submitted by: Julia Johnson -

Blockton News (Blockton, Iowa), Thursday, July 15, 1920
A letter received a few days since by A. [ndrew] J. [ackson] Agee from his niece, Mrs. T. A. Beam [Bean], of Tennessee, contains the information that his brother, G.[eorge] M.[arion] Agee, died on June 29th at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Georgia Snow, at Kingsport, Tennessee. It will be remembered that the deceased and his daughter, Mrs. Snow, spent two or three weeks at the home of his brothers, A.[ndrew] J. [ackson] and A. [ri] A.[ustin] Agee, here and at Delphos, some two years ago.

Blockton News (Blockton, Iowa), Thursday, December 8, 1921
E. K. and W. C. Wilson attended the funeral of their cousin, C. [harles] S. [idney] Bates at Osceola Monday. Mr. Bates passed away at Townsend, Montana where he had gone for his health.

Laurel Outlook (Laurel, Montana), Wednesday, December 14, 1921
C. S. Bates Dies Towsend Home
Was Formerly Cashier of Citizens National Bank of This City—Funeral Friday
The funeral services of the late C. S. Bates, at one time cashier of the Citizens National bank of this city, were held at his home on Cedar street, Townsend, Friday afternoon, Dec. 2. Rev Dann delivered a short but impressive discourse and a choir sang several very beautiful songs. After the services, the remains were taken to the Connor's undertaking parlors and prepared for shipping to Osceola, Iowa, where interment occurred.
The pall bearers were: Jos. J. Davey, Jas. E. Ward, Sen. C. N. Burgess, Bert Ridgeway, Clarence Lockwood and Clarke Hurlburt.
Mrs. Bates and her daughter accompanied the remains of their beloved husband and father on the sad journey. After a few months spent among their relatives in Iowa, Mrs. Bates and daughter intend to return to Townsend.

Bedford Times-Republican (Bedford, Iowa), Thursday, December 1, 1921
C. S. Bates Dies
A. A. Parrish received a telegram this morning from his daughter, Mrs. C. S. Bates, at Townsend, Mont., announcing the death of her husband last night. The body will be brought back to his old home at Osceola, Ia. Mr. Bates held the office of treasurer of Clark county for two terms, after which he went west for the benefit of his health, but gradually grew worse until death relieved him of his suffering. The family have the sympathy of all who know them.

Bedford Times-Republican (Bedford, Iowa), Thursday, December 8, 1921
Wm. Parrish and children Paul and Alice, Mrs. Lillian Jackson, Mrs. Laura Douglas, Cecil Douglas, Ethel Waterman and Inez Payton, drove to Osceola, Monday to attend the funeral of C. S. Bates, which was held there Monday afternoon.

Blockton News (Blockton, Iowa), Thursday, March 17, 1921
J. O. Boring Dead
J. [oshua] O. [liver] Boring, who at one time was a resident of Blockton and well known to many of our readers, passed away at his home at Thayer on Wednesday night or Thursday morning of last week. It seems that he suffered a stroke of paralysis about a year ago and the third stroke last week caused his death. Funeral services were held at Thayer and the body, accompanied by Mrs. Boring, two sons, three daughters, James Downing, Chris Cooper and other relatives and friends, was brought to Blockton on train No. 5 Friday and interment was made in Rose Hill cemetery. Short services were held at the grave conducted by Ralph C. Yadon. An obituary will be published later.

Blockton News (Blockton, Iowa), Thursday, March 24, 1921
Joshua Oliver Boring was born in Coshocton, Ohio, Oct. 5, 1942 [1842], and died at his home in Thayer March 9, 1921.
He came to Illinois in the early sixties where he was united in marriage to Miss Martha McCollister. To this union was born 8 children, four of whom, besides the wife, preceded him to the world beyond. The surviving children are Harmon of Watertown ,South Dakota; Mrs. Bertha Euke of Verdt, Minn.; Mrs. Fannie Gould of Algona and Henry of Des Moines.
He was married to Miss Fannie Gibbs of Biggsville, Illinois, June 13, 1883. To this union was born 3 children of which he is survived by his wife and two children—Victor of Des Moines and Mrs. Edna Russell of Afton.
Mr. Boring united with the Christian church in early manhood and remained a faithful member until he was called home.
The funeral services were held at the Methodist church at Thayer and the remains were taken to Blockton and laid to rest beside his daughter, Mabel.

Cedar Rapids Evening Gazette (Cedar Rapids, Iowa), Tuesday, June 14, 1921
Young Undertaker Dies Suddenly at Marion
Marvin Crew, 35, son of A. J. Crew and member of the undertaking firm of Crew and Crew, died yesterday at 3 p. m. following a heart attack. He had complained of feeling ill all day and suddenly collapsed in the rear of the establishment. Coroner Frank Skinner was notified and pronounced angina pectoris the cause of death. The body was taken to Pingrey's undertaking rooms.
Mr. Crew and his father came to Marion a few weeks ago from Lorimer, Iowa and they established themselves in the Christie building. He was married a few years ago in Clearfield, Iowa. He is survived by his wife, his father and mother and cousins and other relatives. Funeral arrangements have not yet been made.

Cedar Rapids Evening Gazette (Cedar Rapids, Iowa), Wednesday, June 15, 1921
MARION – Mr. and Mrs. James Crew, an uncle, Ivan Crew, a cousin, and Mrs. Morey and her son of Clearfield, mother and brother of Mrs. Marvin Crew, are here to attend the funeral of Mr. Crew.

Marion Weekly Sentinel (Marion, Iowa), Thursday, June 16, 1921
Marvin Crew Drops Dead
Junior Member of New Undertaking Firm Just Opened for Business
Marvin Crew, who has been a resident of Marion only a few weeks and was the junior member of the new undertaking firm, which had just opened for business, dropped dead Monday afternoon. While the family has not lived here long enough to become very widely known, yet the sympathy of the entire community goes out to them in their hour of sorrow.
Mr. Crew had complained of pains across his chest during the day but did not feel any alarm and when his father suggested that he visit a physician, the son said he did not believe it was necessary. He had taken aspirin and had gone into the back room to get a glass of water to take another dose, when the end came. The father heard him fall and upon reaching his side found that death had claimed him. The family did not know of any serious heart trouble, for a medical examination about a year ago revealed a little lung trouble, but since that time he had seemed improved in health, so his sudden death was a serious shock to them.
The deceased was the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Crew and only last week an announcement had been made of the opening of their undertaking business, the father and son forming the firm under the name Crew & Crew. They had come here from Lorimer, Iowa, and were held in high regard. The family were originally from Lin county and have many old friends and relatives here. Mr. Crew was thirty-five years of age—and is survived by his wife, to whom he was married in 1916, his parents and one sister, Maola.
The funeral was held this afternoon at the Geo. Carver residence, where the parents have apartments. The Rev. A. H. Hanscom, of the Methodist church, assisted by the Rev. Saml. D. Noah, of the Christian church, conducted the services. Burial was in the Springville cemetery.
The business houses of the city were all closed during the hour of the funeral.

Blockton News (Blockton, Iowa), Thursday, June 23, 1921
Marvin Crew, who was engaged in the furniture and undertaking business here with C. E. Powers a few years since and who recently with his father located at Marion with an exclusive undertaking business, died very suddenly on Monday evening of last week at Marion. He leaves, beside his parents, a wife and was about 35 years of age. Interment was made at Springville, this state.

Blockton News (Blockton, Iowa), Thursday, September 1, 1921
L. C. Cummings, formerly of this place, passed away at his home in north Bedford Sunday morning. Funeral services were held at the Bedford Methodist church Tuesday afternoon conducted by Rev. Irving Putnam.

[DUNGY, J.M., Mrs]

Blockton News (Blockton, Iowa), Thursday, August 11, 1921
Mrs. Ralph Scott and children, of St. Joseph, came Thursday evening and in company with B. A. Wolfe and wife went to Grant City Friday to attend the funeral of their stepmother, Mrs. J. [ames] M. [onroe] Dungy, who passed away Wednesday evening about 6 o'clock. Miss Emma Dungy, who is attending college at Maryville, also attended the funeral.

Blockton News (Blockton, Iowa), Thursday, January 6, 1921
Senica Finn was born in Muscatine county, Iowa, December 27, 1860 and passed away at his home in Ringgold county, 3 ½ miles north of Blockton, Iowa, December 25, 1920, aged 59 years, 11 months and 28 days.
He leaves to mourn his departure, besides his wife, eight children—Edwin Irving, Maynard Harry, Harold Marion, Myrle Albert and Alice Katheryne at home; Mrs. Florene Abbott of Maryville, Kansas, and Walter Narvis of St. Joseph, Mo. and a large number of friends.
Mr. Finn united with the Blockton Methodist church under the pastorate of Rev. E. J. Laird and continued a faithful member until the time of his death.
Funeral services were held at the home Monday afternoon, conducted by Rev. A. F. Conrey and interment was made in Rose Hill cemetery.
[Note: The dates on his headstone are 1859 – 1919.  His first name is spelled Seneca on the headstone.]

Blockton News (Blockton, Iowa), Thursday, December 9, 1920
Clearfield Enterprise: J. [onathan] W. Fowler is dead, the result of a shotgun discharged in his own hand. His body was found at about eleven today in the outside wash house at the home, the top of his head blown completely away. A gun stood in a barrel. Mrs. Fowler was downtown on an errand. The coroner was at once notified.

