News Tidbits

Graciously donated by Becke Dawson

Personal and Social



P.S. Gilmore, of the Cincinnati Southern, was in the city yesterday.

Hon. J.W. Lafferty of Oskaloosa, was in the city yesterday on business.

Dr. Smith, of Nevada, is visiting at the residence of Prof. and Mrs. Plummer.

Justice Eggleston was absent from his office yesterday and on the sick list.

Prof. McCord, of the Colfax schools, visited the East Side High Schools yesterday.

Hon. Thomas Teale, member-elect from Decatur County, was in the city yesterday.

Hon. W. M. Stone returned yesterday from an extended tour through the Eastern States.

Miss Jennie Jameson, of Cass County, is visiting with her cousin Miss Carrie Hoppe, on Pleasant Street.

Mrs. C. Canine has gone to spend the Sabbath with her mother, near Pella, and will remain until Monday.

Mr. George H. Maish went to Omaha yesterday to meet his wife who has been visiting in Colorado. They return to-day.

Mrs. L.C. Smith will receive a number of lady friends from 2 to 5 o'clock this afternoon at her home 845 West Third Street.

Mrs. T.M. Hendricks, of Decatur, Illinois, sister of R.G. and T.G. Orwig and mother of Mrs. E.W. Smith, is visiting her daughter on West Sixth Street.

The Monday Club will meet at the residence of S.B. Tuttle next Monday evening. The absence of J.C. Cummins from the city, depriving him of the pleasure of entertaining them.

The social held by the members of the English Lutheran Church at the residence of W.W. Witmer last evening was well attended and proved a success in every particular.

Miss Emmeline Hemenway, sister to ex-Senator Hemenway of Black Hawk, who has been visiting Mrs. McClenashan of Cottage Grove, left for Oakland, Col. Yesterday over the Rock Island.

A series of receptions are being given at the spacious residence of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Cook, on Pleasant Street. One of the series was given yesterday afternoon, and very largely attended.

Messrs. J.D. McCleary, Walter Richey, Ves. Barnes, C.P. Crosthwait, A.C. Bishop, H.A. McClure, of Indianola, were in the city yesterday negotiating for the transportation of a stock of goods to Buffalo Gap, Montana.

Invitations have been issued to the wedding of Mr. Henry Richmond and Miss Ella Redd, which is to take place at the residence of the groom's father next Thursday evening. Both parties are among the best known of Des Moines young colored people.

Mrs. J. K. Marsh, of Chicago, formerly of Des Moines, is in the city to spend the winter with her daughters, Mrs. A.G. Freeman and Miss Belle Marsh. Mrs. Marsh will be remembered as a resident of this city some ten years ago and has many friends who will welcome her back.

Freddie, little son of Geo. Carson, celebrated his eighth birthday on Thursday evening in a somewhat novel manner. A number of his little friends assembled at the residence on East Walnut and a mock-marriage was carried out to perfection during the evening, Master Freddie being the groom, and Miss Blanche Lewis the bride. Willie Wilson, dressed in clerical robes officiated, and after the ceremony Miss Georgie Carson played the wedding march. The little bride was elegantly arrayed, a real Spanish lace veil falling gracefully over her sweet form. The tableau was declared to be a beautiful picture of childish innocence. The groom after the ceremony declared as to his bride, "The young thing cannot leave her mammy, but she has promised to spend Sunday with me!"


John Anderson was taken in on the East Side yesterday, a very intoxicated individual.

A three-year-old child was held at the East Side police station for identification yesterday. It had a red, knit sack on.

John Edward Berrsford, an Englishman, who came to America 22 years ago, was naturalized by Judge Given yesterday morning.

The Ladies Unity Club met with Mrs. Dr. Hunter, on East Sixth Street, yesterday afternoon. Subject of discussion,"Hebrew Literature".

Willie B. Fleming, son of D.D. Fleming, was badly cut on the hand yesterday by a boy, who threw a piece of stove-pipe at him. Dr. Dickinson sewed up the cut and soothed the sufferer.

The work of renumbering the houses of the city is now nearly completed, and the new directory which has been held awaiting it will soon go to press. Mr. B.F. Arnold is now engaged to assist Mr. Bushnell in the work.

The Des Moines and Sevastopol Street Railway Company, at Sevastopol, are fixing up their offices and hall in excellent shape. It will be heated by steam so as to be safe from fire, and will be supplied with all the modern conveniences.

The meeting of the members of the West Side charitable societies which was held in the Y.M.C.A. rooms yesterday afternoon, was not well attended, and it was thought best to postpone further action until after Thanksgiving.

