First Football Team 1904
Pictured above is Early High School's first
football team. This group
of gridiron warriors played in the year 1904, and, according to the
recollections of one of the members, "We won our share of games." The
coach was Harry Blackman and it is related that the only reason
Blackman was selected to coach the team was because he had once seen a
football game! The playing field was laid out on the grounds east of
what is now the Alfred Hanke residence.
The sport was short-lived here
at first and was dropped after the first
year. This was brought about because of the death of Cal Farmer of Sac
City, who died from injuries received in a game.
In the picture are, front row
(left to right): Phil McQuirk, Ed
Lashier, Mascot Joe Whitney's dog Ninoes, Elwood Minnis, Chester Sheely
and Guy DeGarmo. Middle row: Roy Emerine, Elwood Farquhar, Captain Joe
Whitney, Elmer Green and Claude Kenny. Top row: Coach Harry Blackman,
Earle Hiersche, Charles DeGarmo, Gus Hartman, Alver Flack and Prof.
Picture furnished by E. F.
From the Early News, July 4, 1957
Watching a football game in Early in
September 1909.
Photo courtesy of Mrs. Ernest Toomer.
Baseball Fans Sept. 1909

High School Baseball Team 1910
The Early High School
Baseball Team in 1910. This team won every game they played that year.
Sitting in front are: Bill Roche, Orla Wright, and Burdette Stevenson.
Standing are (l to r): John Hicks, Herbert Durham, Elmer Evans, Wm.
Kerwin, Floyd Engler, and Ivan Fuller.
[The above is a
transcription of the newspaper article. There is no front row in the
image, but there are ten names and ten people in the photo.]
These school children were in costume for a George Washington Birthday
Pageant in 1915.
Photo courtesy of Georgia B. Hooper, McFarland, KS

School Pageant 1915
Consolidated School 1920
The students of the Early
Consolidated School in 1920.
Photo courtesy of Lucille Determann. |
The first graders of Early Consolidated School in 1927.
Front row: Gweneth Baker,
Shirley Mac Schramm, (?) Stephen, Raymond Zimmer, Marjorie Teague,
Wilma Cates, Helen Anderson, LeRoy Rehm, (?) Warren, Harriet Dunham,
Marla Toomer.
Second row: Rupert Kirkpatrick,
Donald Zimmer, Don Mason, Sonny Martin, (?) Rinehart, Norma Currie, (?)
Fanning, Betty Grenyer, Darwin Mason, Betty Jo Wadsley.
Several in the back row could
not be identified. The fourth boy from the left is Jerome Boots. The
8th child is Iris Huston, next to her is Shirley Schramm and Glen
Wolford. The clothing of several of the children indicates that times
were hard in 1927
Photo courtesy of Donald Zimmer, Sac City.

Consolidated School 1927

Consolidated School 1943
Class of 1943
The first grade class of the Early Consolidated School pose with their
teacher, Miss Anderson, for this picture taken on November 31, 1921. In
the back row are: Raymond Haradon, George Hazelhoff, George Truax, Dale
Simpson, Eloise Wiseman, Eunice Hair, Frances Warren and Neva Fox.
In the middle row are: (?) Purcell, Berneice Gerber, (?) Madison, Avis
Roche, teacher, Miss Anderson, Jake Carlton, Raymond Blass, Wallace
Foote, Ernest Schramm.
In the front is Dick Goodman, and the other three children are not identified.
Photo courtesy of Raymond Blass.