Transcribed by Denise Wurner June 2010
Jake More buried in Shelby County?
Replies: 8
Jake More buried in Shelby County?
Schmerguls (View
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Posted: 31 Jul 2001 12:21PM GMT |
Surnames: More
As a followup to my prior message I see the Political
Graveyard site lists Jake More, who was a very famous politician from Shelby
County, is listed as "burial location unknown" Is he buried in Shelby County?
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Re: Jake More buried in Shelby County?
Jan Camery Pientok (View
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Posted: 30 Jun 2003 3:04AM GMT |
Classification: Query
Jake More and his wife are both buried in the Harlan
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Re: Jake More buried in Shelby County?
twotacky1 (View
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Posted: 13 Mar 2010 4:10PM GMT |
Classification: Query
Surnames: More Freeman
I am interested in finding an obituary for Jake More, who
died May 1986, in Des Moines, Iowa, and is buried in the Harlan Cemetery, along
with his wife, Ruth Chloe (Freeman) More. Any help will be appreciated
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Re: Jake More buried in Shelby County?
MarthannKohlFuhs (View posts ) |
Posted: 15 Mar 2010 3:22AM GMT |
Classification: Query
for a small fee to cover costs, the wonderful ladies at the
library will look it up for you:
Harlan Community Library
718 Court St.
Harlan, IA 51537
Phone: (712)755-5934
Fax: (712)755-3952
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Re: Jake More buried in Shelby County?
Genealogist67 (View
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Posted: 7 Apr 2010 2:38AM GMT |
Classification: Query
Did you get the obit for Jake Smith More?
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Re: Jake More buried in Shelby County?
MarthannKohlFuhs (View
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Posted: 8 Apr 2010 5:52PM GMT |
Classification: Cemetery
Jake More
Cemetery: Harlan, IA
Addition: 2
Lot: 880 P
lot: 6
Birth: 1903 Death: 1986
Ruth More
Cemetery: Harlan, IA
Addition: 2
Lot: 880
Plot: 5
Birth: 1905 Death: 1977
Infant More
Cemetery: Harlan, IA
Addition: 2
Lot: 880
Plot: 4
Birth: 1932 Death: 1932
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Re: Jake More buried in Shelby County?
twotacky1 (View posts ) |
Posted: 8 Apr 2010 7:29PM GMT |
Classification: Query
Thank you for posting the obituary of Jake More. I am
compiling a family history concerning his wife, Ruth Chloe Freeman:
Ruth was the daughter of William Benjamin Freeman and Maude J. Wells;
Maude was the daughter of Edmond S. Wells and Roxana "Roxy" Grant;
Roxana was the daughter of George B. Grant and Martha M. Bemis;
Martha was the daughter of Ebenezer Bemis and Ruth R. Trumble, who are our
common ancestors.
If anyone has an interest in this family, please feel free to contact me.
Korth Family
Replies: 8
Korth Family
bjandrmf (View
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Posted: 14 Apr 2001 12:00PM GMT |
Classification: Query
Surnames: Korth
Seeking information of the children of my great-great-
grandparents Jakob Korth (1818 - 1899) and Maria Anna Soentgen (1824 - 1894) and
the children of my great-grandparents Peter Korth (1847 - 1911) and Anna Rosalia
Leinen (1853 - 1933). Both families were early residents of Cass Township,
Shelby County. Peter was an early businessman in the town of Portsmouth.
Have researched German records on the Korth family to the 1776 wedding of Johann
Korth and Anna Gertrud Horst. Am willing to share information with anyone
researching this family.
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gertrude korth
micknsharon (View
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Posted: 9 Jun 2001 12:00PM GMT |
Classification: Query
Surnames: korth, kramer
i am looking for info on gertrude korth who married peter
kramer. she was born in april of 1840 and died in june of 1922. is it possible
you have her anywhere in your tree?
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Re: Korth Family
James Schloegl (View
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Posted: 7 Oct 2001 2:01AM GMT |
Classification: Query
I have in my file a Peter Joseph Korth, born in Wisconsin on 1 April 1857
married to Amelia Mary Kuhl on 18 Feb 1896 in Earling, IA. Amelia was born in
Mills Co., IA in 1865 and died in Omaha, NE on 10 February 1956. I do not know
the names of his parents. He was a banker. Amelia was a relative of mine.
An unrelated Korth I have listed is Getrude Korth, she was born 26 Dec 1823 and
died 20 Mar 1888. She was married to Joseph Herkenrath, he was born May 23, 1826
and died Nov 7, 1894. Both are buried at St. Mary's Cemetery, Portsmouth, IA. I
don't know the parents of either of these. I do have two children listed for
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Re: Korth Family
dkuhns (View
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Posted: 12 Apr 2002 6:56PM GMT |
Classification: Query
Do you know where in Wisconsin your KORTH was born? I have
some KORTH relatives in Marinette, Wisconsin (see
--NEW ADDRESS NEEDED-GEOCITIES NO LONGER EXISTS-- for pictures and links to pedigree
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Re: Korth Family
tschultz10 (View
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Posted: 24 Nov 2004 3:23AM GMT |
Classification: Query
My name is Theresa Korth and I am working on the Korth history. I see on these
mesage board that a Bernard Frederick had information dating back to Johan and
Anna(Horst) Korth, that would be our great, great,great,great grandfather and
would love any information if you have any. I have just found out that Peter
Korth of Germany died in Keokuk Co, Iowa and hoping to find the cemetery and if
there is still a headstone. I am working with Delora Korth who is a descendant
of Jacob Korth of the Portsmouth area. We keep running into grey areas. Can you
help out with anything.
Thank you for your time,
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Re: Korth Family
renfield195 (View
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Posted: 4 May 2006 12:51AM GMT |
Classification: Query
I'm looking for information about Johann Soentgen and Anna Maria Hartfels any
information would be appreciated. I have found Jacob Korth and Maria Anna
Soentgen, just trying to connect the dots.
Thanks for your time
Rick Enfield
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Re: Korth Family
Harry Kuhl (View
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Posted: 4 May 2006 1:27AM GMT |
Classification: Query
I have Jacob and Anna Marie but no parents for either.
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Re: Korth Family
erinlemaster (View
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Posted: 22 Mar 2010 11:12PM GMT |
Classification: Query
Maria Anna (Soentgen) Korth was the daughter of Johann and
Anna Maria (Hartfels) Soentgen. This is listed on the St Mary's cemetery
This page also lists Peter and Elizabeth (Kuhl) Korth as the parents of Jacob
Korth, Sr.
Obit look up 1985
dannytt106 (View
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Posted: 10 Jan 2010 3:24PM GMT |
Classification: Obituary
Surnames: Shelton Carpenter
Looking for a Obit for a Mary Shelton died Feb 1985 Harlan
Shelby Iowa
Re: James Lee Shelton, Sr. death notice Sept. 17, 2005
dannytt106 (View
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Posted: 10 Jan 2010 3:21PM GMT |
Classification: Obituary
Surnames: Carpenter Shelton
Im from Jefferson County ohio were Mary Shelton father Roy
Carpenter came from he lived in Denver Colorado he move from Jefferson County
Ohio two Denver somewere around 1920 and 1930 I have a record that Roy Carpenter
wrote a book on the Carpenter familey im looking for Mary Shelton obit who died
Feb 1985 and would like two talk to someone in her familey
Jacob S Hamilton Obit
Replies: 0
Jacob S Hamilton Obit
BettyMc63 (View
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Posted: 10 Dec 2009 6:47PM GMT |
Classification: Query
I am looking for an obituary for Jacob S Hamilton who was
born March 31, 1877 in MO and passed away August 18, 1951 in Charles City, Iowa,
according to SSDI and he is buried in the Harlan Cemetery in Shelby Co., IA
Any help will be greatly appreciated
Betty McIntosh
Family Names
Replies: 30
Family Names
Roseanna (View
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Posted: 30 Aug 2000 12:00PM GMT |
Classification: Query
Surnames: Blum
I am looking for family members in Shelby County and
vicinity related to my Blum family. The names I am researching are: Anderson,
Arkfeld, Baker, Barrow, Bissen, Blaze, Boslaugh, Bruck, Campbell, Chamberlain,
Clemens, Collins, Cook, Dotzler, Eilers, Esser, Faulkner, Feldman, Finken,
Fretz, Furrow, Galloway, Gaul, Goetzinger, Gross, Heese, Heimerl, Herbst,
Katzer, Kaufman, Kenkel, Kramer, Kwapiszeski, Leenan, Lefeber, Lehan, Leuschen,
Mathys, May, McAndrews, Meier, Miller, Muckey, Murray, Newland, O'Daniels,
Rauterkus, Reding, Reis, Reisz, Reynolds, Rose, Schechinger, Schmitz, Schiltz,
Schneider, Shoemann, Schwartz, Sonntag, Stolz, Stracke, Swanson, Thompson,
Tremel, Trierweiler, Vandivort, Von Tersch, Wageman, Wingert, Zimmerman and
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Vicki (View
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Posted: 31 Aug 2000 12:00PM GMT |
Classification: Query
Surnames: Blum
What information are you looking for with regard to
Leuschen, Schechinger, or Von Tersch in Shelby County? I have some info on those
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Blum Family Names
Roseanna (View
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Posted: 31 Aug 2000 12:00PM GMT |
Classification: Query
Surnames: Blum
I will contact you personally.