Ever since the State Fair was held, a little taffy candy stand has adorned the corner of Seventh and Walnut Streets. The owner left town and forgot to take it along, and yesterday the police had it hauled to the City Building, out of the way of travel.

The time at the Circuit Court yesterday was taken up with hearing divorce cases, there being two up for consideration. In both the Plaintiffs were men and both had scars to show why they should be separated from their wives. Both petitions were refused.

The members of the East Side High School visited their sister institution on the West Side yesterday. The best of feeling prevails between the members of the two schools, and this interchange of courtesies is producing a generous rivalry which cannot but be beneficial to both.

Union Sunday School Teachers' meeting at Y.M.C.A. rooms on Locust Street at 2 o'clock this afternoon. Prof. Dungan will conduct the study of the lesson, which is found is Second Kings, 18th Chapter and verses 1 to 12. The committee in charge is request to meet at 1:45.

The Algona Republican remarks: "A certain Des Moines daily sends its papers over the State since election wrapped in Republican tickets with the name of C.H. Gatch for Senator scratched and W.W. Witmer filled in. There seems to have been a good many tickets of that kind fixed up in excess of the demands of voters."

Some miserable miscreat during Thursday night hauled a load of the worst kind of rubbish, in a decayed state, to the alley back of Reigleman's and dumped it. The stench was so great that the ladies working there were unable to raise a window all day. It was removed at city expense and the authorities are looking for the guilty parties.

Walnut Township is to have a Sunday School convention to-morrow at Ashawa. Mr. S.W. Cole, of Colfax, is coming up to attend and make it interesting and profitable, as he always does the Sunday school meetings which he helps.

A rumor was current on the streets yesterday that ex-Policeman Edward Daugherty, who left here last spring and went to California, had been shot dead by some one who had sworn revenge against him for alleged mistreatment of his family, and has dogged his footsteps ever since. No substantiating fact could be obtained. Chief Hafner had heard the rumor but did not know anything about it.

George McCauley was arraigned before Squire McMartin yesterday, charged with resisting Health Officer Smith. It was shown that Smith was not a legally constituted officer of the peace at the time of making the arrest and the defendant was discharged. He did not know of the fate in store for him and so made a successful effort to escape while Constable Sampson was talking through a telephone. His frantic efforts at an escape after having been discharged caused no little merriment among the officers.

Superintendent Hiatt, of the East Side schools, Professor Frank E. Plummer, Principal, with the senior class numbering twenty-seven, of the High School, visited the West Side High School yesterday morning.

A running fight occurred yesterday after noon, between the East Side police and some rough characters. It commenced at the "Q" freight depot and kept up as far as the Northwestern depot. Officer Smith, of the East Side force, was overpowered before he could get help, and his "billy" taken from him, with which he was struck about the head. He, also, received several scratches on his face, and a deep cut on the fleshy part of his left hand at the base of the thumb. Depot Policeman Shandley, with Officers Nagle and Kelly made quick time with the patrol wagon to the scene of action and captured one man, the wagon following up the tracks of another of the rioters, who was also taken in to ride. The balance escaped, about three of them. The parties arrested gave their names as Tom Ryan and Delaney, and were locked up on charges of intoxication and resisting an officer.

The funeral of the late Comrade Emmert will take place Sunday afternoon at 1:30 from the family residence, 1302 East Des Moines Street. Members of Kinsman Post are requested to meet at the Post Hall, at 12:30 sharp, by order of Geo. H. Nichols, Commander. Joe Hooker, and Crocker Posts are cordially invited to be present.

The protracted meetings at the East Side Evangelical Church are nightly growing in interest and much good is being accomplished. Rev. S.W. Keplinger, the pastor, is conducting the meetings, and is ably assisted by others.


In the District Court yesterday the Ford family, charged with throwing bricks at the residence of Mrs. McDonough, were found not guilty and discharged. The next case called was that of the State vs. H.R. Robinson. Robinson is indicted for an assault upon Wm. Burnaugh with intent to kill. It will be remembered that he threw a large carving knife at Burnaugh cutting a deep gash in his head. Judge McHenry charged the jury at great length upon this case stating with much force and clearness the points they must consider before finding defendant guilty as charged. The case was tried last term and the jury disagreed. On this occasion the jury returned a verdict of guilty of assault with intent to commit manslaughter. The grand jury dismissed the follow cases and the court ordered the defendants' discharge: J.S. Brooks, charged with perjury; Nelson Woods, resisting an officer; John Franklin, larceny from the person of another; Charles Eastman, larceny. Indictments were found on two counts against Wm. Hatfield. Also Clarence Boyd for larceny from the person; George Overton for bigamy and Daniel Grossnickle for assault with intent to commit murder.

