial services.

[Query, Richard]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    May 16, 1935    p. 4

Richard Query, 83, Died At Nodaway

Funeral services for Richard Query, 83, who died at his home in Nodaway, Sunday, April 28, were held the following Tuesday afternoon at the Methodist church in Nodaway, conducted by Rev. Wayne Emry, pastor of the church, assisted by Rev. Ray Cornwell, pastor of the Presbyterian church.  Burial was in the Nodaway cemetery.

Richard Query was born Jan. 3, 1852 in Chatham, Ontario, Canada.  He was the son of James and Elizabeth [Dowd] Query and a member of a family of eight children, six of whom preceded him in death.  He, with his parents, spent the greater part of his boyhood in the lumber woods in Michigan, later moving to Illinois, from which place he went in a covered wagon to the White Oak district near Nodaway, Iowa.

He was married Dec. 6, 1876 to Miss Amy Pierson.  To them were born six children, two of whom preceded their father in death.  One son died in infancy and one daughter, Elizabeth [Mary] Gray, died in 1919.  Mrs. Query died in November, 1933.

Mr. Query was the father of Mrs. Fred Melvin [Margaret] of Bedford.

[Query, Frank Leroy]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    July 11, 1974    p. 3

Frank Query, 82, Rites Held June 26

Funeral services for Frank Query, 82, of Villisca, were held June 26 at the Wolfe Funeral Home, Villisca, Ia., conducted by Rev. Eldon Haworth.  Mr. Query died at the Methodist Hospital in Omaha, Nebr., on June 24, 1974.  Graveside services were conducted by Montgomery Lodge No. 270 A. F. & A. M., Villisca.

Frank [Leroy] Query, son of Levi and Sarah M. [ary Bane] Query, was born at his parents’ farm in Montgomery County, Iowa, Feb. 27, 1892.

On March 11, 1917, he was united in marriage to Miss Margaret Freeland of Villisca.   To this union a daughter, Norma Joan, was born.

He is survived by his wife, Margaret; daughter Mrs. Francis (Norma) Frey; two grandchildren; four great grandchildren and also Tom Freeland and Marcia Freeland Crump, who grew up in the home.

He was a ruling elder in the Bedford Presbyterian Church for many years while living on his farm near here.  He was a Past Master, Past High Priest of the Royal Arch Masons, Past Patron of the Order of the Eastern Star and also a member of the White Shrine.

[Wolcott, Chester Clark]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    November 25, 1937    p. 3

C. C. Wolcott

Chester Clark Wolcott, son of Moses H. [alsey] and Mary [Ann] Burney Wolcott, was born Oct. 30, 1851 in Louisa County, Iowa, near Cotter and departed this life at the home of his daughter, Mrs. L. [awrence] K. [night] Worrell at Conway, Iowa, Tuesday, Nov. 2, 1937 at the age of 86 years and 2 days.

He was united in marriage April 8, 1875 to Eliza [Ellen] Edmondson who preceded him in death Jan. 9, 1928.

To this union were born three children, an infant daughter who passed away in 1876; a daughter, Mrs. Gertrude Worrell of Conway; and one son, Glen Wolcott of Wabash, Ind.

His early life was spent in Louisa County on the farm where he and his three children were born.  He moved with his family to Page County in 1902 and located on a farm near College Springs.  After spending many years there he moved to Clarinda, where he lived the remainder of his life, with the exception of the past five months, when he went to Conway to live with his daughter.

He joined the United Presbyterian church in his early years and remained with this faith until death.

He was a citizen of sterling quality and will be greatly missed by his many friends and relatives.

Besides the son and daughter he is survived by one sister, Mrs. Mary H. LePert of Dubuque, Iowa; eight grandchildren and four great grandchildren.

Funeral services were conducted at the Walker Funeral Home Thursday afternoon by Rev. H. O. Lietman.  Burial was in the Clarinda cemetery.

[Worrell, Gertrude Wolcott]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    March 24, 1983    p. 4

Final Rites Held For Centenarian

Graveside services for Mrs. Lawrence (Gertrude) [Wolcott] Worrell, 102, of Glenwood, formerly of Gravity, Ia., were held March 19 at Washington Cemetery, Gravity, following a 1 p. m. service in Cutler Chapel in Council Bluffs.  Mrs. Worrell died March 13 in a Council Bluffs hospital.