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Rusrulet (View
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Posted: 30 Aug 2000 12:00PM GMT |
Classification: Query
What information on the names: Gaul, Gross, Kaufman, Meier,
Schechinger, Sonntag, and Stolz are you needing? I can help you with all these
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Stolz Info
Roseanna (View
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Posted: 21 Sep 2000 12:00PM GMT |
Classification: Query
Surnames: Stoltz
I am looking for information on Jacob Stolz and Walburga Buchberger, and their
children, Aloysius, Francisca, John, Magdalena and Michael.
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Jacob Stoltz
MKnight8461 (View
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Posted: 21 Sep 2000 12:00PM GMT |
Classification: Query
Surnames: Stoltz, Bookberger, Thielan, Schulte
In the Past and Present of Shelby County Iowa there is a
biography for JOHN THIELAN stating he was twice married, his second being LENA
STOLTZ, daughter of Jacob and Walburger (Bookberger) Stoltz. John Thielan and
Lena Stoltz Thielan had children: Barbara, Elizabeth, John, Josephine, Louis,
and Francis. (John Jr. married Miss Greve) Jacob and Walburger Stoltz, it
states, were born in Germany and "lived there all of their days." Jacob was a
prominent farmer in his community, and he and his wife reared a family of 9
children: Frank, John, Cynthia, Cecelia, Aloysius, Michael, Thresia, Francis,
and Lena Stoltz. It sounds like some of these children came to America, but not
Jacob and Walburger?
Another bio for PETER SCHULTE states that on June 17, 1897, he married Katherine
Klein, daughter of Joseph and Thresia (Stoltz) Klein.
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lhugeback (View
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Posted: 5 Mar 2001 12:00PM GMT |
Classification: Query
Saw your post. I think most of the info I have is from Rochelle as well, but I
wanted to include the first couple of generations of data and let you know that
I'm researching them as well.
LeAnn Hugeback
Descendants of Jacob Stoltz or Stolz
Generation No. 1
1. JACOB STOLTZ OR STOLZ was born Abt. 1818 in Germany. He married WALBURGA
BUCHBERGER OR BOOKBERGER Abt. 1841 in Germany. She was born abt. 1820.
Germany (The Stolz are said to have come from Ingolstadt, Bavaria, Germany)
2. i. TERESA STOLTZ OR2 STOLZ, b. October 03, 1850; d. January 01, 1925, Bur. -
3 Jan 1925 St. Joseph's Cem, Earling, Shelby Co.
ii. JOHN STOLTZ OR STOLZ, b. October 16, 1845; d. February 18, 1921; m. THERESA
iii. ALOYSIUS STOLTZ OR STOLZ, b. June 24, 1854; d. March 06, 1934, Buried. -
Harlan Cemetery, Harlan, Shelby Co., IA; m. BARBARA SCHLAMZ.
*Note: Found a ships record-Ships name "Maas" Sailed from Rotterdam to New York
and arrived in New York 22 Oct. 1879. the following were passengers: All
brothers to one another; Johann (John) age 32, Aloys age 26, Michael age 23 all
surname Stolz. Also sailing with them was Barbara Schleng (or Schlenz) age 20
who married Aloys (Alois) Stolz on Nov 24,1879 after they arrived in Shelby Co.,
iv. MAGDALENA STOLTZ OR STOLZ, b. June 16, 1856; d. December 19, 1937; m. HENRY
v. FRANCES STOLTZ OR STOLZ, b. August 24, 1859, Scheyern, Bavaria; d. March 01,
vi. MICHAEL STOLTZ OR STOLZ, b. September 30, 1861; d. January 08, 1933; m.
Generation No. 2
2. TERESA STOLTZ OR STOLZ (JACOB STOLTZ OR STOLZ) was born October 03, 1850, and
died January 01, 1925 in Bur. - 3 Jan 1925 St. Joseph's Cem, Earling, Shelby Co.
She married JOSEPH KLEIN June 30, 1875 in Germany, son of JACOB PHILLIP KLEIN.
Buried - 4 Aug 1926 St. Joseph's Cem, Earling, Shelby Co., IA
*Note - Found a ships record of Joseph & Theresa Klein along with their children
Johannes (John) age 1 and Peter age 0 (means born in 1878). Also traveling with
them is a Phillip Klein age 64. They sailed from Rotterdam, Holland to New York
City on the ship "Rotterdam". They arrived in the port of New York 29 April
1878. Obituary states he came to America in 1877 and was born in Joppenbagh,
Notes: From Joseph Klein's prayer card: In Loving Memory of Joseph Klein. Born
in Bavaria, 1849. Died at Defiance, IA., Aug. 2, 1926, after a short illness,
and well prepared. Buried at Earling, IA., Aug. 4, 1926.
*Notes: M. Schwery source for 1795 - 1815 (WEB ADDRESS FOR SOURCE NO LONGER VALID 10/2012)
Children of TERESA STOLZ and JOSEPH KLEIN are:
3. i. THERESA OR TERESA3 KLEIN, b. March 28, 1886, Westphalia, Shelby Co, Iowa;
d. October 21, 1978, Harlan Iowa Hospital.
ii. JOHANNES (JOHN), b. Abt. 1877.
iii. PETER KLEIN, b. Abt. 1878.
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Aloysius Stolz
MKorgie (View
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Posted: 7 Feb 2001 12:00PM GMT |
Classification: Query
Surnames: Stolz, Thraen, Schlanz
I am related to a Aloysius Stolz (1855 - 1934)of Shelby
County ... married Barbara Schlanz ... is this the same Aloysius you refer to as
the son of Jacob Stolz?
Thanks. Mike
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Stolz family
Rusrulet (View
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Posted: 7 Feb 2001 12:00PM GMT |
Classification: Query
Surnames: Stolz
Jacob Stolz was the father of 10 children: John, Teresa,
Aloysius, Magdalena, Frances, Michael, Nicholas, Frank, Cynthia, and Cecelia. I
can help anyone with information on the first 6 children. Please feel free to
contact me.
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Re: Stolz family
Lin Seckinger (View
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Posted: 23 Nov 2001 1:39AM GMT |
Classification: Query
I am looking for any information you can provide me with in
regards to the Jacob's parents.
Thanks, Lin
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Re: Stolz family
RochelleRoulette (View
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Posted: 30 Jan 2006 1:11AM GMT |
Classification: Query
I am still research the Stolz family. Please feel free to
contact if you are needing any information.
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Re: Surnames
RochelleRoulette (View
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Posted: 30 Jan 2006 1:04AM GMT |
Classification: Query
I am still researching these surnames: Gaul, Gross,
Kaufman, Meier, Schechinger, Sonntag, & Stolz. Please feel free to contact me if
you need me to share information with you.
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Blum Family Members
anorm2000 (View
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Posted: 31 Aug 2000 12:00PM GMT |
Classification: Query
Blum Family Members in Shelby - you listed Zimmerman.
My Grand Uncle Edward T Wright b: 17 Sep 1867 Missouri
married Elizabeth (Lizzie) Zimmerman b: Abt 1876 Germany.
My Infomation is from
1910 US Census - Kane twp - Pottawattamie, Iowa
FHC Film No. 1374434
Listed the Family of: Edward Wright (53) b:Missouri
Address: 1503 Avenue K - Trade or Profession: Day Laborer Married for 16 years
Wife Lizzie (34) b:Germany
Son Joseph (15) b:Iowa
Son Earl (14) b:Iowa
Daughter Mary(11) b:Iowa
Daughter Francis(5) b:Iowa
Son Judson(8) b:Iowa
Daughter Hazel(4) b:Iowa
Son Christain?(1/12) b:Iowa
Could this be a link with your Zimmerman's?
Norm in Pioneer, CA
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Family Ties
Roseanna (View
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Posted: 31 Aug 2000 12:00PM GMT |
Classification: Query
Surnames: Zimmerman, Blum
I have a Jerome Vitus Zimmerman married to Alice Mary Blum November 12, 1960.
Their children are Kent Lee, Kimberly Jo, Kevin Dee, and Kerry Jay. Can you tell
me if they are a link with your Zimmerman's?
