Palo Alto Co, Iowa USGenWeb Project

CENSUS: 1885 Iowa, Palo Alto, City of Emmetsburg
          Transcribed by Catherine Joynt Labath
          Not Verified
          September 2001
                       K E Y

             PA . . . . . . Page Number
             DW . . . . . . Dwelling Number
             FN . . . . . . Family Number
             AG . . . . . . Age
             X  . . . . . . Sex
             M  . . . . . . Marital Status
             BIRTH  . . . . County, State or Country

Pa  DW  FN  SURNAME      GIVEN NAME           STREET        AG X M OCCUPATION         /---------BIRTH-----------------\  COMMENTS

26    1   1 McCarty      Geo B                11th St       40 M M Attorney                     Penn
26    1   1 McCarty      Maria B                            37 F M                              Wis
26    1   1 McCarty      Dwight G                            7 M S                    Woodbury
26    1   1 McCarty      Wilber B                            5 M S                    Palo Alto
26    1   1 McCarty      Frederick A                         1 M S                    Palo Alto
26    1   1 Blair        Esther                             65 F W                              New York
26    1   1 Nelly        Kate                               20 F S                                          Ire
26    2   2 Linderman    Walter L             6th St        29 M M Attorney           *
26    2   2 Linderman    James                              26 F M                    *
26    3   3 Godden       John H               Palmer St     24 M M Marble Cutter                Wis
26    3   3 Godden       Nettie G                           22 F M                              Wis
26    3   3 Godden       Etta *                              1 F S                    Palo Alto
26    3   3 Conlan       John                               27 M S Marble Cutter                Ill
26    4   4 Paulson      John C               Broadway      33 M M Harness Maker                            Norway
26    4   4 Paulson      Mary A                             27 F M                                                       This line has birthplaces blackened out
26    4   4 Paulson      Herbert                             3 M S                    Palo Alto
26    4   4 Paulson      Benjamin                            2 M S                    Palo Alto
26    4   4 Paulson      Fred                                1 M S                    Palo Alto
26    5   5 Higley       Murray               Madison St    56 M M Gardiner                     New York

Pa  DW  FN  SURNAME      GIVEN NAME           STREET        AG X M OCCUPATION         /---------BIRTH-----------------\  COMMENTS

26    5   5 Higley       Mary L                             54 F M                              New York
26    5   5 Higley       W.G.                               22 M S                              Ill
26    5   5 Higley       L. *                               16 F S                              Ill
26    6   6 *ater        A.W.                 2nd St        35 M M Postal Clerk                 Wis
26    6   6 *ater        M                                  28 F M                    *ton
26    6   6 *ater        Mable                               1 M S                    Palo Alto
26    7   7 Justus       Zena                               45 M M Laborer                      New York
26    7   7 Justus       Mrs                                42 F M                              New York
26    7   7 Justus       Ira                                17 F                                New York                 Rest of Marital Status this page not done
26    7   7 Justus       Frank                              14 M                                New York
26    7   7 Justus       Jennie                              4 F                      Palo Alto
26    8   8 LaBar        Cal                  2nd St        30 M   Plasterer                    Penn
27    8   8 LaBar        Susan                2nd St        26 F M                              Penn
27    9   9 Hefley       John M               11th St       58 M M Livery                       Penn
27    9   9 Hefley       Mary A                             53 F M                                          Ire
27    9   9 Hefley       Phillip                            19 M S                    Palo Alto
27    9   9 Hefley       Mark P                              6 M S                    Palo Alto
27    9   9 Hefley       William                            27 M M Livery             *
27    9   9 Hefley       Mary E                             22 F M                              New York

Pa  DW  FN  SURNAME      GIVEN NAME           STREET        AG X M OCCUPATION         /---------BIRTH-----------------\  COMMENTS

27    9   9 Hefley       John                                2 M S                    Palo Alto
27    9   9 Hefley       William                             1 M S                    Palo Alto
27   10  10 Foy          T W                  11th St       22 M S Saloon                       Ill
27   11  11 Cooke        H H                  11th St       20 M S                              New York
27   12  12 Hammond      Samuel               11th St       74 M M Livery                       New York
27   12  12 Hammond      C Jane                             61 F M                              New York
27   12  12 Hammond      John                               33 M M Livery                       Wis
27   12  12 Hammond      Royce                              33 F M                              Indiana
27   12  12 Hammond      Laura                              10 F S                    Palo Alto
27   12  12 Hammond      Louisa                              5 F S                    Palo Alto
27   12  12 Hammond      Samuel E                            2 M S                    Palo Alto
27   13  13 Barker       George H             12th St       35 M M Laborer                      Vermont
27   13  13 Barker       M W                                73 M W                              New York
27   13  13 Barker       Henrietta                          27 F M                              Wis
27   13  13 Barker       Stephen B                           5 M S                    *ford
27   14  14 Hartshorn    E.J.                 State St      42 M M Attorney of Real E tate      Vermont
27   14  14 Hartshorn    Mary A                             36 F M                              Vermont
27   14  14 Hartshorn    Charles E                          10 M S                    Palo Alto
27   14  14 Hartshorn    John E                              6 M S                    Palo Alto

Pa  DW  FN  SURNAME      GIVEN NAME           STREET        AG X M OCCUPATION         /---------BIRTH-----------------\  COMMENTS

27   14  14 Eastman      Susan S                            69 F W                              Vermont
27   14  14 Davidson     Albert                             19 M S                              Wis
27   14  14 Brown        Mary                               20 F S House Servant                            Denmark
27   15  15 McCarty      Alexander            11th St       73 M M Retired Farmer               Penn
27   15  15 McCarty      Jane                               65 F M                              New York
28   16  16 Stuhr        Davis                11th St       25 M M Grain & Cattle buy r         Penn
28   16  16 Stuhr        Minnie                             22 F M                              Wis
28   16  16 Stuhr        Edwin                               5 M S                    *
28   17  17 Burt         Edward               11th St       44 M M Gardiner                                 Eng
28   17  17 Burt         Mary                               42 F M                                          Eng
28   17  17 Burt         Thomas E                           16 M S                                          Eng
28   17  17 Burt         Laurius Mary                       14 F S                                          Eng
28   17  17 Burt         Edith Anna                         12 F S                                          Eng
28   17  17 Burt         Alfred J                           10 M S                              Wis
28   18  18 Scott        James                11th St       45 M M Laborer                                  Scotland
28   18  18 Scott        Mary                               35 F M                              Wis
28   18  18 Scott        Mattie                             12 F S                              Wis
28   18  18 Scott        Mary                               10 F S                    Palo Alto
28   18  18 Scott        James                               5 M S                    Palo Alto

Pa  DW  FN  SURNAME      GIVEN NAME           STREET        AG X M OCCUPATION         /---------BIRTH-----------------\  COMMENTS

28   19  19 Horton       N                    12th St       30 M M Carpenter                    Wis
28   19  19 Horton       P                                  28 F M                              Wis
28   19  19 Horton       Ira                                 8 M S                              Wis
28   20  20 Freeman      Frank                12th St       37 M M Clerk Dry Goods              Wis
28   20  20 Freeman      Melvina                            34 F M                              Wis
28   20  20 Freeman      Myrtie                             13 F S                              Wis
28   20  20 Freeman      William                            10 M S                              Wis
28   20  20 Freeman      Grant                               5 M S                    Palo Alto
28   21  21 Bickman      Henry C              11th St       35 M M Agricul Imp                  Ohio
28   21  21 Bickman      Lucy F                             34 F M                    *
28   21  21 Schroeder    John C                             21 M S Agricultural *     *
28   22  22 Wrate        Frank                11th St       29 M M Butter buyer                 Vermont
28   22  22 Wrate        Emma                               24 F M                              Ill
28   22  22 Allbright    Zemarie                            18 F S                              Ill
28   23  23 Greir        Maggie               11th St       38 F W House Keeper                             Scotland
28   23  23 Greir        Agnes                              20 F S                    *
28   23  23 Greir        James                              18 M S                    *
29   23  23 Greir        David                11th St       16 M S                    *ard
29   23  23 Greir        Mattie                             14 F S                    *ard

Pa  DW  FN  SURNAME      GIVEN NAME           STREET        AG X M OCCUPATION         /---------BIRTH-----------------\  COMMENTS

29   23  23 Greir        Harry                              *  M S                    *ard
29   23  23 Wylie        James                              75 M W                                          Scotland
29   24  24 Cohoon       C E                  11th St       32 M M Attorney           Dubuque
29   24  24 Cohoon       Anna L                             24 F M                              Wis
29   24  24 Cohoon       B E                                 1 M                      Palo Alto
29   24  24 Clay         Sophia                             18 F   House servant                            Denmark
29   25  25 Henry        W G                  11th St       43 M M Druggist                     Ohio
29   25  25 Henry        N *                                40 F M                              Ill
29   25  25 Henry        Claude M                           14 M                      Palo Alto
29   25  25 Henry        Frank E                            12 M                      Palo Alto
29   25  25 Henry        Mabel L                             9 F                      Palo Alto
29   25  25 Henry        Lena E                              5 F                      Palo Alto
29   26  26 Horton       Allen T              11th St       30 M M Druggist                     Indiana
29   26  26 Horton       May J                              26 F M                    *mer
29   26  26 Horton       Harry M                             1 M                      Palo Alto
29   27  27 Hayes        W H                  12th St       36 M M Vetinary Surgeon                         Canada
29   27  27 Hayes        Laura                              33 F M                              Ill
29   27  27 Hayes        Ollive                             12 F                      Palo Alto
29   27  27 Hayes        Myrtie                             11 F                      Palo Alto

Pa  DW  FN  SURNAME      GIVEN NAME           STREET        AG X M OCCUPATION         /---------BIRTH-----------------\  COMMENTS

29   27  27 Hayes        Nellie                              6 F                      Palo Alto
29   27  27 Hand         Mary                               22 F                                            Ireland
29   27  27 Telly        J A                                35 M                                            Scotland     Surname may be Tilly
29   27  27 Brewer       Albert                             18 M                      *
29   28  28 Duffy        Thos J               Lake St       39 M M Butcher                      Ills
29   28  28 Duffy        Ellen                              34 F M                              Wis
29   28  28 Duffy        Annie                              12 F                      Dubuque
29   28  28 Duffy        Maggie                              9 F                      Dubuque
29   28  28 Duffy        Katie                               7 F                      Dubuque
29   28  28 Duffy        Mary                                5 F                      Dubuque
30   28  28 Duffie       John                 Lake St        3 M S                    Dubuque
30   28  28 Duffie       Frank                               1 M S                    Palo Alto
30   28  28 Flanagan     Annie                              20 F S                              Wis
30   28  28 Flanagan     Catherine                          62 F W                                          Ireland
30   29  29 Wilson       David                12th St       47 M M Laborer                      Ohio
30   29  29 Wilson       Maggie                             30 F M                              Penn
30   29  29 Wilson       Mary M                              2 F S                    *
30   30  30 Fay          Ira                  Maine St      39 M M Hotel                        New York
30   30  30 Fay          Nellie                             17 F M                    *

Pa  DW  FN  SURNAME      GIVEN NAME           STREET        AG X M OCCUPATION         /---------BIRTH-----------------\  COMMENTS

30   30  30 Fay          Debert L                            3 F S                    *cock
30   30  30 Fay          Frederick C                         1 M S                    Palo Alto
30   30  30 Dennis       Frank                              19 M S                              Ill
30   30  30 McCormick    Mary                               35 F S                    *
30   30  30 Oleson       Lewis                              22 M S                                          Nor
30   30  30 Cooke        J Henry                            21 M S Laborer                                  Ger
30   30  30 Long         John                               23 M S Laborer                      Missouri
30   30  30 Wolsey       George                             25 M M Laborer                      Ills
30   30  30 Wolsey       May                                23 F M                              Ills
30   31  31 Kennedy      John                 Maine St      64 M M Laborer                                  Ireland
30   31  31 Kennedy      Elizabeth                          47 F M                                          Eng
30   31  31 Young        Le*** B                            11 M S                              Wis
30   31  31 Young        Walter                              9 M S                              Wis
30   32  32 Betche       W                    Maine St      33 M M Mason                                    Ger
30   32  32 Betche       Anna                               31 F M                                          Ger
30   32  32 Betche       Bertha                              6 F S                                          Ger
30   32  32 Betche       Sophia                              4 F S                                          Ger
30   32  32 Betche       August                              2 M S                                          Ger
30   32  32 Betche       Mary                                1 F S                    Palo Alto

Pa  DW  FN  SURNAME      GIVEN NAME           STREET        AG X M OCCUPATION         /---------BIRTH-----------------\  COMMENTS

30   33  33 Heitzman     Clementine           Maine St      41 F D                                          France
30   34  34 Fogel        Chris                Maine St      37 M M Laborer                                  Ger
30   34  34 Fogel        Mary                               31 F M                              Wis
31   34  34 Fogel        Louisa               Maine St      11 F S                    Palo Alto
31   34  34 Fogel        Mary                                9 F S                              Neb
31   34  34 Fogel        Caroline                            7 F S                    Carroll
31   34  34 Fogel        Anna                                4 F S                    Palo Alto
31   34  34 Fogel        Sarah                               2 F S                    Palo Alto
31   34  34 Fogel        Ludwig                             20 M S                                          Ger
31   35  35 Gifford      Lucy A               Palmer St     54 F W House Keeper                 New York
31   35  35 Gifford      Cody W                             15 M S                              Wis
31   35  35 Gifford      Fredie A                           13 M S                              Wis
31   35  35 Gifford      Mandy E                            11 F S                    Palo Alto
31   35  35 Gifford      Jennie L                            9 F S                    Palo Alto
31   35  35 Gifford      Effie E                             6 F S                    Palo Alto
31   36  36 Watson       John T               Maine St      *  M M Merchant                                 Eng
31   36  36 Watson       Lucy E                             47 F M                                          Eng
31   36  36 Watson       John J                             27 M S Bank Clerk                               Eng
31   36  36 Watson       T G                                23 M S                                          Eng

Pa  DW  FN  SURNAME      GIVEN NAME           STREET        AG X M OCCUPATION         /---------BIRTH-----------------\  COMMENTS

31   36  36 Watson       Lucy A                             13 F S                              Ill
31   36  36 Watson       Harry C                             3 M S                    Palo Alto
31   37  37 Bigg         John                 Maine St      23 M M Livery                                   Scotland
31   37  37 Bigg         Lydia                              19 F M                    *
31   37  37 Walsh        Dick                               35 M S Livery                                   Canada
31   37  37 Hickey       Teressa                            21 F S                    Palo Alto
31   37  37 Richards     Sadie                              19 F S                              Minn Goodhu
31   37  37 Hickey       Alley                              18 F S                    Palo Alto
31   38  38 Bigley       Joseph               Maine St      39 M M Cook                         New York
31   38  38 Bigley       Ellen                              32 F M                              Kentucky
31   38  38 Bigley       John                               15 M S                              Minn Huston
31   38  38 Bigley       Joseph                             12 M S                              Minn Huston
31   38  38 Bigley       James                              10 M S                              Minn Huston
31   38  38 Bigley       Mary                                7 F S                    Webster
31   38  38 Bigley       Lizzie                              4 F S                    Palo Alto
32   39  39 Knapp        Joseph               Union St      32 M M Drayman                      New York
32   39  39 Knapp        Eliza C                            27 F M                              Wis
32   39  39 Knapp        William                             5 M S                    Palo Alto
32   39  39 Knapp        Edna                                3 F S                    Palo Alto

Pa  DW  FN  SURNAME      GIVEN NAME           STREET        AG X M OCCUPATION         /---------BIRTH-----------------\  COMMENTS

32   40  40 Whitford     M M                  10th St       37 M M Insurance Agent              New York
32   40  40 Whitford     Mary                               23 F M                    *
32   41  41 Alexander    Angel                              24 F S                    *
32   41  41 Alexander    Eva                                 4 F S                    Cerro Gor o
32   41  41 Kock         Henry                              21 M S                                          Ger
32   41  41 Wellss       Patrick R                          25 M S Carpenter                    New York
32   42  42 Harris       George               11th St       46 M M Blacksmith                   Ohio
32   42  42 Harris       Debra                              44 F M                              Ohio
32   42  42 Harris       James                              23 M S Black Smith                  Ohio
32   42  42 Harris       John                               21 M S                              Ohio
32   42  42 Harris       Dorah                              18 F S                              Ohio
32   42  42 Powers       John                               24 M S Clerk                                    Ontario Can.
32   43  43 Maher        Patrick              Maine St      46 M M Laborer                                  Kildare Ire.
32   43  43 Maher        Kate                               35 F M                                          O C
32   43  43 Maher        Annie                              11 F S                    *
32   43  43 Maher        John                               13 M S                    *
32   43  43 Maher        George                              5 M S                    *
32   44  44 *angorson    P S                  11th St       45 M M Hotel                        State N Yor
32   44  44 *angorson    E M                                45 F M                              N Y

Pa  DW  FN  SURNAME      GIVEN NAME           STREET        AG X M OCCUPATION         /---------BIRTH-----------------\  COMMENTS

32   44  44 *angorson    C R                                16 F S                              N Y
32   44  44 *angorson    J L                                10 F S                    Palo Alto
32   44  44 Pyper        Jack                               30 M S Laborer                                  Scotland
32   44  44 Thomas       Frank                              25 M S Laborer            *
32   44  44 Goss         Mary                               20 F S                                          Ireland
32   44  44 Smith        George                             50 M S Laborer                      New York
32   44  44 Br***        Fred                               29 M S Laborer                                  Ger
33   44  44 VanBuskirk   M                    11th St       50 M M Merchant Dry Goods           New York
33   44  44 Price        George                             25 M S Laborer                      Penn
33   44  44 Carl         Thomas                             20 M S Laborer                      New York
33   44  44 Bigley       Ellen                Maine St      *  F S                    Palo Alto
33   44  44 Bigley       Thos                               21 M S                    Palo Alto
33   44  44 Cauley       Mary                               21 F S                    Dubuque
33   44  44 Cauley       Jennie                             20 F S                              Minn
33   44  44 Griffin      Mary                               16 F S                              Minn
33   45  45 De Shields   David                10th St       44 M M Bank Clerk                   Maine
33   45  45 De Shields   Eunice W                           38 F M                              Ohio
33   45  45 De Shields   Emma E                             10 F S                    Palo Alto
33   45  45 Moody        Dinah                              75 F W                              Mass

Pa  DW  FN  SURNAME      GIVEN NAME           STREET        AG X M OCCUPATION         /---------BIRTH-----------------\  COMMENTS

33   45  45 Carrol       Ellen                              17 F S                    Palo Alto
33   46  46 Bowden       William J            7th St        32 M M Stenographer                 New Jersey
33   46  46 Bowden       Alice E                            29 F M                              Penn
33   46  46 Bowden       Jennie                             16 F S                              Mich
33   46  46 Bowden       Elizabeth                          54 F W                                          Ire
33   47  47 Bliven       Charles F            Maine St      34 M M Bank Clerk                   Michigan
33   47  47 Bliven       Lilla C                            27 F M                              Michigan
33   47  47 Bliven       Maudie R                            6 F S                              Michigan
33   48  48 Atkinson     Joseph S             10th St       41 M M Merchant                     New Jersey
33   48  48 Atkinson     Martha *                           36 F M                              New York
33   48  48 Atkinson     Jane                               14 F S                              Missouri
33   48  48 Atkinson     J S                                10 M S                    Palo Alto
33   48  48 Atkinson     Cora A                              6 F S                    Palo Alto
33   48  48 Atkinson     W P                                 4 M S                    Palo Alto
33   48  48 Atkinson     Martha H                            2 F S                    Palo Alto
33   49  49 Daily        D L                                46 M M Merchant                     New York
33   49  49 Daily        Sarah S                            39 F M                              Penn
33   49  49 Daily        Frederick                          14 M S                    Floyd
33   49  49 Daily        Gertrude C                         10 F S                    *

Pa  DW  FN  SURNAME      GIVEN NAME           STREET        AG X M OCCUPATION         /---------BIRTH-----------------\  COMMENTS

34   49  49 Daily        Clarence             10th St        7 F S                    Floyd                              Definitely marked F for sex
34   49  49 Daily        Harlan                              2 M S                    Palo Alto
34   50  50 Prouty       T J                  2nd St        47 M M Attorney                     Penn
34   50  50 Prouty       Laura                              33 F M                              New Jersey
34   50  50 Prouty       Carl                               15 M S                    Palo Alto
34   50  50 Prouty       Frank                              12 M S                    Palo Alto
34   50  50 Prouty       Eva                                 2 F S                    Palo Alto
34   51  51 O'Cassidy    P                    10th St       39 M M Attorney                                 Canada
34   51  51 O'Cassidy    Catherine                          33 F M                              Wis
34   51  51 O'Cassidy    Edwin O                            15 M S                              Wis
34   51  51 O'Cassidy    William H                          12 M S                              Wis
34   51  51 O'Cassidy    Ellen                              10 F S                              Wis
34   51  51 O'Cassidy    Patrick                            75 M W                                          Ire
34   52  52 Tracy        Thomas               Lake St       30 M M Railorad                     Kentucky
34   52  52 Tracy        Ellen                              26 F M                              Missouri
34   52  52 Tracy        Katie                               7 F S                    Allamakee
34   52  52 Tracy        Mary                                5 F S                    Allamakee
34   52  52 Tracy        Annie                               3 F S                    Allamakee
34   52  52 Flood        Thomas                             30 M S Laborer                      Missouri

Pa  DW  FN  SURNAME      GIVEN NAME           STREET        AG X M OCCUPATION         /---------BIRTH-----------------\  COMMENTS

34   53  53 Warnakee     Frank                12th St       34 M M Blacksmith                               Ger
34   53  53 Warnakee     Lizzie                             22 F M                              Ill
34   53  53 Warnakee     Harry                               5 M S                    Palo Alto
34   53  53 Warnakee     Annie                               2 F S                    Palo Alto
34   53  53 Lenz         Frank                              22 M S Blacksmith                   Wis
34   54  54 Gunsel       Justus               Maine St      48 M M Livery                       New York
34   54  54 Gunsel       Ann                                37 F M                              Mass
34   55  55 Crawford     T R                  Lake St       64 M M Attorney                                 Ire
34   55  55 Crawford     J T                                53 M M                                          Ire
34   55  55 Cole         Ellie                              18 F S                    *
34   56  56 Slater       Thomas               11th St       44 M M                                          Eng
34   56  56 Slater       Mary E                             39 F M                              New York
35   56  56 Slater       William S            11th St       16 M S                    Wis
35   56  56 Slater       Agnes R                            14 F S                    Wis
35   56  56 Slater       James A                            10 M S                    Palo Alto
35   56  56 Slater       Edne M                              8 M S                    Palo Alto
35   57  57 Grout        Leroy                10th St       45 M M Surveyor                     New York
35   57  57 Grout        Olive                              43 F M                              New York
35   57  57 Grout        Morris H                           21 M S Laborer                      Wis

Pa  DW  FN  SURNAME      GIVEN NAME           STREET        AG X M OCCUPATION         /---------BIRTH-----------------\  COMMENTS

35   57  57 Grout        Minnie E                           17 F S                              Wis
35   57  57 Grout        Grace W                            14 F S                              Wis
35   57  57 Grout        Charles F                          12 M S                              Minn
35   57  57 Grout        Mary M                             10 F S                    Palo Alto
35   57  57 Grout        Frank D                             7 M S                    Palo Alto
35   58  58 Misic        Charles D            12th St       32 M M Carpenter                    New York
35   58  58 Misic        Rachel M                           35 F M                                          Ger
35   58  58 Rockwell     Wesley R                           16 M S                              Wis
35   58  58 Misic        Sarah A                            62 F S                              New York
35   59  59 Kendall      Henry C              Broadway      39 M M Carpenter                    Wis
35   59  59 Kendall      Mary C                             36 F M                              New York
35   59  59 Kendall      Charles R                           5 M S                              Wis
35   59  59 Kendall      Frank *                             3 M S                    Palo Alto
35   59  59 Grell        Jerry                              30 M S Laborer                                  Ger
35   60  60 Robins       John J               7th St        39 M M Real Est                     New York
35   60  60 Robins       Del A                              31 F M                              Wis
35   60  60 Robins       Clara J                             9 F S                    Palo Alto
35   60  60 Robins       ***ria H                            6 F S                    Palo Alto
35   60  60 Robins       Phebe L                             1 F S                    Palo Alto

Pa  DW  FN  SURNAME      GIVEN NAME           STREET        AG X M OCCUPATION         /---------BIRTH-----------------\  COMMENTS

