Palo Alto County Marriages

Marriage Records Research in Palo Alto County

Were They Married in Webster County?

by Matt O'Dell Why are the early marriage records of Webster Co., important to Palo Alto county researchers ? Because there are no other known civil records of early marriages recorded any where else from the first settlements in Palo Alto [1855] until after the establishment of a local government system 20 December 1858. Actually, the first marriage was recorded early in 1860. The Third General Assembly of the State of Iowa established 49 new counties January 15, 1851. Palo Alto was among those new counties. The county was named after the first battle of the Mexican war - at Palo Alto, near Brownsville, TX in 1846. There was no settlement in the northwest corner of Iowa, however, and Palo Alto was attached to Boone Co. in 1853, and to Webster Co., in 1855, "for election, judicial and revenue purposes." Local government was established in Palo Alto Co., Ia., late in 1858, with the election of Judge James Hickey, et al, on Dec. 20, 1858, following a failed election of October 2, 1858. Elected with Judge Hickey were Clerk of District Court Felix McCosker, Treasurer & Recorder John Mulroney, Drainage Commissioner John Shea, County Surveyor James McCosker, Coroner Orrin Sylvester, and to be the first Sheriff Thomas H. Tobin. - P 64, History of Palo Alto Co., McCarthy- 1910 Thus county records could not possibly be relied upon until at least 1859 when supplies and paper arrived to allow for recording of civil transactions. In fact the first marriage in Palo Alto co. was that of Thos. H. Tobin to Miss Ellen Loughlin, Jany. 7th, 1860. -P 14 Martin's 1876 History of Palo Alto. As for church records, there was no church in Palo Alto county at that time. From Father Smith's manuscript in the 1910 Semi Centennial book, where he wrote about the first pioneers to the county, we read: It was decided to locate on the east bank of the Des Moines river on the land afterwards owned by Martin Coonan and Dan Kane. Their first buildings were the sod shanties(4) and this little colony then called the "Irish Settlement",became the nucleus of our large and prosperous population. It was the seed sown on good soil(5) which has increased a thousand fold. Having always in mind their spiritual as well as their temporal welfare one of the first things they aimed to provide for was a church. With this end in view in 1857 they entered a land claim(6) of eighty acres in the name of the Catholic Bishop of the diocese of Dubuque.(7) It was the south half of the southeast quarter of section 24 of what is now Emmetsburg township. Arrangements were at once made to build a church thereon. Work was already begun, logs were collected, part of the walls raised, and quite a supply of material was on the ground to complete the building. (6) Bishop's name. Bp. Loras died Feb. 19, 1958. Bp. Clement Smyth (Dubuque) consecrated May 3, 1857.