4-H Club
Macedonia Wide Area
July 25, 1933

(click photos to enlarge)
4-H Club, Macedonia Wide Area, Iowa, July 25, 1933
Left to right: Geneva Winchester, Eva Jane Winchester, Catharine Fay Coons, Shirley Wood, Helen Price, Margaret Coin, Beatrice Winchester, Ellen Crisler, Catherine Coons, Alta Cramlet, Dorothy Price, Frances Keast |
4-H Club Activities, Macedonia Wide Area, Iowa, July 25, 1933
Left to right: Helen Price, Shirley Wood, Geneva Winchester, Alta Cramlet (behind chair), Catherine Coons, Catharine Fay Coons, Ellen Crisler, Dorothy Price, Eva Jane Winchester, Beatrice Winchester |
Officers of the Macedonia Wide Area 4-H Club, July 25, 1933
Left to right: Catharine Fay Coons (President), Ellen Crisler (Vice President), Helen Price (Secretary), Shirley Wood (Treasurer), Dorothy Price (Historian) |
Contributed in 2022 by Anita Casey from photos saved and identified by her mother, Catharine Fay (Coons) Grimes, 1917-1978