OBITUARIES: Index of Names Lyo - Mur;  Butler County, Iowa

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Lyons, Donald C.                                  JUN 13,1913  APR 07,1991
Lyons, Elsie nee Wiltfang                         MAY 02,1883  FEB 08,1968
Lyons, Frank O.                                   1871         SEP 20,1935
Maas, Dennis                                      SEP 06,1949  APR 08,1996
Maas, Ebbo                                        FEB 17,1879  MAR 20,1969
Maas, Harry                                       MAR 26,1883  AUG 05,1945
Maas, Harry H.                                    JUN 22,1914  OCT 22,1987
Maas, Henrietta nee DeVoogh                       OCT 07,1891  DEC 06,1980
Maas, Kathryn "Carol" nee Vossberg                AUG 26,1918  NOV 04,1997
Maas, Peter E.                                    JAN 17,1917  APR 11,1986
Maass, Henry F.                                   MAR 31,1871  FEB 1947
Maass, Hilton                                     FEB 12,1901  DEC 11,1980
Maass, Richard                                                 APR 15,1945
Maass, Wilber J.                                  DEC 07,1887  OCT 01,1947
Maassen, Ernie                                    APR 16,1919  FEB 27,1993
MacCamon, Mrs. G. E.                              1898         1965
MacCormack, Ronald C.                             1916         NOV 18,1992
Mackie, Clarence                                  AUG 30,1922  JAN 25,1996
Mackie, Mae nee Petersen                          JUL 04,1900  APR 05,1993
MacLeod, Hugh Gordon                              JUL 10,1894  MAY 19,1968
MacLeod, Janet                                    JAN 02,1889  OCT 03,1983
Madigan, Ed                                       OCT 26,1861  DEC 12,1936
Madsen, Carrie Kristine nee Christensen           AUG 11,1881  JAN 05,1966
Madsen, Donald Nester                             JUN 11,1919  FEB 05,1996
Madsen, Einar R.                                  JUL 13,1906  JAN 08,1994
Madsen, Ernest T. "Ed"                            FEB 15,1875  SEP 14,1952
Madson, Tena nee Schafer                          MAY 22,1902  FEB 18,1989
Magill, Emma                                      1859         MAR 22,1946
Magnuson, Clarence                                NOV 19,1918  AUG 13,1982
Magnuson, William Warn                            MAY 07,1909  APR 22,1994
Maguire, James J.                                 1870         MAR 1946
Maguire, Paul J.                                  APR 22,1908  FEB 13,1985
Mahan, Merle nee Steffen                          1896         AUG 09,1945
Mahanke, Anna nee Olson                           SEP 14,1870  JUN 20,1943
Mahanke, Henry E.                                 JUL 03,1929  OCT 25,1973
Mahanke, Henry F.                                 FEB 08,1864  APR 10,1942
Mahanke, W. H.                                    SEP 24,1850  AUG 28,1941
Mahle, Christine nee Storjohann                   MAY 13,1914  JAN 18,1997
Mahnke, Chris G.                                               NOV 23,1946
Maifeld, Alda Vivian nee Brown                    JAN 04,1898  AUG 15,1978
Maifeld, Bertha Elizabeth nee Borneman            MAY 14,1908  JUN 16,1992
Maifeld, Caroline nee Siefken                     JAN 09,1899  JUL 18,1993
Maifeld, Eliza nee Pengel                         APR 07,1879  MAY 20,1941
Maifeld, Grace nee Harms                          JUL 11,1904  MAY 26,1992
Maifeld, Gustav U.                                MAY 29,1912  OCT 19,1999
Maifeld, Henry G.                                 JUL 01,1902  MAR 25,1988
Maifeld, J. August                                APR 05,1906  SEP 04,1984
Maifeld, J. Henry                                 FEB 02,1899  MAY 20,1990
Maifeld, John                                     NOV 04,1909  JUL 30,1982
Maifeld, Louis                                    APR 13,1865  NOV 30,1931
Maifeld, Ontjo                                    JUL 12,1900  JUN 30,1991
Maifeld, Orvil                                                 MAY 1961
Maifeld, Orvil L.                                 UNKNOWN      UNKNOWN
Maifeld, Swanetta nee Schipper                    SEP 06,1914  APR 10,1951
Maifeld, William L.                               JUL 23,1894  MAY 04,1974
Maifield, Albert                                  NOV 25,1907  MAY 24,1991
Maifield, Donald Wayne                            DEC 10,1926  JUN 07,1991
Maifield, Gustav Ontjo                            NOV 23,1923  AUG 11,1984
Maifield, Harold                                  MAY 16,1924  MAY 16,1995
Maifield, Harry                                   JUL 28,1911  JAN 21,1995
Maifield, Lillie May nee Harris                   JUL 14,1903  MAY 17,1968
Maifield, Lowell J. "Tubby"                       JUL 1928     APR 14,1987
Majewski, Bernice Bertha "Bun" nee Meek           JAN 08,1904  DEC 01,1997
Majewski, Dale C.                                 FEB 06,1920  JUN 24,1987
Majewski, Florence Virginia "Flossie" nee Neel    FEB 13,1921  FEB 08,1987
Majewski, Grace Dorothy nee Strong                MAY 08,1898  AUG 22,1994
Majewski, Lloyd J.                                AUG 02,1919  FEB 24,1987
Majewski, Pauline Elizabeth nee Canoe             FEB 03,1922  NOV 27,1994
Malott, Mary nee Riley                            FEB 13,1835  APR 25,1925
Malott, Rees T.                                   MAY 25,1833  JAN 31,1904
Malpert, John                                     MAR 10,1900  MAY 22,1987
Mamminga, Arthur                                  FEB 05,1913  JAN 30,1987
Mamminga, Betty J. nee Frisch                     JUN 01,1929  AUG 13,1989
Mamminga, Frank                                   OCT 25,1914  AUG 25,1979
Mamminga, M. G.                                   APR 19,1890  JUL 1971
Mamminga, Mildred nee Colberg                     MAY 22,1905  MAY 17,1983
Mangas, Lois B. nee Tindall                       NOV 27,1914  MAR 22,1995
Manifold, Jennie nee Arends                       JAN 24,1915  MAY 12,1993
Manifold, Louis A. (see 1988 section)             OCT 05,1904  JAN 30,1989
Mantz, Mary nee Cramer                            MAR 27,1893  MAR 26,1976
Marion, Tom                                       1885         JAN 24,1944
Mark, Anna nee Dreesman                           SEP 26,1918  NOV 04,1994
Mark, Dorothy nee Leigh                           SEP 08,1904  OCT 31,1997
Mark, Harriett Adella nee Harris                  JUL 02,1917  JUN 10,1998
Mark, Lawrence Edward                             JAN 28,1917  MAY 06,1998
Mark, Wayne C.                                    JAN 20,1914  1976
Marken, Mabel E. nee Dawson                       OCT 09,1886  OCT 25,1982
Marken, Ralph                                     1919         NOV 01,1999
Marken, Ralph W.                                  JAN 08,1904  1983
Markle, Betty Lou nee Knutson                     SEP 12,1928  MAY 06,1993
Marks, Albert                                     1920         JAN 1948
Marks, Anna nee Schipper                          OCT 13,1917  DEC 20,1999
Marks, Dena nee Aswegan                           NOV 08,1859  NOV 03,1943
Marks, Heinrich                                   FEB 16,1839  MAY 01,1919
Marks, Henrietta R. nee Bulthuis                  AUG 09,1901  DEC 10,1985
Marks, Kate nee Bulthuis                          AUG 21,1890  1973
Marks, Phoebe E. nee Sorrensen                    FEB 02,1908  MAR 17,1989
Marks, Ubbe                                       DEC 30,1896  1961
Marlette, Lillian J. nee Folkerts                 JUN 26,1914  MAY 25,2001
Marlow, Clifford                                  NOV 25,1889  FEB 21,1945
Marquand, Ruth E. nee Habermann                   NOV 18,1908  AUG 14,1993
Marquand, Verto LeRoy                             JUL 01,1906  AUG 13,1990
Marquard, Donald L.                               AUG 28,1930  AUG 01,1990
Marsh, Clinton                                    NOV 23,1911  SEP 30,1983
Marsh, Dale E.                                    JUN 19,1916  AUG 21,1987
Marsh, Harry Willard                              DEC 06,1914  OCT 28,1980
Marsh, Ira                                        1876         AUG 1962
Marsh, Lillian                                    JAN 29,1907  MAR 25,1984
Marsh, Maude nee Farrington                       APR 28,1884  OCT 31,1980
Marsh, Mrs. Herbert                                            SEP 26,1947
Marsh, Opal M.                                    NOV 28,1904  JUN 05,1993
Marsh, Richard F.                                 1924         JAN 06,2001
Marsh, Walter Glen                                MAR 23,1907  FEB 24,1991
Marshall, Charlotte Margaret nee Smith            FEB 02,1896  OCT 03,1984
Marske, Marvin Carl                               JUL 31,1915  DEC 13,2000
Martin, Albert T.                                 MAR 16,1876  JUN 29,1943
Martin, Arlene M. nee Fishel                      DEC 12,1911  DEC 12,1995
Martin, Belle                                     1864         MAY 16,1951
Martin, Christine nee Oltmanns                    MAY 21,1882  1914
Martin, Elizabeth nee Leydig                                   JAN 1944
Martin, Irma B. nee Sinram                        JAN 28,1912  JUN 14,1992
Martin, Maude May nee Montgomery                  DEC 28,1893  DEC 30,1994
Martin, Olive May nee Winkey                      MAY 30,1910  DEC 23,1988
Martin, Rex                                       MAR 05,1916  1965
