Shelby County |
CHAPTER XI -- CITIES, TOWNS AND VILLAGES, PAST AND PRESENT (CONT'D)THE COUNTY SEAT AND PRESENT TOWNS AND VILLAGES. (CONT'D)THE DOCTOR SPEAKS AGAIN!An interesting ad. is: "Congress has met, Boss Tweed has taken leg bail, Kerr is speaker. Therefore, do not fail to call on Dr. Frost and settle before court, or otherwise before January 1, 1876." To trace the names of the subsequent business men of Harlan would far transcend the scope of this volume. Men have come, remained a few months, or years, and then been swallowed up in the eddies and whirlpools of migration, no one knows where. Some of the men or business houses (not already enumerated), that have been very long in business in Harlan, would include: Booth Implement Company, George D. Pierce, P. Hammer & Company, the Green Bay Lumber Company (T. H. Potter, manager), and especially W. T. Shepherd, former manager of the local yard and now an auditor of the company; John Koolbeck, N. Nielson, the Shelby County State Bank, Crique Harness Store, Joseph F. Beh, Joseph Merrill, the Shelby County Republican (P. B. Brown, editor), the Harlan Tribune (W. C. Campbell, editor), D. M. Deen, James Deen, Hansen-Lage store, Hansen & Hanson, Rasmussen & Son, Kemp & Downs, John Kent, U. G. King, D. Mason, J. W. Miller, J. F. Pexton, L. Larson, Pierce Brothers, L. M. Kerr, Otto Hammer, F. F. Wunder, T. N. Franklin, C. A. Reynolds, C. D. Booth, C. O. White, and others. The present business men of Harlan, together with the lines of business represented by them are as follows: Anthony & Carter, feed exchange; Nels Bisgard, grocery; Al Bauder, blacksmith; Bee Hive Store, Jens Sorrensen. proprietor, general merchandise; Booth Implement Company; Beh-Merrill Company, general merchandise; Barkman & Foxhoven, barbers; Hans Boysen, clothing; Boysen & Schaack, furniture and undertaking; W. M. Bomberger, nursery; P. B. Brown, David Brown, Republican office; Harlan Laundry; W. C. Campbell, H. W. Campbell, Tribune office; Cockerell Engineering Company (C. A. Cockerell, proprietor); W. H. Carl & Son, furniture and undertaking; Cement works (Charles Swinehart, manager); Louis Christensen, implements and automobiles; George Crawford, carpenter; Danish Printing Office, J. C. Lunn, proprietor; Dacken & Moore, barbers; Deen & Johnson, restaurant; J. M. Deen, manufacturer; D. M. Deen, marble works; Deen Loom Company (J. M. Deen. manager); Dow & Sandham (John Sandham, manager), lumber yard; F. E. Darling, agent C. G. W. Railway Company; R. G. Fay, hardware store and repair shop; Farmers' & Merchants' Savings Bank, A. C. Clapp, president; John Frederickson, draying (auto truck); R. W. Fuller, grocery; H. J. Garland, agent C., R. I. & P. Railway Company; G. S. Garnet, Standard Oil; Green Bay Lumber Company, T. H. Potter, manager; John Goddard, dairy; Guaranty Abstract Company; P. Hammer & Company, general merchandise; Harlan National Bank, J. E. Davis, president; C. D. Hansen, gardener; C. J. Hansen, implements; George Hoisington, painter and paper hanger; Hansen & Hanson, hardware; W. C. Hadson, livery barn; H. N. Hansen, land office; Hansen & Lage, general merchandise; C. L. Harlan & Company, drugs; Harlan Clothing Company (B. B. Griffith, proprietor); Harlan Creamery Company; Harlan Garage; Harlan Hardware (Rule & Son); Harlan Produce Company (John Gould, manager); Harlan City Roller Mills (Rasmussen & Son); Harlan Tire Repair Company; Harlan Steam Laundry; C. W. Harris bakery; E. M. Hertert, land and loan office; George Hoisington, painter and paper hanger; Harlan Hotel (Hughes Brothers, proprietors); Park Hotel; Shipp Hotel (Ed. Shipp, proprietor); Joseph Huffman, excavating; F. A. Hulsebus, garage; Hulsebus Motor Company; George Jack, loans; Kemp & Downs, meat market; John Kent, restaurant; U. G. King, carpenter shop; W. R. Koolbeck, restaurant; N. G. Kraschel, auctioneer; J. M. Kringle, painter and paper hanger; L. Larson, shoe store; W. H. Lemke, dry goods; W. A. Lessenger, live stock; H. H. Luecke, clothing; David Mason, livery barn; W. H. McConnell & Son, meat market; Perry Mayne, dairy; W. H. McConnell, blacksmith; Merrell