Wills: Place only one will per message.
Place name of deceased with date of will in the subject section. Place all surnames
associated with the obituary in the surname section. Place all surnames associated
with the message in the surname section. Enter one surname per line. Place the
full text of the will in the message section.
Bible Records:
Place only one Bible record per message. Place principle name of Bible record
in the subject section. Place all surnames associated with the message in the
surname section. Enter one surname per line. Place the full text of the Bible
record in the message section.
Deeds: Place only one land record
per message. Place principle name, location and date of land record in the subject
section. Place all surnames associated with the message in the surname section.
Enter one surname per line. Place the full text of the land record in the message
section. Include your source
Newspaper Clippings:
Newspaper Clippings might include articles such as Births, Marriages, Wedding Anniversaries,
etc. with a genealogical benefit. Place only one Newspaper Clipping per message. Place
principle name, location and date of Newspaper Clipping in the subject section.
Place all surnames associated with the message in the surname section. Enter
one surname per line. Place the full text of the Newspaper Clipping in the message
section. Include source information.
Other entries: You
are not limited to only the above type documents. Other types might include: pensions,
immigration, military, etc. If in doubt, feel free to ask.