Martin, Stella E. nee Johnson                     AUG 20,1908  OCT 05,1995
Martin, Sylvia                                    APR 14,1892  JUN 23,1966
Marts, B. L. "Les"                                JAN 05,1908  NOV 01,1988
Martz, Forrest                                    1910         DEC 1977
Martzahn, Calista nee Thorpe                      NOV 02,1904  DEC 01,1988
Martzahn, Galen Emil                              JUL 01,1917  DEC 28,1987
Martzahn, Henry                                   DEC 20,1875  FEB 02,1957
Martzahn, Margery nee Hansen                      MAR 27,1918  DEC 12,1987
Martzahn, Roy Carl                                MAR 12,1901  MAR 04,1983
Marx, Walter B.                                                FEB 08,1982
Marzen, Louis J., Sr.                             1902         APR 07,1982
Masemore, Orville                                 DEC 04,1910  NOV 20,1980
Mason, Dorothy E. nee Perrin                      OCT 03,1906  SEP 23,1991
Mason, Grete Olga nee Jensen                      MAY 23,1914  JAN 26,1993
Mason, Herman Franklin (see 1988 section)         MAR 17,1903  DEC 04,1989
Mason, Marie I. nee Barness                       DEC 24,1903  MAY 14,2000
Mason, Paul                                       JUN 29,1896  MAR 12,1988
Mast, Gale L.                                     JAN 23,1911  AUG 20,1998
Mast, John Henry                                  MAY 14,1891  JAN 20,1986
Mast, Sarah                                       FEB 19,1855  NOV 17,1944
Matheny, Richard A.                               1921         AUG 06,1978
Mather, Charles Maxon                             DEC 05,1858  JUN 21,1947
Mather, Lillie Mable nee Lister                   JAN 18,1885  JAN 23,1944
Mathern, Ella nee Haren                           FEB 01,1892  DEC 27,1987
Mathern, Lawrence                                 APR 24,1928  FEB 18,1989
Mathern, Pearl nee Lage                           JAN 30,1901  APR 1973
Mathern, Russell                                               1945
Mathers, Lyle "Porky"                             SEP 21,1930  MAR 18,1999
Mathes, Velma Alice or Vilma nee Winkey           JAN 21,1904  OCT 14,1993
Mathias, Anton J. "Doc"                           OCT 31,1907  JUL 26,1948
Matty, Charles V.                                              MAR 23,1983
Mauch, Otto                                                    DEC 04,1954
Maxson, Edith Adoris nee Fiddick                  OCT 24,1884  MAY 24,1945
Maxson, Florence Madalene nee Nettleton           OCT 29,1904  JAN 15,1999
Maxson, Gladys Marie nee Dailey                   DEC 21,1918  JUL 02,1990
Maxson, Glen Richard                              APR 29,1916  SEP 30,1998
Maxson, Lowell Earl "Hop"                         JUN 06,1909  NOV 13,1996
Maxson, Lyle Leo                                  MAY 06,1906  FEB 18,1996
Maxson, S. Vern                                   JAN 18,1883  DEC 12,1945
Maxson, Sarah Isadore nee Hardman                 JUN 13,1915  MAR 23,1998
Maxson, Wilbur B.                                 JUL 19,1908  OCT 20,1996
Maxwell, Edna nee Merfeld                         JUL 12,1914  MAY 25,1987
Maxwell, Emma Adella nee Mettler                  OCT 09,1873  JAN 22,1953
Maxwell, Galen                                    AUG 30,1911  SEP 10,1984
Maxwell, John                                     1879         JAN 25,1957
May, Ruth B. nee Mulkins                          JUN 10,1902  APR 14,1989
Mayer, Alice K. nee Janssen                       JUN 13,1919  MAR 31,1986
Mayer, George J.                                  OCT 23,1907  NOV 10,1979
Mayer, Rosina                                     UNKNOWN      UNKNOWN
Maynard, Francis "Frank"                          MAY 13,1914  NOV 24,1997
McAdoo, Wayne                                     APR 08,1873  DEC 23,1906
McAllister, Fannie nee Spencer                    DEC 23,1869  DEC 30,1934
McBeain, Nettie P. nee Kellison                   JUL 01,1913  DEC 09,1987
McBeain, Raymond                                  AUG 20,1918  JAN 11,1989
McBride, Alta P. nee Marlette                     JAN 10,1899  DEC 04,1979
McBride, Frances Lorraine nee Lynn                APR 29,1924  JUL 04,1963
McBurney, Iva Irene nee Rhoades                   AUG 02,1904  APR 30,1993
McBurney, Ralph Raymond                           DEC 11,1901  MAY 15,1996
McCarthy, Charles                                              JAN 04,1926
McCartney, Mary I. Mrs. George                    1880         MAR 30,1957
McClaren, John "Jack"                                          APR 12,1981
McClatchey, Earl E.                               NOV 20,1929  SEP 12,1995
McClatchey, Katherine "Kaye" nee Luft             MAR 17,1921  DEC 11,1987
McClellan, Emma nee Young                         JUL 15,1863  JUN 05,1950
McClelland, Ida May nee Harris                    MAY 10,1855  MAR 11,1925
McClelland, Marilyn Mae                           MAY 16,1930  SEP 11,1998
McCombs, Lester R.                                DEC 26,1903  AUG 31,1994
McConville, James                                              OCT 1993
McCormack, Dan Bicknell                           NOV 10,1902  JUN 08,1978
McCoun, Mattie Olive nee Moore                    JAN 04,1903  FEB 14,1981
McCoun, W. A. "Art"                               SEP 11,1889  JAN 07,1968
McCowen, Anne J. nee Iblings                      MAY 18,1891  OCT 07,1957
McCoy, Bernice M. nee Roberts                     APR 07,1912  NOV 29,1999
McCoy, Harold C.                                  AUG 02,1907  JAN 01,1997
McCoy, Infant (twin)                                           NOV 25,1947
McCoy, Infant (twin)                                           NOV 25,1947
McCoy, Mary nee Beers                             DEC 15,1874  SEP 07,1945
McCracken, Wayne                                  FEB 14,1899  JUN 11,1990
McCulley, Bernice A. nee Doescher                 FEB 17,1912  NOV 03,1989
McCulley, George                                  AUG 17,1916  DEC 12,1982
McCunniff, Mrs. William nee Zola Pearl Byam       APR 14,1899  JUL 12,1941
McDonald, Hazel nee Streets                       OCT 15,1907  NOV 20,1993
McDonald, John S.                                 AUG 30,1924  DEC 24,1983
McDowell, Bertha Eva nee Gray                     NOV 25,1874  SEP 12,1950
McDowell, Byron Lafayette                         JAN 13,1878  FEB 01,1955
McDowell, C. Rueben                               DEC 22,1894  FEB 18,1955
McDowell, C. William                              OCT 03,1930  OCT 29,1980
McDowell, Carolyn "Carrie" nee Akkerman           JUN 02,1889  MAY 03,1979
McDowell, Faye nee Hanway                         MAY 10,1890  NOV 19,1970
McDowell, Frank                                                1943
McDowell, Glen                                    MAR 12,1903  FEB 05,1972
McDowell, Gretta S. nee Colton                    1903         OCT 13,1988
McDowell, Mildred nee Dewey                       SEP 18,1896  OCT 01,1973
McEniry, Dan Neil                                 1886         MAR 13,1982
McEwen, Alice nee Lucas                           SEP 11,1885  AUG 15,1980
McFarlane, Archibald W.                           1883         JUL 24,1959
McGarry, Dan                                      1852         MAR 13,1946
McGeachy, Mary E. nee Harrington                  AUG 03,1851  DEC 18,1930
McGee Ada nee Murphy                              MAY 26,1885  MAY 19,1974
McGee, Oliver                                     JAN 18,1847  APR 14,1929
McGeough, Mary L. nee Toney                       MAY 03,1916  NOV 28,1988
McGinn, Avis nee Berry                                         FEB 1980
McGrane, Elizabeth B.                             1878         DEC 30,1980
McGraw, Katherine V. nee O'Brien                  JAN 25,1904  MAR 27,1999
McGreevy, Robert                                  JUN 30,1925  AUG 28,1998
McGreevy, Teresa nee Scallon                      SEP 04,1886  OCT 13,1954
McGregor, Alice Irene nee Ray                     DEC 25,1916  DEC 10,1995
McGregor, Vern W.                                 APR 09,1918  AUG 31,1997
McGuire, Daniel Owen                              APR 02,1916  JUN 06,1985
McIntyre, Helene M. nee Roemeling                 MAY 07,1918  NOV 23,1992
McKay, Lois nee Rosenstock                        SEP 20,1924  1994
McKean, Frank F.                                  1912         AUG 1977
McKean, Georgia nee Bergeson                      NOV 28,1914  MAY 15,1984
McKee, Lelah E. nee Hining                        AUG 13,1913  SEP 19,1991
McKee, Lois Peevler nee Hagans                    AUG 26,1920  JUL 24,1998
McKee, Roy L.                                     1915         MAR 11,1982
McKee, Wilbur Donald see 1994 section             SEP 21,1920  DEC 27,1993
McKenna, Harold E.                                1917         JUN 1973
McKenna, Susan                                    UNKNOWN      UNKNOWN
McKernan, Charlotte M. nee Engel                  SEP 13,1895  AUG 28,1990
McKernan, Daniel                                  JUN 05,1860  NOV 23,1939
McKernan, Fern nee Fahr                                        JUL 20,1945
McKernan, Kermit R.                               JAN 09,1910  AUG 11,1979
McKernan, Robert                                  OCT 03,1889  MAY 14,1983
McKigney, Catherine                               1885         FEB 1980
