LeMars Sentinel News Articles, beginning year 1919
Contributed by Linda Ziemann |
LeMars Sentinel
February 4, 1919
Harry J. Walsh, a Stanton Township Boy, Writes Interestingly of How He Got
His and of Lying in Mud at Zero Hour.
Harry J. Walsh, Co. A., 321 M.G. Bn., a LeMars boy, now convalescing from a
compound fracture of his leg in a hospital at Fort Des Moines, writes his
brother the following vivid description of how he got his:
"We landed at Liverpool, England, May 1st, and with the exception of the sub
scares, had a rather lame crossing. From there we went to Southampton for
rest but the boys didn't get much rest as the English ladies were much taken
up with the American lads. Our next stop was Winchester and then across the
Channel to Le Havre, France. We spent about a month with the English, but
they had to put guards between us and the "Tommies" as there was "fighting"
all the time. Then we hiked across country to Toul and it was some hike.
Here volunteers were called for to drive munition trucks and "yours truly"
put in his name. (I used to dodge squirrels in a 4d at home!) About a dozen
volunteered and two got the job. This truck job, take it from me, running in
spurts between the H. E.'s and the A. P. bombs was no snap and many a truck
we dragged in all busted and the driver tied up in a blanket-"Gone West" as
the English say. Well, about two months of this and I was tickled to receive
order to report to my machine gun pals. They were in the front line but a
tame part of the front. We only lost three men here, killed by shrapnel, so
thought it was a joke.
We were then ordered to hike for the St. Mihiel for real over-the-top stuff.
We hiked a night as usual, and mud, oceans of it, and it rained all the
time. Word went around September 12th was to be the day, so we were brought
up and lay all night in shell holes doubled up in our rain coats but sleep
was out of the question. Shrapnel was bursting all around while flares made
the night like day. I am sure the Germans expected us to go over. There we
lay in that damnable mud with the zero hour approaching. We were to go over
at 4:30. A fellow had strange thoughts, he said a few prayers, thought of
his mother, and all you kids passed before my mind. There was little or no
talking. Minutes were hours and hours dragged into days. About midnight 250
of our guns opened and Fritz came right back, and the big gun duet was on
the like of which I guess the world has seldom seen. At 4:30 the word was
passed, it was: "Boys, go over into those hills and get them," and with a
wild whoop like Indians the doughboys went. The Dutch sure can fight and
talk about the noise, and smoke and dust. Many of the boys I knew called my
name for help as they fell, but no stops until we reached our objectives
were the orders. But we didn't stop even there but plunged on and the noche
seeing the jig was up scattered like sheep and the little valleys between
the hills were full of running men. Everywhere on the ground were Germans
and Americans and the cries of the wounded was what I could hardly stand. We
were now in the German trenches and they shelled something fierce but we
were there to stay and routed all attacks to drive us out.
We went over again that Sunday following, one o'clock in the afternoon and
drove the Huns off the next range of hills, so that is how I spent my
Sundays in France. There wasn't much left now of our division so we were
relieved by the French and went back near Nancy for two weeks rest.
We all tried to get passes for Nancy but nothing doing. So one night about
fifty were A.W.O.L. Two never came back and we never heard what happened to
them. Our division was now filled up again and we left in French motor
trucks, the latter part of September for the Verdun front. We stopped in
some woods and about twelve at night started for the "red lines." Shells
were dropping all around and one got four men and the mule of the outfit
just ahead of me. There was one continual line of stretcher bearers passing
from the front and we understood the great drive into the Argonne forest was
on and were to support the doughboys. Into this inferno, we drove after the
retreating boche. It rained continually and was bitter cold at night. All I
had to eat for three days was six hard tacks and we drank water out of the
shell holes. It seemed every other Jerry was a machine gunner and let me say
it was hell to face that fire. Crawling through the mud like a snake, then
dashing through a wood, over the hills and through the valleys we chased
them. "Kamerad, kamerad" was heard on all sides, but at times it came too
late. Prisoners, we sure got them.
Now comes the night I will never forget. It was getting dark and some of the
guys were detailed to take the G. P.'s back. A job we all hated-we would
sooner empty a clip into them.