WANT ADS (with names of residents)

WANTED - A competent girl for general housework. Apply at 823 West Eighth Street. Mrs. Jas. Donohue

FOR RENT - My residence, No. 513 Fifth St., with or without the furniture; H.D. Thompson

FOR RENT - Three story and basement store room, corner of Second and Court Avenue; G.M. Hippee

FOR SALE - My residence, 920 Walnut; five years time given on part of purchase. W.M. Moore

PHYSICIAN, Margaret A. Cleaves, M.D., Office and residence , 1301 High Street, 9 to 12 a.m., 2 to 4 p.m.

DR. D.D. SKINNER - Office in Good's Block, Room No. 12, at head of west stairs, on Walnut Street. Office hours 1to 5 p.m. until further orders.

PRIVATE SCHOOL - Mrs. James an experienced teacher has opened a private school for children at her residence, 610 Fourth Street. A few more pupils can be received.

OCULIST - W.S. Simpson, M.D., 420 Walnut Street, Des Moines, Iowa, devotes his time to the treatment of eye and ear diseases.

DAY BOARD - First class accommodations for a limited number of table boarders, by the week only. JULIA A. WASSON, 592 Chestnut St.

SABIN HOUSE - Corner Fourth and Chestnut. Four blocks north Rock Island Depot. Strangers visiting the city will find this house convenient to business centers and first-class in every particular.

POLASKY, M.D. - EYE & EAR SPECIALIST - A permanent cure guaranteed for all chronic granualted eye lids, in from ten to thirty days. Treatment absolutely painless. No charges made until cured. Write for information. Office, 120 West Sixth Street, Des Moines, Iowa. P.O. Lock Box 73.



Mr. J.A. Colcord, of Huron, Dakota, is visiting with his brother-in-law, Governor Sherman.

Mrs. E.C. Shearer, for some time engaged in the State Library, has recently been united in marriage with Mr. Robert Norvin Williar, of Philadelphia, where the happy couple will in future reside. The marriage was solemnized at York, PA.

Hon. Robert Finkbine has returned from a business trip to Northwestern Iowa. He report having seen much corn, many fine hogs, but mostly scrub cattle, in Cherokee and Buena Vista counties. The country out there he describes as beautiful rolling land, and a prominent feature which struck the man of lumber most favorably was that many of the framers had fine groves of young trees varying from six to ten inches through, which had every evidence of thriftiness and strength. With the eye of an expert he contemplated these groves as among the future lumber yield that will become so necessary to coming generations. The farmers were plowing, gathering corn and cribbing the same, something almost unknown in this part of the country hitherto.

Mrs. Laura Berry in talking of her recent trip to Philidelphia states that there is still some hope for Dr. Turner and his street car line, as she found a slower road and less accommodation at Ashtabula, where she had to wait one hour and a half to catch a car.

The following applications for pardons will be referred from the Executive Department to the next General Assembly for action: William Slowery, of Clinton County, who was convicted of murder in the first degree and sentenced to the penitentiary for life at the March term of court, 1880. On the ground of his being not guilty; Annie Taylor, of Clinton County, similarly convicted and sentenced, on the ground of her being not guilty, and Fountain W. George, of Polk County, similarly convicted and sentenced on the ground that at the time of his committing the crime he was not of sound mind.


The county jail closed last night with 37 inmates and Jailer Parmenter constantly looking for additions.

Farmers report that cholera is playing sad havoc with the hogs in certain portions of the county, one man having lost 90 head within the past few days.

The time of the Circuit Court yesterday was taken up with hearing motions and disposing of probate business, both Judge Given and Judge Baylies presiding.

Mr. P.C. Kenyon has moved his business office one entrance East on Mulberry Street, the change securing to him an entrance on Fifth Street, as well as more room for the printing department.

The D.M. & F.D. "Cannon Ball" brought in the special car "Adalina Patti" containing Dr. R.C. Flower and a party of seven or eight tourists from Boston enroute to Pueblo, Col., via Denver. They will remain in the city till Monday night and leave by the C.B. & Q.

The social recently given by the ladies of Grace M.E. Church netted them $158, which will be quite a help toward seating their church. The first Sunday in December has been selected for holding dedicating services, which will be participated in by Bishop Ninde and Presiding Elder Webb.

Some sneak thief stole a cloak belonging to Miss Lea Sargeant, from the hallway of the First M.E. Church, Friday evening. This kind of thieving is becoming altogether too common, and some means will have to be provided to guard the property of visitors to such entertainments.