35   60  60 Kroker       Lena                               17 F S                    *
35   61  61 Brown        M L                  11th St       39 M M Banker                       Penn
35   61  61 Brown        Nettie S                           30 F M                              New York
35   61  61 Brown        Paul                                6 M S                    Palo Alto
35   61  61 Brown        Mary L                              2 F S                    Palo Alto
36   61  61 Namer        Katie                11th St       21 F S                              Wis
36   61  61 Hale         Mary A                             58 F W                              New York
36   61  61 Giddings     Fred H                             24 M S Bank Clerk                   New York
36   61  61 Nessnell     Harry L                            24 M S Bank Clerk                   Penn
36   62  62 Robins       William H            Maine St      34 M M Jeweller                     New York
36   62  62 Robins       Mary                               30 F M                              New York
36   62  62 Robins       Ella                               11 F S                              New York
36   62  62 Robins       Eddy                               10 M S                    Palo Alto
36   62  62 Robins       Willard                             2 M S                    Palo Alto
36   62  62 Rierson      Lilla C                            24 F S                                          Norway
36   63  63 Weaver       W A                                33 M S Merchant                     Penn
36   64  64 Neary        John F               12th St       32 M M See Comments                 Ill                      Dry Goods & Groceries Merchant
36   64  64 Neary        Lizzie                             27 F M                                          Ire
36   64  64 Neary        John M                              1 M S                    Palo Alto

Pa  DW  FN  SURNAME      GIVEN NAME           STREET        AG X M OCCUPATION         /---------BIRTH-----------------\  COMMENTS

36   64  64 Morrisy      Martin                             29 M S See Comments                             Ire          Clerk Dry Goods & Groceries
36   65  65 Crouch       F                    Broadway      36 M M Restaurant                   New York
36   65  65 Crouch       Sarah                              36 F M                              Penn
36   65  65 Crouch       Charles                            15 M S                    Linn
36   65  65 Crouch       Ray                                 3 M S                    Palo Alto
36   65  65 Stewart      Maggie                             17 F S                    Palo Alto
36   66  66 McNally      Patrick              11th St       29 M M Laborer                      Wis
36   66  66 McNally      Margret                            28 F M                    Palo Alto
36   66  66 McNally      Mary T                              3 F S                    Palo Alto
36   66  66 McNally      William P                           2 F S                    Palo Alto
36   66  66 McNally      Rose E                              1 F S                    Palo Alto
36   67  67 Laughlin     John T               Palmer St     34 M M Hardware Merchant            Mass
36   67  67 Laughlin     Bridget                            28 F M                              Penn
36   67  67 Laughlin     Robert                              6 M S                    Palo Alto
36   67  67 Laughlin     Mary                                2 F S                    Palo Alto
36   67  67 Laughlin     Joseph                              4 M S                    Palo Alto
36   67  67 Laughlin     John                                1 M S                    Palo Alto
37   67  67 Powers       Mary                 Palmer St     18 F S                    Allamakee
37   68  68 White        Maggie A             Broadway      36 F S Milliner                     Maine

Pa  DW  FN  SURNAME      GIVEN NAME           STREET        AG X M OCCUPATION         /---------BIRTH-----------------\  COMMENTS

37   69  69 Barnhart     W A                                25 M S Agrl Agent                   Wis
37   70  70 Soper        E B                  Soper Avenue  41 M M Attorney                     New York
37   70  70 Soper        Elizabeth C                        40 F M                    *
37   70  70 Soper        M R                                16 F S                    *
37   70  70 Soper        E B Jr                             13 M S                    *
37   70  70 Soper        E H                                11 M S                    *
37   70  70 Smith        Margaret A                         13 F S                    *
37   70  70 Paulson      Julia                              20 F S                    *
37   71  71 Carr         George H             Union St      32 M M Attorney                     New York
37   71  71 Carr         Emma E                             26 F M                              New York
37   71  71 Carr         Maud                                7 F S                    Palo Alto
37   71  71 Carr         Fred P                              6 M S                    Palo Alto
37   71  71 Armstrong    May                                24 F S                              Ill
37   72  72 Pike         Henry A              Broadway      29 M M Editor                       Wis
37   72  72 Pike         Mima                               26 F M                    *
37   72  72 Virginia     Pendleton                           9 F S                              Kansas
37   73  73 Walker       J L                  Lake St       40 M M M.D.                         Ill
37   73  73 Walker       Alice                              32 F M                              Ohio
37   73  73 Walker       Myrtle                             12 F S                              Ill

Pa  DW  FN  SURNAME      GIVEN NAME           STREET        AG X M OCCUPATION         /---------BIRTH-----------------\  COMMENTS

37   73  73 Walker       Ida                                 4 F S                              Ill
37   74  74 Ellis        G M                  Broadway      51 M M M.D.                         New York
37   74  74 Ellis        Sarah B                            24 F M                    Floyd
37   74  74 Ellis        Dora May                            9 F S                    Palo Alto
37   74  74 Ellis        George M                            1 M S                    Palo Alto
37   75  75 Carara       Nellie M             Maine St      17 F S House Keeper       *
37   75  75 Allison      Dora L               Maine St      31 F S                              Wis
37   75  75 Murray       Ivory                              20 M S                              Scotland
37   76  76 Stevens      W A                                46 M M                              New York
37   76  76 Stevens      Eliza E                            46 F M                              Maine
38   76  76 Stevens      Geo W                Maine St      10 M S                              New York
38   77  77 Shermer      S                    Union St      37 M M                                          Ger
38   77  77 Shermer      Mary                               33 F M                    Jackson
38   77  77 Shermer      Henry                              12 M S                    Jackson
38   77  77 Shermer      Albert                              9 M S                    Jackson
38   77  77 Piffner      Osker                              64 M W                                          Ger
38   78  78 Johnson      Chas W               Palmer St     24 M M Merchant                     Wis
38   78  78 Johnson      Carra B                            22 F M                              Indiana
38   79  79 Beach        G H                  Union St      58 M M Carpenter                                Eng

Pa  DW  FN  SURNAME      GIVEN NAME           STREET        AG X M OCCUPATION         /---------BIRTH-----------------\  COMMENTS

38   79  79 Beach        Mary                               41 F M                              Penn
38   79  79 Beach        John                               20 M S                              Penn
38   79  79 Beach        Edith                              16 F S                              Penn
38   79  79 Beach        Florence                           15 F S                              Penn
38   79  79 Beach        Harry L                             7 M S                    Palo Alto
38   80  80 Imrie        David                12th St       45 M M Carpenter                                Scotland
38   80  80 Imrie        Mary                               44 F M                                          Scotland
38   80  80 Imrie        Alexander                          20 M S                                          Scotland
38   80  80 Imrie        Annie                              18 F S                                          Scotland
38   80  80 Imrie        Robert                             16 M S                                          Scotland
38   80  80 Imrie        Elizabeth                          12 F S                                          Scotland
38   80  80 Imrie        Mary                               10 F S                                          Scotland
38   80  80 Imrie        Alice                               7 F S                                          Scotland
38   80  80 Imrie        James                              14 M S                                          Scotland
38   80  80 Imrie        Jessie                              5 M S                                          Scotland
38   80  80 Imrie        George                              1 M S                    Palo Alto
38   80  80 Ludgate      George                             20 M S                                          Scotland
38   81  81 Kerwick      M F                  Union St      35 M M Hardware                                 Ire
38   81  81 Kerwick      Mary                               28 F M                              Minn

Pa  DW  FN  SURNAME      GIVEN NAME           STREET        AG X M OCCUPATION         /---------BIRTH-----------------\  COMMENTS

38   81  81 Kerwick      Ellen                               3 F S                    Palo Alto
38   81  81 Kerwick      Thomas                              1 M S                    Palo Alto
38   82  82 Shadbolt     H C                  11th St       31 M M Lumber Merchant              Wis
39   82  82 Shadbolt     Viola                11th St       27 F M                    *
39   82  82 Shadbolt     Nellie M                            2 F S                    Palo Alto
39   82  82 Anderson     Mary                               23 F S                                          Norway
39   83  83 Hoagland     H                    Palmer St     53 M M Lumber Merchant              Penn
39   83  83 Hoagland     Amelia                             46 F M                              Penn
39   84  84 Hart         P C                                25 M M Station Agent                Wis
39   84  84 Hart         Kittie                             22 F M                              Wis
39   84  84 Clauson      Anna                               23 F S                              Wis
39   84  84 Johnson      Alex                               25 M S                              Wis
39   85  85 Bostwick     Frank L              Lake St       39 M M Carpenter                    Ohio
39   85  85 Bostwick     O E                                73 F W                              Ohio
39   85  85 Bostwick     H                                  35 F M                              Ohio
39   85  85 Bostwick     Othelia                            15 F S                              Ohio
39   85  85 Bostwick     Roy N                               3 M S                    Palo Alto
39   86  86 Mueller      George H                           27 M M Minister of Gospel                       Ger
39   86  86 Mueller      Ida                                23 F M                              Minn

Pa  DW  FN  SURNAME      GIVEN NAME           STREET        AG X M OCCUPATION         /---------BIRTH-----------------\  COMMENTS

39   87  87 Hoffman      C A                  11th St       37 M M Agricult Implt               Wis
39   87  87 Hoffman      Ella                               36 F M                              Wis
39   87  87 Hoffman      May                                13 F S                    Palo Alto
39   87  87 Hoffman      Alberta                             9 F S                    Palo Alto
39   87  87 Hoffman      Louis                               5 M S                    Palo Alto
39   87  87 Hoffman      Ella                                1 F S                    Palo Alto
39   88  88 Blanchard    N C                  Union St      30 M M Real Estate Agent            Wis
39   88  88 Blanchard    Liverna                            29 F M                              Wis
39   88  88 Blanchard    Irene V                             3 F S                    Palo Alto
39   88  88 Blanchard    Belle                               2 F S                    Palo Alto
39   88  88 Ray          Maggie                             24 F S                    Palo Alto
39   88  88 Carl         Theodore                           19 M S                                          Ger
39   88  88 Jacquette    Will                               19 M S                              Ill
39   89  89 Davies       J O                  Grand Ave     30 M M M.D.                         Penn
39   89  89 Davies       Celia                              30 F M                              Ill
40   90  90 Stimmits     John                 7th St        30 M M Druggist                     New Jersey
40   90  90 Stimmits     Nettie                             21 F M                              Ill
40   90  90 Stimmits     Roy                                 1 M S                    Palo Alto
40   91  91 Moncrief     Thomas               Palmer St     70 M M Justice of the Pea e                     Ire

Pa  DW  FN  SURNAME      GIVEN NAME           STREET        AG X M OCCUPATION         /---------BIRTH-----------------\  COMMENTS

40   91  91 Moncrief     Lucy                               63 F M                                          Ire
40   91  91 Moncrief     Mary                               21 F S                              Ill
40   92  92 Darnell      A D                  Maine St      38 M M Attorney                     Kentucky
40   92  92 Darnell      C A                                30 F M                              Ill
40   92  92 Darnell      Oliver L                            6 M S                              Ill
40   92  92 Darnell      William M                           3 M S                              Ill
40   92  92 Darnell      Myrtle M                            1 F S                    Palo Alto
40   93  93 Champlin     Oliver P             10th St       41 M M Minister of Gospel           Conn
40   93  93 Champlin     Julica A                           41 F M                              New York
40   93  93 Champlin     Georg A                            11 M S                              Minn
40   93  93 Champlin     Mabel                               8 F S                              Minn
40   93  93 Champlin     Noble                               3 M S                              Minn
40   93  93 Champlin     Albert E                            1 M S                              Minn
40   93  93 Namer        Caty                               20 F S                                          Ireland
40   94  94 Scott        Jas E                Union St      36 M M                              New York
40   94  94 Scott        Eddie                              12 M S                    Palo Alto
40   94  94 Scott        Cornelia                           32 F M                              Wis
40   94  94 Scott        Harry                               6 M S                    Palo Alto
40   95  95 Ratzeburg    William              17th St       32 M M Mason                                    Ger

Pa  DW  FN  SURNAME      GIVEN NAME           STREET        AG X M OCCUPATION         /---------BIRTH-----------------\  COMMENTS

40   95  95 Ratzeburg    Mary                               36 F M                                          Ger
40   95  95 Ratzeburg    Martha                             16 F S                              Michigan
40   95  95 Ratzeburg    Maydora                            12 F S                              Michigan
40   95  95 Ratzeburg    Lildia                             12 F S                              Michigan
40   95  95 Ratzeburg    Freddie                            10 M S                              Michigan
40   95  95 Ratzeburg    John                               10 M S                              Michigan
40   95  95 Ratzeburg    Power                               8 M S                              Michigan
40   95  95 Ratzeburg    E William                           2 M S                    Palo Alto
41   96  96 Davies       Robert G             Grand Ave      1 M S                    Palo Alto
41   96  96 Jensen       Christen                           18 F S                                          Denmark
41   96  96 Williams     Norris                             36 M S M D                          Michigan
41   97  97 Young        Thomas               13th St       26 M M Carpenter                                Scotland
41   97  97 Young        Mary                               25 F M                                          Scotland
41   97  97 Young        Christina                           3 F S                              New York
41   97  97 Young        Minnie                              1 F S                    Palo Alto
41   98  98 Betche       Charles              17th St       40 M M Mason                                    Ger
41   98  98 Betche       Minnie                             36 F M                                          Ger
41   98  98 Betche       Charles Jr                         10 M S                              Ill
41   98  98 Betche       Rosette                             7 F S                              Ill

