Family History
Denver Hough, farmer,
P.O. Crescent City, was born in Deloit, Crawford Co., Iowa, June 1,
1859, and is a son of S. M. and Eliza J. (Allen) Hough. S. M. Hough was
born in Oswego County, N.Y., January 6, 1818, and died November 9,
1881; he was a blacksmith by trade. His wife was born April 15, 1823;
they had ten children, six of whom are still living. Subject came to
this township with his parents in 1866 and has since resided here. He
received his education in the common schools and began life as a
farmer, which occupation he has since followed. He was married in
Crescent City, Iowa, March 15, 1882, to Miss Allie Alexander a native
of Pottawattamie County, born February 1, 1862, daughter of Charles and
Catharine (Scott) Alexander. Mr. Hough has held some township offices;
he is a Good Templar and in politics, a Greenbacker. He is a good
musician and has furnished the music for a great number of balls.
Milton C. Hough, farmer, P.O. Crescent City, was born in Denison,
Crawford Co., Iowa, August 3, 1863, and came to Pottawattamie County in
1866 with his father, Mortimer A. Hough. The latter was born in Lee
County, Iowa, December 18, 1841; came to Pottawattamie County in 1846,
and married Naomi Barrett, who was born at New Boston, Mercer Co.,
Ill., July 13, 1842, and to them five children were born. Milton C.
received his education in the common schools and is a natural penman,
and also a musician. His father died November 25, 1874, since which he
has worked at farming to maintain and educate himself, and assisted his
mother in doing the same for her younger sons; he is a trusted
employee, he joined the I.O.G.T. in 1877.
Warren M. Hough, farmer, P.O. Crescent City, was born in
Pottawattamie County, Iowa, April 24, 1849; his father, S. M. Hough,
having come to Iowa in 1841 from Oswego County, N.Y., where he was born
January 6, 1818, and where he learned the blacksmith's trade. He
married Eliza J. Allen, who was born in Oswego County, N.Y., April 15,
1823; they raised a family of ten children, six of whom survive. The
father died November 9, 1881; at the age of ten, Mr. Hough, with his
parents, removed to Crawford County, Iowa, where he spent seven years,
and came back to this township in 1866. Here he has resided since and
has, by his industry and enterprise, gained the confidence of his
neighbors and has, at various times, filled township offices. At
present, he is a successful farmer and stock raiser. In politics, he is
a Greenbacker, having been converted to that party in 1876; since then,
he has also been a member of the I.O.G.T. He was married in Crescent
City to Rebecca E. Dunkle, November 28, 1872. She came to Pottawattamie
County in 1870, with her parents, from Center County, Penn.; she was
born October 19, 1856. Her father, L. K. Dunkle, was born in 1828 and
married Elizabeth Myers, who was born in the same county, December 25,
1834. Mr. And Mrs. Hough have had three children, of whom but one,
Walter, survives.