A young kid and I set our machine guns back of a willow hedge and empted a
clip at any sound. They were dropping big G. I. cans all around, and at each
buzz we would throw ourselves flat and get a shower of dirt. I will never
forget that willow hedge-it seemed to protect us. Remember at home we would
always rush for a willow hedge in a storm, and here I was with the same old
thought in my mind. As we both lay flat back of that old M.G. right after a
close one, I wiggled over to my buddy-" Getting closer old boy, looks like
you or me pretty soon." Just then we heard another buzzing. They say you
never hear the shell that gets you but we both heard that one. It landed
with a thud right in front of the gun and sure gave us a ride on the rods.
They boys said the other kid never lived to tell about it and he was such a
young fellow. I came to on the other side of the hedge and started hollering
for the first aid. I lay there for six hours nearly froze and it was raining
all the time. At last some of the fellows from my squad found me and carried
me in a blanket to a first aid station. They had some job as I am not very
light and that seemed to amuse me. There I found fifteen ahead of me and
from the arms and legs laying around thought mine was next. Oh, boy, when
the doc said he could save it. When I came from under the ether, I was
between WHITE SHEETS and I at once felt for my leg AND IT WAS THERE, in
splints with a lot of weights hanging over the foot of the bed. Every once
in a while they would come along and measure my leg, and if it wasn't long
enough to suit them, hang on another rock.
Awful pains developed in my chest and they couldn't keep me warm although
they piled six blankets on me. So the "chest bullie" was called in and said,
"Young man, your right lung is badly infected with pleurisy." So they tied
me all up with that sticky tape and started giving me "see-see pills,"-the
army cure for anything from a broken leg to a case of homesickness.
I had a pretty tough time but could not see I was meant to "push up daisies"
in France. After two transfers I finally landed in St. Dizier aboard a "fog
train"-such a ride strung up on a stretcher. A few weeks later we were told
the war was over and were were to go to the coast, and then to Heaven or the
LeMars Sentinel, February 18, 1919
Marcus News: Dr. M. F. Joynt, lieutenant in the medical branch of the army,
has received his honorable discharge from service at Ft. Caswell, N.C., and
is now in New York. Dr. Joynt is expected to return to Marcus to resume his
practice next week.
Carl is the First of Quartette to Return and Says Now the War is Over
Doughboys Are Anxious to Come Home Again.
Carl Lorenzen was honorably discharged from the army at Camp Dodge last week
and returned home Saturday. Carl was one of the old Co. K boys and after
nearly a years at Camp Cody with the Thirty-fourth division went overseas
last August as an officers’ orderly, in which capacity he continued in the
service in France until transferred to a casual company for return home. He
arrived in New York a couple weeks ago on the steamship Adriatic, which had
passengers, Eddie Rickenbacker, the aviator, and other notables and says the
Adriatic was tendered a great reception.
Mr. Lorenzen was in France about six months, but was at no time under fire
although he made several trips to the fighting zone. He had exceptional
opportunity to see France and
England and comes home more than ever a booster for good old U.S.A.
The Lorenzen family is probably the only one in this community that had four
brothers in France and Carl is the first to reach home. Henry Lorenzen, who
went over with the Thirty-third division, saw much hard fighting, was
wounded and is now with the army of occupation in Luxemburg. George Lorenzen
is with the Eighty-third division and Tom, the younger of the four, went
overseas with the Eighty-eighth from Camp Dodge. Carl did not see any of his
brothers while in France but did meet Louis Herron, Tom Colledge and several
other local boys.
He thinks every many overseas will be delighted when orders to move for home
are received as he says it rains almost continuously in that country and now
that the war is over the boys are anxious to get back to peace pursuits and
a better country to live in.
LeMars Sentinel, March 21, 1919
Young Man is Stricken With Attack of Pneumonia Which Proved Fatal—He Was a
Resident of Preston Township All His Life
A telegram was received on Thursday by the Hillrichs family residing in
Preston township bringing belated news of the death of Rinehart E.
Hillrichs, a son of Henry Hillrichs, who died in France on December 5, 1918,
of pneumonia.
It was the first information Mr. Hillrichs had received concerning his son
since last November and the news of his death was a severe blow to the
afflicted relatives.
