Plymouth County Iowa -- INDEX

Adams, Robert

Aukema, Mark W.

Brandt, Henry

Brick, Louis E.

Burns, Charles T.

Busch, Reimer

Clagg, Ben

Connolly, John B.

Cox, Thomas F.

Eberhart, Henry

Ewin, William A.

Forbes, William A.

Hamilton, James A.

Hoffman, John F.

Kennedy, Watson D.

Langhout, David

Mammen, Henry J.

Mann, George

Markert, Adolph

McElhaney, Frank F.

McGillivery, Lawrence

McGillivery, W.

McMann, M. E.

Mertz, Julius

Mohan, Jos.

Moore, Clarence E.

Oldham, Clarence E.

Roeder, John P.

Schmidt, Thomas F.

Schmidt, John M.

Scott, Edgar E.

Schumacher, Wm. O.

Shoup, A. K.

Visser, Peter

Waters, Edward G.

Wilmes, Peter

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LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel
June 9, 1898
(check the link below to read the Sheriff's enlistment list)



Spanish-American War

The Spanish-American War (April-July 1898) was a brief, intense conflict that effectively ended Spain's worldwide empire and gained the United States several new possessions in the Caribbean and the Pacific. Preceded by a naval tragedy, the destruction of USS Maine at Havana, Cuba, the Spanish-American War featured two major naval battles, one in the Philippines and the other off Cuba, plus several smaller naval clashes.

LeMars Globe, June 29, 1898

Plymouth County Men Becoming Soldiers in a Rapid Manner.

The scenes taking place in LeMars the last few days brings vividly home the
stern realities of war and though each heart pulsates with the utmost
patriotism, the farewells are said in sadness and the tears come unbidden as
each one clasps the hand of the departing friend or relative and bids him
Godspeed on his mission.

Members of the Mower Post G. A. R. marched to the depot on Monday morning to
bid farewell to the young men who had answered their country’s call and give
them encouragement and advice which had been gained to them by years of
experience on the battle field. At the head of the body of veterans the
stars and stripes were unfurled and as the June sun kissed the precious
folds in glad welcome to the young men who but recently swore to protect it
with their lives in any land and in any climate, the ringing cheers of the
volunteers was taken up by the veterans and re-echoed through the crowd.

As the train moved away from the station, the volunteers gave three rousing
cheers for Iowa and all about the station joined until the train disappeared
from view. The boys who went on Monday morning were John Connolly, Henry
Mammen, Geo. Mann, M. C. McMann, G. Scott, M. Schmitz, Wm. Eberhart, Dave
Langhout, Robert Adams, M. Schmidt, Reimer Busch.

Peter Wilmes, Frank McElhaney and Wm. Schumacher left on Saturday evening
and Tom Cox left on Tuesday morning and they are now well on their way
toward their first camping ground.

William Messick and a number of other young men went to Sheldon on the
Monday night train for examination. Many others have made an effort to
enlist. Each volunteer is given rations for three days with an allowance of
42 cents for coffee on their departure, which is supposed will keep them
until they arrive at camp.

LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel
September 5, 1898


Frank M. Roseberry was at Indianola last week on business and on his way home visited Camp McKinley at Des Moines and had the pleasure of seeing the LeMars boys who are members of company M in the fifty-second regiment.  He saw Peter Wilmes, Wm. Schumacher, Dave Langhout, Henry Mammen, Thos. Cox, Jos. Mohan, A. Eberhart, J. Schmidt, H. Brandt, and John Connolly.  The boys appeared all well and glad to get back to Iowa soil.  Jos. Mohan, who has been very sick, he reports very much better and back on duty.  They gave Frank a lot of information about Camp Thomas at Chickamauga and their stories are in line with those of the other boys, who have come home from the camp, in regard to the amount of sickness and the quality of the water.  They gave Frank a sample of the water in a bottle.  It is the color of yellow mud and probably would taste as well.  The LeMars boys reported they were not suffering for anything and told Frank all they wanted was their home papers sent to them.  Mr. Roseberry said in this visit to the camp, he heard from others (not the LeMars boys) of horrible incidents which occurred in the camp and division hospital at Chickamauga. 

LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel
November 7, 1898

Gus Haerling Threw Open the Doors of His Hospitable Home on Thursday Evening to the Young Soldiers of Plymouth County.

About a dozen of the members of the Fifty-Second Iowa Infantry volunteers responded to the cordial invitation sent out by Mr. Gus Haerling, of the Grand Central Hotel, to the Plymouth county soldier boys lately returned from camp.  Invitations were also extended to a number of the veterans of the Civil War, the mayor and city council, a majority of whom were present together with the representatives of the city press.

The guests assembled in the parlors of the Grand Central Hotel soon after eight o’clock and after a few minutes informal chat were ushered to the dining room by the host, who called upon Mayor Greer to preside  and take the seat of honor at the head of the table.

The spacious dining room was beautifully and tastefully decorated, the walls being covered with festoons of red, white and blue and the national flag greeted the eye from every coign of vantage.  Laurels, wreaths and evergreen in the back ground lent their charm to the decorations.  The table, reaching the length of the room, was tastefully arranged, chrysanthemums and other flowers being in evidence surmounting the snow white napery with its glittering array of silver and glassware.

The menu was a most elaborate one and the table fairly groaned with the choice edibles provided by the deft culinary artists whose skill has made the house famous.  The wants of the guests were attended to by Miss Haerling and her able assistants, who were most becomingly attired in white, and Mr. Louis Haerling saw that those who partook of champagne had their glasses replenished when occasion arose.  About thirty in all sat down to the table and it is needless to say that they did ample justice to the good things provided.

At the conclusion of the banquet, speeches were called for, but none of them were lengthy as the guests one and all seemed to prefer informal talks and a good time.

Toasts were drank to the boys in blue, the veterans of the Civil War, and Mayor Greer proposed the health of the host and hostess and a rising vote of thanks was extended them for their hospitality.  Mr. Haerling briefly responded and said that the pleasure was on their side and that he and his wife were honored by the presence of both the old and the young soldiers.

Clarence Moore and Peter Wilmes on behalf of the young soldiers made a few remarks, detailing some of their experiences in camp at Chickamauga and expressed their regret that they did not get in action to show the stuff of which they are made and expressed their willingness to take up some again if it should become necessary.

C. H. Jones, on being called upon to speak, related his experience at the battle of Chickamauga, which was somewhat different than that of the juniors, when he was on the staff of Gen. Rosecrous’ and gave an interesting short talk.

Gus Pech was called on for a few remarks on behalf of the civilians and readily responded.  He told of his landing in New York with fifty cents and of his subsequent prosperity and gloried in the fact that he had become a member of the greatest country in the world and declared himself ever ready to defend the flag of his adopted country.

The company afterwards adjourned to the parlors where cigars were passed around and the guests broke up into knots, some playing cards and others enjoying social chat, while others of a musical turn of mind rendered some fine songs.

The company dispersed at a late hour, unanimously voting their host and hostess as past masters in the art of entertaining.