FERREE, J. M. — General agent for the Domestic sewing machines. Was born April 2, 1846, in Wabash county, Indiana, where he resided un til he entered the army in 1863, when he enlisted in the One Hundred and Thirtieth Indiana infantry, and served until the close of the war. After being discharged in December, 1865, he returned to Indiana, where he re mained until 1872, when he came to Des Moines and for the past six years has been engaged in his present business. In March, 1880, he was elected for a term of two years to represent the Fifth ward in the city council. Was united in marriage to Miss Mary Pollock in 1868. They have, by this union, one child, Roy E.
Source: "The History of Polk County, Iowa" published by the Union Historical Company, Birdsall, Williams & Co. 1880, pp. 801-802.
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