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Blum Family Members
Roseanna (View
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Posted: 12 Sep 2000 12:00PM GMT |
Classification: Query
Surnames: Blum
Here are more names connected to my Blum family:
Arvizu, Abot, Adrack, Ailts, Androy, Angelton, Assman, Babst, Baefield, Battani,
Bauer, Bauman, Bednarek, Behrendt, Bengford, Bielenberg, Bier, Bishoff, Blair,
Blankman, Bockelmann, Boger, Bohlin, Bolz, Bonar, Bond, Book, Britton, Brocken,
Bromert, Brooks, Buchberger, Burkes, Carlson, Carter, Cherry, Christensen,
Clark, Cogdill, Corbett, Corey, Cowan, Cranor, Croughan, Crouch, Cullison, and
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Re: Blum Family Members
Kathy Smith (View
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Posted: 14 Aug 2001 2:18AM GMT |
What CLARK names do you have in your research?
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Re: Blum Family Members
A. Croughan (View
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Posted: 14 Aug 2002 12:34AM GMT |
Classification: Query
What part of America are you from and who in the Croughan
Family are you related to. I have been involved with the Croughan name since
1969 with time off now and then. Thank you. Arty Croughan Chester New York
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Kenkel Blum
Jean Wessling (View
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Posted: 20 Sep 2000 12:00PM GMT |
Classification: Query
I have some info on an Antoinette Blum who married Joseph
Peter Kenkel,whose father is Anton Kenkle.
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Roseanna (View
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Posted: 20 Sep 2000 12:00PM GMT |
Classification: Query
Surnames: Blum, Kenkel
I have Antoinette Marie born March 7, 1904, and died November 20, 1958. Her and
Joseph were married February 10, 1925. I would like to compare notes.
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Schmerguls (View
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Posted: 15 Oct 2000 12:00PM GMT |
Classification: Query
Surnames: Wingert, Majerus
There are three Wingert graves in the Earling, Shelby
County, Iowa, cemetery. Magdalena M. Wingert is listed as dying in 1890 and we
seek to determine the year she was born and tha names of her parents, including
the maiden name of her mother. Can anyone tell us who could help us determine
this? Buried beside Magdalena is Martin Wingert and we believe he was born in
1886 and died in 1892 and is the son of Peter and Eva (nee Majerus) Wingert. I
would guess he was a grandson of Magdalena M. Wingert. The first name of the
third Wingert marker is indeciperable, and we have no dates. We guess it is
Magdalena's husband. Can anyone throw light on these three Wingert graves,
telling us who they are and their parents' names? My e-mail address is
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Re: Family Names
bonhaack (View
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Posted: 7 Oct 2001 9:02AM GMT |
Classification: Query
My maiden name is Wingert, and I know of a Blum who is
related to Henry Wingert, sibling of Nicholas Wingert, my great-grandfather. I
am looking for information about Henry...who his parents and other siblings
were. I know some of Henry's siblings as: Peter, John, Nicholas (my
ggrandfather). Please e-mail me with any information you have.
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Re: Family Names
NHeese (View
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Posted: 15 Dec 2001 12:03AM GMT |
Classification: Query
Hi Roseanna,
I just read your Aug. 2000 post of names related to Blum. The names I am
interested in are Heese, Leenan and Kenkel. My father is Rex Heese of Earling,
Iowa. His father is Alfons b.1904 d.1960 his gfather is John Carl Heese b. 1858
d. 1921. His mother is Dorothy (Kenkel) Heese b.1904 d.1986. His gfather is
Bernard (Barney) Kenkel b. 1857 in Luxemberg d. 1918. Bernard's parents are
Nikolaus and Marie Kenkel.
My mother is Jean (Schimerowski) Heese. Jean's father is Stanley b. 1898 d.
1983. Her gfather is John Schimerowski b. 1855 d.1950. Her gmother is Katherine
(Langenfeld) Schimerowski b.1860 d.1956. Jean's mother is Magdelene (Ebert)
Schimerowski b.1900 d.1963. Her gfather is Arnold Ebert b.1878 d.1957. Her
gmother is Sophia Marie Leenan.
Hope this helps and please email if you have any more questions.
Ned Heese, Kansas City, MO
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Re: Family Names
tpshoe (View
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Posted: 12 Apr 2002 3:57AM GMT |
Classification: Query
Ned, I have been reading the Shelby County board and
looking for any info I can find on Wendell Leenan. He is my mother-in-laws
father. She was born 8/12/1930 to Wendell and Lusty Burger in Harlan, Iowa and
put up for adoption. She was adopted in Omaha, NE a year later. Her adoptive
mother gave her the original birth certificate and we started searching about 2
years ago. I would love to have any info you have on the Leenan's and any
pictures. I have a few items on Wendell that I have managed to scrape together
from the internet and a wonderful woman, Janet, at the Shelby County Courthouse.
Please let me know if you are interested. Thank you for your time.
Pam Shoemaker
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Re: Family Names
Connie Lehan-Spangler (View
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Posted: 7 Feb 2002 3:08PM GMT |
Classification: Query
Frank Von Tersch born june 13 1896 in Harlan Ia. Father
wasJoseph born Sept. 8,1847 inWestphalan Germany. Mother Catherine Bauer born
Nov. 26, 1865 in Munich Germany. Frank married Bertha Blum on May 16, 1922 at
St. Peters catholic church in Defiance Ia. Bertha born march 5 1902 in Panama
Ia. Daughter of John J. and Mary Schwarte Blum. John was born Feb. 27,1878 in
Westphalia Ia. Son of Joseph and Katherine Kaufman Blum. Berthas mother Mary,
born March 12 1873, daughter of Herman and Magdelene Nolles Schwarte. Berthas
mother Mary died two weeks after Bertha was born. Berthas father John then
married Mary Bier they had 12 children plus Bertha and her brother Aloysius who
was two when their mother died. After Berthas death Frank married Mayme Koppold
Blum, widow of Joseph Blum son of William andJosephine Graeve Blum. Joseph Blum
was my GGrandfather. Hope this info helps. Connie Lehan-spangler
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Re: Family Names
mo2657 (View
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Posted: 5 Sep 2003 6:38PM GMT |
Classification: Query
I have information on Nolles/Nilles and Bauer's in church informatino from
Reil/Burg/Alf area of Germany (between Trier and Koblenz on the Moselle river).
I can not connect them directly yet to my main line of Butzens from that area,
but their descendants have come to Iowa also, marrying into Schechinger, Stoll
and Coenens from that area.
Contact me direct at if you are
interested in sharing information.
Maureen Murray Webb
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Re: Family Names
bonandrog (View
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Posted: 2 Dec 2009 6:30AM GMT |
Classification: Query
Aloysius Blum married Hilda Mary Hoffmann. Hilda's mother
was Susannah Wingert Hoffmann, a sister to my ggrandfather Nicholas Wingert. If
you want more info on this line, let me know. Thanks for the great information
on Aloysius and his parents and family.
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Re: Family Names
connie lehan-spangler (View
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Posted: 8 Feb 2002 6:41PM GMT |
Classification: Query
Hello, I need to correct one thing on my previous message.
My GGrandfather Joseph Blum was a different Joseph . My GGrandfather Joseph was
born Sept. 1 1869.
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Re: Family Names
karaoketedbare (View
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Posted: 26 Feb 2003 7:32AM GMT |
Classification: Query
In my family I have Swanson, Thompson, Clark, Holzer. My
family of Blums are from Germany. Could these be related to yours? We have 4
Blum girls marrying 4 Thompson boys.
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Re: Family Names
mo2657 (View
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Posted: 5 Sep 2003 6:49PM GMT |
Classification: Query
I have information on Clemens, Kramer, Reis/Reiss/Reyes, Schmitz, Schneider in
Reil/Burg/Alf church records back to @ 1640 in Germany. These are also surnames
in my distant relatives in the US through marriages to my Butzen line from Reil.
Contact me direct at if you are
interested in sharing information.
Maureen Murray Webb
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Re: Family Names
Cheryll Davey (View
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Posted: 26 Oct 2003 8:04PM GMT |
Classification: Query
Hi, Re: Bruck
I have been trying to put together info the same as you. So far I have Gertrud
Bruck born Vienna 2.6.1907 Father Hugo Bruck born 16.11.1879, grandfather Max
Bruck possibly had two brothers named Clarence and George.
Hugo married Rosa Seraphina Czech born 15.12.1878
Max married Sofia Kritz.
Does this tie in with any information you have.
Incidentally Gertrud was my husbands mother.
Hope this helps us both, please let me know.
Regards Cheryll
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Re: Family Names
bonandrog (View
posts ) |
Posted: 2 Dec 2009 6:35AM GMT |
Classification: Query
Many of these family names are in my family tree as well.
My maiden name is Wingert and I know of several Blums, Kenkels, and
Schechingers. There are also a few Arkfelds, Feldmans, Leuschens, and Bissens.
Contact me for what information you are needing.