Pa  DW  FN  SURNAME      GIVEN NAME           STREET        AG X M OCCUPATION         /---------BIRTH-----------------\  COMMENTS

41   98  98 Betche       Alurimie                            5 F S                              Wis
41   98  98 Betche       Henry                               3 M S                    Palo Alto
41   98  98 Betche       Fred                                1 M S                    Palo Alto
41   99  99 Rowe         James                17th St       40 M S Gardiner                     Vermont
41   99  99 Rowe         Sarah A                            33 F S                              New York
41  100 100 Roberts      D P                  6th St        53 M M Land Agent                   Penn
41  100 100 Roberts      M E                                43 F M                              Penn
41  100 100 Roberts      Anna                               21 F S                              Penn
41  100 100 Roberts      Burt                               17 M S                              Penn
41  100 100 Roberts      Fred                               15 M S                              Penn
41  100 100 Roberts      Maisy                              10 F S                              Penn
41  101 101 Powers       A J                                28 M M Land Agent         Des Moine
41  101 101 Powers       E K                                27 F M                              New York
41  101 101 Powers       Ethel                               1 F S                    Palo Alto
41  101 101 Schindel     Emma                 12th St       21 F S                                          Ger
41  102 102 Kelly        E                    10th St       51 M M Laborer                                  Ireland
41  102 102 Kelly        Rose                               51 F M                                          Ireland
41  102 102 Kelly        Bernard E                         2*  M S Attorney                     New York
41  102 102 Kelly        Henriette                          20 F S                              Wis

Pa  DW  FN  SURNAME      GIVEN NAME           STREET        AG X M OCCUPATION         /---------BIRTH-----------------\  COMMENTS

41  102 102 Kelly        Gertrude                           18 F S                              Wis
42  102 102 Kelly        Mary                 10th St       16 F S                              Wis
42  102 102 Kelley       Daniel                             15 M S                    Palo Alto                          Note surname spelling different from page to page
42  102 102 Kelley       Celia                              14 F S                    Palo Alto
42  102 102 Kelley       Jane                               13 F S                    Palo Alto
42  102 102 Kelley       Hannabury                           8 M S                    Palo Alto
42  103 103 Brewer       J N                  Palmer St     43 M M Laborer                      Vermont
42  103 103 Brewer       Martha                             28 F M                    Des Moine
42  103 103 Brewer       Albert                             17 M S                    Floyd
42  103 103 Brewer       Andrew                             15 M S                    Floyd
42  103 103 Brewer       William                            12 M S                    Carrol
42  103 103 Brewer       Mary                               10 F S                    Floyd
42  103 103 Sherman      Hattie               Palmer St     10 F S                    Des Moine
42  103 103 Sherman      Sophia                              7 F S                    Des Moine
42  103 103 Brewer       Jacob                               1 M S                    Palo Alto
42  104 104 Kilbourne    Lydia                12th St       50 F W                              New York
42  105 105 Ryan         Matt                 17th St       46 M W Laborer                                  Ireland
42  105 105 Ryan         Matt Jr                             7 M S                    Palo Alto
42  106 106 Sammin       James                Broadway      43 M M Shoe maker                               Ire

Pa  DW  FN  SURNAME      GIVEN NAME           STREET        AG X M OCCUPATION         /---------BIRTH-----------------\  COMMENTS

42  106 106 Sammin       Kate                               39 F M                                          Ire
42  106 106 Sammin       John                               12 M S                              Mass
42  106 106 Sammin       James                              10 M S                              Penn
42  106 106 Sammin       William                             7 M S                              Penn
42  106 106 Sammin       Mary                                6 F S                              Minn
42  106 106 Sammin       Frances                             4 F S                    Palo Alto
42  106 106 Sammin       Hanorah                             1 F S                    Palo Alto
42  107 107 Kelly        W H                  Palmer St     29 M M Laborer                      Ill
42  107 107 Kelly        Mary                               24 F M                              Ill
42  107 107 Kelly        Edward                              1 M S                    Palo Alto
42  107 107 Ruthven      William              Broadway      32 M S Butcher                                  Scotland
42  108 108 Booth        W H H                Union St      44 M M County Auditor               Wis
42  108 108 Booth        M A                                43 F M                              Ill
43  109 109 Fitzgerald   James                Grand Ave     65 M M Druggist                                 Ire
43  109 109 Fitzgerald   Theodosia                          35 F M                                          Eng
43  109 109 Dunnigan     Hanorah                            60 F W                                          Ire
43  109 109 Fitzgerald   Hanorah                            10 F S                    Palo Alto
43  110 110 Laughlin     Patrick              Grand Ave     38 M M Laborer                                  Ire
43  110 110 Laughlin     Kate                               22 F M                    *ton

Pa  DW  FN  SURNAME      GIVEN NAME           STREET        AG X M OCCUPATION         /---------BIRTH-----------------\  COMMENTS

43  110 110 Laughlin     Ellen                               2 F S                    Palo Alto
43  110 110 Laughlin     Maggie                              1 F S                    Palo Alto
43  111 111 Patton       Michael              Grand Ave     49 M M Laborer                                  Ire
43  111 111 Patton       Kate                               40 F M                                          Ire
43  111 111 Patton       Mary J                             19 F S                              Wis
43  111 111 Patton       Annie                              17 F S                              Wis
43  111 111 Patton       John                               15 M S                              Wis
43  111 111 Patton       Kate G                             13 F S                    Palo Alto
43  111 111 Patton       Matt                               11 M S                    Palo Alto
43  111 111 Patton       William                             8 M S                    Palo Alto
43  111 111 Patton       Nellie                              5 F S                    Palo Alto
43  111 111 Patton       Josie                               3 F S                    Palo Alto
43  112 112 Farb         A                    Union St      37 M M See Comments                             OC           Dry Goods & Clothing Merchant
43  112 112 Farb         Teressa                            29 F M                              Ohio
43  112 112 Farb         Flora                               4 F S                    Chickasaw
43  112 112 Farb         R E                                 1 M S                    Palo Alto
43  112 112 Farb         Zander                             14 M S                                          OC
43  112 112 Cantrovity   Emma                               30 F S                              Wis
43  112 112 Beebe        H W                                24 M S Clerk Dry Goods              Minn

Pa  DW  FN  SURNAME      GIVEN NAME           STREET        AG X M OCCUPATION         /---------BIRTH-----------------\  COMMENTS

43  112 112 Beebe        Mattie                             22 F S                              New York
43  113 113 Acres        Margaret             Union St      52 F W House Keeper                             Ireland
43  113 113 Acres        Hattie                             25 F S                              Wis
43  113 113 Acres        Edward                             22 M S                              Wis
43  113 113 Acres        Mary                               20 F S                              Wis
43  113 113 Acres        John                               19 M S                              Wis
44  113 113 Acres        Jennie               Union St      18 F S                              Wis
44  113 113 Acres        Tina                               16 F S                    *
44  113 113 Acres        Emma                               12 F S                    *
44  114 114 Sterner      D T                  Pearl St      33 M M Mason                        Wis
44  114 114 Sterner      Ida M                              29 F M                    Blackhawk
44  114 114 Sterner      Ovid                                5 F S                    Buena Vis a
44  115 115 Coin         Patrick              State St      80 M M Retired farmer                           Ire
44  115 115 Coin         Bridget                            45 F M                                          Ire
44  116 116 Donovan      Thomas               Broadway      31 M M Laborer                      Connecticut
44  116 116 Donovan      Katie                              27 F M                              Wis
44  116 116 Donovan      John                                7 M S                    Chickasaw
44  116 116 Donovan      Willie                              6 M S                    Chickasaw
44  116 116 Donovan      Dennis                              4 M S                    Palo Alto

Pa  DW  FN  SURNAME      GIVEN NAME           STREET        AG X M OCCUPATION         /---------BIRTH-----------------\  COMMENTS

44  116 116 Donovan      Roy                                 1 M S                    Palo Alto
44  117 117 Steil        John                 Broadway      39 M M Saloon                                   Ger
44  117 117 Steil        Rose                               39 F M                              Ohio
44  117 117 Steil        Henry                              19 M S                              Wis
44  117 117 Steil        John                               17 M S                              Wis
44  117 117 Steil        George                             18 M S                              Wis
44  117 117 Steil        Joseph                             12 M S                    Palo Alto
44  117 117 Steil        Lizzie                             10 F S                    Palo Alto
44  117 117 Steil        Casper                              8 M S                    Palo Alto
44  117 117 Steil        Mary                                7 F S                    Palo Alto
44  117 117 Steil        Katie                               5 F S                    Palo Alto
44  117 117 Steifer      Lizzie                             18 F S                              Wis
44  118 118 Crowley      Jeremiah             Broadway      38 M M Hotel                                    Ire
44  118 118 Crowley      Mary E                             36 F M                              Minn
44  118 118 Crowley      Mary                                5 F S                    Palo Alto
44  118 118 Crowley      Julia                               3 F S                    Palo Alto
44  118 118 Crowley      Katie                               2 F S                    Palo Alto
44  118 118 Crowley      Sarah                               1 F S                    Palo Alto
45  119 119 Mehan        John                 Ormsby Ave    57 M M Laborer                                  Ireland

Pa  DW  FN  SURNAME      GIVEN NAME           STREET        AG X M OCCUPATION         /---------BIRTH-----------------\  COMMENTS

45  119 119 Mehan        Ann                                52 F M                                          Ireland
45  119 119 Mehan        Margret                            19 F S                              Wis
45  119 119 Mehan        Anne                               17 F S                              Wis
45  119 119 Mehan        Elizabeth                          14 F S                              Wis
45  120 120 McCarty      Patrick              13th St       25 M M Laborer                      Wis
45  120 120 McCarty      Kate                               26 F M                    *
45  120 120 McCarty      Thomas                              0 M S                    Palo Alto
45  121 121 Murray       Dennis               Lawler St     60 M M Laborer                                  Ireland
45  121 121 Murray       Mary                               50 F M                                          Ireland
45  121 121 Murray       John                               28 M S                              New York
45  121 121 Murray       Thomas                             14 M S                              New York
45  121 121 Murray       Edward                              5 M S                    Palo Alto
45  122 122 Phoenix      John W               Lawler St     41 M M Painter                      Wis
45  122 122 Phoenix      Amella                             36 F M                              Wis
45  122 122 Phoenix      Ernest                             14 M S                              Wis
45  122 122 Phoenix      Linden                             11 M S                              Wis
45  122 122 Phoenix      Vernette                            8 M S                              Wis
45  122 122 Phoenix      Edwin                               6 M S                    Palo Alto
45  122 122 Phoenix      Winnibelle                          4 F S                    Palo Alto

Pa  DW  FN  SURNAME      GIVEN NAME           STREET        AG X M OCCUPATION         /---------BIRTH-----------------\  COMMENTS

45  122 122 Phoenix      Adelbert J                          2 M S                    Palo Alto
45  123 123 Dorant       William              13th St       33 M M Laborer                                  Canada
45  123 123 Dorant       Kate                               28 F M                                          Canada
45  123 123 Dorant       Ella                                5 F S                              New York
45  123 123 Fetterly     Margaret                           60 F W                                          Canada
45  124 124 Wilgus       John                 13th St       26 M M Laborer                      Ill
45  124 124 Wilgus       Mary                               21 F M                              Ill
45  124 124 Cole         Jennie                              2 F S                    Palo Alto
45  125 125 Nelson       Metz                 13th St       61 M M Laborer                                  Denmark
45  125 125 Nelson       Anna M                             50 F M                                          Denmark
45  125 125 Nelson       Mary                               24 F S                                          Denmark
46  125 125 Gilbertson   Lena                 13th St       16 F S                    Emmet
46  125 125 Taylor       G V L                7th St        30 M S Carpenter                                Eng
46  125 125 Moore        Will                 7th St        21 M S Carpenter          Palo Alto
46  125 125 Steil        Joe                  Broadway      20 M S Carpenter          Dubuque
46  125 125 Foy          Terence              Broadway      22 M S Saloon             Palo Alto
46  125 125 Saunders     George               Broadway      32 M S Laborer                      Wis
46  126 126 McNally      John                 10th St       31 M M Sheriff                      Wis
46  126 126 McNally      Mary                               26 F M                              *                        Birthplace could be Ill

Pa  DW  FN  SURNAME      GIVEN NAME           STREET        AG X M OCCUPATION         /---------BIRTH-----------------\  COMMENTS