* Since there was extremely bad weather in the spring of '57 and because of the evacuation of the "Irish Colony" after the return of the Relief Expedition from the Spirit Lake Massacre site (the troop arrived back in Ft. Dodge about Apr. 10, 1857) and, since the settlers followed the troop to Ft. Dodge - not necessarily the same day - but shortly thereafter - and stayed at least a month in Ft. Dodge; we would expect this land to be listed in the name of Bp. Clement Smyth, Dubuque. Record has not been found.[Matt O'Dell's History of Assumption Church] In an unfortunate hour on a Sunday afternoon in the fall of 1859, John Pender, who had a claim on the river bottom in what is now Great Oak township, was making a firebreak around his log cabin. The fire got away from him and furiously made its way north consuming everything in its path. The partly completed church building with all the material on the ground was entirely swept away. At the same time the Pender home was burned. It was on the shore of Medium Lake where the Saunders residence now stands(8). Thus the first church building of any denomination raised in the county was that log structure erected in 1859 where Mr. A Scott Ormsby's residence may now be seen.(9) Footnotes: (9) NW Corner of Palmer and 7th Streets, Call's Addn. This is a high point at the SW end of the Lake, a commanding position, and a fine first choice for the church. We have found no record of what happened to the property, the original deeds - etc. Ormsby built a fine home there - still standing - now listed in the National Register as Rosemount and in 1989 it is a Bed & Breakfast. (It IS in Sec. 24, Twsp. 96Nx33W and the description given by Fr. Smith agrees geographically: [Extracted from Matt O'Dell's History of Assumption Ch. Palo Alto co.] So, we realize that by 1859 the log church under construction from 1857-1859 by the Catholics of Palo Alto came to a fiery end in the Pender prairie fire, fall of 1859. Therefore, if you want to find possible marriage records, you may wish to look in the group found below. FIRST MARRIAGES IN WEBSTER COUNTY, IOWA 1853 - 1859 These mariages, in Book I, were recorded by Mindy Natte in August of 1974;checked by Roger B. Natte and certified by Laurance W. Murray. (*)indicates license was issued, but not returned. After copying this list into WordPerfect format Matt O'Dell checked and re-checked the list in 1992. Groom's name Bride's Name Date Abbott, Daniel S. Deborah Nichols 12 Aug 1856 Addams, Darin Sydin Bibler 1 Jun 1856 Alcorn, Robert Charity Hise 10 Sep 1857 Anderson, Robert T. Elenor Griffith 1 Jan 1857 Arthur, William Orma L. Potter 17 Dec 1856 Atherton, John Wesley Julia Rosetta Sweet 23 Dec 1858 Atherton, Samuel D. Mary A. Vandevender 8 Aug 1858 Auker, William Orma S. Potter 15 Dec 1855* Ballard, John Emily Everhart 30 Aug 1855 Barr, Henry Hannah M. Vander Ornber 15 Feb 1857 Beach, Alexander Sarah Jane Ewing 10 Nov 1859 Beach, David Jane Graw 15 Jan 1857 Beck, Hirem Hannah Jackman 12 Mar 1858* Beecher, Hezekiah Pauline E. Morrison 13 Dec 1858 Bell, Isaac Sarah Ann Stark 26 Aug 1855 Bell, Terlonzo S. J. Neece 17 Aug 1854 Berkley, Granvil Z. I. Meservay 2 Aug 1855 Bernet, Levi Angeline Bush 22 Oct 1855* Blood, Martin Cilma J. Todd 13 Feb 1858 Books, Henry Euretha