Obit look-up Koppold
Replies: 3
Obit look-up Koppold
judee94 (View
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Posted: 29 Jan 2002 4:46AM GMT |
Classification: Obituary
Surnames: Koppold
Looking for information from obituary for Wendell Koppold
who died Nov 19, 1960 and funeral handled by Pauley Funeral Home of Harlan.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Re: Obit look-up Koppold
surerbad (View
posts ) |
Posted: 29 Nov 2009 1:55AM GMT |
Classification: Query
Surnames: Koppold
This is not an obit but an article on Wendell
One of the many German farmers of Douglas township, Shelby county, Iowa, is
Wendel Koppold, who has been a resident of this county since 1882, the year when
his parents located in this same county. Mr. Koppold has met with unusual
success in his agricultural operations, as is shown by his well-improved farm of
three hundred and seventy-five acres in Douglas township, on which he is now
living. This fine farm is the direct result of his industry, perseverance and
good business judgment and shows that he has been among the most progressive
farmers of his township and county. Wendel Koppold, the son of Michael and Eva
(Schecklinger*) Koppold, was born in Bavaria, Germany, October 8, 1870. He is
one of eighteen children born to his parents, eleven of whom are still living:
John, George, Joseph, Michael, Louis, Theresa, Mary, Wendel. Thomas, Francis and
Michael Koppold followed the trade of a blacksmith in his native land and
continued in that occupation until he came to America in 1882. Upon his arrival
in this country he immediately went west and located on the farm in Shelby
county, Iowa, where his son, Wendel, is now living. He prospered from the start
and was actively engaged in farming until about 1900, when he retired and moved
to Westphalia, where he lived until his death, August 31, 1913. His widow is
still residing in Westphalia. Wendel Koppold. was twelve years of age when his
parents came from Germany to Shelby county, Iowa, and consequently most of his
education was received in the schools of his native land. He assisted his father
on the home farm in Shelby county until he reached his majority and then began
to work out as a farm hand, and also helped his father on his large farm. He
remained at home until 1894, and then married and bought one hundred and twenty
acres and began farming for himself. He lived on this farm for five years and
then sold it and bought the old home place of three hundred and seventy-five
acres in Douglas township. He has placed many improvements upon this farm since
acquiring it and has rotated his crops in such a manner as to keep the soil at
its maximum productivity. He raises about one hundred and seventy-five acres of
corn each year and sells most of his grain. He feeds about fifty head of hogs
and fifty head of cattle each year, having found by experience, as have other
farmers in this county, that stock raising is more profitable than the raising
of grain.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Re: Obit look-up Koppold
MarthannKohlFuhs (View
posts ) |
Posted: 29 Nov 2009 2:58PM GMT |
Classification: Query
article from:
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Re: Obit look-up Koppold
MarthannKohlFuhs (View
posts ) |
Posted: 29 Nov 2009 3:00PM GMT |
Classification: Query
the library in Harlan will usually find an obit for a small
copy fee:
Baker and Bradshaw Obituary
Replies: 0
Baker and Bradshaw Obituary
uprrbill (View
posts ) |
Posted: 28 Nov 2009 1:16AM GMT |
Classification: Query
Surnames: Baker,Bradshaw
I would like a obit for Charlotte Baker Bradshaw born 27
April 1847 Rush twp,Susquehanna,Pennsylvania and died 25 Dec 1897. She is listed
as living in the 1880 USCensus as living in Shelby,Shelby,Iowa.
Replies: 0
alffone (View
posts ) |
Posted: 27 Nov 2009 1:25AM GMT |
Classification: Query
I'm looking for information on Niels Lawrence Nielsen born
about 1848, Denmark and his wife, Elsie M. Christiensen born about 1855 in
Denmark. They had four children that I know of and one was Nels Christian Nelsen
who married Hattie Marie Jensen from Iowa. Thanks for your time.
James Rasmussen in Jacksonville 1895
Replies: 1
James Rasmussen in Jacksonville 1895
jimida64 (View
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Posted: 2 Nov 2009 1:35AM GMT |
Classification: Query
Surnames: Rasmussen
Can anyone provide a photo from the Bethlehem Lutheran
Cemetery in Jacksonville? My gr gr grandfather, James (Jens) Rasmussen died in
1895 and was buried there. Lot 28.
Also wondering if anyone knows where I may be able to obtain an out of print
book called "Poplar Iowa" My Rasmussens are in this book.
= = = = = = =
Re: James Rasmussen in Jacksonville 1895
JBrug (View
posts ) |
Posted: 9 Nov 2009 3:25AM GMT |
Classification: Query
Ida, I sent a link to your email account that will give you
the only picture I have of the headstone. I can't find the copy on my computer.
My last PC crashed so I'm on a new one and assuming it may be lost.
The book "Poplar Iowa"
Replies: 0
The book "Poplar Iowa"
jimida64 (View
posts ) |
Posted: 2 Nov 2009 1:39AM GMT |
Classification: Query
Anyone know where I can get a copy of the book "Poplar
Iowa" It is out of print and I have been searching for a while now.
James Rasmussen in Jacksonville 1895
Replies: 0
James Rasmussen in Jacksonville 1895
jimida64 (View
posts ) |
Posted: 2 Nov 2009 1:35AM GMT |
Classification: Query
Surnames: Rasmussen
Can anyone provide a photo from the Bethlehem Lutheran
Cemetery in Jacksonville? My gr gr grandfather, James (Jens) Rasmussen died in
1895 and was buried there. Lot 28.
Also wondering if anyone knows where I may be able to obtain an out of print
book called "Poplar Iowa" My Rasmussens are in this book.
Where can I buy a Shelby Centennial Book
Replies: 1
Where can I buy a Shelby Centennial Book
JBrug (View
posts ) |
Posted: 24 Oct 2009 12:34AM GMT |
Classification: Query
I recently discovered that I have family from Shelby in
Shelby County. I would like to buy the Shelby Centennial Book but I can't find a
Any suggestions on where I can buy are greatly appreciated.
= = = = = = = = = = = = =
Re: Where can I buy a Shelby Centennial Book
MarthannKohlFuhs (View
posts ) |
Posted: 25 Oct 2009 4:17PM GMT |
Classification: Lookup
I have one, but it is NOT for sale.
HOWEVER, I will scan the pages of your family members and email them you.
Email your surname to:
Marthann Kohl-Fuhs
706-5th St.
Defiance, IA 51527-3004
Mason Fish
Replies: 4
Mason Fish
robert_fish (View
posts ) |
Posted: 22 Aug 1999 12:00PM GMT |
Classification: Query
Surnames: Fish
I am looking for information on Mason Fish who moved to
Iowa in 1867. He died in Shelby County Iowa Sept. 16, 1878 but his obituary
mentions Cass county also. He was born in PA. Any info on him would be
appreciated. Contact me at
= = = = = = =
Laura Weaver Stoffels (View
posts ) |
Posted: 22 Aug 1999 12:00PM GMT |
Classification: Query
Surnames: Stoffels, Fuhrmann, Orth, Dressen, Schoeben,
Heiderscheidt, Langenfeld
Looking for ancestory of Nicholas Stoffels born in Earling
Iowa on June 12, 1882 to Peter Stoffels and Margaretha Dressen Stoffels
= = = = = = =
Sandy Dyson (View
posts ) |
Posted: 29 Dec 1999 12:00PM GMT |
Classification: Query
Surnames: Stoffels
Peter Stoffels married Margaretha Dressen on 7/20/1881.
Peter was the son of Nicholaus and Mary (Leick) Stoffels.
Nicholaus was born in 1815 in Prussia, died 1887, he is buried in St. Boniface
Cemetery in Westphalia, Shelby County,Iowa. Nicholaus brought his children to
America in the late 1870's. They were:Wendel, Peter, Nicholas, Katherine, Anna,
and Jacob. His wife Mary did not come with them, so I assume she died in
I hope this helps.
= = = = = = =
Re: Stoffels
MNLakes (View
posts ) |
Posted: 30 Sep 2009 3:34AM GMT |
Classification: Query
I have that Frederick W. Konz was married to Annie Stoffles July 21, 1880. Do
you have any info that connect Annie to Frederick. I have that he was born in
Marytown, WI. on April 25, 1855. Fredericks brother Mathias who was born in 1861
married Anna Koll at Shelby Co., IA is a family I'm researching. I have several
connections to Earling Iowa that you mentioned. A William Dresen that settled in
Earling was also from Cassville, Wisconsin that I'm aware of and my relatives
had lived there. Jim Schloegl -
= = = = = = =
Re: Mason Fish
rfish48 (View
posts ) |
Posted: 18 Jul 2002 4:44AM GMT |
Classification: Query
Same name caught my eye. Sorry, never heard of Mason Fish.
I am from DesMoines, Iowa. My father James William is from Caimbridge, IA. His
father was Clarence Leroy also from Caimbridge. His father was Frank Leroy. I am
new at this and havent't gone farther back yet. I think my family moved to Iowa
in the mid to late 1800s.
Replies: 9
Laura Weaver Stoffels (View
posts ) |
Posted: 17 Jul 1999 12:00PM GMT |
Classification: Query
Surnames: Derichsweiler
I have information on Bernard Derichsweiler who married
Katherina Koll in Westphalia, Iowa on March 1, 1881.