46  126 126 McNally      Willie                              6 M S                    Palo Alto
46  126 126 McNally      Daniel                              4 M S                    Palo Alto
46  126 126 McNally      Arthur                              2 M S                    Palo Alto
46  127 127 Cline        Rev C E              Maine St      41 M M Minister of Gospel           *                        Birthplace could be Ill
46  127 127 Cline        Annie E                            40 F M                              Indiana
46  127 127 Cline        Annie                              20 F S                              Minn
46  127 127 Cline        Agustus L                          18 M S                              Minn
46  127 127 Cline        Wesley D                           15 M S                              Ill
46  127 127 Cline        Grace T                            13 F S                              Ill
46  127 127 Cline        Horace A                           11 M S                              Ill
46  127 127 Cline        Fannie M                            9 F S                              Ill
46  127 127 Cline        Thomas D                            6 M S                              Ill
46  127 127 Cline        Agnes P                             4 F S                              Minn
46  127 127 Cline        Edward M                            1 M S                    Palo Alto
46  128 128 Kletzing     R A                  Palmer St     25 M M Professor                    Penn
46  128 128 Kletzing     Lillie                             23 F M                              Ohio
46  128 128 Kletzing     Claud                               1 M S                    Palo Alto
46  129 129 Lake         Albert               Grand Avenue  51 M M Laborer                      New York
46  129 129 Lake         Naoma                              48 F M                              Indiana

Pa  DW  FN  SURNAME      GIVEN NAME           STREET        AG X M OCCUPATION         /---------BIRTH-----------------\  COMMENTS

46  129 129 Lake         Etta                               22 F S                              Ill
46  129 129 Lake         Lottie M                           16 F S                              Ill
46  129 129 Lake         John                               20 M S                              Ill
46  129 129 Lake         Naoma M                             5 F S                    *
50  130 130 Tobin        T H                  10th St       54 M M Dry goods Merchant           Mass
50  130 130 Tobin        Ellen                              32 F M                                          Ireland
50  130 130 Morrissy     Julia                              22 F S                                          Ireland
50  130 130 Doran        Julia                              20 F S                                          Ireland
50  130 130 White        Mathew                             26 M S Dry goods Clerk                          Scotland
50  131 131 Joyce        Matt                 Maine St      41 M M Retired Merchant                         Ireland
50  131 131 Joyce        Ella                               30 F M                              New York
50  131 131 Joyce        Matt Jr                             8 M S                    Palo Alto
50  131 131 Joyce        Mary                                6 F S                    Palo Alto
50  131 131 Joyce        Katie                               6 F S                    Palo Alto
50  131 131 Joyce        Isaac                               1 M S                    Palo Alto
50  132 132 McDonnell    Terence              10th St       41 M M See Comments                             Ireland      Dry Goods & Groceries Merchant
50  132 132 McDonnell    Sarah E                            30 F M                              Wis
50  132 132 Malone       Kate                               20 F S                                          Ireland
50  132 132 O'Neil       Hugh                               24 M S Dry goods Clerk              Mass

Pa  DW  FN  SURNAME      GIVEN NAME           STREET        AG X M OCCUPATION         /---------BIRTH-----------------\  COMMENTS

50  133 133 Joyce        Patrick                            45 M M See Comments                             Ireland      Dry Goods & Groceries Merchant
50  133 133 Joyce        Mary E                             34 F M                              Mich
50  133 133 Joyce        William                            11 M S                    Palo Alto
50  133 133 Joyce        Joseph P                            3 M S                    Palo Alto
50  133 133 Joyce        William                            29 M S See Comments                             Ireland      Dry Goods & Groceries Clerk
50  133 133 Cole         Eliza                              17 F S                              Wis
50  134 134 Shortall     James                11th St       50 M M Laborer                                  Ireland
50  134 134 Powers       H A                                29 M S M D                *
50  135 135 Higgins      James                Broadway      43 M M Butcher                                  Ireland
50  135 135 Higgins      Elizabeth                          43 F M                                          England
50  135 135 Higgins      Napoleon T                         19 M S                              Rhode Islan
50  135 135 Higgins      Joseph C                           17 M S                              Rhode Islan
50  135 135 Higgins      Anne E                             15 F S                              Rhode Islan
50  136 136 Cady         Seldon                             62 M M M D                          Mass
50  136 136 Cady         Willie C                           21 M S Druggist                     Wis
50  137 137 Enjan        Thomas F                           26 M S Dry goods Merchant           Minn
51  138 138 Larkin       Edward J             Lake St       25 M M Druggist                     Wis
51  138 138 Larkin       Ann M                              21 F M                    Floyd
51  138 138 Larkin       Arthur B                            2 M S                    Palo Alto

Pa  DW  FN  SURNAME      GIVEN NAME           STREET        AG X M OCCUPATION         /---------BIRTH-----------------\  COMMENTS

51  138 138 Joyce        Thomas F             Broadway      35 M S Harness Maker                            Ireland
51  138 138 Maxon        Nathan E                           37 M S See Comments                 New York                 Dry Goods & Groceries Merchant
51  139 139 Joyce        Martin                             81 M M Farmer                                   Ireland
51  139 139 Joyce        Mary                               66 F M                                          Ireland
51  139 139 Eagan        John                               24 M S See Comments                 Minn                     Dry Goods & Groceries Clerk
51  140 140 Hinkley      John H               Palmer St     38 M M See Comments                 Penn                     Dry Goods & Groceries Merchant
51  140 140 Hinkley      Phila A                            38 F M                              New York
51  140 140 Hinkley      Vesta M                             6 F S                    Palo Alto
51  140 140 Hinkley      George M                            2 M S                    Palo Alto
51  140 140 Schliger     George G                           26 M S See Comments                 Penn                     Clerk Dry Goods & Groceries
51  140 140 Mitchetree   Elsie                              25 F S                              New York
51  141 141 Freeman      Franklin             12th St       38 M M See Comments                 Wis                      Clerk Dry Goods & Groceries
51  141 141 Freeman      Malvina                            36 F M                              Wis
51  141 141 Freeman      Myrtie                             13 F S                              Wis
51  141 141 Freeman      William B                          10 M S                              Wis
51  141 141 Freeman      Grant H                             6 M S                    Palo Alto
51  141 141 Freeman      Ernest F                            1 M S                    Palo Alto
51  142 142 Henry        William G            11th St       43 M M Druggist                     Ohio
51  142 142 Henry        Nancy M                            40 F M                              Ill

Pa  DW  FN  SURNAME      GIVEN NAME           STREET        AG X M OCCUPATION         /---------BIRTH-----------------\  COMMENTS

51  142 142 Henry        Claude M                           14 M S                    Palo Alto
51  142 142 Henry        Frank E                            12 M S                    Palo Alto
51  142 142 Henry        Mabel L                             8 F S                    Palo Alto
51  142 142 Henry        Lina E                              5 F S                    Palo Alto
51  143 143 Donovan      John                 13th St       29 M M Saloon             Clayton
51  143 143 Donovan      Mary                               22 F M                              Wis
51  144 144 Coonan       Daniel               Union St      30 M M Retired Merchant             Ill
51  144 144 Coonan       Mary                               27 F M                    *
51  144 144 Coonan       Roy                                 3 M S                    Palo Alto
52  144 144 Coonan       Nellie               Union St       2 F S                    Palo Alto
52  145 145 Metz         Peter                13th St       31 M M Barber             Dubuque
52  145 145 Metz         Emma                               25 F M                    *
52  145 145 Metz         William H                           7 M S                    *
52  145 145 Metz         Julia B                             5 F S                    *
52  145 145 Metz         John P                              3 M S                    *
52  145 145 Metz         Frank C                             2 M S                    Palo Alto
52  145 145 Metz         Hugh C                              1 M S                    Palo Alto
52  146 146 Shortall     Pierce               Broadway      50 M M Saloon                                   Ireland
52  146 146 Shortall     Delia                              30 F M                              Wis

Pa  DW  FN  SURNAME      GIVEN NAME           STREET        AG X M OCCUPATION         /---------BIRTH-----------------\  COMMENTS

52  147 147 Keeler       James F              13th St       37 M M Shoemaker                                Ireland
52  147 147 Keeler       Sarah                              32 F M                                          Ireland
52  147 147 Keeler       Emma C                             16 F S                              Wis
52  147 147 Keeler       Frank                              12 M S                              Wis
52  147 147 Keeler       Mary                               10 F S                              Wis
52  148 148 Moses        William J            13th St       39 M M Shoemaker                                Canada
52  148 148 Moses        Mary L                             36 F M                                          Canada
52  148 148 Moses        Walter C                            6 M S                    Palo Alto
52  148 148 Moses        Florence M                          4 F S                    Palo Alto
52  148 148 Moses        William R                           2 M S                    Palo Alto
52  149 149 Koch         Nick                 Palmer        33 M M Saloon                                   Germany
52  149 149 Koch         Christina                          35 F M                                          Germany
52  149 149 Koch         George                             10 M S                              Mich
52  149 149 Koch         Emma                               12 F S                              Mich
52  149 149 Koch         Josie                               6 F S                              Wis
52  149 149 Koch         Mamie                               4 F S                    Palo Alto
52  149 149 Koch         Alma                                1 F S                    Palo Alto
52  150 150 Smith        C A                  Union St      26 M M Jeweller                     New York
52  150 150 Smith        Anna L                             21 F M                                          Germany

Pa  DW  FN  SURNAME      GIVEN NAME           STREET        AG X M OCCUPATION         /---------BIRTH-----------------\  COMMENTS

52  150 150 Smith        Lawrence                            1 M S                    Palo Alto
52  151 151 Potts        Ebin R               Maine St      55 M M                              New York
53  151 151 Potts        Marsha E             Maine St      37 F M                              New York
53  151 151 Potts        Charles H                          13 M S                              Wis
53  151 151 Van Buskirk  M                                  50 M M Dry goods Merchant           New York
53  152 152 McLaughlin   Thomas F             Maine St      57 M M Groceries                                Ireland
53  152 152 McLaughlin   Annie                              40 F M                                          Ireland
53  152 152 McLaughlin   Annie                              10 F S                    *
53  152 152 McLaughlin   Agnes                               7 F S                    *
53  152 152 McLaughlin   Fannie                              5 F S                    *
53  152 152 McLaughlin   Josie                               1 F S                    Palo Alto
53  152 152 Gowens       James                              35 M S                                          Scotland
53  152 152 Ludgate      George                             20 M S                                          Scotland
53  153 153 Dimler       Henry                Maine St      55 M M Cabinet Maker                            Germany
53  153 153 Dimler       Eliza                              40 F M                                          Ireland
53  154 154 Thomas       Charles H            Maine St      56 M M Tailor                                   Germany
53  154 154 Monia        Carl                               26 M M                                          Denmark
53  154 154 Monia        Mary                                4 F S                                          Denmark
53  154 154 Monia        William                             2 M S                    Palo Alto

Pa  DW  FN  SURNAME      GIVEN NAME           STREET        AG X M OCCUPATION         /---------BIRTH-----------------\  COMMENTS

53  154 154 Monia        Ida                                13 F S                    Palo Alto
53  155 155 Rowse        Edward               10th St       24 M M Hotel              Scott
53  155 155 Rowse        Elizabeth                          24 F M                              New York
53  155 155 Rowse        William C                           2 M S                    Scott
53  155 155 Olshausen    Theadore             10th St       30 M M Hotel Clerk        Scott
53  155 155 Olshausen    Minnie                             29 F M                    Scott
53  155 155 Olshausen    John                                7 M S                    Scott
53  155 155 Olshausen    Bessie                              6 F S                    Scott
53  155 155 Keating      John                               28 M M Hotel Clerk                  Ill
53  155 155 O'Brien      C J                                41 M S Cook                         Penn
53  155 155 Mills        Charles                            18 M S                    *
53  155 155 Barclay      William                            25 M S Land Agent                               Scotland
53  155 155 Angelberger  John                               25 M S Laborer                      Ohio
53  155 155 Green        James                              30 M S Laborer                      Wis
54  155 155 Spruit       Ira                  10th St       24 M S Hotel Clerk        Jasper
54  155 155 Grant        Jamie                              21 F M                    Jasper
54  155 155 Grant        Annie                              20 F M                    Jasper
54  155 155 McCormick    Mary                               30 F S                    Jasper
54  155 155 Sullivan     Nora                               17 F S                                          Ireland

Pa  DW  FN  SURNAME      GIVEN NAME           STREET        AG X M OCCUPATION         /---------BIRTH-----------------\  COMMENTS

