The American Legion in Iowa
American Legion posts in Iowa have a long and illustrious history of
helping soldiers returning home from the wars. The idea for such a
legion originated with Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., while serving with the
American Expeditionary Forces in France during World War I. The
soldiers stationed there at the local hospitals were suffering from low
morale and idleness, with nothing to do while they waited months before
returning home. Roosevelt and a group of about 20 men gathered together
to discuss the first tentative idea of a veterans' organization to
devise methods of relief for the restless troops still stationed in
France and after returning home. Roosevelt organized a Paris caucus
held on March 15, 1919, to discuss formalizing such a "legion." Among
the Iowa men who attended this caucus were G. C. Parsons of Perry from
the 313th Engineers, Don Hunter of Des Moines from the 350th Infantry,
Arthur Wallace of Des Moines from the 88th Division Headquarters, Dale
Shaw of Des Moines from the 88th Division Headquarters Troop, William
A. Graham of Des Moines, Judge Advocate of the 88th Division, and L. R.
Fairall of Iowa City. Major Eric Fisher Wood opened the meeting on
behalf of Roosevelt who had already returned to America. The committee
recommended that a convention be held in America on November 11, 1919,
and a constitution was adopted.
Roosevelt, while in America, notified Harry H. Polk of
Des Moines to select someone to act as temporary secretary for Iowa,
and John MacVicar of Des Moines was chosen. MacVicar sent out a call to
announce the first meeting in St. Louis Missouri in May, and appointed
a committee consisting of Harry H. Polk of Des Moines, James Norman
Hall of Colfax, W. H. King of Hubbard, Karl LeCompte of Corydon, Daniel
C. Newquist of Des Moines, Huber Everett of Des Moines, Fred M. Hudson
of Pocahontas, DeWitt Sowers of Creston, Will H. Pattee of Perry,
William R. Hart of Iowa City, Fred W. Hubbell of Des Moines, Richard M.
Plaister of Dubuque, Charles E. Aiken of Winterset and Charles S.
Doxsee of Monticello. This committee selected a list of 102 men to be
delegates to the caucus.
All persons who were in the military or naval service of
the United States during the period between April 6, 1917, and November
11, 1918, were to be eligible members of the organization, as were
persons who served in a like capacity in any government associated with
the United States during the World War, if they were citizens of the
U.S. at the time of enlistment and at the time of applying for
membership. Resolutions and more details of the organization were
finalized at this original caucus, and state representatives were
tasked with returning to their homes and organizing local Legion posts
in their towns.
In Pottawattamie County and surrounding areas, within
the period 1919 to 1929, several posts were organized, including the
following (the number next to the post name indicates the order in
which they were registered at Des Moines):
Atlantic, Atlantic Post, 43
Avoca, Fred Funston Post, 227
Carson, Carson Post, 556
Council Bluffs, Rainbow Post, 2
Dunlap, Dunlap Post, 224
Missouri Valley, Julius F. Muller Post, 337
Neola, Neola Post, 330
Oakland, Oakland Post, 187
Treynor, Bernie Scebold Post, 154
Walnut, Walnut Post, 422
In the early days of organization, Mathew A. Tinley of
Council Bluffs was named Chairman of the Executive Committee of the
State. Monday, May 12, 1919, was the earliest date on which charters
could be asked for in Iowa, and it was determined that the Iowa
delegation that first presented its petition to the State office in Des
Moines would be entitled to rank as Post Number 1. The honor was worth
striving for. On Sunday night, May 11th, at mid-night, fifteen veterans
at Spencer and fifteen at Council Bluffs were ready to sign. It was
reported that the Spencer boys had a large sheet of paper and following
the stroke of twelve midnight, they gathered around the table and all
signed at once. A notary was at hand to sweat to the signatures.
Within five minutes after the midnight hour, Maris
DeWolf, E.T. Bjornstad, and Rush Smith, three of the veterans, in a
Ford car had started with the signed document to Des Moines, in the
hope that they might arrive there ahead of the early morning train from
Council Bluffs. All was well for a time, and then they struck bad
roads. The hope at first entertained by the Spencer boys faded in
doubt, but not despair. They would continue the race! When they reached
Carroll, the Northwestern train bearing the signed paper from Council
Bluffs had just pulled in. The Spencer boys abandoned their car and
boarded the train. By hiring a taxi at the station in Des Moines, they
reached the office of the State organizer with their petition five
minutes before the Council Bluffs petition arrived by special delivery
mail. Thus Spencer received post No. 1 and Council Bluffs No. 2, with
Ottumwa, Hubbard, Cedar Rapids, Dubuque and Carroll following.
Pottawattamie County went on to have many Legion posts,
and the 7th State Convention was held at Council Bluffs on October 5,
1925 (and simultaneously in Omaha). In the early years, several
well-known citizens participated in Legion events, held offices, and
their wives formed Auxiliaries. Some of those who helped organize the
Iowa legions include:
Mathew A. Tinley, elected State Commander, September 4,
Jackson R. Day, representative to original Caucus
Raymond A. Smith, elected Historian at 2nd Convention 1920, Commander,
Rainbow Post, 1928
John R. DeWitt, elected Historian at 4th Convention, re-elected at 5th
Charles A. Miller, Commander, Rainbow Post, Council Bluffs, 1925
Donald Macrae
Ralph H. Kastner, Grand Chef de Gare of the Forty and Eight
The Women's Auxiliary was formed and in operation by 1922, having as
their mission to assist the Legion in caring for the disabled, to visit
rehabilitation centers, develop a spirit of true Americanism in the
schools, formulate recreational programs, such as Boy Scouts and Camp
Fire Girls, and urge the observance of national holidays with patriotic
programs. There was plentiful representation in the Auxiliary by
Pottawattamie County in the form of the wives of Legion members of
Council Bluffs and surrounding towns. Some of those who held office
Mrs. Donald Macrae, President, 1921, State President,
Mrs. Clara Bonham, Chaplain, 1928
The Legion posts continue today to provide refuge and a
place of comradship for those who served their Country in the many wars.
Some of the material in this article was
printed in The American Legion In Iowa, 1919, by the State Historical
Society of Iowa.