line) lives in Tucson, Arizona and Donald Besore now lives in Phoenix.
After serving the people of Macedonia for 31 years, he passed away at
the Mercy Hospital in Council Bluffs, Iowa on Oct. 9, 1929.
The story of the Glen Best family began with
the marriage of Glen Forrest Best, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Best of
Shelby, and Phyllis Ellen Bamford, daughter of George and Mary Bamford,
Washington Township, Pottawattamie County, on October 22, 1919.
Glen and Phyllis spent one year at Vinita,
Oklahoma with his parents. They then moved back to Pottawattamie County
and farmed with her father. Arnold Glen was born at the grandparents'
home. Two farms in Washington Township were the next residences.
They then moved to a farm southeast of
Underwood where Flora Belle was born. The family moved to an 80 acres
Brown Land Co. farm two miles south of Bentley where they lived for
nineteen years.
The family attended the Mt. Hope Methodist
Church in Hardin Township. Phyllis had belonged to this church, which
her father had helped build, all her life. The six mile trip to church
was made in all kinds of weather. Activities there included Glen being
Sunday School superintendent, Phyllis belonging to the Ladies Aid and
the children attending youth activities.
Both Arnold and Flora Belle attended school
in Bentley for ten grades and graduated from Underwood High School in
Underwood. Glen drove a Bentley school bus (the family car) for a year.
The Bentley School burned when Flora Belle was in the ninth grade.
Classes were then held in the town post office.
The farm work was done with horses. Some
pigs were raised and cows were milked so chores were always to be done.
The drought years of the 30's were trying times. Glen started doing
contour farming long before it became a common practice.
In 1944 Glen and Phyllis moved to Wright
Township, address Griswold. They celebrated their 25th wedding
anniversary. 1947 brought a move to the Foley place at Oakland where
they lived for three years. Both Arnold and Flora Belle graduated from
Iowa State University. The Sifford farm at Hancock was the next home
for two years.
In 1952, a major change came into the
family's life. Farming was given up when they moved to Council Bluffs.
The "Big Flood" brought another sudden move before they were hardly
settled into an apartment. They became members of the Broadway
Methodist Church.
Glen went to work for a production company
in Omaha doing machine work. Gardening became a hobby. After retiring
in 1961, his interests have included gardening, flowers, woodworking
and hand crafts. Phyllis shares these hobbies also. She enjoys sewing
and needlework.
They celebrated their 50th wedding
anniversary in 1969 with a reception at Broadway Methodist Church.
For retirees, they are very busy people!
Arnold lives in Cedar Rapids with his family
(wife, Mary, children, Steven and Sally). He is an electrical engineer.
In January, 1954, Flora Belle met Dwight M.
Marsh from Greene, Iowa at the Young Adult Group at Broadway Methodist
Church. They were married November 21, 1954 and lived at 3105 Avenue C.
He worked as a laborer and then as a carpenter.
In 1957 he decided to go into the real
estate business, following his father's footsteps. He was working for
Leo Vergamini at this time. Flora Belle was doing some architectural
drawing and then was employed at an office in Omaha for three years. In
1960, she became associated with F. M. Mann & Associates,
Council Bluffs as a landscape architect, where she has worked since
then. Her work includes drafting and designing many types of projects.
1961 brought a big change in the Marsh
family, James Dwight, came to live with them and brought them much joy.
Our families shared our happiness.
Dwight and Flora Belle bought Better Living
Realty in 1965. They also bought a house, 612 Oakland Drive, which they
remodeled. That move came in December. Jim attended Tinley School for
three years. In 1969 the family moved to the country, Glendale Acres.
Jim went to Glendale School for three years and then to Kirn Jr. High.
Jim is now a junior at Abraham Lincoln High
School. He plays in the marching, pep and concert bands (trombone) and
is on the Junior Varsity wrestling team. His hobbies are reading,
roller skating and electronics.
The real estate office was sold and Dwight
worked as a salesman again. Then he went into partnership for a short
time with three other men. He is now selling for Lincoln Highway Realty.
The family belongs to Broadway United
Methodist Church. Dwight and Flora Belle served as money counters for
many years and sang in the choir. She served as a Trustee and taught a
Sunday School class. She has been a member of the former Wesleyan
Service Guild and now of the United Methodist Women. She has held many
offices in these groups, the most recent as treasurer of United
Methodist Women.
Flora Belle has been a member of Business
and Professional Women since 1961. She has held many chairmanships and
offices and been a State Chairman for three and one-half years. She was
honored last fall by being selected as "Woman of the Year."
Traveling is a family interest.
I was born June 4, 1953 in the Jennie
Edmundson Hospital in Council Bluffs to Howard and Dorothy Bane. On
April 22, 1956 I was baptized in the First Congregational Church of
Oakland by Pastor Norman Brooks. When I started kindergarten in 1958
Margaret Merkline was my teacher.
In Junior High and High School I made first
team in basketball in the six years I played, lettered four years in
basketball and also was chosen for first team All-Conference and
Honorable Mention All-State I.D.P.A. in my junior year. As a senior I
made first team All-Conference and Most Valuable Offensive Player in
the Carson Holiday Tournament. Also was captain of my team during my
senior year. Was in track four years, winning a letter and broke some
school records in the Mile Relay, 400 Shuttle Relay and High Jump. Also
played and lettered four times in softball.
After high school I decided I wanted to do
something with horses so I enrolled in the Oklahoma Farriers College.
In the spring of 1972 I began my business as a horseshoer. It was a bit
unusual for a woman to go into that field of work, anyway that's what
some newspapers thought. The Omaha World Herald, Des Moines Register,
Atlantic Paper and Oakland Acorn did some articles on me. A local radio
station had me to a talk show and also a Des Moines T. V. station did a
little show on me shoeing a horse. That was six years ago and I have
expanded my practice to a new breed of Tennessee Walking Horses, which
is very different than the Quarter Horses. In 1972 I was second
runner-up for Queen at the Sidney, Iowa Championship Rodeo and first
runner-up in 1973. 1974 I was crowned Leon, Iowa Queen for the big July
4th Celebration.
Being horse and rodeo minded it was only
natural for me to marry someone of the same qualities. In the fall of
1974 Ron Bever and I were married. He is the son of Rex and Ann Bever
of Fremont, Iowa. The summer of 1975 we had a son, J. W. (Jack
Winston). J. W. is already an avid horseman having won his first ribbon
showing his pony in the 1977 Lynville Show.
Ron and I are supporters of Youth in Horses
and Rodeo. We are members of the Iowa Rodeo Cowboys Assoc. in which Ron
Vice President and I am Barrel Racing Director, United Rodeo Assoc. and
I am a member of the Iowa Can Chasers.
We live on an acreage near New Sharon, Iowa,
Ron has been the F.F.A. teacher since 1973.
Raymond Bingham, born at Hancock, Iowa
October 10, 1890 married Hazel Hough born October 31, 1893. To this
union 4 children were born: Karen, Phyllis, Robert and Marjorie. My
parents were married December 25, 1913. They lived on the home farm
from time of birth until he purchased a farm in March 1929. They
retired from the farm in 1944 and moved to Oakland, Iowa. Raymond
passed away December 25, 1967, the result of a heart attack. He passed
away on their 54th wedding anniversary. Hazel passed away February 11,
1971. She had a heart condition and pneumonia developed.
This the history of Robert Bingham, born on
a farm near Hancock, Iowa, March 30, 1919. I attended Valley No. 5
school until 1929 when we moved 2 1/2 miles south on the Emil Dau farm.
There I attended Valley No. 9 school through the eighth grade. My
sisters and I drove a pony and cart two miles to school. There were no
hot lunches at school so our mother had to have our dinners ready every
morning when we left.
I then attended Oakland high school and
graduated in the class of 1936. I worked on various farms after
October 1941 I married Roberta Simons Nelson
who was born in Livingston, Montana, March 4, 1916. We met at Council
Bluffs, Iowa where she was a laboratory technician at Jennie Edmundson
We started farming on my parents' farm in
1942 and have continued to farm since that time.
Roberta and I have three children: Wanda
Hummel, born January 19, 1945, Nelson, born September 6, 1946, Andrew,
born December 21, 1949. All three children attended Oakland school and
graduated from there.
Wanda was in a serious pickup-sled accident
when she was 11 years old and spent two months in the hospital. She
recovered very well considering all the serious injuries.
All three children were in 4-H and received
several honors.
After graduation Wanda went to Clarinda
Community College two years, then to Simpson College where she
graduated with a bachelor degree. She taught school in an Omaha school
and also at Treynor, Iowa. She was married to Terry Hummel, son of
Elwyn and Kathryn Hummel in 1967. Terry is a captain in the Army and
flies helicopters. They have two children, Wendy and Brad. Wanda and
family are moving to Alaska in March, 1978.
Nelson enrolled in Morningside College at
Sioux City for four years. He graduated from college with a degree in
business administration, and livestock marketing. After college Nelson
enlisted in the Navy for four years making several trips to the Far
East. After service Nelson came back to the farm and is in partnership
with us. Nelson married Carol Ann Steele whom he met in California
while in the Navy. They were married in 1973 and now have two boys,
Kleven and Matthew.
Andy went to Iowa State University one year
and then transferred to University of Nebraska at Omaha. Before
finishing college Andy joined the National Guard and took some training
in Washington state and in Georgia. He returned to U.N.O. and graduated
with a degree in business administration. He is now with I.B.M. in
Lincoln, Nebraska.
Andy married Marsha Babcock from Omaha in
1976. She is a school teacher and teaches handicapped children in
Lincoln. While in service Andy and Terry learned to parachute from a
plane. Terry hurt a leg and had to quit, while Andy continued to "sky
dive" until 1977.
Roberta and I have been 4-H leaders several
years. I was on the 4-H county committee twice. We have been active in
Farm Bureau. I was president for two years and Roberta is now serving
on the women's committee.
We have taken part in church work, I serve
as chairman of Pastor Parish Relations committee. Roberta is active in
United Methodist Women.
I have been a commissioner with the East
Pottawattamie Soil Conservation service for several years and also on
the Resource Conservation committee.
The Robert Bingham family came from Ireland
to Canada. Robert of Ramsey of J. T., Canada and Margaret Stevenson of
Lonark Co., Canada were married July 14, 1842. Robert was born in Derry
Ireland, July 7, 1807. Margaret was born in Ireland March 7, 1807.
Margaret's mother and father were born in Monaghan Co., Ireland. He was
a Methodist minister. Robert's mother and father were born in Derry
Co., Ireland of Scotch parents. Robert and Margaret's ten children were
born in Atwood, Canada. Four of the children died at an early age. Son,
Andrew came from Listowel, Canada to Pottawattamie County, Iowa in
1873. Parents, and sisters, Sarah, Emma, Lydia, Mary Jane, brothers,
Isaac, Wesley, all came later that year. Andrew bought 80 acres in
Valley township for $10.00 an acre. He bought this particular piece of
land because it was by a stream and buildings were behind a hill for
winter protection. There were no fences, cows roamed for miles for
meadow. The house is still being lived in by a fifth generation family
member, Delbert King. Andrew's brothers, sisters and parents lived with
him. Robert passed away October 2, 1893 and wife Margaret on November
9, 1897. They are both buried in Oak Hill Cemetery at Hancock, Iowa.
His sisters married and moved to California, brother Isaac also moved
to California. Wesley married Louella Owens in 1885 and lived in
Hancock all of his life. He managed the lumber yard. He passed away
July 7, 1939. He and his wife are buried at Hancock, Iowa.
Andrew Bingham married Orpha Hawes of
Oxford, Wisconsin March 2, 1883. Orpha was born January 8, 1854 at
Endeavor, Wisconsin. Andrew met Orpha when she came to Hancock area to
do housework, also worked in a restaurant. They were married at
Portage, Wisconsin. Their family consisted of Frances Ethel born
January 29, 1884, Roy Robert born October 10, 1890.
Andrew retired from the farm in 1913. They
moved to a new house in Hancock, Iowa. Andrew died January 14, 1937. He
had a heart condition and pneumonia. Orpha died April 1, 1938. She was
a practical nurse and mid-wife to many babies in the community. During
the last few years of her life she was confined to a wheel chair for
several years.
Andrew and three of his sisters all
celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversaries.
Ethel never married but stayed with her
folks and cared for them in their later years. Ethel passed away
September 3, 1960 of cancer. Andrew, Orpha and Ethel are all buried in
Oak Hill Cemetery at Hancock.
Roy married Alma Fuller. Their two children
were: Orpha born December 7, 1914 and Richard born April 7, 1921.
Richard only lived a few hours. Orpha married Kermit Hackett of
Oakland, Iowa.
Raymond Hobert was married December 25, 1913
to Hazel Hough daughter of Charles and Josephine Hough of Oakland,
Iowa. She was born October 31, 1893. They had four children: Keren
Juanita born November 11, 1914, Phyllis Louise born October 31, 1916,
Robert Harold born March 30, 1919, Marjorie Geraldine born July 6,
1923. Keren married Charles King Jr., Phyllis married Walter Harvey,
Robert married Roberta Nelson, and Marjorie married Max Inman.
The parents of Orpha Hackett were Roy and
Alma Eliza Fuller Bingham. Roy was born September 29, 1898 at the
Andrew Stevenson and Orpha Hawes Bingham home east of Hancock. He
attended Valley Number Four school and started working for wages at an
early age.
December 25, 1907 he married Alma, born June
16, 1891 daughter of Albert and Martha Swain Fuller. They started
housekeeping in Hancock where Roy had a drayline hauling freight to and
from the railroad. Later they bought a butcher shop but decided they
liked country life better. So they hired out to a farmer, Abram
Houghtaling, who also operated a General Store. They worked here until
a fire destroyed the store and the Houghtalings moved to Nebraska. Roy
helped drive forty head of horses out to Kimball, Nebraska in October
The Binghams farmed northeast of Hancock
until 1918 then moved three miles west of town. They remained there
until retirement in 1941. A son, Richard Dean, was born April 7, 1921.
He lived only a few hours and was buried in the Hancock Cemetery.
