Star – Clipper Supplement Chapter XI A Sabbath school is an adjunct of a church, and often a forerunner. The first organized here was in 1853 at the cabin of Mr. Osborn, a few rods south of the mill site of Traer, with Mr. Story superintendent. It held no sessions during the winter, and was reorganized next spring. In the summer of 1856, at the school house in Buckingham, T. R. Shiner organized a school, raised five dollars and sent for books, receiving to the amount of $15. This was a union school. The next spring it re-organized with J. A. Stewart superintendent, and D. Connell, librarian. This season Gov. Buckingham sent the school a library containing 350 volumes, many of them standard works of value. During this year the house was usurped by some carpenters and every Sabbath morning Mrs. B. A. Connell and Mrs. Jane Smith swept and cleaned the room before it could be used for Sabbath school and meetings, carrying the books to and from the store. The house not being plastered there were no services during the winter. This organization was continued until 1867, when the
building of church edifices called for separate schools.
There were other schools in the various school houses
throughout the settlement. Before dismissing the subject
of religion and religious work mention should be made of
the “Great Awakening” on the interest of the soul. In
the latter part of November, 1868, Rev. W. H. Marble, a
congregational clergyman, then pastor at Waterloo, came
to assist Mr. Roberts and continued ten weeks. There was
a skeptical shake of the head when for the foundation he
asked: “Can these dry bones live?” For several weeks it
seemed to be answered in the negative, but the Spirit
was at work and the bones began to stir. The week of
prayer Rev. J. D. Potter, an evangelist from Connecticut
came. Great success had followed his efforts elsewhere.
There was to be no failure here. He held meetings four
days with marked results. The bones came together living
men. 300 men, women and youth confessed their sins, very
many uniting with the churches. The writer followed the
larger part of those converts who removed, with
inquiries and found the seed had fallen upon good
ground. The permanent strength of the congregational and
Methodist churches is attributed to that revival. The
bell of the Congregational church has a history which
may be of interest, or rather the manner it was
procured. The Advance newspaper, then in its
infancy, offered among other articles as a premium, a
bell for a certain number of subscribers. It was a large
number to secure in teh neighborhood at that time, as
sixty names at $2.50 each were needed. Mrs. Jane Smith
resolved to make the effort to secure them and the bell.
For several days on horseback she canvassed, meeting
with rebuffs and witticism. She persevered and
accomplished the task. It was the first and only bell in
the settlement until the days of Traer. Few know the
cost of the first three churches in individual effort. 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | |