Iowa Press Association's
Who's Who in Iowa
Biographical Sketches
Iowa Press
Association, Des Moines, Iowa
by J. R. Perkins
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Dentist; b Glencoe, Ky May 21, 1884; s of John Ralston-Sally Ellis; ed
Glencoe Ky; U of Cincinnati; Omaha U, DDS 1904; m Elsie White Oct 20,
1908 Carson;
1905- dentist, Carson; Izaak Walton; AF&AM 430; Meth Ch, trustee;
Rep; hobby: fishing; off & res Carson.
Horticulturist; b Council Bluffs, Iowa Nov 10, 1874; s of
Peter Rapp-Fredericka Bock; ed Council Bluffs; m
Elizabeth Arnold July 30, 190S Council Bluffs; s Arthur
Ethelbert Jr; d Louise (Mrs W E McQuilkin), Gloria Elizabeth;
1894-1915 secy Local Plumbers Assn, orgr for Amer Fedn of Labor;
1890-1920 Master Plumber, Council Bluffs; 1920-33 plumbing & bldg
inspector for city of Council Bluffs, also
chmn & secy of The Planning & Zoning Commission
& Traffic Commission; 1933-36 apptd by Gov Turner as
mbr Fish & Game Commission; 1936-38 apptd by Gov Herring as mbr
Iowa St Conservation Commission; 1936- pres Home Savings & Loan
Assn; 1937- pres Ins Plan Savings & Loan Assn; 1914 eng in fruit
growing, 1918 ornamental gardening, 1933 special projects relating
to cultural practices for wiId flowers; 1934-37 apptd by
Gov Herring as mbr Iowa St Planning Bd; mbr
Natl Park Conf; Inter-Professional Inst; mbr Book Fellows; First Congl
Dem; hobbies: gardening, conservation of natural resources, hunting;
father (dec) resident of Council Bluffs many years; off 19 N Main; res
The Willows, Council Bluffs.
Tree Surgeon; b Chicago, Ill Mar 8, 1913; s of Roy I Rasmussen-____; ed
Abraham Lincoln HS, Council Bluffs 1934; Davey
Inst of Tree Surgery, Kent Ohio, 1935; m Thelma Anderson July 21, 1937
Council Bluffs; pres Council Bluffs Civic Garden club since 1938; mbr
Council of Civic
Presidents; mbr Council Bluffs Fish & Game Protective Assn;
hobbies: woodworking, hunting, fishing; off &
res 1335 Fairmount Ave, Council Bluffs.
Garage & Implement Dealer; b Pottawattamie Co,
Iowa Dec 11, 1881; s of Hans Reimers-Christine Kiebach; ed
Pottawattamie Co; m Werna Tausend Nov 11,
1914 Council Bluffs; d Veran Marie; m Helen Pieper Oct
20, 1933 Treynor; 1909-10 farmer,
Merrick Co Neb; 1911-12 carp; 1 913-23 garage & impl dlr, Minden,
ptr of
John Tuck & John Ehlers; 1927-30 with John Eller lmpl Co, Minden;
1931- with Max Lund in impl & garage business, Minden; 1925-
mbr sch bd, 1927-35 pres; 1936-38 mayor; mbr city coun 8 years; 2
years chief vol fire dept; IOOF 575, noble grand 1913; AF&AM 423;
Congl Ch; Dem, pct chmn 1932 & 1936; hobbies: fishing &
hunting; father born Schleswig Holstein Denmark 1833, came to Amer,
Davenport 1852, dec Jan 26, 1896; mother born in Mecklenburg Germany
1848 came to Amer, Davenport 1856, dec June 6, 1934; off & res
Real Estate Agent; b Harrodsburg, Ky Jan 27, 1877; s of Lee
Riker-Maria E Rue; ed Harrodsburg Ky Acad; Center
Coll, Danville Ky; m Zeta Trigg June 3, 1909 Omaha Neb; d Francis Trigg
(Mrs B F Angel Jr); 1900-05 mgr ins dept, Council Bluffs;
1905-09 ins agt, Council Bluffs; 1909-12 real est agt, Denver Colo;
state examiner, Texas St Fire Ins Dept; 1915-16 city
assessor, Council Bluffs; 1917-22 sales mgr Robert B
Wallace Co, Council Bluffs; 1922-27 & 1933- real est agt,
Council Bluffs; 1927-33 sales mgr Dwarfies Co, Council Bluffs; Iowa St
& Council Bluffs Real Est Bds;
Pottawattamie Co Taxpayers Assn, VP; C of C,
dir; AF&AM 71; Presby Ch; Rep; hobbies: hunting & fishing; off
13 Pearl; res 440 Glen Ave, Council Bluffs.
Physician & Surgeon; b Washington, Iowa Apr 6, 1878; s of Dr James
C Robertson-Helen S Houck; ed Council Bluffs HS 1897; Neb Coll of
Med, MD 1901; m Claudia Ward Oct 14, 1903 Neola; d Blanche (Mrs
Grant Melby), Opal Ann; 1901-15 prac med, Crescent;
1915- prac med, Council Bluffs; 8 years surg for UP RR; 4
years surg for CRl&P RR; 1920- surg for IC RR; mbr staff Jennie
Edmundson Hosp, Council Bluffs; 1926-27, 1938- health ofcr, Council
Bluffs; mbr State of Iowa bd of health 1927-29;
Council Bluffs Med Soc, pres 1918; Iowa St Med
Soc; 1920-22 secy Pottawattamie Co Med Soc; AMA; AF&AM
71; Scot Rite 32°, Neb; Abu Bekr
Shrine, Sioux City; Congl Ch; Rep; hobby: farming; off Bennett Bldg;
res l006 Fifth Ave, Council Bluffs.
President Furniture Co; b Omaha, Neb June 27, 1879; s of Jacob
Rosenfeld-Lena Hirshorn; ed Council Bluffs HS 1897;
Western Iowa Business Coll; m Grace Helen New Mar 3, 1914 Chicago; s
Jack Arthur; d Caroline (Mrs Herman
E Kulley); 1904-25 ptr in Continental Furn Co, Council Bluffs; 1925-
pres Continental Keller
Furn, Council Bluffs; 1932- secy treas United
Furn Stores; Natl Retail Furn Assn, pres 1932, mbr advisory bd since
1932; pres
Continental Realty Co, Council Bluffs; Broadway Building Co, pres; VP
& dir, Council Bluffs Savings Bank; VP &
dir Council Bluffs Investment Co; Council Bluffs Retail Mchts Assn,
dir; C of C, past pres, dir
since 1924; AF&AM l; Scot Rite 32°; Abu
Bekr Shrine; B'nai B'rith; BPOE 531; IOOF 49; hobby: farming; off
315 W Broadway; res Chieftain Hotel, Council
Attorney; b Council Bluffs, Iowa Dec l, 1869; s
of Lewis W Ross-Zoe M Brown; ed Iowa City HS; U of Iowa 1886-88; Phi
Kappa Psi; m Leyria A Miller Oct 3, 1894 Petersburg Ill; s Harold
Miller, Lewis W, Dillon L Jr; d Doris E; 1891 adm to Iowa bar; 1891-
prac law, Council Bluffs; Park Building Co, dir; Abstract Guaranty Co,
pres; Iowa St & Pottawattamie Co Bar Assns; past mbr Dodge Sight
Guard; Council Bluffs Country Club; BPOE, exalted ruler 1918 & past
trustee; Rep; hobbies: hunting & fishing; off Park Bldg; res 300
5th Ave, Council Bluffs.
Bank Vice-President; b Council Bluffs, Iowa Nov 6, 1897; s of Dillon
L Ross-Reta Miller; ed Council Bluffs HS; Boyles Business Coll; grad
Amer Inst of Banking; m Muriel C
Smith Mar 22, 1922 Oakland; s Lewis William Ill; d Elizabeth Ann;
1915-16 emp at First Natl Bank, Council Bluffs; 1919-26 with Oakland
Savings Bank; 1926-27 cash, Citizens State
Bank, Oakland, 1927- VP; 1938- mbr Oakland sch bd; during World War,
enl 89th aero squadron, AEF, O/S, disch 1919;
Iowa Bankers Assn; VP Pottawattamie Co Tuberculosis Assn; Oakland
Comml Club, past pres & secy; AF&AM 335, past master; Congl Ch;
Rep; hobbies: hunting & fishing; off
& res Oakland.
Secretary-Treasurer Manufacturing Co; b Melbourne, Iowa Sept 11, 1889;
of Ferdinand Edward Ruehlman-Wilhelmina Katherine Krampe;
Newton Normal Coll; Western Normal Coll, Shenandoah; m Flossie M
Hovenden Dec 8, 1910 Shenandoah; 1910-17 bkkpr & asst cash,
Security Trust & Savings Bank, Shenandoah; 1917-31 secy treas Peet
Stock Remedy Co; 1931- secy treas Peet Mfr Co; 1915-16 city treas,
Shenandoah; C of C; AF&AM 71; KT; Tangier Shrine; Chris Sci
Ch; Rep; off 33 S 25th; res 1018 Military Ave, Council Bluffs.
Manager Finance Co; b Stewartville, Minn Mar 29, 1905; s of Ross H
Russell-Alice E Mcintosh; ed Stewartville HS 1923; Rochester Jr Coll
1927-29; U of Minn 1929-30; m Ruth Mary Rosenblatt Dec 31, 1935
Rockford Ill; s Ross James, Gerald King; 1931 in installation dept
Western Electric Co, Omaha; 1933-35 with Reliance
Collection Service, Janesville & Madison Wis; 1935-37 mgr Marathon
Finance Co, Iowa; 1937- mgr Marathon Finance Co, Council Bluffs; C of
C; Amer Finance Conf; hobby: golf; father
(dec) resident of Stewartville Minn; off Park Bldg;
res 303 Harrison, Council Bluffs.
Homemaker; b Keokuk Co, Iowa Apr 18, 1866; d of John O
Newkirk-Elizabeth McNabb; ed Delta HS; Drake U, 1885-86 & 1887-88;
m Charles G Saunders July 2,
1890 Delta (dec); s Charles D; d Vera (Mrs
George A Peak); 4 years tchr, Keokuk Co; VP & dir Jennie Edmundson
Hosp since 1927, Council Bluffs; helped org PTA Clubs in Council
Bluffs; PEO; OES; Council Bluffs Womans Club,
pres 1920-21; Council Bluffs Visiting Nurses Assn, 1935- pres; DAR,
recording state secy 1924-26, state regent 1926-28; First
Presby Ch; Rep, orgr of
Womens Dist Rep Central Com; husband (dec) prominent atty & state
sen 10 years, resident of Council
Bluffs 36 years, past co atty; res 255 Oakland Ave, Council Bluffs.
Railroad Employee; b Lincoln, Neb Aug 22, 1899; s of Constantino
Palmesano; ed Lincoln Neb HS 1917; m Ruth Ricketts Sept 3, 1920 Council
Bluffs; s Paul Bernard, Phillip Lawrence; d Patricia Ann; 1919-20 off
clk, CB&Q RR,
Havelock Neb; 1920-23 in tire repair business, Lincoln Neb; 1924 asst
pro Council
Bluffs Country Club; 1925-27 1st pro Dodge Muny Park,
Council Bluffs; 1928- in car
dept UP RR, Council Bluffs; during World War
34th div 134 inf Co F, instr rifle range, inf drill, Camp
Cody NM, Co F 59th inf, 4th div AEF, O/S Sept 1918-May 1919,
disch as sgt May 14, 1919; VFW, sr vice comm 1937, adjt 1938-39,
7th dist adjt 1940, del to natl convs since 1936; Brotherhood of
Railway Carmen 577; MOC; KC 1014; Dem; hobby: VFW
work; wife pres 7th dist VFW 1937-43, treas local aux since 1935;
father (dec) res of Lincoln Neb 40 years; res 2407 Ave B, Council
Owner Grocery, Meat Market & Refrigerated Locker System; b
Underwood, Iowa July 26, 1897; s of William F
Schmaedecke-Agnes Currie; ed Underwood HS; m Polly Duncan May 14,
1920 Omaha Neb; d Mitzi; 1915-31 with father in groc & retail
business, Underwood; 1931- owner
groc & meat market, Underwood, opr locker system; 1926- mbr town
coun; 1936- mbr vol fire dept; twp clk 11 years; 4
years mbr Underwood baseball team; Pottawattamie Co Farm Bur; Country
Club; Latter Day Saint Ch; Dem; hobbies: golf, livestock; father (dec)
resident of Underwood 40 years; off & res Underwood.
Assistant Bank Cashier; b Treynor, Iowa Apr 2, 1908;
s of Louie Schmidt-Elizabeth Christoffersen; ed Treynor HS 1924; m
Louisa Guttau Aug 11, 1931 Treynor; s
Berlie, Julian; 1925-30 clk Treynor State
Bank, 1930- asst cash, Treynor; 1933- city clk, Treynor; Congl Ch; Rep;
hobby: gardening; off & res Treynor.
President Grocery Co; b Council Bluffs, Iowa Aug 16, 1873; s of John
Schoentgen-Mary Kintz;
ed Acad, Milwaukee Wis; Washington U, St Louis; MIT, BSc
1895; m Mildred Pratt Nov 20, 1901 Des Moines; 1899-1909 architect,
Council Bluffs; 1902-09 mbr Capitol Commission,
apptd by Gov Carroll; l908- pres of Groneweg & Schoentgen Groc
Co, Council Bluffs; mbr NRA bd; mbr
IERA; Bd of Soc Welfare, 1937; Natl Whol Grocery Assn; off 9th &
Broadway; res 20I 3rd St, Council Bluffs.
& Stockman; b Treynor, Iowa Oct 22, 1900; s of George
Schultz; ed Pottawattamie Co; m Eunice Moore Oct 4, 1922 Sidney; s
Lynn Merlin; d Theil Evonne, Jeanine Mora; 1920- farmer, near Treynor;
1928- dir Living Spring Sch dist No 6, Pottawattamie Co;
AF&AM 430; Congl Ch; Rep;
hobbies: fishing, hunting; father, ret farmer, resident of
Pottawattamie Co 50 years; res Treynor.
Marshall; b Burg-Staacken, Germany Dec 8, 1879; s
of Chris Schwenn-Pauline ____; ed Burg Germany; Pottawattamie Co; m
Edith Kaven Nov 6, 1906 Council Bluffs; s
Donald Glen; d Margaret Pauline; 1900-05 farmer, Pottawattamie Co;
1905-15 & 1926-31 carp, Minden; 1915-16 impl dlr, Minden; 1917-26
pool hall opr, Minden; 1931- marshall, Minden; mbr town coun, Minden;
city assessor, Minden; IOOF 575, post noble grand; Congl Ch;
Rep; hobby: baseball; off & res Minden.
Grain, Feed & Seed Dealer; b Council Bluffs, Iowa June 12, 1894; s
of Albert P Scofield-Katherine Goodyear; ed Council Bluffs HS;
m Mildred J Dennis Oct 5, 1920 Blair Neb; d Ruth Bruns; 1910-27 with
father in grain & feed business,
Council Bluffs; 1927-
owner Roy A Scofield Co, Council
Bluffs, grain, feed & seed; Western Grain & Feed Dlrs Assn;
C of C; Rotary 1927-37; BPOE 531; Rep; hobby: farming; father (dec)
mcht in Council Bluffs many years; off 924 S Main; res 237 Locust
Lodge, Council Bluffs.
President Petroleum Co; b Hastings, Neb Nov 12, 1896; s
of Harry Searle-Edith Smith; ed Counci l
Bluffs HS 1 91 4 ; m Maude Clark Nov 14,
1917 Council Bluffs; s Horry Allon 111; d Barbaro; 1
914-1 6 emp Monarch Mfg Co, Toledo Ohio, 191 7-25
supt of con struction & asst
mgr, Council Bl uffs; 1 925-30 asst mgr
& supt, Mono Motor Oi l Co, Council Bl
uffs; 1931- pres & gen
mgr, Searle Petroleum Co, Omaha;
1925 buil t KOi l, Council Bl uffs, 1
st radio stotior. within 1 50 miles;
Council Bluff s Country Club; Omaha Athletic Cl ub; C of C,
Omaha; BPOE 531 ; AF&AM 631; Scot Rite, Omohu; Abu Bekr Shrine;
Ak-Sor-Ben; off 17th & Nicholas, Omaha ; res 331 Pork Avenue,
Council Bl uffs.
County Recorder; b Council Bluffs, Iowa Feb 6,
1900; d of Andrew Sharkey-Katherine Donovan; ed Abraham Lincoln sch,
Council Bluffs 1918; 1918-20 file clk, Omaha Neb, 1920-24 Wabash RR,
Council Bluffs, 1923-32 CB&Q RR, Omaha Neb; 1935 clk
Pottawattamie Co Courthouse; 1937- Pottawattamie Co recorder, Council
Bluffs; B&PW; Iowa Co Recorders Assn, VP; Brotherhood of Rwy
Clks, secy-treas 7 years; Women's Labor
Bur of Iowa, treas; Ladies Aux to Switchmens Union; Macabee;
Cath Daughters of Amer, 1936- trustee; St Francis Cath Ch; hobbies:
coin collecting, needle work; father (dec) RR man res of Council Bluffs
53 years; off Courthouse; res 217 10th Ave, Council Bluffs.
Farmer; b McClelland, Iowa July 23, 1897; s
of Henry Sharp-Anna Irwin; ed Pottawattamie Co; m Annette Ellis Jan 12,
1927 Council
Bluffs; s Robert Bruce, Harold Leighton; 1919- farmer, near McClelland;
Pottawattamie Co Farm Bur;
Meth Ch; Rep; hobby: planting trees; father (dec) farmer in
Pottawattamie Co 50 years; res McClelland.
Florist; b Council Bluffs, Iowa Feb 18, 1888; s of Horry Shaw-Elizabeth
Whitmore; ed Council Bluffs; Western Iowa Coll; m Ella Cavanaugh June
22, 1912 Council Bluffs; s Dr Fronk
Hudson, Fred Ross, Dr Richard Cavanaugh, Harry Ward;
1910-20 emp by J F Wilcox & Sons
florists, CounciI Bluffs; 1920- owner & opr florist co, Council
Bluffs; 1930-36 mbr sch bd,
pres 1 year; Soc Amer Florists; Iowa St
Florists Assn; Omaha & Council Bluffs Allied Florists Assn;
FTDA; C of C; Kiwanis, past pres; AF&AM 631; York Rite; Scot Rite
17; BPOE 531; Congl Ch; Rep; hobbies: hunting & fishing; off 18
Pearl; res 627 Benton, Council Bluffs.
Judge Municipal Court; b Watervliet, NY Mar 9, 1881;
s of Daniel Sheehan-Mary Conroy; ed pub
& priv schs Troy & Watervliet NY HSs; Davenport; U of Iowa,
LLB 1908; m Edith Organ May 1, 1919 Council Bluffs; s Daniel Henry Jr;
d Rosanne; 1909 asst law
librarian U of Iowa; 1909-12 mbr firm Beardmore & Sheehan, Charles
City; 1912-14 traveled Pacific NW with hdqrs in Portland Ore; 1914-20
prac law, Omaha Neb; 1920-22 mbr law firm Organ & Sheehan,
Council Bluffs; 1922-24 prac law, Council Bluffs; 1924- judge of
municipal court, Council Bluffs; past pres & an orgr Coun of Social
Agencies; chmn of com for study of juvenile delinquency etc for Iowa St
Bar Assn; past VP Council Bluffs Comm
Chest; Council Bluffs Recreational Coun, pres; BPOE
531; hobbies: criminology, research history, juvenile problems;
off City Water Works Bldg; res l02 3rd, Council Bluffs.
Monument Dealer; b Council Bluffs, Iowa Jan 26, 1884; s of Bert
Sheely-Anna Green; ed Council Bluffs; m May
Ritter Nov 5, 1913 Lincoln Neb; d Dorothy Marie, Geraldine
Marie; 1911-36 buyer for John Beno Co, Council Bluffs; 1936- ptr in
Sheely & Son, Council
Bluffs; Council Bluffs Retail Mchts Assn; C of C; BPOE 531; Presby Ch;
Rep; hobby: travel; off 217 E Broadway; res 203 Stutsman, Council
Bank Vice-President; b Racine Co, Wis Dec 18, 1867;
s of Martin Shields-Ann Dempsey; ed Racine CoWis; Valpariso U, 1885;
m Mrs Maggie Schmaedecke Lantz ____ 1923 Council Bluffs; s Louis Martin
Jr; d Flora Ann; 1883-1913 ptr of brother in gen store, Underwood;
1913- cash & VP, Underwood Savings Bank; Amer & Iowa Bankers
Assns; Cath Ch; Dem; hobbies: hunting & reading; off & res
Owner Dental Laboratory; b Omaha, Neb Dec 17, 1907; s of
E L Shoemaker-Marie Norin;
ed Omaha HS 1928; m Louise Gross Feb
13, 1937 Papillion Neb; 1926-28 with Billings Dental Supply Co, Omaha
Neb; 1928-30 technician for Paul Anthes, Omaha;
1930-33 with Joe McGuire Dental Shop, Omaha; 1933- owner Dental Lab,
Council Bluffs; Council Bluffs Fish & Game Club; AAA; FOE l04; Meth
Ch; Dem; hobby: boating; father,
secy Farmers Union Exchange, res Omaha 15 years; off 303 City National
Bank Bldg; res
Warner Apts, apartment 8, Council Bluffs.