Bedford Times-Republican (Bedford, Iowa), Monday, December 6, 1920
Killed by Falling Gun
CLEARFIELD, Ia., Dec. 3. – J. [onathan] W. Fowler, for many years a highly respected resident of this vicinity was found dead yesterday morning in the washhouse at his home in West Clearfield, death resulting from the discharge of his shotgun, which was found in the washing machine, the old gentleman having fallen nearby, with the top of his head nearly blown off. His wife found the body on her return home from a trip uptown. The neighbors were called, and the affair was a shock to the whole neighborhood. It is thought to have been an accident.

Blockton News (Blockton, Iowa), Thursday, September 15, 1921
Mrs. Gause Dies in Oklahoma City
Mrs. Isabelle Gause, daughter of Mrs. Frances Spoonemore of near Isadora, passed away at the Wesley hospital, Oklahoma City, Okla., Aug. 31, following a severe operation in Cheyenne, Wyoming, in October last year, a second operation in Oklahoma City on Aug. 9 and a third on Aug. 29. Following the first two operations she seemed to improve for a time but later became gradually weaker.
The remains were brought to her childhood home near Isadora, accompanied by her husband and adopted son, Teddie, aged seven, and also her sister, Mrs. Geo. Burrell of Canton, Oklahoma and laid to rest in the Isadora cemetery.
The funeral services were held in the Isadora M. E. church conducted by Rev. Stiles, pastor of the Grant City M. E. church.
Isabelle Spoonemore was born in Worth county, Mo., June 14, 1869 and passed away in Oklahoma City Aug. 31, 1921, aged 52 years, 2 months and 10 days.
She was united in marriage to C. [larence] O. Gause in Seattle, Washington, Sept. 20, 1891. She was a Christian serving the God who has borne our sorrows and carried our griefs.
She leaves to mourn her passing away besides her companion and son, her aged mother now past 92 years of age, two sisters and five brothers.

Blockton News (Blockton, Iowa), Thursday, September 15, 1921
The remains of Isabella Gauze, who passed away at her home in Oklahoma City recently were brought to the home of her mother, Mrs. Frances Spoonemore, near Isadora. Funeral services were held from the Isadora M. E. church and interment in the Isadora cemetery.

Carroll Daily Times Herald (Carroll, Iowa), Saturday, May 14, 1960
Mrs. Pearl Golliday – Mrs. Pearl Armita Golliday, 70, of Carroll, mother of Mrs. Howard Kobbe, died at her home here early Saturday morning, May 14.
Funeral services will be held in the Methodist Church at 10 a. m., Monday, the Rev. Ivan C. Bys officiating. Burial will be in Rose Hill Cemetery, Blockton, at 3 p. m. Monday.
Friends may call at the Huffman Funeral Home after 1 p. m. Sunday.
Mrs. Golliday was born at Grant City, Mo., January 6, 1890. Her maiden name was Pearl Armita Hubbard. She was married to Noah Earl Golliday at Des Moines, December 23, 1913.
Surviving besides Mrs. Kobbe are another daughter, Mrs. Milton Christiansen, of Dike; two sisters, Mrs. Myrtle Evans, Henry, Neb. and Mrs. Bertha Hughes, Mt. Ayr; one brother, Embry [Emery] Hubbard, Anaheim, Calif.; and four grandchildren, Mrs. Dan Seaton (Arleta Kobbe), Janesville, Wis.; Sharon Kobbe of Carroll; James Milton Christiansen and Leanne Pearl Christiansen, Dike.
She was preceded in death by her husband; one brother Irvin Hubbard and one sister Alpha Cortner.

Banner-Press (David City, Nebraska), Thursday, May 14, 1959
Funeral Services Held for Mrs. Virgil Graves
On May 6, funeral services were held at the Bellwood Methodist Church for Mrs. Virgil Graves, 79, who died in Omaha, May 4, following a long illness.
The Rev. Mearl C. Smith officiated at the 2 p. m. services. Vocalists were Hiram Davis, Mrs. Z. E. Matheny and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Anderson, accompanied by Mrs. Mearl C. Smith at the organ.
Pallbearers were Floyd Napier, Wilbur Napier, Harold Napier, and Howard Loveless. Burial was in the Bellwood Cemetery.
Lucy Emma, daughter of Taylor and Sarah Margaret Loveless, was born in Butler County, June 18, 1879. She grew to womanhood near Bellwood, receiving her education in the public schools and at Fremont Normal.
She taught school a few years prior to her marriage. On January 16, 1907, she was married to Virgil Graves. Six children were born to them. Except for a few years spent in Iowa, she has resided in the Bellwood vicinity. She was a member of the Bellwood Methodist Church, the W. S. C. S. and the Bellwood Fireman's Auxiliary.
She was preceded in death by two sons, Bryant, who died at birth and Virgil in 1954.
Surviving are her husband, one daughter, Mrs. Mable Keller of Sioux City, Ia.; three sons, Raymond of San Bruno, Calif., Everett of Bellwood and Ivan who is a member of the U. S. Coast Guard. She is also survived by one sister, Mrs. Cora M. Neisner of Loveland, Colo.; two brothers, Lester of Omaha and Marion of Bellwood; three grandchildren, one great grandchild and several nieces and nephews.

Columbus Daily Telegram (Columbus, Nebraska), Thursday, August 27, 1959
Rites held for Virgil Graves
Bellwood – (Special) – Services were held at 10 a. m. Wednesday at the Methodist church for Virgil H. Graves, 75, who died at his home here Sunday. The Rev. A. W. Johnson of Columbus, Methodist district Superintendent, officiated in the absence of the regular pastor. Burial was in the Bellwood cemetery.
Mr. Graves, a resident of Bellwood for many years was born Sept. 14, 1883 in Des Moines, Ia. and spent his early life in California, Arkansas and Iowa.
Coming to Bellwood in 1906 he met Lucy Loveless, who he married in 1907. They spent the first years of their married life in Iowa, after which they returned to Bellwood, where Mr. Graves worked for farmers of the community.
He was a charter member of the Bellwood fire department and held honorary membership at the time of his death.
Many will recall his musical talent with harmonica, guitar and voice.
He was preceded in death by his wife on May 4, less than four months ago. A son, Virgil, died in 1954 and an infant son and a brother, Bryant, also preceded him in death.
Mr. Graves is survived by four children, Raymond of San Bruno, Calif., Everett of Bellwood, Ivan with the Coast Guard in Greenland and Mable, Mrs. Joe Keller of Sioux City, Ia.; three grandsons and one great grandson.

Blockton News (Blockton, Iowa), Thursday, September 16, 1920
J. L. Hammers received word Thursday that his uncle, Chas. Hammers, had passed away at his home in St. Joseph after a long illness resulting from an attack of influenza.

Blockton News (Blockton, Iowa), Thursday, July 21, 1921
Wyatt Hankins, son of A. [den] T. [homas] Hankins and wife of near Shannon City, passed away at the sanitarium at Oakdale Tuesday, July 12, aged about 24 years. He was a soldier in the late war and contracted tuberculosis while in the service, an attack of pneumonia being the cause of his death.

Blockton News (Blockton, Iowa), Thursday, July 28, 1921
Wyatt D. Hankins Dead
Wyatt Dayton Hankins was born at Blockton Dec. 6, 1894 and died at Oakdale hospital July 12, 1921, aged 26 years, 6 months and 16 days.
His early boyhood was spent in Taylor and Ringgold counties, moving to Arispe in 1915. Here he lived and enjoyed the companionship of his family and friends until he was called into the service in 1918. He served in the infantry at Camp Pike until Dec. 1918, when he returned to Camp Dodge to be discharged. While at Camp Pike he contracted influenza, from which later developed tuberculosis. As his condition became more serious his physician sent him to the Oakdale sanitarium for treatment. For a time he seemed better, but final the dreaded disease claimed him. He bore his suffering patiently, never complaining. He left many friends among the patients and nurses at Oakdale, as well as here.
He leaves to mourn their loss his parents, three brothers and eight sisters, Mrs. Floy Ashenhurst, of Grand River; Mrs. Belle Conder and Mrs. Edith Jones, of Omaha; Cleo, Mabel, Reba, Fay, David, Meryle, Oral and Helen, at home.
Funeral services were held at the home Thursday, July 14, at 3 o'clock p. m. conducted by Rev. Coburn of Arispe and the body laid to rest in the Oakland cemetery at Shannon City.
Wyatt D. Hankins, ex-service man died at Oakdale July 12. Mr. Hankins was the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. [den] T. [homas] Hankins who live near Arispe. His sister, Miss Mabel Hankins, was with him the last two weeks, his father and mother, the last two days. He was a member of the American Legion of his home community. Mr. Hankins was a private in Casual Detachment No. 18, 163 Depot Brigade. He contracted influenza at Camp Pike in Nov. 1918 but did not report for sick call. He gave as his reason for this that there were so many that were worse off that he thought they should have the first chance. This consideration for others was a marked characteristic of Wyatt Hankins and won for him the affectionate regard of his comrades and fellow patients. The local American Legion, the Women's Auxiliary and the American Red Cross were all interested in Wyatt Hankins and tried to do what they could for him. The ex-service men at Oakdale watched over him like brothers and feel their loss keenly. Wyatt Hankins goes as many another having paid the price of his service to his country, with no reward, no glory except in his own consciousness of having done his part. – Sentiments from Oakdale in Afton Star-Enterprise.

