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Macedonia High School Yearbook

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Stempel, Boruff, Androy, Miller, Bradshaw, Mr. Cox, Cramlet, Dye, Boruff,
Ford, Keener, Stevens, Miller, Fisher, Besore, Parker, DeBolt, Maynes.
Aukland, Metcalfe, Long, Keast, Taylor, Bisbee, Keast, Taylor, Fisher.

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About the first of october, 1924, the M.H.S. Band was
started. No one in High School but Donald Fisher had ever
played in a band, but Mr. Cox agreed to donate his time for
practice and private lessons to all who would bring instru-
ments. Practice was held after school hours the first semester,
but later it was found that the schedule could be arranged to
use some school time for practice. There were eighteen
members of the first year's band and eight of them did not
return to school or dropped out of the band.
The other ten members were afraid they would not have
much of a band this year, but started practicing as soon as
Mr. Cox returned from Summer School and when school started
there were sixteen new members, making a large enough band to
play real music.
The band has played for all the home basketball games and
took a never-to-be=forgotten truck ride to Carson to advertise
the big "jinx" Minstrel Show. March 26th they presented their
work to the public in a formal concert. While the concert was
poorly attended, the members feel that they had a real
initiation as regular band performers and look forward to toher
chances to play in public.
Contributed by Kimberlee Smith Johnson