Her husband, Lawrence, died in 1947.

Left to cherish her memory are a son, Leonard, Fairfield, Ia.; four daughters:  Berniece Fanning of Gravity, Alice McNulty of Cheyenne, Wyo., Beulah Worrell of Glenwood and Martha Cheville of Des Moines; 13 grandchildren; 32 great grandchildren; 10 great great grandchildren.

[Helm, Ralph Bowers]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    April 10, 1941    [p. 1]

Ralph Helm Dies At Bedford Home

Ralph Helm, who had been in failing health for several months, died at the home of his parents in Bedford, Saturday, April 5.

The funeral services were held at the Wetmore Funeral Home at 11 o’clock Monday forenoon, conducted by Rev. O. H. Hallgrimson.  Burial was in the Graceland cemetery.

Ralph Bowers Helm, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Helm, was born August 28, 1914 at Bedford, Taylor County, Iowa, being aged 26 years, 7 months and 7 days at the time of his death.

He spent his entire life in Bedford and community and attended the Bedford High School.  He was preceded in death by one brother, Leslie, who died in infancy.

He is survived by his parents; also five brothers and one sister:  Orin Helm, Loran Helm and Hazel Helm of Bedford, Glen Helm of Fort Riley, Kans., Harley Helm of Scottsbluff, Nebr., and Willard Helm of Stockton, Calif.

[Helm, Levi Roy]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    July 2, 1964    p. 6

Levi Roy Helm Rites June 29

Funeral services for Levi Roy Helm, lifelong Bedford resident, held June 24 at Bedford Christian Church, were conducted by Rev. Ivo Randels.  Mr. Helm died June 21 at Clarinda Municipal Hospital.  Interment was at Graceland Cemetery, Bedford.

The following obituary was included in the services:

Levi Roy Helm was born Dec. 22, 1884 in Ross Township, Taylor County, and spent his whole life in or near Bedford, Iowa.

He was united in marriage to Eathel Bowers May 6, 1906, and to their union eight children were born; five of them preceded him in death.  Those living are: Glen Helm, Winner, So. Dak., Loran Helm, Red Oak, Ia.; Mrs. Hazel Burch, Kansas City, Mo.

He was a member of the church, and since he was a lad has been a faithful supporter and contender for the faith.

Those who survive him are: his widow, Mrs. Eathel Helm, 13 grandchildren, six great grandchildren, several nieces and nephews and many friends.

In passing we note two outstanding traits of Brother Roy’s.  He had a passion for reading his Bible and relied upon it for instruction in righteousness and comfort in affliction.  The other trait was his unfailing devotion and husbandly care of his ailing wife.  These are worthy of emulation.

[Helm, Orin Byrum]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    March 26, 1959    p. 4

Orin Helm Burial At Graceland Cemetery

Funeral services for Orin Helm were held at the Wetmore Funeral Home Tuesday afternoon, March 17.  Rev. Elmer Baker of the Christian Church officiated.  Burial was in Graceland cemetery.

Orin Byrum Helm was born March 22, 1907 and passed away at the age of 51 years, 11 months, 22 days.

On November 16, 1934 he was united in marriage to Hildred B. Soma of Clearfield, Iowa.  To this union six children were born.  He was a member of the Christian church in Blockton.

Besides his wife Hildred, he leaves two daughters, Mrs. Marsha Matheny of Blockton, Mrs. Sandra Osburn of Hamilton, Bermuda; four sons, Fred L. Helm of Creston, Reed, John, James of the home; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. [evi] Roy Helm of Bedford; two brothers and one sister, Loran Helm of Red Oak, Glen Helm of Winner, So. Dak., Mrs. Hazel Burch of Kansas City, Mo.; two sons-in-law and three grandchildren, Wilbur Matheny and William Osburn, Sandra Jill and Joni Sue Matheny, William Wayne Osburn, Jr.

Orin was a devoted husband, father and son and will be missed by those who knew and loved him.  He was preceded in death by four brothers.