Blockton News (Blockton, Iowa), Thursday, February 17, 1921
Elsie May Albright-Harwood was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Albright. She was born in Old Kent, Stevenson county, Illinois, Jan. 26, 1880 and passed to her heavenly home, Feb. 2, 1921, making her age 41 years and 6 days. She was the next to the oldest of a family of six children, three of whom have passed away. She with her parents resided in Illinois until the time of her marriage to Rev. J. [ohn] W.[illiam] Harwood, which occurred on Sept. 29, 1903, at Freeport, Ill. Since that time her lot has been that of a pastor's wife. Sister Harwood was of a sunny disposition and was a great help to her husband in his work in the church. She always enjoyed the favor of the community socially and the love of God's people generally. She joined the church in her girlhood days and has since that time been a consistent, devoted Christian, always submissive to the will of God and active in His service.
There were born in the home of Brother and Sister Harwood five children, three of whom are living, their names being Olivette May, Chas. W.[illiam]  and Evelyn.
During the past three years Mrs. Harwood has been almost an invalid. She has been a great sufferer and bore her lot with unusual patience, not for one hour being gloomy because of great pain. She died as she lived and left a most triumphant witness to the keeping power of the Saviour in the hour of death. She was conscious to the very end and spoke of going home with great composure and comfort and said the future was perfectly clear and her faith in God strong.
Our sister leaves her companion of 18 years, her three children, two stepchildren whom she raised, her father and mother, one sister and two brothers, besides many relatives and numerous friends.
Funeral services were held in the Methodist church at Derby, where Rev. Harwood is pastor, Dr. R. E. Shaw, superintendent of the Chariton district, assisted by Rev. Goodsell of Chariton, conducting the service.

Blockton News (Blockton, Iowa), Thursday, July 28, 1921
Miss Elsie Hays Dead
Miss Elsie Hays, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hays, pass away at the home of her parents Sunday evening at about 9 o'clock, aged 30 years, 4 months and 27 days. Miss Hays had been an invalid almost all her life. The funeral services were held at Forest Grove church Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock, conducted by Rev. E. E. Lowe of Bedford and interment was made in the Forest Grove cemetery.

Bedford Times-Press (Bedford, Iowa), Thursday, December 5, 1946



Blockton News (Blockton, Iowa), Thursday, March 26, 1936
Mrs Etta Hooper Dead
Mrs. Etta Hooper passed away at the home of her mother, Mrs. Henry Hays, west of town Sunday after a several months illness.

Bedford Times-Press (Bedford, Iowa), Thursday, March 26, 1936
Mrs. C. Million, 48, Dies at Blockton
Mrs. C. A. Million, 48, died at her home near Blockton, Sunday, March 22.
The funeral services were held at the Wetmore Funeral Home Tuesday afternoon, conducted by Rev. C. Max Buck. Burial was in the Fairview cemetery.
Coraetta Jip Hays, daughter of Henry and Cora E. Hays, was born near Blockton in Taylor county, Iowa, May 1, 1887.
May 25, 1905 she was married to C. [harles] L. Tryon and to them two children were born, Laura L. Boyer of Fairplay, Colo. and Fisher F. Tryon of Blockton, Iowa. Her husband died Feb. 17, 1917.
June 29, 1920 she was married to C. [lifford] A. [llen] Million and to them one son was born, Travis G. [aylon] Million, now at home.
Surviving with the above named children are three grandchildren, Snow, Franklin and Madelon Bullock of Fairplay, Colo., her aged mother, Mrs. Cora E. Hays and a sister, Dora L. Hall of Blockton.

Blockton News (Blockton, Iowa), Thursday, November 3, 1921
Redding Herald: Mayor J. [ames] N. [elson] Hoover received word Monday that his half-brother, Floyd Hoover, was killed in France in the early part of the war in which our country took part. Mr. Hoover had lost track of his brother for several years before the war and did not know he had enlisted until Monday when he received word that he had been killed. A great many of our readers will remember Floyd Hoover as he lived in this vicinity a good many years ago.

Creston News Advertiser (Creston, Iowa), Tuesday, August 12, 1958
Dennis Howard of Creston Dies
E. E. (Dennis) Howard, 82, of 1004 West Jefferson street in Creston, died at 3:30 p. m. Monday at his home following a heart attack. He had been in ill health the past year.
Funeral services will be held at 10 a. m. Wednesday at Coens Home for Funerals with Rev. Father Patrick O'Shea officiating and burial in Calvary cemetery. The body is at Coens Home for Funerals where it will lie in state until time of services. The casket will not be open following services. The Rosary will be said at 7 p. m. this evening at the funeral home.
Born Nov. 29, 1875, at Murray, he was the son of L. C. and Mary Howard. He was married Sept. 7, 1898, to Eva May Wherry who passed away on Dec. 24, 1915. On Feb. 16, 1925, he married Anna Peterson who survives.
Also surviving are three daughters, Edna Tourigny of Inglewood, Calif., Jean Howard of Creston and Agnes Wickman of Council Bluffs; three sons, John of Camarillo, Calif., Paul of Omaha and James of Princeton, Mo., and two stepsons, Martin and Paul Peterson, both of Kansas City, Mo. One child, Harry Howard, is deceased. Also surviving are a brother, O. [gden] J. Howard of Compton, Calif. and a sister, Le Anna Howard, of St. Joseph, Mo. Nineteen grandchildren and 13 great grandchildren also survive.
A farmer during his lifetime, he spent all of his years in the Kent and Creston area. He retired in 1945.

Blockton News (Blockton, Iowa), Thursday, December 30, 1915
W. C. and E. K. Wilson and their wives went to the vicinity of Lenox Saturday, called there by the death of their cousin's wife, Mrs. E. E. Howard. Mrs. Howard, formerly Miss Mae Wherry and daughter of Cal Wherry and wife of Lenox, died Friday morning of pneumonia, leaving six children ranging in age from about four or five years to sixteen years. The funeral was held from the Lenox Methodist church Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock and interment took place in the Lenox cemetery. John Ledgerwood and wife of Des Moines and L. C. Howard and family of St. Joseph, were also present at the funeral.

Creston News Advertiser (Creston, Iowa), Thursday, March 25, 1954
Maude E. Howard Dies Here at 76
Maude E. Howard, 76, a retired registered nurse who had lived in Union county most of her life, died at a nursing home here at 7 p m. Wednesday. She had been ill for about a year.
Her body is at Coens Home for Funerals. Funeral arrangements have not been made pending word from relatives. They will be announced later.
Miss Howard was born at Murray, Ia., July 30, 1877. She was the daughter of L. C. and Mary Palmer Howard. She had never married.
Miss Howard was a member of the Christian church.
Surviving her are two brothers, E. E. Howard of Creston and O. J. Howard of San Mateo, Calif., and a sister, Lee Anna Howard of St. Joseph, Mo.

Creston News Advertiser (Creston, Iowa), Friday, March 26, 1954
Rites Saturday For Maude Howard
Funeral services for Maude E. Howard will be held at the Christian church at Blockton at 2 p. m. Saturday. Burial will be in the Blockton cemetery. Miss Howard, a retired registered nurse, died at a nursing home here at 7 p. m. Wednesday after a one-year illness.

Creston News Advertiser (Creston, Iowa), Tuesday, March 30, 1954
Those from a distance who attended the funeral on Saturday of Maude E. Howard were Le Anna Howard, of St. Joseph, Mo.; Harry H. Howard, Albany, Ill.; Paul Howard, Omaha, Nebr.; Mrs. Agness Wickman, Council Bluffs; Mr. and Mrs. Martin Peterson and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Allen Peterson, all of Kansas City, Mo.; and Mrs. C. P. Widson, of Des Moines; L. C. Howard, Parkersburg; and Mrs. Daisy Gashel, Chicago, Ill.

Creston News Advertiser (Creston, Iowa), Tuesday, March 30, 1954
Maude Ethlyn Howard – Maude Ethlyn Howard, eldest daughter of Laurel Casper and Mary Eunice Palmer Howard was born July 30, 1877 near Clearfield, Taylor county, Iowa, passed away March 24, 1954 at 203 South Birch St., Creston, Iowa, at the age of 76. She is survived by two brothers and one sister, Elwin E. [lton] Howard, Creston, Iowa, Ogden J. Howard, San Mateo, California and Le Anna Howard, St. Joseph, Mo. Also several nephews and nieces, cousins and a host of friends. One brother, Ora P. [almer] Howard and one sister, Achsah Ledgerwood, preceded her in death. Miss Howard united with the Christian church at Shenandoah, Iowa, at the age of 15. She taught school in Union County, Iowa, before entering Nurses Training School, graduating from the Epworth Hospital School of Nursing, South Bend, Indiana in 1900, becoming a registered nurse. Years later she had a prolonged illness of typhoid fever which caused her to be inactive in her profession. The greater part of her life was spent in the state of Iowa, residing with her parents in Blockton for several years at one time. The past two years she had suffered with arthritis. Always patient and cheerful she won the admiration of all whom she met and will be greatly missed.
Funeral services were held March 27, 1954 at Blockton, Iowa, with burial in Blockton cemetery.