District Agent for Insurance Co; b Council Bluffs,
Iowa June 13, 1906; s of Eli L Shugart-Mary Triplett; ed Council
Bluffs HS 924; Cornell U, BSc 1928; Chi Psi; 1928-32
salesman Burns-Potter Co, Omaha Neb; 1933-34 agt Connecticut Mutual
Life Ins Co, Council Bluffs, 1935-37 dist agt; 1937-39 assoc gen agt
State Mutual Life Ins Co of Worcester Mass; 1939-
dist agt Conn Mutual Life Ins Co, Council Bluffs; Ad-Sell Club of
Omaha; Cornell Club; Council
Bluffs Life Underwriters Club; AEOUS Club; Rotary, dir; Jr C of
C; Iowa St Jr C of C, 1938-39 pres; BPOE 531,
exalted ruler 1935; AF&AM 71, master 1936; York Rite; Abu Bekr
Shrine, Sioux City; St Paul's Episc Ch,
vestryman; Rep; hobbies: reading, gardening; father
one of orgrs of Empkie Shugart Hill Hdw Co, whol hdw co, Council
Bluffs, resident 40 years, 2nd lt US army inf res; off City National
Bank; res 195 Keeline
Ave, Council Bluffs.
Junk Dealer; b Lechovitz, Russia Oct 15, l882; s
of Goddel Shyken-Fage Rosenberg; ed Lechovitz Russia; m Brane Kramer
Mar l,
1904 Lechovitz Russia; s Samuel Joseph; d Fannie (Mrs Richard N
Gordon), Rose (Mrs Charles Fellman), Ruth
Udell (Mrs David C Platt); 1905- in junk business, Council Bluffs;
Agidis Achim Soc,
ofcr; C of C; Bikur Cholim Soc, 1920- secy; AF&AM 259; Chevra
B'nai Israel Synagogue, 1933- pres of bd; B'nai B'rith, dir; Indep;
philanthropy work in Jewish affairs; otf 1011 2nd Ave; res 1009 2nd
Ave, Council Bluffs.
Office Manager Power Co; b Pottawattamie Co, Iowa Mar l0, 1898; s
of Hiram Sigler-Lucretia James; ed Pottawattamie Co;
Boyles Coll; m Bessie Collister Apr 3, 1918 Fremont Neb; s Robert
Thomas; d Janet May; 1919-23 clk for Woodman of World Ins; 1923- off
mgr, Neb Power
Co, Council Bluffs; during World War Fort Logan Colo, disch Dec 27,
1918; Amer Legion post 2; 40 & 8; C of C; Lions, 1st VP; FOE 104;
First CongI Ch; Rep; hobbies: hunting, fishing; off Electric Building;
res 505
S 1st, Council Bluffs.
President Printing Co; b Tecumseh, Neb Aug 23, 1881; s
of Warren Walter Sivey-Mary Ward; ed Tecumseh Neb; m Pearl
Cochran Nov 16, 1905 Nebraska City; 1896-1901 printing oppr Johnson Co
Journal; 1901-16 printer Morton Printing Co, Nebraska ity, 1906-08 with
Martin & Martin Co; 1914-19 printer for Ainsworth Printing Co; 1919
orgd F J Ainsworth Printing Co, Council Bluffs, 1929- pres &
mgr; Bluff City Typographical Union 203; Kiwanis, dir; C of C; BPOE
531; FOE 104; UCT; Royal Highlanders; AF&AM 259; Meth Ch; Dem;
hobby: bowling; off 357 4th; res 801 lst Ave, Council Bluffs.
Theater Owner; b Red Oak, Iowa Dec l0, 1905; s of Frank S
Smith-Myrtle Blanch Priest; ed Carson HS 1924;
m Gladys Marie Pigg July 31, 1939 Adair;
1928-30 P O clk, Carson; 1928- owner Dreamland Theater, Carson; WOW;
Presby Ch; Rep; hobbies: swimming, fishing; father (dec) past P M &
resident of Carson 20 years; off & res Carson.
Merchant; b Marion Co, Iowa Sept 25, 1864; s of Samuel
Smith-Mary Heil; ed Marion Co; m Ida Meyers June l , 1887 Council
Bluffs; d Edna (Mrs Earl Baird, dec), Irma (Mrs Norman H
Filbert); 1882-99 had 2 other jobs both in retail
stores; 1887-99 emp by John Beno & Co, Council Bluffs; 1899-1905
ptr in firm
Smith Bradley, retail men's furnishing, Council Bluffs; 1905- owner
& opr Joe Smith & Co, retaiI ready-to-wear & mens clothing,
Council Bluffs; dir
City Natl Bank; dir Neb Power Co; sustaining mbr Boys
Town, Omaha; promotor of YMCA Bldg, past pres;
Rotary, pres 1926; Comml Club, pres 1915; C of C, pres 1916; mbr
Council Bluffs Country Club; hon mbr at large southwest Iowa coun
BSA; SAR; BPOE 531, exalted ruler 1907; LOOM, past gov, life mbr natl
orgn & dir of Mooseheart Ind; AF&AM 71; York Rite;
First Presby Ch, chmn bd of trustees, Omaha Presby Seminary;
grandfather Joseph Smith enl in Revolutionary War when 13 from Berks Co
Penn; off 416 West Broadway; res 129 Bluff, Council Bluffs.
Attorney; b Hoopeston, Ill Apr 21, 1892; s of Nathan F Smith-Etta Kolb;
ed Beatrice Neb HS; U of N,
Lincoln, BA 1914, LLB 1916; Chi Phi; Order of Coif; Innocents; Phi
Delta Phi; m Iva Vanderpool Ford May 23, 1925 Maryville Mo; s Raymond
Albert Jr, Richard Homilton; d Ruth
Ford (Mrs Robert Shephard), Barbara J, Elizabeth A; 1916 adm to bar in
Neb & Iowa & fed courts; 1916- prac law, Council Bluffs dir
& coun Ins Plan S & L Assn; VP & dir Park Bldg Co; dir
Bldg; during World War in 88th div 2nd It later comm
Co E 2nd div B N, disch Dec 1918; Amer Legion post 2, ch mbr, Iowa
service ofcr 1919, state historian 1920-21; org 1917 Co A ING, opptd lt
by Gov Harding; Pottawattamie Co, Iowa St &
Amer Bar Assns; Book Fellows; Omaha Club; Uni Club, Lincoln Neb; Rotary
Club, VP 1936; BPOE 531; AF&AM 71; RAM 47;York
17; Abu Bekr Shrine, Sioux City;
hobby: hiking; off Park Bldg; res
401 N 2nd, Council Bluffs.
County Attorney; b Omaha, Neb Sept 7, 1902; s of Sidney M
Smith-Ottillia Bernhard; ed Omaha HS 1920; U of Omaha, LLB 1926; m
France Wickstrum Aug 24, 1937 Tekamah Neb; s
Ronald; 1926-27 prac law, Omaha; 1926- prac law,
Council Bluffs; 1939- Pottawattamie Co atty; secy-treas
Southwest Iowa Bar Assn; Iowa St Bar Assn; Omaha Athletic Club;
Kiwanis; Council Bluffs Country
Club; FOE 104; IOOF 149; BPOE 531; KP 17; AF&AM 631, Lazoe Grotto,
Monarch; hobby: golf; off Wickham Bldg & Courthouse; res 255
Oakland Ave, Council Bluffs.
Superintendent Power Plant; b Columbia, Penn Nov 10, 1890; s of Samuel
Smith-Ernestina Mueller; ed Pottawattamie Co; m Amanda Myrtle Vaughn
Aug 25, 1912 Shelby; s Elton Samuel; 1907-12 farmer, Walnut; 1912-22
asst supt Municipal
Power Plant, Walnut, 1922- supt; Rep; hobby: fishing; off & res
Manager Typewriter Co; b Crescent, Iowa Apr 7, 1899; s of George
Smith-Allura A Abel; ed Crescent; Hammil Comml Coll; m Muriel P De
Hart June l , 1928 Custer SD; s Walter Paul Jr, Gordon Duane, Jerome
Frederick; 1917-19 with Royal Typewriter Co, Omaha; 1919-2l in shop
dept of Underwood Typewriter Co, Omaha Neb; 1921-23 with Royal
Co, Omaha; 1923-29 salesman for Underwood
Typewriter Co, Alliance Neb; 1929- mgr Underwood Typewriter Co, Omaha
Neb; C of C; Unitarian Ch; Non
partisan; hobby: photography; father farmer at Crescent, resident of
Pottawattamie Co 67 years; mother 70 years of age; off & res 693
Franklin Ave, Council Bluffs.
Automobile Dealer; b Montgomery Co, Iowa Nov l0, 1887; s of Frants
August Snygg-Anna
C Vettermark; ed Red Oak HS; Boyles Business Coll, Omaha; m Gertrude
Leona Garlick June 19, 1912 Omaha Neb; 1916-17
emp by Ford Motor Co, Omaha; 1919-25 service foreman at Adkins
Motor Co, Omaha; 1925- auto dlr, Oakland; 1932-34 mbr city coun,
Oakland; during World War instr
in aviation mechanics sch, St Paul Minn, master signal electrician,
disch 1918; Amer Legion post 187, past adjt; Oakland Comml Club;
AF&AM 335; KP 226; Congl Ch; off
& res, Oakland.
Fire Chief; b Council Bluffs, Iowa Aug 16, 1881; s of Andrew
Sorenson-Sophia ____; ed Council Bluffs; m Leah Albaugh Mar 16, 1903
Council Bluffs; s
John Charles, Theodore, Albert; d Leah, Edith; 1907-15
sheet metal worker, Council Bluffs; 1915-34 capt fire dept, Council
Bluffs, 1934-38 batt chief, 1938- fire chief; Iowa St Fire Chiefs Assn;
Internatl Fire Chiefs Assn; Miss Valley Fire Chiefs Assn; LOOM;
AF&AM 71; Ch of Brethern; Rep; hobby: flowers; father (dec)
railroad man & resident of Council Bluffs
many years; off Main & Washington; res 1560 Madison Ave, Council
Railroad Mail Clerk; b Bay City, Mich Jan 13, 1899; s of John
Sowden-Mary Elizabeth Blanchard;
ed Council Bluffs; m Dora Wava Simpson Dec 20, 1929
Council Bluffs; 1918-33 in freight dept CB&Q RR, Council Bluffs,
1933- in
mail dept; active in railway movement in Council Bluffs; Back to the
Rails Movement, secy since 1939; pres Brotherhood of Railway Clks 513;
Central Labor Union, secy since 1937; Bldg & Construction Laborers
Union 339; Covenant Presby
Ch; Dem; father (dec) RR man, resident of Bay City Mich 40 years;
hobbies: assisting old people to get
pensions, railroad; res 3635 Ave B, Council Bluffs.