Roy's health began to fail after there
retirement in Oakland. He had a fatal heart attack October 24, 1950.
Alma continued to live in their home until 1969 when her health was
impaired. She lived at Peace Haven in Walnut until December 1975. At
the present time her home is in Oakland Manor.
Anna Elizabeth Eppelsheimer Bintz and John
Bintz came to America in 1874 with their 2 remaining children George
and Julia. The older children came to America earlier. In 1876, they
bought a farm south of Minden in York Township and this has remained
the Bintz farm. Both are buried in the Minden Cemetery.
George was born October 12, 1858 in Germany and
farmed in the Minden area, and
purchased the Bintz farm from his father in 1887. George was married
September 23, 1891 to Wilhelmine Rapp who was born in Germany January
24, 1872. Their children were Katherine Margaret (Lizzie), Ida, Adolph,
Otto (died as a child), Edward, Ralph, Esther, and Robert. They were
all born at the family farm. Wilhelmine died March 23, 1918 and George
died September 20, 1953 and both are buried in Minden Cemetery.
Adolph Philip was born February 6, 1896. He
attended 7 years of country school near their farm home. He served in
the Infantry in France 1918-1919. On March 1, 1921, he married Lydia
Christina Eckert, daughter of Adam and Katherine (Kiesel) Eckert (who
were born in Germany and married there). Lydia was born April 30, 1898
in Pleasant Township, the 2nd oldest of 7 daughters. She attended
country school and took teacher training at Cedar Falls and taught in
the Minden-Hancock area 4 years. Her hobbies are African violets,
flowers, and crossword puzzles.
Adolph has farmed since 1920. Adolph and
Lydia moved to the family farm following their marriage in 1921. They
purchases the farm from from his father, George, February 28, 1941.
Adolph is an excellent carpenter with years of experience having
remodeled the farm home where they still reside. He has planted many
trees on his farm and still continues to do so. He enjoys raising beef
cattle and hogs. In the spring of 1977 he tore down the old original
granary and built a new one to replace it.
They are the parents of three sons, Merlynn
Paul, Herbert Bryce, and Carroll Jean all who farm nearby.
Carroll Jean, the youngest son of Adolph and
Lydia Bintz was born May 21, 1932 at the family farm in York Township.
Carroll graduated from Minden High School and served in the Army
1953-1955. Carroll began farming the family farm with his father in
1955. He was married to Katheryn Louise White, the daughter of Arthur
and Ruby (Hartman) White, July 21, 1957 at Afton, Iowa. She was born
May 20, 1932 in Union County, Iowa. Carroll and Katheryn (Kathy) have
lived in Pottawattamie County since they were married. They are the
parents of Philip Arthur born May 1, 1959, Garth Lee born April 24,
1961, and Renae Diane born February 10, 1967.
Kathy taught home economics in Avoca 3 years
ending in 1958. Kathy and Carroll have been active in the Minden United
Church of Christ, Carroll has served on the board as trustee and
deacon. Both have been 4-H leaders and were named one of 2 outstanding
4-H families in West Pottawattamie County in 1977. Carroll joined Agate
lodge #423 of Neola in 1960 and is a Past Master. Both joined Agatha
Chapter #192 Order of the Eastern Star of Neola in 1960 and have served
as Worthy Matron and Worthy Patron. Carroll belongs to the Minden
American Legion. Carroll continues to farm the family farm with a grain
and livestock operation. His hobbies are carpentry, cabinet making and
photography. Kathy enjoys sewing for herself and her daughter.
Philip graduated from Tri-Center High School
in 1977, attends Iowa Western Community College studying Farm Equipment
Maintenance. He was a member of FFA and a 4-H member 9 years, serving
as president the past year.
Garth is active in band, baseball and
basketball at Tri-Center High School. He also is in 4-H and has been
active in FFA.
Renae is a 4-H and is interested in music.
She attends 5th grade at the Neola Building of Tri-Center.
Herbert (10-28-1928) is the son of Adolph
Philip and Lydia Kristina "Eckert" Bintz, both of German descent. His
folks live on and later owned the family farm, four and one half miles
south of Minden, Iowa. This farm was owned by Adolph's parents George
and Elisabeth "Rapp" Bintz. It was on this farm where Herbert was born
and spent his entire youth.
Herbert has two brothers, Merlynn (June 4,
1925) who lives and farms in Pleasant township. Carroll (May 21, 1931)
who lives and farms in York township.
Herbert attended grade school at a rural
country school, York Number 2. He attended his four years of high
school at Minden. After graduation in 1946 he farmed with his father
until November 11, 1950, when he married Jervaise N. Grap, of Persia,
Jervaise is the daughter of Charlie and
Viola (McHenry) Grap. She had four brothers, and three sisters. Lynn,
Persia, Iowa; Donavan, Portmouth, Iowa; Arlon, Persia, Iowa; Norman,
deceased. Nancy, Missouri Valley, Iowa; Mary, Harlan, Iowa; and
Charles, Crescent, Iowa. Jervaise taught country school before their
marriage. The following spring Herbert and Jervaise moved on a farm
west of Hancock, Iowa in James township, section 19. They have four
sons, Eugene Michael (12-5-51), farming and farm labor, David Westly
(4-18-52) farming, Jeffrey Herbert (8-22-59) senior at Oakland High
School, and John Todd (6-11-64) eighth grade at Oakland, Iowa. Their
children attend Minden Public School until 1965. In 1966 a
reorganization of school districts took place which put the farm
residence in Oakland School District. Eugene, and David both graduated
from this High School. Jeffrey is very active in wrestling and band
(trumpet), besides his regular school activities. He is also
very outstanding in 4-H activities and awards he has won, both in
local, and state. John is very active in band (clarinet), wrestling,
basketball, track, and he also sings, plus plays the guitar. Besides
his 4-H activities.
In 1868 Herbert and Jervaise purchased a
farm on the west side of section 19 owned by Carl Rieber on which they
built a new home and moved in July of 1976. Herbert and Jervaise have a
general family farm consisting of raising hay, corn, oats, soybeans,
and garden. They also have chickens, hogs, stock cows and calves,
horses, and a flock of registered Suffolk Sheep.
Merlynn Paul Bintz was born June 4, 1926,
the eldest son of Adolph and Lydia. He attended country school and
graduated from Minden High School. He spent nine months in Germany
while in the service. On March 30, 1957 he married Carolyn Marie
Reinert at Minden, Iowa.
Carolyn Marie (Reinert) Bintz was born May
9, 1936 to Randel Ernest and Helen Luella (Niemoller) Reinert.
To this marriage four children were born:
Dwight David (Twins), Denise Diane February 12, 1958; Deloma Luella
July 11, 1962, Diane Marie November 2, 1970.
Dwight attended all 13 years of school at
Shelby-Tennant, he played basketball, football, trombone in band, and
F.F.A. He graduated May 13, 1976. He then attended Iowa Western
Community College in Council Bluffs and is taking Farm Equipment
Maintenance. He will graduate February 16, 1978 and will work for
Stempel John Deere in Avoca and help Dad farm. He was a 4-H member for
9 years.
Denise attended all 13 years of school at
Shelby-Tennant. She played basketball, played the oboe in band, sang in
the choir, and was a member of S.N.A. and N.H.S. She was a 4-H member
for 9 years and took piano and organ lessons. She is now attending
Midland Lutheran College at Fremont, Nebraska and is majoring in
Deloma attends Shelby-Tennant and is a
sophomore. She participates in track, band, and choir. She is a 4-H
member and took piano and organ lessons.
Diane is in first grade at Shelby-Tennant
and is a good student.
Merlynn, Carolyn and family all attend
Minden United Church of Christ. Merlynn and Carolyn are both 4-H
leaders, farm, raise cattle, hogs, and chickens. They built their home
and several buildings. They also planted windbreaks on their farms.
Phillip Bintz was born in Germany in 1852
and came to Pottawattamie County in 1877. He was a farmer and owned his
own land south of Minden, Iowa. The farm is still in the Bintz family.
In the year 1919 he gave his second son
Walter and his wife, Millie Kraack a parcel of 80 acres. Walter and
Millie had a house built on the land. They lived in the house while it
was being completed. There were no fences and outbuildings at the time
and they added these as they could afford them. The land had been
pastureland and it took awhile before it was built up enough to produce
after cultivation.
For several years Millie hatched and raised
a breed of chickens from Canada. They also had a purebred herd of
Jersey milk cows. They milked outside in the early years as they had no
barn. Walter was on the board of the milk association. They had two
children, Eudine born in 1917 and Earl in 1920. Earl was born in the
house on this farm and has lived there all his life. He married Phyllis
Larimore of Avoca and they raised three children, Gale of Council
Bluffs, Becky Jacobsen and Mary Lefeber of Avoca, all residents of
Pottawattamie County.
Eudine and her husband, Mel Church and
family of six moved to Yankton, South Dakota in 1960.
Walter was deceased in 1953. Millie resides
in Minden, Iowa.
Frederick William Bird, Sr. was born March
19, 1888, in Chalvey, England. He was the youngest of five children of
Herbert Daniel and Edith Mary Skelton Bird. His brothers and sisters
were: Herbert Daniel
Bird, Jr., Edith, Ethel, and Edward. Their parents died shortly after
his birth and the children were separated, never to be together again.
At one time, each was on a different continent. Fred lived with an aunt
and an uncle who left England to go to Canada. As a young man he left
Canada and went to Kansas, later coming to Iowa.
At the time we met, he lived in Underwood,
Iowa, and was working for the Rock Island Railroad. We were married
January 9, 1912, in Council Bluffs by Justice Cooper.
I am Grace Ann, the eldest daughter of
George Thompson Smith who was born in Williamsburg, Ohio, on June 1,
1869, and died in Council Bluffs, Iowa, on August 30, 1939. My mother,
Sarah Vestina Cline Smith, was born in Salem, Oregon, August 16, 1869,
and died October 29, 1909. Dad and mom were married December 22, 1892,
in Anita, Iowa. Both of my parents are buried at Casey, Iowa. I was
born January 8, 1894, in Casey, and have two younger sisters: Stella
May Mass and Ellen Leona Starkey. My brother Robert Edward Smith is
deceased. Until I was about ten years old, we went to a one-room
country school house. We used to warm ourselves by the old pot-bellied
stove that stood in the center of the room after walking two or so
miles from home. At lunch time we took the ash pan out from under the
stove, put our apples in another pan and stuck them under the stove to
bake. When it looked like a bad storm was coming up, we went to a
cement cave and had square dances accompani
ed by music from a homemade violin and played games and had lots of
fun. When I was fourteen, we left Casey to homestead just outside the
Rosebud Indian Reservation in South Dakota. When mother became ill,
father left Stella and me on our farm to care for the livestock while
he took mom back to Casey where she could receive the proper medical
attention. We stayed home during the days, and were often visited by
Indians from the nearby reservation. At night we stayed with our
nearest neighbors a mile or so away.
After mother died, our family returned to
Casey. Father later married Myrtle Starkey, the daughter of Wilcus and
Rosetta Starkey. They had seven children: Louise, Harold, George,
Myrtle "Marie", Charles, Raymond and a son who died in infancy. Myrtle
was a loving mother to all of us resulting in strong family ties. Very
few years go by without a family reunion attended by many members of
our family. Myrtle lives with her daughter Mrs. Walter Snethen of
Council Bluffs. On January 8, 1978, ninety-five members of my family
attended a surprise birthday celebration held at the Pink Poodle
Restaurant in Crescent, Iowa, in honor of my 84th birthday.
Fred and I had eleven children: Lillian Mae
Gordon born in Dow City, Iowa, December 2, 1912; Thelma Fay Rief born
in Woodbine, Iowa, on August 16, 1914, and died in Council Bluffs May
7, 1961; George Leonard Bird born April 23, 1916, in Woodbine; and
Gladys Irene Jensen born March 10, 1918, in Woodbine. The remaining
children were all born in Crescent, Iowa. They are: Ethel Viola
Anderson born March 1, 1920; Frederick William Bird, Jr., born June 17,
1922; Edith Lucille Weatherill born April 21, 1924; Mary Ione
Spitznagle born May 18, 1926; Robert Edward Bird born July 13, 1929;
Melvin LeRoy Bird born February 3, 1933; and Norma Jean Heath born
November 4, 1935.
Fred was section foreman for the
Northwestern Railroad at Crescent, Iowa, for many years. When he
retired, we moved to Council Bluffs where he died June 4, 1960. He is
buried at Cedar Lawn Cemetery.
I enjoy embroidering, camping, my 36
grandchildren, 53 great-grandchildren and one great-great-grandchild.
My current address is Apartment 503, North Avenue Towers in Council
Bluffs, Iowa.
The Bisbee Family came to New England about
the year of 1635. Many of them married into descendants from the
Mayflower. Our ancestor Franklin Elijah Bisbee followed the migration
line to Illinois as did so many of the pioneers. Their two children
Louis H. and Fanny Florence were born in Illinois. The urge to move
onward came to them about 1865 when they settled in Grove Township.
Here 2 more sons were born, A. C. (Clate) and Charles. Elijah had a son
Frank by a previous marriage. Two of Hannah's sisters Sybil (Winsor)
Potter and Ella (Winsor) Dickinson also came to Macedonia to live.
After graduating from Western Normal College
at Shenandoah, Mary Chilana Rolfe came to Pottawattamie County to teach
school near Macedonia. She was the daughter of Aaron Rolfe at Lehigh,
Iowa. She met "Clate" Bisbee and they were married March 4, 1889. Ten
children were born to this family--Hattie, Fern, Arthur Clayton Jr.,
Gay, Bret, Rolfe, Rosevelt, Vernon, Emma and Eileen.
Hattie married John Frain and lived in Grove
Township. Their children were Neva, Lawrence, Gay, Hollis and Norma.
Fern Bisbee was the Macedonia telephone operator for 50 years. Arthur
Jr. had no children. Gay married Emil Schwartz and lived at Council
Bluffs. Bret married Mable Reichstein. Their children were Frances Ray,
Rex, Mary, Max, Marilyn and Dorothy. Rosevelt married Lola Keast. Their
children were Shirley, Gearld, Larry, Jack, Mary Lou and May Louise.