Out-of-town relatives here for the funeral included Mr. and Mrs. Edmond French, Granite City, Ill.; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Henderson, Irondale, Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Petty and Ricky, Neosho, Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. Duane Burch, Mike and Robert, Kansas City; Mr. and Mrs. Loran Helm, Joan and John, Red Oak; Mr. and Mrs. Guy Bowers, Murray, Iowa.

[Ernest, Harriette Belle Golding]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    February 26, 1970    p. 4

Mrs. H. Ernest, 84, Rites Wednesday

Funeral services for Mrs. Herman (Harriette) Ernest, 84, of Clarinda, were held Wed., Feb. 25, at Shum-Novinger Funeral Home in Bedford.  Mrs. Ernest died February 23, 1970 at Clarinda Municipal Hospital.  Interment was at Fairview Cemetery, Bedford.

[Thomas, James Estel]

Bedford Free Press

Thursday    July 11, 1907    p. 5

James Estel Thomas Dead

James Estel Thomas died at the home of his grandmother, Mrs. Hugh Thomas, in the south part of Bedford, on Saturday morning, July 6th, 1907, aged 12 years, 10 months and 8 days, from heart failure, caused by an affection of the brain.  He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Silas H. Thomas, living just east of town on a farm, and was the idol of the home.  He was the proud hope of fond and loving parents and they are the recipients of the deepest sympathy in this, their hour of almost irreconcilable grief.  In order that he might have the best of medical attention, he was some time ago brought to the home of his grandmother, and there everything that loving hands and medical skill could do was done for him but to no avail and death finally relieved him of his pain, which he had been bearing with the fortitude of one much older.

The funeral was held Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock from the residence where he died, conducted by Elder Edgar Price, and the remains were laid gently to rest in Bedford cemetery.

Bedford Times-Republican (Bedford, Iowa), Thursday, July 11, 1907
Mrs. George Van Nys [Nuys] of Adams county, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Silas Thomas, was at Bedford over Sunday attending the funeral of her brother, Jimmy Thomas, who died Saturday morning.

Bedford Times-Republican (Bedford, Iowa), Thursday, July 11, 1907
His Sufferings Ended
James E. [stel] Thomas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Silas Thomas, died Saturday at the home of his grandmother in Bedford, aged 12 years, 10 months and 7 days.
Jimmy had been sick for [?] months and for a long time his friends have realized that his condition very critical, although it was not thought the end would come so soon. Along in the [winter?] he was thrown from a [buggy?] and received an injury to his shoulder and head. At first the injury did not seem to be serious but later he begun to suffer in the head. These spells went on at first at long intervals, but as time went on, they came closer together and were of greater gravity. On Saturday morning one of these bad spells came on and in spite of all medical science could do he grew worse and in a short time passed away.
Jimmy was a bright, lovable [?] boy and during the long time since he was first taken ill, has borne his suffering with a patient forbearance that would [?] a person much older than he.
Jimmy was born here and spent all his life in this vicinity. He was known to many and all respected and admired him. His parents have the sincere and deepest sympathy of all.
The funeral was held at the home of his grandmother, Mrs. Hugh Thomas, in South Bedford at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon conducted by Rev. Price.

[Preston, James Leslie]

Taylor County Herald

Thursday    May 25, 1944    [p. 1]

James Preston Dies; Last Rites Are Held

James Leslie Preston, 54, died at the Clarinda Municipal Hospital Sunday morning following an illness of several months.

A veteran of World War I, he was well known in Taylor County where he was engaged in farming near Gravity for a number of years.  For the last several years he has worked in various institutions and was employed at the Clarinda State Hospital when he became ill a few months ago.  His father, Thomas Preston of Gravity and a sister, Mrs. Stella Petrie of Kansas City, survive.  Last rites were conducted by the Rev. Z. M. Bressler from the Methodist church in Gravity Tuesday afternoon with military services in charge of the Graham Short Post No. 578.  Interment was made in the Gravity cemetery.

[Fluke, City May Nott]

Taylor County Herald

Thursday    May 18, 1944    p. 4

Mrs. Fluke Dies; Last Rites Held

Last rites, conducted by Rev. J. E. M. Chambers of Blockton, were held at the Methodist church in Platteville Sunday afternoon for Mrs. May Fluke, 85, who died May 10 at her home near Athelstan.