McKinder, Ralph H.                                DEC 13,1904  DEC 1975
McKinley, Neal M.                                 JUN 18,1914  JAN 27,2000
McKinney, Earl C.                                 OCT 31,1930  SEP 07,1997
McKinney, Gerald D.                               NOV 08,1928  MAR 18,1987
McKinney, James V.                                JAN 31,1928  NOV 30,2000
McKinney, Lawrence Carl                           JUL 04,1920  MAR 1992
McKinney, Leora L. nee Ahrens                     JUN 06,1893  AUG 19,1979
McKinney, Louis                                   AUG 07,1890  MAY 30,1940
McKinney, Thomas Mason                            MAY 25,1860  MAY 07,1953
McLaren, Donald                                   1918         1977
McLaren, Freda nee Lursen                         JUN 13,1905  APR 05,1990
McLaren, Rachel May nee Yost                      MAY 22,1876  FEB 08,1967
McLaughlin, Michael                               1858         FEB 1944
McLaughlin, Mrs. Michael "Catherine"              APR 16,1857  DEC 11,1945
McLean, Marie nee Paisley                         MAR 28,1901  JUL 30,1988
McLennan, James Reed                              JUN 15,1926  JUN 05,1997
McMahon, Bridget nee Quinn                        JUN 1860     MAY 1945
McMahon, Morrell M.                               FEB 07,1921  MAR 10,1990
McMann, Ed                                        MAR 19,1862  MAY 18,1936
McManus, Elizabeth nee Mullaney                   FEB 07,1856  MAY 07,1946
McMartin, Robert Dean                             SEP 12,1924  MAY 05,1990
McMeen, Genevieve nee Lucas                       JUL 10,1922  JUN 03,1981
McMenimen, Margaret                               1891         NOV 13,1983
McMillian, Robert L.                              MAY 22,1917  MAR 28,1985
McNabb, Charles S.                                1894         NOV 18,1972
McNabb, Hattie H. nee Heerts                      1894         1973
McNally, Hazel Martha nee Cass                    OCT 20,1889  FEB 22,1981
McNeilus, Archie W.                               APR 06,1914  SEP 18,1994
McNeilus, Ethel nee Walsh                         JUN 03,1885  MAY 05,1973
McNeilus, Floyd Henry                             MAR 04,1916  OCT 02,1997
McNeilus, Frank                                   1876         1934
McNeilus, Gladys Elsie                            NOV 06,1906  FEB 22,1999
McNeilus, Harriet Evelyn True nee Kettwig         SEP 12,1920  MAY 22,1990
McNeilus, Herb                                    1890         1975
McNeilus, Violet nee Hencken                      SEP 19,1915  MAR 21,1989
McNeilus, Violet S. nee Dralle                    DEC 08,1916  NOV 13,1987
McRoberts, Dale William                           AUG 23,1928  JAN 09,1983
McRoberts, Georganna                              MAR 13,1876  NOV 01,1951
McRoberts, Ira O.                                 JUL 08,1898  DEC 08,1983
McRoberts, J. Burton                              DEC 29,1921  JAN 21,1957
McRoberts, John Wilbur                            JUN 22,1895  AUG 12,1992
McRoberts, Mary A. nee McIndoo                    1859         OCT 20,1943
McRoberts, Mrs. Elmer                                          JAN 28,1953
McRoberts, Ruth nee Stauffer                      MAR 14,1897  FEB 05,1989
McRoberts, Wilma nee Saylor                       OCT 05,1898  JAN 21,1988
McSpaden, Velma Alice nee Reed                    JAN 14,1909  APR 07,1993
McSweeney, Zelma nee Corporan                     JUN 09,1906  DEC 15,1981
McTaggert, Susan nee McKinney                     DEC 17,1856  SEP 21,1927
McVeigh, Luva nee Spafford                        JUL 01,1892  MAR 05,1991
McWilliams, Alfred J.                             JUL 24,1907  APR 30,1979
McWilliams, Florence Kristine nee Fredericksen    JUN 24,1896  JUL 11,1989
McWilliams, Hester nee McCord                     MAY 14,1910  SEP 27,1982
McWilliams, Lowell James                          FEB 07,1905  APR 09,1990
Mead, Arthur R.                                   SEP 16,1884  DEC 1959
Mead, Frances Ella nee Goodsell                   MAY 10,1854  NOV 09,1948
Mead, Gertrude nee Bush                           JUN 11,1867  APR 08,1936
Mead, Hazel                                       1894         JAN 23,1981
Mead, Hazel Elaine "Ben" Bendickson               MAY 30,1911  SEP 08,1990
Mead, Herbert A.                                  DEC 11,1874  AUG 10,1951
Mead, James Edward (see 1988 section)             NOV 15,1917  JUL 12,1989
Mead, Levi H.                                     SEP 06,1838  NOV 28,1929
Mead, William Seward                              JAN 15,1860  SEP 29,1947
Meagan, Harry                                     DEC 06,1896  JUN 02,1968
Meehan, Avis nee Newberry                         MAY 16,1905  JUL 26,1986
Meehan, Bartley                                   JAN 23,1873  1936
Meehan, Edna Sarah nee Clemens                    JAN 02,1912  JAN 17,1998
Meehan, LeRoy "Roy"                               DEC 04,1895  APR 09,1991
Meehlhause, Adelia L. nee Kracht                  DEC 08,1908  SEP 01,1987
Meehlhause, Louis Jacob                           AUG 15,1908  JAN 17,1998
Meek, Henrietta Irene nee Ackley                  JUN 12,1929  JUN 24,1999
Meek, John Edward                                 NOV 19,1916  MAR 10,1996
Meeker, Annamae nee Block                         FEB 07,1900  MAY 21,1987
Meents, John                                      NOV 21,1914  OCT 02,1987
Meester, Albert H.                                OCT 12,1859  JAN 06,1957
Meester, Alma Christina nee Kampman               JUL 29,1915  FEB 20,1984
Meester, Andrew                                   OCT 11,1895  SEP 21,1981
Meester, Andrew J.                                1913         1987
Meester, Anna J. nee DeVries                      JUN 29,1921  APR 18,1988
Meester, Arthur William                           SEP 22,1930  OCT 05,2000
Meester, August                                   NOV 22,1900  NOV 01,1994
Meester, Bernita Evelyn nee Ward                  MAY 03,1910  AUG 06,1995
Meester, Calvin A.                                MAY 27,1913  AUG 02,1999
Meester, Clarence                                 MAR 03,1903  NOV 12,1973
Meester, Daniel                                   MAR 12,1877  JUN 02,1895
Meester, Daniel                                   SEP 23,1839  SEP 06,1933
Meester, Eike                                     1872         SEP 25,1943
Meester, Elmer                                    MAY 14,1905  JAN 24,1984
Meester, Gerald                                   JUN 25,1911  JUN 24,1990
Meester, Harm H.                                               JUN 28,1945
Meester, Harold J.                                JUN 15,1912  APR 05,1985
Meester, Harvey Art                               JAN 16,1916  APR 19,1986
Meester, Henry                                    OCT 22,1911  APR 14,1990
Meester, Henry A.                                 MAY 31,1901  MAY 07,1975
Meester, Henry F.                                 DEC 30,1916  DEC 09,1987
Meester, Henry H.                                 DEC 09,1893  JUL 30,1986
Meester, Henry J.                                 MAR 27,1910  JUN 12,1985
Meester, Herman Henry                             MAR 11,1916  APR 23,1985
Meester, Herman J.                                DEC 02,1917  JUN 08,1982
Meester, Ida nee Agena                            OCT 25,1881  MAR 01,1966
Meester, Ike Robert                               1919         AUG 30,1986
Meester, Jacob C.                                 JAN 17,1911  FEB 22,1989
Meester, Jacob G.                                 MAY 07,1905  JAN 11,1994
Meester, James C.                                 MAY 19,1919  FEB 05,1981
Meester, Jan G.                                   JUL 11,1836  JAN 20,1910
Meester, Jennie nee Rodgers                       JAN 08,1899  AUG 14,1974
Meester, Joe H.                                   AUG 02,1870  MAR 08,1951
Meester, Johannes J. "Joe"                        APR 26,1871  DEC 15,1962
Meester, John E.                                  APR 14,1883  OCT 26,1969
Meester, John G.                                  OCT 27,1884  JUL 27,1983
Meester, John K.                                  DEC 06,1913  FEB 19,1984
Meester, Kathryn nee Haren                        NOV 24,1882  JAN 10,1988
Meester, Margaret A. nee Krull                    JUL 30,1912  JAN 12,1993
Meester, Mrs. Arthur                              UNKNOWN      UNKNOWN
Meester, Mrs. Elmer nee Henrietta Junker          1904         AUG 30,1945
Meester, Mrs. Harm nee Gepke Meyer                1854         NOV 23,1932
Meester, Mrs. Henry                               1850         DEC 02,1932
Meester, Mrs. Hillerd nee Frerichs                JUL 05,1878  DEC 29,1952
Meester, Mrs. Joe A. nee Meester                  1876         MAR 06,1959
Meester, Nettie                                   AUG 20,1889  JUN 01,1967
Meester, Rena Freda nee Wiltfang                  JAN 28,1910  NOV 29,1992
Meester, Tena nee DeVries                         SEP 12,1909  DEC 29,1990
Meester, Theodore H. "Ted"                        MAY 31,1906  DEC 28,1993
Meester, Thomas                                   MAR 06,1915  MAY 25,1998
Meester, Thomas                                   MAY 10,1884  OCT 26,1950
Meester, Thomas Frederick                         JUN 20,1908  JUL 13,1990
