JULY 13, 1859
Mr. Byers informs us that he helped to make up
the Mail at Denver City, the week before he left, and that the packages
then put up, have not been received at Omaha.
Now, there must be a screw loose somewhere. By direction of the
Department, sometime in February or March, the Post-Master at Forl
Kearny, was directed to send all Mail matter for Omaha and Council
Bluffs, and for places East by the route rnnning direct to Omaha and
Council Bluff, down the North side of the Platte River.
Mr. Byers arrrived at Omaha on the 4th inst., and was much longer
coming in, than the time allowed for transporting the Mail from Denver
City to Omaha; yet strange to say, the Mail put up before he left has
not yet arrived.
There mast be a screw loose, for Mr. Byers iuforms us that the Mail was
properIy made up, and the packages were directed to Omaha, Council
Bluffs and other Eastern points. We expeet, in about a week, to receive
the packages mentioned, via the Southern route, from Leavenworth and
St. Joseph cities.
How long, through the negligence, or dishonesty of those having charge
of the Mails, are the citizens of Omaba, Council Bluffs and otber
cities, to be held tributary to Leavenworth and St. Joseph?
We call upon the Department at Washington, to tighten this loose screw.
11, 1900
A career of forty-six years in
business and public life terminated in a pitiful and heart-breaking
tragedy, when W. H. M. Pusey, the surviving member of the banking firm
of Officer & Pusey was adjudged insane and was taken by two
deputy sheriffs to the insame hospital in Clarinda for treatment. He
made no resistance, and it was doubted by those whose duty it was to be
present whether he realized fully the meaning of what was being done.
Yet he evidently had some conception of what it meant, for he spoke of
Clarinda as his destination, and at the train it was necessary for the
officers to almost carry him from the carriage to the train.
has been apparent for some days past that Mr. Pusey's condition was
becoming worse. Tuesday and Tuesday night he became quite
violent. The information yesterday charging his insanity was
filed by ihs physician, Dr. Donald Macrae, and the hearing was at Mr.
Pusey's home, corner of Pearl Street and Willow Avenue.
Shortly after the death of
Thomas Officer, his partner, and about the time of the closing of the
bank, Mr. Pusey showed signs of mental break-down, and it soon became
apparent that he would not be able to undertake the liquidation of the
banking business. Largely on this ground, receivers were applied for
and appointed.
Mr. Pusey, in company with his
son, Frank Pusey, took a trip to Chicago in the hope that the change of
scene might help him. He did not improve, however, and after his
return continued to show signs of mental unbalance. Recently the
trouble became rnore pronounced, and Tuesday and Tuesday night Mr.
Pusey became so violent that he was control1ed with difficulty. His
symptoms wcre so threatenlng that it was considered necessary that he
be taken to a hospital, but efforts to secure his consent to such
action were fruitless.

4, 1927
Defective Burner in Kitchen Gas Range Plus
Closed House Causes Catastrophe
The bodies of Mr. and Mrs. Lco E. Alberti were found in the kitchen and
bath room of the gas-filled Alberti bungalow this morning. In an
adjoining bed room were discovered the bodies of the two Alberti
children, Leo Jr., 4 and George Eldon, 3, and the maid, Genevieve
Endicott, 15. Electrlc lights burning in four rooms indicated that
father and mother were overcome when they attempted to locate the
source of escaping gas.
Clothed in a bath robe and wearing house slippers Mrs. Alberti was
found asphyxiatcd on the kitchen floor. In the bath room, sprawled
behind the tub, in night attire, was the body of Mr. Alberti. The
children and maid were in beds.
Detected Odor of Gas
Of all the theories advanced by
police the one given most credence is that the couple detected the odor
of gas escaping from a partly opened automatically-controlled burner in
the kitchen, and rose to investigate. All windows in the house were
closed and it is thought the accumulation of gas overcame them before
the burner could be closed.
The discovery was made by a brother, Harold Alberti, and Charles Hough,
both conneected with the state savings bank, where Leo was assistant
cashier. The men investigatcd when he did not arrive for work after
telephone calls had been unanswered.
Learns of Deaths
Alberti's father, O. Alberti, a
dairy farmer, first heard of the tragedy while delivering milk near his
son's home.
"Do you know the Albertis?" asked a small boy.
"Yes, kind of," Alberti replied, smiling.
"Well, they're all dead," the youth answered.
The Endicott girl returned to the Alberti home from a party ahortly
before one o'clock this morning, her escort told police. Her parents,
Mrs. and Mrs. E. E. Endicott, live on a farm near here.
No inquest will be held the coroner said today.

28, 1944
A petition for probating a will
without proof of the signatures of three soldier witnesses, because all
are prisoners of war, was filed here Monday.
The will is that of Francis A. Sullivan, who died last Dec. 22. One of
the witnesses listed in the petition was R[obert] O. Sparks of Oakland,
The will, executed April 23,
1943, at a Lincoln, Neb., air base, leaves all of the $1,000 estate to
Sullivan's mother, Jane F. Sullivan.

21, 1945
S. Sgt. Robert O. Sparks, 21-year-old tail
gunner on a Liberator bomber shot down over Germany in Dec. of 1943, is
back home and visiting his grandmother Mrs. J[ames] I. Diemer of
Oakland. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Sparks live in Lincoln, Neb.
Sgt. Sparks' plane was shot down over Osnabruk, Germany, Dec. 23, 1943.
The bomber exploded in midair after an attack by enemy fighters.
Three members of the crew were killed instantly, but Sparks and five
others were blown clear of the plane. He fell some distance before he
became conscious enough to pull the ripcord of his parachute.
A hip wound caused by shell fragment in the attack kept Sgt. Sparks in
a prison hospital for several months. The "fatal" mission was Sparks'
nineteenth over Nazi territory. He had previously been a crew member on
the Liberator "Boomerang" in an historic raid over Ploesti air field in
Among his decorations are the air medal with two oak leaf clusters,
distinguished flying cross, purple heart, unit presidential citation
and ETO campaign ribbon.
Following a 60-day furlough with relatives, Sgt. Sparks will report to
Miami, Fla., for reassignment. |