Rolfe married Cleo Spence and their children were Darvin, Byron, and
Colleen. Later he moved to California and married Stella Jerosky, and
they have a daughter Patty. Vernon lives in Oregon and has three
children Phyllis, Gery and Gelene. Emma married Faye Keast and lives in
Grove Township. Their children are Catherine, Edward, Ronald, Karen and
Carol. Eileen was a telephone operator with her sister Fern until she
married James Sifford. They now live at Elliott, Iowa. They have 3
children, Sandra, Barb
ara and James Jr.
Elijah's son Louis died when he was only 25
years old. Charles lived at Red Oak and had no children.
Fanny Florence married Henry Thomas well
known mortician and furniture store owner in Red Oak, Iowa. They were
the parents of two daughters Grace and Celia.
I, Katherine Ann Bishop, was born May 19,
1916 in Omaha, Nebr. to Charles Henery Bishop of Omaha and Lillian
Christina Peterson of Volin, South Dakota.
Charles, born in 1873, was the son of
Rebecca Brown and Henery Bishop. He served in the United States Army
during the Spanish American War and was a foot soldier with Teddy
Roosevelt and his Rough Riders during the charge up San Juan Hill.
Also, while in the army, he trained under Gentleman Jim Corbett in the
boxing fly weight division.
Lillian, born in 1888, was the daughter of
Libbie Tierhoffen of Germany and Nels P. Peterson, who would later
become the "Cattle King of South Dakota." He was also a 33rd Degree
Mason, one of only a handful at that time.
Charles and Lillian were married in 1904 in
Yankton, South Dakota and had nine children: Lillian Elizabeth, born
Feb. 15, 1905, died at age thirty-one. Myrtle Martha, born Feb. 22,
1907, died at age sixty. Francis William, born Jan. 12, 1909, died the
day the Company L boys came home from WWI, at age 10. Mabel May, born
March 6, 1910. Charles Henery, born Oct. 30, 1912, died at age 58.
Florence Nellie, born Sept. 30, 1918, died at age four. Eleanor
Allison, born Oct. 10, 1923 and Vera Viola, born Oct. 27, 1924.
Dad died in 1946 at the age of 71. He's
buried in Cedar Lawn Cemetery, Council Bluffs. Mama died in 1970 at age
82 and is buried in Mount Vernon Memorial Park in Fair Oaks, California.
When I was a little girl, I was a real
tomboy and could whip all the boys in our neighborhood around Ninth
Street and Avenue L in Council Bluffs. As I grew older, I developed a
love for music and became a singer and drummer in Jess Busse's band
playing around Omaha.
In 1940, George LeRoy Mendenhall and I were
married in Omaha. We had a darling baby girl, Luckey Arlene, born on
April 20, 1941. We divorced when she was very tiny.
I gave up the band when, during the war, I
met and married Clifford Joseph (C. J.) Hackley, and three of us went
to San Diego where he was a civilian draftsman for the United States
Navy. We saw our first dirigible while en route to California by train,
when Luckey pointed it out and thought it was a balloon.
Upon returning from California, I worked for
the Union Pacific Railroad and various steak houses, including Tiny's
Place in Council Bluffs, for five years. I was an aide at Mercy
Hospital and a supply lady and laboratory assistant at the Cogley
Clinic for seven years. Clifford and I also ran a restaurant in
Crescent, Iowa that later became the Pink Poodle.
In the late 1960's, I formed my own band,
"THE THREE NOTES," and Jess Busse and I were again playing together
accompanied by Hazel Eckert at the organ. We played every Saturday
night at the Labor Temple for five years, until its closing.
Luckey and her husband, Harlan LeRoy Dawson,
live in Council Bluffs with my granddaughter, Theresa Kim. My grandson,
Shane Lee, married to Lorrie Jane Zeschmann, also lives in Council
I work for Hayes Security in Underwood, Iowa
where I'm Lieutenant in charge of security for Western Electric.
Clifford and I, and our dog and cat, live in
Council Bluffs where I'm secretary-treasurer of the Ladies Auxiliary of
the Labor Temple Association.
Richard Dean Blackburn was born April 17,
1929, northeast of Thurman, Iowa. His parents were William Clifford
Blackburn (1903-1959), the son of Ephram and Esther Blackburn, and Ada
Cleo King Blackburn (1905-1952), the daughter of Will and Eva King.
Richard has three brothers, William, Max and
Bruce, all of Mills County, Iowa. A brother, Jackie, died in infancy.
After his mother's death, his father married
May Ann Forney Boldra (1902-), who was Postmaster at Randolph from 1950
to 1968. She still lives there.
Richard graduated from Tabor High School in
1947. He moved to Council Bluffs and was employed as a bus driver for
the Omaha Sightseeing Tours.
On July 9, 1950, he married Jean Ethelyn
Jean was born March 20, 1932, northwest of
Hastings, Iowa, to Everett Zachariah Plumb (1896-), the son of Edward
Zachariah and M. Grace Plumb, and Ethel Florence Miller Plumb (1898-),
the daughter of Theodore and Mary Jane Miller. They now live in
Ravenwood, Missouri.
Jean had 3 brothers, Richard (Tampa,
Florida), Paul, (Ravenwood, Missouri), and George (Shorty), (Glenwood,
Iowa), a sister, Flo, who passed away in 1972 of cancer, burial is at
Rising City, Nebraska.
Jean graduated from Malvern High School in
1949 when she moved to Council Bluffs and was employed at the State
Savings Bank, now the State Bank and Trust, for two years and then
Northwestern Bell Telephone as an operator for nine months.
Richard was called to served his country in
May of 1951. He took his basis training in Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri,
then was sent to the Korean War Front in September. May, 1952, he was
called home on emergency leave because of his mother's illness, she
passed away four days after his return. He was sent to Fort Sill,
Oklahoma, where they lived for the rest of his army tour. He was a
Corporal at the time of his discharge in March of 1953.
They returned to Pottawattamie County and he
became employed at Northern Natural Gas for nine years. They lived east
of Oakland in a small house on the Oren Timberman Farm until 1957, they
moved to 920 Oakland Avenue in Oakland. In 1962, he became
self-employed when he purchased a trencher and a backhoe, and named his
business Blackburn Trenching. He is still in this occupation.
In 1965 they moved to 214 Clark Road, which
they still own.
>From 1966 to 1971, Frank King and
Richard had a partnership business of heavy equipment called K-B
Construction. One of their projects was building the lagoon for the
town of Oakland. In 1968, they purchased 24 acres from William and
Mervin Gray, south of Oakland. The front 300 feet was platted into 14
commercial lots and was annexed into the town of Oakland and is called
the K-B Addition.
They have two children, Lorna Jean and
Sharon Kay.
Lorna was born August 19, 1954, at Council
Bluffs. She graduated from Oakland High School in 1972. She was
employed for two years at Area 13 Halverson Center for Education, as a
film inspector and during the summer teaching swimming lessons. On
November 24, 1973, she married Robert Lael Husz, the son of Larry and
Pauline Husz, of Macedonia. They now live in Macedonia. Robert is
employed at the James Henry farm near Macedonia. Lorna is employed
part-time at the Toggery, in Oakland. They have two children, Ryan Lael
born July 4, 1974, and Melanie Dawn born September 3, 1977.
Sharon was born March 15, 1963, at Harlan,
Iowa, and is a Freshman, attending Oakland Community School. For a
social studies project in an eighth grade class she wrote a very
detailed and complete family history of both sides of her family, which
is very useful and interesting to the family. By Jean Blackburn
Harold William Blanchard, son of Alexander
and Jennie Rucker Blanchard, was born May 16, 1929 at Hettinger, North
Dakota. The family moved to Oakland, Iowa in February of 1939 after the
death of the father. He has two older sisters, Lucille Bentley of
Oakland and Phyllis Willis Smith of California.
Harold graduated from Oakland High School in
1948. He was active in sports and president of his senior class. After
graduation he painted for Earl Rollins, Sr. then went to work for Glass
Oil Co., in 1952. He became a partner in 1954 and purchased the
business in 1970 changing the name to Blanchard Oil. He is a member of
the Masonic Lodge and Order of Eastern Star.
He was married to LaVinna Killion May 16,
LaVinna, daughter of Henry and Janet Turner
Killion was born January 9, 1930 at Oakland. She attended Oakland
Public School, graduating in 1947. She was active in band and sports.
She was employed in Omaha as a secretary for one year then returned to
Oakland and worked at Criswell Drug and at the Oakland Acorn as Society
Editor. She is a member of Eastern Star Lodge and active with the Order
of Rainbow Girls. She has a brother, Leonard Harvey Killion of Derby,
They have two daughters, Jacquelyn Marie,
born February 19, 1953 and Sherri Linn, born August 15, 1956.
Jacquelyn attended Oakland Community School
and graduated as Valedictorian of the class of 1971. She was active in
music and sports and was a member of the National Honor Society and
Rainbow Girls. She graduated from Jennie Edmundson Hospital School of
Nursing with honors in 1975. She married Donald Doyce Hildebrand, Jr.,
son of Donald Doyce and Lois Hildebrand, Sr., at Minden, Iowa September
4, 1971. They have two children, Christopher Alan, born March 22, 1972,
and Danene Ann, born July 12, 1975.
Sherri attended Oakland Community School and
graduated in 1974. She was active in sports and music. She was a member
of the National Honor Society and Rainbow Girls serving as Worthy
Advisor in 1975. She is employed at the Citizens State Bank. She was
married to Wayne Joseph Zimmerman, son of Leo and Marlene Zimmerman,
January 22, 1977 at Oakland. They
have a son, Terry Wayne, born May 30, 1977.
Born October 11, 1902 near Missouri Valley,
Harrison County, Iowa to Charles P. Bowman and Avis Maude Andress
Bowman. Father was born February 22, 1864 in Ohio and Mother was born
January 9, 1874 in Hardin Township, Pottawattamie County, Iowa. Jennie
was one of twin girls. Her twin, Bessie married Harold Roberts 3-1-1919
and later Joe Sesker of Cambridge, Iowa 3-26-1949. Jennie had twin
brothers 1-20-1907 in Council Bluffs, Iowa. Walter and William never
married. Also had an older sister Grace Mae 12-18-1900 in Omaha. My
parents were married at her Mother's in Omaha, Neb. 4-4-1899.
Received my education in Council Bluffs
Kindergarten and in country schools, eight miles west of Oakland, Iowa
where my folks moved from Council Bluffs in 1908 to the Bowman farm
which had been in the Bowman name since my grandfather Noah H. Bowman
came from Ohio and bought the land from the government. After passing
8th grade exam at age 12 and taking Freshman exam at 13, I entered 10th
grade in the fall of 1916 and graduated salutatorian, in 1919. Went to
Boyles Business School in Council Bluffs several months working for my
board and room at the WMCA and YWCA. I married Thomas J. Blevins
October 15, 1919 and we had 2 daughters. Luella Norine November 30,
1920 and Emma Jean August 28, 1922.
Luella married Norman E. Dreyer in 1937 and
had 2 daughters and 1 son. Shirley Lee 4-10-38--Donna Rae--12-20-40 and
Norman E. Jr. 12-3-42.
Emma Jean married Chet Taylor 4-27-40. One
daughter Vickie Dianne 4-13-41. She married Charles L. Edie July 6,
1941 and 2 sons and 1 daughter were born to this union. Thomas David
5-3-43, Roxanna Kaye 11-10-45 and Michael Charles 1-19-49. These 7
grandchildren are all married and I have 20 great-grandchildren and 1
great-great-grandson now.
I do not know too much of my father's people
except they came to settle in Iowa from Ohio. Bought land from the
government 8 miles west of Oakland, Iowa. My grandfather was from a
large family and left his brothers and sisters in Ohio. My grandfather
Noah H. Bowman was a teacher, also a music and voice teacher, an
ordained minister. My Mother's Father was Bishop Jonathan Josephins
Andress and my Mother's Mother was Loretta Abigail Strong Andress. I
have heard my Mother tell of her Father's sister telling her of the men
in the Andress family being heroes of the Revolutionary and Civil Wars
and the family being talented in music and poetry and full of grit and
gumption and get up and hustle. Part of this quoted from a letter
written to her 1-13-1909 by my Grandpa Andress's sister Dora Tomlinson
of Burlington, Iowa.
I spent my married years as homemaker,
housewife, helpmate to my husband--mother of 2 daughters, also at my
husband's side in his work as bookkeeper, secretary, office girl and
farmer, partner and companion.
Thomas Jefferson Blevins was born in
Saltville, Virginia 3/26/1896, the oldest of ten children born to Felix
B. Blevins and Luella Pennington Blevins. The parents with two young
sons moved by train to Macedonia, Iowa when Tom was 4 1/2 and settled
near Macedonia. Tom received his education in the Macedonia school and
surrounding country schools. He left home at an early age earning his
own way.
His brothers were Luther, William, Raymond,
and Nelson. William and Raymond preceded him in death.
His sisters were Ella who married Walter
Parker and after his death, married Tom Hardiman, Ila, who married Jim
Overman, Cena who married Simon Rattenborg, and Minnie who married
Marvin Dreyer.
He was a member of the Methodist Church, the
American Legion, and was a WWI veteran. He entered service July 26,
1918 leaving Avoca by train for Camp Pike with several carloads of men.
He was honorably discharged July 18, 1919. He spent eight months in
France mostly on guard duty as the war ended November 11, 1918 and
caught him hospitalized.
He married Jennie Bowman October 15, 1919.
Two daughters were born to this union. Luella Norine November 30, 1920
and Emma Jean August 28, 1922. Luella married Norman E. Dreyer in 1937
and to this union two daughters and a son were born--Shirley Lee April
10, 1938--Donna Rae Dec. 20, 1940--Norman E. Dreyer, Jr. December 3,
1942. Emma Jean married Chet Taylor 4-27-40 and a daughter Vickie
Dianne was born April 13, 1941. Later she married Charles L. Edie July
6, 1941 and to this union were born two sons and one daughter. Thomas
David, 5-3-43, Roxanne Kaye 11-10-45 and Michael Charles 1-19-49.