A. Clark 28 Feb 1856 Booth, Frederick Helen Ann Ruggles 13 May 1858 Bowman, William Maria Martin 29 Sep 1858 Brackschynke, Casper H. Mary Kirchner 16 Jul 1857 Bradshaw, John J. Martha Griffith 10 Apr 1855 Bremer/Brewer, Jackson Hariett Frakes 11 Aug 1854 Brooks, Harvey Euretta S. Clark 28 Sep 1856 Brugotti, Christopher Eliza L. Andrews 10 Nov 1859 Brundage, James N. Angeline Beem 5 Dec 1858 Caligan, Thos. T. Catharine Kinniard 28 Jan 1858 Callehan, Barney Delia Haley 1 Feb 1858* Calligan, Thomas T. Catherine Kinniard 28 Jan 1858 Carhin, Joshua Laraha Carral 22 Mar 1855 Chambers, Hugh B. A. Downing 9 Dec 1856 Chancy, Hiram Mary A. Shamers 6 Sep 1855 Childress, Henry J. Sarah Pointer 16 Jun 1858 Clark, Joel Nesta L. Mead 19 Jun 1859 Clark, John B. Cindrilla A. Douglass 29 Apr 1857 Clegg, Richard Eliza Litts 5 Jun 1855 Collins, Hugh Catherine Russell 9 Feb 1859 Cooper, George Johanna Stanley 9 Nov 1855 Corbin, Albert G. Clarissa L. Spring 21 Jan 1858 Craphart, Eli D. Mary Michaels 1 Jun 1856 Crombic, John Mary Jane Clark 13 Sep 1855 Cronin, Bartholomew Margaret Smith 26 Mar 1859 Crouse, Alexander E. Eve Ann Gonzer 28 Apr 1857 Dean, James Lydia Todd 25 Dec 1858 Deck, Jurah Ann Millurn 11 Apr 1856 Dewitt, John Harrison Mary H. Crouse 11 May 1858 Dillow, Joseph Louisa McFarland 6 Jun 1857 Dimler, Henry Eliza Page 11 Jun 1858 Donahue, Edward Mary Ann Maher 14 Jun 1859 Drake, Feromus B. Caroline E. Hart 12 Mar 1857* Duncombe, John F. Mary Augusta Williams 11 May 1859 Eberhart, A.C. Celia A. Eads 21 Sept 1856 Ebert, Ernest Ernestura Serfert 15 Feb 1857 Elis, Norman P. Maranda Clark 15 Nov 1855 Ewing, William S. Teressa E. Stall 23 Apr 1859 Farland, James M. Martha Ann Duckett 25 May 1856 Faught, Henry Josephine Guard 15 Jun 1856* Fisher, Richard Sarah Pemberton 12 Feb 1857 Fisher, William P. Lavina Eslisk 27 Dec 1856 Fitzgerald, John Ann Fienel 6 Jul 1856 Gage, Harvey Martha Jane Comly 28 Mar 1858 Garmoe, Isaac Margaret Johnson 23 Nov 1856 Geige, Edward B. Martha McFarland 14 Feb 1856* Giaryer, Benjamin F. Calista E. Raad 8 Mar 1856 Goodrich, Benjamin B. Elizabeth Galer 7 Nov 1858 Goodrich, John Jane McGuier 2 Sep 1854 Gray, Jesse Elizabeth Brundage 31 May 1857 Hall, Henry C. Celia M. Sherman 1 Jan 1857 Hall, James Charlotte Fisher 1 Jan 1858 Hammer, Benjamin Isabet Beeson 13 Jun 1856* Hand, Ira Emily Douglass 8 Jul 1858 Hanson, Adolph Mary A.C.(?) 18 Nov 1854 Harden, Joseph Elizabeth McIntosh 28 Apr 1856 Hart, George D. Orlinda S. Moore 11 Nov 1858 Hase, George Julia A. Fisher 29 Jan 1857 Haslett, Charles Ester Lakin 28 Nov 1856 Hatch, Charles L. Filina A. Skinner 28 Oct 1855 Haynes, John Margarett Carbon 6 Sep 1854 Hepsheor, William Catherine McFarlin -- Jan 1857 Hickey, James Margarett Hogan 13 Sep 1856 Himer, Marlin B. Sarah Coray 1 Nov 1855* Hines, William Mary Jackman 28 Jun 1858 Hoel, Mathias Manika Schnider 3 Apr 1858 Hogan, T'ohm Mary Williams 29 Aug 1857* Holehan, William Bridget Floyd 12 Dec 1858 Holems, John S. Emily Lyons 14 May 1853 Horn, Alfred M. Anna Pierce 8 Dec 1856* Hull, James E. Ahienn Rees 11 Nov 1855 Jameson, Mordecai S. Flora Lee 13 May 1859 Johns, Andrew