The Danish Evangelical Lutheran Church (of Fredonia Township) was in existence from 1898 to 1964. In 1941 the country church was moved from section 27 into the town of Oyens and renamed Gethesemane Lutheran Church.
Photo submitted by Linda Mohning
LeMars Globe-Post
September 22, 1938
Gethsemane Church North of Oyens Observes Anniversary
In commemoration of the fortieth year of its presence north of Oyens, the
members of the Gethsemane Danish Lutheran Church, paid tribute the last days
of the past week, culminating Sunday with a dinner served by the ladies of
the congregation, on the church lawn. The days from Wednesday to Sunday
were occupied in mission services with Rev. Theo. Jensen of Des Moines, Rev.
Bondo of Albert Lea, Minn., and Rev. H. L. Jensen of Exira, Iowa, visiting
clergymen. Mrs. Bondo and Mrs. H. L. Jensen were also present. On
Wednesday and Thursday nights, Rev. Theodore Jensen gave the sermon and Rev.
Bondo delivered a talk in the Danish language on Friday night. Rev. H. L.
Jensen and Rev. Bondo talked on Saturday and Sunday, the three visitors, as
well as the pastor, Rev. Alvin Petersen, took part in the services, when the
history of church was discussed, in connection with the past and present
events—and people.
Telegrams and letters from former pastors of the church were read as
follows: from Rev. Nels Damskov, now in Canada; Rev. Andreasen now in
Denmark; Rev. Hgordsweng of Michigan; Rev. Atlef Hansen now in California;
and Rev. Anderson, also of California.
Former parishioners who also remembered the occasion with a telegram was the
Walter Kloster family of Oklahoma. There were letters from Esklid Haahr now
of Nebraska; and A. K. Anderson of Brush, Colorado; from Mrs. Mary Bondo of
Audubon, Iowa; and from Rev. Petersen’s people from our own state, also.
H. L. Anderson and daughter, Eva, and the Ole Andersen family of LeMars,
members of the parish, were present as were Mrs. Helma Andersen and son of
Valley Springs, S.D.; Mr. and Mrs. Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Nels Sorensen,
of LeMars; Mr. and Mrs. Joergen Raven and son, of Sioux City; Mr. and Mrs.
John Held of Hinton; and many of the Danish Lutheran congregation of Marcus,
where Rev. Alvin Petersen is pastor, in conjunction with the Gethsemane
group, whose linking of the past with the present and future in this
anniversary, proved of value and interest to all concerned. |