Taylor County, Iowa marriages
Many marriages of Taylor County, Iowa can be found on the familysearch.org website. Names are often misspelled so try entering each of the names and then the name with only 1 initial for the first name.
Male Index
A-names 1851 - 1910
Ba - Bl names 1851 - 1910
Bo - By names 1851 - 1910
C-names 1851 - 1900
D-names 1851 - 1900
E-names 1851 - 1900
F - names 1851 - 1900
G - names 1851 - 1900
Ha-He names
Hi-Hy names
I - names
J - names
K names
L names
M names
N names
O names
P names
Q names
R names
S names
T- names
U names
V names
W names
Y names
Z names
The marriages in Taylor County begin with a volume that starts in 1857. The original marriage records from 6 Feb 1851 [formation of county] to 1857 are in the general book of records on Taylor County. It has road petitions to wills in it. They are quite randomly in the book. I have copied some of the entries which give some info on them.
Allumbaugh, William to Nancy Jane Ross
Hindman, Franklin - Mary Ellen Husband
Baker, Ransom to Elizabeth Ross
Moor, John to Louisa Thompson [two]
Anno, John to Veattis Hudson
Landrum, Hawkins to Priscilla Dayly
Luallen, Isaiah to Sary Jane Nisley
Hindman, William to Lomira Thompson
Miller, Bury to Elizabeth Ross
Fenno, Edgar to Celinda Randall
Park, Joseph to Sary Jane Parker [two]
Ross, William to Nancy Shannon
Meehan, John to Lydia Cox [two]
Watts, Wm. to ? Ellen Copeland
Brook, Mitchell to Rebekah Ann Haun
Boatright, Jacob to Celia Cook
Cobb, Henry to Mary Turner
Luallen, John to Selina Gambell [two]
Johnson, James to Elizabeth Taylor
Bent, Luther to Elizabeth Miller
Laverly, David to Marilla Otis
Garren, George to Armilda Garren
Bullock, Richard to Mary Ann Pulliam
Gladden, William to Sarah Lewellen
Holland, William to Francis Willhite?
marriage certificate of Edward Freeman and Maud Link