Family History
Robert S. Cole, deceased, a
prominent citizen of Henry County, was born in Dearborn County, Ind.,
Nov.. 23, 1822. His parents were Solomon and Sarah (Remy) Cole. His
father was a native of Maryland, born of English parents, his mother
was of French descent. Solomon Cole was a practical farmer and teacher,
and was a man of superior ability and culture. His family consisted of
a wife and nine children, of whom our subject was the third. They came
to Iowa by teams, in 1851. The father was a confirmed invalid at the
time, and the elder sons took all the responsibility and care of the
family. On coming to this county the family purchased 250 acres of
land, situated about twelve miles north of Mt. Pleasant. The title of
one-half of this property was vested in the parents' name, and one-half
in the names of James W. and Robert S., the elder sons. There the sons
prepared a home for their parents, and cared for them during the
remainder of their lives. They conducted the business of the farm and
raised stock until 1849, when they removed to the city of Mt. Pleasant,
and engaged in the lightning rod and pump business. Their first order
was for $50 worth of lightning rods. The remittance of $50 was lost,
but they received the rods. This business was established by J.W. and
R.S. Cole. They soon added the manufacture of pumps to their trade, the
work being done at Greencastle, Ind. Their venture was successful from
the start, and they rapidly extended their line of operations. Two
younger brothers, William and John, were admitted to the partnership,
and in 1865 they formed and incorporated a company for the continuance
of the business, with a paid-up capital of $30,000. They formed a
limited partnership with their employes, establishing branch sale
stations extending through Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, and other States,
having in all at one time fourteen branch stations, and employing from
150 to 200 men. At the expiration of the limit of the first
corporation, in 1875, they formed a new corporation with a paid-up
capital of $200,000. The Cole Brothers built up an immense business,
and enjoyed a reputation for fair dealing and good work that marked a
new era in the pump and lightning rod business. The elder brothers,
J.W. and R.S., were associated in business twenty-five years before
they had a settlement. During all that time their business relations
were so harmonious and satisfactory that they had no unpleasantness
whatever. They had everything in common, and although each of them had
families, they had no separate accounts.
Robert S. Cole, the subject of this sketch, was married near Mt.
Pleasant, Iowa, Dec. 24, 1846, to Miss Mary Jane Hutton, daughter of
Rev. Samuel Hutton, an early and highly respected pioneer of Henry
County. Her mother's maiden name was Mary Levi. She was born in North
Carolina, and was of German descent. Mrs. Cole's father was born in
Pennsylvania, and he was also of German descent. He was a minister of
the Baptist Church, and did much preaching in the West. Mrs. Cole was
born in Sangamon County, Ill., Sept 27, 1827. Eight children were born
to Mr. and Mrs. Cole, five daughters and three sons: Anna E. is the
widow of Edward O. Boone and is a teacher in the Indian Territory; she
has one child a son, Victor C.; Sarah J. is the wife of William
Ridpath, an attorney of Brazil, Ind., they have three children; Laura
M. resides with her mother; Hayden R.died Oct. 6, 1876, aged twenty-one
years; Wlliam T. married Annie Maxwell, and resides at Council Bluffs,
Iowa; Jay S. is engaged in the lightning rod business at Greencastle,
Ind.; Mary and Minnie reside with their mother.
Mr. Cole continued to reside
at Mt. Pleasant until 1880, when he removed to Council Bluffs, where he
purchased the interest of one of their branch partners, and carried on
the business at that point until the time of his death, Feb. 28, 1884.
After his death his heirs parted with their interest in the business to
Mr. Cole's brothers, Jan. 1, 1887.
Mr. Cole united with the
Baptist Church when he was a youth, and was a zealous Christian during
his life, prompt and liberal in support of the church and of missions,
and charitable and kind to the poor and distressed. He was a
philanthropist in the broadest sense of the word. He contributed
liberally to the erection of the Baptist Church at Mt. Pleasant, and
after having removed to Council Bluffs he made a liberal donation to
repair the church after it was wrecked by a cyclone. He also took an
active part in behalf of the church at Council Bluffs, and was foremost
in all good works. A man whose word was regarded as inviolate, he
enjoyed an enviable reputation in the community. After his death his
widow and three daughters resided in Council Bluffs until July, 1887,
when they returned to Mt. Pleasant, to the home which Mr. Cole had made
in that city, which they had never parted with, and which is a
commodious and comfortable residence.
by: jrosebee,
2003. Source: Portrait and Biographical Album of Henry County, Iowa