Meester, Toma nee Klaassen                        JAN 06,1902  DEC 02,1989
Meester, Trientje Christiana                      DEC 03,1900  SEP 03,1910
Meester, Virginia Mae nee Munger                  MAY 05,1916  MAR 1995
Meester, William                                  OCT 31,1877  MAY 09,1949
Meewes, Lucille Viola nee Wickens                 JUN 22,1910  JUL 04,2001
Meewes, Russell                                   MAR 20,1907  JUL 14,1997
Mehmen, Anna                                      DEC 09,1904  MAY 18,1948
Mehmen, Annie nee Kappel                          MAY 04,1900  1958
Mehmen, Bertha nee Eckhoff                        1898         JAN 22,1973
Mehmen, Frank C.                                  APR 07,1924  SEP 05,1991
Mehmen, Fred                                      DEC 14,1910  AUG 09,1987
Mehmen, Henry D.                                  MAY 30,1906  DEC 04,1995
Mehmen, Jake                                      MAY 12,1921  JUL 24,1998
Mehmen, Jake Harm                                 OCT 30,1908  FEB 21,1989
Mehmen, John G.                                   APR 27,1900  1970
Mehmen, Mema                                      APR 07,1887  JAN 05,1982
Mehmen, Richard Jacob                             NOV 16,1861  APR 26,1958
Mehmen, Thelma D. nee Overturf                    DEC 20,1912  NOV 13,1997
Meickley, Karl B.                                 NOV 22,1884  OCT 17,1948
Meickley, Mrs. K. B.                              1889         OCT 23,1956
Meikle, Ethel Marie                               MAR 03,1918  JUN 23,2001
Meinders, Anna nee Hook                           APR 18,1899  MAY 09,1992
Meinders, Brunko M.                               SEP 23,1866  MAR 21,1956
Meinders, Dina nee Meyer                          NOV 12,1867  APR 07,1916
Meinders, Ella                                    JAN 30,1900  MAR 29,1915
Meinders, Florence nee Wiebrand                   JUL 02,1897  1963
Meinders, Geelka                                  1893         MAY 17,1982
Meinders, Henrietta nee Miller                    SEP 29,1912  SEP 15,1999
Meinders, Herman Harm                             AUG 01,1907  JUL 05,1983
Meinders, Jeanette nee Greenfield                 1910         OCT 04,1979
Meinders, Jennie nee Peters                       JUN 01,1886  DEC 01,1969
Meinders, June Irene nee Wesenberg                MAY 18,1911  DEC 08,1999
Meinders, Kuno                                    OCT 21,1912  APR 27,1988
Meinders, Marie                                   DEC 09,1905  MAR 28,1995
Meinders, Martin                                  OCT 20,1868  MAY 04,1951
Meinders, Martin B.                               MAY 19,1898  JAN 13,1974
Meinders, Mattie nee Nolte                        MAR 27,1898  FEB 07,1983
Meinders, Meint Uffe                              APR 21,1895  MAR 28,1986
Meinders, Mrs. Eubbe "Grace T."                   DEC 20,1874  MAR 1941
Meinders, Reka nee DeVoogd                        AUG 01,1896  MAY 1979
Meinders, Uffe B.                                 AUG 02,1870  APR 26,1914
Meinderts, John                                   OCT 21,1863  OCT 03,1943
Meinen, Alma nee Kampman                          AUG 06,1905  MAY 22,1983
Meiners, Poppe Berends                            MAY 13,1822  AUG 13,1895
Meinert, John Ernest                              AUG 10,1919  1951
Meinhardt, Janken Sievers                         DEC 17,1819  MAR 04,1886
Meinking, Herman                                  JUN 21,1865  AUG 01,1945
Meints, Bertha nee Schafer                        JAN 16,1896  FEB 10,1992
Meints, John P.                                   1860         NOV 12,1939
Meints, Louis T.                                  1916         SEP 08,1950
Meints, Melvin David                              OCT 29,1916  SEP 30,1992
Meirick, Ruth Armstrong nee Noehl                 JUL 26,1929  FEB 08,2000
Meissen, Donald Vincent                           APR 08,1930  DEC 15,1998
Meister, Ruth Louise nee Hughes                   OCT 19,1908  OCT 07,2000
Melhus, Carol M. nee Senear-Reed                  DEC 25,1927  JUL 27,1994
Melichar, Lillian "Ludmila" nee Chmelar           SEP 15,1907  FEB 04,1993
Mellinger, Stanley Lafayette                      JAN 16,1927  NOV 28,1979
Melott, George Quinlin                            JUN 28,1891  JUL 11,1943
Melton, Merlin                                    SEP 08,1927  NOV 05,2000
Menken, Esther H. nee Crosby                      AUG 23,1905  APR 23,1980
Menken, George                                    MAR 30,1912  JAN 28,1988
Menken, Hazel Maurie nee Lawyer                   JAN 28,1902  APR 22,1999
Menken, Jennie nee Schriever                      APR 01,1917  NOV 09,1998
Menken, John                                      JAN 12,1916  DEC 07,1987
Menken, Otto John                                 JUN 05,1905  OCT 11,1991
Menken, Richard R.                                JAN 21,1871  JUN 27,1942
Menken, Ricklef Eibo "Rick"                       SEP 03,1903  JUL 10,1984
Mennen, Bruno                                     SEP 07,1909  FEB 24,2001
Mennen, Ecko                                      DEC 11,1850  DEC 01,1929
Mennen, Ecko G.                                   JUL 16,1907  JUN 21,1982
Mennen, Edward James                              NOV 19,1924  MAR 18,2001
Mennen, Gladys nee Geiken                         DEC 10,1911  FEB 25,1986
Mennen, Hank H.                                   OCT 19,1899  MAY 26,1981
Mennen, Henrietta nee Miller                      OCT 08,1913  MAY 22,1995
Mennen, Jesse G.                                  JUL 10,1914  JUN 11,1945
Mennen, Jesse S.                                  APR 14,1928  JUN 23,1996
Mennen, Lena nee Buss                             JAN 31,1899  JUL 04,1990
Mennen, Maggie nee Peters                         JAN 03,1883  APR 06,1966
Mennen, Mann                                      JUL 02,1897  MAY 18,1984
Mennen, Roy                                       JAN 26,1918  SEP 22,1996
Mennen, Seede                                     MAR 13,1896  SEP 15,1974
Mennen, Tena nee Muller                           JUL 24,1903  JUN 27,1976
Mennenga, Carmen nee Palpon                       MAY 28,1920  MAR 23,1994
Mennenga, Edward G.                               AUG 01,1917  APR 19,1989
Mennenga, Elizabeth nee Schrage                   1905         MAY 20,1988
Mennenga, Ella A. nee Ooster                      MAY 24,1897  MAR 24,1984
Mennenga, Esther nee Sietsema                     APR 08,1919  MAY 18,1999
Mennenga, Frederike nee Riekena                   MAR 18,1872  1949
Mennenga, Jans T.                                 DEC 15,1910  JUN 01,1990
Mennenga, Jeanette P. Nuss nee Smith              MAR 19,1922  SEP 21,1999
Mennenga, Johanna nee VanLoh                      NOV 30,1921  JAN 17,1997
Mennenga, John                                    JUL 23,1899  APR 07,1993
Mennenga, Laura Pearl Sells nee Jepperson         NOV 18,1904  AUG 25,1969
Mensing, Augusta Matilda nee Fielder              MAY 17,1863  DEC 30,1931
Mercer, Mary Elizabeth nee Reeves                 DEC 07,1898  SEP 1988
Merfeld, Caroline A. nee Stewart                  FEB 11,1899  APR 04,1995
Merfeld, Charles                                  1929         DEC 20,1999
Merfeld, Darrell                                  SEP 20,1904  JUL 10,1947
Merfeld, Dean S.                                  NOV 20,1921  OCT 23,1986
Merfeld, Dorothy nee Barth                        MAR 20,1913  AUG 07,1991
Merfeld, Edward Peter                             OCT 17,1913  JUN 26,1999
Merfeld, John Sr.                                 MAR 17,1870  NOV 21,1946
Merfeld, Kathryn M. nee Ewen                      NOV 09,1919  DEC 13,1987
Merfeld, Lester John                              JUL 07,1908  OCT 13,1984
Merfeld, Lewis                                    NOV 14,1919  SEP 1944
Merfeld, Margaret Sophia nee Hammel               SEP 28,1897  DEC 22,1981
Merfeld, Peter P.                                 1870         OCT 17,1946
Merfeld, Rose Katherine                           AUG 31,1896  DEC 18,1946
Merfeld, Roy                                      1895         AUG 10,1954
Merlien, Alice nee Rust                           MAY 10,1860  1933
Merlien, Joseph                                   APR 13,1889  OCT 07,1896
Merlien, Vera Lucille                             APR 18,1895  NOV 27,1896
Mero, Mary nee Bailey (see 1988 section)          DEC 27,1896  DEC 1989
Merrill, Alice "May" nee Howes                    FEB 17,1906  JUL 22,1991
Merrill, Clara                                    MAY 29,1881  DEC 13,1975
Merrill, Ella Mae Arhart nee Ritter               MAR 05,1909  NOV 14,1999
Merrill, Elsie nee Boyd                           APR 05,1905  APR 15,1986
Merrill, Gordon D.                                JAN 07,1927  APR 27,1998
Merrill, Louisa nee McKinney                      APR 12,1848  JUL 30,1930
Merrill, Percy                                    SEP 24,1898  APR 17,1985
Merrill, Percy Jr.                                SEP 17,1925  JUN 24,1988
Merrill, Robert D.                                DEC 25,1906  OCT 25,1980
Merris, Lawrence "Bud"                            JUL 06,1925  JUL 05,1987
Merriss, Evelyn Lucille nee Kock                  JAN 05,1930  JAN 19,1993
Merritt, Roger                                    1911         NOV 09,1982
