Courthouse Records:
Records in the Taylor County Courthouse
Taylor County Courthouse, Bedford, Iowa 50833
Clerk's office - 712.523.2095 - probate records
Recorder's office - 712.523.2275 - marriage, birth, death and deeds

Some birth, death, marriage records are online on


New rules for courthouses

Oon about page 1120 in the document:


4. People who search in person may use their own cameras to snap photos of local vital records, free of charge.

95.7(2) Electronic devices, including but not limited to scanners, cameras, tablets, cellular phones or laptops, shall not be used to secure images or copies from county vital records. Laptops or like devices may be
allowed only for purposes of typing information into a genealogy software program or electronic document and as directed by the state registrar or county registrar.

5. Publication of local vital records is no longer prohibited and punishable.

95.2(2) A vital record, index, or subset of data shall not be maintained in any other system or manner except as provided for in Iowa Code chapter 144 <> and authorized by the state registrar.

6. Indexing, web-posting, and distribution of information taken from local vital records is no longer prohibited and punishable.

95.2(4) To protect the integrity of vital records and to ensure their proper use, no vital record, index, or subset of data shall be posted to the World Wide Web or published in any other manner except as provided for in Iowa Code chapter 144
<> and pursuant to subrule 95.10(3) <>
or as authorized by the state registrar.
95.7(3) 95.7(2) Information inspected and copied shall not be published or
used to establish an index or record of information at any other location official
system for the registration of vital statistics except as authorized by Iowa Code chapter 144

These new rules were adopted and filed on March 8, 2017, with the effective
date of 95.2, 95.7 and 95.10 [ARC 2933C] delayed 70 days by the Administrative Rules Review Committee at its meeting held February 10, 2017. This would make them effective April 21, 2017.  Direct links to the pertinent Administrative Code locations on the Web: