Palo Alto County Directories

Polk's Iowa State Gazetteer and Business Directory

Population, 210. On the M & St. L. Ry., in Rush Lake township, Palo Alto county, 13 miles south of Emmetsburg, the judicial seat. First settled in 1864. Has Baptist and Methodist churches and a moving picture theatre. Exp., Adams. Tel. W.U. Telephone connections. Nellie M. Easton, postmaster.
Brechler W J, restaurant
Critz & Co, O B Brown mgr, grain
Cullen John, live stock
Easton Nellie M, postmaster
Easton S A Mrs., hotel
Elder H W, general store
Ferguson C K, rr exp and tel agent
Fisk O B, grain, coal, and livery
Graw Jacob, contractor
Griffin Bros., drayage
Harrison E N, garage
Hatch A A, hardware
Hatch Floyd, garage
Leary Lee, pool
Levins & Easton, drugs
Rialto Theatre, D A Fosnot propr
Royal Lumber Co.
Seagren J A, blacksmith
Turner L E, meats and poultry
Whitmer A A, general store
Whitmer R A, cream and poultry

Population 175. An incorporated town on the C.M. & St. P. Ry., in Fairfield township, Palo Alto county, 7 1/2 miles from Emmetsburg, the judicial seat. Has a Methodist Episcopal church, a consolidated school and a bank. Exp., Am. Ry. Ethel Davidson, postmaster.

Cylinder State Bank (Capital $25,000), E H Soper pres, George A Freeman cashr
Davidson Ethel, postmaster
Esser John, livery
Farmers' Mutual Telephone Co.
Farmers' Union Society, grain, tile, salt and coal
Freeman George A, cashr Cylinder State Bank
Gilles John, restaurant and billiards
Gray L F, meats
Hubbard Grain Co, F H O'Halloran mgr
Kliegel Joseph, county supervisor
Leston Jay, hardware
Miltved C, furniture
O'Halloran F H, live stock
O'Leary Peter, automobiles
Ried J L & L L, agricultrual implements
Royal Lumber Co, C E Myers mgr
Slagle Charles H, rr exp and tel agent
Smith R M, grocer
Stokka Ole, blacksmith
Streit Fred, general store
Swensen Eli & Sons, contractors
Swenson Eli, mayor
Woodbridge J W, physician

Population 2762. The judicial seat of Palo Alto county, an incorporated city located on the Des Moines river, and on the C.M. & St P. and C.R.I. & P. Rys., 144 miles northwest of Des Moines. It is surrounded by a fine farming and stock raising section, and has an opera house, an efficient fire department, an electric light plant, 3 banks, a public library, churches of the leading denominations, monument factory, grain elevators and 3 weekly newspapers, the Palo Alto Reporter, The Palo Alto Tribune and the Emmetsburg Democrat, and a Commercial Club. Ships grain, hay, flour, butter, eggs, live stock and produce. Express, telegraph and telephone connections. Patrick H. Donlon, postmaster.
Allen John, well driller.
American Railway Express Co., Harry E. Cheever agent.
Barrick A Dyson, wagonmaker.
Bauck L H, cement sidewalks.
Beck Curtis W . agent C R I & P Ry
Beckman & Schroeder (H C Beckman, B F Schroeder), implements and grain.
Berger Charles J., general store
Berkland Otto J, real estate
Braerley R W, stock breeder
Branagan Wm I, publr Emmetsburg Democrat
Brearly Ralph, live stock breeder
Brennan's Orchestra, Frank Brennan leader
Brereton Harold L, physician
Brown Land & Loan Co., M.L. Brown pres. Edward McNally sec, real estate and insurance
Building and Loan Assn., Ed Mcnally pres., Wm. E Saunders sec
Carpenter Edward W, sign painter
Casey John, tailor
Cedar Rapids Business College (Cedar Rapids) A N Palmer pres, W C Henning Principal
Cedar Rapids Oil Co. Markus Skowbo agent
Chain John A, photographer
Chambunas Tony, restaurant
Cheever Harry E, agt Am Ry Exp Co
Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul Ry, Wm E Losey agent
Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Ry, C W Beck agent
Clark Fred F, county agri. agent
Cobbs Bootery Co (Spencer Ia) A Orville Cobbs pres, Arthur J Kunston sec-treas
Commercial Bank (capital $25,000) W E G Saunders pres, George E Saunders cashr
Community Service Station Co (Davenport, Ia) Frank J Ellwanger agent
Cretzmeyer Frank, physician
Critz Oscar V, grain dealer
Crose Jean P Mrs., dry goods
Crouch Sarah J Mrs., restaurant
Davidson & Burt (F C Davidson, A J Burt) lawyers
Dick-Peddie Wm S, insurance and real estate
Donlon P.H. Postmaster
Donovan Anna, publr Palo Alto Tribune
Dooley John, sewer contractor
Downs George, sec Farmer's Mutual Insurance Assn.
Duffy, John A, insurance and real estate
Duhig Charles, real estate
Emmetsburgh Coal & Supply So, Edward M Taylor mgr, lumber and coal
Emmetsburg Commercial Club, Harry Pfiffner pres
Emmetsburg Creamery Co., Lewis Stuebmer sec
Emmetsburg Democrat (weekly), Wm I Branagan publr
Emmetsburg Farmers' Co-operative Co., grain, coal and implements
Emmetsburg Ice Cream & Bottling Works (Roy P Atkinson)
Emmetsburg Public Library, Mrs. Lillian Appleby librarian
Emmetsburg Seed Co. H M Helgen pres, A T Horton sec and mgr
Emmetsburg Telephone Co. J H Knoblock pres Harlan Soper sec-treas
Emmetsburg Water Works, Jacob Ruple Supt
Erichsen Wilhelm, billiards and cigars
Fain Harry S. stock breeder
Farm Bureau of Palo Alto County. G B Griffin pres, E O Mathiesen v-pres, H E Barringer treas, C G Wenning sec
Farmer's Mutual Insurance Assn, Omro Cottington Pres, J Andrew Suss Treas, George Downs Sec
Farmers' Trust & Savings Bank (capital $25,000) D A Johnson pres, J W Neary cashr
Feldman Bertha A, mgr W U Tel Co
First National Bank The (Capital $80,000, surplus $60,000, undivided profits $40,000), Erastus B Soper Pres, Michael F Kirwick, V-Pres, Robert Laughlin Cashier, Jean Laughlin and Curbey C Adams Asst Cashiers
Fisher Wm J, lawyer
Fong Lee, laundry
Foy Edward J, undertaker
Freeman Wm G, grocer
Geyerman's (Brewster, Minnesota), J C Tormey mgr, cloaks and suits
Gilchrist Frank W, plumber
Glenn D H, optometrist
Goddan Monument Co. ( John H. Godden)
Gowans James, general store
Grady James F, variety store
Grady Produce Co, Wm J Grady mgr
Gusland Lewis O, plumber
Gyling Anna M Mrs, general store
Hagedorn & Son (Louis and Christ), furniture and pianos
Hand Celia Mrs, general store
Hand Frank E, grocer
Hawkeye Oil Co. (Waterloo, Ia)
Heise R W, beterinary surgeon
Helgen H M Land Co (Henry H Helgen)
Hennessy James, physician and county coroner
Higgins Edward J, drugs
Higley John G, vulcanizer
Hobson Joseph I, jeweler and optometrist
Home Oil Co, Henry Hilton agent
Hughes Auto Co (Harry P Hughes, Michael Neibauer)
Hughes Bert, drugs
Iowa Theatre, Albert J Swanton mgr.
Jackson J W, sheriff
Jamieson Thomas G, Propr Waverly Hotel, Tel. 195
Janssen Matt J, chiropractor
Jennett Albert W, insurance and real estate
Jennings James J, contractor
Johnson Howard E, clothes cleaner
Johnson & Fordyce (Duncan L Johnson, John Fordyce), autos and garage
Jones & Jackman (P E Jones, P C Jackman),meats
Joyce Thomas F, harnessmaker
Kelly Daniel, lawyer
Kerwick Michael F, hardware
Kirby Philip J, live stock
Kliegel Joseph, county supervisor
Knoblauch Julius H, dry goods
Krieger Wm T, county auditor
Kulp D E, real estate
Laughlin Robert, cashr First National bank and general insurance
Linderman Walter L, lawyer, and real estate
Losey Wm E, agent C M & St P Ry
Loughlin Wm, live stock
McCarty & McCarty (George B and Dwight G), Lawyers, Real Estate and Loans
McCrum Marion, shoes
McEvoy Bros, stock breeders
McTigue Francis B, osteopath
Main Chester H, autos and garage
Marks Herman, grocer
Martin Thomas R, county engineer
Mayne & Vedder (Clifford F Mayne, George C Vedder) Publishers Palo Alto Reporter
Medium Lake Improvement Co, E Harlan Soper sec
Moran Thomas F, confectioner
Morling Edgar A & Wm. H, lawyers
Moses Ralph W, shoes
Moses Rose W, vulcanizer
Mulroney Leo J, county supervisor
Mulroney & Coonan ( Robert Mulroney, T J Coonan), clothing and shoes
Nefstead Emery F, county attorney
Nelson Oscar, general store
Nolan Michael J, restaurant
Nolan & Norvell ( John F Nolan, Horace R Norvell), clothing and shoes
North Iowa Wholesale Co ( Wm J Brown), wholesale flour and feed
Northern Iowa Gas & Electric Co (Humboldt, Ia), Royal E Greengo mgr
O'Brien Bros (Eugen W and Joseph J), grocers
O'Connor Thomas, lawyer
Olson Lauritz C, repair shop
Ormsby A Scott, Wm Dick-Peddie Mrg, Real Estate and General Insurance, Tel 57
Ormsby Land & Mortgage Co, A Scott Ormsby pres
Oscherby Burnett, drayage
Ozanne Harold H, dentist
Palo Alto County Abstract Co, T L Watson Propr, H P Richardson Mgr, Abstracts of Title to All Lands and Lots in Palo Alto Co
Palo Alto Co. Agricultural and Racing Assn
Palo Alto Co Chautaqua Assn
Palo Alto Reporter The, Mayne & Vedder Publishers, A Republican Newspaper issued every Thursday
Palo Alto Tribune (weekly), Anna Donovan publr
Papadakes Bros (Charles and John), confectioners
Peterson Anton N, blacksmith
Pfiffner Harry, jeweler and stationer
Potter L R, veterinary surgeon
Powers Henry A, physician
Quaker Oats Co, B F Bradley mgr, grain and elevator
Reed Fred H (Grinnell, Ia), wholesale produce
Rehm John, chairman county supervisors
Richardson H Pearle, County Recorder and Mgr Palo Alto County Abstract Co
Richardson Wm C, autos and horse dir
Robb James L, electric supplies
Royal Lumber Co, Martin Ausland mgr, lumber and coal
Rozen Samuel, autos and garage
Ruehle Louis H, confectioner
Ruehle Wm, blacksmith
Rutledge Thomas F, city clerk
St Mary's Academy, in charge of Sisters of Charity
Sampson O J & Son, bus line and transfer
Saunders George F, cashr Commercial Bank
Saunders Wm E G, real estate
Schooley James E, real estate
Scott Fred, blacksmith
Scott Harry, chiropractor
Scott Lisle C, dentist
Scott Margaret A Mrs, milliner
Shadbolt & Middleton (Mrs H C Shadbolt, W G Middleton), lumber and coal
Skowbo Marcus, flour feed and produce
Smith A W, Lawyer; Associate McCarty & McCarty
Soper Wm J, general insurance
Soper & Soper (E B and E H) lawyers
Standard Oil Company, John Scott agent
Stedman P H & Son (Pratt H and Charles G), harnessmakers and auto supplies
Steiher Albert, county supervisor
Steuhmer Lewis, real estate and general insurance
Swanton Elbridge G, flour and feed
Taylor Charles A, baker
Tehlle Alvin A, dentist
Underwood Virginia, county supt of schools
Union Mutual Fire Insurance Assn of Iowa, P J Shaw pres, George H Baker sec, Alexander Ruthven treas
Vaughan Wm H, tailor
Wagner Guy L, pool
Walker John L, physician
Watson J C R, insurance and real est
Watson T L, Propr Palo Alto County Abstract Co
Waverly Hotel (European), Thomas G Jamieson Propr, The Commercial Hotel of Emmetsburg, Tel 195
Weir J D & Son (James D and Roy A), farm implements
Westergard Hans, county supervisor
Western Union Tel Co, Bertha A Feldman mgr
Wilson Floyd V, storage batteries
Wiltse Frank L, notions
Winders & Alm (J A Winders, E A Alm), meats
Wolfgang Albert J, drugs
Wright N J, stock breeder
Yeutter C Eugene, baker
Young Wm J, grocer
Zahrandt Paul J (estate of), hardware
Ziegler A J, stock breeder

Population, 435. An incorporated town on the M. & St. L. Ry., in South Rush Lake township, Palo Alto county, 12 miles south of Emmetsburg, the judicial seat. Has Catholic, Trinity Lutheran, Latter Day Saints and Methodist Episcopal churches, a newspaper, the Independent, a moving picture theatre and a bank. Tel., W.U. Exp., Adams. George H Wasson,postmaster.

Beatty E D, physician and surgeon
Brownlee Auto Co.
Brownlee R A, hardware and agricultural implements.
Cowman C J & Co, drugs
Ellis S A, harness
Farmers' Elevator Co.
Frist National bank (capital $25,000) J P Mulroney pres, J W Johnson cashr
Hahn C J, hay dealer
Hotel Mallard
Johnson J W, cashr First National Bank
Keeney George H, physician
Kreig & Draper Auto Co.
Maitland F L, restaurant
Mallard Butter and Cheese Assn
Mallard Independent (Weekly) George H Wasson publisher
Mallard Lumber Co, L C Hahn mgr
Mallard Opera House, Ira Waggoner mgr
Mallard Trust and Savings Bank (capital $15,000), Edward D Clark pres, H F Van Gorden chasr
Mulroney Bros, general store
Sands G G, hardware
Schuller Wm, general store
Steil-Hahn Co, grain elevator
Steil Hay Co.
Steiner Albert, county supervisor
Steiner & Hahn, general store
Turner H B, rr, tel and exp agent
Van Gorden H F, cashr Mallard Trust & Savings Bank
Waggoner C K, meats
Wasson George H, Postmaster and Publisher Mallard Independent

Population 150. Settled in 1885. On the Des Moines river, and on the C. R.I. & P Ry., in Fern Valley township, Palo Alto County, 13 miles southeast of Emmetsburg, the judicial seat. Has a Presbyterian church and a bank. Tel, W.U. Exp., Am Ry. A T Sweely, postmaster.

Ballenbach A, general store
Blake L N, livery
Coburn H, blacksmith and wagonmaker
Farmer's First Trust & Savings Bank (capital $25,000), C J Bonnstetter pres, Ray A Hoskins, cashr
Fenn E E, restaurant
Fenn W D, meats
Fisher George, live stock breeder and dealer
Hilborn H F, rr, tel and exp agt
Hosking Ray A, cashr Farmers' First Trust and Savings Bank and real estate
Peterson Thomas, general store, billiards and soft drinks
Royal Lumber Co, Lloyd Martin mgr
Salisbury John, hotel
Sweely A T, Shoes, Paints, School Supplies, Poultry, Cream Buyer and Postmaster
Turner Joseph, agricultural implements
Turner & Frye Elevator Co, grain
VanHorn Eugene, garage
West Bend Telephone Co, A Ballenbach mgr
Western Electric Telephone Co (Mason City), A Ballenbach mgr

Population, 815. An incorporated town on the C.M. & St. P. and M. & St. L Rys (depots 250 yards apart), in Highland township, Palo Alto county, 11 1/2 miles west of Emmetsburg, the judicial seat, 138 from Des Moines, and 2 miles south of Lost Island Lake, a summer resort. It has Catholic, Adventist, Free Methodist, Lutheran and Methodist churches, a moving picture theater, water works, a public school, 2 banks and a weekly newspaper, the Free Press. Tel, W.U. Exp., Am. Ry, Irving J Foy, postmaster.