Merritt, Wilbur                                   FEB 13,1907  MAY 18,1995
Mertz, Lida E. nee Plager                         NOV 26,1908  AUG 12,1984
Mertz, Raymond Elmer nee "Deke"                   JUL 08,1899  OCT 02,1973
Meskimen, Grace L. nee Hoglan                     JUN 05,1888  MAY 17,1983
Messersmith, LaVon Ann nee Buchan                 JAN 28,1929  JAN 28,1996
Metcalf, Berneice Irene nee Schatz                AUG 08,1915  MAR 17,2001
Metcalf, Ida Ellen nee Tufford                    MAY 11,1869  FEB 03,1946
Methfessel, Ervin Lloyd                           APR 19,1903  MAR 25,1979
Methfessel, Millicent nee McKernan                FEB 21,1912  AUG 14,1985
Mettler, George W.                                             JUN 27,1911
Metz, Bernice Ann nee Hermann                     MAY 20,1922  JAN 22,1997
Metzgar, Thelma                                   DEC 14,1910  SEP 14,1988
Metzger, Oliver C.                                JAN 04,1897  JUL 21,1918
Metzger, Paul                                     APR 11,1918  APR 25,1986
Meyer, Albert                                     OCT 11,1834  MAY 06,1911
Meyer, Albert R.                                  MAY 04,1885  MAY 28,1968
Meyer, Albert Wort                                NOV 27,1874  JUL 02,1941
Meyer, Alfred                                     MAY 04,1911  AUG 02,2000
Meyer, Alfred C.                                  DEC 09,1907  SEP 13,1998
Meyer, Alice E.                                   MAR 17,1904  JUN 09,1994
Meyer, Allan Dale                                 NOV 08,1916  SEP 24,1996
Meyer, Andrew C.                                  FEB 21,1888  DEC 21,1965
Meyer, Andrew J.                                  APR 08,1870  MAY 30,1934
Meyer, Anna nee Meyer                             SEP 01,1894  AUG 29,1975
Meyer, Arius J.                                   NOV 03,1894  OCT 21,1979
Meyer, Bernard B.                                 DEC 21,1877  MAY 07,1945
Meyer, Carl Ervin                                 FEB 02,1907  1955
Meyer, Clavin Eugene                              AUG 26,1927  FEB 28,1984
Meyer, Cornelius C.                               NOV 17,1897  SEP 09,1971
Meyer, David L.                                   MAR 22,1886  MAR 31,1972
Meyer, Davida nee Jansonius                       FEB 26,1894  JAN 19,1984
Meyer, Dena B. nee Boldt                          SEP 27,1891  MAR 21,1981
Meyer, Dena nee Penning                           AUG 05,1908  FEB 15,1996
Meyer, Edith H. nee Tjabben                       JUN 13,1907  JAN 09,1992
Meyer, Eilert J.                                  DEC 18,1889  AUG 03,1986
Meyer, Elizabeth nee Biermann                     OCT 19,1893  AUG 18,1974
Meyer, Fannie                                     AUG 21,1915  JAN 25,2000
Meyer, Flora Margaret nee Valentine               FEB 17,1903  OCT 28,1995
Meyer, Frances Pearl nee Kannegieter              FEB 21,1923  DEC 25,1997
Meyer, Fred                                       FEB 11,1898  JUL 19,1994
Meyer, Frederick                                               NOV 13,1933
Meyer, Frederick R. "Fritz"                       JUN 25,1906  MAY 31,1998
Meyer, G. Derold                                  DEC 10,1912  SEP 07,1988
Meyer, Geelke nee Bruns                           MAY 03,1829  FEB 10,1905
Meyer, George "Shorty"                            1930         1975
Meyer, George A.                                  NOV 17,1906  OCT 20,1981
Meyer, George J.                                  DEC 03,1890  JUL 16,1969
Meyer, Gertrude Freida nee Harken                 NOV 16,1918  DEC 03,1995
Meyer, Gladys Charlene nee VanHorsen              JUN 07,1915  JAN 26,1986
Meyer, Grace J. nee Ruter                         FEB 09,1908  AUG 18,1977
Meyer, Grace nee Doeden                           JUL 07,1896  1981
Meyer, Hannah nee Luppen                          UNKNOWN      UNKNOWN
Meyer, Harm                                       SEP 04,1916  FEB 22,2000
Meyer, Harm H.                                    SEP 18,1899  FEB 14,1983
Meyer, Harm J.                                    JUL 27,1895  OCT 23,1988
Meyer, Harm T.                                    MAY 04,1865  DEC 08,1961
Meyer, Hattie E. nee Brandt                       JUL 01,1903  MAR 22,1995
Meyer, Helen nee Schoon                           JUL 09,1881  APR 03,1959
Meyer, Henrietta nee Harken                       APR 06,1905  APR 03,1989
Meyer, Henry H.                                   SEP 09,1892  NOV 22,1968
Meyer, Herman                                     APR 10,1875  APR 1941
Meyer, Herman                                     AUG 10,1912  JUL 28,1990
Meyer, Hinrich                                    MAR 28,1898  FEB 13,1899
Meyer, Ida nee Muller                             SEP 03,1872  APR 03,1955
Meyer, Irene nee Kramer                           NOV 19,1919  OCT 10,1973
Meyer, Jake J.                                    MAR 15,1877  APR 12,1954
Meyer, James C. "Cal"                             AUG 24,1924  OCT 01,1976
Meyer, James Ralph                                SEP 19,1920  MAR 09,1998
Meyer, John                                       MAR 19,1867  JAN 11,1946
Meyer, John A.                                    DEC 27,1892  JUN 04,1977
Meyer, John H.                                    MAY 04,1920  JAN 08,1989
Meyer, John H.                                    MAY 08,1865  JUL 29,1951
Meyer, John J.                                    DEC 27,1922  AUG 24,1993
Meyer, John J.                                    FEB 06,1930  SEP 1970
Meyer, Juliet O'Ressa "Jolly" nee Thompson        MAR 16,1891  MAY 03,1992
Meyer, Justena nee Steinmeyer                     JUN 16,1892  NOV 05,1971
Meyer, Katherine nee Janssen                      JUN 17,1891  DEC 11,1959
Meyer, Lawrence D.                                AUG 13,1918  DEC 01,2000
Meyer, Lillian nee Meinders                       JUN 22,1898  JUN 07,1988
Meyer, Lois J. nee Lupkes                         SEP 21,1928  JUL 09,1990
Meyer, Lubert H.                                  MAY 22,1904  AUG 06,1988
Meyer, Mabel Irene nee Sloan                      JUN 16,1908  MAY 23,1995
Meyer, Marcus A.                                  AUG 15,1908  FEB 25,1978
Meyer, Marcus D.                                  MAR 10,1901  JUL 06,1977
Meyer, Maria nee Biermann                         SEP 05,1891  OCT 22,1968
Meyer, Marie Francis nee Siems                    APR 08,1919  DEC 18,1998
Meyer, Marie M. nee Seele                         JUL 17,1903  OCT 12,1990
Meyer, Martha nee Eekhoff                         1868         FEB 28,1890
Meyer, Milf "Kelly"                               OCT 14,1901  NOV 18,1992
Meyer, Minnie nee Kruse                           DEC 27,1903  JUN 11,1990
Meyer, Mrs. Andrew C.                                          AUG 24,1953
Meyer, Mrs. Aruis J. nee Meyer                    1895         AUG 29,1975
Meyer, Mrs. Roelf nee Jetta Jurgena               JUN 06,1878  MAR 10,1939
Meyer, Odie                                       NOV 09,1919  JAN 1988
Meyer, Onieta nee Kruger                          NOV 07,1916  FEB 26,1985
Meyer, Ontjie                                     MAR 04,1879  DEC 05,1954
Meyer, Oscar                                      DEC 20,1899  MAR 10,1985
Meyer, Pearl  nee Meyer                           JUL 21,1899  OCT 24,1988
Meyer, Peter J.                                   JAN 19,1887  DEC 03,1971
Meyer, Rachel nee Meyer                           NOV 05,1896  FEB 26,1950
Meyer, Ralph S.                                   FEB 10,1926  DEC 24,1995
Meyer, Rina nee Mennen                            APR 13,1894  NOV 14,1980
Meyer, Roelf                                      DEC 08,1862  AUG 14,1950
Meyer, Roelph                                     1915         JUL 04,1919
Meyer, Statina nee Staal                          MAY 10,1857  JUL 12,1887
Meyer, Tillie nee Aswegan                         1905         FEB 1975
Meyer, Tom                                        DEC 21,1907  JAN 21,1982
Meyer, Viola nee Hersey                           OCT 22,1900  DEC 16,1973
Meyer, Waldien W.                                 APR 13,1902  FEB 04,1980
Meyer, Weatske nee Heerts                         SEP 12,1872  AUG 18,1959
Meyer, Wilhelm                                    MAR 28,1898  FEB 23,1899
Meyer, William "Bud"                              MAY 20,1915  APR 29,1998
Meyeraan, Frank Sr.                               OCT 09,1913  AUG 05,1989
Meyeraan, Fred                                    JUN 15,1900  AUG 07,1961
Meyeraan, Lydia Marie nee Harms                   AUG 12,1912  APR 18,1990
Meyers, Alberta nee Vasey                         AUG 28,1899  DEC 29,1983
Meyers, David I.                                  1871         AUG 08,1945
Meyers, Elsie                                     1864         JUL 09,1943
Meyers, Elva B. nee Wood                          AUG 08,1897  NOV 20,1982
Meyers, Harvey A.                                 1897         DEC 01,1980
Meyers, Hope Nellie nee Stowe                     JUL 15,1895  FEB 08,1993
Meyers, Iva R.                                    1891         JAN 17,1983
Meyers, Mabel nee Frakes                          MAY 02,1898  MAR 21,1984
Meyers, Paul M.                                   SEP 03,1928  JUN 11,1985
Meyers, Russell Wayne                             JAN 22,1905  MAR 06,1982