= = = = = = =
Re: Derichsweiler
LindaDNeedles (View
posts ) |
Posted: 30 Oct 2001 12:43AM GMT |
Classification: Query
My great grandfather was Bernard Derichsweiler who married
Katerina Koll. I would love to see what info you have as I have not been able to
trace his parents other than to know he was born in Anstell, Germany. I would
love to hear from you. Thanks, Linda
= = = = = = =
Re: Derichsweiler
Petra Schmitz (View
posts ) |
Posted: 29 Jul 2002 9:03PM GMT |
Classification: Query
Are you still looking for information on the Derichsweiler
Two weeks ago I found out that one of my husbands ancestors was Anna Maria
Derichsweiler who was married to Peter Schiefer in 1780 in Dormagen. Her son
married in Butzheim/Nettesheim. Anstel is only 4 miles away from Butzheim. Can I
help you finding dates, when I am searching again in the archives?
Regards from Germany
= = = = = = =
Re: Derichsweiler
MNLakes (View
posts ) |
Posted: 30 Sep 2009 3:16AM GMT |
Classification: Query
The name of the ancestor to my relatives is Bernard Wilhelm Derichsweiler and
was born March 12, 1857 at Muncy-Anstel, Diocese of Colgne, Germany. The family
doesn't know the name of his parents or if he had any siblings. If you have any
info on him it would be appreciated. He died July 29, 1909 in McAlester,
Oklahoma, in the United States. He came to the United States in 1866 and was a
farmer Westphalia, Iowa; and later Muenster, Texas before moving to McAlester,
Oklahoma in 1900.
Email: Jim Schloegl at
= = = = = = =
: Derichsweiler
SYosten (View
posts ) |
Posted: 2 Mar 2003 9:53PM GMT |
Classification: Query
If you still need info about Bernard Derichsweiler I have a
little. But I also have info on Katerina Koll's family if you are interested.
Her sister Cecilia was married to my great great uncle Bernard Wiesman.
= = = = = = =
Re: : Derichsweiler
TLund1696 (View
posts ) |
Posted: 29 Jun 2005 1:32PM GMT |
Classification: Query
Would like to have the information you have on Katherine
Koll Derichsweilerand her family ( sister to Cecilia Koll Weisman). Katherine
was my Great Grandmother. Theresa Lund
= = = = = = =
Re: : Derichsweiler
SYosten (View
posts ) |
Posted: 2 Jul 2005 3:30AM GMT |
Classification: Query
Theresa, I am happy to share Koll / Schaben family info;
also have Derichsweiler family logs [mostly descendents of Katherine Koll's
daughter Elizabeth, who married Gus Knabe]. Email me at and let me know
if you have a particular interest or just want it all.
= = = = = = =
Re: Derichsweiler
bettyjstgemma (View
posts ) |
Posted: 26 Jul 2005 1:17AM GMT |
Classification: Query
I just read your message and there is a small writeup about Bernard
Derichsweiler in the book Cooke Co. History:Past & Present. I believe we are
related..My gr gr grandparents were Johan (John) Koll and Christina Scheben. My
gr grandparents were Mathias Koll (Katherine Koll Derichsweiler's older brother)
and Louisa Gross. I would really like to share family info and hope to hear from
Sincerely, Betty Koll-Dulay
PS You can write me at
= = = = = = =
Re: Derichsweiler
MNLakes (View
posts ) |
Posted: 30 Sep 2009 2:58AM GMT |
Classification: Query
I would like to hear from you. Mathias siblings Peter Koll and Susanna Koll also
lived in Stearns Co., MN. Susanna married Nicholaus Koll and Mathias Koll
married Augusta Eckermann and raised their family in Stearns Co., MN. Have lots
of gaps in your line even that Mathias and Louise lived at Elrosa. Have some
earlier info to share. Contact info: Jim Schloegl - Email me at
= = = = = = =
Re: Derichsweiler
LindaDNeedlesL (View
posts ) |
Posted: 14 Feb 2002 1:22AM GMT |
Classification: Query
I haven't been doing much research lately but noticed your
message. I would love to know the information you have about William/ Bernard
Derichsweiler who is my great grandfather. He married Katerina or Catherina Koll
in Westphalia, Iowa
Thanks for the help
Replies: 1
Roseanna87 (View
posts ) |
Posted: 30 Dec 2001 3:18PM GMT |
Classification: Obituary
Funeral services were held Thursday, Oct. 16, 1997, for
Michael L. Hoffmann of Gretna, Neb. He died Tuesday Oct. 14, 1997, at Midlands
Community Hospital in Papillion, Neb.
Michael was born December 12, 1937 in Panama, the son of Herbert and Philomena
Evelyn (Morris) Hoffmann. He was baptized into the Catholic Church in infancy.
Michael was a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Dunlap.
November 19, 1960, he married Marolyn Huss in Omaha, Nebraska. The couple moved
to Gretna, Nebraska in 1963.
Preceding him in death were his parents, Herbert and Evelyn Hoffmann.
Survivors include his wife, Marolyn; two daughters and their husbands, Rita and
Jerry Snell and Lisa and Mike Bartenhagen, all of Gretna, Nebraska;
grandchildren, Andrew and Pauline Snell and Allison Bartenhagen, all of Gretna,
Nebraska; brother and sister-in-law, Ralph and Karen Hoffmann of Millard,
Nebraska; sisters and brothers-in-law, Charlotte and Lucian Paprocki of
Clarkson, Nebraska, Theresa and Ken Watkins of Millard, Nebraska, Janet and
Leroy Schroeder of Omaha, Nebraska, Catherine and Ed Lickteig of Tulsa,
Oklahoma, Norma and Vince VoorVart of Kansas City, Missouri, Rose and Bill
Wilson of Omaha, Nebraska, and Mary and Pat Hurley of Millard, Nebraska; many
nieces, nephews, family and friends.
Father Dan Soltys performed the 11:30 a.m. funeral Mass of the Resurrection at
St. Patrick's Catholic Church in Gretna, Nebraska, Vince VoorVart and Cindy
Schroeder served as lectors. Other family members participated in the Mass.
Pallbearers were Michael's six nephews, Jerry Warner, David Watkins, Rick Huss,
Mike Schroeder, Greg Frick and Charles Paprocki.
Interment was in the Holy Sepulchre Cemetery near Gretna, Nebraska.
Rosary services were held Wednesday, October 15th, at Kahler-Dolce Mortuary in
Papillion, Nebraska.
Memorial may be given to the Gretna Fire and Rescue or St. Patricl's Catholic
Church, Gretna, Nebraska.
= = = = = = = =
Re: Obituary--Hoffmann More information
MaryRushing3478 (View
posts ) |
Posted: 12 Sep 2009 6:12PM GMT |
Classification: Query
Surnames: Huss
wondering if you would have any more information on Marolyn
Huss or Rick Huss.
My Grandmother was Elizabeth Huss born in Omaha, NB. We are not sure but think
some of her family stayed in that area while she and her parents moved to
Kansas, with two other Huss brothers who would have been her uncles.
death notice - Elsie Jane Juhl d. May 18, 2006
Replies: 3
death notice - Elsie Jane Juhl d. May 18, 2006
MarthannKohlFuhs (View
posts ) |
Posted: 23 May 2006 3:52AM GMT |
Classification: Death
Visitation services for 92-year-old Elsie Jane Juhl of
Vancouver, WA, will be held 9:00 am to 9:00 pm Monday, May 22nd at the Pauley
Jones Funeral Home in Avoca. Elsie Juhl died Thursday, May 18th in Shelby.
Survivors include 2 sons, Gordon Juhl of Montgomery, TX and Roger Juhl of
Vancouver, WA; 3 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren. A prayer service will
be held at 7:00 pm Monday, May 22nd at the Pauley Jones Funeral Home in Avoca.
= = = = = = = = = =
Arrangements and Services For
Elsie J. Juhl - Age 92
Who Died On - Thursday, May 18, 2006
Monday, May 22, 2006 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM
Pauley Jones Funeral Home Avoca, Iowa
Prayer Service
Monday, May 22, 2006 at 7:00 PM
Pauley Jones Funeral Home Avoca, Iowa
Funeral Service
Thursday, May 25, 2006 - 2:30 PM
Pacific View Memorial Chapel - Corona Del Mar, California
Pacific View Memorial Park - Corona Del Mar, California
survivors include two sons:
Gordon Juhl of Montgomery, Texas and
Roger Juhl of Vancouver, Washington
two sisters:
Sara Cavanaugh of Huntington Beach, California and
Mary Beebe of Palm Springs, California.
posted with permission from:
Pauley Jones Funeral Homes
Harlan, Iowa 51537
= = = = = = = = =
obit - Elsie Jane Juhl March 22, 1914 - May 18, 2006
MarthannKohlFuhs (View
posts ) |
Posted: 24 Jan 2007 7:09PM GMT |
Classification: Obituary
Elsie J. Juhl - Age 92
Elsie Jane Juhl, the daughter of John and Ellen (Winters) Egelund, was born on
March 22, 1914, in Los Angeles, California. She attended grade school in
Wilmington, California and high school in San Pedro, California.