After his marriage he worked as a farm hand
until 1922. He tried his hand at many things later--unloading carloads
of sand and coal, junking, always watching for something to do.
With bonus money received from service, he
bought a used truck and started "draying." First dray in Oakland to use
a truck and not horses. Hauled coal all day and with a rack he made for
his wagon-size truck, hauled hogs etc. to Omaha at night. Sometimes he
wouldn't have his shoes off for a week at a time.
Eventually he owned a fleet of trucks--could
move three carloads at one time--and for years hauled grain and
livestock. Also moved large motors for the Northern Natural when they
located east of Oakland.
He bought and sold stock and grain. His
trucking policy was to be where he's promised to be on the "dot" or to
phone if he saw he'd be late.
Trucking wasn't easy--mud roads, keen
competition, many individual truckers with one truck who cut prices
below cost. He finally sold to Wendell Turner and built a new sale barn
which he operated five years or longer, holding night sales there thru
the summer.
He had always wanted to farm but was almost
fifty before he was able to purchase one and move in 1944. After five
years his health was failing and he decided to try grass farming near
Villisca as it sounded easier. Moved there in 1949 and sold in 1967.
Between farming and being a night attendant at Clarinda MHI from age
60-65 he at last retired. While at Clarinda MHI he earned a certificate
which qualified him as a psychiatric attendant. This was quite an
accomplishment because of his scanty education, he had to take oral
In 1964 he bought a small place in Oakland
we called our "camp-out." Since he was hospitalized often, it was
handier and we enjoyed it too, traveling between Villisca and Oakland a
few days at a time. In 1970 we locked our home he'd bought in Villisca
in 1966 since he was no longer able to farm and stayed in Oakland as
he'd sold our "camp-out" and bought a larger home. I did not move from
Villisca till early summer 1973 after he died.
He was a strong man, a hard worker, an
honest loving husband and father. If he were living today, he'd have
his two daughters, 7 grandchildren, 20 great grandchildren and one
great great grandson.
The fact that seven generations of a family
all lived in Council Bluffs, and on the same street, several being born
and raised there, makes their history rather unique.
The Covalt and Heisler families were the
result of a double marriage which took place December 25, 1872.
Anna Clara Hiesler, born in New Jersey,
married Abraham W. Covalt, who was born in West Virginia. Elizabeth
Covalt married Gus Hiesler. There were seven children born in the
Covalt family, and eleven in the Hiesler family.
The Hiesler's grandparents came from
Wurtemberg, Germany. The son, David, and his family moved to
Pottsville, PA, where he
ran and owned a general store, and later became president of a small
railroad. When a severe depression hit, they decided to move to Council
Bluffs. Anna Clara was sixteen years of age then.
The Covalts came from England and settled in
West Virginia. Then, later moved to Council Bluffs. "Abe" led quite a
varied life. He fought for the North, in the Artillery, during the
Civil War. He survived without a scratch. Later, the family came to
Council Bluffs.
He was an entertainer in a small vaudeville
group; rode in the Pony Express; was mayor of Abilene, KS; settled back
in Council Bluffs with his parents.
Mary Covalt married Frank Grass, who
established a lumber mill and was a contractor who built homes, etc.
The street became known as Mill Street. He built their home which still
stands, located at Washington Avenue and 6th Street. It is attractive
because of the little iron grill fence around the roof.
Abraham started to work there--he helped
build the old Ogden Hotel, and was especially good at fancy additions
to decorate porches, etc. He worked on the famous "Golden Staircase" in
one of the palatial homes on Oakland Avenue. Later, he went on his own
and built many homes--some still standing.
Gus Covalt, a musician on the trumpet, had a
35 piece band which was an attraction at Manawa Lake for many years.
Mary and Frank Grass has some very talented
children. A daughter, Sadie, once taught at Abraham Lincoln High
School, later became Principal of 8th Street School; Bob Grass became a
Senator. A daughter, Fan, sang in a huge church in Oregon. Another
daughter was a concert pianist. Fred Grass, was a professor at Cornell
Florence, daughter of Anna and Abram Covalt,
married Warren Sherbondy. Their three children were all born on North
First Street--Clara--Ethel (me) and Robert.
Warren's family started in France (his
grandfather). His father, Homer, born in Akron, Ohio and his mother,
Katherine, New York State.
Homer Sherbondy fought for the North in the
Civil War, and was wounded and landed in Andersonville Prison in the
South. By pure luck, he drew a lucky exchange number and was released
to go home. Also he went on the Gold Rush.
Adelaid Sherbondy married Sam E. Whaley, who
owned the Drug Store by that name. It was located just east of the old
People's Store.
There are only two of the older generations
living in Council Bluffs now. Mrs. Jacquetta (Hiesler) Barstow, 81
years, and Ethel (Hiesler) Ingraham, 91 years; who has lived on North
1st Street all these years.
Dr. Scott Covalt, Dentist, was permitted to
attend school at Creighton University, in Omaha, without any high
school education. He went first there and later finished at
Northwestern University in Chicago. He graduated with honors--one of
eight top students in a class of 400. He practiced in Council Bluffs.
I am also one of the few remaining people of
this line of families--fifth in line. There are two more now all in
Council Bluffs and scattered throughout the United States.
My husband, Henry H. Boehm; Our daughter
Drusilla Axtell--Her children: Kristin Margreth--11 years, Mandy
Caralee--1 week old; Our son, Geoffrey, lives in Arlington, VA. By Mrs.
Henry (Ethel Sherbondy) Boehm.
Wilhelm and Christine nee Baumgarten Boehm
came to America in 1867 with their five children: Adolph, Pauline,
Louise, Wilhelm, and Reinhardt.
In the written words of Adolph, the eldest
son: "1867 Germany--after my 15 year the folks went to U.S. N.A. landed
in Quebec, from there to Chicago, then to St. Louis. They were headed
for Missouri. Stayed a week in St. Louis. Went to St. Joseph to the end
of the railroad. From St. Joe by boat to Council Bluffs where a pastor
in St. Joe directed them to Pastor Hoffmeister in Plumer Settlement."
Adolph wrote they came from Kreis (county) Wohlau in Preusish,
Schlesien, Germany. They came to find better opportunities in a new
Missouri was their destination, but they
were told that farmland was better in Iowa, so they came up by boat on
the Missouri River to St. Mary's Landing.
In Germany, they owned 16 acres of land
which was considered wealthy. The family wanted to farm at a point near
the present site of Treynor, but because of thick population of wolves
there, selected the present farm site. They purchased 80 acres which is
still owned and occupied by the Boehm family today. Many Indians lived
nearby at the time.
Emma Johanna Fredricka Hoffman came from
Altona, a suburb of Hamburg, Germany in 1886 with her cousin, John
Green. She and young Wilhelm were married May 3, 1888. To this union
were born ten children, five of whom are still living.
William S. Boehm, Jr., 4th generation, now
lives on the farm in the same house which was built in the 1800's. By
Sandra Boehm Rice.
I live at the foot of the hill on 19 and 3/4
acres east of it is Keg Creek Township. My grandpa bought 139 acres
west of me at $7.50 per acre. He came from Germany and settled up here
and lived all his life till he died in 1923 in May. He arrived in the
east and stayed at his brother's in Cincinnati, Ohio for awhile, then
went to Council Bluffs. Worked for awhile for General Dodge when they
were building the railroads. When he arrived in Council Bluffs there
were only three or four business places, a grocery store and butcher
shop. They looked through glasses and said Council Bluffs will be a big
town sometime.
My grandpa married Christena Spetman in
Council Bluffs and they moved out here and lived on the 139 acres till
they died. My grandmother had $1000. They built the house with that and
settled here till they died.
Christena Spethman died in 1918 in October.
She was 76 years old and grandpa 86 years old when he died. He was
Henry Strietbeck. They had four living children. Meta Strietbeck Bolte,
my mother, died Oct. 3, 1961, 87 years old. Fred Strietbeck died in
1962, 86 years old, he was not married. Arthur Strietbeck was married
in 1912 to Bessie Weaver. They had six children, Edna Cook Strietbeck,
Council Bluffs; Henry Strietbeck, passed away June 1961; Joe
Strietbeck, Avoca, Iowa. These two boys were in WWII, Arthur in India
for 3 1/2 years, Joe lost a leg in Germany. Ruth S. Cox, Kansas; Leona
Bothwell in Council Bluffs, she has two girls. Lena married Emil
Hamann, neither are living. They lived on the farm west of Treynor 1
1/2 miles. Were the parents of two sons, Marvin Hamann, married and
living on the family farm; Irvin Hamann, married and lives north of
Glenwood. They had no children. My mother only had two children, Carl
Bolte died in 1968 in Iowa City and mysel
f, Lydia. I'm 75 years old in March. My grandpa and grandma raised me.
I was less than six months when my mother had a divorce so we lived
with my mother's folks up here.
This was all prairie grass when grandpa
arrived here. Indians came to the door. Herb Underwood lived about ten
miles west of here when grandpa came here. He was the second and McNay
was the third long time ago. McNay next neighbor east. Bill Schnoor and
son own my grandfather's place on hill west. I loved my grandpa and
grandma very much.
James Bernie Bolton, the son of James Dale
and Mildred (Miller) Bolton, was born in Council Bluffs, Iowa on
December 12, 1941 just five days after the attack of Pearl Harbor. He
was raised on the farm of his parents 1/2 mile south of his present
Bernie started school at Belknap #2, the
same one-room school that his father had attended. The school was
closed after his second year and he then attended Oakland School from
which he graduated in 1959 and began farming with his father.
On November 20, 1960, Bernie and Norma
Elaine Lewis were married at the Oakland Methodist Church, Oakland,
Norma was born May 27, 1942 at Lebanon,
Missouri, the daughter of Hamilton James (born Feb. 6, 1912) and Mary
Louise (King) Lewis (born Feb. 3, 1918 died Nov. 26, 1968). Norma moved
to a farm near Hastings, Iowa in 1944 where her father worked as a farm
hand on the Lawrence Lisle farm. In 1947, they moved to a farm in
Center Township, Pott. Co., owned by Warren White, where he began
farming for himself.
Norma started school in the fall after
moving to Oakland. The first two years of school were spent at Center
#6 country school taught by Miss Darlene Smith. Following the closing
of that school, she started to Oakland the same year that Bernie did.
Norma graduated in 1960.
After their marriage, Bernie and Norma moved
into the home that his grandfather James A. Bolton built in 1917-18.
They now own this home that is situated on Hwy. G-42 west of Oakland.
Bernie and his father presently farm 1100
acres of land. They have raised both purebred hogs and cattle but at
present have only the purebred Shorthorn herd which Bernie began as a
4-H member. He purchased his first heifers from Levi Johnson of
Atlantic and his uncle Lloyd Davis in 1953. He bought his first bull
for $985 on his sixteenth birthday. They sell purebred bulls, heifers
and feed out several head of cattle each year. Bernie is very proud of
his Shorthorn herd which now numbers about 70 head of
cows. The crops they raise include: corn, beans, oats, milo and hay.
Bernie and Norma own the 80 acres in section
9, Belknap Township, where they live and have also bought the 160 acre
farm of Kenneth and Hattie Barrows situated on Hwy. 59 south of
Oakland, section 25, Carson Township, in partnership with his parents.
Many improvements have been made in both the
home and out buildings in the past seven years. New fences have been
built; some small buildings destroyed; the old corn crib converted to a
cattle barn and a large all steel building constructed in 1975. Four
grain bins have been installed between the farms where Bernie and his
father live. The 1887 red wooden barn has been improved at various
times throughout the years. A new grain bin was constructed on the
Barrows' farm this year.
Bernie and Norma are the parents of three
daughters, namely: Lori Lynn (born August 20, 1962), Mischa Dee (born
August 22, 1964), and Erica Jo (born February 17, 1974).
Lori and Mischa attend Oakland School and
are active in the church and 4-H work. They are Dad's official
chorepersons and enjoy working with the Shorthorns in 4-H. Both are
becoming accomplished showers of cattle along with the many other
achievements that are available through 4-H opportunities.
Erica is also active in the church. She
attends Sunday School, Bible School and many meetings with her mother.
She helps her sisters with their 4-H work and chores, also.
Both Bernie and Norma are active in their
church and community. They serve on the church board of the United
Methodist Church in Oakland. Bernie has served as chairman of the
Council of Ministries and in other capacities. Norma has been serving
as membership secretary for 5 years, as well as, being a Sunday School
teacher, helping with Bible School and being active in Methodist Women.
She is active in Belknap Farm Bureau Women, has served on the county
Farm Bureau Women's board and is a member of the Circa "72 Jr.
Federated Club in Oakland. She enjoys cooking, sewing and crafts.
Bernie is a leader for the Westside Feeders 4-H Club that he once
belonged to, serves on the 4-H County Committee, has been on the County
Extension Council, is a member of the Masonic Lodge, was named
Outstanding Young Farmer 1969 in our community, has held all the
offices in the Southwest Iowa Shorthorn Ass'n and is now serving as
Secretary-Treasurer of that group.
For further information see: James A.
Bolton, James Dale Bolton, Robert R. Miller and Hamilton James Lewis
James Dale Bolton, oldest son of James A.
and Olive (Barns) Bolton, was born in the farm home two miles west of
Oakland, May 13, 1914. He has an older sister, Merle (Bolton) Davis and
a brother, Archie Chester. The James A. Bolton history tells of past
ancestors. He attended Belknap #2 school completing eight grades in
seven years. He was baptized in June 1918 and joined the Oakland
Methodist Church in 1930.
Mildred (Miller) Bolton, was born October 8,
1912 on the Robert Miller farm one mile west of Sharon Church in
Washington Township. Her parents were Robert R. and Myrta (Parker)
Miller. Sisters and brother are: Carrie Killion, R. Ross (deceased),
Opal Leader (deceased), Ruby McRory, and Shirley Wilson. Robert R.
Miller history traces her ancestry. She attended Washington #6 school.
She was baptized and joined the Sharon Presbyterian Church in 1931,
then transferred to Oakland Methodist in 1946.
The fall of 1926, Dale and Mildred met as
freshmen at Oakland. Dale's interests-studies, football and books.
Mildred's-public speaking and Normal Training (to receive a teaching
After graduation, Mildred taught eight years
in rural schools--two years at Applegate in James Township, four years
at Bentley and two years at Hamilton in Washington Township. Number of
pupils varied from 10 to 25, all grades. She boarded with families in
the district except three years, one year riding horseback 6 1/2 miles
and two years riding 3 1/2 miles morning and evening from home. She
recalls many fond memories of these times.
Dale, after graduating at sixteen, started
farming 320 acres with his father. Five o'clock often found Dale riding
his saddle horse out to bring the work horses in for feeding and
harnessing. Machinery was horse drawn except for one tractor bought in
1922 for plowing.
Haying, threshing, corn picking, shelling
and burchering was done with neighbors working together. What a change
forty-five years have brought.
Dale and Mildred were married August 15,
1938 at Fairmount, Minnesota and moved into the home where they still
live on May 19, 1939 in section 9, Belknap Township.
James Bernie, their son, was born December
12, 1941 and seven years later LuEllen, their daughter, arrived
December 21, 1948. Church and school activities, music lessons, Farm
Bureau and 4-H made the following twenty years very busy ones.
Graduating in 1959, Bernie started farming with his father. LuEllen,
graduating in 1967, entered Jennie Edmundson School of Nursing and
became a registered nurse in 1970.
Bernie married Norma (Lewis) Bolton November
20, 1960. Their children are: Lori Lynn (August 20, 1962), Mischa Dee
(August 22, 1964), and Erica Jo (February 17, 1974). They own the
eighty acres and live in the home built by his grandparents, the J. A.
LuEllen married Allen Bishop June 2, 1968.
They have two children: Tammy Lorraine (November 21, 1971) and Shanna
Michelle (September 26, 1974). LuEllen and the two girls live in a home
built on an acreage which is part of the eighty acres her
great-grandfather Miller bought in 1886. It is also the farm where her
grandparents, the Robert Millers, raised their family. LuEllen works at
Jennie Edmundson Hospital in Council Bluffs.
Dale and Bernie are now farming over 1000
acres, 240 they own in Belknap Township, 160 acres in Carson Township
which they bought from Kenneth and Hattie Barrows in 1976. In addition,
they rent 665 acres from seven different landowners.
The Boltons are proud of the Bern-A-Dale
Shorthorn cattle they own and enjoy the friends and fellowship they
have in the Shorthorn Association.
Dale has served over twenty-five years as
township trustee. He has been a trustee and board member of Oakland
Methodist Church, member and president of Oakland's School Board,
president and voting delegate of E. Pottawattamie Co. Farm Bureau,
member and president of Agriland FS, Inc. He belongs to Knights of
Pythias and Masonic Lodge.
Mildred belongs to Pythian Sisters, Eastern
Star, Volunteers of Oakland Manor, MWM Federated Club. She has held
offices locally, in county, district and state in I.F.W.C. She has been
County Chairman of E. Pott. Co. Farm Bureau. In the church, she has
been an officer in United Methodist Women locally, district and
conference. She has taught Sunday School, Bible School and adult
classes for nearly 30 years.
They love farm life, enjoy visiting with
friends and feel fortunate they have their families, including five
granddaughters, within a few miles.
Harvey Bolton was the son of John Henry
Bolton and Sarah Chamberlin Bolton, both natives of Virginia. In the
early 60's John Henry came to Cedar County, Iowa where he was enlisted
in the Civil War. Harvey was born near Tipton, Iowa, in Cedar County,
January 11, 1870. He was the second child of a family of eight.
When he was a boy of eight years his family
came to Grove Township and for a short time they lived in the home with
Thomas and Elizabeth Connor, the grandparents of the woman who later
became his wife.
Harvey attended country school at District
#9, Grove Township and through his own effort and his keen interest in
reading he expanded his common school education considerably. As a
youth he was a lover of sports and his continuing interest in later
years contributed to his sturdy physique.
On January 12, 1894, in Edgar, Nebraska, he
was married to Minnie Connor. Miss Connor was born August 22, 1872,
near Wheeler Grove, the daughter of J. W. Connor and Laura Peckenpaugh
Connor. She attended the same country school at District #9 and later
their seven children and two grandsons continued this unusual school
record. Miss Connor attended Macedonia High School, Normal Training in
Shenandoah, Iowa and taught in a country school.
In 1896 Harvey and his wife established
their first home on the Jasper Otto homestead, near Wheeler Grove,
where he spent the remainder of his life and where he died, February
26, 1933.
In his farming Mr. Bolton loved the land,
was a good steward of the soil and carried on a program of conservation
and weed eradication before this became a common practice. He was known
as the owner of well bred and trained horses and became experienced in
veterinary service for his stock. He served as Township Trustee, many
years as School Director, Farm Bureau Township Director, and was a
member of Independent Order of Odd Fellows. He was always willing to
promote any community enterprise but closely followed State and
National issues, as well. In his philosophy of life Harvey was an
example, a wise counselor and a pal to his family.
They were the parents of seven children. Two daughters, Kate Canoyer,
Oakland, Iowa and Lois Coons, Council Bluffs, Iowa, still reside in
Pottawattamie County. Two younger daughters, Dorothy Sexton and Doris
Shriver, Seattle, Washington, and three deceased sons--Glenn C.,
formerly of Des Moines, Carl M., formerly of Henderson and Harry L.,
formerly of Philadelphia, PA. Eleven grandchildren were born to this
family, including five grandsons to carry on the Bolton name.
One report: the first Bolton came from
England to America. Another report: the first Bolton was kidnapped in
Germany and brought as a youth to the new land. Further search reveals
some Boltons fled from England to Germany to escape religious
persecution then to America. One of these was Henry Bolton who settled
in Virginia and married Catherine and fathered 21 children. The tenth
William married Sarah Southern of North Carolina. In 1830, they moved
to Cedar County in Iowa. Nine children were born, one of whom was
George Bolton, born Dec. 9, 1840. George married Hannah Pollack,
daughter of Dennis and Mary Pollack, Nov. 8, 1860. To this union nine
children were born. March 1877 the family moved to Grove Township in
Pottawattamie County, accompanied by grandmothers Sarah Bolton and Mary
Pearce Paxson. There George purchased 240 acres of land. Three of
George and Hannah's nine children died of diphtheria in infancy. C. E.,
A. W. (Bob), Ida (Mrs. David McKee), Nell
(Mrs. Dennis Osler), Albert and James remained. October 29, 1906,
George died very suddenly. James A., George's youngest, and mother
continued on the farm. Aug. 6, 1907 James married Olive Barns, daughter
of James and Fannie Barns of Carson, Iowa. On the family farm Lois
Marie was born and died. James and Olive bought and moved to a farm two
miles west of Oakland. There Merle Louise was born March 27, 1912,
James Dale, May 13, 1914 and Archie Chester, Nov. 6, 1916.
Merle graduated from Oakland in 1927,
attended Drake University and taught first grade in Carson. Merle
married Lloyd Howard Davis Nov. 21, 1931. To them was born, May 29,
1941, a son, Lloyd Craig Davis. L. Craig married Loretta Bahnsen, of
DeWitt, Iowa, to whom were born Kristi Lynn, Cynthia Kay and Jennifer
J. Dale married Mildred Miller, to whom were
born J. Bernie and LuEllen. Bernie married Norma Lewis whose children
are Lori, Mischa and Erica. They live on the farm first owned by James
and Olive. LuEllen married Allen Bishop, their children are Tammy and
Archie Chester married Hazel Garside. They
live in Oakland where Hazel is a beautician and Chester has farmed,
done electrical work and trucked. They have no children.
Lloyd and Merle Davis live on a farm in York
Township. L. Craig Davis lives in Dearborn, Michigan and is a research
scientist for Ford Motor Co. Dale and Bernie farm extensively in
Belknap Township and are active in church and community activities, as
was James before them. LuEllen is an R.N. and musician.
Olive and Merle taught in Carson School,
were members of O.E.S., taught S.S. classes, were active in Farm Bureau
and 4-H and other organizational work. James died Mar. 19, 1956, Olive
Jan. 9, 1971. Both are buried in the Carson Cemetery.
Lloyd, husband of Merle, was a breeder of
Shorthorn cattle and interested Dale and Bernie in establishing a
Shorthorn herd. Lori and Mischa are active in 4-H and are good
students. Erica, not of school age, is busy at home and in Sunday
Craig Davis' daughters are good students,
interested in music, dancing--taking ballet and tap--and piano lessons.
Even Jennifer, at age 3, attends nursery school and takes dance lessons.
Tammy enjoys school and Shanna keeps her
mother, LuEllen, busy at home.
James and Olive left no great-grandsons but
there are eight great-granddaughters to continue the history of the
James Bolton family. James, proud of his children and grandchildren,
would be overwhelmed with eight beautiful great-granddaughters if he
could return for a brief visit. His farm is intact, his house which he
built in 1917 is enjoyed and owned by grandson Bernie and his family
and thus his seed continues to flourish.
Laurits Christian Bondo was born in
Vollensbaeck, Sjaelland, Denmark, the son of a Lutheran minister. His
father thought that Laurits should be a minister and he was sent to the
University of Copenhagen for two years. Laurits had other ideas and
left Denmark in 1866, without his family's blessing.
The first record we have of Laurits in the
U.S.A. is of his employment on a farm woned by a Mr. Pederson in
Pottawattamie County near Council Bluffs. Here, he met Karen Kenriksen,
who was also employed by Mr. Pederson. After a year's courtship they
were married.
A word about Karen: a remarkable woman. She
was born in Vendsysall, Denmark. Her mother and two younger sisters
came to this country with the Mormans arriving May 9, 1861, leaving
thirteen year old Karen in Denmark with no means of support. She
refused to go with her mother because of her own religious convictions.
After many menial jobs, she was hired by Gregor Acthon. These good
people took an active interest in her and she remained there until she
came with them to America in 1867, at the age of 21 years.
After their marriage, they settled on a
homestead in Boomer Township. Two children, Peter and Minnie were born
on this farm. Later, they purchased a farm in the Hazel Dell Township,
which is today an Iowa Century family farm. On this farm, Mary,
Christina, Vigo, William, Henry, Sherman, Emma, Albert, and Lydia
Elizabeth were born.
"Under the guiding hand of Laurits, there was
organization and efficiency in the
household and on the farm. Everything ran smoothly in the everyday life
of this family. A diary was kept of daily events, as well as a log of
the work, accomplishments, and a close account of income and expenses.
They acquired over 1000 acres of land in Pott. County."
The Bondo descendants are scattered
throughout the United States, Canada, and Western Iowa; most of them
are in Western Iowa. It would be conservative to say that these
descendants own and operate at least 35,000 acres today.
Laurits, Karen, and all of their children
with the exception of Sherman are buried in Lutheran Cemetery at
Boomer. Sherman is buried at Gilfillan, Minnesota.
Laurits Bondo and Karen Henriksen were born
in different parts of Denmark in 1846. In 1867 Karen came to the United
States. In Council Bluffs she met Laurits Bondo. They were employed on
the same farm in Pottawattamie County. They were married on May 5,
1868. Their two oldest children were born in Southwest Boomer Township,
Section 30. The eight younger children on the farm in Northeast Hazel
Dell Township, where their Great-grandson Paul Christoffersen now
lives. Their first home, after taking out a homestead, was a simple
block house constructed from trees cut from the land. Their children
were: Peter 1869-1939, Minnie (Mrs. Martin Christoffersen) 1870-1945,
Henry W. 1872-1943, Christina (Mrs. Nels J. J. Nelson) 1874-1958, Mary
(Mrs. Thomas Petersen) 1877-1918, Viggo W. (Willie) 1879-1949, Emma
(Mrs. Viggo Hansen) 1881-1954, Sherman 1883-?, Albert 1886-1931, Lydia
(Mrs. Peter S. Petersen) 1889-1966.
Peter Bondo, the oldest child of Laurits and
Karen Bondo was born in Southwest Boomer Township, section 30, on April
24, 1869. He married Alvina Rasmussen on February 17, 1897. She was
born in Denmark on August 23, 1878, and came to the United States, to
Council Bluffs, Iowa, with her parents Lars and Karen Rasmussen and
family in late 1881, when she was 3 years old. Peter and Alvina Bondo
farmed in Northeast Hazel Dell Township.
Esther Bondo the oldest child of Peter and
Alvina Bondo was born in Hazel Dell Township on December 12, 1897. She
was baptized, attended Sunday School, Bible School, Confirmation
instruction and Church Services at St. Paul's Lutheran, Rt. 2, Neola,
Iowa, where she has continued to attend and is a member. Her first year
of Sunday School and Bible School instruction was received in the
little Church in the center of the cemetery. She attended Dana College,
Blair, Nebraska, two years and taught school two years in Hazel Dell
Township, before her marriage to Carl E. Magnussen on February 17,
1920. Carl was born in Denmark on January 29, 1893. He came to the
United States, to Hazel Dell Township in 1912 and became a citizen in
1918. He farmed in Boomer Township 33 1/2 years. He died on May 13,
Carl and Esther Magnussen had five children.
Frances born March 30, 1921; Elvera May 18, 1923; Donald June 6, 1925;
Arlene October 18, 1927; Vernon June 29, 1932. The four oldest were
born in Southeast Boomer Township, Vernon in Council Bluffs. They
attended grade and high school in Pottawattamie County. Frances, Elvera
and Donald's wife Olive taught schools in Townships in Pottawattamie
County. Frances's husband Thomas Bracker, Elvera's husband Kenneth
Christensen and Donald Magnussen served in the Armed Forces in World
War II. Vernon Magnussen during the Korean Conflict. Frances has
continued as a member of St. Paul's. She is Sunday School
Superintendent, executive secretary of the Women's Auxiliary, member of
a circle and puts on Daily word 545-3000 on the telephone on Fridays.