Meyers, Wilson C.                                 JUL 12,1864  FEB 27,1944
Meyne, Elfrieda nee Oehlschlager                  AUG 10,1907  JAN 14,1991
Meyne, Herman C.                                  FEB 25,1872  AUG 1943
Meyne, Walter W.                                  OCT 09,1897  JUL 26,1988
Michelson, Shirley nee Moon                       OCT 13,1925  DEC 02,1992
Middents, Catherine nee Gerdes                    1905         JAN 08,1987
Middlekauff, Ruth E. nee Morgans                  DEC 18,1903  NOV 15,1993
Middleton, Arnett F.                              SEP 22,1900  JAN 15,1988
Middleton, Asa Claude                             JUL 29,1877  JAN 1970
Middleton, Grace E. nee Kitzman                   OCT 28,1903  FEB 01,2000
Middleton, Johanna nee Muller                     1908         MAY 26,1981
Middleton, Milo M.                                AUG 24,1904  FEB 21,1988
Miersma, Harriet nee Grilk                        JAN 09,1891  JAN 16,1972
Miersma, Sidney Peter                             APR 01,1893  JUN 25,1985
Milius, Doris Ella nee Ulrichs                    MAY 31,1926  FEB 14,1999
Millard, Burrell                                  MAY 14,1902  1933
Miller, A. Ed                                     AUG 02,1907  JAN 07,2001
Miller, Alice M. nee Linn                         AUG 31,1887  1972
Miller, Anna K.                                   AUG 27,1909  JUN 13,1989
Miller, Anna L. nee Hobson                        JUN 16,1900  DEC 05,1978
Miller, Anna nee Judge                            JUN 02,1905  OCT 07,1984
Miller, Anna Reed nee Helt                        MAR 28,1886  MAR 26,1986
Miller, Anna T.                                   OCT 28,1920  JUL 10,1978
Miller, Arend J.                                  UNKNOWN      UNKNOWN
Miller, Arlene nee Klunder                        SEP 03,1918  SEP 21,1980
Miller, Arnold L.                                 AUG 07,1904  SEP 1987
Miller, Arthur H.                                 MAR 11,1914  FEB 13,1984
Miller, Ben J.                                    UNKNOWN      UNKNOWN
Miller, Benjamin Lewis                            JAN 08,1867  MAY 25,1940
Miller, Bert                                      NOV 10,1892  MAY 25,1978
Miller, Bertha nee Kruse                          MAR 30,1895  FEB 03,1983
Miller, Betty F. nee Allison                      AUG 18,1907  MAY 28,1980
Miller, Clara M. nee Frey                         UNKNOWN      UNKNOWN
Miller, Clarence A. "Cam"                         JAN 23,1913  FEB 01,1994
Miller, Claus                                     MAY 28,1901  SEP 25,1983
Miller, Dale Emanuel                              OCT 25,1922  DEC 07,1986
Miller, David                                     MAY 17,1906  AUG 23,1988
Miller, Delberta Edith nee Conrad                 JAN 29,1922  DEC 31,2000
Miller, Donald D.                                 FEB 26,1926  MAR 10,2000
Miller, Donald Frederick                          OCT 25,1922  DEC 10,1981
Miller, Dorothy I. nee Natzke                     NOV 10,1913  AUG 10,1999
Miller, Duane George                              MAY 04,1930  FEB 03,1996
Miller, Earl R.                                   SEP 29,1889  JAN 02,1981
Miller, Ed J.                                     MAR 09,1899  JUL 17,1980
Miller, Edward                                    MAR 19,1906  JUN 02,1986
Miller, Edward J.                                 APR 22,1926  NOV 23,1985
Miller, Eilert M.                                 FEB 21,1910  APR 07,1985
Miller, Ella nee Kruse                            JUN 26,1894  NOV 13,1983
Miller, Elma R. nee Trampel                       JAN 26,1914  OCT 30,1977
Miller, Elton M.                                  SEP 16,1896  OCT 23,1987
Miller, Emil                                      AUG 29,1894  JUN 12,1977
Miller, Ernest J.                                 AUG 07,1905  DEC 24,1985
Miller, Eula L. nee DeArmoun                      AUG 23,1893  JUN 20,1985
Miller, Faber                                     FEB 20,1905  SEP 23,1957
Miller, Fay F.                                    1917         AUG 28,1979
Miller, Floyd                                     JUL 14,1899  NOV 02,1989
Miller, Follie H. nee Karsjens                    JUN 15,1900  DEC 06,1984
Miller, Frances nee Smith                         MAR 18,1855  1931
Miller, Fred                                      APR 27,1895  JUN 29,1968
Miller, Frederick William                         DEC 17,1898  OCT 1961
Miller, Gene Thomas                               JUL 08,1928  NOV 17,1985
Miller, George Harry                              FEB 23,1893  JUN 16,1979
Miller, George Wilbert                            JUN 21,1857  OCT 07,1945
Miller, Gertie nee Brinkman                       1885         1978
Miller, Gertrude L. nee Lursen                    DEC 01,1900  JAN 05,1994
Miller, Gladys Eliza Mae nee Cable                APR 29,1913  AUG 18,1991
Miller, Grace L. nee Miller                       UNKNOWN      JUN 13
Miller, Grace nee DeBower                         MAR 01,1912  JUN 10,1965
Miller, Harvey E.                                 FEB 26,1898  APR 14,1980
Miller, Hattie nee Schipper                       JUN 01,1902  SEP 30,1994
Miller, Henrietta nee Goeman                      NOV 25,1902  MAY 19,1993
Miller, Henry D.                                  1895         JAN 14,1967
Miller, Henry H.                                  JUN 26,1890  OCT 08,1986
Miller, Henry J.                                  FEB 08,1895  SEP 18,1981
Miller, Henry O.                                  APR 19,1858  AUG 05,1944
Miller, Herman                                    DEC 08,1897  DEC 26,1986
Miller, Herman                                    DEC 23,1914  OCT 05,1993
Miller, Hollis D.                                 APR 23,1910  JAN 08,2001
Miller, Ila Loraine Kingery nee Stirm             NOV 07,1906  JUN 29,1997
Miller, J. Harold                                 APR 07,1897  JUL 31,1982
Miller, J. J.                                     NOV 07,1875  DEC 11,1946
Miller, Jacob H.                                  1894         MAR 21,1985
Miller, Jake B.                                   MAY 05,1896  MAY 10,1987
Miller, James Arthur                              JUN 13,1930  JAN 13,1987
Miller, James M.                                  DEC 16,1884  OCT 1973
Miller, James M.                                  DEC 16,1884  1972
Miller, Jans                                      DEC 08,1885  DEC 27,1949
Miller, Jennie H. nee Bohlen                      APR 24,1899  MAR 27,1980
Miller, Jennie nee Kappel                         JUL 20,1917  NOV 1975
Miller, Joe J.                                    JUL 24,1901  SEP 20,1949
Miller, Joe L.                                    FEB 17,1920  MAR 17,1988
Miller, Johanna H. nee Bergman                    FEB 06,1911  JUL 11,1991
Miller, Johannes A.                               JUL 17,1897  MAR 24,1980
Miller, John                                      1888         SEP 09,1963
Miller, John "Jack"                               SEP 19,1919  JUL 30,2000
Miller, John H.                                   OCT 11,1897  OCT 30,1985
Miller, Kate T. nee Groninga                      JUL 11,1900  JUN 28,1995
Miller, Kathryn Irene nee Schoeneman              OCT 20,1906  JAN 27,2001
Miller, Kenneth Claus                             MAR 24,1919  JAN 02,1992
Miller, Koert                                     UNIKNOWN     UNKNOWN
Miller, Lae Mrs. Morris                           1875         JAN 07,1957
Miller, Laura nee Smitt                           DEC 31,1908  JAN 29,1989
Miller, Lena Johanna nee Bohlen                   MAR 07,1897  AUG 26,1969
Miller, Lena Maria                                DEC 06,1902  DEC 22,1995
Miller, LeRoy Eugene                              FEB 26,1930  FEB 26,1998
Miller, LeRoy Henry                               FEB 09,1929  NOV 18,1996
Miller, Lewis Edward                              APR 25,1876  JUN 27,1948
Miller, Linnie nee Marty (see 1988 section)       JUN 05,1891  JAN 14,1989
Miller, Lloyd Raliegh                             SEP 15,1909  SEP 22,1992
Miller, Lola nee Cornford                         MAR 08,1900  JAN 25,1973
Miller, Lottie nee Harper                         APR 26,1878  MAR 11,1935
Miller, Lula Graham nee Wendt                     AUG 06,1899  AUG 21,1983
Miller, Margaret Louise                           JUN 26,1923  JUN 21,2001
Miller, Margaret nee DeVries                      MAY 31,1922  FEB 12,1995
Miller, Marie Christine nee Maag                  SEP 02,1900  MAR 07,1994
Miller, Marjorie Frances nee Darby                OCT 19,1921  MAY 01,1990
Miller, Marvin (see Symington)                    1917         JUL 04,1934
Miller, Melvin J.                                 OCT 06,1923  NOV 07,1984
Miller, Minnie nee Bohlen                         APR 12,1901  NOV 07,1994
Miller, Minnie nee Kielman                        JAN 05,1909  MAR 06,1995
Miller, Minnie nee Niehaus                        MAY 19,1908  JUL 13,1999
Miller, Mrs. Ben                                  JAN 06,1866  MAY 1942
Miller, Mrs. Bert nee Alberts                     DEC 02,1892  MAR 14,1969
Miller, Mrs. Everett                              1872         JUL 21,1959
Miller, Mrs. Jans                                              JAN 1959
Miller, Mrs. Joe nee Vera Groen                   AUG 13,1916  NOV 04,1952
