Thomas Jefferson High School Annual Year Book
Council Bluffs, Iowa
Name Index
Mary E. Pomery, Mathematics
John F. Reinel, Printing
Roscoe S. Cartwright, Public Speaking
O. A. Bump, Physics
Elizabeth King, Mathematics
Fern Richardson, Normal Training
A.C. Martin, Manual Training
Isador P. Muller, Fine Arts
Sarah Sperle, Commercial
Ruth Henderson, History
Frank Poluka, Civics
Myra T. Bishop, Domestic Art
Elsie M. Powers, Art
Grace Gayton, Librarian
Winnette Curtis, Latin
Willa Yates, English
Lottie B. Farr, Geography
Belle G. Soukup, Domestic Science
Mrs. Lee Lockhart, Public Speaking
Mouriel Johnson, English
Lee Lockhart, Music
Margaret Wilson, Book
Leslie M. Hayes, General Science
Helen Walton, Domestic Art
Henen Martin, Clerk
Winifred Johnson, History
Minnie B. Rupp, Mathematics
W. H. Thompson, Athletics
Leona White, Journalism
Clyde Jungbluth, Commercial
Eula Kleeb, Physical Training
Clara Rauber, History
Frances Ouren, English
Maude Adams, French
C. H. Carter, Shop Work
Nathalia Hutchison, Commercial
Belle Tilton, Music
Theodore Finney, Music
Agnes Bolin, English
Sgt. S. A. Wilson, R.O.T.C.
First row: Sterling Carpenter, J. Tice, Dave Miller, Lee Kennedy,
Rayond Ander-
son, Morey Palmer. Second row: Joe Hacker, Harry Andrews, Hubert Richardson, Fred
Norton, Homer Asquith, Don Morrow. Third row: Geraldine Mellor, Mildred Kirkpatrick,
Maude Strong, Evelyn Knudsen, Irene Roser, Ione Silliam Vera Terry.
Fred Norton, Editor-in-Chief and Art Editor
Hubert Richardson, Business Manager
President, Don Morrow
Vice-President, Earnest Olsen
Secretary, Evelyn Knudsen
Treasurer, Raymond Anderson
Vernon Ager
Raymond Anderson
Harry Andrews
Nora Armstrong
Homer Asquith
Dorothy Bachman
Elsie Blumenstein
Edith Breedlove
Helen Breedlove
Heimie Brown
James Buikema
Pauline Candy
Sterling Carpenter
William Cavett
Hazel Chadwick
Vivian Church
Gus Clawson
Glen Clizbe
Clyde Easdale
Dorothy Fagan
Opal Ferrin
Ethel Fry
Ione Gilliam
Clarence Gordon
Joe Hacker
John Hacker
Walter Hall
Ardithe Harvey
Nora Hawes
Blake Herbert
Aline Henderson
Edwin Hensky
Willard James
Richard Jensen
Orville Johnson
Helen Judd
Ellen Katzenstein
Lee Kenady
Mildred Kiger
Mildred Kirkpatrick
Charlotte Klonus
Mathilda Howland
Evelyn Knudsen
Grace Kolb
May Larsen
Carmen Lewis
Margaret Lindgren
Alberta McKinney
Elberta Mathews
Huberta Matheson
Juanita Means
Geraldine Mellor
David Miller
Catherine Mitchell
Don Morrow
Fred Norton
Harry Ogren
Ernest Olson
Marion Otto
Morey Palmer
Strausie Pike
Edythe Pope
Hubert Richardson
Irene Roser
Hazel Stanton
Maude Strong
Helen Sutton
Vera Terry
Dorothy Thomas
J. Tice
Frances Vermillion
Clifford Wheeler
Marshall Wade
Class Colors: Crimson and Gold
Flower: American Beauty Rose
Class Motto: There is joy in accomplishment
Class Poem:
We stand upon the threshold of life,
And view the world with conquering eye;
We are ready to grapple with adversity and strife
And we vow to let no opportunity pass us by.
In school we have met problems and conquered;
With steadfast courage we have had no fear.
In after years let's remember this record
And carry it on from year to year.
But if, after a while we lose hope,
Let us remember dear Jefferson High;
How she was ever ready with problems to cope
And how she let not a chance go by.
And so let us work our hardiest
To add glory to our high school's name,
Remembering, 'tis she will be gladdest
That she has sons and daughters of fame.
Nora Hawes, '25