St. Joseph News-Press (St. Joseph, Missouri), Friday, December 27, 1968
Henry L. Hubbard – Henry L. (E. L.) Hubbard, 86, died this morning at his home, 304 East Missouri avenue.
Born in Worth county, Mr. Hubbard had lived here six years. He was a Methodist.
Three nephews and three nieces survive. One nephew, Weldon Cortner, lives here. A sister, Mrs. Bertha Hughes, Mount Ayr, Iowa, was buried there Monday.
The body is at the H. O. Sidenfaden & Son mortuary.
[Note: His Missouri State Death Certificate gives the first name as Emery.]

Jamestown Weekly Alert (Jamestown, North Dakota), Thursday, March 31, 1921
F. L. Huffman, One of Oldest Employees of Postoffice, Passes
Friend L. Huffman, one of Jamestown's well-known citizens and for the past fifteen years employed at the Jamestown post office, passed away about 8:30 Saturday a. m. following an illness of about three weeks. Mr. Huffman had an attack of rheumatism lasting about two weeks some two weeks prior but had recovered and was back at work when taken with a second attack.
Mr. Huffman was fifty-four years of age, having been born in Ringgold county, Iowa, March 2, 1867. He came to Jamestown fifteen years ago and was employed as a mail carrier until about six months ago when he was transferred to the money order department.
He was married to Miss Maggie Gleason on Thanksgiving Day, 1890, his first wife dying about twelve years ago. Mrs. Anna Hauser and Mr. Huffman were married October 23rd, 1911.
In addition to his widow, the deceased leaves nine children; Mrs. Ernest Blackmore and Mrs. Joh Grettenburg of Jamestown, Capt. V. J. Huffman of the Salvation Army at Bismarck, Mrs. J. J. Nygaard, Mrs. J. G. Gaustad, Ethel, Florence, Fred and Ernest Hauser, all of Jamestown, and four grandchildren. His mother, Mrs. S. E. Huffman, who is 76 years of age, also survives, as does one brother, Herbert T. Huffman of Clearfield, Iowa.
Mr. Huffman was a member of the Workmen, Odd Fellows and Woodmen lodges.

Blockton News (Blockton, Iowa), Thursday, April 7, 1921
L. Huffman, only brother of Bert Huffman of Clearfield, passed away at Jamestown, North Dakota, where he had been a mail carrier for over a dozen years, week before last.

Clearfield Enterprise (Clearfield, Iowa), Thursday, October 18, 1928
Died at Hospital.
Mrs. S. E. Huffman, mother of Mr. Bert Huffman, was taken the last of the week to St. Joseph for hospital treatment. We understand that an operation was resorted to, but her condition was such that she could not rally and death came at about nine o'clock Sunday night. The body was brought home on Monday. We give obituary in another place this week.

Clearfield Enterprise (Clearfield, Iowa), Thursday, October 18, 1928
The funeral of Mrs. S. E. Huffman was postponed one day to allow the arrival of relatives from a distance and will be held this afternoon at 1:30 at the Methodist Church. Obituary next week.

Creston News Advertiser (Creston, Iowa), Tuesday, October 23, 1928
Mrs. Huffman Dies.
Mrs. S. E. Huffman, who went on Tuesday to St. Joseph, Mo., for an operation at the Mercy hospital, died at that place on Sunday evening. She was 84 years of age and could not rally from the operation. The body was brought to Clearfield on Monday and services were held from the Methodist church on Thursday afternoon, by Rev. E. S. McCartney, assisted by Rev. Joseph Brown and Rev. Weakland. The singing was by a double mixed quartet and interment was mad in the Benton cemetery. The floral offerings were beautiful and profuse, showing the high esteem in which the deceased was held.

Creston News Advertiser (Creston, Iowa), Tuesday, October 23, 1928
CLEARFIELD - Capt. Vernon Huffman and wife, both officers in the Salvation Army, with offices at Hutchinson, Kan., came Thursday, called by the death of his grandmother. They returned to their home on Friday.

Creston News Advertiser (Creston, Iowa), Wednesday, October 24, 1928
(Editor's note—The following was written by Mrs. Sarah E. Huffman and in compliance with her request the date of her death was inserted and the manuscript was mailed The News Advertiser.)
Sarah Elizabeth, daughter of John and Harriett Rider, was born on a farm near Roseville, Muskingham county, Ohio, on Aug. 23, 1844 and died at the Mercy Hospital at St. Joseph, Mo., on Oct. 14, 1928, at the age of 84 years, one month and 21 days.
I lived in Muskingham county until the year of 1855, the year of the great western movement. My father, imbued with the western fever, with some of his old neighbors, started with teams and wagons for the then "golden west" where we arrived the last day of Oct. 1855 and settled on a farm 12 miles north of Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Here I attended school and at 15 years of age was converted and joined the M. E. church to which I have always belonged. When 17 years of age I taught my first school. Thereafter teaching in summertime and attending school during the winter part of the time in Mt. Pleasant.
On Jan. 30, 1866, I was married to O. H. Huffman of Ashland county, Ohio. To this union were born two boys, Friend L., March 2, 1867 and Herbert Theron, Feb. 19, 1871, in Ringgold county, Iowa, where we lived until the boys were married and went to homes of their own. On Jan. 29, 1900, O. H. died, leaving me alone. In 1920 Friend died which leaves only Bert and me of my family. Of course the boys have their families, Friend, three, and Bert, five, and they have theirs. We are in all four generations.

Clearfield Enterprise (Clearfield, Iowa), Thursday, October 25, 1928
Obituary – Mrs. S. E. Huffman
Sarah Elizabeth, daughter of John and Harriet Rider, was born on a farm near Roseville, Muskingum Co., Ohio, Aug. 23, 1844 and passed away at the Mercy Hospital at St. Joseph, Missouri on October 14th, 1928, at the age of 84 years, 1 month, 21 days.
The following is Mrs. Huffman's own autobiography:
I lived in Muskingum county until the year of 1855, the year of the great western movement. My father, imbued with the western fever, with some of his old neighbors, started with teams and wagons for the then "golden west" where we arrived the last day of Oct. 1855 and settled on a farm 12 miles north of Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Here I attended school and at 15 years of age was converted and joined the M. E. church to which I have always belonged. When 17 years of age I taught my first school, thereafter teaching in summer time and attending school during the winter part of that time in Mt. Pleasant.
On Jan. 30th, 1866, I was married to O. H. Huffman of Ashland county, Ohio. To this union were born two sons, Friend L., March 2nd, 1867 and Herbert Theron, Feb. 19th, 1871, in Ringgold county, Iowa, where we lived until the boys were married and went to homes of their own.
On Jan. 29th, 1900, O. H. Huffman passed on, leaving me alone. In 1920 Friend passed over which leaves only Bert and me of my family. Of course the boys have their families-- Friend, three, and Bert, five, and they in turn have families of their own.
I am going "where the flowers are ever blooming and the skies are always bright." I shall not be in the casket but up and far away in the elysian fields.
Goodbye my friends and neighbors, I will be looking for you—don't disappoint me."
The funeral service was held on Thursday afternoon at the Methodist Church, conducted by the pastor, Rev. E. S. MacCartney. Interment was in the cemetery at Benton.

Blockton News (Blockton, Iowa), Thursday, October 27, 1921
Sarah Abigail Jennings, daughter of Andrew and Delaha [Delpha] Jennings, was born April 19, 1862, departed this life October 20, 1921—as the sun was going down—aged 59 years, 6 months and 1 day.
She was one of a very devoted family of nine children and those preceding her to the great beyond were her brothers: Perry Jennings, William S. Jennings, Ambrose Jennings, Thomas Jennings; and sisters: Mary Ellen Jennings, Nancy Isibel Jennings, Frances Jane Jennings. To mourn her loss—one sister remains whose love and devotion has been manifest to an almost unspeakable degree and fittingly the last word that fell from the lips of the departed one was this sister's name.
The deceased obeyed the gospel of the Son of God and united with the Church of Christ in the days of her youth and lived an humble, earnest Christian life.
Frail of body, hers has been a life of suffering. She leaves an example of patience and meek endurance, to all who knew her. Often, she talked of the home to which she was hastening and spoke her hopes of heaven and eternal life.
Her wishes were carried out in regard to the last sad rites. Charles S. Cobb and J. W. Smith conducted a most beautiful service at the home Saturday morning at 10 o'clock and interment was made in the Jennings cemetery near Alanthus Grove, Missouri.

Blockton News (Blockton, Iowa), Thursday, July 28, 1921
Judge A. [lexander] W. Kelso, a resident of Grant City since 1875 and a native of Missouri, passed away at his home in Grant City Sunday, the 17th.

Blockton News (Blockton, Iowa), Thursday, October 20, 1921
Dave and Luke White received a telegram Friday morning that their sister, Mrs. Ida King of Haviland, Kansas, had passed away. Her father, Dave White of Athelstan, Luke White, wife and son, Glen and Floyd Ames and wife left Friday afternoon by auto to attend the funeral Sunday. – Sheridan Advance.