Elvera has taught school at Carter Lake, Iowa for several years and is
at present substitute teacher in the Council Bluffs schools. Donald is
a Diesel mechanic at Fehrs Tractor and Equipm
ent Co. in Omaha. Kenneth and Arlene farm in Norwalk Township. Vernon
is an inspector at Vickers in Omaha. Thomas Bracker and Calvin Peterson
are deceased.
The 4th and 5th generations after Laurits
and Karen Bondo; Elvera's children Kathy and Connie; grandchildren
Bryon, Todd, Joe and Amy. Donald's children, Donna, Karla and Carol;
grandchildren Lance, Krista, Janna and Adam. Arlene's children, Judy,
David, Arnold, E'Lise and Amber; grandchild Tricia. Vernon's children
Carl, John, Randy, Kristi, Cami, Christopher, Jodi, Terry, Gary, and
Jesse. By Esther Magnussen, Neola.
Peter was the oldest child of the L. C.
Bondos. He was born in West Hazel Dell April 24, 1869. He married
Alvina Rasmussen on February 17, 1897. She was born in Denmark August
23, 1878 and came to Council Bluffs with her parents when 3 years old.
Her parents had a farm just west of St. Paul's Church.
Peter and "Winnie' established a home in
Hazel Dell Township and were parents of 4 daughters and 1 son.
Many young immigrants worked as farm hands
for them. During the winter months they went to Hazel Dell School #1 to
learn some English. The teachers roomed and boarded in the homes in the
Mr. Bondo served in many capacities in the
community and St. Paul's Church where he served as chairman for 25
years. He was instrumental in getting the first telephones in the area.
Their phone was under the Boomer Central. He also worked to bring
electricity to the farms in 1930.
After his father's death in 1907, he
administered the estate and supervised the erection of a home for the
President of Dana College in Blair, Nebraska. To do this, he drove his
team to Council Bluffs, put them in a livery stable, took the street
car to the Webster Street Station in Omaha, from there the train to
Blair. Coming home the procedure was reversed.
In 1930 they moved to an acreage on the next
hill west of St. Paul's Church, where he died in 1939. During this
period the area suffered a severe drought and low prices. Corn sold for
.10 a bushel. Many farmers lost their farms.
Mrs. Bondo lived to be 97 having never been
a patient in a hospital until 3 days prior to her death in December
Mr. and Mrs. Bondo were some of the early
immigrants to came to Pottawattamie County from Denmark. Karen
Henricksen came in 1867 when she was 21. She obtained work for a Mr.
Pedersen, who had been a miner in California. Here she met Laurits
Bondo, a hired hand, who had immigrated from Denmark earlier. They were
married May 5, 1868 and homesteaded in Hazel Dell Township. They
cleared the land, making a simple block house and some furniture. Wood
was cut and hauled to Council Bluffs and sold for $1.75 per cord to pay
Their first Christmas tree in 1871 was only
a branch. It got so cold they went to bed and looked at the Christmas
Later they purchased a farm, where a great
grandson, Paul Christoffersen, now lives. Their 5 sons and 5 daughters
grew up here.
To drain off the low ground, 26 oxen were
hitched to a machine which made a ditch 6 feet deep.
A new home was built in 1881. The doctor
said if a new home was not built, there could be many new graves. A
typhoid epidemic threatened the community.
Many evenings the family gathered to hear
father read stories. Mother was busy at her spinning wheel.
They were charter members of St. Paul's
Lutheran Church in Boomer Township. Three of their sons became pastors.
The other children made their homes nearby. He died in 1907 and she in
Elmer was the only son of the Peter Bondos,
born December 18, 1904 in the new home built in 1903, in Hazel Dell
Township. (Now the home of the Larry Argersingers.) Dr. A. O. Wyland
was there to assist in the home delivery as was common then.
He attended Hazel Dell #1 School, Dana
College and State College at Ames.
On March 25, 1930 he married Ingrid Beck
R.N. She was a member of the first class of the Immanuel Hospital
School of Nursing, Omaha, graduated in 1925. She was employed at the
Immanuel as supervisor and Anesthetist, having graduated in 1928 from
the Ravenswood Hospital School of Anesthesia in Chicago.
They were parents of Elaine, Phyllis and
The years 1930-39 were depression years,
bank closings and drought in 1933-36. Also a severe infestation of
grasshoppers, poison bran was scattered in fence lines for control.
There also occurred a change over from
horses to mechanical farming. The cornpicker was a boon, getting our
first one in the fall of 1945. We also welcomed the tractor loader, and
hay baler. The combine replaced the grain binders and threshing
machines. We also saw commercial fertilizers, weed sprays, hybrid corn
and soy beans come into use.
Elmer served in numerous positions in
community life, as school director, township treasurer, township
trustee, church council, and a member of the Hazel Dell Township
A.S.C.S. Committee.
In early 1950's our county road was graveled
and our school consolidated with Underwood.
In 1969 retired and moved to Blair,
Born 1907 Egeland, No. Dak., graduated high
school in Egeland. North Dakota University and Palmer College of
Chiropractic graduate 1930. Practiced Oakland, Iowa since 1933. Past
mayor of Oakland. Two terms in early 1950's. Past president Iowa
Chiropractors Assn. 1952. Charter director in founding of
Sacro-Occipital Research Society 1957. Post graduate Roentgenology.
Both parents born Norway. Wife Mollie Schreiber married 1954. Born St.
Paul, Minn. Parents born in Russia. Left for Germany when Russia became
communist. Members of mother's family who were anti-communist were
imprisoned in Siberia.
Delmon Alfred, son of Albert and Amanda
Kohlscheen Bornholdt, was born January 8, 1916 in Pleasant Township. He
received his education in the public schools and graduated from Avoca
High School in 1932. He served four years in the U.S. Army, being
stationed in France and England. He was discharged at Camp Grant,
He married Florence Petersen, February 8,
1946 at the Lutheran Church in Shelby. She was the daughter of Andrew
and Martina Petersen and a graduate of Shelby High School.
They began farming on the farm 4 miles
southwest of Hancock that Delmon's grandparents had farmed. They are
parents of one son, Mark Allan, born October 31, 1955, who is a 1974
graduate of Avoca High School.
In 1957, they moved to Pleasant Township,
their present residence. Mark is presently farming with his father and
renting land near by.
George Jurgen Bornholdt, oldest of seven
sons of Jurgen and Katherine (Fuch) Bornholdt, was born in Schleseig
Holstein, Germany, on August 19, 1860. He came to America with his
parents and brother Claus. They came to eastern Iowa and settled in the
LeClair area. The only daughter of the family died enroute to America
and was buried at sea. Brothers in the family were: George, Claus,
Henry, Charlie, Bernhardt, William, Herman. Jurgen's family moved to
Pottawattamie County in 1883, farmed northeast of Avoca on the farm now
occupied by the Fred Holtz family. Jurgen retired in Avoca and died in
February 14, 1884, George married Anna
Margaretta Horst who was born November 17, 1861 at Rock Island,
Illinois. They began farming on the Hagedorn farm in James Township,
eight miles northwest of Hancock. To this union, three sons were born,
Rhinehardt J. on August 19, 1885; Albert D. on March 26, 1887 (died May
2, 1887), Alfred W. on July 7, 1888. A few years later moved to a farm
northeast of Avoca, now occupied by the Robert Andersen family. In
1895, they moved to the William Thies farm in Pleasant Township,
residing there fourteen years. This farm is now owned by Donald
Langer's. They then purchased an 80 acre farm four miles southwest of
Hancock for $100 an acre in 1909. They resided here until 1927, when
they retired and bought a home in Hancock. They observed their Golden
Wedding Anniversary February 14, 1934. Anna died September 1935. George
made his home with son Alfred and family till his death, June 19, 1939.
Alfred Bornholdt attended high school in
Avoca and rode a horse six miles to get his education. He later
attended Commercial College in Omaha. February 2, 1910, he was married
to Amanda M. Kohlscheen who was the daughter of John F. A. and
Margaretha (Paasch) Kohlscheen. She was born September 12, 1889,
received her education in the public schools, later taking a sewing
course in Council Bluffs, Iowa. She had two sisters: Emma, Alma, and
five brothers: Gustave, Ferdinend, Bernhardt, August, Herbert. Only one
of the family remains, Mrs. Alma Behrens of Portland, Oregon. Amanda
died February 5, 1976 at the home of her daughter.
They began farming on the Thies farm in
Pleasant Township. Two children were born to this union: Ruth B. on May
28, 1912 and Delmon A. on January 8, 1916.
March 1916, Alfred's moved to Valley
Township south of Hancock to the Henry Grobe farm. For two years and
during World War I, they farmed another Grobe farm in Harrison County
near Yorkshire, Iowa. At that time, Mr. Bornholdt was very interested
in breeding and raising purebred Shorthorn cattle along with hogs and
field crops. In 1921, they were residing in Pleasant Township on the
John Vogt farm while they began constructing a set of buildings on bare
land in Pleasant Township, that was to be their home for the next 35
years. Mr. Bornholdt served as school director and president of school
district when country schools were still being used.
In October, 1957, they retired to their home
in Avoca when their son, Delmon and family moved onto their farm. They
were privileged to celebrate their Golden Anniversary and also observed
their 65th Anniversary. They are affiliated with Trinity Lutheran
Church of Avoca.
Mr. Bornholdt resides at Colonial Manor,
Henry Bornholdt was the third eldest of
seven sons of Jurgen and Catherine Fuch. The family came from Le
Claire, Iowa to a farm in Knox Township northeast of Avoca. After
Henry's marriage to Ida Thies in 1888, they bought 200 acres of land in
Pleasant Township at a price of $45.00 per acre. The place is still
held and operated as a grain and livestock farm by family members.
In 1908 the family moved to Avoca where
Henry became involved in many civic ventures. He was one of the
original directors of the Pottawattamie County Fair Association and
served a couple terms as Mayor of Avoca.
A daughter, Della, married William H. Miesen
and lived her adult life in the mountains of North Park, Colorado,
where she taught school during the summer months, as it was too cold
and snowy for the children to attend school in winter. Their son,
William H. Miesen, Jr. lives in Memphis, Tennessee where he is a
dispatcher for American Air Lines.
A son, Elmer F., married Ella Tiessen and
lived on the home farm which they own at the present time. His
operations included grain and livestock production. Their first son,
Robert, had Army service in Europe during World War II. He was wounded,
captured, and spent four months in a German prison hospital before
being returned home. Robert married Elizabeth Rackaway. They live in
Salem, Oregon, and their two daughters, Ann and Lee, attend the
University of Oregon at Eugene. A younger son, Jack, had a brief period
of Army service in the closing months of World War II, graduated from
Iowa State, and now operates the home farm and some other land. He
married Elizabeth Bombeck, who is the Art instructor of the Avo-Ha
Community Schools. They have three daughters, Beth, Shelley, and
The second son of Henry and Ida, Walter,
married Margaret Lyons. After being a cattle buyer for Armour at Sioux
City, Walter went to the Chicago Stockyards where he eventually
developed a livestock order buying business which was later to include
his son, Joseph. Joseph and his wife Sue have six children, Michael,
Mark, Lisa, Jennifer, Kara and Margaret.
A daughter, Ina, was married to Frank C.
Vierhus, a native of North Dakota. Frank became President of the Avoca
State Bank and Ina still maintains an office there. Frank, Elmer, and
others organized the Avoca Alfalfa Milling Company and the Avoca
Nursing Home. The Avoca Nursing Home was later purchased by Colonial
William Bornholdt, born to Jurgen and
Catherin Bornholdt at Durant, Iowa, August 14, 1875, one of 7 brothers
and sister dying in infancy. Brothers were George, Henry, Claus,
Charlie, Benhardt, Herman. February 23, 1898 married Alvina Arp, who
immigrated from Germany. They farmed southwest of Avoca and also the
Bornholdt home place east of Avoca, then moved to Caleb Smith farm at
Cuppy's Grove consisting of 550 acres. Also farming Collins Ranch west
of Tennant a number of years, 770 acres. After retiring from farming
moved to Avoca, bought Tante building and operated Locker plant. After
death of wife, bought grocery store in Corley which he enjoyed. Passed
away April 4, 1952 at Retirement Home, Elkhorn, Iowa.
They were parents of 10 children: Rudolph
George married Laura Lippold, both deceased; (twin) Hertha Alma married
George Lippold, Jr.--5 children; (twin) Meta Martha married Clarence
Zimmerman, both deceased, 3 children; Oscar Henry (now deceased)
married Dorothy Mehrens; Mabel June married John Slaven--1 child; Leona
Catherine married Henry E.
Johnson--3 children; Raymond Ferdinand married Virginia Swenson--2
children; Wilbert Peter (now deceased) with wife Peggy lived in
Billings, Mont.; Ethel Wilhemina married Norman Aufrecht--2 children;
Dorlene Nelda married Laverne Olson--2 children, Laverne deceased.
Five Generations on
This Farm
For five generations the Bostwicks have been
farming the same land west of Honey Creek, Iowa for 131 years.
The late Hiram Bostwick began the tradition
when he immigrated to Iowa territory in 1846 with the Mormans and
elected to stay here; and the group traveled on West, eventually
establishing at Salt Lake City, Utah.
Hiram Bostwick, wife and four children built
a stage house to house more Mormans coming West. It was a two or three
story house to put up the people and shelter in their house at night.
Also held parties there. It was the first house built west of Honey
Creek at that time. Hiram Bostwick and his wife were married in
Fairfield, Vermont on May 24th, 1828.
After their death, Daniel, their son, took
over the farm. He married Minnie Frank. To this union five children
were born; Ida, Ada, Ruth, Henry and Enos. Daniel passed away when
Henry was seven years old. So his mother and family carried on the
farming. Henry farmed the place later.
Later Henry married Frances Stokes in
September, 1892. To this union four children were born. A little boy
died at birth; then Evelyn, Glenn and Florence.
Evelyn died February, 1969, and Glenn passed
away April, 1977. Florence is married to Clinton McMullen, March, 1935.
They have six children. Glenn was married to Bertha May Darrington in
January, 1934. They have five children--Duaine, Donna, Henry, Gerald,
and Larry.
