"Co K, 1916 Photo "
Salute to Plymouth Co. Serviceman
Contributed by Linda Ziemann |
At far right, the single picture is of Co. K commander, Capt. J.G. Koenig.
Single photo at the bottom, 1st Lt. John C. Peterson.
Reading from left to right these are the men in the vertical line of the K, starting from the top:
Roe Lobdell, Red Strouse, Charles Ewin;
Joe Sampson, C. L. Eastman, Steve Dier;
Russ Green, Hank Marx, Cecil Clark;
Dutch Mathey, Albert Ewin, Sumner Koch;
Pat Greeley, George Tatman, Ran Ivey;
Jens Kloster, Rutz Fissel, Ken Clark;
Herman Becker, Dow VandeMeer, Charles Kale;
Homer Sampson, Merl Roush, George Smith;
George Lamb, John Hart, Ward Lamb;
Red Hoag, Fred Hensel, Hugo Peterson;
Frank David, Harry Weigle, Walter Adler.
From left, starting at the top right of the K, reading down:
Enoch Johnson;
Sonny Jacobsen, Vince Harker;
Rick Koerner, Gerd Grahlman;
William Roethermael, (unidentified);
Art Ringer; Bill Jacobsen;
Gus Goebel, Gus Forbes;
(unidentified), (unidentified);
John E. Witt;
Bill Pieper, Red Collins, Harry Vander Steeg;
Carlyle Kennedy, Roy Cooper, Peter Schmidt;
Albert Bohlken, Charles Launsbury;
Carl Schneider, Norman Redman, Mr. Chapman;
Herbert Brown, Ray McCoy, Fred Eilers;
Nic Majeres, Lisle Sexton, Walt Huxtable;
Ralph Parker, Lyle Bard, Clay A. Sexton.
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