Bank President; b Neola, Iowa Dec l0, 1879; s of
George W Spencer-Jennie Hunter; ed Neola HS 1901;
m Lucy A James Jan 8, 1908
Omaha Neb; s Donald J, Harold R, John H; d Gladys E; 1905-06 emp by
First Natl Bank,
Council Bluffs, 1906-12 Thurston State Bank,
Thurston Neb; 1912- pres, Oakland Savings Bank; Amer & Iowa Bankers
Assns; Comml Club; AF&AM 335; Meth Ch, past bd mbr;
Rep; hobby: banking; off & res Oakland.
Cashier & Trust Officer Bank; b Council Bluffs, Iowa Apr 9, 1896; s
of Fred W Spetman-Alvina Lackowski; ed Council Bluffs HS 1914; Amer
Inst of Banking; m Grace E Olsen Apr 15, 1919 Council
Bluffs; s Edwin Henry Jr, Warren Stanley, Richard Theodore; d Dorothy
Lucille, Mary Margaret; 1914-18 bkkpr
Council Bluffs Savings Bank, 1919 teller, 1920-27 asst cash, 1927-32
cash, 1933- cash, trust ofcr & dir Council Bluffs Savings Bank; dir
Council Bluffs Investment Co; assisted
in re-orgn of 168th inf ING Feb 17, 1921, lst sgt of 6th separate co of
inf, 1922 promoted to lst lt, 1922 capt, capt
until 1923; during World War 92nd casualty co, Little Rock Ark, Co A,
OTS, disch Dec 8, 1918 Camp Pike Ark; Amer Legion post 2, treas
1921-23; Iowa Bankers Assn; pres Pottawattamie Co Bankers Assn 1932; C
of C, past dir; Rotary, treas since 1938, dir; AF&AM 71, past
jr warden; First Congl Ch, chmn finance com; Rep; hobby: farming; off
Council Bluffs Savings Bank; res 605 3rd, Council Bluffs.
Deputy Internal Revenue Collector; b Frankfort, Ind Ju ly 5, 1881; s of
Stephen Spitznagle-Amanda Smith; ed St Peters Sch, Council Bluffs;
Creighton Prep Sch; Creighton U,
Omaha, 1897-98; m Mary Violet Kramer Aug 9, 1911 The Dalles Ore; s
Charles Stephen, John Aloysius, Bernard Joseph, Leo
Francis, William Anthony; d Mary Violet; 1899-1907 money
tsfr clk Omaha & Council Bluffs agt for Pacific Express Co; 1907-11
time clk & chief clk UP shops, Omaha Neb; 1911-33 asst cash State
Savings Bank,
Council Bluffs; 1933- dep collector of
Internal Revenue, Council Bluffs; treas Lions 2
years; Holy Name Soc; KC, financial secy; St Peter's Cath Ch; Dem;
hobby: reading; off Federal Bldg; res 600 Hazel, Council Bluffs.
Insurance & Real Estate Agent; b Fremont, Neb June 26, 1875; s of J
F Staats-Mary E Hoagland; ed Fremont Normal Sch, Fremont
Neb; m Dora M Sanderson Aug 16, 1900 Colon Neb; s Russell Luther; d
Fern (Mrs Ed Hoagland); 1895-1910 farmer, near Cedar
Bluffs Neb; 1910-1923 ins, loan & real est agt, Central City Neb,
1923- Carson;
1918-20 mayor Central City Neb; 1938- Carson; BPOE, Grand Island; OES
92; KP, Central City Neb; AF&AM 430, Tehama Shrine, Hastings Neb;
Presby Ch; Dem; hobby: hunting;
father (dec) resident of Saunders Co Neb 20 years; off & res Carson.
Physician & Surgeon; b Milligan, Neb Dec 20, 1897; s of
Stech-Catherine Petru; ed Milligan Neb HS; Fremont Coll, Neb;
Creighton U, Omaha, MD 1921; Phi Rho; m Gertrude Agnes
Campbell July 6, 1921 Council Bluffs; s Joseph Michael; d Kathleen
Ann, Gertrude Joan; 1921-22 interne Mercy Hosp, Council Bluffs; 1923
grad work Cook Co Hosp, Chicago Ill; 1925- prac med, Council Bluffs;
mbr St Josephs &
St Catherines Hosp staff, Omaha; assoc staff mbr Jennie Edmundson Hosp,
Council Bluffs; mbr surgical staff Mercy Hosp, Council Bluffs; instr
in surgery Creighton Med Sch;
during World War 1916-18
Creighton U med training, disch Nov 1918; Amer Legion post 2; pres
Council Bluffs Med Soc since 1935;
Pottawattamie Co Med Soc 1940; Iowa St Med Soc; AMA;
C of C; BPOE 531; FOE 104; KC 1025, 4°; St Patrick's Cath Ch;
hobbies: gardening, amateur
movie photography; father & mother (both dec) farmed in Saline Co
Neb 60 years; off Bennett Bldg; res 724 Forest Drive, Council Bluffs.
Veterinarian; b Harlan, Iowa Nov 13, 1892; s of
James C Steele-Ada Southwick; ed Harlan HS; Chicago
Veterinarian Coll, DVM 1914; Alpha Psi; m Hazel Redman Sept 6, 1916
Treynor; s Dr Darrell Stanley; d Jacqueline Joan; 1914- veterinarian,
Treynor; 1932- mbr town bd; 1931-38
pres sch bd, Treynor; SW Iowa Veterinary Med Assn, VP; Ak-Sar-Ben,
Iowa St & Amer Veterinary Med Assns; AF&AM; York Rite 17,
Council Bluffs; Abu Bekr Shrine, Sioux City; Congl Ch; Rep;
hobby: hunting; off & res Treynor.
Manager Gas Co; b Kosse, Tex Apr 15, 1902; s of H M Stephens-Annie
Ferguson; ed Kosse Tex HS; m Mildred Bland Sept 3, 193l Durant Okla; s
John Henry; d Martha Ann; 1925-26 salesman for Natl Tire Co, Mansfield
Ohio; 1926-28 clk in acct dept Lone Star Tex; 1929-32 traveling auditor
Lone Star Gas System; 1932-39 auditor & off
mgr Council Bluffs Gas Co, 1940- mgr; Retail Mchts Assn, dir & VP;
dist welfare dir, 1934; C of C; Lions, pres 1935; Council Bluffs
Club; Presby Ch; Dem; hobby: flowers; off Pearl; res 107 Stahl Ave,
Council Bluffs.
Lumber Dealer; b Wapello Co, Iowa Nov 23, 1864; s of
James Stephens-Mary Ann Harrow; ed
Agency HS 1882; m Lillian Maud Allen Sept 22, 1892 Odessa Ontario
Canada; s Carl James;
d Evelyn Maud (Mrs John G Thorpe); 1882-90 & 1898-1901 farmer, near
1890-97 druggist, Carson; 1902-13 mgr Fullerton Lbr Co, Carson; 1913-17
in groc business, Boulder Colo; 1917-23 yard mgr for Fullerton Lbr Co,
Shelby; 1923- owner lbr yard, Macedonia; 1890-97
mbr baseball team, Carson; 1930-34 & 1936- mbr town coun,
Macedonia; 1905-13 mbr town coun1, Carson; 1905-13 mbr sch bd, Carson;
Iowa St & SW Lbr Dlrs Assns; OES
476; AF&AM 415, master 1927; Meth Ch, 1935- trustee; Rep; hobby:
baseball; father (dec) blacksmith & wagon
maker, past resident of Agency; off & res Macedonia.
Physician Surgeon; b Council Bluffs, Iowa Aug 12, 1880; s of Robert
Chapman Stephens-Susanna M Smith; ed Council Bluffs HS 1898; Creighton
U, MD 1904,
Omaha; Phi Rho Sigma; m Margaret E Ward Nov 3,
1909 Council Bluffs; s Robert Dudley, Gayle Newell; 1904- prac med,
Treynor; 1918-32 mayor; 1918-32 pres sch bd, Treynor; AF&AM; Rep;
hobbies: livestock, gardening; off & res Treynor.
Attorney; b Chicago, Ill Aug 13, 1868; s of Walter Deming
Stillman-Sallie Ann Birch; U of Mich, BA 1891; Harvard U, 1893; m Nan
Martin Sept 20, 1893 Davenport; s Walter Martin (dec), Hugh Deming;
d Mary Birch (Mrs J S Broeksmith), Anna Johnston; 1891 adm to Iowa bar;
1891- prac law, Council Bluffs; 1898-1939 prac law, Omaha; Amer, Iowa
St & Pottawattamie Co Bar Assns; Omaha Club; BPOE 531; AF&AM
71; Episc
Ch, vestryman 30 years; hobby: reading; off Wickham Bldg; res 615
Willow Ave, Council
Secretary BPOE Lodge; b Morrisville, Vt July 11, 1868; s of
Charles L
Stone-Harriett Danforth; ed Hamburg HS 1895; m Bessie L
Young Apr, 1891 Council Bluffs; s Fred Austin; d Alma G (Mrs L H
Smith), Mildred R (Mrs R V
Winn); 1886-1904 salesman Meyer & Raapke Whol Groc, Omaha Neb;
1905-07 salesman Groneweg & Co, Council Bluffs; 1908-10 secy
Raapke, Katz Co, Omaha Neb; 1910-12 salesman Allen Brothers
Co, Omaha; 1913-17 in retail groc business, Council Bluffs; 1918-23
in whol fruit business, Council Bluffs; 1924-32 Pottawattamie Co
treas, Council Bluffs; 1933-34 salesman Tumble Brothers Fruit Co,
Omaha; 1935- secy BPOE 531, Council Bluffs, exalted ruler
1919-20; past
alderman-at-large, CounciI Bluffs; during World War fuel administrator
SW Iowa; C of C, pres 1918; ch mbr Rotary;
AF&AM 259, York Rite; First Presby Ch, mbr session, elder; hobbies:
fishi ng, golf; off 530 1st Ave;
res 135 Grant, Council Bluffs.