54  155 155 Leonard      Julia                              17 F S                                          Ireland
54  155 155 Walsh        Lizzie                             25 F S                    Jasper
54  155 155 McDowell     Olive                              18 F M                    Jasper
54  155 155 Keating      Mrs. J H                           26 F M                    Jasper
54  155 155 Jewett       A G                                60 M S Clerk                        Connecticut
54  155 155 Nissler      H L                                24 M S                              Connecticut
54  155 155 Jenswold     John Jr                            24 M S *                            Wis
54  155 155 Russell      P O                                24 M S Bank Cahsier                             Norway
54  155 155 Kelly        William                            22 M S                    *
54  156 156 Telford      William L            11th St       37 M M Real Est Clerk     *
54  156 156 Telford      Ella B                             39 F M                              New York
54  156 156 Telford      Anna L                             10 F S                              New York
54  157 157 Middleton    Sarah                11th St       70 F W House Keeper                 Connecticut
54  157 157 Middleton    Harriett                           65 F S                              Connecticut
54  157 157 Maydole      Mary                               20 F S                              Wis
54  157 157 Jensen       Christina                          15 F S                                          Denmark
54  158 158 Steadman     P H                  7th St        33 M M Harness Maker                New York
54  158 158 Steadman     S H                                29 F M                              New York
54  158 158 Steadman     S R                                 7 F S                    Palo Alto

Pa  DW  FN  SURNAME      GIVEN NAME           STREET        AG X M OCCUPATION         /---------BIRTH-----------------\  COMMENTS

54  158 158 Steadman     C G                                 4 F S                    Palo Alto
54  159 159 Smith        Rev J J              14th St       44 M S Minister of God                          Ireland
54  159 159 Dougherty    Jane                               60 F S                                          Ireland
54  159 159 Kenny        Ed                                 18 M S                              Missouri
54  159 159 Kenny        Thomas                             16 M S                              Missouri
54  160 160 Green        Susan                10th St       28 F M                              Tenesee
54  160 160 Stryke       John                               54 M S Laborer                      Wis
55  161 161 Connor       Michael              13th St        6 M S                                          Germany      Ages as listed on census
55  161 161 Connor       Mary                                4 F S                                          Germany
55  161 161 Connor       Mat                                 2 M S                    Palo Alto
55  161 161 Connor       Frank                               1 M S                    Palo Alto
55  162 162 Nelson       Nels                 13th St       20 M M                                          Denmark
55  162 162 Nelson       Annie                              16 F S                                          Denmark
55  162 162 Nelson       Nels C                              7 M S                                          Denmark
55  162 162 Nelson       Annie A                            84 F W House Keeper                             Denmark
55  163 163 Kelly        E W                  14th St       60 M M Laborer                                  Ireland
55  163 163 Kelly        Margret                            47 F M                              Ill
55  163 163 Kelly        Lizzie                             21 F S                    Palo Alto
55  163 163 Kelly        Josie                              19 F S                    Palo Alto

Pa  DW  FN  SURNAME      GIVEN NAME           STREET        AG X M OCCUPATION         /---------BIRTH-----------------\  COMMENTS

55  163 163 Kelly        Ella                               16 F S                    Palo Alto
55  163 163 Kelly        Agnes                              10 F S                    Palo Alto
55  164 164 Walsh        Terrence             13th St       30 M M Laborer                                  Canada
55  164 164 Walsh        Alice                              28 F M                              Ill
55  165 165 Ewing        A G                  13th St       29 M M Clerk Dry goods              Vermont
55  165 165 Ewing        Clara A                            26 F M                              Ill
55  166 166 Armstrong    A J                  13th St       41 M M Carpenter                    Ohio
55  166 166 Armstrong    Myrtie C                           38 F M                                          Canada
55  166 166 Armstrong    J C                                12 M S                    *
55  166 166 Armstrong    H C                                10 M S                    *
55  166 166 Armstrong    F L                                 8 M S                    *
55  166 166 Armstrong    Hubert E                            1 M S                    Palo Alto
55  166 166 Armstrong    Amanda                             30 F S                              Ohio
55  167 167 Schmuckle    Caroline             12th St       56 F W House Keeper                             Germany
55  167 167 Schmuckle    Charles                            25 M S                              Ill
55  167 167 Schmuckle    Amelia                             22 F S                              Ill
55  167 167 Schmuckle    Minnie                             16 F S                              Ill
55  167 167 Schmuckle    Holison                            12 M S                              Ill
55  168 168 Flinn        Dennis               12th St       31 M M Laborer                      New York

Pa  DW  FN  SURNAME      GIVEN NAME           STREET        AG X M OCCUPATION         /---------BIRTH-----------------\  COMMENTS

56  168 168 Flinn        Mary                 12th St       28 F W House Keeper                 Wis
56  168 168 Flinn        Mary                                5 F S                              Wis
56  168 168 Flinn        Willie                              3 M S                              Wis
56  168 168 Flinn        Bridget                             0 F S                    Palo Alto
56  169 169 Jeremia      Matt                 12th St       45 M M Laborer                                  Denmark
56  169 169 Jeremia      Mary                               35 F M                                          Denmark
56  169 169 Jeremia      John                               15 M S                                          Denmark
56  169 169 Jeremia      Lina                               11 F S                                          Denmark
56  169 169 Jeremia      Laurie                              7 F S                                          Denmark
56  169 169 Jeremia      Jeremiah                            1 M S                    Palo Alto
56  169 169 Peterson     Lawrence             13th St       26 M M Laborer                                  Denmark
56  169 169 Christenson  Sorin                              25 M M                                          Denmark
56  170 170 Masters      James                13th St       49 M M                              New Jersey
56  170 170 Masters      Emma J                             36 F M                              Wis
56  170 170 Masters      Arthur W                            6 M S                    Palo Alto
56  171 171 Bennett      J C                  13th St       33 M M Editor                                   England
56  171 171 Bennett      Sarah                              32 F M                    *
56  171 171 Bennett      Hugh                                3 M S                    Palo Alto
56  171 171 Bennett      Lena E                              0 F S                    Palo Alto

Pa  DW  FN  SURNAME      GIVEN NAME           STREET        AG X M OCCUPATION         /---------BIRTH-----------------\  COMMENTS

56  171 171 Jenkins      J E                                26 M S Printer            Emmet
56  171 171 Smith        G R                                40 M M Printer                      New York
56  172 172 German       Joseph               10th St       28 M M Carpenter                    Wis
56  172 172 German       Mary A                             22 F M                              Wis
56  172 172 German       Mary C                              3 F S                              Wis
56  172 172 German       Charles P                           1 M S                              Nebraska
56  173 173 McCormick    Charles              6th St        44 M M Real Estate                              Ireland
56  173 173 McCormick    Emma L                             31 F M                    *
56  173 173 McCormick    Mary E                             10 F S                    Palo Alto
56  173 173 McCormick    Cora E                              5 F S                    Palo Alto
56  173 173 McCormick    Margret E                           1 F S                    Palo Alto
56  173 173 McCormick    Isabella                           18 F S                                          Ireland
57  174 174 Taylor       Chas E               6th St        29 M M Blacksmith                   Wis
57  174 174 Taylor       Sarah I                            29 F M                                          Wales
57  174 174 Taylor       Alma I                              5 F S                    Palo Alto
57  174 174 Pendergast   Maj                                24 F S                    Palo Alto
57  175 175 Martin       J L                  12th St       47 M M Lumber Agent                             Canada
57  175 175 Martin       Margret A                          31 F M                                          Canada
57  175 175 Martin       Mary Ema                            1 F S                    Palo Alto

Pa  DW  FN  SURNAME      GIVEN NAME           STREET        AG X M OCCUPATION         /---------BIRTH-----------------\  COMMENTS

57  176 176 Gusman       C C                  Union St      27 M M                              Wis
57  176 176 Gusman       Maria                              55 F M                                          Norway
57  176 176 Gusman       Lois                               22 F S                              Wis
57  176 176 Gusman       Jennie                              5 F S                              Wis
57  176 176 Gusman       Lena                                3 F S                              Wis
57  177 177 King         J E                  Broadway      36 M M Clerk of Court               New York
57  177 177 King         Sarah                              37 F M                              New York
57  177 177 King         C E                                12 M S                    Palo Alto
57  177 177 King         Robert                             10 M S                    Palo Alto
57  177 177 King         Edwin                               5 M S                    Palo Alto
57  177 177 King         Harry                               2 M S                    Palo Alto
57  177 177 Gould        Lucy B                             66 F S                              New York
57  177 177 Rodgers      Lucy                               26 F S                              Wis
57  178 178 Shea         Robert               Broadway      43 M M Co. Treas.                               Ireland
57  178 178 Shea         Kittie                             26 F M                              Wis
57  178 178 Shea         William R                           1 M S                    Palo Alto
57  178 178 Killian      Mary E                             18 F S                              Wis
57  179 179 Burlingame   D W                  11th St       38 M M Dep Co. Treas                New York
57  179 179 Burlingame   Ella E                             27 F M                              Indiana

Pa  DW  FN  SURNAME      GIVEN NAME           STREET        AG X M OCCUPATION         /---------BIRTH-----------------\  COMMENTS

57  179 179 Burlingame   Hiram                               7 M S                    *
57  179 179 Burlingame   Nana V                              5 F S                    Palo Alto
57  179 179 Burlingame   E V                                 2 M S                    Palo Alto
57  179 179 Cullen       Maggie                             19 F S                              Ill
57  180 180 Murphy       Ellen                Grand Avenue  40 F S House Keeper                             Ireland
58  181 181 Walsh        Thomas               Broadway      42 M M Co Recorder                              Ireland
58  181 181 Walsh        Maria                              45 F M                                          Ireland
58  181 181 Walsh        Michael J                          16 M S                    Palo Alto
58  181 181 Walsh        Bride A                            14 F S                    Palo Alto
58  181 181 Walsh        Thomas                             12 M S                    Palo Alto
58  182 182 Harrison     T W                  Maine St      43 M M Atty                                     Canada
58  182 182 Harrison     Anna W                             35 F M                              Wis
58  182 182 Harrison     Geo B                              11 M S                    Palo Alto
58  182 182 Harrison     Mary W                              9 F S                    Palo Alto
58  182 182 Harrison     John W                              7 M S                    Palo Alto
58  182 182 Harrison     Annie E                             5 F S                    Palo Alto
58  182 182 Harrison     Alice F                             2 F S                    Palo Alto
58  182 182 Griffin      Jennie                             18 F S                    Palo Alto
58  183 183 Eaton        John                 18th St       33 M M Laborer                                  Ireland

Pa  DW  FN  SURNAME      GIVEN NAME           STREET        AG X M OCCUPATION         /---------BIRTH-----------------\  COMMENTS

58  183 183 Eaton        Catherine                          24 F M                              Ill
58  183 183 Daily        Thomas                             55 M S                                          Ireland
58  184 184 Ormsby       E S                  Maine St      42 M M Banker                       Mich
58  184 184 Ormsby       Mary A                             42 F M                              Ohio
58  184 184 Ormsby       Myrtie B                           16 F S                              Mich
58  185 185 Bateman      Eliza                Maine St      67 F W House Keeper                 Tenesee
58  185 185 Bateman      J L                                33 M                                Mich                     Marital Status left blank for rest of page except for Aiken
58  185 185 Bateman      Rosie                              28 F                                Mich
58  185 185 Bateman      Clayton                            10 M                                Mich
58  185 185 Bateman      Lilia                               8 F                                Mich
58  185 185 Bateman      Mattie                              6 F                                Mich
58  186 186 Aiken        A A                  Maine St      48 M M Portrait Painter             New York
58  186 186 Aiken        Anne                               46 F M                              Tenesee
58  186 186 Aiken        Ella                               11 F                                Mich
58  186 186 Johnson      Carrie                             25 F                                            Norway
58  186 186 Evans        Frank                              20 M                      *
58  186 186 Strong       James                              24 M   Laborer            *
62  187 187 Innis        W H                  Union St      28 M M Barber             Des Moine
62  187 187 Innis        Ellen A                            23 F M                              Minn

Pa  DW  FN  SURNAME      GIVEN NAME           STREET        AG X M OCCUPATION         /---------BIRTH-----------------\  COMMENTS

62  187 187 Innis        Ellen A                             5 F S                    Palo Alto
62  187 187 Innis        W H                                 3 M S                    Palo Alto
62  188 188 Brown        W J                  11th St       29 M M Postmaster                   Penn
62  188 188 Brown        Maria E                            25 F M                              Wis
62  188 188 Brown        Bertie B                            6 F S                    Palo Alto
62  188 188 Brown        Phil G                              2 M S                    Palo Alto
62  188 188 Lynch        Hannah                             30 F S                    Webster
62  189 189 Strautemeyer M A                  11th St       38 M W Laborer                      Ohio
62  189 189 Strautemeyer Rialte                             13 F S                    *ton
62  189 189 Strautemeyer Homer                              10 M S                    *ton
62  190 190 Schroeder    B F                  Broadway      28 M S Agricultural *     *ton
62  190 190 Schroeder    George                             25 M S Agricultural *     *ton
62  191 191 Manning      Dennis               12th St       87 M S                                          Ireland      Definitely marked single
62  191 191 Manning      Catherine                          74 F S                                          Ireland      Definitely marked single
62  192 192 Harris       A W                  12th St       28 M M Carpenter                    Ill
62  192 192 Harris       Elisabeth                          26 F M                                          Canada
62  192 192 Harris       Myrtie                              4 F S                    Floyd
62  192 192 Harris       Mabel                               0 F S                    Palo Alto
62  193 193 Hyatt        D W                  13th St       55 M M Laborer                      Indiana

