1866 City Directory

Source: Des Moines City Directory and Business Guide for the year 1866-67; Des Moines, Iowa; Mills & Co., Stram Printing House, 46 Court Ave.; 1866

Note: This book was written in a different age (1866), and may not be politically or morally correct by today's standards. No insult has been intended by the transcriber. Transcribed by Ralph Leonard III.

Av- Avenue, Ct- court, lab-laborer, nr-near, e s - east side, n - north, s - south, e - east, w- west, s s - south side, wid - widow, cor - corner, s f - second floor, h - house, res - residence, bds - boards, bet - between, bel - below, ab - above, clk - clerk, blk - block, fr - from, w s - west side, t f - third floor

A-B   C   D   E-F   G   H   I-J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q-R   S   T   U-V   W-X-Y-Z   Add's/Corr'tns


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Daley Wm., clerk, (Coskery & Tannahill,) h 9th Bet River and Mill
Danielson Daniel, laborer, bds Wm. Farrah

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Daniel Keyser, laborer, h 3d nr Court Avenue
Dart W. T., (Street, Mitchell & Dart,) h Cherry bet 8th and 9th
Daugherty John, brick maker, h 6th nr city limits
Davidson Wm., carpenter, Des Moines bet Dean and Bates e s
DAVIS A. B. C., Uriscopian Doctor, and Druggist, cor 2d and Market
DAVIS & DENNIS, (J. W. Davis & L. W. Dennis,) Grocers, 97 Third
DAVIS J. A., Merchant, 2d, res 7th nr Brewery
Davis M. L., clothing, Ct Avenue, h High bet 8th and 9th
Davis & Scott, painters, (E. C. D., W. S.,) 4th bet Court Avenue and Walnut
Davis Edward C., ( Davis & Scott) h cor River and 6th
Davis A. S., toll-bridge collector, cor 1st and Elm
Davis J. M., clerk, Court Avenue, bet 11th and 12th e s
Davis Milton R., carpenter, bds Mr. Lafferty
Davis Capt. Jas. W., (Davis & Dennis,) h cor Locust and 5th
Davis J. D., carpenter, cor 7th and Walnut, h same
Davis Henry C., res J. D. Davis
Davis Theo. F., carpenter, res J. D. Davis
Davis John S., tinner, res J. D. Davis
Davis J. W., druggist, bds Jas. Hepburn
Davis D. B., insurance agent, h Keokuk bet Pennsylvania Avenue and 9th e s
Davis Joseph, (colored) laborer, Des Moines bet 14th and 15th e s
Day Austin, clerk, bds J. G. Shaefer
Day John, laborer, h Center bet 8th and 9th
Day Josephus, laborer, Walker bet 13th and 14th e s
Day J. A., dairyman, Walker bet 13th and 14th e s
Day Willis, teamster, bds Walnut bet 7th and 8th
Dee Matthew, laborer, h 2d bet Elm and Market
Dedman W R, wagon-maker, cor Williamson and Hickory e s
DEFORD WM., Blacksmith, (Woodbury & Deford,) 3d bet Vine and Court Avenue, h cor Market and 4th
Deford Franklin, wagon maker, res Wm. Deford
Dell Joseph, coal miner, cor Keokuk and 9th e s
Demler, Charles, saddler, 1st bet Elm and Raccoon e s
Dennis A, 1st bet Court Avenue and Vine e s

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Dennis L. W., (Davis & Dennis), h cor 4th and South
Depew Erasmus, clerk, h cor Vine and 4th
Depew Jas., (Depew & Henry,) Court Avenue bet 7th and 8th e s
Depew J. B., laborer, bds Court Ave bet 7th and 8th e s
DEPEW & HENRY (Jas. Depew, J. M. Henry), hominy mill and feed store, 5th bet Ct Av and Walnut e s
Deselmes W. B., cloth finisher, boards 1st bet Walnut and Locust e s
Des Moines Gas Works, cor 2d and elm
DES MOINES IRON WORKS, Walnut bet 1st and 2d e s
Des Moines Lodge No. 133, I. O. of G. T. Meet every Saturday evening, Locust bet 4th and 5th Jones Block
Des Moines Manufacturing Co., brick works, corner Cedar and Des Moines, e s
Detter H. R., farmer, cor Court Avenue and 12th e s
Devault James C., plasterer, res Noah Devault
Devault Noah, farmer, h cor Sycamore and 11th
Devine Nicholas, lab, Bates bet Des Moines and Lyon e s
DeVotz Duwane, laborer, cor Keokuk and Hickory e s
Dewey J. N, land agent, Walnut h 7th nr Center
Dexter Wm. P., turner, h e s Cemetery
Diamond Chas., harness maker, with T. G. Smith, res nr Central House
Dickerson John A., deputy sheriff, h 6th nr River
DICKERSON M. S., Insurance Agent, 41 Walnuts f , h cor 8th and Locust
Dickey Hugh , h cor 5th and Center
Diskey Joseph, stage driver, bds city Hotel
Dickinson Dr. W. H., 41 Court Avenue, h Locust bet 7th and 8th
DICKINSON PHIL., Jeweler, 66 Walnut bet 3d and 4th , h n 7th
Dickson J. W., lawyer, h cor Des Moines and Keosauqua e s
Dicks A. F., (Jesse S. & A. F. Dicks,) h cor Vine and Front
Dicks Jessie S., (J. S. & A. F. Dicks), h cor Vine and Front
Dicks J. S. & A. F., stoves and hardware, 81 Second
Dieckman Charles F., res 2d bet Vine and Market

