the Great War....WWI, 1918
The US government issued daily
reports of casualty lists - killed, wounded, missing, etc. - the Iowans
were published in the Iowa City Citizen.
Contributed by Sharyl Farrell
Iowa City Citizen
Iowa City, Johnson co. Iowa
October 3, 1918
Washington, Oct. 3 - Eighteen Iowans were mentioned in today's army casualty
lists which carried a total of 497 names divided as follows: Killed in
action, 187; missing in action, 8; wounded severely, 212; died from wounds
27; died of disease, 1; died from accident and other causes, 2. The Iowans
Killed in Action - Sergeants:
Arthur H. Berges, Burlington, Ia.
Killed in Action - Privates:
Laurence F. Cooper, Clarinda, Ia.
William L. Pierce, Council Bluffs, Ia.
August Van Oyen, Fairfield, Ia.
Louis Weiss, Woodbine, Ia.
Elmer Crowe, Laddsdale, Ia.
Edward Haut, Davenport, Ia.
Died of Wounds - Privates:
Hugo D. Schultz, Davenport, Ia.
Hilmar W. Sieloff, Buckeye, Ia.
Leslie W. Darling, Shenandoah, Ia.
Wounded Severely - Corporals:
Earl L. Middleton, Conrad, Ia.
Wounded Severely - Privates:
Guy E. Bosley, Clarinda, Ia.
Howard A. Cloe, Bagley, Ia.
Clarence E. Gibson, Oskaloosa, Ia.
Russell Lewis, Red Oak, Ia.
George Wisch, Walnut, Ia.
Ronald N. Roberts, Waucoma, Ia.
Missing in Action - Privates:
Frank J. Baker, Marion, Ia.
Iowa City Citizen
Iowa City, Johnson co. Iowa
Friday, October 4, 1918
Twenty-Seven Iowa Casualties Today
Washington, Oct. 4 -- Twenty-seven Iowans were mentioned in today's army
casualty lists which carried a total of 962 names divided as follows:
Killed in action, 101; missing in action, 172; wounded severely, 574; died
from wounds 67; died of disease, 24; died from aeroplane accident, 1; died
from accident and other causes, 6; wounded, degree undetermined, 12; wounded
slightly, 1; prisoners, 1. The Iowans follow:
Killed in Action - Privates:
Charles E. Hartshorn, Farragut, Ia.
Alva G.L. Grover, Council Bluffs, Ia.
Stanley M. Krell, Winterset, Ia.
Died from Wounds - Sergeants:
Rennie E. Henry, Villisca, Ia.
Died of Disease - Privates:
Vernice E. Watson, Hazleton, Ia.
Wounded Severely - Captains:
Allen T. Hupp, Corning, Ia.
Wounded Severely - Lieutenants:
John P. Hanford, Cedar Rapids, Ia.
Frank Kriz, Cedar Rapids, Ia.
Wounded Severely - Sergeants:
Claude V. Hart, Cherokee, Ia.
Clarence I. Calburn, Dunlap, Ia.
Wounded Severely - Corporals:
Paul E. Davis, Laforte, Ia.
Roy E. Hatfield, Greeley, Ia
Charles B. McGrath, Ontario, Ia.
Alvin Schroeder, Bellevue, Ia.
Wounded Severely - Privates:
Alva H. Bloom, Norwich, Ia.
James H. Bonner, Logan, Ia
Charles B. Davis, Cedar Rapids, Ia.
Robert J. Hoover, Fort Dodge, Ia
Earl S. Harvey, Fort Des Moines, Ia.
Leo W. Kinney, Creston, Ia
Adlai E. Bogeureif, Merrill, Ia.
Edmond Boland, Ft. Dodge, Ia.
Elnor Kibling, Estherville, Ia.
Arthur Zelle, Waverly, Ia.
Missing in Action - Privates:
Melvin Ewing, Postville, Ia.
Harold E. Bellmer, Dunkerton, Ia.
Wounded, degree undetermined - Corporals:
Martin Ferguson, Jefferson, Ia.
Iowa City Citizen
Iowa City, Johnson co. Iowa
Monday, October 7, 1918
Seventeen Iowans On Today's Lists
Washington, Oct. 5 -- Seventeen Iowans were mentioned in the army casualty
lists today which carried a total of 532 neames divided as follows: Killed
in action, 113; missing in action, 66; wounded severely, 303; died from
wounds 31; died of disease, 11; died from aeroplane accident, 1; died from
accident and other causes, 7. The Iowans follow:
Killed In Action - Sergeants:
Sol Morris, Oskaloosa, Ia.
Killed in Action - Corporals:
Vinton C. Bradshaw, Battle Creek, Ia.
Killed in Action - Privates:
Donald E. Blakley, Montezuma, Ia.
Helof G. Holm, Decorah, Ia.
James M. Gallagher, Rockwell, Ia.
Arthur W. Kirchoff, Hartley, Ia.
Died from Wounds - Privates:
Earl E. Sidmore, Britstol, Ia.
Wounded Severely - Sergeants:
Arthur C. Parson, Council Bluffs, Ia.
Wounded Severely - Corporals:
Roland Bellmar, Waterloo, Ia.
Fenn Z.H. Cooney, Coon Rapids, Ia.
Wounded Severely - Privates:
Roy C. Bowers, Sioux City, Ia.
Addison R. Herb, Pisgah, Ia.
Faye Ashby, Bloomfield, Ia.
Lawrence J. Beumer, Rock Valley, Ia.
George E. Lawson, Clarinda, Ia.
Dwight Long, Crawfordsville, Ia.
Died in the Service (photo accompanies article)
Private John Louis Mumm, Company A., 212th Engineers, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Mumm, of Lone Tree, who died at Camp Devins, Massachusetts, last
Sunday of pneumonia.
Iowa City Citizen
Iowa City, Johnson co. Iowa
Tuesday, October 8, 1918
Seventeen Iowans On Today's Lists
Washington, Oct. 8 -- Sixteen Iowans were mentioned in the army casualty
lists today which carried a total of 593 names divided as follows: Killed
in action, 78; missing in action, 107; wounded severely, 345; died from
wounds 34; died of disease, 10; died from aeroplane accident, 1; died from
accident and other causes, 3; wounded slightly, 4; prisoners, 11. The
Iowans follow:
Killed in Action - Privates:
Leslie E. Bronniger, Quinby, Ia.
Fred L. Wild, Carbon, Ia.
Killed in Action - Wagoner:
Sanford A. Severson, Kanawha, Ia.
