Book 1896, Hazel Dell Township, Pottawattamie County, Iowa |
STATE OF IOWA ) }ss. Pottawattamie County, )
I, Robert T.
Williams , Township Clerk of Hazel Dell
Township, Pottawattamie County, Iowa do hereby certify that Soren
Antonious was on the 6th day of Nov 1894
duly elected Assessor, in and for said Township, and that he has given
bond and taken the oath required by law, and is duly qualified to act
as such Assessor.
Given under my hand this 6th day of April 1896 Robt. T. Williams Township Clerk.
STATE OF IOWA ) }ss. Pottawattamie County, )
I, Soren
Antonious , Assessor of Hazel Dell
Township, in said County, do hereby certify that the value of all the
real and personal property, moneys and credits required to be listed
for taxation by me, is truly returned and set forth in the annexed
list, and that in every case I have diligently, and by the best means
in my power, endeavored to ascertain the true amount and value of all
taxable property, moneys and credits, and as I verily believe the full
value thereof, estimated by the rules prescribed by law, is set forth
in the list aforesaid; that in no case knowingly have I omitted to
assess any property which by law I am repuired [sic] to assess, nor
have I in any way connived at any violation or evasion of the
requirements of the law in relation to the listing or valuation of
property, moneys or credits of any kind for taxation.
Given under my hand this 6 day of April 1896 Soren Antonious Assessor of Hazel Dell Township.
In view of the
following Section of the Code of 1873, we deem it best to refer
Township Assessors to the pamphlets mentioned for instructions:
Sec. 828.--The Auditor of State is hereby authorized and
required to cause to be published, in pamphlet form, the Revenue Laws
of this State, for the benefit of the Township Assessors, and shall
cause the same to be distributed to the County Auditors, who shall
distribute the same to the Township Assessors of their respective