After school, Elsie was united in marriage to Erik Juhl on January 21, 1933, in
Los Angeles, California. To this union two sons were born: Gordon and Roger.
Elsie worked as a homemaker and taking care of her family was her main priority.
She enjoyed gardening and flowers. She also enjoyed art and painting.
Elsie died at the home of her nephew in Shelby, Iowa on May 18, 2006, having
attained the age of ninety two years, one month and twenty-seven days. She is
preceded in death by her parents, her husband, Erik, and one brother, Paul.
She is survived by her children: Gordon Juhl of Montgomery, Texas and Roger Juhl
of Vancouver, Washington; three grandchildren: Todd Juhl, Cheryl Shaw and
Kathleen Juhl; three great grandchildren; two sisters: Sara Cavanaugh of
Huntington Beach, California and Mary Beebe of Palm Springs, California, many
nieces, nephews, other relatives and many friends.
A prayer service was held on Monday, May 22, 2006 at 7:00 PM at Pauley Jones
Funeral Home in Avoca, Iowa, with Rev. Duane Anunson officiating. Georgene Juhl
and John Clayton provided the musical selections. A funeral service was then
conducted on Thursday, May 25, 2006 at the Pacific View Mortuary in Corona Del
Mar, California.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Re: obit - Elsie Jane Juhl March 22, 1914 - May 18, 2006
NancyYoakum65 (View
posts ) |
Posted: 6 Sep 2009 6:40PM GMT |
Classification: Query
Elsie Juhl was my Aunt. The correct spelling of my
Grandmothers maiden name is WINTHERS, not Winters. I would be interested to find
out how you are related to my family.
Is it on your side or your husbands side?
Nancy Yoakum
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Re: obit - Elsie Jane Juhl March 22, 1914 - May 18, 2006
MarthannKohlFuhs (View
posts ) |
Posted: 7 Sep 2009 11:58PM GMT |
Classification: Query
I am not related to Elsie.
I post obits on the message boards for other researchers. Sometimes I am
related, sometimes I am not.
Most of the time, I copy-paste, so any errors are usually not mine. The funeral
home or newspaper use what was submitted to them, they could have been
Marthann Kohl-Fuhs
Replies: 0
Marmim (View
posts ) |
Posted: 10 Jun 2009 5:26AM GMT |
Classification: Query
I'm looking for descendants of Daniel Benjamin and Nancy
Lyons and brother David Benjamin and his wife Clairissa Lyons sister to Nancy.
All of Shelby Co. Iowa. Daniel married 25 May 1862 and David 24 Feb. 1876. I'm
interested in tracing the Lyons family and have other information on them.
Thank you
Replies: 0
Marmim (View
posts ) |
Posted: 10 Jun 2009 5:25AM GMT |
Classification: Query
I'm looking for descendants of Daniel Benjamin and Nancy
Lyons and brother David Benjamin and his wife Clairissa Lyons sister to Nancy.
All of Shelby Co. Iowa. Daniel married 25 May 1862 and David 24 Feb. 1876. I'm
interested in tracing the Lyons family and have other information on them.
Thank you
PETERSON, Shelby County Query
Replies: 1
PETERSON, Shelby County Query
djnixon (View
posts ) |
Posted: 29 Dec 1999 12:00PM GMT |
Classification: Query
Looking for information on John PETERSON, b. 24 Feb 1860 at
Bro, Ketting parish, Als, Denmark m. 29 Jun 1886 to Anna BAIRD at Harlan,
Shelby, IA. John d. 18 Nov 1946 at Summit Twp, Adair, IA & Anna d. 04 Oct 1947
at Summit Twp, Adair, IA. Their children: Hans m. Edith WILEY; Albert m. Gladys
NEWPORT; Andrew m. Marie KLINGMAN; Clarence m. Olga BERRY; Alma m. Alfred
WASSGREN; Evelyn m. Harry MATISON; Blanche m. (1) Bert BLOOMBERG (2) George
COOK. The Peterson's also had three infant sons who were born & died in Shelby
county. Would like to know where they are buried.
= = = = = = =
Re: PETERSON, Shelby County Query
candyapple97206 (View
posts ) |
Posted: 21 May 2009 11:42AM GMT |
Classification: Query
Surnames: Petersen-Wassgren
Alma Petersen Wassgren and Alfred Wasssgren were my
grandparents. They were from Iowa. Their children are Nedra, Ardith, Victor and
Naomi Wassgren
Heard of this book? regarding Rasmussen's
Replies: 0
Heard of this book? regarding Rasmussen's
jimida64 (View
posts ) |
Posted: 31 Mar 2009 4:31PM GMT |
Classification: Query
Surnames: Rasmussen
I have a page with handwritten family record on it of my
Rasmussen line. At the top of the page it says..
"page 139 of the book POPLAR County Iowa "The Danish Immigrants who made it
live" C -1891-1943."
I do not think there is a county name Poplar in Iowa. The info was regrading
Jens Rasmussen who lived in Harlan, Iowa and died their in 1895
Burright Family
Replies: 1
Burright Family
dengel_1 (View
posts ) |
Posted: 20 Feb 2000 12:00PM GMT |
Classification: Query
Surnames: Burright, Kleeb
Am seeking information on the family of Stewart BURRIGHT
and Abigail WADE who lived in Shelby County, IA, about 1800. They had Mary
Alice, Emily E., Nettie, William H., Delbert C., Theresa A., Charles, Jesse, and
Louis. Mary Alice BURRIGHT married Louis KLEEB and had daughter Nellie KLEEB
(brn abt 1878). Part of the family moved to California but the whereabouts and
married names of all the other daughters is unknown.
Any clues would be greatly appreciated
Seeking info on Jens Sorensen/Sorenson of Harlan 1945
Replies: 1
Seeking info on Jens Sorensen/Sorenson of Harlan 1945
thomasrwebb (View
posts ) |
Posted: 14 Feb 2009 5:53PM GMT |
Classification: Query
Surnames: Sorensen Sorenson Petersen Rold Barratt Barrett
Am seeking information on Jens Sorensen/Sorenson living in
Harlan, Shelby County, in 1945, brother of my great grandfather Nels
Sorensen/Sorenson of Denmark. Nels died in Brayton. Here is his Obit.
Nels Sorenson was born in Denmark, Sept. 17, 1862 and passed away in Irwin on
Aug. 8, 1945 at the age of 82 years, 10 months and 22 days.
He came to this country in 1881 and was located in Harlan. Here he was united in
marriage to Cecelia Petersen, July 4, 1885. To this union were born eight
children: Mrs. Ruth Cobb of Burlington; Mrs. Esther Rold and Mrs. Sarah Barratt
of Irwin; Moses Sorenson of St. Louis, Mo., and Mrs. Sophie Rold of Avoca, all
of whom are living, and Aaron, David and Daisy who preceded him in death. He was
also preceded in death by his wife in 1930.
He united with the Danish Baptist church in Harlan at the time of its
In 1891 the Sorensen family moved to Brayton, where they made their home for 17
years. From Brayton they moved to Waterloo, Iowa, and then back again to Shelby
At the time of his death Mr. Sorenson was a member of the Merrill's Grove
Baptist church. The Sorensen home was often the stopping place for the ministers
and missionaries in the earlier days.
In addition to his children he leaves to mourn his loss his brother, Jens
Sorenson of Harlan; 17 grandchildren, four great-grandchildren, other relatives
and a host of friends.
Now he has gone to his reward:
"Life's race well run,
Life's work well done,
Life's crown well won."
Card of Thanks
We wish to express our appreciation and thanks to our friends and neighbors for
the kindness and sympathy shown to us in our recent bereavement.
The Sorenson Children
Tom Webb
Metairie, LA
= = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Re: Seeking info on Jens Sorensen/Sorenson of Harlan 1945
shelbook (View
posts ) |
Posted: 15 Feb 2009 1:09PM GMT |
Classification: Query
There is a Jens C. Sornesen buried in the Harlan Cemetery.
Seeking birth of Oliver Richard Blazier
Replies: 0
Seeking birth of Oliver Richard Blazier
Kaknmick (View
posts ) |
Posted: 11 Feb 2009 12:31PM GMT |
Classification: Query
While traveling from New Jersey to Nebraska, the Blazier's
stopped off to have a baby boy named Oliver Richard Blazier at Nishabotna, Iowa.
Born May 1894 parents Elizabeth & Herbert Asbury Blazier parents.
Could someone PLEASE check your births for this baby? He later died at age 4
years of age in Omaha, Nebraska.
Many Thanks family researcher Mickey Paulk
Michael M. Barber in Shelby Co in 1880's
Replies: 12
Michael M. Barber in Shelby Co in 1880's
Ann McFarland (View
posts ) |
Posted: 9 Mar 2001 12:00PM GMT |
Classification: Query
Surnames: Barber
Michael Maize Barber born Union Co.PA 1824, died 1888
Shelby Co.IA. One of Michael's brothers is James Barber born 1834 Union Co.PA,
James died 1884 Elkhart Co.Indiana. Was their father a Presbyterian minister??