Died of Disease - Privates:
Herbery W. Backmann, Dubuque, Ia.
Wounded Severely - Sergeant:
William P. (or B.) Ehr, Ida Grove, Ia.
Wounded Severely - Privates:
William Hixson, Blanchard, Ia.
Guy W. Chapman, Clio, Ia.
William J. Lexa, Manley, Ia.
Burton M. Baker, Ft. Dodge, Ia.
Roy V. Barringon, Akron, Ia.
(Scott ?) W. Cartwright, Rockwell City, Ia.
Robert J. Dorman, Oskaloosa, Ia.
Robert Rudrick, Manning, Ia.
Edward J. Turner, Lake Mills, Ia.
Wounded Severely - Bugler:
Chas E. Sellers, Des Moines, Ia.
Missing in Action - Private:
[name illegible - surname ends with 'aag'], Livermore, Ia.
Sixteen More Deaths at Camp Dodge Today
Camp Dodge, Oct. 8 - With sixteen deaths since last night the death toll
from Spanish influenza here mounted to forty-six today. The cases under
direct treatment were increased by 996 during the last twelve hours bringing
the total up to 5624 cases. Four Iowans are in the death list today. They
are: Archie Carpenter, Des Moines; F. Grenhart of Manning; Fred Moses of
Ely and Elmer Ford, Decorah.
Iowa City Citizen
Iowa City, Johnson co. Iowa
Wednesday, October 9, 1918
Eleven Iowans In Today's Casualties
Washington, Oct. 9 -- Eleven Iowans were mentioned in the army casualty
lists announced today. They carried a total of 622 names divided as follows:
Killed in action, 125; missing in action, 40; wounded severely, 327; died
from wounds 65; died of disease, 51; died from aeroplane accident, 4; died
from accident and other causes, 3; wounded slightly, 1; wounded, degree
undetermined, 2; prisoners, 4. The Iowans follow:
Killed in Action - Sergeant:
Mark A. Pooley, Webster City, Ia.
Killed in Action - Corporal:
Raymond J. White, Miller, Ia.
Killed in Action - Privates:
Fred G. Peetz, Clinton, Ia.
Walter H. Looft, Ledgard, Ia.
Died from Wounds - Corporal:
Ralph Ellis, Iowa City, Ia.
Died of Disease - Corporal:
Glenn E. Mathews, Farmersburg, Ia.
Wounded Severely - Privates:
Harry H. Baumgardner, Sioux City, Ia.
Oral Fitch, Rome, Ia.
Raymond C. Davidson, Ottumwa, Ia.
Clarence Nading, Nederville, Ia. [? Mederville ?]
Wounded, Degree Undetermined - Corporal:
Dewey H. Bear, Plano, Ia.
Iowa City Citizen
Iowa City, Johnson co. Iowa
Thursday, October 10, 1918
Nine Iowans In Today's Casualties
Washington, Oct. 10 -- Nine Iowans were mentioned in the army casualty lists
announced today. They carried a total of 584 names divided as follows:
Killed in action, 80; missing in action, 105; wounded severely, 338; died
from wounds 13; died of disease, 30; died from aeroplane accident, 4; died
from accident and other causes, 10; wounded, degree undetermined, 4.. The
Iowans follow:
Killed in Action - Privates:
James L. Rooney, Dubuque, Ia.
Howard P. Zettle, Sioux City, Ia.
Emery M. Cox, Newburg, Ia.
Wounded Severely - Privates:
Hjalmar W. Nelson, Centerville, Ia.
Lee L. Heller, Coin, Ia.
Lester L. Lewis, Cedar Falls, Ia.
True H. Moffitt, Lorimor, Ia.
Emile J. Gerard, Mystic, Ia.
Galen B. Green, Waterloo, Ia.
Iowa City Citizen
Iowa City, Johnson co. Iowa
Friday, October 11, 1918
Twenty Iowans In Casualties Today
Washington, Oct. 11 -- Twenty Iowans were included in today's casualty lists
which carried a total of 826 names divided as follows: Killed in action,
182; missing in action, 65; wounded severely, 370; died from wounds 124;
wounded slightly, 2; died of disease, 58; died from aeroplane accident, 3;
died from accident and other causes, 16; prisoners, 12. The Iowans are:
Killed in Action - Sergeant:
Leo P. McHugh, Cumming, Ia.
Killed in Action - Corporal:
Estill Powers, Kingsley, Ia.
Killed in Action - Private:
Ceorge A. Adlinger, Hampton, Ia.
Died of Wounds - Sergeant:
Orville C. Winter, Villisca, Ia.
Died of Wounds - Privates:
Walter F. Meyer, Burlington, Ia.
Clifford E. Dimmitt, Fairfield, Ia.
Thomas H. Harmar, Cedar Rapids, Ia.
William E.J. Maloney, Ottumwa, Ia.
Forrest C. Ufford, Des Moines, Ia.
Died of Disease - Private:
Charles J. Schmidt, Waterloo, Ia.
Wounded Severely - Sergeant:
Earl G. Beach, Mason City, Ia.
Wounded Severely - Corporals:
Glen F. Cameron, Oskaloosa, Ia.
John R. Moss, Missouri Valley, Ia.
Wounded Severely - Privates:
Virden L. Leonard, Brooks, Ia.
Ernest S. Warren, Dunlap, Ia.
Claude Reeves, Kellogg, Ia.
Seymour Enarson, Villisca, Ia.
Wm. J. Hindt, Rock Rapids, Ia.
Missing in Action
Raymond L. Walton, Ft. Madison, Ia.
Marine Casualties
Killed in Action:
Private Murrell W. Starns, Ottumwa, Ia.
Iowa City Citizen
Iowa City, Johnson co. Iowa
Monday, October 14, 1918
Forty-Five Iowans On Casualty Lists
Washington, Oct. 14 -- Forty-five Iowans were mentioned in the casualty
lists for Sunday and today. They carried a total of 1770 names divided as
follows: Killed in action, 387; missing in action, 142; wounded severely,
760; died from wounds 166; wounded slightly, 8; died of disease, 164; died
from aeroplane accident, 2; died from accident and other causes, 20;
wounded, degree undetermined, 121. The Iowans follow:
Killed in Action - Sergeants:
Paul D. Griggs, West Salem, Ia.
Philip A. Brooks, Lynn, Ia.
Dave Whalen, Tipton, Ia.
Killed in Action - Corporal:
Bryant D. Badger, Council Bluffs, Ia.
