Rural Hinton, Iowa
Located in section 4 SW of Lincoln township.
On C60 one half mile west of the K49 intersection.
Underlined NAME links lead to the corresponding obituary.
Burials in this Pioneer Cemetery:

John Wetrovsky: 29 Jun 1828 - 15 Feb 1913 GPP Photo
Anna Wetrovsky: 10 Sep 1838 - 29 Jun 1925 GPP Photo

Blanche Marie Wetrovsky: 1925 - 1926 GPP Photo
[unmarked grave] Emery Higley 29 Jun 1843 - 29 Nov 1885 GAR

Kelly Cooper: 06 Dec 1965 - 20 Dec 2014 [*Family notes: Kelly was a Great Great Grandaughter to the above couple, John & Anna Wetrovsky.*]
Gotlieb Mathwig: no dates [*Family notes: Born 7/29/1824; Died 3/29/1888 Plym Co.] GPP Photo of Gotlieb & Minnie Mathwig
Minnie Mathwig: no dates [*Family notes: Born 1817; Died 1870 Plym Co.]
Markus Long: d. 29 Jun 1895 [*Beely & Fissel Funeral Home record notes that he committed suicide & is buried in the Mathwig Cemetery, Lincoln Twp.] See the Family Note below.] Tombstone Photo Page
**IAGenWeb 2015
Family Note: "A Wetrosky cousin said this little cemetery also includes the grave of a man who worked with explosives & he blew himself up. He was a shirtale relation. This cousin also said that ggrandpa Wetrovsky was not a church going man & the Lutheran church would not allow him to be buried in their cemetery so the Mathwigs gave the family a 60 X 60 ft. plot for family burials. One of the Wetrovsky daughters was married to a Mathwig."
--OBSERVATION: One of the family researchers has commented that very likely Gottlieb's first wife Minnie may have died in the old country. His second wife is known to be: Augusta A. Schroder (born 1857 and died 1944.) Augusta is buried in Trinity Lutheran Church Cemetery.
--Another Observation: Apparently the Mathwig family already had family members buried in this plot at the time of John Wetrovsky's death in 1913. There is a stone marking the graves of Gottlieb & Minnie Mathwig in this cemetery, however there are no dates on their joint tombstone. It is likely the Mathwig stone was placed later by caring descendants.