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Dieckman F. W., grocer, cor 2d and Vine, h cor 7th and Vine
Dilley R. A., blacksmith, boards Market bet 1st and 2d
Dillon Franklin, plasterer, Hickory bet Fremont and Buchanan e s
Dippert Albert, harness maker, res 40 Second
Dippert Robert, painter, res 40 Second
Dippert Wm., jun harness maker, res 40 Second
Dippert Wm., sen., saddle and harness maker, 40 Second
Dixon J. M., local editor State Register, h Exchange Block t f
Dixon J. W., attorney at law, 3d nr Court Avenue s f
Dodge Amos, drayman, bds Michael Kennedy
Dodson Fred., porter, Savery House
Dodson John, (Russ & Dodson,) bds David Russ s Coon
Donahoe Charles, laborer, h 8th nr Day
Donahoe Henry, tinner, bds 4th nr River
Donahue Bartlay, butcher, bds City Hotel
Done Elijah, carpenter, bds corner 7th and Locust e s
Donevan Jeremiah, well digger, h cor 13th and Mulberry
Dooley John, laborer, h 9th bet River and Mill
DOOLITTLE J. O., Grocer, cor 2d and Vine
Doran J. B., street sprinkler, h cor 5th and Market
Doran J. C., engineer, h cor 5th and Market
Doran Rufus, cabinet maker, h cor 5th and Market
Dorr Joseph M., (Dorr & Barcroft,) h 9th bet Walnut and Locust
Dorr J. W., carpenter, Sycamore nr 13th
DORR & BARCROFT, Attorneys, ( J. M. Dorr and J. R. Barcroft,) Exchange Blk s f , Walnut
Dorsey James, laborer, h 7th bet Market and Vine
Doty Milo L., tannery, h 2d one door s American House
Doty Nathan, retired, bds George A. Childs
DOTY R. C., Secretary, Iowa Central Insurance Company, h 6th nr 10th
Douglas J. R., cler. bds City Hotel
Dowd G. N., teacher, bds Wm. Voorhies
DOWLING N. H., (Howard & Dowling) cor 2d and Market
Downing Wm., bds corner 12th and Locust e s
Dozier D. J., clerk, bds n 7th
Drady Michael, carpenter, h cor 5th and Market

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Drady Patrick, retired, res Michael Drady
Drake Barney, clerk, (Shaw & Curley,) h 4th nr Sycamore
Drake Ed., hostler, bds City Hotel
DRAKE GEO. A., Millinery, 3d bet Court Avenue and Walnut, bds Mrs. McCain
Drake Joseph, brick mason, res J. P. Peters
Drennen Henry, laborer, Lyon bet Dean and Bates e s
Drennon James, clerk, bds union house
Drennon John E., laborer, h 1st bet Market and Coon
Drewey Samuel, blacksmith, h Vine cor 7th
Driskell Timothy, retired, h Market bet 3d and 4th
Drumont V., spinner, bds Court Avenue bet 5th and 6th e s
Duckett Jacob, laborer, h 6th s s Coon nr city limits
Duffey Mrs. Mary, dress maker, 100 Third
Duff John; butcher, 107 Walnut
DUNKLE A. J., Merchant, 33 Court Ave, h cor 11th and Mulberry
Dunlap Worthington, Insurance Agent, h Pleasant nr 11th
Dunnehew B., teamster, Keokuk, bet Dean and Bates e s
Dunnehew Jas., labor, Market bet 7th and 8th
Dunning Wm. A., clerk, bds cor 7th and Mulberry
Dyer J. B., grocer, cor Court Avenue and 2d e s
Dyer John, blacksmith, h 9th nr city limits
Dykeman J. H., (S Arnold & Co.) h 6th bet Center and River

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