President Manufacturing Company; b Lathrop, Mo Sept 3, 1882; s of
William S Stoufer-Isora Beall; ed Des Moines, 1902; Iowa St Coll, BSc
1908; Phi Delta Theta; m Florence
L Kimball June 14, 1911 Council Bluffs; s Richard Kimball, William
Kimball; d Lucy; 1908-10 harvester expert, Internatl Harvester Co,
traveling Canada, So Amer & US; 1910-12 auto mfr, Council
Bluffs & Waterloo, 1912- pres & mgr Kimball Brothers Co; VP
& dir First Natl Bank, Council Bluffs;
past mbr Council Bluffs sch bd; pres Council Bluffs
lib bd; Iowa Mfrs Assn; past pres, Iowa St Coll Alumni Assn; C of C,
mbr exec com & past pres; Council Bluffs Country Club; AF&AM
71, past master;
KT; Rep; Congl Ch; hobbies: reading & golf; off Kimball Brothers
Co; res 102 Bluff, Council Bluffs.
Automobile Dealer; b Omaha, Neb Oct 16, 1899; s of
Andres J Sulley-Annie Mary Martin; ed Creighton Prep sch; m
Alvina W Bock Apr 29, 1922 Omaha; s Oda Francis Jr,
John Wyman, Richard Bock; 1917-19 shop & service Sample Hart Motor
Co, Omaha Neb; 1920 farmer, Pottawattamie; 1921 installer for
Dictograph Co; 1922-23 salesman Holland Furnace Co, Council Bluffs;
1923-27 salesman Gilinsky Motor Co,
Council Bluffs; 1928 salesman Madsen Motor Co; 1929- owner Sulley
Motor Co, Buick dlr, Council Bluffs; mbr traffic & safety
commission; Iowa Auto Dlrs Assn, dir; Lions, pres 1938-39; Council
Bluffs Country Club; Natl BSA, committeeman SW Iowa;
finance com dept of Bishop & Coun, Episcopalian
Diocese of Iowa; King at Mardi Gras, Council Bluffs 1938; C of C; FOE
104, pres 1934-35; BPOE 531; AF&AM 71; RAM;
R&SM 15; chief justice Lazor Grotto; St Paul's Episc Ch, parish
warden; Dem; hobby: civic work; off 126 E Broadway; res 1006 E
Pierce, Council Bluffs.
Attorney; b Galesburg, Ill Jan 3, 1879; s at Peter Swanson-Hannah
Johnson; ed Clearfield HS; Knox Coll, BA 1902; pres senior class;
Northwestern U, LLB 1907; Phi Alpha Delta; Order of Coif; m lone
Westcott June 29, 1910 Hopkinton; s Charles Edward Jr; 1907 adm to Iowa
bar; 1907-29 prac law, Council Bluffs; 1930- mbr law firm Swanson &
Perkins, Council Bluffs; 1915-23 Pottawattamie Co atty; 1929-33 US
congressman 9th dist state of Iowa, mbr judiciary com; Pottawattamie Co
& Iowa St Bar Assns; trustee Christian Home Assn, Council
Bluffs; pres bd of dirs Park Bldg Co; C of C; Book Fellows; pres
Kiwanis 1922;
BPOE, exalted ruler 1927-28; OES; AF&AM, master 1919; First Presby
Ch, elder; Rep, 1922-28 chmn Co Rep Central Com; off Park Bldg; res 518
Clark Ave,
Council Bluffs.
Manager Supply Co; b Hoopeston, Ill Mar 18,
1900; s of Peter N Swanson-Matilda Erickson; ed Hoopeston Ill 1918;
U of Ill; James Millikin U, Decatur Ill, BSc 1922; Sigma Alpha Epsilon;
m Lenore Beveridge Oct 1, 1927 Omaha
Neb; d Jean Margaret, Dorothy
Sue; 1922-23 mgr order dept Dold Packing
Co, Omaha; 1923-26 auditor & off
mgr A I Root Co, Council Bluffs; 1926- mgr, secy-treas, A I Root
Co of Iowa, bee
supplies; during World War OTS, U of Ill, disch 1918; C of C; Rotary,
past pres, VP
& dir; AF&AM 71; Presby Ch; Rep; hobby: gardening; off 1028
3rd; res 341 Woodland Drive, Council Bluffs.
Druggist; b Litchfield, Neb Apr 18, 1894; s of
Michael S Taffe-Mary E Ferguson; ed Litchfield Neb HS 1912; Creighton
U, PhG 1914; m Louise Tisben Nov 9, 1922 Papillion Neb; s Gilbert
Ferguson Jr; m Marie Stapleton June 8, 1937 Rock Port Mo; 1914 pharm,
Alliance Neb; 1914 pharm, Billings Mont; 1914-15 mgr Hayter's Drug
Store, Artesian SD; 1915-17 & 1920 with Pope Drug Co, Omaha; 1920-
owner & opr Taffe Drug Stores, Council Bluffs; during World War
89th div AEF May 1918-June 1919 O/S med
detachment 342nd field arty; Amer Legion, exec comm 2 years; VFW 737;
NARD; Iowa Pharm Assn; 1930 pres Council Bluffs Retail Mchts
Assn; Council Bluffs Country Club; Lions, pres 1927; Kiwanis; past dir
C of C; BPOE 531; KC 1046; Rep; hobbies: bridge, golf; off 556 W
Broadway & 548 E Broadway; res 9 Ja-Ru-Ka Court, Council Bluffs.
Newspaper Vice President; b Montgomery Co, Iowa Sept
13, 1896; s of Orville O Taylor-Louie H Osler; ed
Macedonia HS; Highland Park Coll; m Claire A Carmichael June 7, 1924
Dunlap; s
David Paul; d Elinor Lajene; 1916-17 manual training tchr
& athletic coach, Blockton; 1919- VP Nonpareil, Council Bluffs;
during World War enl in US army 1917, mbr staff balloon sch, Camp John
Wise, San Antonio Tex, 2nd lt; Amer Legion post 2, ch mbr; C of C; Fish
& Game Club; Pottawattamie Co Conservation League; Lions; KC; St
Patrick's Cath Ch; off Nonpareil; res
125 Nicholas, Council Bluffs.
Real Estate, Insurance & Loan Agent; b Pottawattamie Co, Iowa Apr
28, 1878; s of George L Thomas-Kate French;
ed Pottawattamie Co schs; Woodbine Normal Sch; m Amy E
Darrington Sept 20, 1905 Pottawattamie Co; 1899-1912 farmer,
Pottawattamie Co; 1912-17 auditor
WOW Ins Co, Omaha Neb; 1917-25 Pottawattamie Co dep treas, Council
Bluffs; 1925-33 & 1937- real est, ins & loan agt, Council
Bluffs; 1933-37 delinquent tax collector for
Pottawattamie Co, Council Bluffs; 1908-12 secy Boomer twp sch bd;
1898-1906 twp assessor, Pottawattamie Co; mbr Pottawattamie Co Safety
Coun, treas; Lions, 1926- treas; Iowa Real Est Bd; Macabees; KP;
OES; AF&AM 259; Scot Rite; Reorgd Ch of Latter Day Saints; hobbies:
woodworking, gardening; off Council Bluffs Savings Bank Bldg; res
240 Benton, Council Bluffs.
Attorney; b Randolph, Iowa May 5, 1909; s of S W
Thomas-Lola Wylie; ed Randolph HS 1926; Kemper Mil Sch,
Booneville Mo; Doane Coll, Crete Neb, BA 1932; U of Iowa, JD 1936;
Gamma Eta Gamma; m Dorothea Lahin Warren Aug 24, 1939 Council Bluffs;
Pottawattamie Co
atty; city atty, Oakland; It ORC of US army; Iowa St Bar Assn; pres,
Oakland Comml Club; Council Bluffs Jr C of C; AF&AM 439, Randolph;
KP 226; FOE 104; JOOF 442; off Citizens State Bank Bldg; res Oakland.
Physician & Surgeon; b West Point, Neb Feb
6, 1892; s of John H Thompson-Mamie Landis; ed West Point Neb
HS; U of Neb, MD 1918; Delta Upsilon; Phi Rho Sigma; m Ida Koch
Nov 22, 1919 West Point Neb; d Peggy Louise; 1917-19
interne U of Neb Hosp, Omaha; 1921- prac med, Oakland; 1934- mbr
sch bd, 1937- treas, Oakland; assoc staff phys Jennie Edmundson
Memorial Hosp, Council Bluffs; during World War mbr
med reserve corps, U of Neb Hosp; ch mbr Amer Legion
post 1, Omaha; Amer Legion post 187; Iowa St & Pottawattamie Co Med
Socs; AF&AM 335, past master; off & res Oakland.
Farmer; b Oakland, Iowa Aug 5, 1891; s of Oliver P Timberman-Ida M
Pollock; ed
Oakland HS 1909; Iowa St Coll 1921-13; m Inez Butler Feb 19, 1914
Oakland; s William Richard; d Bernadette (Mrs C L Briceland); 1914-
farmer, Oakland; original mbr, twp
chmn, & chmn co bd AAA; bd mbr Harland PCA; Farm Bur, past dir;
AF&AM 335, past master; OES 425, past worthy patron; Meth Ch, bd
mbr; Rep; hobbies: football, baseball & fishing; res Route 1,
Bank Cashier; b Council Bluffs, Iowa Jan 29, 1864; s of Matthew
Tinley-Rose Dolan; ed
Council Bluffs HS; 1898 salesman for Groenweg & Schoentgen Groc
Co, Council Bluffs; 1899- cash & dir State Savings Bank, Council
Bluffs; 1907 mbr fire & police bd, Council
Bluffs; 1929-34 sch treas, Council Bluffs; secy-treas St Josephs
Cemetery Assn; SA, chmn advisory bd; C
of C; Kiwanis, ch mbr & treas; KC 1045, treas; BPOE 531; Dem; off
State Savings Bank; res 312 S 8th, Council Bluffs.
Attorney; b Doon, Iowa Sept 30, 1899; s of John P Tinley-Margaret
Starr; ed Council
Bluffs HS, mbr football team 3 years; St Victor's Coll,
Bourbonnais Ill; mbr football team 1 year; U of Iowa 1920-22; Creighton
U 1923-24; Beta Theta Pi; Theta Nu Epsilon; m
Helen Yepson Oct 17, 1925 Iowa City; s John Patrick, Thomas
Anthony; d Helen, Mary, Ann; 1926 adm to Iowa bar; 1926-33 prac
law, Council Bluffs; 1933-38 state counsel HOLC, Des Moines; 1938-
prac law, Council Bluffs; 15th Judicial Dist Bar Assn;
Pottawattamie Co & Iowa St Bar Assns; BPOE
531, exalted ruler 1933; KC coun 1045; Dem; off
Nonpareil Court Bldg; res 902 2nd
Ave, Council Bluffs.