[KING, JAMES W., 1837 – 1920]
Blockton News (Blockton, Iowa), Thursday, October 28, 1920
J. W. King Dead
J. [ames] W. King, of Coyle, Oklahoma, and a brother of Mrs. Elizabeth Page, Mrs. S. B. Hickenlooper and J. [ohn] A. [llen] King of this place, whose critical illness was mentioned a few weeks since, passed away at his home in Coyle on Thursday, the 21st, and interment was made at Coyle. He was about 83 years of age. Besides his wife he leaves a daughter, Mrs. Clara Atwell.

Blockton News (Blockton, Iowa), Thursday, November 4, 1920
A little babe was born to Mr. and Mrs. Lester King of near Grant City Monday, but the little one only lingered with them a short time, passing to the world beyond. They have the sympathy of friends.

Cimarron Valley Clipper (Coyle, Oklahoma), Thursday, Sep 4, 1924
Mrs. J. [ames] W. King, formerly of Coyle, died Monday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ed Atwell, in Cushing. While paralysis was the direct cause of death, Mrs. King had been in poor health for some time.
The remains were brought to Coyle Tuesday accompanied by the family and Cushing friends and funeral services held at the Christian Church conducted by a minister of Cushing, after which interment was made in the Coyle cemetery beside her husband who was buried there several years ago.
Grandma, as Mrs. King was familiarly known, was a kindly old lady and made many warm friends while residing here and a large number turned out Tuesday to pay their last respects to their old friend.
Virginia E. Fisher was born Oct. 18, 1840, in Hoosier Co., Indiana, died Sept. 1, 1924. Was married to James W. King in 1859 at Bedford, Iowa: three children were born to this union, 1 boy and 1 girl passed away several years ago. They had been members of the Methodist church since the year of their marriage.

St. Joseph Gazette (St. Joseph, Missouri), Tuesday, July 27, 1965
Mrs. Frank Kobbe
Mrs. Clara Belle Kobbe, 81, died Sunday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Stanley Hensley, 723 North 10th street. Mrs. Kobbe formerly resided in Grant City, Mo.
In addition to the daughter, she is survived by her husband, Frank Kobbe of St. Joseph; nine other daughters, Mrs. Georgie Wake and Mrs. Wilma Allee, both of Sheridan, Mo., Mrs. Viola Downey and Mrs. Neva Fattig, both of Grant City, Mrs. Fern McCrary of Leona, Kan., Mrs. Madeline Brown of Omaha, and Mrs. Audrey Courtner, Mrs. June Huff and Mrs. Naomi King, all of St. Joseph; four sons, Dale Kobbe of Lincoln, Neb., Forrest Kobbe of Eugene, Ore. and Kenneth Kobbe and Keith Kobbe, both of Powell, Wyo.; one sister, Mrs. Ruby Robinson of Lexington, Neb.; 54 grandchildren; 61 great grandchildren and one great great grandchild.
Services will be at 2 p. m. Wednesday at the Prugh-Dunfee chapel in Grant City. The Rev. L. B. Day will officiate, and burial will be in Honey Grove Cemetery, north of Grant City.
[Note: The name on her headstone is C. Pearl Kobbe. The same death notice was published in the Maryville Daily Forum, July 28, 1965.]

St. Joseph News-Press (St. Joseph, Missouri), Tuesday, July 27, 1965
Kobbe Services
Services for Mrs. Clara Pearl Kobbe, 81, will be at 2 Wednesday in the chapel of the Prugh-Dunfee mortuary at Grant City. The Rev. L. B. Day will officiate.
Mrs. Kobbe, a native of Worth county, Mo., died Sunday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Stanley Hensley, 723 North 10th street, with whom she had been living since October of last year. She had been in failing health for some time.
Prior to moving to St. Joseph two years ago, Mrs. Kobbe resided in Grant City, Mo. She was a member of the Methodist Church at Isadore, Mo.
In addition to Mrs. Hensley, survivors include her husband, Frank Kobbe, St. Joseph; nine other daughters, Mrs. Georgie Wake and Mrs. Wilma Allee, both of Sheridan, Mo., Mrs. Viola Downey and Mrs. Neva Fattig, both of Grant City; Mrs. Fern McCrary, Leona, Kan.; Mrs. Madeline Brown, Omaha, and Mrs. Audrey Cortner, Mrs. June Huff and Mrs. Naomi King, all of St. Joseph; four sons, Dales Kobbe, Lincoln, Neb.; Forrest Kobbe, Eugene, Ore., and Kenneth and Keith Kobbe, both of Powell, Wyo.; one sister, Mrs. Ruby Robinson, Lexington, Neb.; 54 grandchildren; 61 great grandchildren and one great great grandchild.

Blockton News (Blockton, Iowa), Thursday, July 22, 1920
Inez Hope, the infant daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kobbe Saturday, July 17, was interred in Rose Hill cemetery Sunday evening.

St. Joseph News-Press (St. Joseph, Missouri), Saturday, December 16, 1972
John F. Kobbe – John Franklin Kobbe, 86-year-old St. Joseph resident, died Thursday evening at a local hospital.
He was a retired farmer and laborer. He was a former resident of Worth County, Mo., but had lived in St. Joseph 29 years.
Survivors are four sons, Dale Kobbe, Lincoln, Neb., Forrest Kobbe, Riverton, Wyo., Keith Kobbe, Meeteetse, Wyo., and Kenneth Kobbe, Powell, Wyo.; eight daughters, Mrs. Viola Downey, Grant City, Mo., Mrs. Fern McCaray [McCrary], Mrs. Audrey Cortney [Cortner], Mrs. June Huff, Mrs. Estille Hensley and Mrs. Naomi King, all of St. Joseph, Mrs. Wilma Allee, Sheridan, Mo., and Mrs. Madeline Sauble, Council Bluffs, Iowa; a sister, Mrs. Ella Defenbaugh, Mount Ayr, Iowa; several grandchildren, and several great grandchildren.

Maryville Daily Forum (Maryville, Missouri), Monday, December 18, 1972
Hold Funeral Rites For J. R. Kobbe, 86
Funeral rites were held Sunday afternoon at the Prugh-Dunfee Chapel, Grant City, for John Franklin Kobbe, 86, St. Joseph, retired farmer, who died Thursday evening in a St. Joseph hospital. Burial was at Blockton, Ia.
The father of Mrs. Wilma Allee, Sheridan, he was a former Worth County resident.

Blockton News (Blockton, Iowa), Thursday, August 5, 1920
Mrs. William Lambert, of Maloy, passed away at her home at Maloy Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock after a lingering illness. Funeral services will be held this morning—Thursday.

[LARSON, HARRY'S INFANT, 1921 – 1921]
Blockton News (Blockton, Iowa), Thursday, March 10, 1921
J. P. Minor and W. F. Walton went to Knowlton Thursday to attend the funeral services of the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Larson, the little babe dying at birth Thursday morning. Mrs. Larson was formerly Miss Maude Minor of this place.

Blockton News (Blockton, Iowa), Thursday, September 23, 1920
Mary Anna Anderson-Little was born near Blockton Aug. 25, 1878 and passed away at her home in Fort Collins, Colorado, Sept. 11, 1920, aged 42 years, 17 days.
She lived in and near Blockton until her marriage to Claude E. Little at the home of her sister, Mrs. W. H. Patrick, near Redding, on Nov. 23, 1899. They moved to southern Missouri at once and since that time only made a few visits here during the past six years. [words unreadable] high school, Freddie, who died at the age of 6 years, Anna at the age of 1 year and George Allen, who is 11 years of age.
She united with the U. B. church at Blockton when about 17 years of age and was always a Christian woman. She was nurse and comforter for all who were near until she could go no longer; then people came to her and she received ever[y] attention it was possible to give. She was cheerful and contented through it all. Her church had been the Christian church for many years.
Besides her husband and two children she leaves two sisters, Mrs. W. H. Patrick and Miss Dollie Anderson, of Blockton, and one brother, Thomas H. Anderson, of Creston and several nephews and nieces.
The funeral services were held Sunday afternoon, Sept. 12, conducted by Rev. Moore, pastor of the Presbyterian church. Interment was made in the Fort Collins cemetery.

Blockton News (Blockton, Iowa), Thursday, September 23, 1920
Mrs. W. H. Patrick and Miss Dolly Anderson received word last week that their sister, Mrs. C. E. Little of Fort Collins, Colorado, whom they went to see a few weeks since, passed away at her home in Fort Collins, on Saturday morning, the 11th, and was buried at that place on the Sunday following. Mrs. Little, besides leaving the husband, leaves a daughter and son, Bertha and George, both in their teens.

Blockton News (Blockton, Iowa), Thursday, September 1, 1921
Mrs. U. [lysses] S. G. [rant] Lynch, of Mt. Ayr and a sister of Dr. B. H. Miller of this place, passed away at a St. Joseph hospital Friday evening about 5 o'clock following a critical surgical operation submitted to on the Saturday before. The funeral was held at the home in Mt. Ayr Monday morning at 10 o'clock and interment was made in the Redding. Cemetery.

