from Page County Democrat, Jan 11, 1917

typed by: Pat O’Dell –



13. G.A.R. Camp Fire at opera house

Corn 21c per bushel

Marrriage of C.E. Shepperd and Cora Welch



6.  T.E. Clark begins to be talked of for governor.

9. Terrible storm. No trains for 3 days. 20 degrees below Saturday, and 30 degrees below Monday.

Storm arose about the court house. Indignation meeting of business men, to protest against the plan of the new court house, it not having four fronts.

10. Court house contract let to Wm Butler for $71,000.00



7. Clara Nienstedt died.

Weather warm and springlike.

Blackbirds and robins around.

9. Exciting school election; new directors, Jacob Butler and D.C. Wilson; 32 votes cast against music.

16. F.A. Cook comes to propose tile factory.

Chautauqua entertainment at M.E. church.

New fire bell received, coasting $222 the gift of Sol West, weight, 1200 lbs.



12. Marriage of O.V. Hurdle and Mollie C. Mahan.

20. Ridenour takes the P.O.

24. Mr Murphy, new superintendent of H. and S. takes up his residence in Crabill block.



4. Father Hawley celebrates his 75th birthday.

22. Harry Stillwell pulls out his old Tamany Hall to erect a fine brick in its place.

Rumors of small pox



‘. Marriage of S.R. Sperry and Emma Freeman. [the “ ‘ “ is a typo]

6. Hard hail storm

12. D.F. Skinner comes out for sheriff.

19. Lottie granger announced for Superintendent of schools.



4. Awful hot, but the celebration was grand. 15,000 people present.

The corner stone of the State Hospital was laid by Grand Master Granger and other officials of the Masonic Grand Lodge of Iowa.



4. Our colored brethren celebrate emancipation at Fair grounds.

8. Gen Grant’s funeral. Speeches by Sen Clark, Rev Stuart, Rev Wilson, Capt Stone, and a poem by Lu B. Cake.

28. Floods; river high, sweeping away all the bridges including the big one east of town.



5. M.R. Ansbach left for Europe.

Jacob Crabill puts a temporary bridge over the river.

12. Geo E. Martin nominated on Democratic ticket for representative.

15 Beal and Hamilton dissolve.



5 Death of Job Loy. [5 comes before 4 in entries]

4. Marriage of Kate Rickey. A baby was born at the home of C.E. Mays and an hour or so later his little boy Robbie, died of diptheria. (These three events took place on the same street.)

21. Will Lundy and Alice Clement married.



1. The Journal moves into the Crabill block.

13. Election resulted in triumph for republican ticket.

26. Thanksgiving—Turkey and oysters—G.A.R. camp fire in evening.



1. The Christian church people go to the court house to worship and resolve to build a house of their own.

18. Capt Burns caned by his comrades.

25. Christmas. Warm and sunshining as a spring day. Everybody goes without an overcoat. Grand society ball by K. of P. Pryors band of St Joe furnished the music. Editor of the Herald devotes the day to prayer.