Palo Alto County Directories

Emmetsburg Directory 1883

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, Sep. 16, 1925

Only Three or Four Business Men and Two or Three Members of the Professions
out of 175 or More Are Still on the Job

John McNALLY, and old timer, hands us the following copy of Emmetsburg's
business directory taken from the Iowa Gazeteer printed 42 years ago:

EMMETSBURG. Situated in the central portion of Palo Alto county, of which it
is the judicial seat, is a flourishing town on the P. div. B.C.R.&N.Ry., the
junction of the C.M.&St. P. Ry. (main line and E div.) It contains
Methodist, Congregational, Episcopal and Catholic churches, good schools a
steam flouring mill, a handsome court house, 3 hotels, 2 banks, 4 lumber
yards, 2 grain elevators, the usual number of professional men, special and
general stores, blacksmith shops, etc., and two weekly newspapers, The Palo
Alto Reporter and The Pilot. The surrounding country is admirably adapted
for farming and stock raising purposes, and the shipments comprise grain,
produce, butter and live stock. Exp. Am. and U.S. Tel., W.U. Population
1,500. Mass daily. W.J. BROWN, postmaster.

AIKEN, A.A., artist
AMMON, John, dairy and teacher.
ANDERSON, J.B. nursery.
ATKINS, Joseph, dray
ATKINS, Norman J., sec. and treas. Scottish American Club
BAILEY, W.F., boarding house
BALDWIN, Miss Emily, music teacher
BARNHART, Wm. E., produce and furs
BERGNER, O.E., telegraph opr.
BETCHE, Charles, stone mason
BLACK, Miss Belle, teacher
BLANCHARD, N.C., real estate
BOOTH, Wm. H. county auditor
BROWN, M.L., banker
BROWN & ROBINS, (Michael L BROWN, John J ROBINS) Real Estate and Abstracts
of Titles
BURLINGAME, Daniel W., Clerk District and Circuit Court, Notary Public;
Depositions a Specialty.
BUTLER, John N., Restaurant
CADY, Selden, physician
COHOON, Dassius E., lawyer
CASSIDY, Patrick, lawyer
CAULEY, Miss Je***e, milliner
CLARK, A.J., Carpenter
CLARK, Justus W, carpenter
CLARK, Mrs. Justas W., canary birds
COONAN, Daniel, general store.
COONAN, Martin F., livestock
COONAN & SHEA (Martin F COONAN, Robert SHEA), druggists
Cottage House, near B.C.R. & N. depot P.F. VANGORDEN Propr; $1 per day;
Meals 25 cents; Free Bus; Barn in Connection; Transfer to any part of the
city at reasonable rates.
CROUCH, Flavel, Restaurant
CROWLEY, Jeremiah P., restaurant
CULLEN, Katie C, teacher
DARNALL, Aaron D., lawyer
DARRAH, Miss Lena, music teacher
DAVIS, Benjamin, agi, Gilchrist & Co.
DAVIES, James C., physician
DAWSON, Miss Theresa, teacher
DIMLER, Eliza, furniture
DORAN, John, nursery
DUFFY, Thos. meat market
EAGAN, Susie, teacher
EGAN, Thomas F., general store
ELLIS, George M., phys. and surgeon
Emmetsburg Cornet Bank, Frank HUBBARD leader, Peter O REFSELL sec.
Emmetsburg String Band, F.W. WRATE leader
FITZGERALD, James, drugs and books
FORREST, Mrs. Marian A., dressmaker
FOY, Theresa, teacher
FROST Bros., milk peddlers
GILCHRIST & Co. (J.M. GILCHRIST) grain elevator
GODDEN, John H, marble worker
GODFREY, Gustav, boarding
GRAHAM & METZ (Caius R. GRAHAM, Peter METZ), barbers
GREEN & TURNER, (Mrs. James GREEN, Mrs. Sarah C TURNER), hair goods
GROUT, Le Roy, Civil Engineer and County Surveyor. 24 years' experience in
private and government surveying and engineering, lands examined, correct
maps furnished.
GUNSEL, Justus,livery
HALE, Louis A., boots and shoes
HAMMOND, John, livery
HARRISON, Thomas W., lawyer
HART, Peter C., station agent
HARTSHORN, Eldin J., lawyer, real estate, loans,collections and insurance.
HASTINGS, Charles, carpenter
HAYES, W.H. & P.C. (Wm. H & Phillip C.) veterinary surgeons. Proprs.
Veterinary, Feed and Sale Stables, room for 100 horses. We positively refuse
to receive on the premises horses suffering from contagious diseases.
HEFLEY, John M., livery
HEINMAN, Thomas, carpenter
HEITZMAN, Mrs. George J., laundry
HENN, Wm. C., drugs and express agent
HIGGINS, James, meat market
HIGLEY, Joseph, meat market
HINKLEY, John, H., general store
HOWARD, Miss Mary, teacher
IMRY, David, carpenter
JENSWOLD, John jr., lawyer
JOHNSON & Son. (Wm. W and Charles H.), lumber
JOYNT, Michael, teacher