Miller, Neva C. nee Voy                           JUL 27,1923  JAN 18,1996
Miller, Norma mae nee Filer                       APR 10,1918  MAR 21,2001
Miller, Olive E. nee Piper                        FEB 03,1900  JUL 23,1985
Miller, Onita Marie nee DeArmoun                  JAN 21,1902  SEP 03,1992
Miller, Orlie                                                  NOV 14,1943
Miller, Orvial Scott                              JUL 03,1889  1978
Miller, Oscar                                     JUN 20,1908  OCT 20,1992
Miller, Ray F.                                    APR 10,1898  DEC 06,1942
Miller, Rosa Mary nee Garbes                      NOV 01,1916  AUG 10,1993
Miller, Rube                                      DEC 06,1904  MAY 14,1988
Miller, Seede                                     1895         AUG 05,1956
Miller, Susie Mrs. Andrew                         OCT 09,1898  AUG 15,1986
Miller, Tena nee Sanders                          JAN 07,1910  AUG 17,2000
Miller, Tillie                                    1893         JUN 16,1979
Miller, Tye Andrew Scott                          OCT 18,1988  OCT 18,1988
Miller, W. S.                                     MAY 27,1885  OCT 14,1945
Miller, Walter P.                                 MAR 31,1856  JUN 09,1945
Miller, William                                   NOV 13,1870  MAR 26,1944
Miller, William                                   APR 12,1897  SEP 19,1990
Miller, William                                   FEB 14,1916  FEB 03,1980
Miller, William C.                                MAY 24,1878  APR 08,1947
Miller, Zoe Wilma nee Grace                       MAY 01,1890  MAY 18,1982
Mills, Dorothy R. nee Williams                    AUG 01,1914  NOV 23,1993
Mills, Louis Grant                                APR 29,1890  JAN 23,1946
Mills, Orville W.                                 AUG 16,1914  MAR 23,1989
Mills, Ronald                                     OCT 1924     FEB 26,1945
Mills, William E.                                              JUL 1945
Minehart, Dale                                                 JAN 01,1944
Minert, Bernice B. nee Thatcher                   JUL 04,1906  DEC 15,1993
Minert, Dwight V.                                 SEP 01,1904  AUG 17,1990
Minert, Margaret Jane nee Carley                  APR 18,1896  MAR 06,1992
Minert, Mrs. Frank nee Almina Nudell              JUL 03,1857  JAN 01,1941
Minert, Wayne A.                                  JUL 24,1902  DEC 11,1992
Minnich, Vallera F. nee Allen                     OCT 10,1895  MAR 28,1986
Minnier, Evelyn Scarrow nee Shuler                SEP 25,1893  NOV 30,1984
Minnier, Lila nee Stubbe                          AUG 08,1920  FEB 02,1998
Minnier, Merlin O.                                MAR 30,1902  MAY 05,1991
Minnier, Robert E.                                FEB 17,1898  DEC 13,1971
Minor, Lola nee Reid                              JUL 29,1889  1956
Mitchell, Joyce W.                                MAY 08,1924  OCT 29,1988
Mitchell, Mrs. William                            1874         OCT 17,1945
Mitchell, Phedona nee Caldren                                  MAR 27,1984
Mitchell, W. R. "Bill"                            MAY 30,1900  OCT 16,1989
Mixdorf, Alvin J. "Pete"                          OCT 12,1921  MAY 29,1990
Mixdorf, Isabel                                   1906         JAN 21,1987
Moad, Fern nee Griggs                             SEP 1900     APR 20,2001
Moats, Lillian A. nee Wolthoff                    MAR 15,1917  DEC 07,1995
Modderman, Elsie                                  SEP 09,1910  MAY 25,1969
Modlin, Clarence A.                               JUL 07,1920  AUG 14,1983
Modlin, Harold L.                                 APR 05,1926  AUG 02,1999
Modlin, Ingeborg nee Rasmussen                    MAR 24,1893  SEP 20,1989
Moehl, Wesley C.                                  APR 08,1898  SEP 15,1981
Moeller, Daniel James                             JUL 13,1983  JUL 13,1983
Moeller, Eldon Frances                            MAR 21,1919  OCT 04,2000
Moeller, Herman J.                                MAY 24,1897  MAR 28,1989
Moeller, Ina M. nee Wiese                         DEC 17,1915  JUN 20,1988
Moeller, Lona Darlene nee Smart                   MAY 01,1915  MAY 01,2000
Moeller, Mary                                     MAR 30,1892  FEB 24,1983
Moffett, Blair M.                                 AUG 24,1899  JAN 05,1987
Moffett, Freda Myrtle nee Myers                   AUG 20,1903  MAR 06,1991
Moffitt, Alta Mai nee Brietske                    OCT 17,1902  NOV 01,1980
Moffitt, Theodore E. "Ted"                        MAR 18,1928  AUG 31,1990
Moffitt, Thomas F.                                JUN 20,1926  AUG 11,1999
Mogensen, Clarence "Moggie"                       MAY 25,1915  OCT 25,1997
Mogensen, Milda Ellen nee Schueler                MAR 19,1921  MAY 17,1991
Mohling, Agnes Marie nee Bolton                   AUG 25,1928  MAR 12,1997
Mohn, Chris G.                                    FEB 22,1913  MAY 13,1986
Mohn, Mildred E. nee Hartwig                      OCT 14,1914  OCT 05,1994
Mohr, Donald                                      1923         OCT 07,1981
Mohr, Mildred Edna nee Huston                     FEB 11,1897  OCT 21,1956
Mol, Hattie E.                                    1896         APR 20,1987
Molendorp, Conrad                                 FEB 21,1841  AUG 16,1917
Molendorp, Conrad                                 JUN 16,1897  SEP 15,1982
Molendorp, Gertrude                               MAY 23,1889  DEC 18,1974
Molendorp, Gretje nee Wolters                     MAY 27,1858  FEB 04,1935
Molendorp, Helmer                                 1879         OCT 1947
Molendorp, Herman                                 AUG 28,1877  SEP 1959
Molendorp, Jerry                                  SEP 27,1912  DEC 26,1985
Molendorp, Martin                                 NOV 18,1876  NOV 13,1950
Molendorp, Marvin L. "Duke"                       APR 09,1925  AUG 09,1988
Molendorp, Theodore                               OCT 14,1903  OCT 20,1940
Moll, Frances Salena Erskine nee Styre            SEP 27,1906  DEC 24,1989
Mollendorp, Jennie nee Schweertmann               JUN 18,1905  MAY 24,1992
Molsberry, Hazel nee Lamb                         1904         NOV 01,1993
Molsberry, Hazel Pearl                            DEC 05,1898  JUN 25,1985
Molsberry, Mahlon V.                              1901         MAR 06,2000
Mommer, Lois nee Ericksen                         MAR 22,1921  AUG 08,1977
Montgomery, Alfred                                NOV 04,1864  JUL 05,1943
Montgomery, Bessie Irene nee Wamsley              JUL 02,1892  DEC 19,1990
Montgomery, Jean                                  JUN 11,1884  JUN 06,1980
Moon, Lola C. nee Carter                          APR 15,1896  DEC 19,1978
Moore, Caroline Jane nee Siems                    DEC 08,1922  MAR 21,1990
Moore, Earl D.                                    OCT 01,1880  OCT 04,1959
Moore, Elsie                                      1903         NOV 07,1980
Moore, Fern Hook nee Heikens                      OCT 16,1915  FEB 26,1985
Moore, George Eugene                              APR 17,1905  APR 23,1989
Moore, George W.                                  MAR 29,1857  MAY 10,1951
Moore, Helen E. nee Smith                         JUN 04,1909  AUG 14,1982
Moore, Hilda nee Schwennen                        DEC 28,1917  NOV 22,2000
Moore, John Woodrow                               OCT 16,1912  MAY 29,1991
Moore, Linnie Frances nee Richards                JUL 11,1869  JUL 04,1944
Moore, Marjorie nee Simmons                       1914         JUL 28,1950
Moore, Melton                                     JUL 07,1910  FEB 10,1994
Moore, Paul James                                 NOV 23,1910  OCT 21,1997
Moore, Perry                                      AUG 24,1865  DEC 16,1945
Moore, Reuben                                     SEP 04,1909  NOV 20,1989
Moore, Virginia nee Darling                       MAR 15,1918  APR 17,1996
Moore, Vivian Lenore nee Aldrich                  FEB 09,1910  SEP 20,1998
Moore, William P.                                 DEC 30,1901  FEB 08,1969
Moorehouse, Cecil C.                              DEC 28,1913  OCT 25,1995
Moorhead, William Garaway                         MAY 27,1856  APR 05,1924
Moots, Harvey                                                  OCT 1946
Moots, Martna                                                  JAN 1945
Moots, Stanley                                    JUN 13,1890  1938
Mooty, Gertrude M. nee Cummings                   MAY 29,1897  MAR 16,1987
Mooty, Harold Wood                                SEP 02,1925  DEC 16,1992
Mooty, James Wesley                               AUG 03,1893  JUL 30,1986
Mooty, Lois Gertrude                              MAR 11,1916  DEC 21,1999
Mooty, Robert Wesley                              AUG 13,1924  MAR 06,2001
Mooty, Roger W.                                   JAN 08,1924  JUN 04,1985
Mooty, Roma Jean Leah nee Beckwith                APR 07,1926  MAY 13,2001
Mooty, William Lewis "Bill"                       MAY 23,1906  JUN 16,1992
Moralee, Kate nee Stevenson                       SEP 19,1892  OCT 09,1987
Morck, Julius B.                                  OCT 10,1884  1949
Morehouse, Ellen nee Hunt                         1853         DEC 12,1935