Attorney; b Council Bluffs, Iowa Jan 29, 1871; s of Matthew H
Tinley-Rose Dolan; ed
Council Bluffs 1888; m Margaret Grace Starr July 18, 1892 Council
Bluffs; s John Patrick Jr; d Margaret Beatrice, Mary Genevieve (Mrs
Donald T Fox), Gertrude Irene, Patricia (Mrs Max Duckworth); 1892 adm
to Iowa bar;
1892- prac law, Council Bluffs; 1932 judge 15th judicial dist; 1934
dist judge; 1934-38 judge, judicial dist, State of Iowa; Iowa St
& Pottawattamie Co Bar Assns; BPOE 531;
Dem, del to several dem convs; hobby: horseback riding; off 121 Pearl;
res 301 S 8th, Council Bluffs.
Assistant Trust Officer Savings Bank; b
Emerson, Iowa Sept 19, 1890; s of John N Tollinger-Mary
Elizabeth Graham; ed Avoca HS
1908; U of Neb 1912; m Harriet Morrow Nov 23, 1918
Little Rock Ark; s Jack Morrow; d Lois Jean; 1918 adm to
lowa bar; 1913-21 Pottawattamie Co dep clk; 1921 prac law,
Council Bluffs; 1921- asst trust ofcr Council Bluffs Savings Bank,
Council Bluffs; during World War
in Co A 4th Iowa inf 1917-18, Camp Pike
Ark, disch Jan 15, 1919; Amer Legion post 2, past
mbr exec com; Pottawattamie Co & Iowa St Bar Assns; C of C;
BPOE 531; Council Bluffs Investment Co, dir & secy; Amer
Philatelic Soc, 1936 pres Council Bluffs ch; Trans Mississippi
Philatelic Soc, 1938 dir; Kiwanis, 1934 pres; Council Bluffs Country
AF&AM 71; RAM 47; York Rite 17; KT, comm 1931; treas Masonic Temple
Assn; hobbies: golf, tennis, philately; off Council Bluffs Savings
Bank; res 210 Frank, Council Bluffs.
Physician & Surgeon; b Council Bluffs, Iowa
Sept 21, 1897; s of Dr Vernon Lawrence Treynor-Susan
Clark; ed Counci1 Bluffs HS 1915; U of lowa, BSc 1919, MD 1921; Sigma
Chi; Nu Sigma Nu;
Alpha Omega Alpha; Sigma Xi; m Alice Cavin Dec 31, 1927 CounciI Bluffs;
s Jack Lawrence; d Mary Allison, Jane Stuart;
1921-22 interne Long Island Coll, Brooklyn, 1922-23 St Christopher's
Baby Hosp, 1923 Providence City Hosp, Providence
RI; 1923-29 prac med, Council Bluffs; 1930-31 interne Barnes &
Children' s Memorial Hosp, St Louis Mo; 1932- prac med, ear,
nose & throat specialist, Council Bluffs; staff surg Jennie
Edmundson Hosp; during World War mbr USN res; Amer Legion post 2; chmn
comm on hosp & med
edn for Iowa St Med Soc; Pottawattamie
Co Med Soc; diplomat, Amer Bd of Otolaryngology; C of C; Omaha Club;
BPOE 531; Rep; hobbies: fishing & duck hunting; off Bennett Bldg;
res 424 Oakland Ave, Council Bluffs.
Superintendent of Schools; b Humboldt, Ill Aug 7,
1888; s of John Lewis True-Barbara Thorn; ed Ulysses Neb HS 1908;
Fremont Coll; U of Neb, BA 1918; U of Chicago, MA 1922; Columbia U;
Phi Delta Kappa; m Ruth Wells Aug 21, 1912 Grand
Island Neb; s Mark Edwin, Howard; 1908-12 supt of schs, Brady Neb,
1912-15 Cozad Neb, 1915-18 Schuyler Neb, 1918-30 McCook Neb,
1930- Council Bluffs; mbr exec com, Pottawattamie Co Recreational Bd;
1923-28 mbr McCook lib bd; Amer Assn Sch Administrators; Pottawattamie
Sch Masters Club; ISTA; Neb St Tchrs
Assn, pres 1921, mbr exec com 1918-24; C of C, dir;
Kiwanis, dir & chmn underprivileged children com;
AF&AM 71, speakers bur, grand lodge; RAM 47; Congl Ch; hobbies:
hunting & fishing; off Washington; res 465 Forest Drive, Council
Attorney; b Avoca, Iowa Jan 31, 1897; s of Francis Albert Turner-Rose
Woodward; ed Avoca HS; U of Iowa 1914-17;
Georgetown U, LLB 1922; Delta Chi; m Elizabeth Clark May 30, 1923
Washington DC; s
Richard Clark, David Howard; d Barbara Frances; 1923 adm bar Washington
1923 adm to bar in Iowa; 1923- prac law, Avoca; ptr in Jefferson
Booterie, Jefferson; 1926-32 secy Pottawattamie Co
Fair Assn; during World War 168th inf 42nd div AEF, O/S
Nov 1917-May 1919, sgt, disch May 1919; Amer Legion post 227;
Southwestern Iowa Bar Assn; Pottawattamie Co Bar Assn; Iowa St Bar
Assn; past pres Lions; AF&AM 297;
Presby Ch; Rep; hobbies: photography, hunting, fishing; father
(dec) prac law in Avoca 48 years, past P M of Avoca 4 years; off &
res Avoca.
Vice-President of Bank; b Quincy, Mich May 19, 1872; s of Ralph D M
Turner-Sarah Mudge; ed Quincy Mich HS; U of Mich
1893; m Blanche Baker Jan 9, 1896 Quincy Mich; 1896-1904 pharm, Quincy
Mich; 1905-
cash, VP & trust ofcr of City Natl Bank, Council Bluffs; C of C;
BPOE 531; AF&AM 71, past master; hobby: dogs; off City
National Bank; res 110 Bluff, Council Bluffs.
Bank President; b Atlantic, Iowa Jan 28, 1895; s of Timothy G
Turner-Lavina Williams; ed Council Bluffs HS; U of Mich, BA 1917; Chi
Psi; m Helen Pearce July 10, 1920 Omaha Neb; s Robert Williams Jr,
Pearce; d Virginia Ann; 1919- with City Natl Bank of Council Bluffs,
1927- pres, Council Bluffs; during World War enl in US army Dec 5,
1917, 2nd lt ASSC;
Amer Legion post 2, past adjt; C of C; Council Bluffs Country Club;
BPOE 531; AF&AM 71; hobby: philately; off City National Bank; res
226 Bluff, Council Bluffs.
Banker; b Quincy, Mich Dec 6, 1863; s of Ralph D M Turner-Sarah Mudge;
ed Quincy Mich HS; U of Mich, PhG 1883; m Lavina Williams 1893
Atlantic; s Robert Williams; d Marian Mudge; 1883-84 pharm, Quincy
Mich; 1884 bank clk, Columbia SD; 1885 asst
cash Nelson Co Bank, Lakota Territory
Dakota; 1886-93 cash Farmers & Mchts Bank, Neola, 1894-1900
Atlantic Natl Bank,
1900-09 First Natl Bank, Council Bluffs; 1909-27 pres City Natl Bank,
Council Bluffs, 1927- chmn of bd & dir; C of
C; BPOE 531, ch mbr, Atlantic; AF&AM 71; Rep; hobby: flowers
garden; off
City National Bank; res 309 S 8th, Council Bluffs.
Mortician; b Pottawattamie Co, Iowa Aug 19, 1894; s ot James
Tyler-Martha Bell; ed Carson HS; Carpenter Coll
of Embalming, 1918; m Fannie Starts Oct 10, 1925
Omaha; s Edwin Carlyle; 1912-25 clk A C Sievers Furn &
Embalmer Co, Carson; 1925 salesman Springfield
Metallic Casket Co; 1926-34 groc business, Council Bluffs; 1935-37
owner & opr funeral home, Otoe Neb; 1938- owner
undertaking firm, Council Bluffs; 1939- Pottawattamie
Co coroner; during World War mbr 212 engrs, 12th div, Camp
Forest Ga, Camp Devine Mass; Amer Legion post 2; 40 &
8; Last Man's Club; Iowa Funeral Dirs & Embalmers Assn; BPOE
531; AF&AM 430, Carson; Meth Ch, Carson; Rep;
off 23 S 6th; res 2304 Ave E, Council Bluffs.
Furniture Dealer; b Council Bluffs, Iowa Apr 1, 1899; s of Julius
Unger-Anna Rosenfeld; ed Council
Bluffs HS 1916; Dartmouth Coll, BA 1920, MSc 1921; Culver Mil Sch; Pi
Delta Epsilon; m Alice Hirsch Sept 7, 1935 St Joseph Mo; 1921-
secy-treas Continental-Keller Furn Co, Council Bluffs; during World War
Plattsburg NY; Automatic Rifle Sch, Camp Lee
Va; Amer Legion post 2; C of C; Council Bluffs Retail Mchts Assn;
Council Bluffs & Omaha Country Clubs; Rotary;
Dartmouth Alumni Assn, Omaha; hobby: motion
pictures; off Continental-Keller Furniture Co; res 637 Forest Drive,
Council Bluffs.
Manager Credit Exchange; b Blair, Neb Oct 2, 1896;
s of Charles William Everett-Emma Mccready; ed
Caldwell Kas HS 1916; extn work U of Kas; m Alma Olson Dec
27, 1935 Maryville Mo; s Charles William; d Jo Ann; 1919-23 asst cash
Home Natl Bank, Caldwell Kas; 1923-28 cash Caldwell State Bank,
Caldwell Kas; 1929 mgr Caldwell Gas Co,
Caldwell Kas; 1930-33 owner Caldwell Credit Bur,
Caldwell Kas; 1933- mgr Credit Reference Exchange, Council Bluffs,
1925-27 city treas, Caldwell Kas; during World War lst
div AEF, anti-aircraft, later tsfrd to French section under Gen Petain
in evacuation service, O/S Nov 1917-July 1919; Amer Legion post
134, 1919-33, comm 1919-20 & 1932, service ofcr 1930-32; Amer
Legion post
2; Natl Assn Retail Secys; Natl Retail Credit Assn; Assoc Credit Burs
of Amer; Retail Mchts Assn, 1937-
secy; secy Retail Credit Mens Assn; AF&AM 203, master 1927,
Caldwell Kas; off 7 N Main; res 52
Grand View, Council Bluffs.