Glenn and his father (Henry) farmed together
until his death in June, 1952. The mother passed away on August 10,
1955. For the last eight years Larry has farmed the farm.
Glenn and May have seven grandchildren.
In the 1700's in Germany Peter and Barbara
Shaner Reisinger had eleven children, came to America, settled in the
middle west, some in Ogle County, Illinois, later some came to Iowa in
One daughter Sarah (1832-1915) married
Joseph Bowman (1818-1871) at Creston, went to Ogle County, Illinois,
had six children, came to Iowa by wagon. Some worked as Masonry workers
and Carpenters.
One son a carpenter, Sampson Reisinger
Bowman (1865-1943) bought land at Wheeler Grove to farm. Married
Evaline Osler, had three children, Ivan, Vivian and Blanche. Evaline
died of childbirth, also the infant. Later Sampson married Jessie Ronk
(1874-1941) had one son Dewey (1899-1976).
Jessie had a top buggy with Flossie her
horse she drove into Carson (app. 7 miles). Sampson drove horses and
wagon occasionally to Carson. They also had a Model T touring car for
transportation. Jessie and Samp were both deaf.
Dewey lived on the farm til late teens when
he went to Council Bluffs to work in an Automotive shop a couple of
years, returning to Carson to apprentice at the Hooker Bros. Garage.
Started driving the Carson school bus in early 1920's (drove for 30
June 1923 Dewey married Anna Shaw (born Jan.
1903 at Tabor, parents Elizabeth and Samuel Shaw). December 1924 had a
daughter, Dorothy who is married to James Grove, Red Oak, they have a
son James, a daughter Carol (Mrs. Conrad Smith, Menlo, Ia.), two
grandsons, Thomas and David.
Dewey bought his own garage in 1926, sold it
in 1974. He worked at Red Oak 1952-1955 at Union Carbide Corp. He was a
former Mayor of Carson, also Postmaster from 1963-1966. Dewey spent
most of his life in Carson, Anna now resides in Red Oak.
William Frederick Braack was born Feb. 18,
1873 in Kapplen, Schleswig, Germany, the son of Hans and Anna Nissen
Braack. He migrated to the United States in 1890 and worked as a hired
hand in the Treynor community until 1900. On Feb. 14, 1900 he was
united in marriage to Agnes Rosacker, daughter of Christian and Anna
Williams Rosacker. They made their home on a farm southeast of Treynor.
Mrs. Braack passed away in 1941 and Mr. Braack in 1965. They were the
parents of five children: 1. Willie--passed away in 1913 at age of 13;
2. Anna--married Otto Schnepel, Feb. 14, 1922. They had two children,
Condon and Thurleen. Condon married Elizabeth Tvrdik of Omaha and they
have three children, Condon E. is farming. Mark married Nancy Tibbles,
also farming and Jane is a student at Ames, Iowa. Thurleen married
Marion Hotze and they have three children. Ward married Cynthia Current
and is Rollscreen Company cost manager and lives in Pella, Iowa. Sarah
is a registered nurse at
Jennie Edmundson Hospital in Council Bluffs, Iowa and Brenda is in
seventh grade at Treynor; 3. Harry--operating the home farm southeast
of Treynor; 4. Elvira--married Rudolph Husz on Feb. 3, 1926 and they
have two children. Charles married Carleane Wirth of Macedonia and
farms west of Carson. They have five children, Sheryl, a beautician in
Council Bluffs, Terry, Diane, Caren, and Alan students at
Carson-Macedonia. Curtiss, married Sharon Blatny of Macedonia and farms
west of Carson, they have two children, Deborah and James, students at
Carson-Macedonia; 5. Hilda--lives on the home place southeast of
Edward Bracker married Elizabeth
Christensen. They have 5 children Kathryn Ann, Linda Sue, William
Charles, Mary Jane, and Beverly Kay. Kathryn married Burdsil (Buddy)
Rice and have one son Jason who was baptized on Nov. 27, 1977.
Ed was county auditor for Pottawattamie
County, then resigned and went to work for Iowa Power and Light Co.
He built his home that they live in and is
capable of many things. His daughter Linda finished High school in 3
years and College in 3 and now in Law school in Omaha.
William a senior in High school has had a
lot of jobs as helping in restaurants, cooking, teaching swimming and
life guards. Now in a bank.
Mary was a candy striper at Mercy, babysat,
and worked at shows in the mall also ice cream place. So they all keep
Born Aug. 5th, 1912 in farm home in Neola
Township. Named Grace by my parents Martha and Henry N. Rodenburg. The
oldest of eight I grew up on place 3 1/2 miles south of Beebeetown.
Rode horseback to high school for 3 years. With 12 weeks of college I
taught 3 years.
On June 3rd, 1934 Charlie Bracker and I were
married in my parents' home surrounded with many relatives. His parents
were Jennie and Fred Bracker. We went to live on a rented farm owned by
Charlie Thomas.
Edward was born in Mercy Hospital in Co.
Bluffs on April 8th, 1935. Maxine was born at home on August 16, 1939.
Then on December 1st, 1939 we moved to Neola with horses and wagons,
renting a farm from Todds. We lived in his big house until March 23rd,
1940. Then we moved to a little rented house across the road. Here
William was born December 1st, 1940. The year of the Armistice day
freeze. Also the year of my Grandpa Rodenburg died.
We rented the Mcginty farm west of Neola and
moved in March 1941. Irene was born there March 14th, 1942.
We purchased the old Nelson Place in Boomer
Township and moved on March first, 1943. That day Charlie rented the
Ralph Spencer farm owned by Harry Spencer, and just across the road
from the place we bought. In 17 days we moved up on it. We proceeded to
put in water works, electric lights, telephone and a bathroom in our
own house. Two years later we moved back to it. Renting more land from
Clara and Red Colfelt. Leon was born here at home on July 13, 1945. All
5 children had Doctor Moorehead to bring them in to the world.
We joined St. Johns Lutheran Church in
Boomer township the year we were married. Then before Edward was
confirmed we joined St. Pauls Lutheran Church. Was closer to our home
now and mud roads. Made it easier to get to Church if only a short way.
Edward married Elizabeth (Betty)
Christiansen. Lives in Co. Bluffs and works for Iowa Power. Have five
children. Kathryn Ann, Linda Sue, William Charles, Mary Jane and
Beverly Kay.
Kathryn married Burdsil Andrew Rice and has one
son Jason.
Maxine has 3 girls, Annie, Susan and
Jennifer Martin. Now married to Dave Bryson.
After being a lab worker and a doctors nurse
she went back to college in 1974. She was awarded a college scholarship
and maintained top grades. Graduated August 21, 1977 with an associate
degree in science as registered nurse. Lives in Pasadena, Texas, a
suburb of Houston.
William married to Anne Wuest has two girls
Michelle and Cynthia. Has degrees of Fine and Master of Fine Arts and
Bachelor of Science. He was chosen to head the Ceramics design
department at Kansas University in Lawrence, Kansas. Taught at Texas
Lutheran college and also 6 years at Purdue University in Ind.
Irene works at Saulk Institute as Safety
Engineer in southern California. Her husband Kim Winfield teaches at
Oceanside. They have Nancy and Charles Bracker Winfield. I was in
California and helped care for them when they were born. Both babies
coming home with their mother when less than a day old.
Leon married Joanne Gochenour and has one
son Troy. They both graduated from Dana and Greeley, Colo. have master
degrees in education. She teaches at Midland College as Girls coach and
Leon at grade school in Fremont, Nebr.
On Sept. 10th, 1977, Charlie was admitted to Mercy Hospital with heart
trouble. On Sept. 12 he suffered a massive coronary. On Sept. 14 he
went in to congestive failure. We weren't given any hope but he
stabilized and continued to get better. After a month and two days he
was allowed to go home and get better.
Neighbors and friends and relations gathered
on his first Saturday home to combine beans. The corn was combined the
same way before he came home. This was greatly appreciated by Charlie
and Grace. A great aid in helping him get well.
This brings us to Thanksgiving time when all
3 boys and their families gathered to be thankful for all their
Sofia Manddelko and Johan Bracker. Johan was
a General in the German Army, moved to and lived in Chicago. Two
children were born to them; Frederick (b. Nov. 28, 1876, d. May 22,
1944), and John (b. May 10, 1878, d. Jan. 20, 1959). Johan died when
Frederick was 4 and John was 2.
Sofia Bracker and boys came to Council
Bluffs area and she married Peter Rief. They had four girls: Pauline,
(married Joe Laythan), Augusta (married Clea McIntosh), Rose (married
Fred Erickson--then when a widow she married James Christiansen), and
Margaret (married John Thompson).
Pauline and Joe's children were William,
Rose, Albert. Augusta and Clea's children were Laura, Lynell, William,
Margaret, Eunith, Robert, Grace, Bernice, Mary Jane, Ellen, Donald.
(Robert was killed with a buzz saw in 1935.) Rose's children were
Charlie, Freddie, Geraldine Erickson, Jimmy Christiansen. Margaret and
John Thompson's children were: Roy, Leonard, William, Freeman, Edna,
Carl, Fredda.
John Bracker never married (he is buried in
Hazel Dell Cemetery).
Fredrick married Jennie Woodruff, (a school
teacher). Their children are Carrie Margaret Sump and twin who died at
birth, George Fredrick (Bud), died Rose Powell, John Joseph (Joe),
Edith (died at age 8, Dec. 1921), Charles Edward (Charlie)<
Thomas Allen (Tom) died, Sara Elizabeth (Sis) Billesbach, infant died
at birth Jan. 23, 1915.
Some of the relatives came over on the
Mayflower. Not attempting to go back that far will start at.
Peter Da La Montanye b. 1-25-1757-died in
1828. A Revolutionary soldier married Gertrude Keater whose father was
Nicholas Keater. Johannes Longyear b. 3-24-1754, died 8-31-1824. A
Revolutionary soldier married Annatge Winner b. 1754 died 1843. Then
Issaca Da La Montanye b. 3-29-1812 died 10-26-1874. Married Marie
Longyear b. 1786. Josiah Turner b. 10-17-1813, died 4-21-1893 married
Jan. 1st, 1835 to Jane Da La Montanye b. 3-29-1812 died 10-26-1874.
They had 12 children. Only two lived to marry. Also William Woodruff
married Katherine Mitchel. Sarah Turner b. 11-30-1851, died 1-23-1917
married Franklin P. Woodruff on 1-2-1880, born 6-16-1852, died
9-9-1893. Buried Hazel Dell Cemetery. Their children were Jane born
11-22-1881 died Oct. 23rd, 1974; May b. 5-8-1883, d. single buried in
Hazel Dell Cemetery; Lizzie b. 9-4-1885, d. married George Taylor;
Carrie b. 1-26-1887, d. married Warren Harvey b. 10-7-1882; Anna b.
9-6-1889, d. married Harvey Park Nov. 1915; Willi
am born 11-4-1892, died 11-4-1896. Buried in Hazel Dell Cemetery.
Then Jane married Fredrick Bracker b. Nov.
28, 1876 d. May 22, 1944. They lived in Hazel Dell and Boomer Township
all their lives. Both are buried in Hazel Dell Township Cemetery.
Their children are Carrie Sump and a twin
buried in Rief Cemetery; George (Bud) died March 19, 1964. Buried in
Hazel Dell Cemetery; Rose Powell; John Joseph (Joe); Edith died at age
8, Dec. 1921. Buried in Hazel Dell; Charles born Feb. 22, 1912; Thomas
died May 11, 1974; Sara Billesback; Infant died at birth Jan. 23, 1915.
Buried at Hazel Dell.
George Washington Braden was born in
Missouri 1837. He was married to Allie Adeline Isom, also born
Missouri. They were married in 1856. They were the parents of six
children of whom Martha Louisa was one.
He was inducted into the 4th Cavalry
Division of the Militia at Bogard, Mo. During the Civil War. He was
taken prisoner by the South and was taken to Libby prison, where he
spent some time. He escaped when the Northerners came and got back with
his company. He was sent back home in 1865. The family packed two
covered wagons and with a team of oxen and a team of horses came to
Iowa. They lived for several years on a farm owned by a Mr. Turner of
Big Grove, now Oakland.
George Braden also helped to survey the
roads etc. in Washington Twp. He passed away in 1974. Martha Louisa
married Orrin I. Matthews. The rest of the family moved to Thurman,
Iowa where they had relatives.
(Five Generations)
Henry Brandes came to America at the age of
17 years, settling at Streator, Illinois. His boat passage was paid by
friends for whom he worked to repay the fare while attending school. He
married Magdalene Miller in 1875.
In the spring of 1877, he came to Iowa with
his wife and infant son living in a covered wagon until a house was
built on 160 acres Henry had purchased in Pottawattamie County, Iowa, a
vast wild prairie land.
Henry while plowing a field, with walking
plow, spotted a small wolf pack. They paced the border of the field
following him each round--he at length--unhitched his team and rode one
of the horses home.
Eight children were born to Henry and
Magdalene. Five sons acquired farmland in Hancock area of Pottawattamie
County. Only survivor of the family is Mrs. Hattie Chapman of
Huntington Beach, Calif.
Henry Brandes was a staunch Republican;
County Supervisor from 1896 to 1906 and State Representative 1906-1910.
To attend a Republican Rally in Council
Bluffs, he and his two oldest sons, George and Walter, drove from
Hancock to Council Bluffs with a team and buggy. They stayed overnight
in Council Bluffs. Early Sunday morning they drove back as far as Neola
to attend church services (Presbyterian). To combat winter time cold,
the two boys would leave the buggy and run along beside it to keep warm.
Walter Brandes, born 1877, died 1975. He
married Martha Busse who came to America at age 7. Martha's father,
Carl Busse, was manager of a brickyard in Magdeburg, Germany. He
immigrated to America to join the Busse families already here. He had
hoped to continue his work in an industrial field but the language
barrier prevented. He came to Pottawattamie County to start farming. It
was many years before the standard of living enjoyed by his family in
Germany was regained.