Morehouse, Verne Junior                           JUL 13,1925  JAN 19,1996
Morey, Emma nee Cirks                             JAN 28,1896  SEP 16,1984
Morford, Alva N.                                  1876         1960
Morford, Christiana O. "Til" nee Oltohoff         JUN 17,1903  JUL 31,1979
Morford, Lyle O.                                  JAN 28,1902  MAR 22,1951
Morford, Margaret A. nee McManus                  JAN 31,1852  NOV 27,1939
Morgan, Bernice nee Hersey                        FEB 14,1911  FEB 02,1998
Morgan, Berton LeRoy                              APR 22,1924  OCT 28,1988
Morgan, Cecyle nee LaRue                          MAR 13,1915  MAR 26,1991
Morgan, Palmer                                    FEB 19,1868  MAY 01,1928
Morgan, Viola Elizabeth nee Butler                NOV 27,1903  AUG 04,1987
Moroney, Mrs. James nee Hogan                     1854         FEB 02,1944
Morris, Lydia N. nee Kyrias                       JUL 22,1929  DEC 04,1996
Morris, Sam J.                                    NOV 11,1915  MAR 27,1979
Morrison, Mae nee Reynolds                        1887         JUN 23,1972
Morrison, Russell H.                              JUL 19,1917  MAY 09,1991
Morrison, Vera                                    JUN 06,1890  FEB 10,1983
Morrison, Wayne G.                                FEB 19,1887  OCT 30,1961
Morrow, Mary                                      SEP 13,1850  SEP 15,1940
Morse, Alvin A.                                   DEC 06,1905  OCT 27,1995
Moser, Clark                                      SEP 21,1910  DEC 22,1984
Moser, Lucy H. nee Meek                           AUG 25,1908  APR 23,1985
Mosher, Clara nee Yost                            NOV 18,1883  JAN 25,1981
Mosher, Hugh L.                                   MAY 18,1884  SEP 29,1966
Moss, Elmer                                       JAN 23,1868  JUN 30,1947
Moss, Mrs. Elmer nee Downing                      AUG 02,1867  JUL 03,1946
Mossman, Edna Mae nee Bumstead                    NOV 17,1909  MAY 23,1998
Mott, Carrie                                                   MAR 1946
Mowrer, Howard Lee                                UNKNOWN      UNKNOWN
Mowrer, Ingle nee Huting                          1885         AUG 1947
Mudder, Jakobus J.                                1843         1899
Mudderman, Evert William                          FEB 20,1909  SEP 30,1949
Mudderman, Gratus William                         DEC 25,1926  MAR 05,1992
Mudderman, Lucy Lena nee Marks                    1909         JUN 08,1992
Mudderman, Mrs. William nee Ross                  APR 27,1889  FEB 10,1945
Mudderman, William                                JUN 02,1886  MAY 24,1949
Mueller, Ernst O.                                 AUG 08,1898  MAR 13,1984
Mueller, Harold Carl                              MAR 28,1911  NOV 14,1997
Muhlenbruck, Darleen M.                           APR 04,1928  JAN 13,1994
Muhm, Enid nee Davis                              1904         SEP 1982
Muhring, Harm                                     JAN 05,1898  DEC 03,1989
Mulder, Anna B. nee Walbaum                       NOV 11,1893  SEP 07,1978
Mulder, Anna nee Johnson                          NOV 17,1899  MAY 04,1984
Mulder, Dorothy I. nee Braaksma                   MAY 23,1903  SEP 28,1948
Mulder, Elizabeth nee Popkes                      JUN 26,1901  NOV 16,1981
Mulder, Geert                                     NOV 11,1874  NOV 17,1941
Mulder, Gertie                                    OCT 18,1923  JUL 08,1988
Mulder, Grace nee Wildeboer                       FEB 17,1905  MAY 03,1989
Mulder, Harmine                                   1925         AUG 20,1963
Mulder, Henry                                     FEB 14,1899  SEP 05,1992
Mulder, Herman                                    FEB 10,1925  JAN 05,1984
Mulder, Jennie nee Kuper                          MAR 31,1912  JAN 27,1998
Mulder, John                                      FEB 27,1887  JUL 23,1949
Mulder, Junior K.                                 1920         1983
Mulder, Katherine nee Allspach                    AUG 07,1900  OCT 09,1978
Mulder, Louise Eva nee Voy                        OCT 19,1898  OCT 17,1978
Mulder, Minnie nee Alberts                        MAY 21,1904  NOV 16,1999
Mulder, Mrs. Geerd                                1877         MAR 1939
Mulder, Richard H.                                FEB 08,1893  MAR 15,1981
Mulder, William                                   NOV 19,1898  JAN 22,1982
Mulford, Jonas R.                                 1921         MAY 13,1942
Mullen, Abraham Leonard "Bud"                     JUN 23,1909  OCT 02,1992
Mullen, James                                     MAY 17,1883  JAN 1946
Muller, Anna Marie nee Becker                     MAR 27,1873  AUG 01,1945
Muller, Annie nee Eiklenborg                      JAN 17,1895  APR 30,1989
Muller, Annie nee Seehusen                        SEP 06,1922  AUG 04,1987
Muller, Ben Harm                                  FEB 01,1878  AUG 08,1936
Müller, Berentje nee Otten                        OCT 30,1810  OCT 17,1906
Müller, Cornelius H.                              SEP 09,1887  MAR 24,1911
Muller, Effie nee Kriens                          JAN 14,1917  SEP 15,1989
Muller, Eilard A.                                 OCT 10,1899  AUG 13,1981
Muller, Elsie nee Huisman                         DEC 30,1884  MAR 21,1986
Muller, Enno Siebrand                             NOV 23,1888  MAR 04,1974
Muller, Etta nee Bruns                            APR 01,1907  OCT 14,1992
Muller, Fannie                                    JUL 23,1903  JUL 19,1987
Muller, Florence nee Kalkwarf                     JAN 19,1891  AUG 25,1980
Muller, Freeda                                    FEB 04,1919  JUL 05,1980
Muller, Frieda nee DeVries                        MAY 03,1907  DEC 08,2000
Muller, Hans                                      MAY 16,1911  JAN 28,1994
Muller, Harm                                      1908         DEC 01,1975
Müller, Harm Ocken                                FEB 25,1847  MAR 27,1907
Muller, Harvey                                    MAR 15,1926  MAY 18,1998
Muller, Henry O.                                  1914         JUL 25,1963
Müller, Herman H.                                 SEP 12,1894  JUN 08,1899
Müller, Hilke nee Franken                         APR 11,1855  AUG 28,1912
Muller, Ida nee Buseman                           JUN 10,1908  APR 03,1972
Muller, Infant                                    UNKNOWN      UNKNOWN
Muller, Jake                                      NOV 10,1924  OCT 17,1993
Muller, Jake B.                                   JAN 10,1905  DEC 02,1963
Muller, Jelsche Klaas                             OCT 30,1888  OCT 10,1975
Muller, Jessie nee DeVries                        MAY 20,1882  MAY 21,1953
Muller, Kate nee Tjebkes                          AUG 11,1896  MAY 29,1983
Muller, Klaas J.                                  FEB 18,1915  OCT 06,1982
Muller, Klaas J.                                  MAR 19,1911  SEP 26,1993
Müller, Klaas J.                                  AUG 22,1852  MAY 04,1911
Muller, Klaas K.                                  AUG 16,1892  1979
Muller, Margaret nee Schoeneman                   SEP 14,1890  JUL 20,1980
Muller, Marion                                    UNKNOWN      UNKNOWN
Muller, Orville Bernith                           FEB 08,1917  JUN 15,1998
Muller, Siebrand                                  MAY 26,1903  MAY 01,1985
Muller, Sobena nee Raske                          OCT 22,1880  NOV 10,1959
Muller, Theodor H.                                MAR 02,1904  AUG 07,1983
Muller, Tressa nee DeVries                        APR 13,1877  SEP 22,1933
Müller, Weimde nee Morra                                       MAY 05,1889
Mullin, Daniel R.                                 JUL 24,1890  OCT 30,1943
Mullin, John                                      FEB 27,1876  JUL 07,1943
Mullin, Margaret E. "Marge" nee Forret            JUL 31,1900  JUN 20,1986
Mullin, Mary nee McCue                            1850         NOV 1942
Mullmann, Ann Francis nee Meyer                   OCT 20,1873  AUG 02,1979
Mullr, Robert E.                                  1923         1981
Munn, Gerald W.                                   NOV 16,1900  JAN 02,1994
Munn, Laura nee Burkett                           DEC 28,1899  AUG 24,1990
Munson, Donald L.                                 MAY 10,1918  JUN 10,1997
Munson, Winifred Irma nee Hartman                 1919         JUN 25,1995
Muntinga, Bertha Catherine nee Tiddens            DEC 18,1871  SEP 04,1959
Muntinga, John H. B.                              JAN 03,1871  JAN 16,1957
Muntinga, Klaaske nee Neeman                      JUL 09,1848  AUG 18,1911
Murch, Henrietta Ida nee Kuehne                   JUL 04,1888  OCT 03,1947
Murdock, Catherine Jeanette nee Phipps            OCT 14,1919  OCT 22,1989
Murphy, Betty Jean nee Starkweather               APR 04,1924  JAN 06,1981
Murphy, Edith Elizabeth nee Berry                 SEP 09,1884  AUG 16,1970
Murphy, Eleanor Cecelia nee Connell               APR 10,1906  FEB 24,1994
Murphy, Genevieve L. nee Hagarty                  JUN 24,1915  AUG 06,1994
Murphy, George                                    APR 01,1885  AUG 02,1946
Murphy, Jane Elizabeth nee Watkins                SEP 12,1930  MAY 03,1996