She was preceded in death by her husband and a son.  Surviving are her three sons, Darrah Lee and Charles Thomas of Blockton and Meredith K. [ay] of Bedford.

Interment was made in the Platteville cemetery.

[Levine, Fred Leroy]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    October 19, 1950    p. 4

Services Held Monday For Fred L. Levine

Fred L. [eroy] Levine, 64, of Omaha, died there Thursday afternoon, Oct. 12.  The funeral services were held Monday forenoon and the body was brought to Bedford for interment in the Fairview cemetery.

He is survived by five sons, Jack of Des Moines, Robert of New York, Dick of Chicago, Bill and Fred, Jr., of Omaha.  Also by a sister, Miss Edna Levine of Colorado Springs, and a brother, Walter Levine of Bedford.  His wife died several years ago.

Mr. Levine is a former resident of Bedford.

[Boyd, Minnie Denser]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    October 19, 1950    p. 4

Mrs. Frank N. Boyd Dies Following Fall

Mrs. Frank N. Boyd [Minnie Denser], 83, a former resident of Bedford, died in a Des Moines hospital Sunday, following injuries received in a fall near her home in West Des Moines on Wednesday of last week.

The funeral services were held in Des Moines Wednesday forenoon, and the body was brought to Bedford for interment in the Fairview cemetery, where graveside services were held Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock.

She is survived by her husband and two daughters, Beth, now Mrs. Stephen Olop of Los Angeles and Miss Frances Boyd of West Des Moines.  One daughter, Nellie, preceded her mother in death.

[Boyd, Frank N.]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    October 31, 1957    p. 7

Frank Boyd Died In Des Moines

Frank [N.] Boyd, 93, a native of Bedford and a resident here many years, died in Des Moines, Monday, October 21, after having been in failing health for several years.

Last rites were held at the McLeran Funeral Home in Des Moines Wednesday, October 23 and the body was brought to Bedford for burial in Fairview cemetery.

Mr. Boyd was born on a farm northeast of Bedford to John S. [aylor] and Eliza Boyd and is the last of the family to be taken.  His wife, the former Miss Minnie Densher of Bedford, died seven years ago.  A daughter, Nell, Mrs. Milton Ross, also preceded him in death.

He is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Beth Olop of Carmel, Calif., Mrs. Frances Lack of Des Moines; also by one grandson, Milton Ross, Jr., of Chicago; and by three great grandchildren.

[Boyd, John Saylor]

Times - Republican 

Thursday    Aug 6, 1914    [p. 1]

Pioneer Official Is Called By Death

John S. Boyd, County Surveyor and Superintendent of Schools

Served County In Sixties

Organized and Taught First School in Marshall Township---Walked Into the County

John S. [aylor] Boyd, a pioneer official in Taylor County, died at his residence in Bedford at 4:30 o'clock Tuesday morning, after an illness of about two weeks. Mr. Boyd organized and taught the first school in Marshall Township in 1857.

In 1859, 1860, 1861, Mr. Boyd served as county surveyor, those being days when there was work for the county surveyor to do. He succeeded Josiah Litteer in that office, and S.J. Hall followed him.

While the records can not be found, the best information obtainable is that he served as county superintendent of schools in 1862 and 1863, and again in 1870 and 1871, the records showing the later service.

Mr. Boyd came to Taylor County July 30, 1857, walking from Mount Pleasant, which was the railroad terminal at that time. By industry he accumulated a large amount of land, and became one of the county's leading citizens. He held a keen interest in public affairs up to the time of his last illness.

Funeral services were held this morning at the residence, conducted by Rev. John A. Currie, pastor of the First Presbyterian church. Interment was in Lexington cemetery.

Native of New York

John Saylor Boyd was born in Watertown, Jefferson County, New York, June 14, 1835. When three years of age he moved with his parents to Breckville, Ohio, twelve miles south of Cleveland. He attended school at Berea, Ohio. March 21, 1860, he was united in marriage to Similda E. [lton] Raynolds at the home of R. A. Mosier, on what is now known as the John Wright farm north of Bedford. To this union were born eight children, three of whom with the wife survive. The children were Mrs. Alma R. Hough of Conway, Frank N. of Parsons, Kan., and Bruce B. of Los Angeles, Cal. He also leaves to mourn his death 9 grandchildren and 6 great grandchildren. One daughter, Alice C., died in 1863, and in September, 1875, Eliza J., George M., and Martha B., died of diphtheria within twelve days of each other. Mrs. Jessie E. [lton] Hook, a daughter, the wife of G.[eorge] W. [illiam] Hook, died about two years ago.