Gustana Percodot 16 Sep 1853 Johns, John Margaret Hoadly 15 Aug 1858 Johnson, James Nancy Bell 7 Dec 1854 Jones, Charles Elizabeth Bell 28 Jun 1856 Kelley, James Menerva J. Dowd 11 Dec 1856 Kelly, James Minerva Dowd 11 Dec 1856 Kelly, Richard Catherine Knox 8 Jun 1856 Kent, William Mary C. Haviland 12 Nov 1857 Kent, William W. Harriet C. Woodward 28 May 1856 Kischner, John A. Mary Jane Bicknell 17 Oct 1857 Larney, Patrick M. Ellen Ford 26 Nov 1857 Lawrence, Benjamin Alphea Bancroft 30 Nov 1858 Lincrun, Geo Clarisa Jane Williams 28 Feb 1856 Martin, Reuben Mariah Harden 5 Apr 1854 Maudlin, William Julia Ann Beeson 29 Aug 1857 Maulding, John S. E.Hogan 9 Mar 1854 McCauley, George C. Rachel Ticker 2 Feb 1859 McCauley, Robert Elisabeth Hughes 17 Dec 1858* McDaniels, William Nancy Johnson 25 Feb 1858 McGuier, Blyath Rebeca Pierce 17 Aug 1854 McGuier, Francis Theby Baatryh 18 Jan 1855 McGuier, Wm. Emiline H. Scott 11 Jun 1853 McGuire, Francis Rebecca McGuire 22 Feb 1857 McNeely, Theulious Euginia L. Clark 26 Dec 1859 McPheeters, Andrew Adelia A. Mowrey 15 Mar 1859 Merphey, Michael Obrien Mary Ann Baxter 20 Feb 1858 Merritt, H.D. Lavina Shaffner 21 Mar 1858 Miller, John Julia Condon 8 May 1858* Mitchell, John Christiana Stark 26 Aug 1856 Mitchell, Warren G. Louise A. White 18 Nov 1858 Montgomery, Albert Mary Ann McBride 12 Nov 1857 Moore, Virgil Minerva Beach 10 Mar 1859 Morrissy, Michael Isabell Selley 6 Jul 1857 Muldoon, Patrick Catherine McCartney 20 Nov 1858 Nichols, George Sarah Jane Baxter 14 Jul 1855* Nolan, Patrick Johanah Conway 10 Oct 1857 O'Hara, Patrick Susan Mallon 26 Apr 1859 Payne, Henry R. Margarett Murphy 15 Jun 1855 Payne, Wm. Pally P. Crause 25 Oct 1855 Phetteplace, Banjamin Harriet Moon 7 Apr 1859 Pierce, Joseph C. M. E. Pierce 30 Sep 1855 Pollock, William Mary Bates 24 Dec 1857 Power, William Christina Carter 16 Aug 1856 Preston, William Julia M. Young 1 Jan 1859 Qumland, Thomas Bridgit Fahey 15 Aug 1857* Rees, Franklin Emily Moonl? 12 Apr 1858 Renolds, Wm. K. Melissa Grant 21 Aug 1853 Richards, Charles B. Mary I. Olcott 14 Jun 1857 Ridgeway, Squire C. Elizabeth Jane Jameson 19 Oct 1858 Rogers, A.B. Saray Hymer 29 Mar 1857 Rudy, Dunie Malisa Ann Frakes 27 Mar 1856 Russelland, Eleazur Margaret Buttlen 17 Oct 1856 Safferty, John M. Catherine Martin 3 Jan 1858 Schaller, J. Christian Eliza Hartman 30 Oct 1858 Scrivner, John Francis Decker 30 Dec 1854 Sherman, Charles A. Tirzan Vincent 15 Nov 1858 Sherman, G. B. Amaretta Vincent 9 Feb 1858 Smith, Francis Mary C. Young 10 Feb 1856 Smith, George P. Sarah Jane Hooke 27 Sep 1856* Smith Shelden Mary ? Helmick 10 May 1858 Speer, John Susanna M. Douglass 25 Feb 1858 Strow, John D. Maria B. Fox 31 Dec 1856 Taylor, Charmery M. A. Frakes 12 Sep 1858* Van Cleave, Silas Basanah Broadstone 1 Oct 1857 Vandevender, John Barbary C. Maberry 25 Oct 1857 Vigors, C. H. Ellen Corbin 18 Mar 1858 Weeks. Eumenus Corintha E. Nelson 23 Jan 1858 Welch. Henry A. Rachael Ann Frakes 28 May 1857 Wells, Banager Edward Mary Abigail Spring 10 Aug 1858 White, William. Mary Garaghty 11 May 1859

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