On yesterday Regan Brothers bought the lot just east of Skinner's Plow Works, on Sycamore Street, and will commence erecting the buildings for their Electric Light Works immediately. This will prove a valuable addition to the business interests of the city, and this enterprising firm deserves great credit for taking it in hand.

The excursion which leaves Council Bluffs for Los Angeles, California, next Wednesday will be in charge of Mr. Hoyt Sherman, Jr., of this city. It will contain a large number of Iowa people, and a lively time is anticipated. Mr. Sherman will return as soon as possible to complete arrangements for removing to Salt Lake City.

Mrs. Manis, who was sent to the Insane Hospital a few days since, left a little girl about 9 years of age, who has no home and will have to be sent to the poor house, unless some person can be found, willing to undertake her care. The neighbors have been kindly taking her in charge ever since, but none of them are so situated as to be able to continue the charge. She is an exceedingly bright little girl and would well repay the trouble of raising to a person who could undertake it.

Reading Circle No. 1 met at the Capital City Commercial College last night. Members present Mrs. Stuart, Mrs. Davis, Misses Nellie Nesbit, S.E. Nesbit, Jehetner, Huntington, Holland, Sanker and Bills; Mssrs. Sandholm, Chaney, Mathews, Davis and Mehan.

A bold theft was attempted yesterday afternoon on Walnut Street. An agriculturist had just purchased a roll of red flannel and a seal-skin cap at a store near Third, on Walnut, and with his bundle under his arm, emerged from the door and mingled with the "madding crowd". The would-be thief stole softly up and snatched the seal-skin and flannel in the twinkling of a star, and then he ran-it is the old story of "stop thief", gathering crowd, running policement, great excitement-and final capture. The most fleetfooted men on the police force, Deputy Marshal Zoernich and Capt. Bywater, ran the man down in an alley, running east and west on Second Street, near Christy's factory, and when arrested neither policeman nor prisoner could speak for a few minutes, for want of wind. He gave his name as John Franklin, and a charge of larceny from the person is entered against him.

A recent issue of the Keokuk Gate City contains the following mention of Captail I. W. Griffith in an article on "Old Sheriffs of Lee County". "Isaac W. Griffith, now of Des Moines, was Deputy Sheriff under Israel Anderson and had the loudest voice of any sheriff or deputy sheriff of Lee County. He was sergent in Co. K., 15 Reg. 2d U.S. Inft., in the Mexican war, lost his right arm near the shoulder in the charge on Cherubusco, Aug. 20, 1847. He learned to write with his left hand and has held some office about the courts as a bailiff or coroner ever since."

An observer writes to THE REGISTER; "This morning as I passed the residence of W.H. Sallada, corner of Ninth and Mary Avenue, I saw the flag floating at half-mast from the staff in his yard. I inquired the reason for this, when I was informed that he proposed to lower the flag to half-mast for every Union soldier that dies in this community, and keep it there until after the funeral. This is an example of devotion to our heroes."

Some burglars wanting beer broke into the ice house of Fred Harper Friday night, and obtained some of Ph.Best's barrels. The burglars were found guzzling the beer from the bung holes at the back of Scribner's Row early yesterday morning, and Harper says the barrels are his property. The beer he cannot identify.

The S.L. Miller grocery store on Walker Street, East Side, was robbed by unknown parties early yesterday morning and cigars, tobacco, sugar and other commodities taken to the amount of $35. Entrance was effected through the door by using a skeleton key. No clue to the thief.

John Walker was given three days for intoxication by Justice McCabe yesterday.

The Thanksgiving services to be given at the First M.E. Church next Thursday promise to be of more than ordinary interest. The sermon will be preached by Rev. George F. Henry, of the Lutheran Church and will be of a high order of excellence. The music will be made an especial feature of the service and has been given in charge of Mr. Frank Christianer who has secured the following singers:

Sopranos - Miss Susie Howell, Mrs. Shoemaker, Miss Carrie Bacon

Altos- Misses Mamie Vincent, Nellie Milligan, Edith Robinson

Tenors- Messrs. S.A. Stevenson, C.W. Menning, Frank Christianer

Bassos- Messrs. C.M. Keeler, W.E. Barrett, W.J. Risser


In the District Court, yesterday, Judge McHenry fined D. Faircloth $10 and cost, for assault on M. Harris, the East Side storekeeper. George Palmer was fined $20 and costs for assaulting Dr. DeWitt. George Overton plead guilty to bigamy and will be sentenced next Monday. Willis McDowell and William Hatfield were arraigned and plead not guilty; Clarence Boyd was arraigned, charged with larceny from the person; Daniel Grassnickle was arraigned for assault with intent to commit murder; William Foster was indicted for assault with intent to do great bodily injury, but failed to appear, and his bond was forfeited; Charles Gannon, under indictment for assaul with intent to commit murder, plead not guilty, as did the others arraigned. Gannon will be remembered as the lost Democratic mail clerk from Ft. Dodge, who was arrested for assaulting old Mr. Spellman. The grand jury returned three indictments, two of which are included with the above. The week just passed has been a busy one in this court, and a long list of cases have been disposed of.

A jolly crowd of East Side pleasure seekers excursioned to Drake University yesterday. The following composed the party:

Misses Nellie Ritner, Adelaide Lloyd, Marie Chambers, Mattie Smith, Grace Cooley, Mattie Mizelle, Alice Bowny, Mary F. Scholes, Sybyl Jeffries, Mary Comstock, Ella V. Johnson, Annie Rockey, Minnie McCall, Amanda Morey; Mrs. Flora F. Plummer, Mrs. Mable Goodman, Mrs. Mary J. Homan, and Mssrs. Amos Hiatt, Frank E. Plummer, A.W. Clancy, J.M. Mehan, J.A. Hornberger and F. Keigley.


Mr. L. Perkins, of this city, is in Burlington.

Judge J. C. Luse, of Iowa City, is visiting in Des Moines.

Major A. W. Clancey returned yesterday from a visit in Chicago.

Mr. A. B. Atwater, of Warsaw, Wisconsin, is visiting Des Moines friends.

Mr. L. J. Wells returned yesterday from a visit to Keokuk and other rivertowns.

W. P. Campbell, Assistant Superintendent of the 6th Division, R. M. S.Chicago, is in the city.

Mrs. Dr. Milne, of Oswego, New York, is visiting in the city with Colonel Godfrey and family.

Miss Elizabeth Palmer, of Winterset, is visiting in the city, the guest of the Misses George.

Mr. George C. Plummer, of Peoria, Ill., is visiting with his brother, Prof. Frank Plummer and wife.

Reports from Mr. Will Merritt indicate that he is rapidly improving and will be home for Thanksgiving dinner.

Colonel Jesse Cheek went to Davenport yesterday to consult with Collector Thompson. He will return Monday.

Miss Grace Thompson, formerly of Des Moines now of Columbus, Ohio, is in the city visiting Miss Carrie Shankland.

The reception given yesterday afternoon by Mrs. L.S. Smith was attended by a large number of her lady friends, and proved a most enjoyable affair.

The funeral of Mrs. Mary Brown will take place from the family residence, 917 Sycamore Street, at 2 p.m. today. Friends of the family invited to attend.

Miss Mary Haskins, who has been spending the summer with relatives and friends in Colorado, returned home yesterday, greatly benefited by the visit.

Mrs. Nellie G. Peabody and children, recently of Jonesville, Michigan, arrived in the city yesterday and will remain several days, the guests of Mrs. R.P. Clarkson.

SABIN HOUSE ARRIVALS; J.M. Norron, Chicago; H. Kleine, Chicago; Harry Taylor, Ruthven; M. Stalker, Ames; G.W. Blackiston, Geneseo, Ill.; Wm. B. Cavell, Reasnor, Iowa; F.J. Mead, Jefferson, Mo.

The friends of Mrs. A.C. Landis will be pleased to learn that she has returned to her home in this city. During her absence of six months she has visited friends and relatives in Boston and other Eastern cities.

Mr. E. Ayres and Mrs. Struble, of Chicago, father and sister of Mrs. F.M. Stover, have returned home very much pleased with Des Moines, and Miss Emma Southworth, of Kalamazoo, Mich., a friend, will remain a part of the winter a guest of Mrs. Stover.

The following item from the court news in a recent issue of the St. Louis Republican is of a well known Des Moines man: "Henry C. Stuart vs. Missouri Pacific Railway Company; petition for damages filed, injury to passenger on September 7, 1885, by breaking of bridge 83, between Kansas City and Omaha; amount claimed, $10,000." 

Mr. Millard Cox, traveling from Nebraska toward his old home in Davis County, stopped off to visit his brother, J.H. Cox, of the State House force, yesterday. He went West with a light heart and strong arms, a short time since, taking his young wife with him, intending to found a home for himself in the newer country, but death stepped in and robbed him of his wife and child, and he returns to his father's home a sadly stricken man.

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