Mortician; b Oakland, Iowa Apr 13, 1891; s of A C Vieth-Mary Kennedy;
ed Oakland
HS; Hohenschuh-Carpenter Sch of Embalming; m Mary
Haight Sept 16, 1914 Oakland; s Charles
Douglas; d Jean Marie; 1914- mortician, Oakland; 1931- mbr sch bd,
Oakland; Iowa St Funeral Dirs & Embalmers Assn, SW dist secy
1934-37; Oakland Comml Club,
past pres; AF&AM 335, past master; K P;
Congl Ch, deacon; Rep; hobby: fishing; off & res Oakland.
Insurance Agent; b Council Bluffs, Iowa Nov 8, 1898; s of John G
Wadsworth-Kathryn Baker; ed Council Bluffs
HS 1916; Phillip Exeter Acad, 1918; Dartmouth Coll 1922; Zeta Psi; m
Nelle Roecker Aug 30, 1924 Council Bluffs;
s John Baker Jr; d Mary
Frances; 1922-38 off mgr of J G Wadsworth & Co, Council
Blufts; 1938- ins agt, Council Bluffs; C of C,
chmn publicity com; Kiwanis, past pres; Rotary; BPOE 531; AF&AM
71, past master; RAM; Presby Ch, trustee; Rep; hobby: travel; off 133
Pearl; res 222 Turley Ave,
Council Bluffs.
Manager Real Estate & Insurance Agency; b Grundy Co, Mo
Nov 19, 1870; s of Richard Waite-Anna Rensch; ed Harlan Ind HS 1888;
Fort Wayne Business Coll 1889; m Louanna M Meeks May, 1895 Geneva Ind;
s Richard M,
Philip A; d Esther V (Mrs E C Sheeler), Frances P; 1890-95 part owner
gen store, Geneva Ind; 1895-97 bkkpr Petroleum Hoop Co, Bluffton Ind;
1900-02 part owner shoe
store, Hartford City Ind; 1902-04 salesman Mishawaka Woolen Mfg Co;
1904-11 mfr, Des Arc, Ark; 1910 mayor, Des Arc, Ark; 1911-16
with Delaware Box & Lbr Co,
Muncie Ind; 1916-18 in mfg business, Caruthersville Mo; 1919 dep
revenue collector,
Muncie Ind; 1920-22 div chief dep revenue collector, Gary Ind; 1922
bkkpr Schwartz Paper Co, Muncie Ind; 1923- mgr Bell Agcy,
ins & rea1 est, Council Bluffs; TPA, pres post B; Ben Hur; IOOF 74,
Ind, noble grand 1897; AF&AM 71; KT; York Rite 17, treas; Meth
Ch; Dem; off Council Bluffs Savings Bank Bldg; res 290 High School Ave,
Council Bluffs.
Managing Editor; b Cedar
Rapids, Iowa Mar 3, 1898; s of Robert A Wallace-Kate Mughes; ed
Cedar Rapids; Shattuck Sch; m Esther M Anderson July 23, 1919 Iowa
City; d Evogene Gertrude, Marjorie Esther; 1919-33 sports writer
Nonpareil, Council Bluffs,
1933-38 city editor, 1938- managing editor; during
World War battery E l26th field arty, priv battery C 1Olst field
arty, O/S June 1918-May 1919; Last Mans Club; Rep; father (dec) contr
Cedar Rapids 60 years; off Nonpareil; res 712 Madison Ave, Council
Attorney; b Council Bluffs, Iowa Mar 30, 1911; s of Rudolph
Godbergsen; ed Council Bluffs HS; Wentworth Mil Acad; U of Omaha Law
Sch; editor Gateway student
publication, mbr student coun, mbr Pan-Hellenic coun; Phi
Sigma Phi; m Audrey Stageman Nov 8, 1938 Council Bluffs; adm to Iowa
bar 1936; 1937- prac law, Council Bluffs; mbr Iowa
House of Rep 48th gen assembly; Pottawattamie Co & Amer Bar Assns;
Kiwanis; FOE 104, VP; Luth Ch; Rep; hobby: flowers; father resident of
Council Bluffs 35 years; off Park Bldg; res 319 Benton, Council Bluffs.
Field Assistant Insurance Co; b Pottawattamie Co,
Iowa Feb 26, 1895; s of Richard T Ward-Lizzie Saby; ed Council Bluffs
HS; Boyles Business Coll; m Irene Bitter Sept 29, 1915 Fremont Neb; s
Richard Trulock, Orville Frederick; d Marjorie Irene; m Lillie
Axland Sept 25, 1935 Chicago Ill; 1915-18 salesman Stone &
Townsend Whol Fruit Co, Council Bluffs; 1918-28 asst mgr Stone Fruit
Co, Council Bluffs;
1929 in whol fruit business, Council Bluffs;
1930- field asst Equitable Life Assurance Soc,
Council Bluffs; 1930- owner of ins business,
Underwood; 1934-36 mayor, Underwood; Life Underwriters Assn, Council
Bluffs, dir legislative com; Iowa St Life
Underwriters Assn; Natl Life Underwriters Assn; OES 441; AF&AM
631; First Chris Ch; Rep; hobbies: bridge, baseball; father (dec)
farmer in Pottawattamie Co 35 years; off Wickham Bldg, Council Bluf
fs; res Underwood.
Editor & Publisher; b Walnut, Iowa Sept 27, 1881; s of J W
Wayne-Rowena Luella Quaintance; ed Marne; m Neliie May
Young Sept 3, 1911 Walnut; d LeEtta (Mrs D J Blankenbiller); 1900-05
with father orgr Griswold Republican, Griswold; 1905-24 with father
assoc in Walnut Bureau, Walnut; 1925- editor & publisher Walnut
IOOF 30 years, post noble grand;
OES 286; AF&AM 559; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby: reading;
father (dec) newspaper publisher & editor of Walnut Bureau &
mayor of Walnut, resident 28 years; off & res Walnut.
Physician & Surgeon; b Kendallville, Ind Oct 30, 1895; s of F S
Weber-Ellen Byrnes; ed Kendallville Ind HS 1915; Creighton U,
Omaha, MD 1923, BSc 1921; Phi Rho Sigma; m Blanche C Hughes Jan 23,
1929 Imogene; s Lawrence Francis; d Mary Clare; 1923-24 interne Mercy
Hosp, Council Bluffs; 1924
prac med, Atlantic; 1925-26 prac med, Imogene; 1927-
prac med, Walnut; mbr staff of Atlantic Hosp, Atlantic; 1927- dir
Walnut sch bd; during World War
in USN, US Naval training station, disch May 1923; Amer Legion post
422; Pottawattamie Co & Iowa St Med
Socs; St Patrick' s Cath Ch; Indep; father, ret railroad man, res
Kendallville Ind 50 years;
off & res Walnut.
Vice-President & Secretary Wheeler Lumber, Bridge
& Supply Co; b Carroll Co, Iowa Nov 14, 1880; s of James
E Wells-Mary E Fell; ed Bayard HS; ISTC; m Cecile D Roberts
Feb 16, 1907 Papillion Neb; s Joe Roberts; 1903-05 tchr,
Bayard; 1905-09 tchr, Panora; 1909-15 Guthrie Co auditor; 1915 examiner
of accts, state auditor of
Iowa; 1915-18 in contracting business, Council
Bluffs; 1918- VP & secy Wheeler Lbr, Bridge
& Supply Co, Des Moines; 1909-15 mbr Guthrie Co sch bd; assoc mbr
Assoc Gen Contrs of
Amer; Amer Wood Preservers Assn; Natl Lbr Mchts Assn; The Omaha Club;
Council Bluffs Club; UCT, grand counselor l935-36;
BPOE 531; AF&AM 451 Bayard; Des Moines Scot Rite 32°;
Za-Ga-Zig Shrine, Des Moines; Presby Ch; Rep; hobby: football; off 302
Wickham Bldg; res 333 Willow Ave, Council Bluffs.
Surgeon; b Bruenn, Moravia Sept 29, 1877; s of Adolph Werndorff-Antonio
Janitzek; ed Vienna Austria HS; U of Vienna, Austria
MD 1902; m Mary Etta Gonsz 19l l Vienna Austria; 1912-15 asst
prof in orthopedics, Vienna Med Sch; 1914-18 consultant phys in
Austrian army; 1920-23 prac surgery, Wellington Kas; 1924-
orthopedic surg, Council Bluffs; staff mbr Jennie
Edmundson Hosp, Council Bluffs; during World War capt in Austrian
army med dept, consultant phys, passed on disability of wounded
soldiers, recd Knight of the Order of Frances Joseph the First in 1917;
past mbr Vienna Med Assn; founder & hon mbr Amer Med Assn in
Vienna; Pottawattamie Co & Iowa St Med Socs; AMA; Amer Acad of
Orthopedic Surgs; ACS; German Soc of Orthopedic Surgs;
Rotary; BPOE 531; Dem; father (dec) banker in Vienna Austria; off
Clinic Bldg; res 127 Bluff, Council Bluffs.
Farmer; b Bureau, Ill Nov 17, 1865; s of Joseph Whitney-Katherine
Frease; ed
Downsville; m Jennie Flack Jan 20, 1889 Downsville; s Roland; d
Katherine (Mrs William Stuha), Pearl (Mrs D C Beck), Elsie (Mrs Dave
Carlile), Gertrude (Mrs Fred Klopping); 1880- farmer, Underwood; dir
sch 10 years; 15 years Norwalk twp trustee; Pottawattamie Co Farm Bur;
Chris Ch; Rep; res Underwood.
Owner & Manager Tourist Courts & Greenhouses; b Fulton Co, Ill
July 29, 1886; s of William N Wilbur-Katherine Pauline Ross; ed Omaha
Neb HS 1906; m Lulu Louise Bauman Feb 19, 1908 Council Bluffs; s Warren
David, Lloyd Arthur (dec); d Marjorie
Katherine, Emily Mildred (Mrs Donald McAllister);
1906-07 salesman Continental Realty Co, Omaha, 1907-08
Oliver Typewriter Co, Omaha; 1909 farmer, SD; 1910-11 mgr of
ranch, near Redwood City Col; 1912-13 farmer, Miss; 1913 emp paint dept
1914-28 contracting painter & owner
of paint store, Council Bluffs; 1928- owner of Mandarin Gardens &
Cedar Court Tourist Courts, Council Bluffs; lnternatl Tourists Assn,
1933-35 & 1940- pres; Iowa Tourist Court Assn; Kiwanis; UCT, mbr
exec com; C of C; BPOE 531; IOOF 49, noble grand 1936-37; First Presby
Ch; Rep;
hobbies: travel, fishing, boating; father ret, Pompano Fla; off &
res 3301-11 W Broadway, Council
Flori st; b Council Bluffs,
Iowa June 21, 1892; s of J F Wilcox-Emma Young; ed
Council Bluffs HS 1909; Iowa St Coll; Cornell U 1911-12; Chi Psi; m
Beasley ____ Council Bluffs; d Marcia; 1912- mgr J
F Wilcox & Sons, Council Bluffs; during World War OTC, Little Rock
Ark; Soc of Amer Florists; Iowa St Florists
Assn, 1st pres; BPOE 531; AF&AM 71; York Rite; Abu Bekr Shrine;
Rep; off 52
l Broadway; res 1110 E Pierce, Council Bluffs.