Canning Company; Henry Neumeyer, barber; N. Nielsen, jeweler; J. W. Miller, book store; W. A. Morehouse, studio; B. B. McPheeters, drug store; Nelson Gas Engine Company; N. P. Nelson, blacksmith; Moody M. Nelson, automobiles and garages; John Norgaard, drug store; James C. Olsen, tailor; A. J. Pattee, restaurant; J. F. Pexton, drug store; Pierce Brothers, grocery, feed and flour exchange; Poole's Feed Store (R. E. Poole, proprietor); L. F. Potter, banker; Princess Candy Kitchen, Frank Pardi, proprietor; H. H. Paup, live stock; George Paup, live stock; Ouick & Stutzman, barbers; Paul Rettig, harness shop; C. A. Reynolds, postmaster; C. F. Swift, real estate; Shelby County State Bank, H. P. Dowling, president; W. W. Simpson, contractor; I. E. Smith. agent C. & N. W. Railway Company; Lewis J. Smith, feed stables; Shelby County Abstract Company; Don R. Stuart, planing mill; Tinsley & Tinsley, jewelers and opticians; W. H. Townsan, express office; Trans Mississippi Grain Company; Charles Weber, baker and confectioner; White Brothers, restaurant; Philip Wirth. painter and paper hanger; O. P. Wyland, real estate and loan office; Wilson D. Young, contractor. PROFESSIONAL MEN.BUSINESS MEN'S ASSOCIATIONS.At the court house on Saturday evening, November 29, 1879, there was a large meeting of the citizens of Harlan for the purpose of organizing a citizens' association. The purpose of this association was to "promote the best interests of Harlan, and to assist in building up factories and substantial improvements." The call was signed by the following persons: C. J. Wyland, W. L. Baughn, J. B. Stutsman, M. M. Bechtel, John Coenen, 0. H. Cone, J. W. Chatburn, W. H. Kridler, Eidamiller Brothers, W. H. Freeman, Chase Brothers, D. M. Wyland, J. W. Newby, R. E. Carruthers, Bowlin & Brothers, E. Y. Greenleaf, C. Beard, B. W. Burke, L. D. Frost, C. Happe, J. B. Wyland, W. H. Carl, A. B. King, Joseph Stiles, J. I. Myerly, H. C. Holcomb, John L. Long, J. E. Weaver, Alden K. Riley, H. C. Munger, Tinsley Brothers, I. Gibson, A. W. Barton, W. H. Ramsey, T. J. Robinson, Wicks & Burke, G. S. Gibbs, W. H. Isherwood, George W. Miller, W. Closson, Wheeler Brothers, Truman & Smith, Wesley Scutt, B. I. Kinsey, J. C. McManima, Tinsley & Brown, George H. Walker, J. H. Louis, B. B. Mastick, F. E. Benson, J. W. DeSilva, Ledwich, Hunt & Long, Watters & Barton, R. W. Robins. In May, 1888, the officers chosen by the Business Men's Association were: W. J. Davis, president; D. M. Wyland, W. W. Wheeler, vice-presidents; D. B. Sheller, secretary; J. T. Jack, treasurer. Thirty names were then on the rolls and new ones constantly being added. COMMERCIAL EXCHANGE.Invocation, H. B. Kees; Music, Harlan Male Quartette; Greetings, Toast-master; "Mixing Politics. Real Estate, Fine Stock and Other Things," C. F. Swift; "Our Needs from a Sanitary Standpoint," L. B. Robinson; "The Commercial Exchange," J. B. Whitney; Music, Harlan Male Quartette; "Sells and Sales," Joseph Michener; "Tin Cans, Soft Solder and Sweet Corn," A. R. Merrell; "Impressions of Harlan," Tom C. Smith; Music, Harlan Male Ouartette; "Old and New Cititenship," George M. Pedersen; "Line Intersections," C. D. Booth; "Review of Reviews," E. Lockwood; Moving Pictures. In 1903 the Commercial Exchange had a banquet with the following program: Invocation by Rev. James Parsons; John Sandham presided as toast-master: "The People that Make a Town," G. W. Cullison; "A Puzzle --The Secrets of a Political Appointment," W. T. Shepherd; "The Coming Generation," J. J. Louis; "Early Times and Now," E. P. Noble; "Why Doesn't a Doctor Take His Own Medicine?" Dr. E. T. Smith: "The Business Man and the Church," D. O. Stuart; "The Retired Farmer," C. F. Swift; "My Official Record; Is It Good as the Average?" Edmund Lockwood. The present officers are C. D. Booth, president, and C. A. Reynolds, secretary. BUILDERS.Transcribed by John Schulte, March, 2024 from the Past and Present of Shelby County, Iowa, by Edward S. White, P.A., LL. B.,Volume 1, Indianapolis: B. F. Bowen & Co., 1915, pp. 241-245. |
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