The following is a document I got from the Iowa Historical Society reguarding the Iowa Eclectic Medical College. My interest is from my great-grandfather who graduated from this college. The undated newspaper picture is all I had about the group until I went to the Historical Society. He took a post-graduate course in the Iowa Eclectic Medical College, receiving the degree from that institution March 15, 1889.
Transcription by Jan Jones Bony - 27 May, 2015. Photo from the Jones Family Archives, unknown newspaper.
Bottom row, from left to right - Drs. W. S. Gibson, J. B. Horner, Carter, Gadd, L. E. Eslick(?), H. C. Minkler(?), W. W. Maple, Sutton(?), Clinton, T. J. Jones. (Jan's great-grandfather) |
O. H. P. Shoemaker, | J. A. McKlveen, |
John Cooper, | W. H. Kent, |
J. L. Bennett, | E. H. Carter. |
It is intended that the course of study, observation and demonstration shall be unusually thorough. A full course of study, with textbooks, etc., is now in readiness and can be had by addressing Dr. E. H. Carter, Dean of the Faculty, 219 Walnut street, Des Moines, Iowa. Female students admitted to this Department on the sameterms as males. SOURCE: Catalogue of Drake University, 1881-1882. pp.14. --------OFFICERS OF BOARD OF MEDICAL CORPORATION. --------John Conaway, . . . . President. O. H. P. Shoemaker, . . Secretary. J. L. Bennett, . . . . Treasurer. FACULTY. -------- G. T. Carpenter, A.M., . . . . . President O.. H. P. Shoemaker, M. D., Professor of the Principles and Practice of Medicine, and Diseases of Children. Office, 323 Walnut Street. John Cooper, M. D. Professor Of Anatomy, Descriptive and Surgical. J. L. Bennett, M. D. Professor or Materia Medica and Therapeutics. John Conaway, M. D. Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women. W. H. Kent, M. S. Professor of Chemistry, Toxicology and Physiology. E. H. Carter, M. D. Professor of the Science and Art of Surgery, And Dean of the Faculty. Office, 319 Walnut, Street. -------- Lectures upon Medical Jurisprudence will be delivered during SOURCE: Catalogue of Drake University, 1881-1882. ANNOUNCEMENT. --------The Iowa Eclectic Medical College, Medical Department of Drake University, in issuing its first annual announcement does so with the assurances from the Eclectic physicians of the State of Iowa, that it will receive their hearty support, and with full confidence of becoming one of the leading Medical Colleges of the West. Medicine, as has been taught, and is still taught in this State, is but the two extremes of an imperfect theory and practice. Such teachings are inefficient as a guide, by which to treat successfully the manifold diseases of the human system. No science can advance rapidly, so long as it is thus fettered. Medicine must and will be freed from bigoted intolerance, untenable theory and unsafe practice. It is only a matter of time. The times demand that the physician shall investigate freely and fully everything that pertains to the healing art in order that he may adopt correct principles, upon which to base a sanative practice. The Eclectic system of practice seeks to do this. We claim that disease is impaired vitality, and that all remedial means should be directed to the conservation of the vital forces. We investigate everything connected with the science of medicine, search the vegetable and other kingdoms of nature for remedies, which are safe and effecient, rejecting those that, while they may assist to remove disease, leave their ill effects permanently in the system. No physician has a right to permanently injure the health and happiness of his patients by the administration of such drugs. - 2 - The Eclectic school of medicine is growing rapidly, and is the foundation upon which the practice of the no distant future will securely rest. While there are but few vacant fields to be supplied by physicians of other schools, there are many fields that demand Eclectic graduates. The remote distances of Eclectic colleges, and the inconvenience and expense of traveling, prevent the attendance of many from Iowa and the Northwest. To meet this demand of the people for more Eclectic physicians, is the object of the Iowa Eclectic Medical College. The faculty of the college is composed wholly of men in
the prime of life, who are scholarly and have had unusual
facilities in their profession. Professor W. H. Kent, M. S., was four year teacher of
chemestry in Cornell University, N. Y. The Trustees are convinced, that the plan of having seven or eight regular professors lecturing daily is far superior to that of a large army of professors lecturing occasionally. However, besides the daily lectures of the several members of the faculty, there will be frequent lectures by competent mem- bers of the Iowa Eclectic Medical Society, on various specialties - 3 - LOCATION. The College is conveiantly and nicely located in Des Moines, the social, commercial and manufacturing center, as well as the Capital City of the State of Iowa, a city delightfully and healthfully situated, with a population of 25,000, and growing rapidly; easily accessible by rail- ways from all points. The city offer ample clinical and other advantages for students. LENGTH OF SESSION. First session will begin Tuesday, January 10th, 1882, and continue five months. REQUIREMENTS FOR GRADUATION. 