Notes from researcher, Linda Ziemann--research done in Sept. 2011
-WHO might be the mother to the child, Betty? **SEE BELOW ...MYSTERY SOLVED
FACTS FROM THE LETTER that was mailed to then Postmaster James E. Kelley in 1933:
-Girl named Betty was left mother-less when her mother, the supposed Ann Simmons, died in 1918.
-The writer of the letter said she was raising the girl, Betty, who was her brother’s daughter and the daughter of Ann Simmons.
-The brother of the letter writer was Harry Simmons.
-The supposed mother died in 1918 and her maiden name was not known.
-Ann Simmons told the writer of the letter years earlier that her father was at one time the postmaster in LeMars.
-The letter that was written seems to lend to the idea that Betty was a young child in 1918 at the time of her mother's death.
-The Postmaster of LeMars for several years (1915-into the 1920s) was James E. Kelley.
-The 1937 News item tells of the visitors from CALIF and the older woman with Betty has a different name than she did when the letter was written in 1933. In four years time a woman could have a name change, because of another marriage. And she moved from Dallas to California. Her name change could have happened that way without any problem.
-Search results for Harry Simmons found him age 27, with his wife Ann A. Simmons (age 21) and their daughter, Alice Ann age 2 in the 1920 Census, St. Paul, Minnesota. Harry was working at that time as a type operator, Ad Printing.
The date of enumeration of this Census page was January 8, 1920.

Further Investigation from a "Viewer"--research done in Sept. 2016/MYSTERY Unraveling .......
As I read the letter sent to James E Kelly, Postmaster in 1933, I'm inclined to think research has been led astray by the fact that he was postmaster at the time. I find that reports the birth of Betty A. Simmons on 18 December 1917 to one Harry Simmons and his wife, the former Alice Ann Reese. The birth is recorded as having taken place in Le Mars, Plymouth, Iowa, United States. Betty would have been approaching 16 years of age at the time of the letter, so one could well imagine her interest in finding her grandparents.
Memorial Cemetery, Le Mars, for one Alice Ann Simmons, born in 1898 and deceased 20 Jan 1920. The decedent may well have been the mother of the child; her death accounting for Betty having been cared for by her aunt. The LeMars Sentinel newspaper (January 23, 1920) does carry an obituary for the deceased, Mrs. H. M. Simmons—however, the content of the obituary is quite illegible on the old microfilm.
Further comments on Betty Simmons: The cemetery record indicates Alice Ann, whom I suppose to be her mother, was born as a Rees in May, 1898. The 1900 census of Elgin township conducted in June, 1900, listing the family of Edward J and Sarah A "Rees", and including one Alice Ann Rees age 2. Both Edward J Rees and Sarah A Rees appear to have been buried in Memorial Cemetery, Le Mars, also.
None of this accomplishes anything for Betty's benefit at this time, but the mystery of her maternal ancestry may have been solved. ~R. Stahlberg, Waverly, Iowa

-A delayed Birth Certificate done in 1942 for Betty A. Simmons gives the following detail:
-Name: Betty A. Rees (Note: the 1920 Census listed her middle initial as E.)
-Born: LeMars, Iowa
-Date of Birth: Dec. 18, 1917
-Attending Physician: J. L. Reeves, MD, LeMars, Iowa
-Father: Harry M. Simmons, born in Missouri; age at time of birth, 28 yrs. Occupation: Linotype operator.
-Mother: Alice Ann Reese (sic Rees), born in Iowa; age at time of birth, 20 yrs.
-Number in order of birth: 2nd
-Legitimate: Yes
-Informant: "I am the grandmother of the said Betty A. Simmons and have personal knowledge of her birth on Dec. 18, 1917." Signed by: Sarah Alice Rees, grandmother

Research Observation -- Apparently the "letter" written in 1933 & the visits of young Betty & her aunt to Iowa paid off. Betty apparently was given knowledge about her birth family, since her maternal grandmother signed for Betty's delayed birth certificate in LeMars, Iowa, in 1942.
Betty's birth mother was Alice Ann Simmons who was born May 3, 1898 in Iowa. She died in St. Paul MN on January 20, 1920. She was brought to LeMars, Iowa for burial in LeMars City Cemetery, Block 11. Today she is buried there with her parents nearby. Her father was Edward John Rees (1870-1940). Her mother was Sarah Alice Rees (nee' Barrett.)
NOTE (see the orig letter from Betty's aunt): Betty's aunt said she was told that Betty's father was at one time Postmaster in LeMars, IA. That was not the case but as it--turns out he was a Rural mail carrier in LeMars, Plymouth County for over 15 years.
The death of Betty's mother happened in St. Paul. This is a portion of the obituary found regarding Mrs. Alice Ann Simmons. The last paragrah of her obituary is not readable (due to blurred microfilm.)
LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel
Friday, January 23, 1920
Mrs. H. M. Simmons, a former LeMars resident, died at her home in St. Paul, Minn., on Tuesday, January 20, after a brief illness of pleuro-pneumonia, following an attack of influenza. The remains were brought here for burial and the funeral will be held this afternoon at half past two at the home, Rev. W. Torbet, officiating. The funeral will be strictly private.
Annie May Rees was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Rees, of this county. She was born on a farm near -----, May 3, 1898. Her parents moved to town when she was young and Annie grew up here and experienced her education here in the LeMars schools. She was united in marriage on April 4, 1915, with H. M. Simmons. She leaves besides her husband, a little daughter, Betty, aged 3 years, her parents Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Rees, five sisters and -- brothers, who are ………….(blurred microfilm.)