The family for months had been anxiously looking for a letter from the son
in France. At the news of the armistice day they had rejoiced and were happy
in the thought that the young man was well and would soon be reunited with
is family. Their joy was turned into the deepest sorrow when the message
conveying the sad news of his death without any premonitory warning or any
word of illness was suddenly thrust upon them.
Rinehart E. Hillrichs was the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hillrichs and
was born at Athens, Ill., on April 27, 1893, and was twenty-six years of age
lacking a few months. When he was a baby of eighteen months old, his parents
came to Plymouth County and the family has resided here ever since.
Rinehard had always lived at home on the farm until he reported for service.
He attended the country schools where he received his education and assisted
his father in the work of the farm. He was called into service last July
and left with a contingent of Plymouth County men for Camp Gordon. He was
assigned to Company 31, 157th depot brigade, and after remaining at Camp
Gordon for several weeks he was transferred to Camp Merritt from where he
was sent overseas. His parents received several letters from him after his
arrival overseas. In November letters ceased in coming.
His early death is mourned by his parents, six brothers, and three sisters.
They are Mrs. Will Barinsky of Johnson township, Henry, John, Emma, Fred,
Minna, Bernhard, Harry and Edwin. His death has brought the bitter cup of
sorrow to the lips of his many relatives and friends. In the truest sense
of the words, he was manly, kind, loving, and true. He was a quiet and
unassuming young man of splendid qualities and was very popular among the
young people of the community. His friends were numbered by his
acquaintances. Though it was not his lot to die on the field of battle his
life given in full service to his country. To the broken hearted parents
and his sorrowing brothers and sisters is extended the sympathy of all who
knew and loved him.
~NOTE ABOUT SPELLING: The name Rinehart or Rinehard Hillrich was spelled
both ways in this article about his death. The transcriber is not sure which
spelling is correct.
LeMars Sentinel
April 25, 1919
Leonard Dunn comes Home in Hospital Ship This Week
Leonard Dunn, one of the LeMars boys who has been in an army hospital in
France for months, was brought home in a hospital ship a few days ago
and we copy below two letters his father, J.W. Dunn, received from him
this week:
“Just a few lines to let you know that I will be in the states by the
time you receive this letter. I am on the U. S. ship Mercy , a hospital
boat, which is fitted up fine for taking care of the wounded and sick.
We are a couple of days out and I was sea sick but am all right now and
feeling fine. We left St. Nazaire, France, April 6, and expect to be in
New York the 17th, at the rate we are going now. We are taking a
somewhat southern route to avoid the rougher seas they say. The first
few days we thought we were in the northern seas, but now we are going
real smoothly, at times a fellow would hardly think that he was aboard a
I have a bed with nice sides on to keep a fellow from rolling out on the
deck. The first look at these beds made me think of some cradle beds I
have seen for babies. This room has just fellows in it that cannot get
up at all and we are having a great time today. Most of us are feeling
better I guess it was because they fed us chicken for dinner, which is
something unusual for a soldier. We have good grub, some of which we
hated to part with at first but now manage to hang on to.
We have a Victrola in this room which we have going most of the time, if
we can get anyone to play it for us. I will write again just as soon as
I get in a hospital in New York, so that you can write to me. We don't
know just how soon they will send us to a hospital near our homes but
expect they will do so as soon as they can.”
U. S. Debarkation Hospital, N. Y.
“Just think I am in God's country again for a change. It sure makes a
fellow feel good. I just had a good bath after getting off the boat.
It was after dinner when I was unloaded although we got into the dock
early in the morning. I saw the Statue of Liberty this time. It sure
looked good. Going over we sailed from Boston so I did not get to see
it, so this morning I had one of the fellows carry me to the port hole
so I could get a good look at her so I could say I had seen her anyway.
Yesterday there was thick fog all day and we very nearly collided with a
couple of boats much to our discomfort; but we finally got in fine
The Grand Central Palace, U. S. A. Debarkation hospital sure is a grand
palace just as the name indicates. I have a bed next to a window
looking out onto the avenue where there is a lot of stuff on display for
the Victory loan. From what I have heard so far I will be here at least
a week or ten days, so if you write soon I will get it before I leave
and I am anxious to hear from you all......"
