~Photos and information submitted by family researcher, Beverly Fry
John Oliver "Ollie" was born at Benton, Wisconsin. He moved with his family to Iowa when he was four years old. He married Bertha Alice Cliff on December 18, 1907, in LeMars, Iowa. They resided with his parents approximately 1 - 1 1/2 years until they moved to a farm in Elkhorn Twp, (section 9), Kingsley. They remained there until their retirment to Sioux City in 1944. Funeral services for both were held in the Kingsley Methodist Church with burials in the Kingsley Cemetery.
Ollie & Bertha Pratt Family, circa 1925 Kenny, Gladys, Merlin & Lester Bertha & Ollie (Picture taken before the birth of Thelma) Children of Ollie & Bertha Pratt