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Shelby County



The charter members of Guardian Lodge No. 441. Ancient Free and Accepted Masons at Defiance, were Wesley J. Williams, Howard Miles, C. A. Topping, E. B. Brain, Charles C. Seybold, C. M. Robbins, Joseph Yackey, J. F. Massey, W. F. Massey. The date of establishment was September 27, 1882. The first officers were Wesley J. Williams, worshipful master; Howard Miles, senior warden; Charles A. Topping, junior warden; W. F. Massey, treasurer; C. M. Robins, secretary; E. B. Brain, senior deacon; Joseph Yackey, junior deacon; C. C. Seybold, senior steward; Frank Massey, tyler. The succeeding officers were:

1882-1885Wesley J. WilliamsC. M. Robbins
1885-1886C. M. RobbinsJ. M. Roseberry
1887W. J. WilliamsH. C. VanDuzen
1888W. J. WilliamsH. C. VanDuzen
1889W. J. WilliamsA. S. Riley
1890H. B. SooyA. S. Riley
1891H. B. SooyA. S. Riley
1892H. B. SooyH. V. Yackey
1893H. B. SooyE. E. Reams
1894H. B. SooyE. E. Reams
1895H. V. YackeyE. E. Reams
1896H. V. YackeyE. E. Reams
1897J. B. ReamsE. E. Reams
1898Frank LongneckerE. E. Reams
1899H. B. SooyE. E. Reams
1900H. B. SooyE. E. Reams
1901H. B. SooyA. L. VanArsdol
1902R. G. PennistonA. L. VanArsdol
1903A. L. VanArsdolA. C. Bills
1904A. L. VanArsdolA. C. Bills
1905R. G. PennistonWarren Reams
1906R. G. PennistonT. C. Ford
1907George RewertsT. C. Ford
1908George RewertsT. C. Ford
1909George RewertsT. C. Ford
1910T. H. BaerT. C. Ford
1911F. M. BlakesleeT. C. Ford
1912T. C. FordA. L. VanArsdol
1913F. M. BlakesleeA. L. VanArsdol
1914F. M. BlakesleeA. L. VanArsdol

The present officers are: F. M. Blakeslee, worshipful master; Robert Davis, senior warden; A. E. Muller, junior warden; A. L. VanArsdol, secretary; George Rewerts, treasurer; R. G. Penniston, senior deacon; Joe Eigler, junior deacon; T. C. Cook, senior steward; M. M. Campbell, junior steward; Allan Maxwell, tyler. The present membership is about fifty.


Dispensation was granted for the organization of Silentia Lodge No. 391, at Shelby, Iowa, and seal affixed at Iowa City, Iowa, February 10, 1876, A. L. 5876, and the thirty-third year of the grand lodge of the state of Iowa. Henry Rothert, grand master, and T. S. Parvin, grand secretary. The lodge was established at Shelby, Iowa, March 6, 1870; the charter members were, together with the offices held by them: S. B. Frum, worshipful master; A. C Snyder, senior warden; Silas Davis, junior warden; J. F. Edwards, treasurer; J. H. Shiviey, secretary; J. N. Frum, senior deacon; G. Tate, junior deacon; J. D. Frum, tyler; J. Robertson, senior steward.

Beginning with the organization of the lodge, S. B. Frum was worshipful master during the years of 1876 to 1882 inclusive, J. E. Frum was worshipful master in 1883; H. D. Read in 1884; S. B. Frum again served from 1885 to 1890, inclusive. J. E. Frum was master in 1891, in 1892 Dr. G. A. Cassidy, and S. B. Frum was again master during the years 1893 to 1895, inclusive. During the years 1896 to 1900, inclusive, H. D. Read was worshipful master. During the years 1901 to 1905, inclusive, George H. Rink served as master, and in 1906 H. D. Read served in that capacity. During the years 1907 to 1909, inclusive, Dr. J. M. Jones was master, and from 1910 to date this position has been filled by W. F. Frum.