Oral family history says "yes". I will share my info.James worked on the
railroads in Elkhart Co.In, owned land & house in Elkhart. Had 5 children.
= = = = = = = =
Joseph L. Barber
MKnight8461 (View
posts ) |
Posted: 9 Mar 2001 12:00PM GMT |
Classification: Query
Surnames: Barber, Maze, Harter
In the 1915 Past and Present of Shelby County Iowa, page
877, is a biography for Joseph L. Barber, son of John K. and Sarah (Harter)
Barber. Joseph L. was born 10 Jan 1868 in Pennsylvania. John K. was born 25 Mar
1838 in Union County, Pennsylvania, and was a son of James Barber, also a native
of Pennsylvania. James Barber married Mary Maze and to them were born 11
children. John K. Barber lived in Union Co., PA, and shortly after his marriage
came with his family to Iowa, locating near Oakfield, Audubon County, then in
1882 he moved to Shelby County, Iowa. John K. Barber married in 1856 to Sarah E.
Harter and they had 11 children. If you want the complete biography, please
e-mail me and I'll send it to you. No charge. J.L. Barber was a breeder of hogs.
= = = = = = = = =
Re: Joseph L. Barber
Denny_D_Williams (View
posts ) |
Posted: 3 Oct 2002 5:54PM GMT |
Classification: Query
I am a direct descendant of John K. and Sarah (Harter)
Barber. My grandfather was Charles W. Barber, brother of Joseph L. C.W. married
Sylvia Edith Lacey of Kirkman, IA in 1899. I have had the good fortune to
inherit an extensive documentation of the family tree, mostly on the Lacey side,
created circa 1910. I also have an extensive collection of portraits taken 1880
to 1910 of their relatives. One appears to be a family portrait of John K.,
Sarah, and all eleven adult children. I am in the process of posting my research
and findings to the Internet, and will point you to the Web site if you are
= = = = = = = =
Re: Joseph L. Barber
Ann McFarland (View
posts ) |
Posted: 3 Oct 2002 9:19PM GMT |
Classification: Query
Surnames: MAIZE/MAZE
Is your Joseph BARBER born 10 January 1868 in PA? His
father John Knisley BARBER born ca 1838 Union Co.PA? My ancestor could be John
Knisely BARBER's brother. My ancestor is James Maize BARBER born 1834 Union
Co.PA., James married Lovina/Melonia CONDO, they both died in Elkhart Co.,
As a child, I remember my grandfather talking about a Bill LACEY. This LACEY
would be born ca 1886, lived in Elkhart Co., Indiana.
Do we connect? from Ann McFarland
= = = = = = = =
Re: Joseph L. Barber
Denny_D_Williams (View
posts ) |
Posted: 6 Oct 2002 10:25PM GMT |
Classification: Query
Surnames: Barber Harter
Hi, Ann -- really good news:
1) Joseph Lutz (or Letz) Barber, Born Jan 10, 1868 in Nipanose Valley, Lycorning
(sic) Co, PA. Married (Lina or Tina) Anderson, date unknown - can you confirm &
I talked to my Mom this morning, she remembers "Uncle Joe" was indeed a
successful hog farmer. I have an old sale flyer she gave me wherein Joe's
brother C.W. (my grandfather) and his oldest son (Lake A. Barber) were holding a
hog sale near Lane, S. Dak. on Feb 6, 1923. If you like, I can email you a
photocopy of this flyer.
2) Joe and C.W. were two of the eleven children born to John Kniseley BARBER and
Sarah E. HARTER. There were two other living brothers (Jim and Frank) and six
sisters: Chestie Ann, Mary Catherine, Minerva, Arabelle, Maggie Alice, and Effie
Irene. I have a complete record of their names and birth dates to share with
you, in a Microsoft Word document I can email to you. I also have a photocopy of
a family portrait depicting John K and Sarah and all of their living children
and can email this to you -- Joe is in that portrait! My Mom is currently
reviewing my first draft of updating family records down to the present
generation. I will be posting all of this to the Internet, but can share it
separately with you if you wish.
3) Jim and Frank went up to South Dakota and talked their brother, Charles
William, into emigrating up there from Kirkman Iowa as well. Times were hard,
the soil wasn't as good as in Iowa, and there were droughts to deal with. My
grandmother never forgave Charles for going too far North, and talked frequently
about how she told him it was a mistake. He, being stubborn, ignored her. All 3
brothers settled on farms around Lane, South Dakota and later Frank moved again
to Rapid City and founded a dairy. (My Mom's oral history recollections this
morning. More research to follow.)
4) Can you confirm the spelling of "Knisely"? I had it as "Knicely" and either
way, it wound up being the middle name of my Uncle Leo (still alive) who was
apparently teased incessantly about it while growing up...
5) Can you provide any additional details of Barber ancestry?
I understand you to say that you are a descendant of James Barber / Mary Maze
where James was a brother of John K. You mentioned they had 11 children in
Pennsylvania. Please explain again the tie to Michael Maize Barber, B. 1824 / D.
1888. (Maze & Maize spelling variations both appear in the notes which I have
6) If you send me your email address I can forward copies materials to you
directly. I also have wonderful portraits from two wedding albums; Joe is
undoubtedly among them!
Regards, Denny /
= = = = = = = = = =
Re: Joseph L. Barber biography
Mona Sarratt Knight (View
posts ) |
Posted: 6 Oct 2002 11:53PM GMT |
Classification: Query
Here is the Joseph L. BARBER biography, extracted from the
Past and Present of Shelby County, Iowa; pub. 1915, B. F. Bowen & Co., Inc.;
page 877-79.
JOSEPH L. BARBER. The farming interests of Shelby County, Iowa, are carried on
by an active and intelligent class of men, who are thus performing their share
in maintaining and extending the welfare of their county. Among the progressive
farmers of the county, Joseph L. Barber, occupies a conspicuous place. He has
been paying particular attention to the raising of fine stock, and his Chester
White hogs have won him a reputation which extends beyond the limits of his
county. He has one of the finest country homes in the county, and his farm of
160 acres presents a very attractive appearance in every way.
Joseph L. Barber, son of John K. and Sarah (HARTER) BARBER, was born January 10,
1868, in Pennsylvania. His father was born March 25, 1838, in Union County,
Pennsylvania, and is a son of James Barber, a native of the same state. James
Barber married Mary MAZE, and to them were born eleven children. John K. Barber
was educated in the schools of Union County, Pennsylvania, and when a young man
worked at the carpenter trade in his native state. A short time after his
marriage, he came with his family to Iowa and located near Oakfield, in Audubon
County. In 1882 he moved to Shelby County and rented a farm in Harlan Township,
which he operated for four years, after which he purchased a farm in Polk
Township, where he lived for 22 years, and then rented it and moved to Kirkman,
where he is now living a retired life. He served as school director in Polk
township, and since moving to Kirkman has served as Mayor and Alderman of the
city. John K. BARBER was married in 1856 to Sarah E. HARTER, daughter of Samuel
and Mary (WOLF) HARTER, of Clinton County, Pennsylvania, and to this marriage
have been born eleven children: Chestie N., the wife of Jacob AURACHER; James
D., who married Minnie WHITTED; Mary C., the wife of Eli MONTGOMERY; Samuel D.,
who died in infancy; Carrie M., the wife of Milo SHARK; Arabella M., the wife of
J. L. HARRIS; Joseph L.; Charles W., who married Sylvia LACY; Maggie A., wife of
George LAWSHE; John F., who married Nettie CARTER; and Effie J., wife of John
Joseph L. Barber was only about one year old when his parents moved from
Pennsylvania to Iowa, and consequently received all of his education in this
state. He was fourteen years of age when his parents settled in Shelby County in
1882, and the remainder of his life has been spent within this county. According
with the custom of farmers' boys in Iowa, as well as every other state in the
Union, he worked on the farm during the summer seasons and went to school during
the winter months. He continued to stay on the home farm after he left school
until he was 22 years of age, when he rented land and started in to save money
in order to buy a farm of his own. He continued as a renter until 1909, when he
bought 160 acres, where he is now living. Since acquiring this farm, he has
erected a beautiful home, one which ranks with the finest residences in Shelby
County. He has also put up several commodious barns and other out-buildings, so
that his farm today stands as one of the model farms of the county. He has
gained a high reputation as a stockman and has had remarkable success in raising
all kinds of livestock. He makes a scientific study of farming and is ranked
among the successful agriculturists of his county.
Politically, Mr. Barber is a Democrat, while his religious connections are with
the Standard Methodist Episcopal Church. He is a breeder of the Chester White
hogs, having a herd of 300 head now, known as the International Herd. He holds
an annual sale of Chester White hogs, and on February 25, 1914, held a sale
averaging eighty-four dollars and thirty-five cents for fifty head. He also
farms 128 acres besides his own land.
