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Macedonia High School Yearbook
Boy's Basketball

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George Ginger, Franklin Stemple, Fred Keast, Royce Parker,
Supt. H. T. Cox. Coach R. C. Fall. Oran Androy.
Harry Braden, Guido Stemple, Sam Braden, Dale Miller,
Stanley Dye, capt.

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The Boy's team this year was composed of three veterans,
Stanley Dye, center and captain; Sam Braden, forward; and
Dale Miller, guard. Guide Stemple, forwawrd and Harry Braden,
guard completed the quintet that played nearly all of all
the games. Substitutes who were in action in several games when
badly needed were, George Giner, Royce Parker, Fred Keast
and Oran Androy. Under the clever coaching of their new coach,
Ray C. Fall they developed an offence that enabled them to
pile up top-heavy scores in many of their games. The team was
not defeated on its home floor and had the pleasure of defeat=
ing decisively every team which it lost to during the entire
season. Dye and Braden will be lost by graduation and Parker
may not return to Macedonia next fall, but the material on
hand indicates that there will be another whirlwind team
repreesnting "Donia" next season.
Macedonia 19 - Hancock 21
Macedonia 34 - Hancock 13
Macedonia 30 - Oakland 13
Macedonia 34 - Oakland 10
Macedonia 43 - Treynor 23
Macedonia 24 - Treynor 10
Macedonia 25 - Carson 12
Macedonia 16 - Carson 10
Macedonia 22 - Henderson 19
Macedonia 23 - Henderson 28
Macedonia 23 - Wales 27
Macedonia 24 - Wales 14
Macedonia 23 - Silver City 24
Macedonia 29 - Silver City 26
Glenwood Tournament - Macedonia 15 - Silver City 18
Contributed by Kimberlee Smith Johnson