Cemeteries |
Dallas Center Cemetery is
in section 22. |
I have been told that there
are some burials in the Pangburn school yard [section 20]. Two or more children
had died who were attending the school; the funeral
and burial's took place at the school.
There are two burials in
a yard in section 28. |
Country Schools |
#1 Barton, section 2 |
#2 Glassgow, section 10 |
#3 Rawling [Lone Star], section 6 |
#4 Prairie Gem [Pangburn], section 20 |
#5 Center [Dallas], section 16 |
#6 Hazel Dell, section 23 |
#7 Frog Valley, section 26 |
#8 Fairview, section 28 |
#8 New Market Town school, section 32 |
#9 Memory, section 31 |
The school in section 20
was the Prairie Gem or Pangburn.The map in the 1881 Taylor
County, Iowa History by Evans
shows the town named Memory
where New Market is today
with the Memory Post Office
still where Memory was in
section 31.