Killed in Action - Privates:
James H. Baker, Sheldon, Ia.
Edward C. Bakula, Anamosa, Ia.
Paul R. Adams, Shenandoah, Ia.
Martin F. De Wolfe, Sioux City, Ia.
Edward F. Taylor, Milburn, Ia.
James Rassmussen, Crystal Lake, Ia.
Walter E. Sayer, Eldora, Ia.
Glen B. McKinnon, Burt, Ia.
John S. Marshall, Clarinda, Ia.
James T. Nevins, Dubuque, Ia.
Harvey L. Norman, Hubbard, Ia.
Died from Wounds - Lieutenants:
Earl G. Anderson, Des Moines, Ia.
Edwin V. Evans, Des Moines, Ia.
Died from Wounds - Corporals:
Tom R. Evans, Glenwood, Ia.
Died from Wounds - Privates:
Leo M. Cochran, Letts, Ia.
Willis F. Woodward, East Peru, Ia.
Wm. H. Rehder, Davenport, Ia.
Wm. Parker, Everest, Ia.
Frederick I. Goodburn, Marcus, Ia.
Johnnie Nelson, Graettinger, Ia.
Died of Disease - Horseshoer:
Hans Abrahamson, Story City, Ia.
Died of Accident and Other Causes - Private
James C. Willis, Des Moines, Ia.
Missing in Action - Privates:
Alvia Hazen, Burlington, Ia.
Oscar A. Steele, Cherokee, Ia.
Wm. A. Shay, Atlantic, Ia.
Walter W. Wallace, Fontanelle, Ia.
Donald G. Smith, Mason City, Ia.
Wounded Severely - Privates:
Glen W. Godfrey, Luverne, Ia.
Rudolph F. Holtz, Inwood, Ia.
Paul R. Sayers, Silver City, Ia.
Walter D. Evans, Davenport, Ia.
Raymond A. Martz, Storm Lake, Ia.
Harry L. Fenton, Mt. Pleasant, Ia.
Henry O. Severson, Kanakha, Ia.
Nicholas P. De Fontaine, Dubuque, Ia.
John Ehrman, Marengo, Ia.
Joseph J. Meyers, Dubuque, Ia.
Dale Traillor, Atlantic, Ia.
Aloysius A. Walding, Iowa City, Ia.
Sam Lukestra, Hull, Ia.
Remley E. Meyers, Des Moines, Ia.
Iowa City Citizen
Iowa City, Johnson co. Iowa
Tuesday, October 15, 1918Five Deaths Influenza Toll Today
Five deaths in the 24-hour period ending this afternoon is the toll of the
scurge of influenza and pneumonia. The deaths are as follows: Joseph
O'Donnell, Sioux City, aged 19, Company C., of the S.A.T.C.; T.C. Nicklaus,
Elgin, Iowa, aged 18, Company C. of the S.A.T.C.
In the city: James J. Murphy, formerly of the firm of Ford & Murphy, shoe
dealers. Mrs. Floyd Campbell, formerly Miss Pauline Sueppel, home in
Davenport, visiting her father here, J.J. Sueppel. Charles Anthony, aged
30, 2 1/2 miles south of Tiffin.
Twenty-Six Iowans in Today's Lists
Washington, Oct. 15 -- Twenty-six Iowans were mentioned in the army
casualty lists today which carried a total of 995 names divided as follows:
Killed in action, 24; missing in action, 98; wounded severely, 369; died
from wounds 49; died of disease, 68; died from accident and other causes, 8;
wounded, degree undetermined, 272; wounded slightly, 37. The Iowans
Killed In Action - Lieutenant:
Frank D. Nowack, Des Moines, Ia
Killed In Action - Sergeant:
Everette McManus, Aurelia, Ia.
Killed in Action - Corporals:
George G. Hardinger, Garrison, Ia.
Dimitrios G. Stratikopulos, Council Bluffs, Ia.
Killed in Action - Private:
Geo. Bauer, Keokuk, Ia.
Died from Disease - Private:
Albert C. Dethlefs, Manning, Ia.
Missing in Action - Lieutenant:
Sergt. Jacob Tolsmax, Lemars [note: typed just as it appears in the paper]
Missing in Action - Privates:
Otis L. Christian, Davenport, Ia.
Fenton F. Holmes, Charles City, Ia.
Francis O. Piper, Clayton, Ia.
Peter F. Tempus, Independence, Ia.
Wounded Severely - Sergeant:
Wm. D. Briggs, Malvern, Ia.
Wounded Severely - Corporals:
Carl R. Anderson, Sioux City, Ia.
Vivian D. Anderson, Cherokee, Ia.
Wounded Severely - Privates:
Ben H. Adkins, Fairfield, Ia.
Edward E. Brandt, Lake Park, Ia.
Edward McEwen, Council Bluffs, Ia.
Chris Nelson, Clara, Ia.
Delbert R. Glime, Vinton, Ia. [surname may be Olime or Clime]
George Gibson, Keokuk, Ia
Andrew M. Jensen, Dike, Ia.
Clarence Lett, Bennett, Ia.
Arthur Phelps, Henderson, Ia.
Wounded (Degree Undermined) - Sergeants:
Daron W. Hagelsen, Ogden, Ia.
Russell Hardwick, Red Oak, Ia.
Wounded (Degree Undermined) - Corporals
Jess Gardner, Atlantic, Ia.
Iowa City Citizen
Iowa City, Johnson co. Iowa
Wednesday, October 16, 1918Uncle Sam Can Count on Another Soldier
Edward Francis, the son of Lieut. and Mrs. Edward O'Connor was born Monday
afternoon. His mother will be recalled as Florence Freeman a popular member
of Iowa city's younger set. His father is in the trenches in far off France
and may have to wait some time before he can see his son, since he must beat
Kaiser Bill first.
Thirteen Iowans on Today's List
Washington, Oct. 16 -- Thirteen Iowans were mentioned in today's casualty
lists which carried a total of 837 names divided as follows: Killed in
action, 110; missing in action, 69; wounded severely, 364; died from wounds,
62; died from accident, 1; wounded, degree undetermined, 173; wounded
slightly, 1.
Died of Disease - Private:
Nicholas E. O'Brien, Council Bluffs, Ia.
Missing in Action - Sergeant:
Herman E. Heft, Independence, Ia.
Wounded Severely - Sergeant:
Rayymond E. Hodges, Sioux City, Ia.
Wounded Severely - Privates:
Frank W. Wilken, Denison, Ia.
Charles E. Miller, Blanchard, Ia.
Frank C. Crowder, Red Oak, Ia.
Wounded Severely - Musician:
Joseph Kiely, Cedar Rapids, Ia.
Wounded, Degree Undetermined - Sergeants:
James B. Leply, Red Oak, Ia.
Wounded, Degree Undetermined - Corporal:
Grover B. Devault, Earlham, Ia.
Wounded, Degree Undetermined - Privates:
Joseph M. Everett, Red Oak, Ia.
Erbie Gaultier, Lansing, Ia.
George A. Hagan, Sioux City, Ia.
Henry A. Turk, Atlantic, Ia.
Twelve Iowans on Casualty List
Washington, Oct. 17 -- Twelve Iowans were mentioned in today's casualties
which carried a total of 429 names divided as follows: Killed in action,
75; missing in action, 16; wounded severely 125; died of disease, 39; died
from accident and other causes, 3; died from wounds, 11; wounded, degree
undetermined, 147; prisioners, 19. The Iowans follow:
Killed in Action - Privates:
Emmet F. Allen, Greenfield, Ia.
Lawrence Gilbert, Council Bluffs, Ia
Herman Johnson, Humbolt, Ia
Wounded, Degree Undetermined - Privates:
Gustav A. Holm, Fremont, Ia
Arthur H. Adrews, Des Moines, Ia.
Wounded Severely - Sergeant:
Frank J. Mathus, Marion, Ia.
Wounded Severely - Privates:
Carl Rogers, Avoca, Ia
Lorin H. Larson, Otteson, Ia
Marine Casualties -
Severely Wounded:
Sergt. Walter S. Space, Des Moines, Ia.
Pvt John J. Smith, Albia, Ia.
Wounded, degree undetermined:
Pvt. John A. Daugherty, Bellivere, Ia.
Herbert Kreinbring, Branden, Ia.
Service Cross for Two Iowans
The distinguished service cross has been awarded to two Iowans for acts of
extraordinary heroism. they are Second Lieutenant Earl W. Porter of
Atlantic and Sergeant Paul J. Gaston, of Dysart, Ia.
Lt. Porter, observer in the air service received the cross for estraordinary
heroism in action near Lassigay, France, August 9, 1918. Lt. Porter with
First Lt. Charles Raymond Blake, pilot, while on a reconsissance expedition
at a low altitude and beyond the enemy lines, was attacked by five German
battle planes. Although wounded at the beginning of the combat, Lt. Porter
shot down one of the enemy machines and by cool and courageous operation of
his gun while his pilot skilfully maneuvered the plane, fought off the
others and made possible a safe return to friendly territory.
Srgt. Gaston of the sanitary detachment, 121st machine gun battalion
received his cross for extraordinary heroism in action in fron of Bellevue
farm, near Cierges, France, August 1, 1918. During the attack on Bellevue
farm, Srgt. Gaston worked energetically throughout the engagement which
continued from 2 to 10 p.m. to give first aid to the wounded and to carry
them to the dressing station. He was under fire of snipers continuously and
frequently went into shell and machine gun fire to administer to wounded
soldiers. His calmness and courage were a source of inspiration to the
combat troops. He is a brother of Howard L. Gaston, of Dysert, Ia.
Iowa City Citizen
Iowa City, Johnson co. Iowa
Friday, October 18, 1918Seven Iowans in Today's Casualties
Washington, Oct. 18 -- Seven Iowans were mentioned in the casualty lists for
today. They contained a total of 351 names divided as follows: Killed in
action, 53; missing in action, 61; wounded severely, 130; died from wounds,
12; died from accident and other causes, 2; died of disease, 15; wounded,
dgreee undetermined, 105. The Iowans are:
Killed in Action - Private:
Erastus B. Sunny, Pleasantville, Iowa
Missing in Action - Corporal:
Theodore H. Rhomberg, Dubuque, Iowa
Missing in Action - Privates:
Harm J. Wissink, Sioux Center, Iowa
Paul L. Cordes, Kamrar, Iowa
Wounded Severely - Privates:
Arnold J. Hoffman, McIntyre, Iowa
Wm. J. Mulligan, Dubuque, Iowa
Wounded, Degree undetermined - Privates:
Theodore A. Loving, Albert City, Iowa
Iowa Soldier Weds French Madamoselle
Girls, here is something heartbreaking, don't read it. Howard L. Miller, a
Rhodes, Iowa soldier now in France, was recently united in marriage to Mlle
Marcelle Hugenot. This is one of the first weddings of the kind to be
reported, but many anxious maids have been expecting something of the sort,
so it is said.
Sixty-Five Men Leave October 23
Following is a list of the sixty-five men called to leave here October 23,
at 8:10 p.m. and will report at the court house in the afternoon.
1108 William G. Mackenzie
1332 Elam J. Christner
1346 Arthur R. Nelson
1356 Clifford M. Budget
1654 Frank R. Poland
1760 Everett Lenz
1991 George Benda
2257 George L. Dvorsky
2288 Frank J. Karel
2353 Rudolph L. Crofta
2397 Louis W. Hynek
2419 Joseph Kloubec
1-A Raymond Cole
11-A Leonard G. Slofer
34-A Charles K. Gordon
35-A Charles E. Brandt
53-A Thomas C. Loney
61-A Albert C. Slade
64-A Ralph Saxton
82 Herman Worton
84 Milo Poula
85 Will J. Dostal
88 John H. Donovan
89-A Erlis A. Kemp
90 Frank Vislisel
91 William F. Vedepo
93 Carl Reynolds
94 Chas. A Hebl
95 Joseph R. Hamilton
95-A William N. Halter
99-A Paul V. Neuzil
101 Frank N. Newberg
102 Elmer N. Moore
103 William F. Gilpin
104 Louis L. Lord
105 Justin T. Moning
109 Joe Empenger
113 Ben Zeachy
120 George F. Souchek
121-A Paul M. Tobin
121-C Richard W. Lee
124 Frank J. Brock
127 William B. Howard
129 Francis J. Mellacker
130 Clarence Haman
133 Leonard E. Dohrer
136 Robert W. Ford
141 Harry H. Wagner
143 Roy Alt
147 Charles Erusha
149 Albert Dolezal
150 Frank J. Cusack
158 Francis L. Foley
164 George S. Kaspar
166 Frank B. Hoffman
166-A Henry E. Van Dusen
171 Guss A. Graham
171-A Fred Hartl
176 Milo Kadera
182 James P. O'Brien
189 Clarence PomRoy Rood
190 Ed [illegible -- ends with ohaska]
191 Joseph M. Billick
193 Clarence E. White
194 Frank J. Shetler
47 Iowans in Today's Casualties
Washington, Oct. 21 -- Forty-seven Iowans were mentioned in the casualty
lists for yesterday and today which carried a total of 2686 names divided as
follows: Killed in action, 285; missing in action, 297; wounded, degree
undetermined, 595; died of aeroplane accident, 6; died of accident and other
causes, 16; [several illegible words] wounded severely, 736; wounded
slightly, ???. The Iowans are:
Killed in Action - Privates:
Wm. C. Raveling, Rock Rapids, Ia.