Blockton News (Blockton, Iowa), Thursday, September 8, 1921
Ella, daughter of Wm. M. and Mary J. Miller, was born October 7, 1872 at Redding, Iowa, where she lived until married to U. [lysses] S. G. [rant] Lynch on October 12, 1892. Their [words unreadable] years.
Mrs. Lynch departed this life Friday afternoon, Aug. 26, at a St. Joseph hospital. She was 48 years, 10 months and 19 days old. She leaves to mourn her departure her faithful husband, the daughter, Mrs. Gladys Kleber, of Ft. Dodge; one brother, Dr. B. H. Miller, of Blockton and five sisters, Mrs. Fannie M. Rush of Monmouth, Ill.; Mrs. Nina Crouch of Redding; Mrs. Sopha Lamb, of Farwell, Neb.; Miss Lera Miller, of Monmouth, Ill.; Miss Etta Miller, of Blockton.
Mrs. Lynch is [a] descendant of the house of Ochletree, which traces 792 years of Scotch-Presbyterian lives. She was a faithful member of the United Presbyterian church of Mt. Ayr. She was a devoted wife, a faithful mother, and as a neighbor, named "The flower of the community."
The funeral was held at the home, Monday, at 10 a. m., conducted by Rev. W. L. Torrence. Interment was made in Redding cemetery.
The immediate relatives were all present at the funeral.

Blockton News (Blockton, Iowa), Thursday, June 30, 1921
William Maylan was born in Montreal, Canada, in 1840. Before the war he was married to Elizabeth Van Natta and to this union one child was born, James. He died in infancy. Elizabeth, his wife, died before the child. Mr. Maylan was then married to Margaret Warden and to this union 8 children were born: Ore E., Joseph, Arthur, Nellie F., Glen, Delbert, Alice T., Stayton and two having died in infancy, Mrs. Margaret Maylan dying some 35 years ago. Mr. Maylan then married Miss Susan E. Meeks and one child was born to this union but died in infancy.
Mr. Maylan spent the greater part of his life on the home place near Irena and followed the profession of farming for a livelihood. He served in Co. C of the 12th Missouri cavalry in the defense of his country.
He was united in marriage to his present wife in the year 1888 at Kingman, Kansas, and three children were born to this union: Mrs. Carrie Jones of Irena and Miss Chelsa who lives with her mother in St. Joseph, the eldest, Della, dying in infancy.
The funeral services were held at the Honey Grove church Sunday afternoon, June 19, conducted by Rev. Frank R. Gillihan and interment was made in the cemetery at that place.

Bedford Times-Press (Bedford, Iowa), Thursday, August 29, 1974
Lilyan Nye McLeod Last Rites Held August 19
Funeral services for Mrs. Harry (Lilyan Fae) McLeod, 88, formerly of Blockton, were held August 19 at Prugh-Dunfee Funeral Home in Grant City, Mo. Mrs. McLeod died August 16, 1974 in Fort Wayne, Ind. Interment was at Rose Hill Cemetery in Blockton.
Lilyan Fae Nye was born on November 16, 1885, near Salem, South Dakota, one of three daughters born to John Nye and Lenna Preston. One sister died in infancy and the other, older than Fae, died in December of 1962.
Fae attended high school in Blockton. Her father, John Nye, and her first husband, Byron Hibbs, built the Christian Church in Blockton in the early 1900s and Fae was baptized in the baptistry there when she was 16.
Fae was married in 1903 to Byron Robert Hibbs who preceded her in death. Later she married Harry L. [loyd] McLeod, who died in May of 1969 at the age of 96 years and five months.
One daughter, Donna Mae Hibbs, died at the early age of nine years and one son, Robert, died in December 1969, at the age of 59 years.
She is survived by one daughter, Lenna Bradbury, of Phoenix, Ariz.; a half-brother, John Nye of Wheatland, Ia., three half sisters, Mary Clary, Great Bend, Kans., Myrtle Nalley, Kansas City, and Vera King of Des Moines; two stepsons and one stepdaughter, all of whom loved their stepmother and will miss her.

Blockton News (Blockton, Iowa), Thursday, March 10, 1921
Doyle Dewain, infant son of Walter and Maggie Morris, was born Dec. 6, 1620 [1920], and died Feb. 26, 1921.
He leaves father, mother, one brother, three sisters, two grandfathers, two grandmothers and many friends to mourn his departure.
Thus another little bud has been taken from earth to blossom in heaven, for such is the kingdom of heaven.
A short funeral service was held at the cemetery at Athelstan conducted by W. M. Hunt. Text Psalm 103, 15th and 16th verses.
Interment was made in the Athelstan cemetery.

Bedford Free Press (Bedford, Iowa), Thursday, March 17, 1921
ATHELSTAN – Doyle Dwain Morris, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Morris, was born December 6, 1920, and departed this life February 26, 1921. Besides his parents he leaves three sisters and one brother to mourn his loss. his funeral was conducted by Rev. W. M. Hunt and burial at Athelstan cemetery.

Blockton News (Blockton, Iowa), Thursday, March 3, 1921
Jeremiah Parker, son of James and Sarah E. [lizabeth] Parker, was born Aug. 8, 1871, in Ringgold county, Iowa and departed this life at a hospital in St. Joseph, Mo., Feb. 16, 1921, aged 49 years, 6 months and 4 days.
He spent almost his entire life in Ringgold county and the last 40 years was spent in the vicinity of Redding, where by his jovial disposition and honesty in dealing with his fellowmen, he could number his friends by his acquaintances. He was a man of strong character and tried to do his duty as he saw it.
He was united in marriage to Ida Mae Hudson March 6, 1907, and to this union was born one son, Jeremiah Howard.
He leaves to mourn their loss, his wife, son, mother, one sister—Mrs. T. J. Stephens of Blockton; two brothers—Frank of Redding and J. L. of Cabool, Mo.; several nephews and nieces had a host of friends.
Funeral services were conducted Friday, Feb. 18, at the Redding M. E. church by a former pastor, Rev. G. T. Roberts and interment made in the Redding cemetery.
[Note: His Missouri State Death Certificate gives his birth date as August 12, 1871.]

Leader-Post (Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada), Monday, January 3, 1972
PERKINS—Friday, Dec. 31, 1971, Mr. Harry Gray Perkins, age 83 years, late of Rouleau, Sask. Predeceased by his first wife Mabel, in 1921 and his second wife, Elsie, in 1971. Mr. Perkins is survived by four sons, Ernest, Don and Roy all of Rouleau, and Dean of Calgary, two daughters, Mrs. Betty Fleming, Rouleau, Mrs. (Gail) D. A. McKay, Edmonton, sixteen grandchildren, one great grandchild, two sisters, Mrs. Edna Dowell, Diagonal, Iowa and Mrs. Mary Gaule, Clearfield, Iowa. Funeral services will be held in Speers Funeral Chapel, Tuesday, Jan. 4, 1972, at 3:30 p. m., Rev. D. Bater will officiate. Interment to follow at a later date in the Rouleau Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Canadian Arthritis Rheumatism Society, 4-1651-11th Ave., Regina, Sask.

Blockton News (Blockton, Iowa), Thursday, May 12, 1921
Mrs. Harry Perkins Dead
A telegram was received here Monday by Robert Campbell stating that his daughter, Mrs. Harry Perkins, had passed away at her home near rouleau, Saskatchewan, Canada. A later telegram from another daughter, Mrs. Ralph Payton, of Emerson, Manitoba, stated that Mrs. Perkins had passed away that day and would be buried that evening. Mr. Campbell had received a telegram on Friday morning of last week stating that Mrs. Perkins was ill with smallpox but as he and his son, Joe, had the disease one year ago and were only slightly ill, no fears were entertained in regard to the matter and the news of her death came as a severe shock to her relatives and friends here. Mrs. Perkins will be remembered as Miss Mabel Campbell. She was united in marriage to Harry Perkins in May 1909 and after residing in North Dakota some two or three years moved to Rouleau, Saskatchewan, Canada. Besides her husband she leaves a son, Ernest, about ten years of age.
[Note: South Dakota, Marriages, 1905-2017, gives the marriage date as May 9, 1910.]

Blockton News (Blockton, Iowa), Thursday, September 1, 1921
According to the daily papers Homer Petty, a farmer living near Lineville and who was a nephew of Mrs. D. T. Waldrip of this place, was instantly killed, his wife fatally injured, his father suffered a broken leg and his children slightly injured when a Rock Island passenger train struck his automobile on a grade crossing at the edge of Lineville on Wednesday of last week. The Petty family was on the way to the Wayne county fair at Corydon when the accident occurred.

Blockton News (Blockton, Iowa), Thursday, June 16, 1921
Will Polley Dead
Will Polley of Delphos and a brother of Mrs. Edgar Thompson and Mrs. C. E. Poor of this place, passed away at his home at Delphos Saturday afternoon after an illness of about twenty-four hours with gall stones. He leaves a wife and five children.
Funeral services were held at the Baptist church at Delphos Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock and interment was made at Mt. Ayr. Obituary next week.

Blockton News (Blockton, Iowa), Thursday, June 23, 1921
William Albert Polley, eldest son of Edwin and Diantha Polley, was born Sept. 14, 1882, near Maloy, Iowa, where he grew to manhood. He died at his home in Delphos, Iowa, Saturday, June 11, 1921, after an illness of but two days, being 38 years, 8 months and 27 days of age.
He was converted and joined the Baptist church at Maloy at the early age of 15 years, retaining his membership with the same until the time of his death.
On Feb. 7, 1906 he was united in marriage to Lizzie M. Mapel of Mt. Ayr and to this union five children were born—Cleo G., Orville K., J. Edwin, Cecil E. and Martin L.
The wife and five children, his aged father and mother, four sisters—Mrs. Cora A. Turner of McClave, Colorado; Mrs. Leona E. Thompson, Mrs. Minnie E. Poor and Mrs. Lula E. Skinner of Blockton—and one brother Guy E. Polley of Mount Ayr—survive him. These together with a host of friends, mourn his early departure.
He was a man of kindly disposition, a loving husband and father and one who will be greatly missed in the community.