In 1876 J. H. Shively was secretary, and his successors in order have been as follows: In 1877, J. D. Caughran; 1878, J. W. Harrod; 1879, G. Martens, who likewise filled the position in 1880 and 1881; 1882 and 1883, S. P. Silliman; 1884 and 1885, W. P. Weaver; 1886 and 1887, F. M. Keeney; 1888 to 1899, inclusive, George H. Rink; 1900 to 1902, D. K. Chestnut; 1903, R. D. Prouty; 1904 to 1909, inclusive, S. B. Frum, and during the years 1910 to date Dr. J. M. Jones has been secretary of the lodge.


Lebanon Chapter No. 8. Order of the Eastern Star, at Harlan, was instituted March 30, 1887, under the direction of Mrs. H. A. Ercanbrock, of Anamosa, Iowa, at that time grand matron of the state of Iowa.

The first officers of Lebanon Chapter were as follows: Mrs. H. J. Garland, worthy matron; D. B. Sheller, worthy patron; Mrs. J. F. Platt, assistant matron; Mrs. O. P. Wyland, conductress; Mrs. Wesley Scutt. associate conductress; Mrs. D. M. Wyland, Adah; Mrs. E. A. Cobb, Ruth; Miss Mate Wyland, Esther; Mrs. G. S. Gibbs, Adah; Mrs. Neil Carmichael, Electa; Mrs. W. C. Campbell, warder; Mrs. F. M. Bowlin, treasurer; Mrs. D. B. Sheller, secretary; P. B. Hunt, sentinel.

The worthy matrons of the lodge from its establishment to date and the years during which they served, are as follows: Mrs. Gara M. Garland, 1887-88; Mrs. Martha E. Platt, 1889; Mrs. Sophia Scutt, 1890; Mrs. Clara Burke, 1891-92; Mrs. Sophia Scutt, 1893-94; Mrs. Mary E. Allen, 1895-96; Mrs. Rachel J. Wyland, 1897-98; Mrs. Mary A. Booth, 1899-1900; Mrs. Nettie E. Cobb, 1901-1902; Mrs. Mary F. Hunt, 1903-1904; Mrs. Marie Hammer, 1905; Mrs. Linnic Griffith, 1906-1907; Mrs. Edith Booth, 1908; Mrs. Anna Kerr, 1909; Mrs. Eily H. Wunder, 1910; Miss Edith Walters, 1911; Mrs. Nettie Bauder, 1913; Mrs. Mattie Potter, 1913; Mrs. Elizabeth E. Parker, 1914.

The worthy patrons of the lodge from the beginning, together with the years they served, are as follows: D. B. Sheller, 1887-1888; W. C Campbell, 1889-1890; N. Booth, 1891-1892; O. P. Wyland, 1893; J. P. Miller, 1896-1897; L. M. Kerr, 1898; James Bailey, 1899-1901; O. F. Graves, 1902-1904; C. D. Booth, 1905-1907; R. D. Prouty, 1908-1909; James Byers, 1910-1911; John Frederickson, 1912-1914.

The present officers of the lodge are: Mrs. Elizabeth E. Parker, worthy matron; Mr. John Frederickson, worthy patron; Mrs. Lulu Walters, assistant matron; Miss Florence Lemke, secretary; Mrs. Ida Gregory, treasurer; Mrs. Lillian Frederickson, conductress; Mrs. Mamie Lana, associate Mrs. Mattie Potter, chaplain; Mrs. Eily Wunder, marshal; Mrs. Myrtle Hayes, organist; Mrs. Ruth Howlett, Adah; Mrs. Anna Hansen, Ruth; Mrs. Ellen Kerr Dryden, Esther; Mrs. Sarah Paup, Martha; Mrs. Olive Young, Electa; Mrs. Nettie Bauder, warder; Mr. O. F. Graves, sentinel.

The present total membership of the lodge is one hundred and fifteen.

  Transcribed by Cheryl Siebrass, January, 2025 from the Past and Present of Shelby County, Iowa, by Edward S. White, P.A., LL. B.,Volume 1, Indianapolis: B. F. Bowen & Co., 1915, pp. 490-493.


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