[the text runs off the bottom of the page here…..]
LeMars Sentinel
May 2, 1919
Community to Give Plymouth County Boys a Royal Welcome if Arrangements
Cane Be Made.-Arrival Uncertain.
The latest reports from the men of the 168th Infantry who returned from
overseas service with the Rainbow Division last week and landed in New
York City last Friday is that it may be May 7 or 8 before they can start
for Camp Dodge where they are to be mustered out. As a consequence
plans for home coming celebrations in the towns represented in the 168th
are being held up pending more definite information. The success of
such plans also depends considerably upon the ability of the men from
each community to get discharged the same day, as it is difficult to get
a man who has been away from home two years facing death and hardships
to delay a moment his return home after he gets his discharge.
The official list of men who arrived on the Leviathan includes the
following named:
Hugh G. Norris, Struble
Anthony Ney, Akron
Floyd Harvey, Pierson
Wylie Satterlee, Ireton
Roy Harvey, sergeant, Pierson
Cecil A Clarke, LeMars
Linfred S. Tweedy, Ireton
Clarence L. Bristow, Merrill
Sylvester M. Fideler, Remsen
Frank D. Neunaber, Akron
Charles E. Ewin, corporal, Seney
Charles P. Hammer, Kingsley
Ben Thellen, mechanician, LeMars
Carl F. Grothaus, Remsen
Edward H. Schafer, Akron
Albert L. Sawyer, Ireton
Theo. R. Strouse, LeMars
Wm. H. Dramie, Kingsley
Frank Edwards, LeMars
The three Ireton boys names are included because they went from this
county when Co. K was divided and half its men attached to the 168th
Infantry. A few Plymouth County boys who went with the Sioux City
companies are not included in the list because they gave Sioux City
addresses and are named in the list as Sioux City men.
No local plans for welcoming this particular contingent have been made,
but if arrangements can be effected to have them come home in a body
from Camp Dodge the community will give a royal welcome. If they cannot
arrange to all be discharged the same day, they will be included in the
big home doming July 10 for all the Plymouth county men who saw service
during the Army and Navy during the war.
Plans Are Being Made to do Honor to the Soldier and Sailors of Plymouth
County Who Have Returned From Battle Fields
Homecoming day for the returned soldiers and sailors of Plymouth county
will be celebrated in LeMars Thursday, July 10, instead of July 4, as
originally planned. This decision was arrived at the fore part of the
week and a telegram was sent to the Redpath-Vawter Chautauqua
Association, which will furnish most of the talent for the occasion, by
President W.R. Winders of the Commercial club, in which he assured them
that the Homecoming committee would co-operate with them in making July
10, 1919, the greatest day in the history of LeMars.
It would impossible for the local committees to arrange such high grade
entertainment as will be brought to this city for this occasion.
Efforts have been made by the speakership committee to secure a speaker
for the celebration July Fourth but their efforts were unavailing.
Other committees were busy endeavoring to secure talent but could not do
so. The committees were discouraged when T.F. Graham, specials
representative of the Chautauqua association, dropped into town and
showed to a committee called for the occasion, consisting of R.B.
Dalton, chairman of the Homecoming committee, C.C. Woodke, of the local
Chautauqua association, J.C. Gillespie, Frank Rothschild, S.T. Nevein,
Fr. P.P. Lucke, W.R. Winders and other, the program the Chautauqua were
going to put on in LeMars, July 10. It was such a wonderful program
that is was practically decided then to cooperate with the Chautauqua
association. The tentative plans became a reality when the Chautauqua
association received the telegram from Mr. Winders.
Probably the most sensational event of the celebration July 10 will be
the aeroplane flights of Lieut. Miller, an instructor at Reilly Field.
Lieut. Miller afterwards went to France and downed enough German planes
to become an ace. He will do the nose spin, tail spin, spiral and other
spectacular flying. With Lieut. Miller will be Maj. Bridgman, commander
of a famous serial corps, who will lecture.
Randa Roma, the famous Italian band from the White City, Chicago, will
give concerts both afternoon and evening July 10. This is one of the big
concert bands now touring the United States.
In the forenoon Gov. Carlson, of Colorado, will deliver an address and
Dunbar's White Hussars, a indies band, will furnish music.
