Sioux County, Iowa

Photos - People - BIOs
R surnames

The Greater Sioux County Genealogical Society is compiling photo scrap books for each town and would appreciate anyone that has old photos of Sioux County such as families, businesses, and town scenes, please have them copied in good quality and send them to the GSCGS, 102 S. Main Ave., Sioux Center, IA 51250. Be sure to label them completely and who had them.

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SURNAME (link to family history) PIC/s

Ramaker, Henry John & Grace (family)

Randall, W. S.

Ranschau, Bros: Henry, John & Chris

Reekers, Arie & Johanna (family)

Reekers, John & Marie (family)

Reeves, Thomas John


Reid, William Johnson & Minnie Terry (family)


Reiniger, C. G.

Relander, Fred

Remacle, Henry J. & Marie Masuin family

Rens, Jan "John" & Hattie Zoet (family)

Rensink, Brothers & their families

Rensink, Henry & wife, Tillie (Moss)

Rensink, Henry W. & Gerdena (Voortman)

Rhodes, Edwin Earl & 2 wives w/families


Richter, Bernard & Elizabeth Gacke Family


Richter, John & Mary Sware Family


Richter, William & wife Mary

Ricker, Henry

Ricklefs, Herman & Catherine Claassen Family

Rielly, Thomas & Catherine Family

Riemersma, J.

Riemersma, James

Riemersma, John J. & Sara (DeWolf)

Rijsdam, Gerrit & Magdalena Van Velzen family

Riter, John Phillip & Minnie Oloff (family)


Roelofs, Dick & son, David (family)

Roelops, Garritt E.


Rogers, Burtren & Christina Eliza Herron (family)

Roggen, Rev. John A. & Jacqueline De Haan (family)

Roghair, Nicholas & Christina Hendrikse (family)

Ronsick, August & Katherine Ziegler (family)

Rosgaard, Guliek N. & Andria Amundson

Rounds, E. R.

Rouwenhorst, C.

Rozeboom, Beert & Aartje Schoep (family)

Rozeboom, C.

Rozeboom, Jan 'Jon' 1840-1930

Rozeboom, Jan & 2 wives with families

Rozeboom, Johannes & Ella

Rozeboom, Johannes & Ella Vande Berg

Rozeboom, Will & Josie Wesselink Family


Ruisch, Dooije & Aaltje

Ruppert, Nicholas & Susan Hastert family


Rypma, Sasker & Maria Goslinga (family)



Copyright 2014-2025. These electronic pages are posted for the benefit of individuals only who are researching their family histories. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the Sioux County Coordinator with proof of this consent.