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Macedonia High School Yearbook
Girl's Basketball

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Velma Plumb, Nina Carley, Dorothy Bolton, Vola Hendrix,
Miss Gladys Hooker, Coach.
Marie Carley, Lucille Boruff, Lola Keast, Pearle Metcalfe,
Mildred Shuck, capt.

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The Girls' team consisted of Mildred Shuck, Guard and
Captain; Nina Carley, Dorothy Bolton and Pearle Metcalfe,
Guards; Velma Plumb and Ruth Boyer, Jumping Centers; Lucille
Boruff and Vola Hendrix, Running Centers; Marie Carley, Lola
Keast and Lucile Taylor, Forwards and the following girls were
of much help to the team and all show promise of developing
into first class players with more experience:
Irene Plumb, Frances Taylor, Evalyn Keener, Evelyn Stevens
and Wilda Miller. The team will lose Marie Carley and Pearle
Metcalfe by graduation, but if you could see the girls at
practice and had seen the way they played at the Stanton Tour-
nament you would realize that there is plenty of material for
another great team next year. The Coach this year was Miss
Gladys Hooker.
Macedonia 8 - Hancock 24
Macedonia 11 - Carson 20
Macedonia 10 - Oakland 21
Macedonia 34 -Carson 14
Macedonia 14 - Carson 15
Macedonia 25 - Henderson 5
Macedonia 15 - Wales 11
(Stanton Tournament)
Macedonia 8 - Wales 21
Macedonia 21 - Nodaway 16
Macedonia 17 - Hancock 14
Macedonia 13 - Lenox 10
Macedonia 14 - Oakland 10
Macedonia 11 - New Market 26
Contributed by Kimberlee Smith Johnson