Gerritt Van Hemert, Pella, Ia.
Harry D. Vargason, Hazelton, Ia.
Elbert C. Mills, Akron, Ia.
Charles H. Stevens, Blencoe, Ia.
Elmer J. Moss, Missouri Valley, Ia.
Amond Chose, Scarville, Ia.
William A. Kasiske, Winden, Ia.
Clarence Thorton, Osceola, Ia.
Died of Wounds - Privates:
William R. Aldrich, Davenport, Ia.
Melvin D. Baird, Cedar Rapids, Ia.
Thurlow W. Ball, Bloomfield, Ia.
Edward R. Johnson, Marshalltown, Ia.
Fay L. Andrews, Burt, Ia.
Verner J. Dahlin, Burlington, Ia.
Carl A. Pedersen, Rutland, Ia.
Russell S. West, Paulina, Ia.
Died of Disease - Sergeant:
James H. Rierdan, Charles City, Ia.
Died of Disease - Privates:
Sam H. Bridge, Bondurant, Ia.
Louis Mueller, Clinton, Ia.
Reno Pister, Promise City, Ia.
Sylvester Case, Hamburg, Ia.
Hugh H. Galland, Salix, Ia.
Missing in Action - Private:
John C. Luccy, Edgewood, Ia.
Wounded Severely - Lieutenant:
Chester H. Howard, Mt. Vernon, Ia.
Wounded Severely - Privates:
Fred Harper, Agency City, Ia
Thos. J. Finnane, Perry, Ia
Ernest R. Crane, Cherokee, Ia.
Carl B. Ballard, Pleasantville, Ia.
Everett Dillon, South English, Ia.
Albert A. Ereanbrack, Mason City, Ia.
Clyde Meneray, Council Bluffs, Ia.
Robert R. Parks, Boone, Ia.
Elmer C. Smith, Allerton, Ia.
Leroy J. Grimes, Dubuque, Ia.
Jess Moore, Oskaloosa, Ia.
Bert G. Young, Lamoni, Ia.
Frank J. Wolf, Bancroft, Ia.
Wounded Severely - Corporals:
Arthur W. Menge, Ottumwa, Ia.
Homer C. Duzenbery, Lorimer, Ia. [note is listed again under Sergeants]
Wounded slightly - Privates:
Joseph E. Claud, Mapleton, Ia.
Charles C. DeClercq, George, Ia.
Conrad P. Dieter, George, Ia.
Wounded, Degree Undetermined - Private:
Loren L. Goddard, Fairfield, Ia.
Wm. L. Cree, Bloomfield, Ia.
Frank P. Liles, Council Bluffs, Ia.
Iowa City Citizen
Iowa City, Johnson co. Iowa
Tuesday, October 22, 1918
88th May Be in Action
Des Moines, Oct. 22 -- The Eighty-eighth division was in action on the
western front on September 30, if a casualty report just received in Des
Moines is substantiated. Mrs. John Nedderson, 670 Thirty-eighth street, was
notified by cablegram that her son, John Nedderson, had been killed in
action on that date. Nederson was a member of the signal platoon, Three
Hundred and Fifty-second Infantry. She has cabled his company commander and
several members of the organization to secure further information.
Eighteen Iowans in Today's Casualties.
Washington Oct. 22 -- Eighteen Iowans were mentioned in today's casualty
lists which contained a total of 1128 names divided as follows:
[transcription note - the print was too light to read most of what
followed - I've tried to decipher most of the names]
Killed in Action - Privates:
Edward H. [possibly Blizof], Burlington, Ia.
Tom W. Myers, [illegible], Ia.
Perry W. [illegible], Carroll, Ia.
[illegible] Christofferson, Trayrer, Ia.
[2 illegible names & towns]
[illegible] B. Heck [or Beck], Oakland, Ia.
Died of Disease - Private:
Otto H. Zapos, Eatola, Ia
Died of Wounds - Corporal
Dan B. Rafuha, Smithland, Ia.
Died of Wounds - Private:
Leroy C. Nedd----n, Des Moines, Ia.
Wounded Severely - Lieutenant:
John R. Wing---, Waterloo, Ia.
Wounded Severely - Sergeant:
Floyd J. Rain---, Farragot, Ia.
Wounded Severely - Privates:
Marla W. Fowler, Kes ---qua, Ia.
Allie [illegible], Independence, Ia.
Herman A. Fle----, [illegible town]
Joe Miller, Leslie, Ia.
Wounded, Degree Undetermined - Privates:
Albert W. Kottke [?], Guttenberg, Ia.
Edwin S. Lewis, Decorah, Ia.
Iowa City Citizen
Iowa City, Johnson co. Iowa
Wednesday, October 23, 1918
Twenty-Three From Iowa Iowans in Casualties
Washington, Oct. 23 -- Twenty-three Iowans were mentioned in today's
casualty lists which carried a total of 1205 names divided as follows:
Killed in action, 125; missing in action, 92; wounded severely, 177;
wounded slightly, 176; died from wounds, 80; died from accident and other
causes, 12; died of disease, 101; wounded, degree undetermined, 440;
prisoners, 1; died from aeroplane accident, 1. The Iowans are:
Killed in Action - Corporal:
Paul Denlinger, Henderson, Ia.
Killed in Action - Wagoner:
Sanford Severson, Kanawha, Ia.
Died from Wounds:
Lt. Ewin E. HItes, Des Moines, Ia.
Died from Wounds - Privates:
Lyman M. Smith, Hopkinton, Ia.
Frederick Geiger, Burlington, Ia.
Died of Disease - Privates:
James T. Coggin, Bernard, Ia.
Michael Wolfe, North Buena Vista, Ia.
Joseph E. Kilmartin, Malvern, Ia.
George C. Sheppelman, Clear Lake, Ia.