Funeral services were held Tuesday morning, June 14, at 10 o'clock from the First Baptist church at Delphos, conducted by Rev. E. F. Thompson and the body was laid to rest in Rose Hill cemetery at Mount Ayr.

Blockton News (Blockton, Iowa), Thursday, June 23, 1921
Mrs. Cora A. Turner, of McClave, Colorado, came last week called here by the death of her brother, W. A. Polley at Delphos but unfortunately, owing to delays, did not arrive here until after the funeral.

Blockton News (Blockton, Iowa), Thursday, August 26, 1920
Nina Maude Pritchett, daughter of E. [ugene] W.[inegar] and Eva Pritchett, suddenly passed to her reward August 20, 1920. She was born near Macedonia [words unreadable] children. She was only 16 years, 5 months and 7 days of age. Her illness of long standing. But the end came while she was sleeping beside her mother and thus her young life went out amid the dreams of sleep's wonderland.
She is survived by her parents and seven brothers and sisters, one brother having preceded her in death.
Nina was a good child and will be missed by the family and her many friends.
Funeral services were held at the home near Blockton Sunday morning conducted by Rev. J. W. Harwood and interment was made in Saint's cemetery at Wheeler's Grover, near Macedonia, Pottawattamie county, the family burial grounds.

Blockton News (Blockton, Iowa), Thursday, December 1, 1921
Francis Quinn Dies at Sanger, Cal.
Francis Quinn, a resident of Sanger for the past 17 years, passed away at his home this morning, November 27, at 3:15, after a lingering illness of over two years.
The deceased was a native of Scotland, coming to America when a lad of twenty and friendless and alone, started out to make his way in a strange land. How well he succeeded is shown by the high esteem in which he has been held in the town and community.
Settling first in Illinois he met and married Miss Alla J. shields, and from this union were born five children—J. S. and C. F. Quinn of Sanger, C. M. Quinn of Dinuba, Mrs. M. L. Reed and George W. Quinn of Fresno, all of whom survive him. Had the deceased lived five more days they would have been married 56 years.
Funeral services will be held from the Lisle undertaking parlors in Fresno on Saturday, November 19 at 10:30 and interment will be made in the Fresno mausoleum. – Sanger (Cal.) Herald.

Blockton News (Blockton, Iowa), Thursday, June 23, 1921
Cash Risner Drowns
Mrs. Wm. Hughes of northwest of town received word last week of the accidental death of Cash Risner, son of Leander Risner, by drowning while swimming in a lake near the Risner home in Minnesota. The lad, who was 16 years oa ge, was supposed to have been taken with cramps as he could swim. The body was secured soon after the accident, but life was extinct. Funeral services were held at Dassel and the body laid to rest in the Dassel cemetery beside his mother who preceeded him in death a few years ago. The Risner family formerly lived for a few years on the A. J. Agee farm north of Gay Center and the lad had many friends and play mates who will [be] sorry to learn of his death.
[Note: The first name is spelled Kash on his headstone.]

Blockton News (Blockton, Iowa), Thursday, February 3, 1921
Jacob A. [braham] Saville was born in Rockbridge county, Virginia, Jan. 17, 1841 and passed away at his home, 4 miles east of Redding, Iowa, at 10 o'clock Wednesday morning, Jan. 26, 1921, aged 80 years and 9 days.
He was the son of John and Sarah Saville and was the fifth of a family of nine children and the last to survive.
When he was 15 years of age his parents removed to Knox county, Tennessee, where he lived until the outbreak of the Civil war, in which he served for two years.
He then came to Morgan county, Illinois, where he was married Oct. 18, 1866, to Mary E. [mma] Henderson.
In the fall of 1871 he came to Ringgold county, Iowa and settled upon the farm where he resided until the time of his death.
Mr. and Mrs. Saville were the parents of 10 children all of whom are living: Mrs. J. H. Link of Mt. Ayr, Iowa; Joseph H., of Mountain Park, Oklahoma; John S., of Redding; Jacob A., of Blockton; Mrs. W. J. McQuigg, of Redding; Mrs. T. E. Forbes of Redding; George F., Elmer L., Guy A. and Bernard all of whom were present except Joseph H., who was unable to be present on account of sickness.
Mr. Saville has been a worthy member of the Methodist Episcopal church for about 60 years and a local preacher of that church for several years. He was an active worker in the cause of religion and temperance.
Altho he had been in poor health for the last two years his last illness was of only a few days duration.
He leaves to mourn their loss his aged wife, 10 children, 41 grandchildren and 14 great grandchildren, besides a host of friends.
Funeral services were held from the Redding Methodist church Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock, conducted by the pastor, Rev. Baker.
Interment was made in the Redding cemetery.

Blockton News (Blockton, Iowa), Thursday, March 17, 1921
William Taylor Seaton, eldest son of Frank and Lyda Seaton, was born at Whiteley, Greene county, Pennsylvania, October 22, 1856 and departed this life at his home in Blockton March 15, 1921, aged 64 years, 4 months and 23 days.
He came with his parents to Iowa in 1875. Since that time, he has lived continuously in and near Blockton.
He was united in marriage to Miss Fannie L. Newton on November 21, 1880. To this union was born nine children, seven of whom are living. One child died in infancy and John E. passed away on October 6, 1903. The living children are Gertrude Peterson, of San Francisco, California; Ray F., of Wahpeton, North Dakota; Minnie M. Phillips, of Blockton; Gladys G. Hass, of Grant City, Missouri; Una Vey, Marie B. and Willard W., who with his wife, reside at home. He leaves to mourn his wife and children, four grandchildren and his aged stepmother, one sister and four brothers, all of Delphos.
Mr. Seaton united with the Christian church at Blockton during Rev. Nichols' pastorate. He was a member of the Blockton Lodge No. 363, Knights of Pythias, for some twenty-two years.
He had been a rural carrier out of Blockton for nineteen years and at the time of his death was carrier on route one.
His last illness extended over a period of several months.
Funeral services were held at the Blockton Christian church yesterday afternoon at 2:30, conducted by the pastor, Rev. E. E. Stringfellow, and interment was made in Rose Hill cemetery.

Blockton News (Blockton, Iowa), Thursday, March 17, 1921
Miss Vey Seaton, who is teaching in the Conway schools, came Tuesday, called here by the death of her father, W. T. Seaton.

Blockton News (Blockton, Iowa), Thursday, March 24, 1921
Miss Marie Seaton, who is teaching in the Roswell, South Dakota, schools, came last week called here by the death of her father, W. T. Seaton, but did not arrive here in time for the funeral.

Blockton News (Blockton, Iowa), Thursday, February 17, 1921
John Severns Dead
Sid Severns received a message Sunday afternoon that his brother, John Severns of Buda, Texas, whom Mr. Severns recently visited, had passed away at 1 o'clock that afternoon. It will be remembered that the deceased spent several weeks here last year and was at one time a resident of this county, leaving here for Texas in 1881. He was born in Illinois Dec. 16, 1845, making him aged 75 years, 1 month and 27 days at the time of his death. He came to Taylor county in 1856 and was later married to Miss Anna Birdwell who preceded him in death. He leaves seven children as his immediate family and one brother and two sisters, Sidney Severns and Mrs. J. S. Kennedy of this place and Mrs. W. P. Beeson of Yuma, Colorado, also survive him. He was a Civil War veteran. Interment was made at Buda.

Blockton News (Blockton, Iowa), Thursday, March 24, 1921
E. K. Wilson and wife and Mrs. W. C. Wilson went to Hopeville Sunday to attend the funeral of Mrs. E. K. Wilson's aunt, Mrs. Mary Jane Shields, which was held at 2 o'clock Monday afternoon.

Blockton News (Blockton, Iowa), Thursday, May 12, 1921
Annetta L. Welton was born in Hancock county, Illinois, Feb. 24, 1844 and died at the break of dawn on Wednesday, May 4, 1921, aged 77 years, 2 months and 10 days.
She was married to Calvin F. Spooner at Centerville, Iowa, on December 16, 1868. To this union was born four children, Lettie M. [atilda] and James L. [inza], both deceased; Charles E.[lbert] of Geuda Springs, Kansas, and Minnie O. [live] Brown of Gladbrook, Iowa.
Mr. and Mrs. Spooner lived at Centerville six years. From there they moved to Poweshiek county and after residing there two years they came to Taylor county in November 1875.
Mrs. Spooner became a Christian at the early age of fourteen and has been a faithful member of the Christian church of Blockton for many years. Her favorite verse was Romans 6:8, "Now if we be dead with Christ we believe that we shall also live with Christ."
She leaves to mourn her death besides her husband, son and daughter, two sisters, one brother, six grandchildren and many other relatives and a host of friends.
Her son and daughter were with her during her twelve days illness. Her brother and sisters were unable to be present at the funeral on account of distance and advanced age. The brother lives in Loveland, Colorado and the sisters live in California and Montana.
The funeral services were conducted from the home by E. E. Stringfellow Thursday at 2 p. m. and interment was made in Rose Hill cemetery, Blockton. The pall bearers were Arthur Sharp, Will Matheny, Jess Younkin, Robert Harvey, Will Ewart and Will Moon.
[Note: The first name is spelled Anetta on her headstone and Iowa State death certificate.]