Pa  DW  FN  SURNAME      GIVEN NAME           STREET        AG X M OCCUPATION         /---------BIRTH-----------------\  COMMENTS

62  193 193 Hyatt        Viola                              25 F M                              Indiana
62  194 194 Dorris       Ann                  13th St       45 F M House Keeper                             Canada
62  194 194 Dorris       Teressa                            23 F M                                          Canada
62  194 194 Dorris       Peter                              20 M S                                          Canada
62  194 194 Dorris       Anna                               17 F S                                          Canada
62  194 194 Dorris       Charles                            12 M S                    *
62  194 194 Dorris       Frank                               9 M S                    *
62  195 195 Soper        Mary                               60 F W House Keeper                 Penn
62  195 195 Soper        John                                8 M S                              Penn
62  195 195 Soper        Anna                                5 F S                              Penn
63  196 196 Myers        Frank                13th St       27 M M Carpenter                    Wis
63  196 196 Myers        Mary                               28 F M                              Kentucky
63  196 196 Myers        John                                2 M S                    Palo Alto
63  197 197 Schneider    Barbara              13th St       68 F W House Keeper                             Germany
63  197 197 Schneider    Michael                            31 M S Butcher                      Kentucky
63  197 197 Besson       Michael                            47 M S Laborer                                  Germany
63  198 198 Schendall    Christof             13th St       65 M M Laborer                                  Germany
63  198 198 Schendall    Pauline                            32 F M                                          Germany
63  198 198 Schendall    Herman                             12 M S                                          Germany

Pa  DW  FN  SURNAME      GIVEN NAME           STREET        AG X M OCCUPATION         /---------BIRTH-----------------\  COMMENTS

63  198 198 Schendall    Paul                                7 M S                                          Germany
63  198 198 Schendall    Rheinhold                           5 M S                    Palo Alto
63  198 198 Schendall    Martha                              3 F S                    Palo Alto
63  198 198 Schendall    Lina                                1 F S                    Palo Alto
63  198 198 Schendall    Rudolph                            16 M S                    Palo Alto
63  199 199 Bannon       Catherine            13th St       50 F W House Keeper                             Ireland
63  199 199 Bannon       Annie E                            22 F S                              Minn
63  199 199 Bannon       Frank                              16 M S                              Minn
63  199 199 Bannon       Charles                             9 M S                              Minn
63  200 200 Hannon       Michael              13th St       48 M M Laborer                                  Ireland
63  200 200 Hannon       Catherine                          48 F M                                          Ireland
63  200 200 Hannon       John                               26 M S                              Ill
63  200 200 Hannon       Michael                            24 M S                              Ill
63  200 200 Hannon       Mary                               21 F S                              Ill
63  200 200 Hannon       Frank                              18 M S                              Ill
63  200 200 Hannon       Willie                             15 M S                    Webster
63  200 200 Hannon       Maggie                             13 F S                    Webster
63  200 200 Hannon       Teresa                             11 F S                    Webster
63  200 200 Hannon       Sarah                               9 F S                    Webster

Pa  DW  FN  SURNAME      GIVEN NAME           STREET        AG X M OCCUPATION         /---------BIRTH-----------------\  COMMENTS

63  201 201 Connor       Michael              13th St       33 M M                                          Germany
63  201 201 Connor       Magdalena                          28 F M                                          Germany
63  201 201 Connor       John                                8 M S                                          Germany
68  202 202 Moon         William              12 St         30 M M Blacksmith                               England
68  202 202 Moon         Emma                               23 F M                              New York
68  202 202 Moon         Ada                                 1 F S                    Palo Alto
68  202 202 Murray       Ivor A                             18 M S                                          Scotland
68  203 203 Cadden       John                 Lawler St     29 M M Marble Cutter                New Jersey
68  203 203 Cadden       Emma                               25 F M                              Missouri
68  203 203 Haase        Chas                 Lawler St     26 M S Laborer                      Missouri
68  204 204 Paulson      Ole H                              36 M S Blacksmith                               Norway
68  204 204 Paulson      Helgas                             19 F S Laborer                                  Norway
68  204 204 Price        George                             25 M S Laborer                      Virginia
68  205 205 Church       J M                  7th St        33 M M Harness Maker                New York
68  205 205 Church       E F                                31 F M                              New York
68  205 205 Church       Olive                              11 F S                    Palo Alto
68  205 205 Church       Melvin                              9 M S                    Palo Alto
68  205 205 Church       Minnie                              7 F S                    Palo Alto
68  205 205 Church       Nellie                              1 F S                    Palo Alto

Pa  DW  FN  SURNAME      GIVEN NAME           STREET        AG X M OCCUPATION         /---------BIRTH-----------------\  COMMENTS

68  206 206 O'Connor     Thomas               Broadway      28 M M Attorney                     New York
68  206 206 O'Connor     Mary C                             27 F M                    *ma
68  206 206 O'Connor     Charles                             0 M S                    Palo Alto
68  206 206 Riley        Anna E                             18 F S                    *ma
68  207 207 Ryan         P H                  Broadway      33 M M Attorney                     New Jersey
68  207 207 Ryan         Anna                               33 F M                              Penn
68  207 207 Stud         Cai**n M                           19 F S                    Blackhawk
68  208 208 Skinner      R B                  7th St        37 M M Manufacturer                 Penn
68  208 208 Skinner      L A                                34 F M                    *
68  208 208 Skinner      S P                                 7 F S                              New York
68  209 209 Kirby        Michael              12th St       59 M M Retired Shoemaker                        Ireland
68  209 209 Kirby        Ellen A                            70 F M                                          Ireland
68  209 209 Kirby        Henry                              34 M S                              Wis
68  210 210 Inman        G W                                38 M M Miller                                   Eng
68  210 210 Inman        Mary A                             36 F M                                                       Cannot see anything marked for place of birth
69  210 210 Inman        Richard P            12th St       15 M S                              Wis
69  210 210 Inman        Nina G                             13 F S                              Wis
69  210 210 Inman        Susan                              11 F S                              Wis
69  210 210 Inman        Rachel                              9 F S                              Wis

Pa  DW  FN  SURNAME      GIVEN NAME           STREET        AG X M OCCUPATION         /---------BIRTH-----------------\  COMMENTS

69  210 210 Inman        Edgar                               2 M S                    Palo Alto
69  211 211 Stuckmer     Louis                12th St       24 M M Miller             *
69  211 211 Stuckmer     Bertha                             24 F M                    *
69  211 211 Stuckmer     Lillie                              4 F S                    *
69  211 211 Stuckmer     Harry                               2 M S                    *
69  212 212 Treat        Don                  12th St       27 M M Enginer                      New York
69  212 212 Treat        Kate                               26 F M                              Ill
69  212 212 Treat        Harry                               1 M S                    *son
69  212 212 Treat        Gracey                              0 F S                    Palo Alto
69  212 212 Riordan      John J               Maine St      26 M S Telegraph Operator                       Ireland
69  213 213 Pilcher      A F                  Maine St      28 M M Station Agent                Ill
69  213 213 Pilcher      Norah                              26 F M                              Ill
69  213 213 Larson       Lena                               16 F S                                          Norway
69  214 214 Thompson     Calvin               Maine St      31 M M Painter                      Ohio
69  214 214 Thompson     Ida                                25 F M                              Mich
69  214 214 Thompson     Arthur                              3 M S                              Mich
69  214 214 Thompson     Affa                                0 F S                    Palo Alto
69  215 215 Kirby        W H                  2nd St        36 M M Carpenter                                England
69  215 215 Kirby        Synthia                            31 F M                    *

Pa  DW  FN  SURNAME      GIVEN NAME           STREET        AG X M OCCUPATION         /---------BIRTH-----------------\  COMMENTS

69  216 216 Rutledge     D                    11th St       59 M M Attorney                                 Ireland
69  216 216 Rutledge     A                                  38 F M                              New York
69  216 216 Rutledge     Kate                               13 F S                              Wis
69  216 216 Rutledge     Thos                               10 M S                              Wis
69  216 216 Rutledge     Mary                                8 F S                              Wis
69  216 216 Rutledge     Anne                                5 F S                              Wis
69  216 216 Rutledge     Agnes                               3 F S                    Palo Alto
69  217 217 Lynard       Samuel               11th St       73 M M Loan Agent                               Ireland
70  217 217 Lynard       Mary                 11th St       62 F M                                          Ireland
70  218 218 Murphy       Stephen                            62 M M Laborer                                  Ireland
70  218 218 Murphy       Ellen A                            64 F M                                          Ireland
70  218 218 Nolan        P V                                27 M S Sheriff            Palo Alto
70  219 219 Johnston     James H S            10th St       24 M M Bookeeper                                Scotland
70  219 219 Johnston     Agnes                              22 F M                                          Canada
70  219 219 Peddie       Willie D                           26 M S                                          Scotland
70  220 220 Atkins       Norman J             Ormsby Avenu  27 M S Banker                                   Scotland
70  221 221 White        Margret E            Broadway      38 F W                                          Ire
70  221 221 White        Mary E                             20 F S                    Webster
70  221 221 White        Alice M                            19 F S                    Webster

Pa  DW  FN  SURNAME      GIVEN NAME           STREET        AG X M OCCUPATION         /---------BIRTH-----------------\  COMMENTS

70  221 221 White        Margret E                          17 F S                    Palo Alto
70  221 221 White        Thomas                             15 M S                    Palo Alto
70  221 221 White        Sarah                              13 F S                    Palo Alto
70  222 222 Frost        W S                  Cale St       30 M M Dairing                      Wis
70  222 222 Frost        Sarah A                            30 F M                              Wis
70  222 222 Frost        Frank                               9 M S                              Wis
70  222 222 Frost        Emma                                6 F S                    Pocahonta
70  222 222 Frost        Jennie                              4 F S                    Palo Alto
70  222 222 Frost        Alfred                              2 M S                    Palo Alto
70  222 222 Minger       Hank                               42 M S Laborer            Palo Alto
70  222 222 Wolferd      Ernest                             24 M S Laborer                      Ill
70  222 222 Larson       Cora                               22 F S Laborer                                  Denmark
70  222 222 Thomas       E F                  10th St       32 M M Dentist                                  Canada
70  223 223 Church       L C                  7th St        43 M M Harness Maker                New York
70  223 223 Church       R A                                37 F M                              Indiana
70  223 223 Church       George M                           18 M S                    Blackhawk
70  223 223 Church       E M                                17 M S                    Buchanan
70  223 223 Church       James H                             9 M S                    Palo Alto
70  223 223 Church       Jesse                               2 M S                    Palo Alto

Pa  DW  FN  SURNAME      GIVEN NAME           STREET        AG X M OCCUPATION         /---------BIRTH-----------------\  COMMENTS

70  223 223 Church       Evaline                            *  F S                    Buchanan
74  223 223 Candu        George               12th St       26 M S Laborer                                  Germany      Surname may be Candee or Candie
74  224 224 Oleson       Sorin                12th St       27 M M Laborer                                  Denmark
74  224 224 Nelson       John                               25 M M Laborer                                  Denmark
74  225 225 Samenson     Paul                 12th St       30 M M Laborer                                  Denmark
74  225 225 Samenson     Anna                               27 F M                                          Denmark
74  225 225 Samenson     Saurin                              5 M                                            Denmark
74  225 225 Samenson     Hans                                4 M                                            Denmark
74  225 225 Lucy         Bart                               50 M S Laborer                                  Ireland
74  225 225 Kading       P                                  60 M S Laborer                                  Ireland
74  226 226 Rogers       Patrick              10th St       40 M   Laborer                                  Ireland
74  226 226 Rogers       Anne                               37 F                                            Ireland
74  226 226 Rogers       Martin                              6 M                                Ill
74  226 226 Rogers       Johana                              5 F                                Ill
74  226 226 Rogers       Michael W                           1 M                      Palo Alto
74  227 227 Stanger      Hans                 Cale St       38 M M Laborer                                  Germany
74  227 227 Stanger      Anna                               38 F M                                          Germany
74  227 227 Stanger      George                              8 M                                            Germany
74  228 228 Kloustaryer  J                    13th St       38 M M Laborer                                  Germany