1. The canidate must be twenty-one years old, of good moral character, and have read medicine three years and attended two full courses of lecture, not in the same year, the last of which must have been in theis college; or have read two years and attended three courses of lectures; or have attended four courses of lectures without previous reading. The time required for reading may include the time of taking lectures. 2. Applicants for graduation must have dissected for at least one term. 3. Canidates must notify the Dean at least six weeks before the close of the session, of his or her intention of becoming a canidate for graduation, and pay the graduation fee, which, in case of withdrawal or rejection, will be returned. - 4 - 4. They must pass a satisfactory examination in Anatomy, Chemistry, Materia Medica and Therapeutics, Obstetrics, Paysiology, Practice of Medicine and Surgery, either written or oral, at discretion of the faculty. EXPENSES. Matriculation fee.................................$ 5.00
Admission to hospital and clinics free. The fees in- variably in advance. Graduates of other reputable Medical Colleges may attend a course of lectures by matriculating. They can receive the degree of Doctor of Medicine by passing a satisfactory examination and paying the graduation fee. LECTURES. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF MEDICINE. Professor Shoremaker will deliver five lectures a week, and aim to make them practical and comprehensive. The student will be taught how to study diseased conditions and to select the remedies indicated with almost a certainty, thereby simpli- fying the study, and making the practice of medicine more sanative and positive. - 5 - ANATOMY. Professor Cooper will spare no pains to make descriptive and surgical anatomy interesting and practical. The lectures will be demonstrated on the cadaver. MATERIA MEDICA AND THERAPEUTICS. Professor Bennett will be thorough, both in general and special therapeutics, the different methonds of cure, the administration of old and new remedies, with their effects upon the system in disease and health. OBSTETERICS AND DISEASES OF WOMEN. Professor Conaway will take especial pains to instruct and illustrate in such a manner, as will fully qualify the students to become successful obstetricians and gynecologists. CHEMISTRY, TOXICOLOGY AND PHYSIOLOGY. Professor Kent will present these subjects in such a manner, as will receive the attention they deserve, and be of practical utility to the student. There will be numerous experiments during the term. Students will be admitted to the chemical lectures and laboratory of the Drake University. SURGERY. Professor Carter will deliver five didactic and two clinical lectures each week. All the principal operations will be performed before the class upon the cadaver. Dislocations, fractures, and the application of splints, ban- adging etc., will receive proper attention. - 6 - DISSECTING. The dissecting room will be opened early in the session. The Professor of Anatomy will superintend the room, and assist the student. Material will be ample. CLINICS. Hospital and college clinics will be held Wednesdays and Saturdays. Advanced students will be allowed to examine and prescribe for patients, and attend cases of confinement. NO EXTRA FEES. Many college have low fees, in order to catch the student, who is compelled to take private instructions, with an extra fee, in order to receive the benefit of what a course of lectures ought to be, and will be, in this college. ADMISSION OF WOMEN. Female students are admitted on the same terms as males, and will receive courteous treatment. READING MEDICINE. Experience sustains us in recommending students to attend their first course of lectures as soon as possible. It will enable them to read medicine in the physician's office to a better advantage, as they will have learned what to study, and how to study. - 7 - SCHOLARSHIPS. A scholarship ticket can be purchased for $100.00, en- titling the holder to attend as many courses of lectures as he chooses, prior to graduation. BOARDING AND ROOMS. Good boarding and rooms may be had in private families, at from $2.50 to $4.00 per week. At the "Students Home," University Place, boarding and room, heated and furnished, except bed covering, can be had at about $2.00 per week. It is the policy of the Drake University and its departments, to keep all expenses within reach of those desiring to become scholars. Students of the Medical Department will have free access to literary societies, libraries and museums of the literary, law and commercial departments of the University, and the large city and State libraries. INFORMATION. Students, on arriving in the city, should leave their baggage at the depot, and call on the Dean, at No. 319, Walnut Street, which is but a few blocks from the depot, where they can obtain all necessary information. - 8 - TEXT BOOKS. Theory and Practice--Soudder, Potter, Bennett, Flint,
Jones & Sherwood, Hale, Aitkin. Medical Lexicon. Students are not expected to have all the books recommended, but in purchasing any of the above named books, preference will be given to the first named. |
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