Anderson Edwin, real estate.
Anderson John H, drugs and books
Anderson Magnus, wagonmaker
Archer E L, garage
Baldwin Hospital, Gilbert Baldwin phys and propr
Bale John H, cashr Farmers Savings Bank
Berg & Brennan (John A Berg, Thomas J Brennan),general store
Bowers P G, rr, tel and exp agt
Drennen H K, meats
Electric Theatre, W J Willis propr
Farmers Co-Operative Creamery Co.
Farmers Incorporated Co-operative Society, grain and coal.
Farmers Savings Bank (capital $20,000), Emmett P Barringer pres, John H Bale, cashr
First National Bank (capital $25,000), M L Brown pres, J Harry Thatcher cashr
Foy Irving J, Publr Ruthven Free Press and Postmaster
Gates D E, cement walks
Hageden Roy, produce
Hadley L M, veterinary surgeon
Hastings J F, general store
Hughes George L, general store
Hughes R J, agricultural implts
Hughes Walter J, garage
Huston H M, physician
Jeffries A W, real estate and insurance
Kennedy House, Mary E Donlon propr
King Arhtur, garage
Linden Drug Co, Gustave Linden propr
Logan Thomas, furniture
Metz Charles, harnessmaker
Minor J L, dentist
Myers Clyde G, jeweler and notions
Nelson Carl B, blacksmith
Nielsen Chris, billiards
Nolan Joseph C, meats
O'Brien & Gorman, clothing and shoes
Osterhus J E, automobiles
Osterson G W, livery
Park Hotel
Patrick R C & Co, general store
Paulson Samuel, harness
Peterson & Gordon, men's furngs
Redeen J H, blacksmith
Rex Cafe, Fred P Caldwell, propr
Rhinehart Rosacker & Co, livestock
Ritchie D A, veterinary surgeon
Royal Lumber Co.
Ruthven Free Press ( Weekly) Irving J Fox publr
Ruthven Shipping Assn, T M Hermanson mgr
Ruthven Telephone Exchange
Ruthven Water Works (city owned)
Startle Harry E, auctioneer
Stanton M T, livery
Thatcher J Harry, real estate loans, insurance and cashr First National Bank
Wagner E L, hardware
Wigdahl Bros, hardware
Willis Joseph B, restaurant
Wilson Grain Co.

West Bend.
Population 969. An incorporated town on the C.R.I & P. Ry, in Palo Alto county, 16 miles southeast of Emmetsburg, the county seat, 72 from Iowa Falls and 168 from Cedar Rapids. It has Catholic, Lutheran, Methodist, and Presbyterian church organizations an $80,000 consolidated school, water works, 2 banks, a weekly newspaper, the Journal, etc. Exp., Am. Ry, Tel, W.U. H S Falb, postmaster.
Banwart Wm R, general store
Boss C C, live stock breeder
Border Fred E, insurance
Bourret C E, Cashier Union State Bank
Brockschmidt Frank, baker
Colgan & Graham, garage
Cuplin Pascal P, drugs
Dewitt P J, drayage
Dorweller Joseph, general store and mfr cement blocks
Emerson & Foley (George Emerson, George Foley), restaurant
Falb H A, postmaster
Fall A J, blacksmith
Farmers Elevator Co, E L Haynes mgr
First Trust & Savings Bank (capital $30,000), A L Frye pres, F J Hoskin cashr
Foxwell Mabel Mrs, millinery
Frye A L, insurance
Hennessy Lumber Co, coal and lumber
Hoskin F J, cashr First Trust & Savings Bank
Iowa-Canadian Land Co, Edward Kunz pres, B F McFarland sec
Ivey George A, hay dealer
Keller A H, live stock breeder
Koch Frank, publr West Bend Journal
Kohler & Kohler, plumbers
Kohler & Shellmyer, moving pictures
Kongsback Jacob C, hay dealer
Kruger Karl, grain and fuel
Lambert Lumber Co.
Lang Wm G, blacksmith
Lawrence & Moore, clothing
Lockwood Frank, rr, exp and tel agt
McFarland Benjamin F, general store
Mantz Edward, horse breeder
Mantz Herbert M, harnessmaker
Mikes Bros (Joseph and Adolph), meats
Miller Charles C, jeweler
Post & Mantz, grocer and dry goods
Ried J L & Son, agricultural inplements
Runchey Wm, livestock breeder
Schneider Joseph, live stock breeder
Schrieber George G, live stock, poultry and eggs
Schutter Jerry, furniture and undertkr
Sweeney Frank, drayage
Union Hotel, H W Stabler propr
Union State Bank (capital $45,000), Edward F Bartlett pres, C E Bourret cashr
West Bend Co-operative Creamery Co., A L Frye sec
West Bend Cornet Band
West Bend Electric Ligh Plant, C A Larson mgr
West Bend Journal (Weekly), Frank Koch publr
West Bend Opera House Co, Mrs J M Border pres, B F McFarland treas, proprs West Bend Opera House
West Bend Telephone Co, W H Daubindick mgr
West Bend Water Works (city owners)
Western Electric Telephone System
Wickman J W, restaurant
Wilson Wm G, hardware

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