But this program isn't all. Local committees are at work making plans
for welcoming the returned soldiers and sailors.
It is quite probable that a parade will take place in the forenoon and
every soldier in the county is expected to attend in uniform to
participate in the parade. Everything in the amusement line, including a
big dance in the evening, will be free to the soldiers and sailors. In
fact, it is going to be the real get-together meeting for everyone who
participated in the world war. A place where men who fought "over
there" or those who remained in the United States but were willing and
anxious to go over, can meet and exchange reminiscences.
LeMars Sentinel, May 6, 1919
Decoration Day and Memorial Sunday to be Observed With Additional Ceremonies.—Returning Soldiers Invited to Participate in Services
Plans for Memorial Sunday and Decoration Day are being made by a committee of Mower Post, G.A.R., the Commercial Club and the city. At a meeting of the post last Friday evening to which several citizens were invited, W.S. Freeman, W.R. Winders, and G.E. Eilers were appointed a general executive committee to take charge of the Decoration Day exercise and they have appointed the following committees:
Finance, John Harker, Everett Eastman; speaker, W.R. Winders; parade, W.S. Freeman; flowers, W.R. Winders, Mrs. Fettes, Mrs. Wernli; auto, G.E. Eilers; music, Lee Maynard.
The Grand Army orders recommend that from 12 to 12:05 p.m. on Decoration day all bells be tolled. This will be a new feature of Decoration day observance in LeMars and Mayor Eilers was delegated to request all churches that have bells to toll them for five minutes at noon on Decoration day.
A special invitation is to be extended to soldiers of the world war to participate in this first Decoration day after their return from service and some committees will no doubt be appointed to extend a more personal invitation. By another year they will no doubt be organized in their own veteran's association and participate as an organization.
The Memorial Sunday exercises will be held as usual in the Royal theatre on Sunday morning, May 25, and Rev. James will preach the sermon. All the pastors of the city are invited with their congregations to join in this service.
The following is a rather interesting report of the Victory Boys and Girls pledges of Plymouth county. We have indeed reason to be proud of our record in the state.
Almost two months have gone by since the first of March. On that date the Victory Boys pledges were to have been redeemed in full. Many sections and the great number of Victory Boys have done nobly in paying their pledges. We have reason to be proud of the record.
Plymouth county record is indeed one of which we have reason to be proud. I have the report from the state director. Webster county pledged 103 per cent of her quota and paid in full; Emmett county pledged 143 per cent of her quota and paid 89 per cent; Buena Vista county pledged 126 per cent of her quota and paid 87 per cent; Plymouth county pledged 140 per cent of her quota and has paid 86 per cent of her pledges.
The Plymouth county girls break all records in the state. They pledged 225 per cent of their quota and have paid 94 per cent.
It is my earnest hope that every Plymouth County Victory Boy will do his utmost to meet his pledge at the earliest date possible. Victory Boy leaders are urged to exert every reasonable effort to bring their units up to 100 per cent of their pledges. The young people should be taught to meet their pledges. Under no circumstances, however, should collection be urged where it entails hardship or privation, nor should deserving people be embarrassed.
I have tabulated the results for the county. Please check it over for your district to make sure that it agrees with your record. Please send me a check for any Victory Boy money you may have on hand.
_____________Pledge________ Paid
LeMars H.S. $ 270.00 _______$ 238.00
LeMars 7 th gr 43.00 __________43.00
LeMars 8 th gr 94.00__________81.50
Franklin school 160.00 ________143.55
Clark school 89.50 ____________76.17
St. Joseph 's school 134.50_____ 134.50
St. Mary's school 134.00_______118.00
Washington twp 278.50________ 278.50
America twp 140.00__________ 140.00
Elgin twp 40.00_______________40.00
Grant twp 76.00______________ 76.00
Union twp 58.00______________ 58.00
Struble Dist. 19.25____________ 19.25
Remsen Dist. 72.00____________ 66.00
Merrill Dist. 245.00___________ 215.00
Hinton Dist. 112.00___________105.00
Akron Dist. 358.00__________ 189.50
Kingsley Dist. 171.00________ 140.00
____Totals $2,494.75_______$2,161.97
The amount of unpaid pledges $332.78.
