Macedonia High School Yearbook
Camp Fire Girls

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Kibgm Biryffm gebdruxm Babbitt, Carley, Plumb, Bisbee.
Casson, Miss Whistler, Hooker.

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President, Marie Carley Secretary, Fern Hooker
Treasurer, Vela Hendrix
The Camp Fire Girls meet twice a week with their
guardian, Miss Whistler. The Camp Fire was organized in
September, 1925, with six members and now there are nine.
The girls have these aims: to give service, to be
happy, to be trustworthy, to seek beauty, to hold on to
health and to pursue knowledge.
Some of the work the girls have done this year:
kntted sweaters for the Red Cross, made baskets, gave a
program before the high school assembly, sold candy, popcorn,
and "hot dogs" at basketball games.