JOYCE, Matthew,general store
JOYCE, Patrick, general store
JOYCE, Thomas F., harness
KELLEY, Miss Gertie, teacher
KELLEY, Miss Josie, teacher public schools
KELLY, Bernard E., lawyer
KENDALL, H.C., restaurant and boarding
KERWICK, Michael F., hardware
KING, J.E., & Co. (James E KING, Nathan E MAXON), general store
KIRBY, Wm. H, carpenter
KLETZING, R.A., prin. public schools
KLINE, Rev. C.E. (Methodist)
KOCH, Nicholas, saloon
LAKE, Miss Etta, teacher
LANE, Thomas & Co., clothing
LAUGHLIN, John T., hardware, stoves, tinware, agricultural implements and
sewing machines
LOVELL, Miss Mertie, teacher
McCARTY, George B, lawyer
McLAUGHLIN, Thomas, grocer
McNALLY, John, city marshal
McNICHOLS, Thomas, brick mnfr.
MALLOY, Maggie A., teacher
MEEHAN, Katie, teacher
MESSIC, Charles, carpenter
MILLER, Maggie J, teacher
MILLS, Miss Carrie, teacher
MOFFET, Henry P., drugs and books
MOHAN, Maggie, teacher
MONCRIEF, Thomas, justice of the peace
MOSES, Wm., J., shoemaker
Music Hall, ORMSBY Bros., proprs.
NESTOR, Miss Mary E., teacher
NOLAN, John F., farm impts.
NOLAN, Patrick, live stock
NOLAN, Patrick V., sheriff and live stock
NORTH, W.H., carpenter and builder.
ORMSBY Bros. & Co. (Alvin L & Edwin S. ORMSBY), bankers, real estate and
Palo Alto county Agrl Society, Robert SHEA, pres., John C BENNETT, sec.
Palo Alto Pilot, H.A. PIKE, propr
Palo Alto Reporter, pub by Reporter Co., BENNETT & BLANCHARD, proprs.
PAULSON, John C., harness
PEDDIE, Alexander, commissioner Scottish American Land Co. (limited)
PIKE, Henry A., propr. Palo Alto Pilot
PILCHER, A.F., station agt., B.C.R. & N. Ry
POND, Lucy S., flour mill
POWERS, Henry A, physician
PROUTY, Thomas J., lawyer and justice
REARDON, John, tel. opr.
REFSELL, P.O., Cash. ORMSBY Bros. & Co.
ROBERTS, Miss Annie L, teacher
ROBINS, Wm. H, jeweler
ROWE, J.F. gardener
ROWSE, Edward T, propr. Waverly House
RUTLEDGE, Daniel, real estate
RYAN, P.H., lawyer
St. James House, N.P. WILDRICK, propr
SANDERS, George, dray.
SCHIRMER, Sebastian, soda water mnfr.
SCHNEIDER, Michael, meat market
SCOTT, James, sorghum mill.
Scottish American Land Co. (limited) Alexander PEDDIE comnr., Norman J.
ATKINS, sec and treas.
SEELY, Lafitt, carpenter
SHADBOLT, H.C. & Co. (Herbert C SHADBOLT, H. HOAGLAND), lumber
SHAW & JAMISON (John J SHAW, Geo. W. JAMISON), hardware
SHEA, Robt., county treas.
SHORTALL, Pierce, saloon
SKINNER, R.B. & Co. (Robert B SKINNER, Michael L BROWN), wagon mfgrs.
SMITH, Clinton A., jeweler
SMITH, Rev. J.J. (Catholic)
SPENCER, Rev. G.M. (Congregational)
STEDMAN Bros. (Pratt H and Warren B.), harnessmakers
STEIL, John, saloon
STEVENS, W.A., carpenter and builder
TAUB, Abraham, clothing
TAYLOR Bros., (Charlie E and Allen W), blacksmiths
TAYLOR & O'CONNOR (Thomas F TAYLOR, Thomas O'CONNOR), lawyers
Telephone Exchange, W.A. WEAVER, manager
THOMAS, Erastus F., dentist
TOBIN, James, saloon
TOBIN & NEARY (Thomas H TOBIN, John F NEARY), general store
TODD, John F, lawyer
TRAVIS, Melville, painter
VAN ANTWERP, Rev. Archibald (Episcopal)
VAN GORDEN, Philo F., Propr. Cottage House
WALKER, John L., physician
WALSH, Thomas, county recorder.
WARNKE & MOORE (Frank WARNKE, Henry MOORE) blacksmiths
Waverly House, E.T. ROWSE, propr
WEAVER, W.A., books and stationery
WELLS, A.A., & Co. well borers
WHITE, Mrs. J.P., dressmaker
WHITE, Miss Maggie, teacher and milliner
WHITE, Miss Mary, teacher
WILDRICK, N.P., propr St James
WILSON, John J., lumber and coal
WRATE, Frank W., dealer in butter, salt and butter tubs.

Glance through the names and mark those who are still on the job. M.F.
WALKER and perhaps one or two others are still serving the practice. Geo. B
McCARTY is still in active practice. The Democrat was not established until
the spring of 1884. The writer is rounding out his 40th year as publisher.
The Reporter has changed hands several times. The list shows how many
changes will take place in a community in less than a half century. This
copy of the Democrat should be preserved for reference purposes. It would
settle disputes regarding pioneer business and professional firms.

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