Again thanking your for the excellent work you have done, am very sincerely, --- S.T. Neveln.
U. C. Thatcher's Son Death Due to Effects of Hun Gas.
Kingsley News-Times : A message was received here Monday morning from U.
C. Thatcher told of the death of her son, Clark, at Spartansburg, S. C.,
where he was in the hospital.
Clark volunteered with thirty-eight other boys from Kingsley when war
was declared and went to France about two years ago with the Rainbow
division where he saw actual service. He was severely gassed last May,
but on being discharged from the hospital he went back into service and
marched into Germany with the army of occupation after the signing of
the armistice.
He never fully recovered from the effects of the gas which caused his
death last Sunday at 2:30 o'clock p.m. His father, who had been summoned to his
bedside, arrived at Spartanburg at 8:00 o'clock p.m. Sunday after the
death of his son.
It is not definitely known as yet just when the body will arrive in
Kingsley but it is expected here about Thursday of this week.
LeMars Sentinel, May 13, 1919
Indications Are That Trains Carrying One Hundred and Sixty-Eighth
Regiment Will Cross Iowa Border in Middle of This Week
A special dispatch from Des Moines says: With the troop trains bearing
the One Hundred Sixty-eighth regiment back to the "home folks" now on
their way, the great days of welcome which have been planned for weeks
and looked forward to for many months are almost here. Unless the plans
fail somewhere, the boys will reach the border of the state Wednesday
and home town demonstrations will take place during Wednesday with the
troop trains reaching Des Moines Wednesday night or early Thursday
morning. This will fix the big celebration day in Des Moines on
Thursday, May 15.
The great feature of the celebration will, of course, be the parade
which under present plans is to take place Thursday afternoon with a big
reception at the coliseum in the evening.
Reports reaching here show that everywhere all along the right of way of
the railroads on which the boys will cross the state on their journey
back to Camp Dodge, the people are eager to pay them homage and crowds
from many parts of the state, particularly southwestern Iowa, are coming
to Des Moines to join in the celebration there.
A great triumphal arch through which the regiment is to march, located
on the mall to the west of the statehouse, has been completed. On its
four pillars it bears the names of the battles in which the One Hundred
Sixty-Eighth acquitted itself so nobly as to win for itself seven
citations as a regiment for distinguished service.
Chateau Thierry,
St. Mihiel,
and the Argonne.
The decorating of the business effects of the city and of the business
houses, which began more than a week ago, is being completed now that
the day of the homecoming is almost at hand.
The western league baseball season opens here Wednesday and on Thursday,
the day the regiment comes back, all of the men in the regiment will be
accorded places of honor at the baseball game. It is probable the game
will be staged a little late in the afternoon, following the parade.
Bands are coming from many towns in the state, having offered their
services fee to the entertainment committee in welcoming the returning
The two flags which constitute the regimental standard of the One
Hundred Sixty-Eighth, beautiful new silk emblems, are now ready.
LeMars Sentinel
May 20, 1919
Six Thousand People Turn Out to Meet Some of the Men Who Helped Make
History on the Battle Fields of France
Soldiers of the Rainbow Division whose homes are in LeMars and vicinity
were greeted by about 6,000 people when the noon train pulled in on
Sunday. The streets were decorated with flags of the national colors
and bunting and the Rainbow hues were displayed in nearly every business
place in LeMars.
The crowd surged up onto the platform eager to welcome the men and
cheers, tears, and laughter were freely intermingled. It was a scene of
conflicting emotions. Mothers, sisters and sweethearts were there to
welcome their boys, while others in the crowd, though joining in the
universal hearty home coming greetings, thought with a pang of the
heroes who lie to Flanders fields and will never come home.
The returning soldiers escorted by other soldiers who have previously
returned from service headed by the band and bevy of young women who
carried a Rainbow banner and formed aisles of ribbons through which the
soldiers marched, followed by the crowd formed a parade which progressed
up Seventh street. Crowds of spectators lined the sidewalks and cheered
the men as they walked past and hundred of people in automobiles from
the surrounding country raised their voices in cheers and greetings.
The crowd gathered on the square at the corner of Main and Sixth streets
where Rev. J.K. Hawkins, pastor of the First Methodist church, made a
five minute talk.