Mr. Barber was married March 25, 1894, to Lina ANDERSON, daughter of Marcus and
Christina (JACOBS) ANDERSON, of Illinois, and to this union have been born four
children, Eva, Lela, Cecil and Dale, all of whom are at home. Mr. and Mrs.
Anderson are natives of Norway and came to Illinois where they remained all
their lives.
I hope this helps you in your research.
= = = = = = = = =
Re: Joseph L. Barber biography
Ann McFarland (View
posts ) |
Posted: 7 Oct 2002 12:35AM GMT |
Classification: Query
Thank you for your 2 internet messages. I feel your John
Knisley BARBER born 25 March 1838 and my James Maize BARBER born 1834 (both born
Union Co.PA) are brothers. I have as their parents:James BARBER born ca 1797 PA
& his wife Mary MAIZE/MAZE born ca 1805 PA. James & Mary's children are:Michael,
Matilda, Susannah, James, Lovina, John, Aaron, Mary & Joseph.
Are we researching the same family? My James BARBER born 1834 and his wife
Lovina/Melonia CONDO both died in Elkhart Co.,Indiana
= = = = = = = = =
Re: Joseph L. Barber
Ann McFarland (View
posts ) |
Posted: 7 Oct 2002 12:48AM GMT |
Classification: Query
My research shows James BARBER born ca 1797 PA.& wife Mary
MAIZE/MAZE born ca 1805 PA. Their children are:Michael born 1824, Matilda born
1830, Susannah born 1832, James born 1834 (my ancestor), Lovina born 1836, John
born 1838, Aaron born 1840, Mary 1844, & Joseph born 1845, all children born in
PA., probably Union co., PA.
Do we connect?
= = = = = = = = =
Re: Joseph L. Barber
Denny Williams (View
posts ) |
Posted: 7 Oct 2002 12:59AM GMT |
Classification: Query
Surnames: Barber Harter
Ann, that's wonderful information! Yes, we connect!
See also Mona Sarratt Knight's biography of your ancestor, Joseph L as published
in the Shelby County history of 1915 -- Mona has kindly posted this information
on and emailed it to me... you can find it there or I will forward
the email... tomorrow I will send you the photograph and other materials...
thank you so much.
Best regards,
Denny Williams /
= = = = = = = = =
Re: Joseph L. Barber
Ann McFarland (View
posts ) |
Posted: 7 Oct 2002 11:34AM GMT |
Classification: Query
I have received info about Shelby Co., Iowa from Mona
Sarraatt Knight, very informative. My ancestor is James BARBER born ca 1834 born
Union Co., PA son of James BARBER born ca 1797.
I am looking forward to seeing the picture/photograph. This is exciting to share
= = = = = = = = =
Barber, Joesph Barber born 1868, lived in Shelby Co.IA
Ann McFarland (View
posts ) |
Posted: 10 Mar 2001 12:00PM GMT |
Classification: Query
Surnames: BARBER
Mona Sarratt Knight answered my query about Michael Maize
Barber born 1824 PA moved to Shelby Co.Iowa. I do not have an email address to
respond to her. She sent me info about Michael's brother John K.
Barber.Help!!Please tell me how to respond to Mona. Thank You. Ann McFarland
= = = = = = = =
Michael M. Barber in Shelby Co in 1880's
MariePeer (View
posts ) |
Posted: 9 Feb 2003 1:43AM GMT |
Classification: Query
I am responding to Mar 2001 quieries and email posted to
this board. The notes were posted by Ann McFarland, Suzette, and Val regarding a
Barber family.
I have been collecting information about the Barber family in Union Co. PA. I
would be glad to email entries I've found to you. Ann, you asked about James
Barber's father being a Pres minister. I don't know if his father was Samuel
Barber but there is a reference to a Rev Samuel Barber of Mifflinburg, Union, PA
in Union County Pennsylvania 1865-1875 by Mary Belle Lontz (1966). There are
many other references to the Barber family as well. She lists records from a
number of different Union Co PA sources.
Adam Smith's, Rev War Soldier, of Northumberland/Union Co PA, dtr Anna Barbara
Smith bn 1776 m. Michael Maize bn ca 1770.
Adam had a son and grandson Michael. I believe the grandson Michael is the
father of Noah Smith bn in Union Co in 1824/5. Noah appears in the Henry Barber
household in the 1850 Stehpenson County Illinios Census.
Does your James Barber have a brother Henry who settled in Stephenson County
Illinois? Do you know of any connection between the Barber's and Smiths other
than Michael Maize marrying Adam Smith's dtr. Anna Barbara bn 1776 and the
Maize's and Barbers marrying?
I believe the Mary/Marie Maize bn 1805 that Suzette and Val wrote of may be a
dtr of Michael Maize bn ca 1770 and Anna Barbara Smith bn 1776.
I hope I can be of help, or at least have something of interest to you.
Marie Smith Peer
= = = = = = = = =
Re: Michael M. Barber in Shelby Co in 1880's
jamcateer (View
posts ) |
Posted: 29 Jan 2009 9:51PM GMT |
Classification: Query
I am researching the Adam Smith family and I am interested
in any documentation regarding the marriage of Michael Maize and Anna Barbara
Smith that you mentioned.
Proposed Bill for Iowa Legislature
Replies: 0
Proposed Bill for Iowa Legislature
shelbook (Viewposts ) |
Posted: 16 Jan 2009 4:51PM GMT |
Classification: Query
The State Association for the Preservation of Iowa
Cemeteries (SAPIC)
will be supporting a proposal for the upcoming Iowa legislature that
deals with adverse possession in the Iowa Code. The term "adverse
possession" refers to a provision of Common Law whereby one may gain
title to a piece of property by occupying and using that property
without the owner's consent for a period of time, usually ten years.
Individual states have their own regulations regarding the application
of this principle, setting conditions and limitations on its use.
Public property is not subject to claim by adverse possession.
Cemeteries, particularly Pioneer Cemeteries, could be subject to such
claims, especially if they have not been actively maintained. An
adjoining landowner, or any other person, could farm or otherwise use
the property for a period of ten years or more, and then file a claim
for title. Such a claim may or may not be successful, but would have to
be litigated.
The responsibility to resist such a claim would fall upon the County
Board of Supervisors, as they are charged with maintaining the
integrity of pioneer cemeteries. Whether they would actually do in any
given instance is uncertain. In the roughly 25% of Iowa counties that
care for their pioneer cemeteries through a commission, the commission
would probably resist such a claim, but even they are powerless without
the co-operation of the County Attorney. In the remaining 75% of
counties, where the supervisors administer care of pioneer cemeteries
directly, resistance is entirely dependent on the supervisors'
willingness to do so.
Many pioneer cemeteries are publicly owned, and are not subject to such
claims. However, perhaps just as many are not. Title may rest with a
church, or other religious or fraternal organization, or with a family
group, or with an inactive or defunct cemetery association.
The legislation we have proposed would prevent the filing of such a
claim in the first place, so that protection of the cemeteries would
not be dependent upon the whim or willingness to act of officials in
whichever counties such claims might arise.
The proposal reads, "A cemetery, as defined in Code section 5231.102(6),
or a pioneer cemetery as defined in section 5231.102(39), shall be
exempt from seizure, appropriation, or acquisition of title under any
claim of adverse possession, unless it is shown that all remains have
been disinterred and removed to another location."
5231.102(6): "Cemetery" means any area that is or was open to use by
the public in general or any segment thereof and is used or is intended
to be used to inter or scatter remains.
5231.102(39): "Pioneer cemetery" means a cemetery where there were six
or fewer burials in the preceding fifty years.
Please contact your state representative and state senator regarding
your concern about cemeteries being lost due to adverse possession. For
more information, contact SAPIC member Bill Reedy of Buchanan County:
(319) 474-2443 or e-mail
Contact information for legislators can be found on the official web
site of the State of Iowa:
Watch for dates of and information about public forums in your local
newspaper where your state representative and state senator will be

Services for Jake Smith More, 82, a state Democratic party leader for many years, who died of cancer at Luther Park Health Care Center Saturday, will be at 10 a.m. Wednesday at Dunn's Funeral Home in Des Moines. Burial will be 1 p.m. Wednesday at Harlan Cemetery in Harlan.
Survivors include his wife, Mary Jane More; two daughters, Carolyn Baker of Chicago and Mary More of Denver, Colo., and a brother, Keith More of Harlan.

MR. ANDREW A LARENSON & MISS CHRISTINA HANSON January 5, 1877, Monroe Twp. E. Jarvis, J.P.
MARRIED - MR. LOVIS KLEEB & MISS ALICE BURRIGHT December 16, 1876, Washington Twp. David T. Wright, J.P.
Harlan Herald, Harlan, Shelby County, Iowa, Thursday, January 4, 1877, Page 3, Column 6.