Wounded Severely - Privates:
Morris Y. Johnson, Sioux City, Ia.
George M. Lillie, Leon, Ia.
Percival L. Vining, Woodbine, Ia.
Vern R. Dunagan, Salon, Ia.
Joseph E. McNally, Dubuque, Ia.
Ray Smith, Martelle, Ia.
Wounded Slightly - Sergeant:
George Troy, Sioux City, Ia.
Wounded Slightly - Privates:
Ralph W. Dimler, Luverne, Ia.
Ray C. Lee, Perry, Ia.
Woundeded, Degree Undetermined - Privates:
Arthur Carrigan, Maquoketa, Ia.
Frank Foster, Malvern, Ia.
Russel M. Riggle, Corwith, Ia.
Iowa City Citizen
Iowa City, Johnson co. Iowa
Friday, November 1, 1918
Seven Iowans in Casualties Today.
Washington, Nov. 1 -- Seven Iowans were mentioned in the casualty lists for
today. They contained a total of 1501 names divided as follows: Killed in
action, 217; missing in action, 66; died of wounds, 126; died from accident
and other causes, 7; prisoners, 6; died from aeroplane accident, 1; lost at
sea, 1; died of disease, 171; wounded severely, 171; wounded, degree
undetermined, 338; wounded slightly, 397. The Iowans are:
Killed in Action - Privates:
Basil B. Blevins, Humeston, Ia.
Louis E. Odell, Bedford, Ia.
Wounded, Degree Undetermined - Privates:
Lloyd L. Hoffa, Sanborn, Ia.
Lorn Watkins, Oskaloosa, Ia.
Wounded Severely - Private:
Harry Distelhorst, Burlington, Ia.
Wounded Slightly - Private:
Elmer E. Folander, Davenport, Ia.
Missing in Action - Corporal
Arthur M. Hamilton, Des Moines, Ia.
Iowa City Citizen
Iowa City, Johnson co. Iowa
Saturday, November 2, 1918Four Iowans in Casualties Today
Washington, Nov. 1 -- Four Iowans were mentioned in the casualty lists for
today. They contained a total of 322 names divided as follows: Wounded
severely, 55; wounded, degree undetermined, 147; wounded slightly, 110. The
Iowans are:
Wounded Severely - Private:
Perry T. Brown, Sioux City, Ia.
Wounded, Degree Undetermined - Privates:
Errol G. Leyda, Bloomfield, Ia.
Lewis Wunchell, Wall Lake, Ia.
Wounded Slightly - Private:
Wm. B. Morrissey, Albia, Ia.
Iowa City Citizen
Iowa City, Johnson co. Iowa
Monday, November 4, 1918
Lone Tree Reporter: Adolph Bushek, a Riverside boy died of pneumonia last
week, on the sea. The remains of the young soldier will be brought home for
burial. Three of Riverside's heroes have now made the supreme sacrifice.
Forty-Six Iowans on Casualty Lists
Washington, Nov. 4 -- Forty-six Iowans were mentioned in the casualty lists
for yesterday and today. The contained a total of 1501 names divided as
follows: Killed in action, 217; missing in action, 66; died of wounds, 126;
died from accident and other causes, 7; prisoners, 6; died from aeroplane
accident, 1; lost at sea, 1; died of disease, 171; wounded severely, 171;
wounded, degree undetermined, 338; wounded slightly, 397. The Iowans are: Killed in Action - Privates:
Grover Classen, Reinbeck, Ia.
Willard Fleming, Fountain City, Ia.
Died of Wounds - Privates:
Ralph L. Zane, Lake City, Ia.
George W. Briney, Larchwood, Ia.
Died of Disease - Privates:
Leonard B. Hegland, Radcliffe, Ia.
Ellis Strait, Grand Junction, Ia.
Ray Barton, Belmond, Ia.
Clarence C. Chappell, Corning, Ia.
Lynn L. Dean, Lamont, Ia.
Leonard W. Potter, Granger, Ia.
Harley F. Thompson, Bloomfield, Ia.
Wounded Severely:
William A. Jeffery, Andalusia, Ia., lieutenant.
Vernon E. Ackelson, Winterest, Ia., corporal
Virgil G. Curry, Creston, Ia., musician
Eldon Anderson, Council Bluffs, Ia., private
Niels Larson, Walnut, Ia., private
Enos A Lauterbach, Mt. Pleasant, Ia., private
Elmer E. Pierce, Ottumwa, Ia., private
Walter J. Schara, Dubuque, Ia., private
Wounded - Degree Undetermined - Privates:
Mathais M. Green, Cascade, Ia.
Cecil Halley, Waterloo, Ia.
Fred F. Haworth, Richland, Ia.
Sylvester Holt, Clinton, Ia.
Edward N. Holm, Davenport, Ia.
Paul N. Kirk, Atlantic, Ia.
Grant Kirkpatrick, Creston, Ia.
Frank J. McDonald, Ottumwa, Ia.
Orin F. Mennally, Harlan, Ia
Lorenzo L. Burgess, West Marion, Ia.
Frank W. Dodd, Swaledale, Ia.
Dewey D. Dunkenson, Fountanelle, Ia.
William H. Ewing, Pacific Junction, Ia.
William O. Phillips, Council Bluffs, Ia.
Charles D. Riley, Ottumwa, Ia.
Evald M. Rodin, Burlington, Ia.
Slightly Wounded:
Leroy S. Barber, Marion, Ia., sergeant
Frank F. Johnson, Marshalltown, Ia., corporal
Ray V. Atchison, Oskaloosa, Ia., private
August C. Bloom, Stanton, Ia., private
Levi H. Cutshall, Ft. Dodge, Ia., private
Frank C. Zimmerman, Lyons, Ia., private
Alvin Powell, Keokuk, Ia., private
John R. Johnson, Des Moines, Ia., private
John C. Lamb, Ogden, Ia.
Iowa City Citizen
Iowa City, Johnson co. Iowa
Tuesday, November 5, 1918
27 Iowans in Today's Casualties
Washington, Nov. 5 -- Twenty-seven Iowans were mentioned in the casualty
lists for yesterday and today. They carried a total of 1308 names divided
as follows: Killed in action, 124; died of wounds, 75; died of accident and
other causes, 5; died of disease, 108; wounded, degree undetermined, 257;
wounded slightly, 484; missing in action, 44; wounded severely, 210;
prisoners, 1. The Iowans are:
Died of Disease - Privates:
John E. Hayner, College Springs, Ia.
William Nigg, Davenport, Ia.
