Newspaper Availability for Articles and Obituaries
Atchison Co, Mo  
Atchison County Library, 200 S. Main, Rock Port, 64482 has an obituary file.
Atchison County Mail, 300 S Main Street, Rock Port, Mo 64482 [newspaper]
Fairfax Forum, 128 Main Street, Fairfax, Mo 64446 [newspaper]
Tarkio Avalanche, 521 Main Street, Tarkio, Mo 64491 [newspaper]
Gail Roorda: is checking the current Fairfax Forum and The Tarkio Avalanche for obits. Please contact her for copies from her files.
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Bedford, Ia Bedford Times-Press, 310 Main Street, Bedford, Iowa 50833 [newspaper]
Lenox Time-Table, 101 1/2 E Temple, Lenox, Iowa 50851 [newspaper]

Bedford papers online - not currently available

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Clarinda, Ia

 Nodaway Valley Historical Museum,
Box 393, 1600 South 16th Street,
Clarinda, Iowa 51632.

$5 for each obituary or each article

$10 for a trip to the Page County Courthouse for official records.  They charge $5 for each record. 

$20 for first hour of family survey [includes photocopies]



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Maryville, Mo Contact Letha Marie Mowry,, about data from obituaries
Maryville Daily Forum, 111 E Jenkins Street, Maryville, Mo 64464 [newspaper]
  Nodaway News Leader, 116 E 3rd Street, Maryville, Mo 64464 [newspaper]
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Shenandoah, Ia

Shenandoah Public Library
201 S Elm Street
Shenandoah, Iowa 51601 / phone 712-246-2315 / 712-246-5847 (fax)

Shenandoah Historical Museum
405 W Sheridan Ave
Shenandoah, Iowa 51601

  Valley News Today, 702 W Sheridan Ave, Shenandoah, Iowa 51601 [newspaper]
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State of Iowa  
contact either of the state libraries and ask for a list of persons who will do research for a fee. The state libraries will not do this research themselves.
The State Historical Library, 600 East Locust, Des Moines, Iowa 50319
The State Historical Society of Iowa, 402 Iowa Ave., Iowa City, IA 52240
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State of Missouri
Missouri State Historical Society
Hitt & Lowry Streets,
Columbia, Missouri 65201
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