Mr. Boyd was a member of the Presbyterian Church, having become a Christian early in life. While he resided in Conway and vicinity he was associated with the Methodist church.

Bedford Free Press (Bedford, Iowa), Tuesday, August 4, 1914
J. S. Boyd dies.
John S. Boyd, who had been critically ill for several days, died at 4:30 this morning. Funeral services will be held at the home Thursday forenoon at 10 o'clock, conducted by Rev. John Curry. Miss [Mrs.] Maude Norton, daughter of Mr. and Ms. George Hough and a granddaughter of Mr. Boyd, arrived from Abingdon, Ill., on this morning's train and his son, Bruce Boyd, is expected from Los Angeles on the noon train today.

Bedford Free Press (Bedford, Iowa), Tuesday, August 11, 1914
John S. Boyd – Death claimed another pioneer of the county last Tuesday in the person of John S. Boyd, who died after a brief illness. Coming to the county before he had scarcely reached his majority and when the county had been organized but five years, he has been identified with every interest that has been advanced for the upbuilding of this unit of a great state. His life, both public and private, has been an active one until his retirement a few years ago and even then he took an active interest in all public affairs pertaining to the county. Few men who have lived in the county have had such a long and varied experience in the public service. Shortly after his arrival here in 1857, Josiah Litteer, who was then a resident of Marshall township and always in the front rank of every enterprise, decided that a school house should be built in the vicinity of the old site of Lexington to accommodate the children of the little group of settlers in that neighborhood. Calling his neighbors together, the matter was quickly decided and a log school house built, in which Mr. Boyd taught the first school, which was also the first school taught in the township.
In 1859 Mr. Boyd was elected county supervisor, which office he held until 1861, when he was chosen county superintendent or county commissioner of schools, in which capacity he served the county until 1864. Mr. Boyd was the third superintendent of the county, John Hayden being first appointed after organization, he being succeeded by John Bulen, Mr. Boyd's predecessor. W. B. Snow followed Mr. Boyd and held the office until 1870 when Mr. Boyd was again elected, holding the office two years.
In 1862 he placed himself at the service of his country by enlisting in the border brigade, ordered by Governor Kirkwood for the protection of our southern border. After the war he acquired a piece of land in Marshall township to which he added in the course of time until it was one of the largest and best improved farms in the county.
Funeral services were held Thursday morning at the residence, conducted by Rev. John A. Currie, pastor of the First Presbyterian church. Interment was in Lexington cemetery.
Native of New York.
John Saylor Boyd was born in Watertown, Jefferson county, New York, June 14, 1835. When three years of age he moved with his parents to Breckville [Brecksville], Ohio, twelve miles south of Cleveland. He attended school at Berea, Ohio. March 21, 1860, he was united in marriage to Similda E. Reynolds at the home of R. A. Mosier, on what is now known as the John Wright farm north of Bedford. To this union were born eight children, three of whom with the wife survive. The children are Mrs. Anna R. Hough of Conway, Frank N. of Parson, Kan., and Bruce B. of Los Angeles, Cal. He also leaves to mourn his death 9 grandchildren and 6 great grandchildren and a sister, Mrs. O. R. Ballou of Freewater, Ore. One daughter, Alice C., died in 1863 and in September 1875, Eliza J., George M. and Myrta B., died of diptheria within twelve days of each other. Mrs. Jessie T. Hook, a daughter, the wife of G. W. Hook, died about two years ago.
Mr. Boyd was a member of the Presbyterian church, having become a Christian early lin life. While he resided in Conway and vicinity he was associated with the Methodist church.

Bedford Free Press (Bedford, Iowa), Tuesday, August 25, 1914
Mrs. C. M. Norton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Hough of Conway, who was called here on account of the death of her grandfather, J. S. Boyd, returned to her home at Abingdon, Ill., Friday.