Mr. Hawkins said: "Men of the 168th Infantry, Iowa's famous regiment in
the 42nd Division, we take special pride in welcoming you on your return
from the fields of glory and honor.
We welcome you because you are our very own, our sons, our brothers, and
our sweethearts of LeMars and Plymouth county.
We welcome you because you love our national flag, the red, the white,
the blue colors that never run. The flag that wherever it waves on land
or on the sea, at home or on foreign soil, always stands for liberty and
We welcome you because you carried the banner of American bravery and
daring through burning hells of death on a half hundred battle fields,
fighting in the greatest battles of the war along the entire front, from
the North Sea to Switzerland.
We welcome you because you met and sanguinely defeated in battle at one
time six of the picked divisions of the German army including three
divisions of the vaunted Prussian guards, and not once were your backs
over to the foe. The staff of Luden-rff kept a big book at Spa. In
this book they wrote down their impressions of the American army. One
of the staff in answer to a question asked by the foreign news
correspondent of the Chicago Tribune, as to a best American division
We welcome you not only because you are America's RAINBOW IN THE SKY, do
also because you were the world's RAINBOW IN THE SKY made black and
appalling by the configuration of the most terrible war in history.
When Germany was in the full flush of victory and full of confidence
that the dwindling force of Great Britain and France could not break
through her walls of concrete, steel and guns, you entered the fight and
changed the tide of battle.
We welcome you because you saved Paris, the channel cities, Great
Britain, America and the civilization of the world against farther
ravages of the Hun hordes.
Again we welcome you. Thrice welcome you. Eternally welcome you."
The home coming greeting was made brief as it was realized that the
families of the soldiers were anxious to have their boys to themselves
and the men were anxious to their homes as quickly as possible.
A number of the boys who belonged to the division and joined up in
Plymouth county left the contingent at Sioux City and from there went to
their homes at Kingsley, Ireton and other points.
The men returning are:
Anthony Ney, Akron
Floyd Harvey, Pierson
Wylie Saterlee, Ireton
Roy Harvey, Pierson
Cecil A. Clarke, LeMars
Linfred S. Tweedy, Ireton
Clarence L. Bristow, Merrill
Sylvester M. Fideler, Remsen
Frank D. Neunaber, Akron
Charles E. Ewin, Seney
Charles P. Hammer, Kinsgley
Ben Thellen, LeMars
Carl F. Grotheus, Remsen
Edward H. Schafer, Akron
Albert L. Sawyer, Ireton
Theo. R. Strouse, LeMars
Wm. H. Dramie, Kingsley
Frank Edwards, LeMars
Vincent Walsh, Marcus
Walter Dickson, Marcus
Ed Geinor, Hinton
Dewey Roht, Ireton
The boys of the old Company K serving in the famous division, who
returned some time ago are:
Herbert Brown,
Lee E. Hoag,
Ed. Bergin,
John Calhoun,
Lloyd Evans,
Chas. Hammer,
Will D. Hardie,
John T. Harker,
Lawrence Helden,
Fay Houlten,
Geo. Kallen,
Melvin R. Kanago,
Glen Livermoore,
Clarence Schmidt,
Philip Schmidt,
Merlin Smith,
Wm. T. Trewartha,
David Yungbluth,
Edgar Spink,
Peter Shive.
The names of those who have give their lives for their county either in
battle or by disease incurred in service are:
Albert V. Ewin,
Vinton C. Bradshaw,
Milton D. Fulghum,
Wm. Pieper,
Carl H. Barr,
Wayne Huxtable,
Albert E. Hoschler,
Albert L. Killean,
Harold McDale,
Edward Nash,
Estill Powers,
Clark A. Thatcher,
John Wasmer.