Pa  DW  FN  SURNAME      GIVEN NAME           STREET        AG X M OCCUPATION         /---------BIRTH-----------------\  COMMENTS

74  228 228 Kloustaryer  Katie                              30 F M                                          Germany
74  228 228 Kloustaryer  Kristina                            8 F                                            Germany
74  228 228 Kloustaryer  Willie                              4 M                      Palo Alto
74  228 228 Kloustaryer  Emma                                2 F                      Palo Alto
74  228 228 Kloustaryer  Mary                                1 F                      p
74  229 229 Kaertel      John                 18th St       45 M M Laborer                                  Germany
74  229 229 Kaertel      Mary                               32 F M                                          Germany
74  229 229 Kaertel      Katie                              12 F                                            Germany
74  229 229 Kaertel      Gracia                             10 F                                            Germany
74  229 229 Kaertel      Maty                                5 M                                            Germany
74  229 229 Kaertel      August                             70 M M Laborer                                  Germany
74  229 229 Kaertel      Lilian                             66 F M                                          Germany
74  229 229 Schon        John                               31 M S Laborer                                  Germany
75  230 230 Spencer      George               12th St       44 M M                              New York
75  230 230 Spencer      Adelaide                           41 F M                              New York
75  230 230 Spencer      Mary A                             18 F S                              Wis
75  230 230 Spencer      Nathan C                           16 M S                              Wis
75  230 230 Spencer      George P                           13 M S                              Wis
75  230 230 Spencer      Amelia                             10 F S                    Webster

Pa  DW  FN  SURNAME      GIVEN NAME           STREET        AG X M OCCUPATION         /---------BIRTH-----------------\  COMMENTS

75  230 230 Spencer      Fannie                              8 F S                    Webster
75  230 230 Spencer      John                                5 M S                    Palo Alto
75  230 230 Spencer      James                               3 M S                    Palo Alto
75  231 231 Ormsby       A L                  7th St        40 M M                              Michigan
75  231 231 Ormsby       R Ever                             40 F M                              Indiana
75  231 231 Ormsby       Scott                              11 M S                    Palo Alto
75  231 231 Ormsby       Daisy                               9 F S                    Palo Alto
75  231 231 Ormsby       Alice                               2 F S                    Palo Alto
75  231 231 Ormsby       Agnes May                          20 F S                              Michigan
75  231 231 Montcalm     Jane                               19 F S                              Wis
75  232 232 Cosgrove     James                10th St       54 M M                              Mass
75  232 232 Cosgrove     Henrietta                          43 F M                              New Jersey
75  232 232 Cosgrove     Jonas                              17 M S                              Ohio
75  232 232 Cosgrove     Matilda                            11 F S                              Ohio
75  232 232 Cosgrove     Edith                               7 F S                    Palo Alto
75  233 233 Hardgrave    Charles              10th St       57 M M                                          Scotland
75  233 233 Hardgrave    Myrtie                             49 F M                                          Scotland
75  233 233 Hardgrave    William T                          20 M S                                          Scotland
75  233 233 Hardgrave    Judith E                           17 F S                              New Jersey

Pa  DW  FN  SURNAME      GIVEN NAME           STREET        AG X M OCCUPATION         /---------BIRTH-----------------\  COMMENTS

75  233 233 Hardgrave    Henry L                            14 M S                    Hardin
75  233 233 Hardgrave    Mary                               12 F S                    Hardin
75  234 234 Manning      Robert               11th St       34 M M                              New York
75  234 234 Manning      Agnes                              31 F M                    Poweshiek
75  234 234 Manning      Emmie                              13 F S                    O'Brien
75  234 234 Manning      John                                9 M S                    O'Brien
76  235 235 Miller       H J                  12th St       49 M M Carpenter                                Germany
76  235 235 Miller       Caroline                           43 F M                                          Germany
76  235 235 Miller       Gustavus                           19 M S                              Wis
76  235 235 Miller       Ernestina                          15 F S                              Wis
76  235 235 Miller       Sophia                             12 F S                              Wis
76  235 235 Miller       Julia A                             9 F S                    Webster
76  235 235 Rosenquest   Fred                 7th St        23 M S Printer                      New York
76  236 236 Clark        Josh                 11th St       45 M M Ins Agent                    Penn
76  236 236 Clark        Sarah                              44 F M                              Virginia
76  236 236 Clark        Cyrus                              17 M S                              Penn
76  236 236 Clark        Anna                               13 F S                              Penn
76  236 236 Clark        Alla                                8 F S                              Penn
76  237 237 Davenport    G P                  Palmer St     27 M M Grocery                      New York

Pa  DW  FN  SURNAME      GIVEN NAME           STREET        AG X M OCCUPATION         /---------BIRTH-----------------\  COMMENTS

76  237 237 Davenport    Maggie                             29 F M                    *
76  237 237 Baumgardner  Fred                 Maine St      15 M S Laborer            *
76  238 238 Wilgas       John                               31 M M                              Michigan
76  238 238 Wilgas       Saidie                             27 F M                              Ill
76  238 238 Wilgas       Jerome                              6 M S                              Wis
76  239 239 Vight        George                             52 M M Laborer                                  Germany
76  239 239 Vight        Catharina                          45 F M                                          Germany
76  239 239 Vight        Charles                            16 M S                                          Germany
76  239 239 Vight        Lena                               13 F S                                          Germany
76  239 239 Vight        Louis                              10 M S                    Pocahonta
76  239 239 McGroarty    Alice                7th St        25 F S                              Kentucky
76  239 239 Nellie       Katie                              21 F S                                          Ireland
80  240 240 Meehan       Patrick              13th St       50 M M Laborer                                  Ireland
80  240 240 Meehan       Mary                               50 F M                                          Ireland
80  240 240 Meehan       Catherine                          22 F S                              Ill
80  240 240 Meehan       Ellen                              19 F S                              Ill
80  240 240 Meehan       John                               16 M S                              Ill
80  240 240 Meehan       Hugh                               15 M S                              Ill
80  240 240 Meehan       Margret                            14 F S                              Ill

Pa  DW  FN  SURNAME      GIVEN NAME           STREET        AG X M OCCUPATION         /---------BIRTH-----------------\  COMMENTS

80  241 241 Muir         John C               Ormsby Avenu  49 M M Land Agent                               Scotland
80  241 241 Muir         Agnes W                            40 F M                                          Scotland
80  241 241 Muir         Catherine W                        16 F S                                          Scotland
80  241 241 Muir         G M                                12 M S                                          Scotland
80  241 241 Muir         E A                                 9 M S                                          England
80  241 241 Muir         J P                                 6 M S                                          England
80  241 241 Muir         J E A                               3 M S                                          Scotland
80  242 242 Darrah       H C                  State Street  43 M M Salesman                     Ohio
80  242 242 Darrah       Catharine M                        41 F M                              Wis
80  242 242 Darrah       Helena                             20 F S                              Ohio
80  242 242 Darrah       Mabel J                            17 F S                    Dubuque
80  242 242 Darrah       Catherine                          15 F S                    Dubuque
80  242 242 Darrah       Joseph C                           12 M S                    Dubuque
80  242 242 Darrah       Mary                                9 F S                    Dubuque
80  242 242 Darrah       Alice                               6 F S                    Dubuque
80  242 242 Darrah       Loretta                             2 F S                    Dubuque
80  243 243 Nolan        Ann                  13th Street   45 F W House Keeper                             Ireland
80  243 243 Nolan        John                               11 M S                    Palo Alto
80  243 243 Nolan        Saidie                              5 F S                    Palo Alto

Pa  DW  FN  SURNAME      GIVEN NAME           STREET        AG X M OCCUPATION         /---------BIRTH-----------------\  COMMENTS

80  243 243 Casey        Ann                                22 F S                    Webster
80  243 243 Casey        John                                1 M S                    Palo Alto
80  244 244 Krohn        Fred                 13th Street   49 M M Laborer                                  Germany
80  244 244 Krohn        Mary                               40 F M                                          Germany
80  244 244 Nolan        Willis                              9 M S                    Palo Alto
81  245 245 Cleary       James                18th Street   38 M M Laborer                                  Ireland
81  245 245 Cleary       Margret                            35 F M                                          Ireland
81  245 245 Cleary       John                                7 M                                Ill
81  245 245 Cleary       Thomas                              5 M                      Palo Alto
81  245 245 Cleary       James                               3 M                      Palo Alto
81  246 246 Conlan       John                 11th St       30 M M Stone Cutter                 Ill
81  246 246 Conlan       Kate                               28 F M                              Ill
81  246 246 Conlan       John                                2 M                      Palo Alto
81  247 247 Clark        Robert I                           45 M M Miller                                   Canada
81  247 247 Clark        Katie                              35 F M                                          Canada
81  247 247 Clark        Clarissa                            2 F                      Palo Alto
81  247 247 Clark        Robert I                            0 M                      Palo Alto
81  248 248 Black        Donald               5th St        52 M M                                          Scotland
81  248 248 Black        Catharine M A                      40 F M                                          Ireland

Pa  DW  FN  SURNAME      GIVEN NAME           STREET        AG X M OCCUPATION         /---------BIRTH-----------------\  COMMENTS

81  248 248 Black        Catharine                          23 F                                            Canada
81  248 248 Black        Harriett J                         21 F                                            Canada
81  248 248 Black        William                            19 M                                            Canada
81  248 248 Black        Bella                              18 F                                            Canada
81  248 248 Black        Mary                               16 F                                            Canada
81  248 248 Black        Edith                              11 F                                            Canada
81  248 248 Black        Peter                               9 M                                            Canada
81  248 248 Black        Maud                                6 F                                            Canada
81  248 248 Black        John                                5 M                                            Canada
81  249 249 Adrian       Mrs S                Vernon St     40 F W House Keeper                 Wis
81  249 249 Adrian       Louise                             14 F                                Wis
81  249 249 Adrian       Charles                            12 M                                Wis
81  249 249 Ellis        John                               30 M M Carpenter                    Wis
81  249 249 Ellis        Mary                               20 F M                              Wis
81  250 250 Shaw         J J                  Vernon St     31 M   Merchant                     Ohio
81  250 250 Shaw         Gertrude                           28 F                                Vermont
81  250 250 Ballou       Horace                             25 M M Printer            *
82  250 250 Ballou       Grace                Vernon St     24 F M                              New York
82  250 250 Ammon        N C                  Harrison St   60 M M Creamery                     Indiana                  Dwelling,household 250 reused

Pa  DW  FN  SURNAME      GIVEN NAME           STREET        AG X M OCCUPATION         /---------BIRTH-----------------\  COMMENTS

82  250 250 Ammon        Alice                              30 F S                              Indiana
82  250 250 Ammon        Mary                               28 F S                              Indiana
82  250 250 Ammon        Minnie                             26 F S                              Indiana
82  250 250 Poweshiek    Jacob                              21 M S Laborer                                  Poland O C
82  250 250 Ammon        G W                                67 M M Creamery                     Indiana
82  251 251 Richter      Jacob                Harrison St   33 M M Laborer                                  Switzerland
82  251 251 Richter      Pauline                            29 F M                                          Switzerland
82  251 251 Richter      Minnie                             10 F                      *
82  251 251 Richter      Fred                                8 M                      *
82  251 251 Richter      John                                6 M                      *
82  251 251 Richter      Jacob                               4 M                      *
82  251 251 Richter      Caroline                            2 F                      *
82  251 251 Richter      Mary                                0 F                      Palo Alto
82  253 253 Nelson       Peter                Cale St       48 M M Laborer                                  Norway
82  253 253 Nelson       Inger                              40 F M                                          Norway
82  253 253 Nelson       Hugo                               22 M                                            Norway
82  253 253 Nelson       Caroline                           18 F                                Wis
82  253 253 Nelson       Phena                              16 F                                Wis
82  253 253 Nelson       Hans                               13 M                      Webster

Pa  DW  FN  SURNAME      GIVEN NAME           STREET        AG X M OCCUPATION         /---------BIRTH-----------------\  COMMENTS

82  253 253 Nelson       Lois                               10 F                      Webster
82  253 253 Nelson       John                                8 M                      Webster
82  254 254 Jacobson     John                 Harrison St   53 M M Laborer                                  Denmark
82  254 254 Jacobson     Margarite                          49 F M                                          Denmark
82  254 254 Jacobson     Jacob                              18 M                                Ill
82  254 254 Jacobson     Torger                             15 M                                Ill
82  254 254 Jacobson     Simon                              13 M                                Ill
82  254 254 Jacobson     Hans                               11 M                      *
82  255 255 Lee          John                 Harrison St   37 M                                Wis
82  255 255 Lee          Cate                               36 F                                Wis

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