Walter O. Edmondson, Orient, Ia.
Geo. H. Broughton, Modale, Ia.
John Grunnett, Sabula, Ia.
Died of Wounds - Privates:
Lowell S. Leytham, Harlan, Ia.
Christian L. Nissen, Cedar Falls, Ia.
William F. Plank, Webster, Ia.
Wounded Severely - Privates:
Harvey A. Thomas, Mediapolis, Ia.
Charles M. Atkins, Woodbine, Ia.
Marvin W. Crow, Gilmore City, Ia.
Arthur J. Pirotte, Mystic, Ia.
Wounded, Degree Undetermined:
Guy S. Brewer, Des Moines, Ia., Major
Elery M. Anderson, Elliott, Ia., private
Newel B. Dorman, Edgewood, Ia., private
Frank C. Harker, Ottumwa, Ia., private
Frank M. McMahon, Bernard, Ia., private
Albert E. Peyer, Ossian, Ia., private
Andrew A. Kenney, Lyons, Ia., private
Wounded Slightly:
James H. Donahue, Sioux City, Ia., lieutenant
Edward R. Wallace, Council Bluffs, Ia., sergeant
Alfred F. Feldhahn, Walnut, Ia., corporal
Geo. Emlet, Muscatine, Ia., private
Albert Antonsen, Sioux City, Ia., private
Charles B. Kridler, Gowrie, Ia., private
Arthur C. Snyder, Spencer, Ia., private
Earl H. Travis, Cedar Rapids, Ia., private
Iowa City Citizen
Iowa City, Johnson co. Iowa
Wednesday, November 6, 1918
28 Iowans in Today's Casualties
Washington, Nov. 6 -- Twenty-eight Iowans were mentioned in the casualty
lists for today. They carried a total of 1076 names divided as follows:
Killed in action, 82; died of wounds, 59; died of accident and other causes,
1; died of disease, 109; wounded, degree undetermined, 370; wounded
slightly, 366; missing in action, 10; wounded severely, 210. The Iowans
Killed in Action:
Emory J. Pike, Des Moines, Ia., lieutenant colonel
John D. Cooper, Clarinda, Ia., private
Wm. P. Smith, Vinton, Ia., private
Died of disease - privates:
Frank A. Feller, Spragueville, Ia.
Harry S. Larrabee, Charles City, Ia.
Richard B. Love, Charles City, Ia.
Geo. Henak, Oxford Junction, Ia.
Wounded Severely - Corporals:
John T. Harker, Merrill, Ia.
Fay H. Houlton, Ireton, Ia.
Rudolph L. Marth, Britt, Ia.
Wm. W. Maus, Dubuque, Ia.
Oscar W. Olson, Centerville, Ia.
Robert A. Payne, Fayette, Ia.
Wounded, Degree Undetermined:
George F. Baker, Rhodes, Ia., corporal
Philip S. Jones, Corning, Ia., bugler
Ray Beall, Marion, Ia., private
Frank Spillman, Seymour, Ia., private
Melvin G. Hagg, Evanston, Ia., private
Alfred Miller, Barney, Ia., private
Lee J. Powers, Boone, Ia., private
Lionel A. Walker, Cedar Rapids, Ia., private
Harry S. Zanfes, Sioux City, Ia., private
Slightly Wounded:
Hugh J. Schuck, Iowa Falls, Ia., sergeant
Carl L. Ryan, Jamaica, Ia., corporal
Wm. Morrow Bauer, Shelby, Ia., mechanic
Harry Oddy, Davenport, Ia., private
Carl H. Hass, Preston, Ia., private
Francis A. Rideout, Earlhorn, Ia., private
Iowa City Citizen
Iowa City, Johnson co. Iowa
Thursday, November 7, 1918
Thirty-Four Iowans in Casualties Today
Washington, Nov. 6 -- Thirty-four Iowans were mentioned in today's casualty
lists. They contained a total of 1189 names divided as follows: Killed in
action, 250; died of wounds, 166; died of disease, 244; wounded severely,
118; wounded slightly, 165; died from accident and other causes, 8; died
from aeroplane accident, 1; missing in action 123; prisoners, 3; wounded,
degree undetermined, 111. The Iowans are:
Killed in Action:
Harold A. Spaun, Frankville, Ia., corporal
Francis W. Steele, Boone, Ia., bugler
Jay Leonard, Aplington, Ia., private
Leo C. Breen, Titonka, Ia., private
Herman G. Thielmann, Alvord, Ia., private
Elmer M. Wilson, Corwith, Ia., private
Andrew A. Christensen, Hampton, Ia., private
Alexander S. Drish, East Pleasant Plain, Ia., private
Died of Wounds
Adouljh R. Lodden, Ft. Dodge, Ia. [no rank given]
Fred L. Stendel, Elkader, Ia. [no rank given]
Died of Disease - Privates:
Roy Babcock, Galt, Ia.
Van C. King, Curlew, Ia.
Fred W. Folkers, Anamosa, Ia.
Henry J. Forde, Decorah, Ia.
Hubert R. Leonard, Coggon, Ia.
Martin Manning, Lyons, Ia.
Conrad H. Anderson, Albert City, Ia.
Geo. W. Harvey, Montour, Ia.
Clarence E. Scott, Germania, Ia.
Morton P. Topping, Wellman, Ia.
Wounded Severely - Privates:
Geo. Heidenreich, Rockford, Ia.
Robert W. Price, Numa, Ia.
Claude D. Stansberry, Sioux City, Ia.
John E. Ewoldt, Manning, Ia.
Frank Hagerman, Davenport, Ia.
Missing in Action - Privates:
Thomas W. Garrington, Beason, Ia.
Henry Otten, Davenport, Ia.
Died of Disease & Other Causes - Privates:
Harold Cochran, Letts, Ia.
Wounded, Degree Undetermined- Privates:
Harry O. Harrington, Manchester, Ia.
Sylvester Simon, Davenport, Ia.
David L. Redman, Ottumwa, Ia.
Wounded Slightly - Privates:
Alonzo J. Lull, Valley Junction, Ia.
Earl Moore, Gravity, Ia.
Marine Casualties - Killed in Action:
Private John J. Smith, Albia, Ia.
Three Sons Victims in the Fighting
Private Ray W. Hicok, of Waterloo, member of the 168th is being invalided
home from France, unfit for further service. He is now at Ellis Island, the
eldest of three brothers in company B. A brother Hugh, was wounded last May
and sent to a hospital for a long term, while the youngest son Carl, of the
same company, only seventeen, has not been heard of since May.
