the Great War....WWI, 1920
The LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel
Contributed by Linda Ziemann
The Exercises Will Be in Charge of Wasmer Post, American Legion—Addresses by
Monsignor Pape and Dr. C. A. Mock, of Western Union
The exercises for the presentation of the certificates given by the French
government to the relatives of soldiers living in this community who gave
their lives for their country in the world war will be held at the Royal
theatre at 3 o’clock, Sunday afternoon, February 22. The exercises will be
in charge of Wasmer Post, American Legion, and a section of the house will
be reserved for relatives of the soldiers and Grand Army veterans.
The principal addresses will be delivered by Msgr. Pape and Dr. Mock and
music will be furnished by Parkinson’s orchestra and the Western Union
quartet. The program follows:
Selection…..Parkinson Orchestra
Prayer…..Rev. H. V. Comin
Address…..Msgr. W. A. Pape
Selection…..Parkinson Orchestra
Reading …..”For France”…...Miss Margaret Blackburn
Selection…..Western Union Quartet
Address…..Dr. C. A. Mock
Song—“Star Spangled Banner”…..Audience
Benediction…..Rev. J. J. Vollmar
Following is a list of the men who laid down their lives so far as reported
to the Legion officers. The certificates for those marked with (*) have been
received and others are ordered:
*John Ferguson, Co. B. 260th Inf.
Pvt. 1st Cl. John W. Wasmer, Hdq. Co., 168th Inf. Rainbow Division
Pvt. John Harm Rohlfs, 10th Machine Gun Co., Camp Gordon
*Pvt. Bernhard Albert M. Lubben, 13th Co. Sep’t Automatic Replacement Draft
Pvt. Louis F. Schindler, Co. D., 364th Inf.
Corp. Estill Powers, 168th Inf.
Pvt. Harry Rayford Bergstrom, Hdgq. Co. 59th Inf.
Pvt. William Reints, Class “B” Truck Service
*Pvt. Edward F. Nussbaum, Co. B, 150th Inf.
*Pvt. 1st Cl. William Herman Dambrink, 9th Co. Sept. Replacement Draft, Camp
*Pvt. Charles Calhoon, Replacement Troops
*Sgt. Jacob Tolsma, Co. G. 128th Inf.
*Sgt. Edward Nicholas Singer, 58th Co. 15th Bn. Depot Brigade, Camp Dodge,
*Pvt. Otto Sylvester Wagner, Group E. M. O. T. C., Fort Riley, Kansas
*Pvt. Joseph A. Lewis, Co. 58, 163d Depot Brigade
Pvt. Frank P. Meis, Co. 3, 313th Engineers
Pvt. John O. Hoffman, serial number 3999161, 14th Co. Camp Gordon
Pvt. Daniel McCoy, 9th Co., Replacement Draft, Camp Gordon
Corp. Albert V. Ewin, Hdg. Co. 168th Inf.
*Pvt. John W. Brodie, Co “C” 17th Inf.
*Pvt. Wallace H. Kilker, Students Army Training Corps.
If relatives of any from this community who died in the service not included
in the above list will report their names to C.D. Roseberry, Adjutant,
certificates will be secured for them.
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