[Transcriber's note: My Grandfather Charles E. Ewin was among those who
returned from Europe after the war. His brother, my Great Uncle Albert
V. Ewin died in France and is buried in the St. Mihiel American Cemetery
in France. Albert died in a camp hospital literally in the arms of his
older brother, Charles. Amazing to me that at that time brothers or
relatives of any kind were allowed to serve in the same regiment. WWI is
of very special interest to me. The newspapers in those days were so
full of "news" reported from the overseas front and the happenings that
were recorded in letters to the home folks. Linda Ziemann, Plymouth CC]
LeMars Sentinel, June 3, 1919
Eighty Eighth Will Be Mustered Out In a Few Days
A dispatch from Newport News, Va., says orders received by the Eighty eighth
headquarters at New Port News this afternoon from Washington instruct
preparations for a parade at Des Moines, probably the latter part of this
The entire division will not be paraded, as only those troops which would
normally be mustered out at Camp Dodge are covered by the orders. This
includes the majority of the men from Iowa, Missouri, Nebraska and the
southern part of Minnesota.
Organizations thus far instructed to participate in the parade are the Three
Hundred Fiftieth Infantry, Three Hundred Forty-ninth Infantry, Three Hundred
Fifty-first Infantry, Three Hundred Fifty-second Infantry, Division
Headquarters, troop, sanitary train and ammunition train.
No orders were received regarding the signal battalion or machine gun
battalions which landed at another port.
First trains for Des Moines start Monday morning at 8 o'clock. This
continues at rate of five trains per day and the last units probably leave
Newport News Wednesday or Thursday.
News of the parade order was received by troops with great enthusiasm. The
entire division is in excellent condition physically and otherwise.
The division headquarters arrived at Newport News Saturday night on the
steamer Pocahontas.
Practically the entire division, including its four infantry regiments, is
camped at Newport News awaiting trains to leave will carry the Three Hundred
Fiftieth Infantry.
Rev. Doreen, of Sioux City, Paid Eloquent Tribute to Those Who Fought for
the Union---Love of Country Withstood Hun Menace.
Favorable weather combined with other favorable circumstances to make
Decoration Day in LeMars of unusual interest this year. The plan of
deferring the exercises until afternoon met with general approval and the
largest crowd that ever observed the day here assisted in paying tribute to
the nation's departed heroes.
All the bells of the city were tolled at 12 noon for five minutes and the
parade that preceded the exercises at the cemetery moved from north Main
street at 1:30 o'clock sharp. W.R. Winders acted as chief marshal and his
aides were Capt. J.G. Koenig, Lieut. Walter Held, and Lieut. Warren Lodge,
Frank Edwards, acted as color sergeant and two Grand Army veterans and
Relief Corps in automobiles followed and a company of about sixty world war
veterans under command of Sergeant Frank Murane were in line. The fire
department in uniform were in line as were also large delegations from both
the public schools and St. Joseph School. The city officials and a long line
of automobiles from all parts of the county joined in the line of march to
the city cemetery where the exercises were held in the circle surrounding
the Civil War monument.
Mayor G.E. Eilers acted as chairman and introduced the speaker. Rev. J.K.
Hawkins pronounced the invocation and the band played, "My Country Tis of
Thee." Miss Severina Nelson read Lincoln's Gettysburg Address and the Grand
Army and Relief Corps ritualistic service was given.
The address was delivered by Rev. Doreen, of Sioux City, who paid eloquent
tribute to the veterans of the Civil War and gave them deserved tribute for
their bravery in war and patriotism in peace. He told them that for fifty
years they so efficiently preached love of country and the flag that when
the liberties of the world were menaced by German aggression millions
responded to the call for defenders of truth and justice. The speaker also
said that Germany hoped to find this a divided nation, but they found we
know no North, South, East or West, but stood together as a united nation
for liberty and democracy.
LeMars Sentinel, October 24, 1919
Chaplain Robb, of the 168th Infantry will be in LeMars Thursday, October
30, and deliver a lecture at the Royal that evening under the auspices
of Wasmer Post, American Legion. Chaplain Robb tells a thrilling and
interesting story of the part the Iowa boys in the 168th played in the
world war. He was with the 168th during all the time it was in foreign
service and served with the regiment on the Champagne front, the Marne
and in Argonne forest. He saw Iowa boys win everlasting fame when they
checked and drove back the best trained soldiers of the world and buried
with his own hands many who paid the supreme price. Chaplain Robb talks
about our own boys as they were seen by one who shared their hardships
and no person who wants the truth about the campaign in France can
afford to miss his address at the Royal, October 30. Tickets are 50
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