It has been said;
That woman's "love" is a"holy light"
That "brighter", "brighter" burns for aye.
Years cannot dim its radiance bright
Or even "falsehood" quench its ray.
But like the star of Bethlehem of old
To Israeals shepards given,
It marshalls with its steady flame
The "erring" soul of man to "heaven",
Yours truly
R. D. Melick
Chelsea, Iowa Feby, 24, 1885
"From the autograph album of Martha M. "Mattie" Roach
of Chelsea, daughter of Fred and Eliza J. (Hutchins)
Roach. She married Samuel T. May in Toledo, Tama County,
in 1891."
Submitted by: Bob Hutchins tecxas@earthlink.net