Walter Brandes purchased a 120 acre farm in
1904. He was a born farmer--loved the soil. He was very fond of black
horses. At one time he owned eleven black horses for field work and a
driving team. He earned money and gained quite a reputation for harness
breaking young horses as a young man. Later when farming his land--his
fee was the use of a trained horse for a number of months agreed upon
by the owner of
the horse and Walter. Many exciting escapades, as a result of this
work, are a part of the family lore.
A Christian man, Walter served as Sunday
School Superintendent in the Silver Creek Church and was Church
Treasurer for 29 years.
The family home was inherited by his son,
Warren. At present, Warren's son, Richard of Oakland, Iowa, has taken
possession of the farm.
Walter's daughter, Lucille Leaders,
inherited equal property, a part of which was her parent's retirement
Lucille's first marriage was to Lloyd
Mischler, son of Louis Mischler. The original Mischler family emigrated
from Switzerland. Louis Mischler and wife, Louisa Ida Sengelmann
Mischler owned a farm south of Minden, Iowa.
Lloyd purchased this farm from the Mischler
estate. The farm is now deeded to his only daughter, Mrs. H. J.
(Carolyn) Lippke of Council Bluffs, Iowa. Carolyn has three children
all of whom live in Pottawattamie County. They will be the fiftth
generation of the Mischler family if the farm south of Minden is
retained for their inheritance.
Chester Brandes, son of George and Anna
(Stude) Brandes was born November 3, 1905 on his parents' farm in James
Township. He attended James Center #5 school across the road from the
farm. He completed all eight grades at this school. Chester and his
brother and sister had the advantage (or disadvantage) of having the
school marm boarding at their home. They didn't have the traditional
lunch bucket; they had to run home for their dinner! March 25, 1932,
Chester married a schoolteacher, Edna Miller, born in Belknap Township
February 1, 1912. Her parents were Benjamin and Alice (Taylor) Miller.
Edna was the great granddaughter of Pleasant Taylor who ran the Old
Taylor Station in Washington Township.
Chester and Edna started their married life
on a farm in James Township. In 1934 they moved to the farm where they
are now residing. The original 40 acres of this farm was purchased in
1937 from Henry Nicolai. It was known as the "Molasses Brown Farm."
When Molasses Brown, a schoolmaster owned this land, he raised sugar
cane and made molasses. In addition to this land, Chester farmed his
parents' land until 1974. In 1976 he purchased 100 acres that he
farmed. This land had been owned and farmed by both his father, George
and his grandfather, Henry.
During their farming years they survived
depression and drought. They worked with the neighborhood threshing
bees; the women cooking all day and the children carrying water to the
fields to the busy thirsty men!
They raised a family of four--Joyce, born
June 22, 1933, married to Richard Williams and residing in Oakland with
their children Cynthia, Randall, Colette, Bryan and Kerry; Roger born
December 6, 1935, married to Linda Hunter and farming at Gowrie, Iowa
with their children Nathan, Timothy and Lora; Sherryl born November 25,
1942, married to Philip Bane and farming in Washington Township with
their children, Kirk, Andrew and Tonya; Deanna, born July 9, 1945,
married to John Van Eps, a Navy pilot and living in Virginia with
children, Matthew and Benjamin.
Mr. and Mrs. Brandes have now retired and
still reside on their farm west of Hancock.
George Brandes, eldest son of Henry C. and
Magdelene (Miller) Brandes born February 12, 1876 in LaSalle County,
Illinois came to Pottawattamie County with his parents at the age of
one in a covered wagon.
George married Anna Stude, daughter of Henry
and Margaret (Young) Stude. Anna, born May 9, 1881 in Streator,
Illinois came to Avoca with her parents at the age of three. She was
one of eight children. On their way to Council Bluffs to get their
marriage license, Anna purchased her wedding dress in Neola; they were
married at Silver Creek Church, February 26, 1899.
They immediately settled on a farm in James
Township where they lived their entire married life. They spent their
entire lives improving the land and building a complete set of new farm
buildings. George purchased his first 40 acres at $32 an acre. Later,
he purchased more land and inherited 40 acres of his father's land to
reach a total of 220 acres.
There was an ice pond on this farm that
supplied ice for all of the communities ice houses. This pond was also
the community ice-skating pond. One young cousin, Glenn Miller fell in
the icy pond and had to go home for a quick change!
Mrs. Brandes was a true pioneer lady, who
worked outside as well as inside while raising a family.
Their children were Magadelene, 1900-1921;
Ronald 1901-1977; Chester 1905-, of Hancock; Edna 1910- of Hancock.
The Brandes'es lived across the road from
James Center School which was also the township election site and still
is the election site at this time. Mrs. Brandes served the trustees
dinner at her home on election day.
Mr. and Mrs. Brandes celebrated their 60th
Wedding Anniversary in 1959 at Silver Creek Church where they were
married. George died in 1961 and Anna died in 1974.
After their deaths, their land was sold and
due to changing times the building site is now again farmland.
Grandpa (Henry C.) Brandes came to this
country in 1869, from Germany at the age of 16. A family by the name of
Baker paid his fare over here. He worked for the Baker family in
Illinois, until he was married.
He reimbursed the Baker family for his fare,
and came to Iowa with his wife and small son in a covered wagon. All he
had to his name, you could tie in a red handkerchief.
He then came to James Township where he had
purchased 160 acres of land at $8 per acre in 1874. They lived in the
covered wagon until they built a home.
In 1879 he bought 120 acres at 12.40 per
acre and in 1880 added 80 acres at $15.50 per acre, which with 80 acres
at $15 per acre which he purchased in 1882, gave him 440 acres, which
contained good buildings and other improvements.
Their house was replaced by a new home in
1904. Part of their old house, was moved to the 120 acres directly east
of them. This is where their son Les Brandes lived when he got married.
This is an excerpt taken from the "Shelby
News" Nov. 3, 1882.
A Damnable Deed
Minden, Iowa Nov. 1. On Monday night of this
week, a thief went to the barn belonging to Henry Brandes, in James
Township, and took the matched pair of black horses belonging to
Brandes, and to cover up his tracks, set fire to the barn. Eight head
of horses, one or two colts, a thoroughbred bull, 300 bu. of wheat, and
several tons of hay were burned up. At last accounts the thief was
still at large.
It was later said, the thief was one of the
hired men, who had been drinking. He woke up in an up-stairs bedroom
with two east, and two south windows, and saw the barn on fire, and
thought he was in hell.
This place used to have carbide lights, and
then around 1923, Dad put in a light plant, and we had electric lights.
Shortly before 1900, a creamery was operated
on this farm. All the farmers around, hauled their cream here to be
separated, and to be made into butter. After Walter was married, they
built a creamery in Hancock, and Walter and Martha ran the creamery.
Ice Cream was made there also.
There have been three weddings performed in
this home. Ada Brandes married a minister Rev. L. B. Pruitt, and Hattie
Brandes married Raymond Chapman. They walked down the oak stairway and
were married. Wayne's sister Elva Joy and Gerald Haas were married here
at home also.
The horse barn or west barn was built in
1885. Grandpa Brandes was a dealer and breeder of Clydesdale and Norman
As the house was real big, Grandpa and
Grandma Brandes lived on the west end of the house, and Wayne's folks
lived on the east end. The house was remodeled in 1939, and about 30
ft. was taken off the east end of the house.
Richard (Dick) Brandes, son of Warren and
Merle Andress Brandes, was born January 7, 1930. He attended the James
Center country school and graduated from the Oakland High School in
1947. He has one sister, Marilyn White of Council Bluffs, Iowa.
In 1951 he rented 120 acres, in James
Township, Section 16, owned by John Krueger. December 7, 1952 he
married Dorothy McCrory, daughter of Archie and Anna Laursen McCrory of
Atlantic. Dorothy has two brothers, Donald of Red Oak, Ia. and Glenn of
Storm Lake, Ia. She attended country schools in Shelby and Cass County
and graduated from the Anita High School in 1951.
After their marriage they rented an
additional 80 acres and lived on the Krueger farm until 1956, when they
moved to their present home in Section 21, James Township. At that time
the farm was owned by Walter Hundt of Council Bluffs, Iowa. In 1970
they bought the 281 acres from Walter. When Dick started farming he
owned 5 sows, and never bought another sow, but today there are over
140 sows on the farm. In 1977 they bought 120 acres from Dick's father
in James Township, Section 15. This farm was bought by Dick's
grandfather, Walter Brandes around the turn of the century.
Kenneth was born July 10, 1954, graduated
from Oakland High School and married Jane Klepfer of Council Bluffs,
Ia., April 15, 1977. Jane was born June 12, 1957, the daughter of
Robert and Mavis Darrow Klepfer. Kenneth is engaged in farming with his
parents and Jane works in her father's hardware store in Oakland. In
March they will be moving to the farm built up by his great grandfather
in Section 15.
Delmar was born March 28, 1956, and
graduated from Oakland High School and Iowa Western Community College.
He was married to Susan Peters, daughter of Vernice and Ethel Peters,
of Avoca. Nicole (Nikke) Marie was born September 19, 1974. Delmar is a
trained transmission mechanic at Davenport Motors Corporation in
Oakland, and lives in Hancock.
Carol Jean (Jeannie) was born May 28, 1959.
She will graduate at mid-term, 1978, from Oakland High School and is
enrolled at the University of Nebraska at Omaha, majoring in music.
Sharon Jo Ann (Shari) was born February 28,
1964 and attends the Oakland Community School.
Dick and Dorothy are members of the Oakland
Methodist Church. The East Pottawattamie County Farm Bureau and the
Pottawattamie County Pork Producers. They enjoy traveling, especially
to the Rocky Mountains. In December Dorothy was awarded a special
membership of the United Methodist Women.
Dick has sold Pioneer Seed Corn for Garst
and Thomas Hybrid Corn Company for over twenty years.
Ronald Brandes, son of George Brandes, and
grandson of Henry Brandes, was born on May 2, 1901, in James Township.
He was later united in marriage to Grace Knott, daughter of Fred and
Mary Rapp Knott. They lived on various farms in James Township until
1941, when they moved to a farm south of Minden in York Township. They
had one son, Delmon, who was born on July 7, 1932.
Grace died in 1944 and Ronald and Delmon
remained on the farm until Delmon was married in 1957 to Susann Engel,
daughter of Henry and Hallene Engel of Underwood. They moved to a farm
in James Township where they lived for five years, then moved to a farm
north of Minden for a number of years, and after that, to their present
home, an acreage north of Minden. They have one daughter, Anne Teresa,
born November 20, 1959.
Ronald retired from farming in 1969, and
moved into Minden, where he resided until his death on September 19,
Wayne Cecil Brandes son of Raymond L.
Brandes and Florence (Knott) Brandes was born Sept. 5, 1925 on the farm
which grandfather Henry C. Brandes bought from the Rock Island R. R. in
1874 for $8 an acre. This farm has been in the Brandes family for over
100 years.
Raymond was the youngest of 8 children of
Henry and Magdalena (Miller) Brandes.
Florence (Knott) Brandes parents were Fred
and Mary Knott. Her one sister was Grace (Knott) Brandes and brothers
Howard, Mervin, Raymond and Harold Knott. Mary Knott lost her husband
and later married Adam Young.
Wayne has one brother Raymond J. of Oakland.
Two sisters Elva Joy (Brandes) Hass of Griswold, and Shirley (Brandes)
Kindhart of Great Bend, Kansas.
Maxine's parents are Ben (dec.) and Leona
(Meyers) Rank from Harlan, Iowa. Paternal grandparents were Charles and
Maggie (Johnson) Rank of Kirkman, Iowa. Ben had one brother Harry of S.
Dak. (dec.), and five sisters. Maye and Nannie (dec.) and Ethel, Alice,
and Sadie living. Maxine has one sister Wilma (Mrs. Robert Mitchell).
The maternal grandparents were Charles and
Dora (Asmus) Meyers. Leona has four brothers. Alvin (dec.), and Hugo,
Carl and Lester Meyers living. Three sisters Hattie and Frieda dec.,
and Dorothy Fick living.
Wayne and Maxine (Rank) Brandes were married
Dec. 12, 1948 at Salem E.U.B. Church at Glenn St. and Pearl Ave. in Co.
Wayne and Maxine are parents of three
children. Judy born Jan. 20, 1950 at Co. Bluffs, and Russel born June
2, 1952 at Co. Bluffs, Joyce born Nov. 9, 1955 at Harlan.
We lived with Wayne's folks for almost a
year while our house was being remodeled. We then moved to the Busse
place west of our home place, and lived there until Wayne's Dad died in
Nov. 1961. We moved to the home place, and Wayne's Mother lived with us
for almost a year while Raymond Jr. built her a new home in Oakland.
All three kids went to grade school and high
school in Oakland. Judy graduated from Oakland in1968 and attended
N.W.M.S. for one year. Judy went to France for six weeks on a language
tour. She then transferred to Iowa State and graduated in 1972 with a
B.S. in Home Economics.
Judy married Jim Scheffler, son of Don and
Fay (Ebert) Scheffler, June 24, 1972. Jim graduated from Iowa State in
1972 also. Jim and Judy made their home on the Les Brandes farm, and
Judy taught Home Ec. for four years in her home school of Oakland. Jim
taught Jr. High Math at Minden for two years. He also farms the Evelyn
Schnackel farm and raises purebred Duroc boars. They rent 120 acres
more, and are expecting their first child.
Russell graduated from Oakland in 1970, and
attended Iowa State for three years. Russell is now in partnership with
his Dad, and lives on the west place.
We bought the 180 acres from Edwin Busse's
granddaughter Shirley Steck in 1970. We also bought the rest of the 160
of the home place from Elva Joy, Shirley and Raymond Jr. in 1970.
Joyce graduated from Oakland in 1973, and
graduated from Iowa State in 1977 with a B.A. in Distributed Studies.
She entered U. of Iowa at Iowa City for two years for a degree in
Wayne and I are members of Silver Creek
E.U.B. now Meth. Church. We attend regularly and enjoy working in the
church, and worshipping with our many friends.
Wayne was born in what is now our kitchen,
and has lived here all his life except from 1948-1961.