Manager, Secretary-Treasurer Floral Co; b Council Bluffs, Iowa Mar 9,
1895; s of J F Wilcox-Emma E
Young; ed Council Bluffs HS; Iowa St Coll, 1915-16; Phi Sigma Kappa;
m Esther Spindler Apr 12, 1917 Council Bluffs; s
Robert Spindler, John Spindler; d
Jeanne K; 1918- mgr J F Wilcox & Sons, Council Bluffs, Omaha &
Des Moines; chmn Natl Flower Show, Omaha 1935; Soc of Amer Florists
& Ornamental Horticulturists, dir 1934-35, VP 1935-36, chmn central
regional unit 1936-39; dir Florist Hail Assn of Amer; C of C, Council
Bluffs & Omaha; BPOE 531;
AF&AM 71; York Rite; Abu Bekr Shrine, Sioux City; First Presby Ch;
Rep; hobbies: fishing, hunting, baseball; father
(dec) founder of whol flower business 1885, resident of Council Bluffs
27 years;
off 1132 E Pierce, Council Bluffs & Hubbell Bldg, Des Moines; res
1100 E Pierce, Council Bluffs.
Advertising Manager; b Sheffield, Iowa Nov 21, 1897; s of Rev Edward P
Williams-Mary Broad; ed Denison HS;
Des Moines Coll 1915-16; m Jean Hope Jansen Sept 27, 1919 Des Moines; d
Gwen Ann, Mary
Jean, Ellen Lizbeth; 1919-20 with Duluth Tribune; 1920
with Davenport Times; 1920-25 asst advertising mgr Wyman Partridge Co,
Minneapolis Minn; 1925-37
advertising mgr Shenandoah Sentinel; 1937- advertising mgr Nonpareil,
Council Bluffs; during World War priv corp sgt 800th aero squadron,
Stars & Stripes, Paris, personnel off,
Paris; Amer Legion post 2, 1925-37 mbr post 88, 1928 adjt, 1930 comm,
1929 dist comm,
Shenandoah; 1930-37 capt Co E 168th ING; Rotary, 1930-37, Shenandoah,
pres 1935;
Bapt Ch; Rep; hobby: National Guards; father (dec) Bapt minister,
resident of Denison 3 years; off Nonpareil Bldg; res 332 S 1st, Council
Manufacturer; b
Council Bluffs, Iowa Feb 17, 1876; s of
Peter H Wind-Mary Hansen; ed Council Bluffs; Western Iowa Coll;
Highland Park Coll; m Hazel Bonsteel June 20, 1917 Omaha; s Eugene; d
Betty Jane; 1896-1912 with father in mill work & fixture business;
1912- owner of business, mfr of mill work & fixtures; dir First
Natl Bank, Council Bluffs; Rep; father (dec) pioneer businessman of
Council Bluffs, resident 47 years; off 13th & First Ave; res 824
3rd Ave, Council Bluffs.
Osteopathic Physician, b Mills Co, Iowa Feb 23, 1880; s of A L
Wolfe-Lenora Eacrett; ed Malvern HS; Tabor Coll; Amer Sch of
Osteopathy, DO 1905; m lone Norton May 29, 1907 Falls City Neb; s
Robert N,
Lawrence E; d Elizabeth (Mrs Gordon Unsworth); 1898-1902 farmer, Mills
Co; 1905-09 osteopathic phys, Falls City Neb; 1909- osteopathic phys,
Carson; 1915-19 mbr city coun; 1919-24 mbr bd of edn,
Carson; 10 years mbr Amer Osteopathic Assn; OES 92; AF&AM 430, past
trustee; Presby Ch; hobbies: flowers,
gardening; off & res Carson.
Veterinarian; b Scott Co, Iowa Jan 15, 1885;
s of John Wolff-Alice J Snyder; ed Shelby Co; Chicago Veteri narian
Coll, MDC
1910; m Ethel Guernsey Dec 31, 1912 Avoca; s George E; 1910-
veterinarian, Avoca; opr & owner Avoca Hotel; Iowa
St Missouri Valley Veterinary Med Assn; Iowa Hotel
Assn; 1915-17 secy Pottawattamie Co Fair Bd; AF&AM 297; BPOE 445;
Rep, pct committeeman 6 years; hobby: politics; off & res Avoca.
Bank Vice President; b Pella, Iowa Feb 10, 1879; s of Enos Marion
Woods-Elvira Strain; ed Lincoln Neb HS, m Grace Crum Apr 28, 1906
Lincoln Neb; s Fielding Kenneth; d Harriet,
Betty, Jean; 1901-17 mgr of R G Dun & Co, Lincoln; 1917-29 cash
Lincoln Bank & Trust
Co, Lincoln Neb; 1929-34 State bank commr for Neb; 1934- exec VP &
dir First Natl Bank, Council Bluffs; 1917-23
mbr sch bd, Lincoln Neb; 1917-29 mbr legislative com, Neb Bankers Assn;
secy, Lincoln Clearing House Assn; Iowa Bankers
Assn; mbr Lincoln Country Club 1917-29; Lincoln Uni Club; Kiwanis, past
pres; C of C, pres; AF&AM 19; Scot Rite; Sesostris Shrine; BPOE
531; Unitarian Ch; hobby: hist reading; off First National Bank; res
517 Oakland Ave,
Council Bluffs.
Retired; b Council Bluffs, Iowa May 3, 1885; s of John G
Woodward-Hattie Moran; ed Council
Bluffs HS 1903; U of Iowa, LLB 1907; Kappa Sigma; m Hortense Forsyth
Jan l , 1909 Detroit Mich; s
Carleton H Jr; d Ann (Mrs Nathan M Pusey), Joan; 1907-36 secy John G
Woodward & Co; 1936-39 pres
John G Woodward Co, Council Bluffs; 1939- ret, Council Bluffs;
dir Council Bluffs Savings Bank; dir Council
Bluffs Investment Co; Omaha Club; BPOE 531; First Presby Ch; Rep;
father (dec) founder of John G Woodward Co, Council Bluffs, 1917 pres
Rotary; res 608 Oakland Ave, Council Bluffs.
Insurance Agent; b Omaha, Neb Oct 15, 1887; s of Joshua
Everett-Ella Virginia Rasnick; ed Council Bluffs HS 1906; m Margaret
Jane Knowles July 2, 1913 Council Bluffs; s Edwin Knowles, Donald
Frederick; d Margaret Helen; 1906-09 shipping clk, Shugart & Hill
Co, Council Bluffs; 1909-25 sales
mgr, John G Woodward Co, Council Bluffs; 1925- ins & bond agt,
Council Bluffs; secy-treas
Pottawattamie Co Safety Coun
& Pottawattamie Co Soc for Crippled Child ren; NYA,
advisory coun; Kiwanis, secy treas; First Presby
Ch; Rep; hobby: Kiwanis work; off Park Bldg; res 402 Oakland Ave,
Council Bluffs.
Physician & Surgeon; b Harlan, Iowa Nov
11, 1866; s of Isaac Wyland-Julia Miltenberger; ed Harlan HS; U of
Iowa, MD 1889; m Ellen Childs Mar l, 1893 Council Bluffs (dec); s Oran
J; d Frances (Mrs Ralph H Bone),
Mildred (Mrs Albert Hastings; 1887-89 preceptor under Dr Harvey, Neola;
1889- prac med, Underwood; 1890-1910 owner drug store, Underwood;
played professional
baseball several years before prac med; 1920-30 mayor, Underwood;
1901-26 mbr sch bd, Underwood; dir Underwood
Savings Bonk since orgn 1922; 1887 mbr Hook & Ladder Fire Team,
Miller SD, state champions that year; during World War chmn draft bd,
Norwalk twp, Pottawattamie Co; life mbr Pottawattamie & Iowa St Med
Socs; KP 20 years, ex-chancellor comm;
AF&AM, Neola; Chris Ch; Non-partisan; hobbies: hunting,
baseball; father (dec) farmer, Shelby Co 51 years; off
& res Underwood.
Attorney; b Harlan, Iowa Feb 11, 1894; s of Jay Wyland-____; ed Harlan
HS 1911; U of Iowa, LLB 1915; m Edith O'Connell July
25, 1929 Denver Colo; 1915- prac law, Avoca; during World War, mbr
337th field arty, disch 1919; Amer Legion, 1st adjt; Pottawattamie
Co, Dist & Iowa St Bar Assns; AF&AM 297; BPOE 445; hobby:
sports; off & res, Avoca.
Coal Dealer; b Tyndall, SD Feb 19, 1902; s of William
Youngworth-Lydia Bonekemper; ed Tyndall SD HS 1919; m Inez Harbeck July
28, 1920 Sioux City; s William (dec); d Valerie Jean; 1919-25 yard supt
Hoskins Fuel Co, Sioux City; 1925-30 salesman Consumers Coal Co, Sioux
City; 1930- mgr Boyer Coal & Coke Co, Council Bluffs; mbr
Sioux City Traffic Club 1930-33; Exec Club, pres; AF&AM 71;
RAM 47; R&SM 15; York Rite; hobby: fishing; off 1022 Ave B; res
2649 Ave C, Council Bluffs.
Automobile Dealer; b Chicago, Ill May 12, 1913; s of Morris
Yudelson-Etta Friedman; ed Abraham Lin coln sch, Council Bluffs 1930;
Creighton U, Omaha Neb 1931-32; Pi Lambda Phi; m Dorothy L Cohen Oct
14, 1934
Omaha Neb;
s Michael Jay; 1932-38 assoc with father in Yudelson Motor Co, Council
Bluffs, 1938- owner & opr Yudelson Motor Co, Council Bluffs dlr
Dodge & Plymouth cars; Iowa Auto Dlrs Assn;
Council Bluffs Auto Dlrs Assn, past secy; Natl Auto Dlrs Assn; Jr C of
C; LOOM 262; B'nai
B'rith, treas; hobbies: baseball, bowling, amateur baseball; father
(dec) resident of Council Bluffs 22 years; off 721 W Broadway; res 321
Scott, Council Bluffs.
Contributed by Cheryl Siebrass.