Blockton News (Blockton, Iowa), Thursday, June 30, 1921
Thelma Arleen Stephens, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Stephens, was born at Bellwood, Nebraska, November 29, 1920 and was called home June 21, 1921, aged six months and twenty-two days.
She departed this life at the Davis City hospital, Davis City, Nebraska. She was brought to the home of Mrs. Stephens' father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Spoonemore, where the funeral services were conducted June 23, 1921, by Challie E. Graham, after which the remains were laid to rest in the Isadora cemetery.
She leaves to mourn her early departure, her father, mother, two brothers, one sister and a host of other relatives and friends.
The bereaved family and relatives have the sympathy of their friends in this time of sorrow. May they not weep as those who have no hope. Jesus said, "Of such is the kingdom of heaven." Your darling is safe in His arms. And remember that while she shall not return to you, you may go to her. May the tender loving Shepherd comfort and guide you all to that home where tears never fall and where joy reigns eternal.

Blockton News (Blockton, Iowa), Thursday, March 3, 1921
J. [acob] R. [ayner] Stephenson, of Clearfield, who has been critically ill for several weeks, passed away yesterday morning at 7 o'clock. The funeral will be held this afternoon at 2 o'clock.

Bedford Times-Press (Bedford, Iowa), Thursday, April 7, 1949
Obituary – Arthur Wisdom
Arthur Ellis Wisdom, son of George and Ida Wisdom, was born near Blockton, Oct. 12, 1884 and died at the home of his son, Raymond, near Blockton, at the age of 64 years, 5 months, 21 days, after an illness of eighteen months.
Left an orphan at an early age, he grew up in the home of relatives near Blockton.
On Oct. 10, 1906 he was married to Ina Sickels of Athelstan. To them four children were born: Mrs. Estella Connor of Geneva, Minnesota; Mrs. Ethel Kientz of Colorado Springs, Colorado; Raymond of Blockton. A daughter, Irene, passed away in infancy.
Surviving with the three children are two sisters, Stella W. Sundberg of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, Mary Proctor of Keosauqua, Iowa; five grandchildren, Marceline, Paul and Jeanne Connor; Kenneth and Wanda Kientz.
He was preceded in death by his wife, Ina; his parents and three brothers. The funeral services were held at the Methodist church in Blockton, Monday, April 4, conducted by Rev. G. W. Swan. Burial was in Rose Hill cemetery.

St. Joseph News-Press (St. Joseph, Missouri), Saturday, November 17, 1945
Mrs. Arthur E. Wisdom – Mrs. Ina Wisdom, a resident of Blockton, Iowa, died last night at a hospital in St. Joseph. She was 58 years old. Mrs. Wisdom is survived by her husband, Arthur E. [llis] Wisdom and a son, Raymond Wisdom, both of Blockton; two daughters, Mrs. Ethel Kientz, Mayetta, Kan., and Mrs. Estelle Connor, Geneva, Minn.; five brothers, E. G. Sickels, Mount Ayr, Iowa; four sisters, Mrs. Gertie Rusco, Blockton; Mrs. Alice Gold, Clarks Grove, Minn.; Mrs. Margaret White, Atchison, Kan., and Mrs. Clara Cornman, St. Joseph and five grandchildren. Mrs. Wisdom was a member of the Baptist Church at Mount Zion, Iowa. The body has been removed from the Heaton-BeGole and & Bowman mortuary to Blockton for services and burial.

St. Joseph Gazette (St. Joseph, Missouri), Saturday, November 17, 1945
Mrs. Ina Wisdom, 58 years old, whose home was at Blockton, Iowa, died at a St. Joseph hospital last night. The body is at the Heaton-BeGole & Bowman mortuary and will be taken to Blockton today.
Surviving are the husband, Arthur E. [llis] Wisdom, Blockton, a son, Robert Wisdom, Blockton; two daughters, Mrs. Ethel Kientz, Mayetta, Kan., and Mrs. Estelle Connor, Geneva, Minn.; five brothers, E. G. Sickles, Mount Ayr, Iowa; Guy Sickles, living in Montana; John, Challie and Glenn Sickles, Athelstan, Iowa; four sisters, Mrs. Gertie Rusco, Blockton; Mrs. Alice Gold, Clarks Grove, Minn.; Mrs. Margaret White, Atchison, Kan., and Mrs. Clara Cornman, St. Joseph; and five grandchildren. Mrs. Wisdom was a member of the Baptist Church at Mount Zion, Iowa.

[WOOD, GEORGE W., 1851 – 1921]
Blockton News (Blockton, Iowa), Thursday, September 15, 1921
Rev. G. W. Wood, formerly pastor of the Blockton Methodist church, passed away at his home in Des Moines on August 28.

Blockton News (Blockton, Iowa), Thursday, May 2, 1929
Lorenzo D. Worthington, son of Benjamin and Mary Worthington, was born in Greene county, Penn., on Oct. 23, 1844 and after five days of illness died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. DeWeese, in Chanute, Kansas, April 26, 1929, aged 84 years, 6 months and 3 days.
When a young man he came to Iowa and was united in marriage to Marion E. Proctor on Nov. 1, 1867. To this union eight children were born—Laura, Lillie, Frank, Charley, Ray, Ira, Walter and Nellie.
He was preceded in death by his wife and four children—Frank, Charley, Walter and Nellie. He is survived by four children—Mrs. Laura King, of Los Angeles, Cal.; Mrs. Lillian DeWeese, of Chanute, Kansas; Ray Worthington, of Spirit Lake, Iowa and Ira Worthington, of Princeton, Minn.
At the age of 19 years he enlisted in the Civil war, in Co. a., Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry, and served for 19 months or until the close of the war. He was a resident of Ringgold county for 53 years. Since the death of his wife he has made his home with his daughter, Lillie.
Mr. Worthington was well known and highly respected by his many friends in Blockton and in Ringgold county. These together with his many relatives mourn his passing.
The body was brought to Blockton from Chanute, Kansas, Saturday and funeral services were held at the Blockton Christian church Sunday afternoon, conducted by Rev. C. Max Buck and interment was made in Platte River cemetery west of Maloy.

Blockton News (Blockton, Iowa), Thursday, May 2, 1929
Ira Worthington of Princeton, Minn. came Saturday to attend the funeral of his father, L. [orenzo] Worthington.

Blockton News (Blockton, Iowa), Thursday, May 2, 1929
W. H. DeWeese and wife, of Chanute, Kansas, accompanied the body of her father, L. Worthington, here for burial Saturday.
Harry Worthington, of Des Moines, came Saturday to attend the funeral of his uncle, L. Worthington.
Ray Worthington, of Spirit Lake, came Saturday morning to attend the funeral of his father, L. Worthington.

Blockton News (Blockton, Iowa), Thursday, May 12, 1921
Mrs. Lorenzo Worthington Dead
Mrs. L. Worthington passed away at her home at Maloy Monday evening about 6 o'clock. She was about 73 years of age.
Besides the husband and children—Mrs. Lillie Dewees and Mrs. Laura King, both of Erie, Kansas; Ray, of Inland, South Dakota and Ira of Princeton, Minnesota—she leaves one brother, Mortimor Proctor and two half-brothers and one half-sister, A. R. and John Hill and Mrs. C. M. West and other relatives and friends to mourn her death.
Funeral services were held at the Maloy Christian church yesterday morning at 11 o'clock conducted by E. E. Stringfellow and interment was made in Platte River cemetery.

Blockton News (Blockton, Iowa), Thursday, May 19, 1921
Marian E. Proctor, daughter of Henry and Samantha Proctor, was born at Janesville, Ohio, July 18, 1846 and passed away at her home in Maloy after an illness of three weeks during which she was a great sufferer, on May 9, 1921, aged 74 years, 9 months and 21 days.
When a child of three her parents moved to Wisconsin. From that state they moved to Jasper county, Iowa, in 1864. The family moved to Ringgold county in 1865 where she has since resided.
On November 1, 1867, she was united in marriage to Lorenzo D. Worthington. To this home eight children born—five boys and three girls: Mrs. Laura King, of Erie, Kansas; Frank H., who died in infancy; Mrs. Lillie DeWeese, of Erie, Kansas; Chas. A. who passed away in 1898 in in Denver, Colorado, at 24 years of age; Ray H., of Inland, South Dakota; Ira M., of Princeton, Minnesota; Walter V., who passed away in 1900 after a lingering illness of three and one-half years at the age of 21 years and Ellen M., who died in infancy.
Besides her aged husband and children she leaves to mourn her loss one brother, Mortimor; seven grandchildren, two great grandchildren, two stepbrothers, A. R. and John Hill; one stepsister, Mrs. C. M. West and many friends and neighbors.
Mrs. Worthington had been an invalid for several years.
Funeral services were held at the Maloy Christian church Wednesday, May 11, conducted by E. E. Stringfellow. Interment in Maloy cemetery.