Solon Boy Dies at Camp Dodge
Wesley Sovers, a Solon boy died of Spanish influenza, at Camp Dodge. He was
a splendid soldier, and leaves to grieve for him, his mother, four brothers
and two sisters. The community sympathizes with the sorrowing family.
West Liberty Soldier Dies
James D. Raver, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Ravner, of West Liberty, died,
it is probably, after reaching France. A letter was received yesterday by
his parents, from his Medical Captain, telling of the brave young soldier's
fight with death. He left for Camp Pike on July 23, and in a few weeks went
east. Nothing had been heard from him since he left the states. His
parents, three sisters and a brother survive. West Liberty will hold public
memorial services on November 13. It is expected that the government will
have sent further information by that time.
Iowa City Citizen
Iowa City, Johnson co. Iowa
Saturday, November 9, 1918
Ruthven Boy a Prisoner in Germany
Washington, Nov. 9 -- A.O. Gaard of Ruthven, Iowa is among the Americans
held prisoner at the German camp at Rastat.
Twenty-Eight Iowans in Today's List
Washington, Nov. 9 -- Twenty-eight Iowans were mentioned in today's casualty
lists. They contained a total of 981 names divided as follows: Killed in
action, 263; died of wounds, 251; died of disease, 170; wounded severely,
22; wounded slightly, 46; died from accident and other causes, 3; prisoners,
1; wounded, degree undetermined, 125. The Iowans are:
Killed in Action - Privates:
Max. M. Wren, Van Wert, Ia.
Peter Anderson, Marshalltown, Ia.
Kirk H. Duncan, Lynnville, Ia.
Vincent Kirvin, Winterset, Ia.
Floyd A. Moore, Oskaloosa, Ia.
Fred C. Subcliff, Clinton, Ia.
Died of Wounds - Privates:
Marious H. Christiansen, Ringsted, Ia.
Nelson F. Ratcliff, Hopkinton, Ia.
Died of Disease:
John W. Verseck, Prescott, Ia., sergeant
William T. Bohn, Lamont, Ia., corporal
Pearl E. Loy, Larimore, Ia, corporal
Elvin Cecil, Stockport, Ia., private
Thomas H. Martin, Des Moines, Ia., private
August Schroeder, Preston, Ia., private
George S. Wells, Kalona, Ia., private
Harold L. Kirby, Elliott, Ia., private
Died from Accident & Other Causes:
John W. Delong, Tru--, Ia., private
Wounded, Degree Undetermined:
Kenneth C. McDonald, Chillicothe, Ia., sergeant
Claude W. Oyster, Villisea, Ia., corporal
Harold C. Moore, Garrison, Ia., corporal
William D. Alliman, Wayland, Ia., private
Roland L. Dyslin, Aurelia, Ia., private
Lloyd Lee Lowe, Gravity, Ia., private
Byron L. Wilson, Mt. Vernon, Ia., private
Wounded Slightly:
John S. McDonald, Sioux City, Ia., sergeant
Stacy E. Welborn, Centrill, Ia., wagoner
Charles F. Schliewert, Mason, Ia., private
Joseph Hruska, Cedar Rapids, Ia., private
Iowa City Citizen
Iowa City, Johnson co. Iowa
Monday, November 11, 1918Fifty Iowans on Casualty List
Washington, Nov. 11 - Fifty Iowans are mentioned in the casualty list to
today. They carried a total of 2454 names divided as follows: Killed in
action, 782; died of wounds, 262; died of accident and other causes, 11;
died from aeroplane accident, 4; died of disease, 77; wounded severely,
1447; wounded [remainder illegible]. The Iowans are:
Killed in Action
Lewis P. Rog---- [remainder illegible], lieutenant
Clarence M. Elliot, Fort Dodge, corporal
Roy L. Collins, [town illegible], corporal
William D. Miller, [town illegible], corporal
Edward Albert, Montgomery, Ia., corporal
Thomas M. Rut ------d, Ross, Ia., private
Lowery G. War---, Des Moines, Ia., private
Allert Buss, Little Rock, Ia., private
Walter A. Gillis, Osage, Ia., private
Swan Gimre, Chester, Ia., private
Roy Robinson, [town illegible], private
Paul Obeirn, Gravity, Ia., private
William C. Kuhl-----n, Northwood, Ia., private
Walter E. Enneberg, ----sgar, Ia., private
Chester Bishop, [town illegible], private
Thomas E. Wood, ---mer, Ia., private
Clinton C. Hendrin, [town illegible], private
Lee Walsh, Whittmore, Ia., private
James P. Slattery, Waterville, Ia., private
Died of Wounds - Private:
Masinus Jensen, [town illegible]
Died of Accident & Other Causes - Private:
Jake Koning, Rock Valley, Ia.
Died of Disease - Privates:
George W. Dallenback, Sumner, Ia.
Sylvester Kasparbaser, Templeton, Ia.
Carl W. Hanson, Ringsted, Ia.
John G. Liechty, Y---er, Ia.
Oscar J. Hegg, Osage, Ia
Parker N. Reeves, Bloomfield, Ia.
Gay Letcher, Buffalo Center, Ia.
Erie J. Lindborn, Pilot Mound, Ia.
Roy J. Meyer, Floyd, Ia.
Albert W. McKenney, Sioux City, Ia.
Fred C. Meyer, Odebolt, Ia.
James I. Kairsn, Anamosa, Ia.
William M. Kellerhals, Noble, Ia.
Henry B. Uhlenkamp, Haptown, Ia.
Missing in Action - Privates:
Arthur W. Riley, Irvington, Ia
James M. Ward, Britt, Ia
Joe Bumstein, Ottumwa, Ia
Clyde L. Messick, Burlington, Ia
Joe W. Zarecky, Cedar Rapids, Ia
Wounded, Degree Undetermined:
Francis Nagent, Washburn, Ia, sergeant
Glenn B. Shephard, Panora, Ia., private
Orval Ward, Jewell, Ia., private
Rene Lambert, McCausland, Ia., private
Wounded Severely - Private:
Bernhart P. Merkle, Dana, Ia
Wounded Slightly:
Karl M. Ringland, Oskaloosa, Ia., sergeant
Lyte J. M------lia, Schaller, Ia., sergeant
James Jackson, Burlington, Ia., corporal
Wendel J. McHugh, Clarinda, Ia., private
Charles P. Ves-ler, Oskaloosa, Ia., private
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