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Macedonia High School Yearbook
Glee Clubs

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In 1922 and 1923 Miss Luella Dye gave the Girl's Glee
Club their training. She was Principal of the high school and
tried in many ways to make the girls enjoy their work. They
had several parties during the year. In order to buy their
music they had candy sales at school. This year they did not
give an operetta, but sang several numbers at Commencement.
Miss Dye was not with us the next year (1923-1924) so Mrs.
H. K. Dye was asked to help the Glee Club twice a week. This year we gave an operetta, "The Feast of the Red Corn." The
main characters were: - Marguerite Besore Smith, Esther Braden
Harms and Evelyn Lewis.
Last year the School Board hired a regular music teacher
two days a week. Mrs. H. J. Fitzgerald has been supervisor of
music the past two years and in her work has included work
with both Boy's and Girl's Glee Clubs and Music in all the
grades. The operetta in 1925 was, "Love Pirates of Hawaii."
Walter Besore, Norris Pilling, Velma Plumb and Frances Parker
Hobson were the soloists and the members of both glee clubs
were Hawaiians and Pirates. In this operetta and in the songs
used at Commencement the combined clubs sang three part music
instead of boys and girls all singing in the air. This was the
year a Boy's Glee Club had been organized and much progress
was made.
This year Mrs. Fitzgerald has spent twice as much time
with the Girl's Glee Club and Mr. Cox has spent a like amount
of time with the Boy's Club and in the operetta for this year
"The Gypsy Rover" the combined Glee Clubs sang four part
music for the first time.
The soloists for the "Gypsy Rover," were: - Mildred Shuck,
Lola Keast, Kenneth Taylor, Harry Braden, Walter Besore, Velma
Plumb, Donald Fisher, Lucille Boruff, and Gerald Babbitt. The
other members took the parts of gypsies, hunters, lords and
Contributed by Kimberlee Smith Johnson